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Monday, July

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For GAD, give benzos till the

SSRIs kick in TJ= best example

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In pneumonia a barrier for oxygen exchange is created; will see a V/Q mismatch due to the alveolar inflammatory fluid prevent ing exchange of
oxygen (increased perfusion ie Q and decreased vent ie decreased V)
Raised PaCo in a COPD excerbation can cause altered mental status as CO is a potent neuro vasodilator leading to a raised ICP

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UTIs in hospital= % assoc with cathater

Voltage gated presynaptic calcium channels are fucked w/ lambart eaton syndrome (autoantibodies vs these channels prevent the release of
Ach) dont be thrown off that a tenslin edrophonium test can prod SOME relieve but not as much as with MG
Social anxiety disorder includes not wanting to piss in a public bathroom or give a speech lol (social anxiety is to a situat ion where a specific
phobia is to a "thing" like heights, toliets,animals, blood etc)

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Scarring of FT in PID is type HS lol

Prostitis DOC(Acute): ampicillin, TMP-SMX or fluoroquinolones
B. Anthrax treated with ciproflox+ linezolid/clindamycin (wool sorter/systemic disease)

Ceflacor= strong association with serum sickness

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Russell bodies in MM indicate abnormal accumulation of Ig in the plasma cells

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Histoplasma is not communicable because it replicates intracellularly.

SOB on an airplane=think sickle cell due to sickling due to decreased pO

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Kaposi sarcoma looks like an angiosarcoma microscopically (Spindle shaped endothelial cells)
Failure of lateral body fold/ventral body wall to fuse=gastroschesis VS. failure of intestinal loops to retract back into the body after they
herniated through the umbilicus during week =omphalocele.

PVCs post MI are when the ventricles contract indepdently of the atria, this leads to a premature closure of the AV valve whe n it contracts and
thus less blood actually gets into the LV. This means that at the end of diastole we will have a decreased LVEDP due to less blood being in
the actual ventricle. (No P waves and abnormal QRS complexes will be seen)

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You can see angiofibromas and lipomas with MEN I

Aldolase B is the same fucking enzyme as Fructose



Electronic health record systems are good cause previous errors with hand written shit doesnt occur and TRANSCRIBING ERRORS occur
less freq
Bar coding scanning system-decreases chance of wrong med being admin to wrong patient at wrong time
As medicare goes from A-D becomes better basically, C and D cover more shit and are related to HMO and PPO, also they give dental and
vision routine visits at a slightly increased cost. People still get benefits of previous group though.

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Bab goes at

months, moro by - , rooting at - months.

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Pay attention free water replacement after sweating will cause the total body water to stay constant, but since electrolytes from the ECF
have been lost, the IC compartment is my hypertonic compared to the ECF and fluid replaced will move into the ICF compartment ..

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Unstable angina after a plaque with a thin fibrous capsule ruptures and we have plaque formation over it.

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Atropine cant reverse the nicotinic effects of muscle paralysis in organophosphate poisining, for that u must use pralidxime (pulls phosphate
off AchEI)

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Intussecption is the most common cause of GIT obstruction in children from - months. Illeum telescopes into cecum, currant jelly stools,
and periods of on and off are characterstic, meaning sometimes they get abdo pain and cry and shit, and sometimes they are fi ne and can
sleep. Volvulus most commonly presents by months of age, it is due to malrotation, and they might get billous vommitting and bowel

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This is the rough ER

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Serrated is a combination of hyperplastic and tubular; will contain cellular atypia in addition to the saw tooth pattern seen on histology

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Ectopic preg thought was appenditis is considered an emergency and informed consent is not NB.

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OMP (contants tubercilin and mycolic acid) is behind type HS PPD tuberculosis test. ONLY PROTEINS CAN EVOKE A type
T cells are on capable of recogonizing pepetides presented to them in a context of an MHC molecule

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HS because

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In severe anemia below hemoglobin, we get sympathetic drive, this will cause tachycardia and a increased oulse pressure because
althought he diastolic and systolic increase, the systolic increases more. The also get cold hands, and a high stroke volume.

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Predominant cells in RA perivascular fluid are plasma cells and T-cells. (ASSOCIATE IT WITH CHRONIC INFLAMMATION)

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Flow charts help us understand the steps involved in patient care

Pareto charts show the most common things contributing to a fucked up thing and then decrease

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Riboflavin with phototherapy to children with neonatal jaundice (RISK OF BASAL GANGLIA DEPOSITION AND KERNICTURUS)

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