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MOMS Club of Eugene (/)

July 2016

President's Note - Tia Merwin

Happy 4th of July! Wow, it's already summer and time to celebrate the 4th! School has been out for
nearly two weeks for us and we are hitting the summer hard. We just finished two weeks of swim
lessons at Amazon Pool and it was great to meet up with several of you for the swim playdate this
week! We've been to three BBQ's in the last week, picked 30lbs of blueberries and 10lbs of
strawberries, built an 8 foot tall fence to make our own garden (we have many deer in the area), went
to several park playdates, stayed at Crescent Lake (and it was snowing!), ran in the Bubble Run last
weekend and Savannah turned three!I lovesummers in Oregon. So many fun outdoor activities and
farms withfresh, local produce and many u-pick crops!
We've got lots of fun summer activities planned for MOMS Club this month. Park playdates, music in

the park, park wash...I see a recurring theme...!

This month the new board starts taking over for the upcoming year. We are currentlytransitioning

into and out of roles. The new board is so excited andready to get started! I'm very excited to see
what the upcoming year brings with these ladies at the helm.
Thank you so much for your support and help this past year. There have been a lot of highlights and

it's been great to meet and welcome so many new members into the club.
Have awonderful summer!



Member Social

Member Social will recommence again in September. Have a wonderful summer.



What are the 5 Love Languages?

1. Words of Affirmation: Actions dont always speak louder than words. If this is your love language,
unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, I love you, are important
hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and
are not easily forgotten.
2. Quality Time: In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, I love you, like full, undivided
attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being therewith the TV off, fork
and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standbymakes your significant other feel truly special
and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.
3. Receiving Gifts: Dont mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the
love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture
shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to
bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous
so would the absence of everyday gestures.

4. Acts of Service: Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you
do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an Acts of Service person will speak volumes.
The words he or she most wants to hear: Let me do that for you. Laziness, broken commitments,
and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings dont matter.
5. Physical Touch: This language isnt all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is
Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful
touches on the arm, shoulder, or facethey can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and
love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and



Popsicle Stick Flag


Please click on pictures for instruction.

Crafts are on Pinterest page please add and share on MOMS board.

Helping Hands Program

Part of the support we have in MOMS Club of Eugene is helping each other during times of family
additions, upheaval, andstress. This is not just limited to having a baby, things like moving or illness in
the family also warrant a need for this program. Our Helping Hands program provides moms with
assistance, usually giving several meals in a time of need. However, this program can provide more
than just meals. We canarrange assistance with child-care, running errands, even a phone tree! We
want all of our members tobenefit from this program in a time of need and we are more than willing
to customize an assistance schedule that works well for each situation. Please let us know if a
circumstance should arise in your life and you feel this program would help you! Contact Carole
Sterry ( for more information on this program.

Welcome these new ladies to the club!

Jennifer Spry

Partner: Michael McClintock

She has a son, Nathaniel Spry McClintock
She has not been a member of MOMS Club before but was in a moms group in Park Slope before she
She found us through a google search.

Her hobbies and interests includecooking, hiking, and skiing.

She works in Fundraising administration and will be starting job a University of Oregon in August.

Rachael Vickers
Partner: Mike
She has a 6 year old daughter, Abbey, and a 3 year old son, Xander.
She has never been a member of MOMS Club before and found us by google search.
Her hobbies and interests include reading and crocheting.

Event Spotlight:Tiny TotsPlaydate

We had a fun playdate at Tiny Tots Indoor Playground last month. The kids loved the train table and
soft blocks. Several kids made stairs with the soft blocks
and then jumped into the "pond." It was a
great turnout with12 moms and more kids than I could count! It was a lot of fun for moms and kids.
-Tia Merwin


MOMS has a Pinterest page so tons of recipes are on there to share! Please feel free to add to boards!

Patriotic Mini Parfaits

for the Cherry- Almond Cookie Dough
1 1/2 cup "cooked" all purpose flour or pasteurized flour (and more as needed) cooked flour
"how to" can be found at this link:

1 stick un-salted butter
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup Marshmallow fluff
1/4 tsp. Imitation Cherry Flavoring
1/2 tsp. Almond Extract
red food coloring
For the Whipped Cream Cheese
8 oz. Cream Cheese
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
Blue Food Coloring
white star sprinkles (I used Deco Art Brand)
For the cookie dough. Cream together sugar, butter, Cherry Flavoring, Almond Extract, and
Marshmallow Fluff. Add flour in slowly. Mix in red food coloring until desired color. Chill until
ready to assemble Parfaits.
For the Whipped Cream Cheese layer:
Beat room temperature Cream Cheese on high for a few minutes until light and airy. Add in the
heavy whipping cream, vanilla and powdered sugar. Beat on high until stiff peaks form. Some
cream cheese may still be lumpy- this is ok. Take out 1 cup of the mixture and mix blue food
coloring into it.
To assemble.
Layer the cookie dough with the whipped cream cheese in 1/4 inch layers in mini parfait cups.
Use piping bag to fill the whipped cream cheese in. Top with a dollop or piped later of the blue
whipped cream cheese. Sprinkle with the white sprinkle stars. Now enjoy!

-Submitted by Paisley Anderson

Parmesan Cheddar Basil Stars


3 cups Gold Medal UNBLEACHED all-purpose flour (bleached flour toughens baked goods)
3/4 c light brown sugar
3/4 c granulated sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
4 eggs, beaten
1 cups butter, melted and cooled
2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced and slightly mashed
1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Combine dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.
3. In small bowl, combine eggs and oil.
4. Stir strawberries into egg mixture.
5. Blend in flour mixture until thoroughly combined; but do not over beat.
6. Spoon into greased muffin tins until nearly full.
7. Bake at 425 for 5 minutes.
8. Reduce heat to 350 and bake an additional 15-19 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in
center comes out clean. (Only an additional 5 minutes for mini-muffins.)

Event Calendar Update

We have upgraded our private members-only event calendar from the .pdf file to the live Google
calendar. With this calendar, you can:
See the events as they are added/edited/removed inthe calendar
Click on the link in the event description that links back to the facebook invite so you can
Look ahead at the next month
Add the events directly to your Google calendar
To keep this calendar from public view, it has to be an invite-only calendar, and you must have a
Gmail account to view it. For those of you who do not have Gmail, we have created a MOMS Club
Calendar account for you. Please follow the instructions below to log in. Remember that the calendar
attached to that email address is NOT our event calendar, so do not add your own events to it as
nobody else will see them.

Download File (/uploads/1/2/4/6/12464424/__howtoaccessthecalendar.jpg)

To add your own events to the event calendar, please contact any board member and they can add
your event to the calendar.

New Baby Corner

Currently no new babies.
We'd like to welcome all new babies in the newsletter, so let any board member know the details and we'll
include it here! And please let us know if we missed you, because we'd be happy to add your new little

one in next months newsletter.

Are we missing something?

Is there something you'd like to see us include in future newsletters? Have an idea for an article, a
recipe to share, photos from a MOMS Club event you'd like included? We're always open to hearing
from you!
Feel free to email Paisley ( (

with ideas.

Member Birthdays & Anniversaries in July:

Member Renewal Anniversaries:

Shireen Wright 7/11/2011

Anita Patterson 7/30/15

Member Birthdays:
Carly Dorr 7/3
Kami Hendrix 7/11
Crystal Leahy 7/21
Shannon Edwards 7/23

Sarah Burlingame 7/30

Kid Birthdays:
Ella Standerford 7/1/2015
Gabriel Mitchell 7/4/2015
Avery Scala 7/5/2013
Oliver Glenn 7/9/2012
Natalie Kincaid 7/11/2015
Sonya Beal 7/13/2010
Olive Schmutz 7/24/2013
Abbie White 7/26/2011
Celebrating a member anniversary soon? ContactAmber (
( let her know if you'd like to renew your membership.
Celebrating a birthday for you or your child but you didnt get your name in this months column?
Send roster corrections/updates to Lara (

Playgroup Corner

Strawberry Picking

Playgroups are a great way to connect with moms of kids with similar ages. Starting May 2016 we have
changed the groups from birth range to all-ages instead. Locations vary each week based on who is
hosting. Check facebook or the event calendar (/calendar.html) for more information.
All Ages: Friday 10 am
ContactPaisley Anderson ( more information.
Watch for more all-ages play dates via Facebook events on the MOMS Club Facebook page, or
check the Member Calendar (/calendar.html).

Executive Board Members:

Maggie, Lara, Crystal,Paisley,Amber,Marce






MOMS Club of Eugene, OR Board, 2016-2017



Maggie Colletti (

Administrative VP
Crystal Leahy (
Membership VP
Lara Wheeler (
Marketing VP
Paisley Anderson (
Marce Land (
Amber Zekic (
MOMS Night Out Coordinators
Teresa Gray (
Amy Buitenhek (
Sunshine Coordinator
Tia Merwin (

MOMS Club Regional Coordinators

Have questions or concerns about how our chapter functions? Contact one of these ladies:
Area Coordinator
Lisa Lewis (
(253) 631-3290
State Coordinator
Chris Baldwin (
(808) 626-0131
Asst Regional Coordinator
Jenn Betz (
(808) 626-0131


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