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Exercise 1: ECG and pulse at rest

1. Today in class, you measured an electrical signal (ECG) produced by the heart. In your
own words, describe as completely as you can the structures and processes that produces
the QRS complex in the ECG you measured today.
During once cardiac cycle, electrical current flows from the SA node through the
atria to the AV node, and then from the AV node through the AV bundle, bundle
branches, and Purkinje fibers to ventricular muscle. For the heart to contract, a
pacemaker potential in the SA node must first reach a threshold by the slow
leakage of sodium and rapid influx of sodium and calcium. The QRS complex is
caused by the potentials generated when the ventricles depolarize before
contraction, that is, as the depolarization wave spreads through the ventricles. It
is also during this wave that the atria repolarize, known as atrial T wave, but is
usually obscured because of the much larger QRS complex.
2. List the physiological processes that take place between the QRS complex and the arrival
of the pulse wave at the finger.
It can be observed from the data that the pulse wave is at its lowest in every
highest peak of the QRS complex. This means that there is a delay in the
recording of the peak of systolic pressure and the pulse wave.
Exercise 2: The Pulse
3. Suggest some reasons for the differences in pulse amplitude from subject to subject.
The differences in pulse amplitude from subject to subject may be because of
factors such as body type or physique, caffeine or stimulant level in the persons
circulatory system, drugs or medications take, stress level, emotional state,
presence of atherosclerosis, presence of disease process such as hypertension,
hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and placement of the finger pulse transducer.
Exercise 3: Palpation of arterial pulses
4. When you feel a pulse, do you feel (a) the blood flow, (b) the pressure wave, or (c) brief
changes in diameter of the artery due to the pressure wave?
The blood flowing through the veins is the physiological process happening when
you feel a pulse.
5. Anatomical sites where a pulse can be palpated often correspond to pressure points for
stopping hemorrhage in first-aid treatment. Why?
Pressure point is referred to as a point where a blood vessel can be compressed
against underlying bone to slow blood flow and control bleeding. These points
often correspond to where a pulse can be palpated and these points are the main
arteries which have greater pressure. By applying pressure to these points, blood

flow will be cut off to the distal part of the pressure point, thus preventing too
much blood loss.
6. Why can ulnar pulse not usually be felt?
All systemic arteries arises branch from the aorta. The ulnar artery arises from
the subclavian artery and the brachial artery. Since blood flowing from the heart
to the ulnar artery, which is distal and smaller, travels longer, the pulse will
already be weak and usually not felt. Anatomically, the ulnar artery is small and
deep, making it harder to be palpated.
7. Doctors are trained to assess various aspects of a pulse: the rate, rhythm, amplitude and
quality. For example, the rate might be 72 beats per minute, rhythm regular or irregular,
amplitude full and quality thread or collapsing. Based on your experiences in the lab
today, which of these parameters do you think would be easy to assess, and which would
be difficult?
The parameters that can be easily examined by palpation on the characteristics of
a pulse would be the rate, rhythm and quality. The amplitude of a pulse is harder
to determine just by palpation because a waveform recording must be recorded in
order to differentiate the amplitude of a pulse.
Exercise 4: Arterial anastomoses in the hand
8. In your own words, describe why the pulse in the fingers disappeared when the brachial
artery was compressed?
The brachial artery is the main artery in the arm and when this is compressed,
blood flow to the more distal upper limb or the forearm and fingers will be cut off
causing the pulse to disappear.
9. Did the pulse disappear completely when the radial or ulnar artery alone was
compressed? If not, why not?
When one of the radial or ulnar artery is compressed, the pulse will not
completely disappear because of anastomoses of the arteries wherein if one area
of supply will be cut off, the other side takes over.
10. There is much anatomical variation from person to person, but in most people, blood flow
to the fingers is derived mainly from the ulnar artery, with a smaller contribution from the
radial artery. On the basis of your results, does the subject seem to conform the general
Yes, the subject conforms to the rule.
Exercise 5: The effect of cold on the pulse
11. In your own words, describe the effect cold had on the pulse?

The effect of cold application on the pulse is to decrease its blood flow and pulse
wave amplitude by causing vasoconstriction of the blood vessel.

12. Many mammals have the ability to restrict blood flow to the extremities in cold
temperatures. Does your data support this general observation?
Yes, the cold application caused vasoconstriction in order to conserve heat of the
body and direct blood to the major organs of the body for optimum functioning
during cold temperatures.

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