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Hero Expansions 1, 2, & 3 FAQ

(Hero Expansion 1)
Q: The Adventurer's Magic Pouch skill says she may keep 14 Hero cards in her hand, but in a 5 or 6 player
game everyone's maximum hand size is reduced to 8 or 7 cards. Is the Adventurers hand size reduced in a 5 or
6 player game?
A: No the Magic Pouch skill can hold 14 cards. However, if players wish to increase complexity, they
can reduce the Adventurers hand size to 12 or 11 cards.

(Hero Expansion 1)

Q: Is the Sneak Attack available the first time you attack minions each turn, or the first time you attack
minions at each location?
A: First attack at each location per turn, but you may not exit and re-enter the same location to

gain this ability a second time - only 1 time per location each turn.
Q: If the Assassin decides to Shadow Walk at the end of her turn, can she shadow walk to an Inn if within 3 spaces?
A: Yes - she vanishes at the end of her turn and can appear any location within 3 spaces of where she vanished

at the start of her next turn. If an Inn is within 3 spaces of the Vanished Token she can appear there at the start
of her next turn.
Q: If the Assassin Shadow Walks through a location On Fire, is she hindered by the fire?
A: No - When the Assassin Shadow Walks she is immune to Fire as she is actually traveling through a parallel

magical dimension of shadows.

Q: The Green Dragon Agent is at an Inn and the card drawn is Green. The Assassin shadow walking and draws 2
Green cards to end her turn. Does she suffer 2 wounds from Green Dragon Agent, or is she safe since she is shadow
A: She suffers 2 wounds shadow walking does not protect her from the Green Dragon Agent.
Q: If the Assassin is safe from the Black Dragon Agent, the Red Dragon Agent, the Dark Lord Assassins and Dark
Magic attacks when she shadow walks, why is she subject to the Green Dragon Agents attack?
A: The Green Dragon is a little different because it is a magical poison that infects the Hero cards gained.
Q: When the Assassin uses Shadow Walk at the end of her turn and another hero initiates combat with a General in
the location containing the Vanished token, can the Assassin participate in the fight?
A: No - She does not come out of the shadows until her turn so she would not be able to join a group combat

against a General while Shadow Walking as she is not on the location.

Q: Can an Assassin participate in combat with a General anywhere within 3 locations of her Vanished token?
A: No - She must be on the location when the combat starts to participate, not in the shadows.
Q: Is it mandatory for her to spend the last action she has to Shadow Walk or is this ability always optional?
A: It is optional. A good time to not use this ability is when ending your turn with a General in preparation for

group combat.

(Hero Expansion 1)
Q: When the Captain of the Guard enters an area with 2 red and 1 blue minion how are the Battle
Steed Skill rolls determined? Since the red die on 4+ and blue 5+ does the Captain choose say 2 red
and 2 blue dice to roll or 3 red and 1 blue?
A: When entering a location with multiple colored Minions, the player decides prior to rolling

the color of the extra die. The Captain charges into battle picking his key target the player
deciding which additional die color to add.
Q: Does the Captain of the Guard need to move in order to use the +1 die to first combat roll at a location?
A: The Captain of the Guard can use his Battle Steed bonus on the first combat roll at any location, including

the location he starts his turn on if minions are present. After all, the locations are quite large and this skill
represents him charging into battle.
Q: The Military Strategist skill enables the Captain of the Guard to choose a color and limit minion placement of that
color. Does the player need to call the color prior to drawing the card, or do they identify the color after drawing the
A: The player must choose before drawing. So, prior to drawing the Darkness Spreads Card the player chooses

a color (Red, Black, Green or Blue) and flips the card over. If 2 minions were to be added to the color drawn,
only 1 is placed - the other defeated by picket guards the Captain placed in the area.
Q: The Military Strategist skill in late war for example, the Captain chooses Green locations. If Whispering Woods
comes up on the first two darkness spreads cards do you add 1Minion for each card, or only the first card?
A: Only the first - no more than a total of 1 minion can be added during the Captains Darkness Spreads phase

to each location of the chosen color. So in late war if the same location of the chosen color comes up twice,
you add one the first time and no minions the second time. Also if any outbreaks occur into a location of the
chosen color that already received 1 minion during this phase none would be added.
(Hero Expansion 1)

Q: When the Chaos Wizards Untamed Magic hits Heroes, I understand that armor blocks the attack,
but does the Paladins Aura of Righteousness also block the attack?
A: The Paladin's Aura of Righteousness acts like armor, so it would also block the Untamed

Magic attack.

(Hero Expansion 2)

Q: Is the Woodland Magic skill of the Druid usable one time per game, one time per turn, or
A: Limitless - the Druid may perform this action any number of times while in a Green

location, spending 1 Action each time.

Q: Can the Druid play Battle Luck to assist the attacks of the animals when using Woodland Magic?
A: No - Woodland Magic cannot be modified since it is not actually the Druid that is attacking, just the animals

he summoned. This magic attack will always have dice modified by -1 as noted on the action.
Q: If the Druid becomes the Green Slayer, can he use the Slayer ability along with the Woodland Magic Skill to
automatically defeat all Minions on any Green location?
A: The Slayer ability only applies to the Hero's direct attacks on the location the Hero is in, so it would not

apply when the Woodland Magic skill is being used. The minions fear this Hero as there Generals Slayer, so
the Hero must be present for the Slayer skill to work.

(Hero Expansion 2)

Q: When fighting Minions all of the same color, can the Elf Lords 4 die from Swift Attack be the same color of
the other 3 dice?

A: Yes regardless of the color die you roll in this instance, you may consider 4th die the

same color as the other 3 dice being rolled.

Q: When the Elf Lord is using his Secret Pathways skill and the Green location he is entering is On Fire, can he still
enter without spending an Action to do so?
A: No if the Green location is On Fire, the Elf Lord needs to spend 1 Action to enter.
Q: When the Elf Lord is attacking a General, how does the extra die work for Swift Attack?
A: The Elf Lord always gains 1 extra die against a General (except Varkolak since Hero skills do not work against him)

immediately after they commit 1 or more dice to the attack.

Q: Can the re-roll provided by the Elven Magic skill be used for any die roll (including the Shamans Arrows of
Destruction die roll), or only combat?
A: The Elf Lord's Elven Magic die re-roll can be used for any purpose related to a failed die. So this would

apply to Quest rolls, Combat rolls, Healing the Land rolls, Putting out a Fire rolls, but would not apply to the
Shaman's Arrows of Destruction as there is no failed die roll for this - only a varying level of destruction caused
by his attack. In the case of the Shaman's Arrows, the act always succeeds, the die roll is just to establish how
much destruction results in the attack.
Q: When Green locations are connected to each other, can the Elf Lord travel through all of them immediately
without expending any actions?
A: Yes - When Green locations are connected the Elf Lord can move into each without spending an

Action by using his Secret Pathways skill, providing he has at least 1 Action remaining active.
(Hero Expansion 3)

Q: Can the Feline use her Shadow skill to move with a Hero traveling by Eagle or Gate?
A: No the skill clearly states the Shadow Skill can only be used to move with a Hero

(or General) when traveling by Foot or Horse movement.

Q: When the Shadow skill states it is limited to once per turn, what exactly does that mean?
A: The Skill may only be activated 1 time each turn for the Feline (so during the course of all the other players

turns one time around the table, the Feline may use this power once), enabling her to move any number of
spaces with the Hero or General that is actively moving by Foot or Horse.
Q: If the Feline is on a location with a General in Late War and that General is activated twice during the darkness
spreads phase, can she move with the General each time activated?
A: Yes the Feline can move with a General each time they are activated to move. The one time per turn is related to

shadowing other Heroes.

Designer Note: This is a change from a previous answer to this question. I now feel it is simplest to separate Shadow
skill movement on her turn and Shadow Movement with a General. This change increases her ability slightly, but I
believe in a positive way for the players.
Q: If the Feline uses Shadow to move with a Hero and that Hero uses multiple forms of transportation, moving twice
by horse and once by foot, would the Feline be able to move with the hero for all 3 forms of movement?
A: Yes, as long as the Hero continued to move, regardless of their movement type (or combination of

movement types, providing they remain Foot or Horse travel) the Feline could keep moving with them
or stop any location along that Heros path.

(Hero Expansion 2)

Q: The healing of 3 Wounds by the skill Potent Remedies, can these be divided in any way between
heroes at the location the skill is used, or must they all be used on 1 Hero?
A: The Healer can Spend 1 Action to Heal a total of 3 Wounds of Heroes at her location and

the healing may be done in any combination the Healer choses (2 wounds for one Hero, and
1 Wound to herself, or 3 Wounds to one Hero, or 1 Wound for 3 different Heroes). Note:
This skill does not heal 3 wounds per Hero present, but rather a total of 3 wounds divided
among wounded Heroes as the Healer player chooses.
Q: Does the "1 Action per turn" for Potent Remedies mean the Healer cannot move to another location and use the
skill again?
A: Correct - She is limited to doing this Action once per turn. The location is not a factor for this skill.
Q: Is Potent Remedies affected by the Global Effect Mana Drain?
A: No - the Healing performed by this action is done by skill and potions, not magic, so it is not affected

by the Global Effect Mana Drain.

Q: When the Healer is in a Group Attack against Varkolak, because of her Walk in the Light skill, can other players
play their Battle Luck Cards to aide her attack?
A: Yes - she is not limited by Varkolaks combat skill, therefore while the other players cannot help themselves

with these cards, Battle Luck Cards can be played to aide her attack roll either by her or another Hero.
Q: When the Healer is in a Group Attack against Varkolak, can she use her own Battle Luck cards to aide other
A: Yes - She can intervene in a way that Varkolak cannot see and assist the other Heroes in the Battle.
Q: If losing to a General, does the Healing Touch activate immediately back at Monarch City?
A: The Healing Touch only activates at the end of her turn, so it would only activate immediately when

back at Monarch City after losing to a General if she was the player that started the combat with an
action ending her turn. Otherwise it would activate at the end of her next turn.
Q: The skill Potent Remedy refers to healing a Poison Token?
A: Poison Tokens are planned for future expansions. There is a General and Minions in the planned

Generals of the Dark Lord Variant that can poison the Heroes.
(Hero Expansion 2)

Q: Does the extra hit gained from "Flurry of Blows" need to reside exclusively with the minion type
corresponding to the color die rolled, or may the extra hit be applied to any minion involved in the
A: The extra hit landed by the Monk can be applied to any minion on the space - it does not

need to be the same color minion as the Die rolled. Exception: The Dragon-kin are the one
exception to the rule as they have tough armor-like skin. A 6 on a Blue die that slays a Dragonkin would not slay a second Dragon-kin, but could slay any other Minion. A 6 on any other
color die on a location with mixed minions, including a Dragon-kin, would also slay 1 Dragonkin at that location.
(Hero Expansion 3)

Q: When using the Winds of War variant and Onyx in a game and the Seeker uses her
Deadly Blade skill when attacking the Dragon Agent Onyx by discarding a Special (Purple)

card as Battle Luck to enabling her to re-roll the attack dice, does this discarded Special card go on the
Winds of War board and does it activate the Black Dragon Agent?
A: No - Special Cards used by the Seeker in this way are not considered as used Special cards and do

not trigger Winds of War or Brimstone.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of Special cards that the Seeker can discard to activate her Deadly Blade
skill on a turn?
A: No there is no limitation on the number of Special cards the Seeker can play to be

treated as Battle Luck.

Q: The Seeker's Deadly Blade ability allows her to discard any Special (Purple) card in combat and treat it as
a Battle Luck card. Does this ability only apply to the Seeker's dice roll, or can the Seeker use this skill to
assist another Hero in combat?
A: Since this skill converts the Special card to Battle Luck, it can be used to aide any Hero in

combat. While her ability requires her to be the Hero discarding the Special card, but the
Battle Luck ability can be used on any Hero.
Q: Can the Seekers Deadly Blade be used against Varkolak?
A: No - the Deadly Blade skill is like any other combat skill against the General Varkolak, which

means that the Hero cannot use this skill. Varkolak's combat skill overrules all Hero combat
skills, except the Healers Walk in the Light Skill.
(Hero Expansion 3)

Q: When the Shaman is in Bear or Wolf form, can he use Eagle, Horse, and Gate cards for
A: While the Shaman is in Bear and Wolf Form he cannot use Eagle Flight or a Horse

Travel. He can still use a Gate.

Q: Can the Shaman in Bear form use his re-roll ability against Generals?
A: Yes he can use the Bear form's one time per battle re-roll skill against Generals (except for Varkolak).
Keep in mind
that this re-roll is all dice rolled, not just the failed dice.
Q: Is the Shaman restricted to only using his Arrows of Destruction Ability when in Human form?
A: Yes the Shaman can only do magic while in Human form.
Q: When the Shaman loses a battle with a General and is wounded, is he also returned to his human form when
placed in Monarch City?
A: Yes - when wounded in a battle with a General he returns to human form.

(Hero Expansion 3)

Q: Can the Thief, when adjacent to multiple locations eligible for scouting, decide to stop or continue
scouting after each is resolved?
A: The player can decide after each Card is revealed to Scout or not Scout another location until all

are revealed.
Q: When using the skill Daggers & Theft and killing two minions in one round of combat, does the thief need to be on
a treasure chest to draw her extra Hero Card?
A: Yes - the entire skill only applies when on a location with a Treasure Chest icon

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