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Transiting planets

Transits as a field of study, takes off where natal charts end. The natal chart, cast for the moment
of birth, illustrates an energy pattern using the positions of the planets in a twelve-house wheel
structure at the exact moment that the baby drew his or her first breath as a unique individual.
The natal chart shows the newly born childs birth potential, both positive and negative. The
chart doesnt cause the potentials, it just mirrors the universes energy pattern at the moment
that the child was born. By understanding the meanings of the Planets, the houses which the
various planets are located within, and the angular relationship between the planets the energy
pattern can be interrupted. Each house is held to govern an area of our life, and planets that fall
within them take on a meaning colored by that houses area of influence.
The natal chart however is a static chart, never changing as the child grows. It only represents
the energy pattern, as it existed, at the moment of birth.
Obviously, the planets continue to move through the heavens, moving in and out of the houses
set up at birth in the natal chart. This continuing movement of the planets through the natal
charts houses, creates a dynamic energy pattern called transits that can be evaluated by house
location and transit planets angular relationships to natal planets to see what experiences that
the child will be encountering as they grow.
Life from the point of birth on is a series of growth potentials, whereby the individual has the
opportunity to grow in the area govern by the house energy being transited by the planets.
If you read about transits, most books tend to label them good or some bad, or easy and difficult.
To do so, I think, misses the central point of what transits are all about. What makes a transit
easier or more difficult is how you as an individual react to it. If for example, you have Uranus
transiting a house, it usually brings sudden disruptions of the status quo. How easily you accept
disruptions or surprises in your life, determines how you experience the transits effects. If you
tend to fight changes, this could be seen as a difficult time for you. If on the other hand, you
welcome change as a way to grow and develop your skills and abilities, this would could be
viewed as a positive or easy transit.
Many manifestations of transits, particularly when I deny or fight the changes, become
projections of our unconscious minds. For example, If I have a transit requiring that I evaluate
and remove relationships from my life that are unhealthy for me or that I have outgrown, I will
have two choices. I have the choice to do so consciously, or if I wont do that, the transit will
cause me to project situations into my life to bring about the same result. Either way, to some
degree, the results will be the same. The difficulty that I will experience will in direct relationship
to my willingness or ability to handle the task consciously.
You may hear some people say that they are controlled by their fate, that they have no choice. To
some extent that statement is true, but not in the way that they mean it. A person born at
anytime has a specific beginning natal pattern. During his or her lifetime, only some of their
natal houses will be transited by their outer planets. Only some aspects will ever occur between
transiting planets and natal planets. Therefore, individuals will vary from year to year on the path
that their chart will follow. Our choice in life isnt what path to follow, our choice is how willingly
we will adapt and change and grow.

Let me say up front, that I hold the view that our souls reincarnate many times into this plane of
existence, and each time our souls pick the exact time and place of birth in order to have the
opportunity to experience a specified path for further spiritual growth. And since we pick our
natal chart and resulting transits to fulfill our spiritual destiny, our job here and now in this life is
to know what we need to work on, and when we need to work on it. And that is illustrated by our
transits through our natal chart.
In the following weeks I will be posting articles on the meanings of the transits through various
houses. I concern myself primarily with the outer planets of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn
and Jupiter. That is because they have the most important and long lasting effect on our lives.
The inner planets, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars have only short periods of aspects and
house placements. While these are important in the daily effects of transits, I feel that the outer
planets impact our lives more, over the long haul.
I will rely heavily upon Robert Hands book, Planets in Transit, published by Para Research. His
is the best book on the effects of the aspects that I have ever found. Anyone interested in
transits should have this book in their library, at a minimum.
I also use a tool that I developed called an Astrotemplate. This tool makes it easier to see the
transiting plants relationships to the various natal planets, as well as why certain times in our
life, we experience more effects from our transits. I will be happy to send a sample to anyone
that desires it.
To understand the significance of transits in your or someone elses life, you must first
understand the following;
1. the qualities or overall effects of the planets in any house
2. the energies of the planet in a specific house
3. the effects of the aspects between transiting and natal planets.

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