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So Im gonna talk about what students from social work and health studies

programs can participate in this project. For social work students, they can be
responsible for identifying beneficial programs for the people in Sandbranch, such
as Medicare/or Medicaid, Social Security Disability, or Food Stamps, etc. Besides,
they can also help with enrollment in community programs like Parkland Plus,
RxAssist, or DME (Durable medical equipment) of Dallas. For health studies major,
they can help promote physical activity by education. For example, they can teach
ways to prevent chronic diseases, or they can also do referrals to social services to
address community needs such as hunger, access to water, or access to education.
So how are we going to do it? One week before the Health Fair, each department
will be responsible for getting their necessary supplies. They will have to contact
Dr Jaekel how many tables or chairs needed for their stations. TWU will provide
vans, if needed, to assist in transporting supplies. We will have to arrive at
Sandbranch early in the morning on the identified Saturday in October to set up
their booth in the Sandbranch community center. And the health fair will last
approximately 5 hours.

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