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El Pas Rubric
(Country project rubric)
Preliminary work: 25 points

Has country name, capital, location, and legend (5 points)

Lists countries/bodies of water touching your country (5 points)
Tells what color the flag is (5 points)
Has map you sketched (drew) of your country and countries/bodies
of water touching it (10 points)

Flag: 25 points
Fills up the entire page (10 points)
Looks like your nations flag (colors, shapes, emblems) (15 points)

Information Card: 25 points

Pas: United States
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Dnde est? America del
There are more than 40 million
Hispanics in the U.S.

Includes country name, capital, location, and fact (20 points)

The words country (pas), capital (capital), and Where is it?
(Dnde est?) are written in Spanish (5 points)

Map: 25 points
Map zooms in on your adopted nation (5 points)
Includes at least the edges of countries/bodies of water that border
it or are near it (10 points)
All countries and bodies of water are labeled (5 points)
Neat, clear, attractive (5 points)

Preliminary work:_____/25
Information Card: _____/25

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