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File: adderall-fb.jpg (391 KB, 1200x800)

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Anonymous (ID: X2FYPlPY ) 07/26/16(Tue)11:47:14
No.1404366 >>1404449 >>1404938 >>1405401 >>1407613

Where can I buy adderall online without a

(asking here, because addy is pretty much the most
/biz/ drug there is)

Anonymous (ID: GaaXEOZI )

07/26/16(Tue)11:49:00 No.1404373
bumping for legal options


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)11:53:10 No.1404387



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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...


Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)11:53:50 No.1404389




Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)11:55:13 No.1404397


Hijacking this thread. Could I run into any problems in the future if I have a legal Adderall
prescription on my record? Also, could I turn a profit by selling to college students?

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)12:00:03 No.1404408



Enjoy your expensive placebo


Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)12:00:16 No.1404409


try firing up the onion router (tm)

then use alphabay

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:01:25 No.1404414


Answer to both: Yes, but it depends on how you do it

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)12:03:30 No.1404417


>>1404423 >>1404430 >>1405610

Aren't there any safe, over the counter pills to give me an extra boost?


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:04:56 No.1404423

Anonymous (ID: Z4CU2wcL

>>1405094 >>1407510 >>1408252

) 07/26/16(Tue)12:06:31 No.1404428

Anonymous (ID:


>>1404547 >>1404988 >>1405073

addy is old hat.

Air force, military, astronauts are all switching to nootropics. they are more effective and
don't fuck up your brain like traditional stims.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:07:00 No.1404430

>>1404447 >>1404931

Redline Xtreme. Easily the best caffeine boost you can get for about 2.50 at your local
The cheaper alternative is caffeine pills, but I'm a big fan of this drink

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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:17:00 No.1404447


Is it safe though?

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:18:42 No.1404449


>>1404366 (OP)
Can I buy sleeping pills and xanax using TOR or Onion?

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:20:33 No.1404456

You can probably buy anything using TOR. Don't break the law though.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)12:25:50 No.1404466


What kind of problems? What do you propose I should do?

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)13:02:13 No.1404547




Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:12:40 No.1404569

>>1404576 >>1404578 >>1404597

it doesn't matter what you've had a prescription for in the past, if you don't have a current
prescription for oxycontin and police find 40 pills you're in trouble.
as long as you're not someone who ever gets your car, home, or person searched by
cops, you're fine holding it. selling it is usually no big deal if you're smart. buying it will be
the dangerous part. I would suggest just trying to get a legit scrip instead of finding a
reliable source/shipping method online that won't get you busted.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:16:19 No.1404576

>>1404581 >>1404597

I know, I was just wondering if getting the prescription would look bad on my record.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:16:31 No.1404578

>>1404582 >>1404602 >>1405181

To clarify,
>it doesn't matter what you've had a prescription for in the past, if you don't have a current
prescription for oxycontin and police find 40 pills you're in trouble.
my wording is bad here but what I mean is, if you get pulled over and have the pills in any
container other than the original bottle with scrip on the bottle, you're going to have
problems. then if you go to court and cannot produce a paper copy of the prescription that
those pills came from, you're going to have problems.
It's hard to show a scrip from 5 years ago if you even have it around, because those pills

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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

have a half-life and with simple testing they can tell you how old the pills you have are.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:17:39 No.1404581


no not at all. you mean look bad for employers? they'll know you get shit done and work
harder/smarter than normal people when you're pilled up.

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)13:18:02 No.1404582



>those pills have a half-life
This. Don't sell old pills, it's really disappointing for the costumer.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:25:19 No.1404597

Also, how likely is someone to snitch or be undercover and try to buy Adderall? Surely the
cops have worse things to worry about, right?

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)13:26:38 No.1404601



Well they sell it in stores? Stop being a pussy, do you google cancer death statistics
before you smoke a cigarette on a night out?

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:26:50 No.1404602

Ah, thanks. Will the pharmacy be suspicious though if I keep buying pills because I end up
selling a lot?

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)13:27:49 No.1404605

Good point.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)15:53:10 No.1404891


It's only interesting because it's complete fiction.
99% of "nootropics" are placebo, or close enough.
Modafinil works, but it's like a weak version of adderall.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)16:13:05 No.1404931


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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

Redline is good, Spike is better or at the very least just as good.


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)16:17:20 No.1404938

>>1404366 (OP)
dream market
my x is still not here sad face

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)16:41:57 No.1404988


nice use of the vaguest word possible. that's like saying they're switching to "brain drugs".
care to be more specific? if you have a good source on this I'd be curious

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)17:05:15 No.1405040


powdercity sells phenibut (fucking cycle that motherfucker or you're going to be fucked)
and non-withdrawl/addiction shit like adrafinil (metabolizes into non-script modafinil) and
oxiracetam (racetams are the core of every good nootropic stack) and choline
supplements (necessary for oxiracetam).
try it, but don't get hooked on the phenibut. max. 2-3 times a week or you're going to be in
withdrawl ranging from meh to fuck my life. don't binge on it and don't use it before
consuming alcohol. you will get fucked both ways.

Anonymous (ID: g28cU7c2 ) 07/26/16(Tue)17:22:12 No.1405073

File: 1483.gif (1.59 MB, 325x235)

>>1405094 >>1407511 >>1408603

>mfw he well for the nootropics and racetams meme
Go fuck yourself, dummy.
Addy reigns supreme, nootropics don't even come close.
Modafinil is probably the closest thing you'll come to a cognitive enhancing drug that
actually works even remotely, the bulk of nootropics are placebo or are incredibly difficult
to dose and just a waste of cash. Phenibut is decent but doesn't really help with focus, just

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)17:40:21 No.1405094


You're both retarded. Adderall is an amphetamine and a nootropic drug by definition. It's
literally the first thing on list

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)17:57:43 No.1405126


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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

>It's literally the first thing on list

Any fedora wearing /r/nootropics users don't consider adderall to be a nootropic and it is
widely not considered one.

Anonymous (ID: NUeOM+AK ) 07/26/16(Tue)18:24:47 No.1405170

File: 1462016197580.jpg (115 KB, 550x671)

>>1405546 >>1408290

Anyone experienced with noopept? I think it is less effective than

adderall or modafinil but not illegal in my country and easy to get. Need
something for studying and motivation


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)18:29:19 No.1405181


FUCK Hey do Modafinil pills go bad over time??
Been rationing mine very slow but fuck me if I'm ruining them

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)18:33:52 No.1405192

Do you guys know a drug known as pasiva? Is supposed to be similar to aderall. It's the
only thing I can get while in Colombia.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)19:18:20 No.1405278

It'd be pretty hard to fall for the placebo effect with adderall unless you've never tried it
before... the effects are really noticable

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)19:42:08 No.1405319

No. That anon is a fucking idiot who doesn't understand what half-life is. You could have
pills with expired dates and they would still have 90-95% pharmaceutical efficiency.
There's a few exceptions to this but Modafinil should be stable enough unless you keep it
stashed in a wet and/or hot location.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)20:03:45 No.1405361

Ive done alot of shit from powdercity.
Most important thing is to cycle phenibut HCL, and stay away from tianeptine!
Tianeptine made my heart race for two solid weeks for no reason after using it for a month
Phenylpiracetam was pretty fucking good for working out mixed with caffiene.
Noopept didnt do much for me, aniracetam was meh, piracetam was also meh.
I got modafinil from modafinilcat, good stuff but it just felt like mild adderal or like xanax
without the anti-anxiety/drowsiness side effect.

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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

I dont use any of these products anymore because I think they kind of fuck with your head.

Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)20:16:11 No.1405374


Bumping for answer to ops question also curious

>tfw use to pay top dollar to buy a kids script every month
I got through school while working the night shift shit was cash

Anonymous (ID: 1wTgz4Un ) 07/26/16(Tue)20:41:44 No.1405401

File: 1410972004806.jpg (107 KB, 300x395)
>>1404366 (OP)
you will need a bit of coin and some net


Anonymous (ID:

) 07/26/16(Tue)22:11:50 No.1405546



You live in Brazil, right?

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)22:23:36 No.1405566

> being this ignorant
Okay kid move along now.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/26/16(Tue)22:58:48 No.1405610

Caffine + Ltheanine.
Try one of those your up for the entire day.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)05:59:57 No.1406172


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)16:39:56 No.1407417

i drink heavily every evening, and i just got the modafinil sampler pack from cat. whats the
deal with modalert and drinking once i get home from work? drink to calm my ass down im
so wound up.

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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)17:17:37 No.1407510

they are switching because they want to get rid of the side effects you moron not because it's
not efficient. people tend to make bad decisions rashly when they are high on amphetamines.
army just want's you awake but function normally.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)17:18:39 No.1407511

>Modafinil is probably the closest thing you'll come to a cognitive enhancing drug that
actually works even remotely
sorry to burst your bubble but no there are signs it actually decreases cognitive function
but makes you feel otherwise.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)18:14:57 No.1407613


>>1404366 (OP)
>Addy is pretty much the most /biz/ drug there is.
What is cocain

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)21:01:59 No.1407942

>Where can i legally acquire this restricted substance without the prerequisite prescription,
i.e. breaking the law?
Buy helium instead

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/27/16(Wed)21:26:21 No.1407980

I did cocaine when I wanted to get fucked up and get wild
I did addy when I wanted to get fucked up and study for hours without moving
I would not recommend doing cocaine for something like studying

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)00:19:02 No.1408252

>astronauts and celebs do it so its totally cool!
keep fooling yourself you druggy. It's okay doe, soon people like you will be selling your
computer for drugs and you won't be on this board anymore

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)00:45:37 No.1408290

It boosts mood way beyond placebo for me and makes thinking slightly smoother and
more enjoyable, but did nothing for focus in the slightest.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)04:05:21 No.1408496


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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...

Probably the closest you're going to get.

Adderall is illegal in the us so you need to go the TOR+BTC route.
If you're questioning the legitimacy of modafinilcat go find some reviews

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)04:25:40 No.1408514

>Adderall is illegal in the us so you need to go the TOR+BTC route.
Dumbass post my man. Congrats.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)05:40:57 No.1408566

I started taking Adderall in January, it's really not that amazing, I can waste my time just as
easily on Adderall as I can normally. It does help wake me up which is good because I
don't sleep much. I've lost 13 pounds though from just not wanting to eat. Tried protein
powder and eating shitloads of ice cream and milkshakes but could never gain weight
back. Gonna try creatine loading.

Anonymous (ID: JhjOku1U ) 07/28/16(Thu)05:52:22 No.1408573

File: 1468815115686.jpg (7 KB, 225x225)


>not getting a prescription for Vyvanse, most
based of all drugs
Y'all niggas missing out


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)06:07:51 No.1408582

Get a script I faked ADD and my life has changed for the better.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)06:10:04 No.1408584

Nootropics are trash. If you want to be smart taking some Chinese powders is not the
solution. A 15 minute walk or 30 pushups will do far more than any nootropic. Trust me I
used to do them and tried many out and the effect is placebo. You still are in the same
place and just as tired as without them.

Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)06:13:52 No.1408588

Vyvanse is trash. I went from Concerta (ritalin pretty much) to Vyvanse to Dexedrine.
Vyvanse metabolizes into Dexedrine. The problem though is that the effect is highly
delayed and not consistent. I take two 15mg dex caps a day and you get much smoother
and stronger effects and you get to choose when you want the effects to happen. Vyvanse
is usually take one pill in the morning, wait for the effect and it dies down half way through
the day.

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/biz/ - Where can I buy adderall online without a...


Anonymous (ID:


) 07/28/16(Thu)06:29:53 No.1408603

>the bulk of nootropics are placebo
Noopept has been clinically proven to work.

Anonymous (ID: Nnbdai9z ) 07/28/16(Thu)06:35:39 No.1408606

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>>1404366 (OP)
Is that seriously the packaging?
Fucking americuck pharma, that pills
production is so unnecessary
Ill bet it costs an arm and a leg
>I get mine for free
>Damn it's good to live in nz

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