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Educator: Kathleen Brinson

Grade level: 8-12
Subject: ESOL
Date of lesson: 7-17-2016
Length of lesson: 60 minutes
Lesson Topic: Fundraising
Overall Goal: Students will understand the process and purpose of fundraising.
Essential Question(s): How does fundraising work? Why is fundraising necessary? Who fundraises? What
does fundraising accomplish? What are the different types or methods?
Learner Background:
-Students who have been evaluated and placed at the Intermediate High to Advanced Low on the OPI level of
English proficiency.
-Students with various L1 (native languages) and communicate mainly with the common English language.
-Students would be able to infer and gather context to be fairly competent in informal conversation; however,
in reading literature or participating in academic courses struggle with complex phrasing and terminology.
-Students need exposure to various literacies in English.
Curricular Standards:
Standard R4. The student will determine the major elements of a text written in English.
Standard R5. The student will recognize important details in texts written in English.
Standard R6. The student will understand the content and the methodology used in texts written
in English.
Standard W2. The student will use graphic organizers or outlines to plan, organize, and
develop his or her writing in English.

Student Learning Objective(s):

-Students will be able to collaboratively research and share ideas about various fundraising methods.
-Students will be able to evaluate information they read in order to gather and condense information for their
graphic organizer.
-Students will be able to fill out a graphic organizer in order to explain the process and purpose of fundraising.
-Students will be able to apply their research findings to their class project.
Part I:
Students fill out graphic organizer.

Part II:
Class discussion and Edmodo post
Materials/Resources: List the materials you will use in each learning activity including any technological
-Laptop cart, student laptops (2-3 per group of 3 students) for research
-Google docs for graphic organizer and gathering info
-Edmodo for uploading project information and posting ideas to the group
The Lesson
Part I - Show fundraising video by Charity Water
Ask: What is this video trying to get you to do? What is its purpose? How effective was the video?
Part II Say: Today we are going to be researching fundraising. We want to find out about fundraising so
that we can know how to proceed with our class project.
How will this topic help us with our class project? (Hear ideas and guide students into seeing the relevancy of
the lesson to our class PBL.)
Lesson Development:
- Today you will be working in your project groups (groups of 3). Each of you should assume one of these
three roles: scribe and timekeeper (types information on Google doc and keeps groups on time), navigator (in
charge of coordinating research), and spokesperson (speaks for the group about their findings and reports
group answers on Google docs).
-Here are some questions to guide you as you research: (show on board) How does fundraising work? Why is
fundraising necessary? Who fundraises? What are the different types or methods? What does fundraising
-You will have 30 minutes to research and fill out the graphic organizer. Then, we will have a class discussion
to hear your findings and ideas for our project.
-(Blooms)Be mindful that you are not just getting the facts or information about fundraising but you are
evaluating fundraising ideas and coming up with ideas for how to use fundraising for our project.
Teacher activity: Spend time with individual groups guiding their research and modeling summarization
strategies for their graphic organizer. Remind them to think about how to apply their findings to the class PBL
project. Tell students to save their findings in Edmodo.

Class discussion:
Say: Now lets hear what you found out about fundraising. Spokesperson, it is your job to tell me your groups
findings and ideas.
Teacher activity: Call on spokesperson from groups to share their responses in complete sentences from their
graphic organizers and essential questions. Ask groups to share what they were inspired to add to their class
project ideas.
Edmodo post.
Say: Now, lets post our findings to Edmodo. In your post tell me 3 things you learned during our research
time, 2 ideas you have for using the information on for your PBL, and 1 question you have moving forward.

Fundraising Graphic Organizer

Use this graphic organizer to guide your research. Be sure to upload it to Edmodo so that your group may
access this information again.

Now, explain how you might use this information for your project:

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