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In the Beginning God Created
Responsive Reading #719 (Hymnal)
(RealAudio available)
I would like to read a verse in the Bible. Its found in the book of Genesis. Ge
nesis, chapter 1, and verse 1. The very first verse of the Bible. I think most
of you probably have this memorized. It says, In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. How many of you believe that? I can see why people beli
eve in evolution. I understand that. The first person that God created was Adam
. The second person was Eve. It got better. But it has not gotten better sinc
e then. I believe in creation. I do not believe in evolution.
A gorilla in a zoo supposedly stood holding a Bible in one hand and a copy of Ch
arles Darwins Origin of Species in the other hand. He looked confused. Someone
asked: What are you doing? The gorilla supposedly said, Well, Im trying to decide i
f Im my brothers keeper or my keepers brother.
Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution 150 years ago this year.
ts talk about it. Many respected scientists say we evolved. Many respected Bibl
e verses say we were created. Thats a dichotomy. You cant have it both ways. To
day I do not want to criticize honest scientists who believe in evolution. I si
mply want to share with you why I believe that God is our Creator. I want to sh
are why I do NOT believe in evolution.
Ive noticed that 100% of any sensible written information originates from a perso
n with intelligence. This is true if the writing is on the wall of an ancient c
ave or if it is found on a headstone in the cemetery or in your E-Mail this morn
ing. Even the graffiti on the railroad boxcar comes from human intelligence, al
though I am not sure how intelligent that person really was. Think about your D
NA. The information encoded on the DNA which is inside every cell of every livi
ng creature is simply written information. Dr. Walter Bradley said Each and ever
y cell in the human body contains more information than is contained in all thir
ty volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Each cell contains that much informat
ion. Who wrote that information? Its certainly reasonable to make the inference
that this isnt the random product of unguided nature, but is the unmistakable sig
n of an Intelligent Designer.
When our kids were quite small my wife and I purchased for them some plastic alp
habet letters to play with. The letters formed a large pile there on our living
room floor. They played with them, but never once in all their handling of the
letters did our kids ever manage to spell anything. They chose the letters at
random. They were lined up haphazardly, including upside down and backwards. I
was hoping for a childs version of the Encyclopedia Britannica. I do not honest
ly think that given enough time and chance that our young unguided kids could ev
er have produced one nice sentence.
Isaiah, chapter 40 verse 26 makes an interesting statement. It says, Lift up you
r eyes and look to the heavens. Who created all these? He who brings out the s
tarry host one by one and calls each by its name. Even science has not done that
. Because of His great power and His mighty strength not one of them is missing.
He keeps track of every one. He created the heavens. He created the stars. A
nd He created everything that is.
To me, The theory of evolution contradicts the scientific law called the second
law of Thermodynamics. It says that in any system, energy moves from order to

disorder. In simple language, things tend to break down. Sounds like Murphy s
Law?!?! The earth that God created is waxing old. It is breaking down. Life
spans used to be near 1000 years. My hair does not get thicker, it just falls o
ut. I wish my hair were evolving.
Have you noticed that the Earth is in an exact position so that the average temp
erature is balanced between the freezing point of water (32 degrees F) and the n
ormal body temperature of humans (98.6 degrees F). If the average temperature ev
er varied very far above or below these two extremes for very long, we could not
survive. If the Earth didn t rotate every 24 hours but rotated every 36 hours t
he temperature at noon would be well over 100 degrees fahrenheit and the tempera
ture at midnight would drop below freezing even in summer. How could you raise a
garden? We would probably have daily tornadoes, and storms due to the wild te
mperature changes. (
Psalms 19 verse 1 says, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim
the work of His hands. God made the beautiful heavens. God makes beautiful babie
Have you ever heard of the Ductus Arteriosus? Before a baby is born this bypass
valve routes blood directly to the developing fetuss extremities and not to its lu
ngs. At the exact moment of birth suddenly the blood must pass through the lung
s to receive oxygen because now the baby is supposed to breath air. In a flash,
a flap descends like a curtain, deflecting the blood flow, and a muscle constri
cts the ductus arteriosus. After performing that one act, the muscle gradually
dissolves and gets absorbed by the rest of the body. Without this split second
adjustment, the baby could never survive outside the womb. Dr. Paul Brand. Im
agine a muscle designed to be used only once. Did that evolve? To me that show
s Gods design. Psalm 139, verse 14 says, We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Do cars evolve? Many, many centuries ago, all this iron, glass, rubber, plastic
, fabric, leather, and wires came up out of the ground. Holes evolved at just t
he right places, and the upholstery began to weave itself together. After a whi
le threads appeared on bolts and nuts and amazingly each bolt found nuts with m
atching threads. And gradually everything sort of screwed together tightly in pl
ace. A little later some correctly shaped glass glued itself in the right places
. And you see these tires? They became round over the years. And they found th
emselves the right size metal wheels. And they sort of popped on. They also fill
ed themselves with air somehow. And the thing rolled under this tree. Gas leake
d into the tank. And one day, many centuries ago, a group of folk were walking
along found this vehicle sitting under the tree. And one of them looked at it
and said: I think we should call it automobile. Today, These little automobi
les have an amazing way of multiplying themselves year after year, even changing
ever so slightly to meet the demands of the public. The process is called autom
utations. [Chuck Swindol] Could that happen? Cars dont evolve. Legos dont evolve
. People dont evolve. All of that has to have a creator.
Who gave our tongue the flexibility to form words and a brain to understand them
, but denied it to all animals? Microsoft programmers developed complex codes t
o create Windows XP software. Our genetic code is much more sophisticated. It
equips the human body with an elaborate miraculous duplication system whereby i
t can automatically replicate itself. Can a computer do that? If you soaked a
blank CD in a swamp along I-75, would Windows XP eventually evolve? If I immer
sed my copy of Windows XP software in that swamp for a million years, would it e
ventually become Windows Vista? I doubt it. Things dont improve. They go the
opposite direction.
I believe in creation. My church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, believes a
nd teaches that we were created by the hand of God in seven literal 24 hour days
forming a week identical in time to what we now experience. If you believe in

evolution, I will still respect you, but just know that our Seventh-day Adventis
t church is NOT the one for you. We believe in creation, not even Theistic evol
ution. It is critical that in these last days we stand firm in what the word of
God teaches. Weve got to stand firm on the word of God.
Some people believe that, Well, a day is a thousand years. Think about that. How
long is a day? Its 12 hours. How long is a night? Its 12 hours. We call that
one day, but actually its two 12 hour periods of darkness and light. Lets suppose
that the first day was a thousand years. You would have how much light? 5 hun
dred years of light followed by 5 hundred years of darkness. Would anything hav
e survived?
The first angels message includes a call to the world to worship God as our Crea
tor. Look at Revelation, chapter 14. Verse 6 of Revelation 14. It says, And I
saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to p
reach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and t
ongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; fo
r the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth,
and the sea, and the fountains of waters. God wants, in the last days, a people
who will worship Him as Creator. Thats why you come to church. To worship God.
Speaking of Jesus, Colossians 1:16 says: For by Him all things were created. He
created everything. Verse 17. He is before all things, and by Him all things h
old together. What is created is held together by Jesus Christ through the power
of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Heavenly Father.
In these last days we have a clear choice. Either believe the Bible and therefo
re believe in creation.... OR....reject the Bible and reject God and accept evol
ution. The two are not compatible. Evolution starts with chaos, basically. Yo
u start with primitive little squiggly things which eventually evolve into human
s. It goes from goo to you. There is no perfect state from which to fall from, and
so Adam and Eve did not have a fall. That makes the plan of salvation worthles
s. You cant fall below the basement, or ground zero. If there was no fall by Ad
am and Eve then there can be no salvation from the fall. This eliminates the nee
d for Jesus death to save us from our sin. Creation and evolution are not compat
ible. Both demand faith, and I think it demands less faith to believe in creati
on. I choose to believe in creation. Mount Saint Helens did a lot to prove cre
ation and to disprove evolution.
It bothers me to read in the Chattanooga Free Press (11-25-1996) a statement fro
m Catholic Cardinal John OConnor made in St. Patricks Cathedral where he said: tha
t Adam and Eve may have been some other form than human and It is possible that the
first living creature was a lower animal. He is saying that humans possibly evo
lved from lower animals. I would say that if he is right and if God created Ad
am in His image and Adam was an animal, then we are no more than animals and so
is God! Even the Pope indicates that it is acceptable now for Catholics to beli
eve and teach evolution.
How does that synchronize with Ephesians 3:9 which says God created all things b
y Jesus Christ. And how about John 1:3 All things were made by Him; and withou
t Him was not any thing made that was made. How do you get that together? Can w
e take scissors to the Bible? Can we pick and choose?
Where did life come from? If you believe in evolution you might as well believe
that one day millions of years ago a fully loaded garbage truck fell off of ano
ther planet and eventually impacted this earth ending up deep into the bottom of
the murky water of a swamp deep in the heart of Africa. From there all life ev
entually came. Unbelievable!
Charles Darwin himself said, and I quote him, To suppose that the eye could have

been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest
degree. Even he did not believe that that could ever take place. Friends, the
next time you see a baby, look carefully at those beautiful eyes and just see if
you think those eyes evolved.
The Bible is very clear: Psalm 33:9 For He spoke, and it came to be; Life happ
ened quickly, He spoke and it was. Many evolutionists believe in a slow mutatio
n. Billions of years ago the humble amoeba became an invertebrate which became
an amphibian and then a reptile, a quadruped, an ape and eventually a human bein
g. To me this means that as we look around at the world right now we should see
everything in the process of changing into something just a bit higher than its
elf. We should find millions of living half-developed fish trying to transform
themselves into amphibians. Millions of living reptiles that are halfway to bec
oming birds.. I dont find it. Where are the millions of ancestors of highly fo
rmed life forms? The truth is found in the Bible. Genesis 1:25 says each was
made after his KIND. Each remains in its own species. Everything pretty well s
tays within a well defined boundary where God put it. There is a lot of micro e
volution or adaptation, but no complete crossover from species to species.
pperhead snakes do not become birds. It could be that some Democrats and some R
epublicans did mutate from the humble leech.
Seriously, I believe that we all came from the hand of God! Do you believe that
? Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Id like to conclude by reading one verse back here, the fourth commandment. You
know why we keep the Sabbath as Seventh-day Adventist Christians? To commemorat
e God and His love for this world and His creation of this world. Come back her
e to Exodus, chapter 20 and I would like to begin reading one commandment. Vers
e 8. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and
do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God. In i
t thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservan
t, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gate
s. Why? Verse 11 tells you why. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LOR
D blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. It would be my opinion that there ne
ver would have been an athiest or an evolutionist had the Sabbath always been ke
pt, because every time you keep the Sabbath, you are commemorating creation. Se
ven days. Where do we get the seven day week from? You dont get that from the r
otation of the moon or the sun or anything else. That comes direct from creatio
I like creation because it answers the questions of life. Where did I come from
? Why am I here? And where am I going? It answers those questions. I am not
some haphazard arrangement of molecules that were colliding together in a swamp.
I am a being that God loves and that He created from His hand that I might mor
e fully reflect His image in my life. Thats why we exist. I believe we were mad
e by a loving hand of God. We are hand-made and I praise God for His love. I w
ant to sing about the mighty power of God in my life because He made me. I hope
you believe in creation and if you do I hope you will love the Creator because
He made you to love Him.
Dear Father. You have loaned us life. Our lives are borrowed and we pray that
we will return them to You with interest. That we will honor You and uplift You
r cause. Be good neighbors. Be good citizens of Your kingdom. Dismiss us with
the joy of Jesus Christ in our life, our home, and in all that we do and say an
d think. We pray in Jesus, our Creators name. Amen.

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