Anda di halaman 1dari 18


J E E T _ K U t' OJ<: DO

------towaro p c r' s o n a L 'l jb c r-a t f o n .

, -

1 10

~hre~ swcrd~~ g~t acwn at a table in ~ crowded J~enese inn an':' beqii.:l to make lClud cc=&nts abtlut. t:hei.r r.e.i;hbor. ll.Oiling t:.c -goad him i:lto a. c':lel.' 'I'he "lliastu $li:emed to takll no notice of thef:'l, but whcm t:I<!!:i:r- rmna:rks became ruder and more pointed, he ~a~sed his chapsti~s and, in quick snips, e!!ortl&ss1~ oaught. four flies on the wi.r!.:::. As he s~a;.rl" l."id down t.b.e cnonstick:l',

~e ~~@ s~~r~smen ~~r~ed~y left ~S~ room. .

The sto_~ illustrates a gr~at di!feren~~ between Or~enta~

and Wlilsterll. think!.~. ~b4!l WtII.IIt.Iii:;rner ..... be intrigued

by I;;Qm1!lone';s ~ility to flia$ with QapsUak.!i. a.nd wou.ld pro.b~ly say ~t has nc"thinq m Coc wit.:!. bow good he ;'1: ir. comba"=.. B~t th& Orie~t~l wo~ld r.~i~e thAt a ~ who h&~ attain~~ such comp~Q:t.!!! mllg~li!ry of an art. re;o;reals hi..s ~re5ence ot mind. ill. every action. Th-a stat.e of wbclouteS,9 and imperttll:bability demon.1ttll.ted by the m~ter indioat$d hi~ mastery c: ~e~f.

" ~d so it is! wi. th =r:i al ar'"...s. '1'0 tile Wo!! s tamer th~ f.ill.ger

j all s , the side ki ck s I th e b~ck H st. ~t~., ~e tools 0 f. de.s truc:t:::'OIZl and ... io~l!Ince which is, indoBed. onj! of their ~un~cn.s. EIl.!t the Drie:nta~ hali@ves "'l:..'lo:.t tbe function of s1, tools. "~s :'t!v@;aled. wh~ they .!.Ie .:ie~f-dirl!l'l:t.ed and dllst:I:'cy 9"re~d, fea:,

OLng-er o!.Dd fcl~y. skill i.s net tha Oriental.· s 9081. aiming hi~ kicks ana. bl.CW5 a.t ~elf .and when succl!!lS:!!5ful. tlI.ay tl!!;ve.::. S\lcce.ed. in k!:Icckinq h..j_ms-&lf c,,_-r.. After :fearl!l o! tZ'ai~S'. he hopes t¢ Achil!lve that vital l.cosenin9 and equabitity cf ~l~ powers which is what th~ three swordsmen saw iL ~ maste:.

Ir. e. V1!:r:f day l.i::: e the milld is =peble of moviJ:lg = rom one thOI.lg'h.t. Q~ obj~ct to !l.Dct..'J.e!:' - "beinq· min-d. cf "havin<;n ::nind.. EOW<!!l~I, when fOlce to faee w.:i.t..'l. an opponent in a t!:le mine tends tc stick 2nd lOl!:;e:s it.s ~obil.ity. 5 ticli: aI:~:i ';:y er g~~a.<;e is a FrcblS-lIi t.:1e.t:. haunts ""' ... e.ry ma=tia.l OU'tist.

P:;"'an-i.:l (Aval.oki te!!:va:a), the Goddess of Mercy. is :!;"!O r~p:t'& S~ ted 1o'i t." on£!: tho usanc. <U'lIlS, ~;uu:::h. hol ding I!I. d.i.ff ~e.n t instrument.. It he.r lrind SU)CS wittl the use , !01;' ic:otanoe, o~ a :!!:~ar, all -r.h8 other ar.n.s ~ 9-99) will be of no use whatever. l~

is ~y because o.f her mini:1 Dot St.OFpi.l::ig with the use of <:me arm, bl,tt moving fron one instrtmHi:ct to ~ther, thl:.t all har a=s Pl:'OVE WI-efll~ \ofi til. ths u'cl1cst. d~'3Tee ot e.f!ic:itan=. ThuI;: th-e !igur1!: is ~'t to d~trlt.~ that., when the ultil:;t.ate C-Jth 11; =-eal.i.:ed ~v.;:n as I:l~y as one t."'ousand ~"'l!IS on one body may ea.c.lJ be s&.. ..... ice;!..!:ll.e: i:l c-",e wa.y or a::Lo~.::!:r.

"P~osele$.sne.:!::!:, n -enp-ey-i:li! n Cl:" • no a:~. are. t=eg:",~!: "b>::-:ns used ir. the C:::--i!'!:nt. to danot:e tb.e -;.;l-:::..izjilte <\ch!..f!:ve:scen t: 0:1'" a :c.e.. -t;;,.al ~-::.:i.g -: . A:::=or~r;"';.C Zen • t.~e s p.iri t. i.5 ~ na:t:.=e f~::::m.l eS5

and no • oh j E! ets ~ a;t"e to be h(U"bc::a:~d ill i"';.. Wr.eJ:l ar.y' i~':; th@.:::'8', psyC-"ti.e ene=~ i5 dra .... ':l. ~owa..rc: i-:. an':: w~en p.s:yc.hi:: ~~erqy ~cs~s i~5 bal~ce, i~ native ac~vity ~a~~~as o~~~?ed

an~ ~t nc lo~q@r flows ~ith ~~e 5t~e~. Where ~~e energy i£ ti~pee, ~~e~e i~ teo ~uch o! it in cne di=ec~on ar.d ~ sh~rtage

of i~ ~~ anothe: direction, Where ~ere is ~oo much e~e~gy. it oVQ~=lows ~~ e~ot b@ ccntrolled. In ~i~@r case, it ~s ~~dbl~ 1:.0 ~e with eve.!:'-cil.a.nqing s1.t\L!l.tions. Bu':. ",'hen therlO :prevo:.ils

a s ta te c! • pU_ ""Pos e 1 t!!i.u;ne.l!; S " (wb.i ct:. is a!.sQ Ii s t.dqe (;J:f ! 1 tid!. ::.y

0:}. the ~~~~it aarbors no~~in; i~ ~~. ~cr ~s it ~~~Q in one d~=ecticn; It transc@n~~ ~o~~ ~~ject a=~ cbjec~;

i~ ~@~po~ ~~ty-~nQe~y to wnatev@r i~ hdPpen~ns.

'rrTJa md5 tl!:ry tra.n5Ce.n~ any puticuJ.= art. It . .st8.m~ fr= itlaQte..ry Cl! ()nl!!lsl!!l~£ - to'Hi: ~ill ty I do;!<;te.l .. pe.Q th.:rouqh sel,!-d.i.!lc:i~line. to ~ c:alm. fully <l.w.:.:t'e, ane completely ill tWle cn~sel.f and

tzlE! !;uzrow::ul..i . ..I:Ig':!. ~h~, and only th1!'1n. C::~ a !='e=s:cn bOW" l:Limself.

-- Bruce Lee

The u~eruln~o; ~ of a "up is

in it,,; "mptincss

11 l.,~nled mnn once wc nt 10 a Zen ma ste r to i aquir,",

about Zen, A'S the 7 .• en e d, the Iriar-ne d man

would fr€<l,,,mtly Into r r-upt.c d him w ifh r~:m<J.Tl<» lii<;<:,.

ing unt i l the tra {~IlP over flowed.,

first e mpty yOUi' cup, hu", con yuu t aste my "u~ of tea? "

1 hope yQll will r e o.d th.., following p~_rag,..(\phl:i with open" rnindedn..,ss, le[wiug al.l


t\l;:> bur-deus of Pl''' co"""i.'ed optrrions and conc'Ius Iona bchmd- _ .. -t.hi s ""l, by til.,


not a "Cbincse" ma rti al artist, :<. "Jap«n.,,1<" mrn-ti al nr-1ist, d:c', cl-c. A i~Ulrti al

a rt i st is rir st ly a man, whl ch is (>VTI:'d"(:'s ; nc ti ona l it'ie s ha s noth ing to do ;11


<l" his pa.rticular conditioning. Every attempt to dE:<scribe the fighL is ro?,.Uy <in

tnt c l'l c ct un.l arid "motiUllal r,,;;,.ction, a p"l·ti "liz.ed i de a of the total fight; in

trus caHp., dependillJ; (In om:'s like>; and dislikes. Fighting is not S()n1dhiag

<is we'll, as "t.hai is not H) > without f8.vt'JL'ite I i m:s or arlglc~, l'[I.'illg no b(l\\ilr_;~ries

ilcf'inrte 1 y TnUst Hot be 1 i mi{ed to your per~{)nc.!l incllll:;tinn, y ou r f-Ihj5ic('l]

make-up, (H' )inUt' env i 'OTlJJlenh.l ~orJdi1ioDi;,g - - - - -- - -althouGh Lh<,se ~l re ~_, ,;0

.. -

To ",,,,t the r e cor d sLniL1!:ht, l have :-.IO'_I~ i r.vonte d a now styl-: , c ompus ice ,

lith; s" ~tyIe 0, "that" llJ",thod. On the eOllfr:.;.ry, 1 hope to frl;:~~ my Iol 1 owcr s

Ir-orn ~lingiIlg to styl ",~, p8tt~rnfi or mouf ds , :Jo do re membc i- t~.a\ the term

.Jeoi KUl1':' Do is me r-ely a uame >lscd,

TIl i rror- in whj ch we see Qur::;{:lves,

'rn~, [ouride r- of ... s tyl e mieht Ire expo:;",d to some p<Lr!i~l truth, but ,,_,> Hrne

pas se d 'bYJ E;;o;p~d"lly :after th" p~s!:'infl" away of i.t>; f'ounder-, thi« parti"l truLh

In urrlc r to p,,;;.f; alone thi~ !umwledte from J3~ncr[J.ti"r1 to generaLion, the

honing. r .. s o (In'Tlg, the followers l1"ve rna cl., t,\i::; kTlowledge not o.aly rs holy

[ 1 "k' . 1" •• 1" - 1 - 1 - "'t -' '1

(1.i·~~U Ci.;J hy I:--~pl ng In r-:I r: uOW:-; l.n. ::-:'lJJ ~),ng hS :":;Pll'll fJ( ... wn ~

"he 1.bis",

flT' "he that.", in the long run he "",ill just be lno\llded accor-ding to someone

el.,,,,'a fancy. He me rnbe n the whole 1>;; evidenced in ",11 parts, but Hr\ isol<;:t"t.l

part, efficient (JI' not, c:'loe~ not constitute tnt' wbol e , flo one C>lIl s~;y " ~ I i tile

h;arning is a d8.ngerOl..H'l tiling" "I'pli~s ~ppropriLltd:y to those who con(litiDl1E'd

toz a p~ rti cu'l ar approach to combat.

then <>.11 i-'> w e l l , Unfo rtunc+e ly, combat, like frc"uum, i1:' ""TIl.:tlling that

51~f'''1 _

c"nn"t he pr-e conce ive d. Pref(>rmaiionfl,J"ck the f1p.xihillly to I'rlapt to th", ""(:'1"-

ch.mging. At this patnt, many would ~8;': no\,' titen do we gain thi!i unl.i mi t.ed

freedom? 1 Cr.l.rmDt tell you because it will tn"n b(, come nn af.'pro.:1 ch, 11.1 (bough

1 «au tell Y'.'" what is not, I carlnot tell JOt! what is. "ThLlt" my friend, :'I()U

will have to find nul all uy yourl>,,1f. for thf:'rc i5 no nell' hut self - help. Wh:;ot

In t r .... difiona l rna rt ia l <"(rt b<::inl!: wi~e sef:'ms to be ~ (':mLstant prO,'l'':;S of ,,~";~

"""LJrnul~!ion of fb:e~: like a fti'>;t (lpgr'~e k nuw s so many sc ts or tP.dlIliques. ~

0. G<::{:cIILd d<::gn'" a li.ttle more; or a X br-and madi~l zu-ti st, a IdO:eT", shoulrt

a cc l.\rln~lC't'" Y hI"a,~d' s hnnd 1.~dHLique5, or "ice ve r-s a . ACL~lJJ~hlloti ori of f.ix e d

of iC1l0r:l fICC, and of'te nt irnc invQlving a ahndding pT'o<,;{~ss. Rem e rnbc r my

fri "nds that ultfmnte'ly, kaowledge in martq_!.l "r1. ,:; i rnp'ly self- know tedge,

ha s ~lwt'y>; hccn with u:; >l.nd n o], :::omethi ng; to be p;i ned at the p.n<l thcough

• f

mys!ieEll mind training pr-o mote s not the pr-omi se d intern ... I power but psy-

t]-." techniques u-scd are ortent t~mpQrary cxpedient s, the [lim of which is

Unlike the tr-adrttonal approach, the re is never a 'seri",~ of rules, a

of fir:hti ng. To begin with, theT" is no s u ch thing ~8 [l mdhod <:tf figltlinr.. 'li::pl

T(, ~I'(!~le s uch a m e+ho d is pretty much like putting a pmmc.i of wat.c r- Into

n s to th .. chotce of colors, tcxtur-e s, etc, of the- w+apping PHI"""

Driefly, .J KU j,:; riot a for-m of ~pc ci~l crmdi t ioning with [( ~~~l of beliers

or [J. met.:lnd, maybe it 18 l:wing neutr-al Or "wybe it is imliff('r~ncE:!. Howeve r, _,,;ti.<-.

'_h,_~ i>i no l, tb~ ca 1;.;, for .JKD is both at ur~ee "n.)S" ,,-!LU "nnr this ". F. nd .1KD

inter e ste d in aysterne or organization. Orgallized Ins'titute hmclo:; to prod,,!:;!! palternizca prisQners of a. systemized concept, <'IJ<:'l the inotructQI'S ar e otten

fixed in Jl r-outlne, Of <;')UT"'SC, "hat i:; wor-se is by Impos ing the member to

rf l.i!:.~~ /.I tJrr.;!t ]qrl4£...~ l'aJ,rJ~·r~; IP~ i9 pw"~~F "11!.~·fW St' r ~~i ~ ~£~ ~F I)I!J.orw

fit a. 1ifeless pre~f(lrmaliCln, their naturrd gt'{}wth ar e bloo;:ked.,JT." employs

~ minimum of for-m \u Iead his stu(l",nt to th" formleo=:s. Furthermore, he

p"'nts (Jut the l mpor-tanc e of beirl.G .1bl c to en.ter" <I mould I:>ut not bC!ing CJ.l.gcd

in it; or to follow the pl'indple", wi ihout heing boun~ by them, fo, a pU",ble,

c-hoicelet;:i=; nbservatiml wiU",ut cxctualcn i", so e",:;.,Ilt13.1 jn JKn, Or mar-t+a'l

art- - -an ",,-UogetneJ:' alert «wareIH~SS 11 without its center or it:;; cl r cumferericej Q zt....:tk-z,.

to be in H, but not of it~ lI..ho,'e ,,11, & n<.>"s not dope'nd on a rru.thod a nrl drill

I:iJR\cmatic r(lutilles; jnstead, he stndics ea ch individual stLldent aud awakens

him to explore hirnse If, both infernally and .:",tcrn"lly. ann ~Jl1iUl~.l,d)' integr'atil1g

hi rnae lf with his being. Such te"d~iug, which if> r-e rio te<l<.:hing, rCljuil'es a

senHitive mind with gr.,at fle;l<ibility and is c1ifficult to com" Lf nowadays,

f;jncCl'e ~nd sc r-ious tcarner-a are ,;y_ual1y Jcfficu1t to c orno by tuo, M~HLy

of them firC five minute e)lthusb~1.s, so me of tlwn'l come with .an il1t.,nLion,

ioJl"",,:; an irnpriso d patte rri, ~~, what i.o, nur tt ..... e d i~ the dep(,ncling mind r-ather'

than Independent lIH:luiry. As time g"oe,:; l)y he might \lwJcl"Ist:mu SDmc rout inc s

arid might even be skillful acconlcng to ii. partkular p:dlern. f!Qwev~r. he has

not come to'rst.,n<l hirnself. In other Wf)rUS, h<: h2.8 g: ... Jne-d C'.""t,'ol or 1;1e _

m ani c 5kHl he ]\<1'" hut not wl.a.l be i~ in idm.:;elf.

<:o<>nsciOUf.'n.-:,ss, his ego, and all hit.i mental blocks. Indeed, the tools are ulttmatefyrncans for penetr-attng the depth of his being 50 that he will restore

tbiiO ,",,:!uilibrium of his inner center of gravity. W~th th:is \titaI inward loosening flows l1~fI outwar-d expr-es.aion of hiB t(J{lls. 8ehind e ach phys ical, movement of an aC{lomp1it;h."j ITla.rt~il ~rti.~t is this wholenes s of being, this an illclusive

.<>ttitud" •

How (.tHen we arc told by different"rna6ters" and "profesl>"rs"---,md we ~CI have many philOsophical and sometil~es s cholu s tlc pr<:>i'<:s50r<l ar-ound=-> that madial art is life jt,:;elfj however, 1 wonder "ow many of the m really appr-ecl ate thnt statement and truly under-stand, To be 81,lre, life doee not

moan a pariiali7'.~d sornething; a irl'me, Life is neve r stagnatton, It is a cons tant rn.overn erit , 1..Ln-rythn,aiic mov crn ent, HS well aa com,i.ant chomge. IIl~!.0ad of !lowing with thrs cllanf:!e cn(")l<::.dessly, many of the TYlaJ'ti~l ar-t "m3~i"'-s".

past ~)""H! pre serrt, 1,aVe built an illu"i<m of fb .. e d Ior ms, sol i Jifying th,:, everflowing, d.i15I;""U~ngth" totarity, :r>rgani::dng clloked pattc rrrs , 1'la..rl.J1ing ~pont<l)1d(y. Sepl'1;'dllllg the harmonious unity inl0 dl\"Uty of the soft ver-sus the finn, etc,.

de. The result is qutte ..,videnced. In m3rfll:l!_1 ar t \'C b,'v'~ now Tr.8ny ID>Ulj in-

s,:, m: F-i 7.{.~ d pa tte rn i ze d 1'0 h ,,is ar-ound Li st en i ng to their own scr e;l Tn sam!

::; pi. r i L l.Ia.l yel] s , They "'" r-e merely pe rf'or-m ing t1wi~· met hod 1 "al r-out i ne 5 [l.!; r-c S POD"" T;:.thcr thnn T".<;pondiIlg tu "what is", They 1\0 longer "l isten " tn circuInst8.nceEl; th<::y "recite th~ir s". Thc se pD(,r souls h ... v e be corne tbo,,~~ nrg~niz<::u torr!!s, thE?y arc· th08" dd~sical bl(")~ks ~ in shor t , th"y are th(! "p1'odllct" of _ conditioning h"-,,,lcd down hundred .. nm! t.houaa nds of y--a.r-s l'go.

Ofl.eIlt.irne 1hp. question i", <!.sl<ed wh~th" r- J J:( I) i~ agD ir"it ro r-m , It is tr-ue: that tb e r-c is 1jO prE'!-aT"I-ant!"",d >id:;: or k"ta in .1KD. Howcve r-, in any phys l co l m0verncu, there is 1'< h\·a::-·r; ~ m{1~t cffidfmt s.nd ,,1 i,-" ro anne r t<, ;1cc<;IITIplish th., purrm;(:- of the ?-e:::,fnrn, f.-H- e n ch i ndtvi dua l> - --- -Lhat in, in r~g"l·(h; tu prQP.' r l",vcI·oge,



••• 1

Live , effi dent m0YO: merit t hat Hhc r ... tes is one tiling, sterile d~,,~ic;>l set that 1,inas ann conditions is "n(,ther. Also, thc r e is a s ubtl c diffr.rem~e between "ho,;."ing no far[a" arid b~,ving ""o-f("t)"m "; +he fi .... st is jgnoT'arlc(:, t.he~:<",i ",'cond. t'6.ntiC(:Il(ler.p.~

TJ-,,,r·e i s no Gtan(l<ITd in t ote l cornk't, a nrl e)qJ!',:,"~i("m must hc fr e e, T)11'..1. lih[:l"8ting t r uth if; <\ rc;;.lity 0111y .in ao io..I" a s it is e xper-Ie ncr-d and liv""i in it~ s\ldm' by t.hc indiv iJu~) '" ",sdf, o nd th is t r uth is f'a r b"yot1d <Illy st y'le s 0;;: ,lis,-" pli ne~. nem'~rnl.Jer too that JKD ifl just a u s e d, ('I. bo at to get n~LC ('l(~r·Q1:''', a nd 011(,:C 8~~ T,-,~sl;:cl i s to L~ rlir;c;ln.ieQ, and not to he c.8.l"rh~u on OIW'O 86."::":. Ti)<:'>'lc h:\\' [lc.ragn'pl at Ire s t ace rner.,ly "iring(,,· pointing to tt" mnon ". 1'}..-"::;,,, clo ""L fix yO\1r ~ntense g"",.e on the fing,:,,.. Zl.11(\ thua m.i»s a I] ttw be",,-'en1y G1Qry. An,-,r ,~n, the USdlll11':'''S of the fillG':':!" is in "pointirl~ 8.W8.y f'r om its"lf t" tho:< liGht which i1!lO[nin"':; finger and ~n'

--- '-_ .. Ir)l D--· ._-

Cne Cannot s e e a. fi~:ht "a s :'511 t:-3.)' fr-on"t. the yoin-::: of ..... iC!·.',l 0: [I ::::..);.:~"::[.) c:. '~ ... r c stl e r , o~· GlJ"'.yor~[·~ who i-~ ':r~L[~~in G. pa~Lic· InE!t:l(")~; hc(~;;.t:.3.e ::r. v ,:~:l s c e t.,e [i;;;.Ll n~~cn.c':::i:-!~ 10 -;:hf: 1 j rn i ';:;-i n: his pa.rti cul a r c::{)ndit:'o]~ir,!J;~ I--·i~h~:_--:.~ is C.::;!finj L~l/ 111"::: Sn~i.l"~ L\i~Lg c:.ic-::~-:. ~e;:

by 'your c:ot1c.i:io;;-,.i:;-"\o; .:;:1.8 ;:. C:~~!""C'-se rna r-::::~·J ~ ::..-r·_i:::t r ~, J ~p"-:lr~~~S(:' ~;:! ":"'t.:;-,.l ar:':.::it, e c+. 'I';.;.~:(~

t..,,.,, a r c cOO close to allu ..... · 'C.:-ispyl punchi<liJ room, \\1,i:~ che wC'.,r,li.e .: or; t~H~ c·_b,c,- ~:&il':; will cQrnp~ail"_ taat on" of the figr.t€:l" shcul d 'C'O'I.'G.' and sr:;,0th"r obeI·' G r cr'i.:;p:ne"",' thus be close e ncugh to apply gr~ppli~;g tn ctics , So a sp~L~ >;~c(Jnd he twe en tl.e above ',.,.") state merrts - - - _. whon viewed f,...o,cl. totality- - - ~-,he boxej- i'.~)Uld hcve swttche d ' sffiotl-.",r;r.g 6r;:;.ppE1~t ~~ cti,,~ when t]"-,,,,,,:, i s no crispy p11n~LiJ~C-: ~'QQ"'_l. The w 1;' <-::, l l cr-, ",he"', out of dis:,,;l G". {,uuld have "ith"r· kicked <lr puncr.e d ~s ;.;. rx can to ~"}r~uge ;;11e ~::;fl fo!'" his s pe c i a lty, '::":c'.l~ ob se rvatf cn beg ins when de v ci.da C;, s et pc;tte;:,r!8. and h ... ,,,doIr:

of ex?r<'~!;i'm (>t:<OUI'!'S wrier; one i~ beyond ';:)'i;;:E:':::";'s.

One c;:'~~:1;)t cxpr e s s fulJy--~the inpC".rt.2r.:1t ';0;.'01'<:\ "€;'r,,, i.s ::uL?--rwh~:l o~~ i,:; irnfoser1 try

"- par ti.a l set S:Tl;(':tur" Or style. "'Wh~;: is" is tot "-I (L:;'C:l~;:EClg all ':hoct i.s ' as we-,~ a£; ·:h.::..t is not'}, without bouudar-ie s or 1 irie s , al.ive , r,..,,:;h, nnd ,J W~j':; new. 1\ow hew (~-'!.u one

be truly ,""-"'r" whcr, ther-e i" a screen of GclC'S set p",ltCc'"ll vf'w:~at should b e ' as 0PI'""..,d ;:0 'wha t :-'i'. f:k,~ause one dotos not w,jInt in be' ~ef': ur;""rt;;.in o r ~J:.<;<.'cure, 0:<0 11" 'or,!"nizesl ~ cho i c e pattern o~ c ozn hat , ;::; ,,<'t;eTn o~ "rtii:c;a: re'lationsb ip witn i'w opponer.t,

a plaHacC; ~ponl;:J.n<"ity, cct, F::",Q::-; irnitative ::l::-,:llir.g on such (J'g(';.t1i 7.~cl ':and- swi rn ",':q~ p::tteTn>;' L:,';' pza :ition",r'£ rnarg~r. of IrC!c2c'Olli nf "xP"~SSiO;l grows nnr-r-owcr- z\;]."; "'.a:"',"Owe r; It w ont b~ lung bef'or-e he will OJec(>ITo" ~8..r[i,ly7.ed ..... iUlin n,., fTamev;·ork uL suer; pat~~'~i~ 811d ~ccept~~h~ pal~.:!r'"n a s rp>i.Ety. rea: th inp , ~;l. hid, 11:.1Iny 0: tae GOrti,,~..:: ar-e me""":J fJE,r;"r,o:irJg the ir- m<:'th{)G.ica: ro\;t;l""_"S as reS?OL!i;;C, r~t::€-:-"' thcl~ re;.;p",LG.i::g"to 'w:-""-l Ls ",

To :-:,,~ the r e cor-d >;lraig:'lt, I ~ ... "e ~1: invented a. new style or a m"Ji.~::;:!" styl c: rhat is,

5<:it wrthin form as a.p ... rt [~·om '!hisl ~.,·_ho.::i 0-':- Iths.t I rncthorl .Cn the ccrcr ar-y, 1

in why in J e e t Kur.e Do on« is taL.;.gi":t to uri l Lze ell! ,\'S,y;J 8..:1<1 me ar.s tc ae rve i~5 ,,:~j

(ef:'i ,,:ency is not t.r.e a dhc r eru to .... 1 .. s3::.<:: a 1 form, efficieYl"1 is ~:l::-'"thir:.G hat 5,:o_·es:l,

....... - .- .:.

bu+, an d bat is ~ rather trnpor-tant ~1.'l, lie ;'8 bound by none , In o.her wor~>,Jl<'l\ thcug.

priw.:::p:,,:,; withcu; being :i.rnite-d Q:!, ·"oLlne hy ~rH·:rn_ This i.; ~mp,,~·til.r.L, ;('[";:: :;:·1 iab l e ,



~-.:....=:..:.. 70 dc;iIie .,:<;:1) as ;:: :;,s.:-tic;]lar' sy,:;~em (Gt:.Ilg ~.-~-:::..

~ ... . ~.

]/[) -:!.-,,:..(_-:~.~ ;-;c-C ~_"'u1L -c,« ~'l .-:::.; )"

F.L'-L.·,.·· .. _,..c;:,.-. :.'~&"7 :bC:c:. ;-"<_ • ....:' .• ~~: /{, / c<.,"'--'" <_ .. --i.r.: -$-6_i..~,,( . ..Lc'!.J. . .-z1 __ ~~t. c.1/._~ -i:.~.d "::' ... ~;"r"'--0.t.~_. .---..] ... --:..-.-'1-'" _

y f

1'-- L-{. -C<C-..:-, 'l Lt. 0; ,c-"-<.-..,.-",.c. 6- t_ er ..." ?<..i.e. ~ »u-«: '~<::<'<, ~'- <C_: '" ~ e.> C _,_;,_.<.-,~/__'/

,I a ..... t..c·' 7,(-<. /?'--"'- . =: .... -? /;;;~",{ ft-<c, / ':2 (I ~t5-t'c.;.';i' ), ..... >-,..c.~.;'- .. { / ~<.c< -:

1-1....1..-.-1 "/"-"'-"<-"~'-'i" ............... ~...J. '(;',-4(..&....,. d~C<..-·C o.:.~~-i.. .(:.-c .. ~ .. !.~ _/-·C j'&':'c.&.f._,.;,_._..

; .

..,. j) . / ··r .. .,! . __.;7; ~:;r.'.' 1:'-:- -<' A . / ' •. o:rv-"L..::"-- ~!t.-I0"'1--="l- p,I~""L-t:.')~,I-? ?:,.!/4 -r- .i'"L-::: ~-::r 'l ~'_ . .,..-...---r'I..-_.;./ ........ c_.r1_:.. /~...::.;..'L:,_ .. ~_ -L.),=",-,~",

I--'L..-<r-&C~'"'---t. C.k.c,!-_;]_.£.~. L,-M .. '"-;Z;:~./~ _;_.~ L..~ "';>1.."./"<.,:.., ..... ( _"",~1_~

,;n.-(..!4.~...I. L~ . .,_-<-Z'! :zb fKo .L(X;..-c. .. ,~._~ ,.,__.<.-.:<.<_._,{ .c.; ;C .":::{.0:-'L."_;: zc: /r'~c- /Z.,.r...X2'....t.l ?__,_ __;L ....-Gr<'~...{ ,r-,L, _C-rd'-;.

';. (

is ~(l miss i ~ corupl cte'ly, JKD' in ":J~8i:.k of ",11 pa r ti cu'Ia r- stz-uctur-e s and di st ir.ct :~t.y:"',

T '_i·

, ,I ~.:; ncv;:e:;' ~ m~tL(ld D; cbssif:ed tec)\~<,>; :,,-,1 ~ rn s a n of .cta l s~:E ;~xpn::= s~or::_ 'i·: .. ~;:,,,,


=.lXJ. C-:::El.rti[ill1.r~ roan is not m er e Iy "- .:)'.'f~C8.:_ expcne r.t of some ;;row~~s," :~e mc y :cc-s;,

oe en ,qH;ed w ith im: 1:1 tl.e fin,t. phc.::. As he :n,~t;;r"'s. he will ;:'eIiJl"':: t.hat j-,~>i kt ck is

~ r_·(:.L~;: - /

,..",,-l1y not GO ~~lUC~1. :3 tOQ' Lo conr;_t:c::" b~ (J?pO~lent, ITJ.~ "- tnol to expl orlr; lit ~hro-,l.g+,.-"-'2":::~


"'s;o, :ci" 2.CLgCI·, cc t, All t:".P. Lra:':::'.ng ic; t.o roc:o"J.c. aim up tv h;:, a compl st c man _-~

~~ <~ ...... "7f...... . ..::....:.-:..:

Tr-uth cs a 'pa~r_less road. It is '~~<J.: e xpr-es s ior; tnar has 110 'before' or '~r~c·t"'.' 'Oi~it,;.ny;

JKD i~ not [in organized il:s~it-.l.ti{]ll .;~at one C:;'TI h" a member of. ~i.the;:, yo" u[l';C:StCl:1-:::

~--~~~~·_··_-_·~··-_-~· ~~1_. __ .~.

cr-eate rhi s law ar.d t;w.t ·"iD.Y, '"ut the students under hi rn wLl, ::nH·!': ly ';J~ conditioned and

':".L?ero a:"L~t r,mo:1g :Li8 "C:1t":;~pora:'i"G:, ",rHO ~r_",nt~~:}'. An unfi t anc i ria c+ive ~~

in st r-uct o r might b .. of he1~ to the me dio c+e student s, hut he can Lever lrJ.;~y feE:~~


Ii'ir.dl1y. 2. JK',) .,.--~-- ::,:;::::::.:_::,:.:JwJ-,,, s[l.ys JKD is cxc ]usin:'ly JT<D is s;Ttl.:;:>ly k :Jell i.r,

can only mov« within its U,,:'18. IIi~ has not dig"sie<i the stmple faCe Lz,t t r uth e xisn s x=::.

a r,[l.J.'.e ue e d, .. ooat to gd or ... ' <'I.C,...05S, and once s s e d, I>; tc he disc~r,"ed, and not

. "

f r {.,./..r--

to b., carrie.::! COL on" 's bact:. Let me a~30 say these ~e''''' ?~r"g:'aphs;r~ IOCere'), ~

f~OLgeT pojr.thg to (he moon, 1"1 c[,se do net t~:"'e t~e ~jr,ger to ;;,e .he moon,

Anda mungkin juga menyukai