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Hydration Schedule

This schedule is strictly for practice time, players are advised to drink before and after
practice to prevent/avoid heat illnesses and injuries. Players are advised to drink 5-9 ounces of
fluids during each water break. In addition, athletes should rotate drinking water and sports
drinks to ensure electrolytes are being replenished and to prevent dehydration.
6-6:20 Dynamic stretches, static stretches
6:20-6:22 Water break
6:22-6:32 Warm-up arms
6:32-6:45 Infield/outfield
6:45-6:48 Water break
6:48-6:55 Situational fielding
6:55-7:00 Water break & review fielding concepts
7:00-7:35 Hitting stations (cage, tee work, soft toss, walk-throughs, conditioning)
7:35-7:40 Water break & review hitting concepts
7:40- 7:55 Base running & conditioning
7:55-8:00 Closure, review of daily concepts, & water break

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