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Your Guide to Embedding

Aramexs Location API

The Location API provides these features:

Two levels of security are provided for each method:
a) Each submitted request should contain a valid email address and password which are obtained
by registering your email address on This is used for authorizing the request.
b) Each submitted request should contain a valid account number and a valid PIN code. This is
used to authenticate and verify the identity of the customer.

By using HTTPS all transmissions are insured to be encrypted.

Simple and easy to use:

The address to be validated is entered and the response states specifically the element in the address
that is invalid, otherwise a correct address returns a true value.

In certain conditions the response returns suggested addresses to the one sent in the request if

Accuracy and error handling

During the process of fetching cities, countries or validate address, the submitted information such as
addresses, city name , country code and more, go through a detailed validation procedure to insure
the validity and correctness. In case of errors, detailed descriptive error messages are provided in the
generated response.

Aramex International | Location Information 7

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