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Aurora Malherbe

Professor Hamman
August 2, y

Domestic and Foreign

Domestic Policy summary and issue analysis
Safety Net Programs
Welfare, more properly called Means-Tested Program is a program build
to eliminate poverty and help the poor providing income support, Medicaid
and other services. Conditionally based in the requirement to work within
two years, maximum five years. Basically it consist on supporting the income
situation of the poor as they enter the job market and help in balancing the
federal budget. Also, increasing educational preparedness which is one if not
the most important root to a solution as long as again they are well
structured. The need to create desire in an individual to figure on its own,
and to be economically strong and independent is a most. Basically, it is
required to set a supporting path and assist the low income community, in
order for them to be able to super exceed the ideal economical
independency and as a result to become part of the economical stimulus
support in the US. Welfare is a safety initiative, a strong and steady MeanTested Program which will aid and mark a helpful path towards the well being
and prosperity of a Nation. Along the years, Safety Net Programs have had
constant changes, strong opponents, bad reputation and principally a
restructuring in its core. Starting with the name, which has change to
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Specifically for those needy

families, who fall out of the economy path, and individuals who fall bellow
certain income threshold; Were do we fall as a Nation and why puberty
continues to increase and decrease in numbers on a constant basis? One
could turn view due to issues like over population, economy falls, wars, social
issues, Vandalism, just to name a few. There has to be a clear emphasis in
the results, what works and what doesnt because indeed A Country can be
more successful economically by being safe, having stability and prosperity
among the people. The key mostly consist on providing a well structured and
constantly updated plan.
Indeed there are many opponents to this policy, believing that this
legislation will lead to more poor people, more homeless, and that basically
Welfare to people will create an unbalance all across. Consequences of this
opposing points towards welfare have caused an increase in childhood
poverty which is an alarming issue for a Country with the mission set on
being prosperous. This view point was found in the Article Preview by The
Editorial Board of the New York Times July 23,2016 announcing that after 22
years, California finally acknowledged that there shouldnt be a family grant
cap specially because of children that had been conceived because of rape,
incest or failed birth control. Adding that the welfare rolls have had no effect
on the birthrates of welfare mothers and causing California for example to be
the nations highest rate of child poverty, according to Senator Mitchell.

Foreign Policies summary and issue analysis

Security issues
The US based on its background history, traditionally has a military response
towards terrorism threats; Therefore, its safety is always going to be at risk.
Unlike other countries believe in a more solid policy and intelligence
operations as a better protection. However, American Military strength helps
in protecting against the large scale of cyber attacks made towards
communication, economy, energy and military infrastructure.

A first emergency response manual for a major cyber attack has been
created at the White House by the Obama administration, but it has not yet
been filled or published as a policy witch according to the Reuters article
from the New York times stating that this policy most include a five-lvil
grading system. No hack attack so far has hit level five, a source familiar
with the policy discussion said. That would be reserved for a threat to
infrastructure, government stability or American lives. There is believes that
Russia is engineering a sensitive DNC email type to influence the day of the
elections between Clinton and Trump according to this article previously
mentioned. As stated by reuters Cyber threats are "growing more
persistent, more diverse, more frequent and more dangerous every day,"
White House counter-terrorism adviser Lisa Monaco said at a cyber
conference in New York on Tuesday.
It seams like united with the likes of a different defense among other
countries and the US military defense, together all are necessary to combat
terrorism. A high end issue in the foreign policy making, has been to prevent
at all cost the growth and spread of nuclear weapons throughout the world.
The Soviet Union following Rusia has already met this goal with the US. The
results have been about seventy-five thousand in the early 80s to as low as
four thousand register massive weapons as of today. There is a Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty created to avoid the spread of those weapons, but yet
there are very important Countries whom have not yet sign this treaty. To
name some is India, Israel and Pakistan. President Bush back in 2003
signaled at Iraq, and Iran and North Korea as Countries with massive nuclear
weapons and a threat to be using them against their neighbors, American
Allies or even the United States. After a wile it was found that Iraq did not
have a nuclear weapon program to be credible. Under this believe, Iraq was
invaded by the US army in 2003, opening since then a new can of warms.
However, yet North Korean plutonium stockpile cannot be closed down and
its leader Kim Jong Un is committed to the program. Very little is been done
to prevent this program from growing further more. North Korea becomes
then a forced negotiation gear towards their needs and wants under the fear
of warheads and advance missile possible threats. Another mayor threat is
Pakistan even though it is considered an alli, despite it has helped North
Korea in the creation of these weapons. Pakistan is a nuclear power leader,
with many tales of terrorism attached and ties to the Taliban. Eventually
China can also become dangerous to the United States specially in the Asia

Pacific region, but there is tension due to intellectual property rights, trades
on software and movie just to name a few things.
Today one of Americans top priorities is to switch or pivot to Asia but without
the intension of stoping peace with China by spreading troops, naval assets,
super carriers, naval vessels in Australia. Also, by developing plans that
could strike bombers or submarine launched missiles. This can be done by
taking command with cyber capabilities in prevention of any altercation with
China. Still, China and the United States are strong negotiators in trade and
manufacture, which makes them economically dependent and even more
every year. On the other side, there is also a conflict with the middle east
and Persian gulf such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Persian Gulf
States. Then there is the anti-Americanism generated by the Arab and
Muslim cultures and the continuous conflict between Israel and Palestinians
wanting to live side by side as independent countries which is something
that the US is supporting but still it is far from happening. However, the U.S.
is making its way to natural gas and oil with a steady growth, looking at the
possibility of making the country less dependent.
Enhancing the relationship with Russia on the other hand, is important in
order to ease major power growth among continents and instead addressing
global issues are important facts to be address by the American

The New York Times Editorial Board, California Deposes its Welfare
Queen, New York Times, July 23 2016, accessed July 29, 2016,
The New York Times Reuters, U.S. Issues First Government Guide on
responding to cyber attacks, New York Times, July 26, 2016, 6:48 P.M. E.D.T,
accessed July 29, 2016,

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