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Provide Multiple Means of Representation:


Provide options for perception



1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information

Yes, not only can you highlight various selected texts, you
can also collect all of the highlighted text into a separate

1.2 Offer alternatives for auditory information

Yes, there is an option to have a (rather monotone) voice

read the text from any location. Also, many of the links from
the resources provide related audio clips.

1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information

Yes, there are images on the side that relate to the topic.
Also, through the resources, there are many links to visual
information related to the topic, such as a map of Gettysburg
for the Gettysburg Address.

Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and

2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols

Yes, many of the more difficult words are underlined, and with
a simple click you can see the meanings. You can also select
a word or string of words and do a quick google search of that
word or selection.

2.2 Clarify syntax and structure

Yes, the resources link provides clarification for much of the

structure. Also, the Stop and Thinks focus a reader on the
important part of the structure of the text. There are Literary
Device icons one can hover over to give an explanation for
the structure.

2.3 Support decoding of text, mathematical notation, and symbols

There is some help with this. The resources give limited help
with this, and you can also google a selection, but this may
not be enough help for some students.

2.4 Promote understanding across language

Yes, there is button to translate to Spanish. Google searches

would need to be used for other languages.

2.5 Illustrate through multiple media

The resources are great for this. A wide variety of links to

related media presented in multiple forms are available.

Provide options for comprehension

3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge

Yes, the Stop and Thinks are very useful to activate

background knowledge.

3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships

Yes, Literary Device icons help highlight patterns. Stop and

Thinks bring out big ideas and critical features.

3.3 Guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation

Yes, the Stop and Thinks help the reader to focus on major
features of the selection. Within the Stop and Thinks, the
Show option highlights the text that relates to that key point
for visual guidance.

3.4 Maximize transfer and generalization

Yes, the highlighting tools, Stop and Thinks, and Resources

links are all good ways to remember and apply the knowledge
in other instances.

II. Provide Multiple Means for Action and Expression:



Your notes

Your notes

Provide options for physical action

4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation

For navigation, one can either scroll down or type in a

page number. You can also look at just the highlighted
texts in a separate window. For response, there are only
multiple choice questions in the Stop and Thinks.

4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies

Yes, although the text itself is very readable, the Literary

Devices are very apparent within the text. The
highlighting tools and Stop and Thinks are easily
accessible, too.

Provide options for expression and communication

5.1 Use multiple media for communication

The only forms of communication are highlighting text

and answering the multiple choice Stop and Thinks.

5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition

N/A, the tool is not built for construction and composition.

5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice

No, there is no gradation in the learning process,

and performance


Provide options for executive functions

6.1 Guide appropriate goal setting

Yes, the Stop and Thinks are excellent sources for

guidance in goal setting, i.e. assessing key features of a
text, without spelling goals out.

6.2 Support planning and strategy development

Yes, Stop and Thinks are perfect for this.

6.3 Facilitate managing information and resources

Yes, Stop and Thinks, the resource links, and the

annotating tools all enable this.

6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress

Yes, the multiple choice Stop and Thinks immediately

make a reader aware if their understanding of the text is
on point or not.

III. Provide Multiple Means for Engagement:




although the website itself may be used as one step of

scaffolding for certain students.

Your notes

Provide options for recruiting interest

7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy

Yes, the many icons and annotation tools gives the reader
great freedom in their approach to the text.

7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity

Yes, the Stop and Thinks focus on relevant issues. The

resources links provide an abundance of related, valuable
information from the internet.

7.3 Minimize threats and distractions

CAST does an okay job of minimizing distractions. While all of

the links and tools are useful to the reader, they may be
slightly overwhelming and distracting to some readers.

Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence

8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives

Yes, if the reader consistently keeps up with the Stop and

Thinks, they will be focused on the goals and main ideas of
the text.

8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge

There isnt much variation in demands, as the only challenge

is answering the multiple choice Stop and Thinks, but there
are many and varied resources related to the text.

8.3 Foster collaboration and community

No, the site is meant to be a stand-alone tool that does not

require or promote a reader to collaborate with others.

8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback

Yes and no. While the site does show a reader that there is a
lot between the lines of a text, and guides the reader to think
about big-picture ideas, it wont necessarily encourage a
reader to think this way without the structure (like the Stop
and Thinks) provided in the site.

Provide options for self-regulation

9.1 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation

Yes, the Stop and Thinks focus big-picture ideas into bitesize steps that are more easily attained.

9.2 Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies

For some students, this will be an excellent tool to guide them

and give them the focus to cope emotionally, but for others,
they may not take to the particular style of the CAST layout.
Since there is little variety in the presentation style, they may
get anxious about their lack of understanding.

9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection

Mostly, yes. The Stop and Thinks show how one can pore
over a text with a fine-toothed comb and analyze and critique
it. However, the motivation for a student to do this level of
analysis without guidance will need to come from elsewhere
(including the student him/herself).

CAST 2011

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