Anda di halaman 1dari 26




/* Move generator based on separate Slider/Leaper/Pawn tables .
#define FAKE 3
#define MAXTIM 0
/* For detailed timings (MAXTIM=20) we need assembly routine to read TSC */
#define TIME(A) times[A] += rdtsc()-3;
int times[MAXTIM];
char *(names[MAXTIM])={"pintest", "contact", "castle", "ep-capt", "capture",
"pawns", "leapers", "sliders", "filter", "king ",
", "undo ", "recapt.", "", "", "", "", "total "};
#define TIME(A)
/* Zobris key layout */
#define Zobrist(A,B) (*(long long int *) (Zob[(A)-WHITE] + (B)))
#define XSIZE (8*1024)
union _bucket
struct { // one 32-byte entry
unsigned long long int Signature1;
unsigned long long int Signature2;
unsigned long long int longCount;
unsigned long long int Dummy;
} l;
struct { // two packed 16-byte entries
unsigned long long int Signature[2];
unsigned int Count[2];
unsigned int Extension[2];
} s;
} *Hash, ExtraHash[XSIZE];
/* capture codes */
#define C_ORTH
#define C_DIAG
#define C_KNIGHT 4
#define C_SIDE
#define C_FORW
#define C_FDIAG 0x20
#define C_BACKW 0x40
#define C_BDIAG 0x80
#define C_FERZ
#define C_KING
#define C_ROOK
#define C_PPAWN (C_FDIAG)
#define C_MPAWN (C_BDIAG)

/* board codes
#define WHITE
#define BLACK
#define COLOR
#define GUARD
#define DUMMY
#define PAWNS

(32 per side: each 16 Pieces, 16 Pawns) */


#define NPCE



/* overlays that interleave other piece info in pos[] */

#define kind (pc+1)
#define cstl (pc+1+NPCE)
#define pos (pc+1+NPCE*2)
#define code (pc+1+NPCE*3)
/* Piece counts hidden in the unused Pawn section, indexed by color */
#define LastKnight (code-4)
#define FirstSlider (code-3)
#define FirstPawn (code-2)
#define PUSH(A,B) stack[msp++] = (A)+(B);
/* offset overlays
/* and avoid cache
#define board
#define capt_code
#define delta_vec
tor */

to allow negative array subscripts

collisions of these heavily used arrays */
/* 12 x 16 board: dbl guard band */
/* piece type that can reach this*/
((char *) brd+1+0xBC+0xEF+0x77) /* step to bridge certain vec

int rseed = 87105015;

unsigned long long int accept[30], reject[30], miss[30];
char *Zob[2*NPCE];
unsigned char
pc[NPCE*4+1], /* piece list, equivalenced with various piece info */
/* contains play bord and 2 delta boards */
/* one bit per castling, clear if allowed */
/* piece-number assignment of first row, and piece types */
array[] = {12, 1, 14, 11, 0, 15, 2, 13,
5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 4, 3, 5},
noUnder = 0,
queen_dir[] = {1, -1, 16, -16, 15, -15, 17, -17},
king_rose[] = {1,17,16,15,-1,-17,-16,-15},
knight_rose[] = {18,33,31,14,-18,-33,-31,-14};
char buf[80];
char Keys[1040];
int path[100];

int stack[1024], msp, ep1, ep2, Kmoves, Promo, Split, epSqr, HashSize, HashSecti
unsigned long long int HashKey=8729767686LL, HighKey=1234567890LL, count, epcnt,
xcnt, ckcnt, cascnt, promcnt, nodecount; /* stats */
FILE *f;
clock_t ttt[30];
void board_init(char *b)
{ /* make an empty board surrounded by guard band of uncapturable pieces */
int i;
for(i= -1; i<0xBC; i++) b[i] = (i-0x22)&0x88 ? GUARD : DUMMY;
void delta_init()
{ /* fill 0x88-style attack tables, with capture codes and vectors */
int i, j, k, m, y;
/* contact captures (cannot be blocked) */
capt_code[ 15] = capt_code[ 17] = C_FDIAG;
capt_code[-15] = capt_code[-17] = C_BDIAG;
capt_code[ 1] = capt_code[ -1] = C_SIDE;
capt_code[ 16] = C_FORW;
capt_code[-16] = C_BACKW;
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
{ /* in all directions */
capt_code[knight_rose[i]] = C_KNIGHT;
delta_vec[knight_rose[i]] = knight_rose[i];
/* distant captures (can be blocked) */
k = queen_dir[i];
m = i<4 ? C_ORTH : C_DIAG;
y = 0;
for(j=0; j<7; j++)
{ /* scan along ray */
delta_vec[y+=k] = k;
/* note that first is contact */
if(j) capt_code[y] = m;
void piece_init(void)
{ /* initialize piece list to initial setup */
int i, j, k;
/* initalize piece type and position, in initial setup */
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
{ kind[array[i]+WHITE] =
kind[array[i]] = array[i+8];
= 1;
kind[i+PAWNS+WHITE] = 2;
= i+0x22;
pos[array[i]+WHITE] = i+0x92;
= i+0x32;
pos[i+PAWNS+WHITE] = i+0x82;
/* set capture codes for each piece */

for(i=0; i<NPCE; i++) code[i] = capts[kind[i]];

/* set castling spoilers (King and both original Rooks) */
= WHITE>>2;
= WHITE>>4;
cstl[0 +WHITE] = BLACK;
cstl[12+WHITE] = BLACK>>2;
cstl[13+WHITE] = BLACK>>4;
/* piece counts (can change when we compactify lists, or promote) */
LastKnight[WHITE] = 2;
FirstSlider[WHITE] = 11;
FirstPawn[WHITE] = 16;
LastKnight[BLACK] = 2+WHITE;
FirstSlider[BLACK] = 11+WHITE;
FirstPawn[BLACK] = 16+WHITE;
Zob[DUMMY-WHITE] = Keys-0x22;
void setup(void)
{ /* put pieces on the board according to the piece list */
int i, j, k;
for(i=0; i<WHITE-8; i++)
{ if(pos[i]
) board[pos[i]]
= WHITE + i;
if(pos[i+WHITE]) board[pos[i+WHITE]] = BLACK + i;
char asc[] = ".+pnbrqkxxxxxxxx.P*NBRQKXXXXXXXX";
void pboard(char *b, int n, int bin)
{ /* print board of n x n, in hex (bin=1) or ascii */
int i, j, k;
for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
if(bin) printf(" %2x", b[16*i+j]&0xFF);
printf(" %c", (b[16*i+j]&0xFF)==GUARD ? '-' :
int checker(int col)
int i;
for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
int v = king_rose[i];
int x = pos[col-WHITE] + v;
int piece = board[x];
if((piece & COLOR) == (col^COLOR)) {
if(code[piece-WHITE] & capt_code[-v]) return x;
v = knight_rose[i];
x = pos[col-WHITE] + v;

piece = board[x];
if((piece & COLOR) == (col^COLOR)) {
if(code[piece-WHITE] & capt_code[-v]) return x;
return 0;
#ifndef FEN
int ReadFEN(char *FEN)
int row, file, Piece, i, cc, col, nr;
char c, *p;
/* remove all pieces */
for(i=0; i<NPCE; i++) pos[i] = cstl[i] = 0;
FirstSlider[WHITE] = 0x10;
FirstSlider[BLACK] = 0x30;
LastKnight[WHITE] = 0x00;
LastKnight[BLACK] = 0x20;
FirstPawn[WHITE] = 0x18;
FirstPawn[BLACK] = 0x38;
CasRights = 0;
p = FEN;
for(row=7; row>=0; row--)
{ /* read one row of the FEN */
file = 0;
c = *p++;
if(c>='1' && c<='8') { file += c - '0'; }
col = WHITE;
if(c >= 'a') { c += 'A'-'a'; col = BLACK; }
Piece = BISHOP; cc = 0;
case 'K':
if(pos[col-WHITE] > 0) return -1; /* two kings illegal */
Piece = KING;
nr = col-WHITE;
if(0x20*row == 7*(col-WHITE) && file == 4) cc = (col|col>>2|col>
case 'R': Piece--;
if(0x20*row == 7*(col-WHITE))
/* only Rooks on a1, h1, a8, h8 get castling spoiler */
if(file == 0) cc = col>>2;
if(file == 7) cc = col>>4;
case 'Q': Piece += 2;
case 'B':
if(--FirstSlider[col] <= LastKnight[col]) return(-2);
nr = FirstSlider[col];
case 'P':
if(--FirstPawn[col] < col-WHITE+16) return(-4);

nr = FirstPawn[col];
Piece = col>>5;
case 'N':
if(FirstSlider[col] <= ++LastKnight[col]) return(-3);
nr = LastKnight[col];
Piece = KNIGHT;
default: return -15;
pos[nr] = ((file + 16*row) & 0x77) + 0x22;
kind[nr] = Piece;
code[nr] = capts[Piece];
Zob[nr] = Keys + 128*Piece + (col&BLACK)/8 - 0x22;
cstl[nr] = cc;
CasRights |= cc;
/* remember K & R on original location */
} while(file < 8);
if(file > 8) return -11;
if(file == 8)
{ c = *p++;
if(row > 0 && c != '/') return(-10); /* bad format */
if(row==0 && c != ' ') return -11;
if(pos[0] == 0 || pos[WHITE] == 0) return -5; /* missing king */
/* now do castle rights and side to move */
cc = 0;
while(c = *p++)
if(c>='0' && c<='9') continue; /* ignore move counts */
if(c>='a' && c<='h') /* might be e.p. square */
if(*p == '3' || *p == '6')
epSqr = 0x22 + (*p - '1')*16 + (c - 'a');
} else if(c != 'b') continue;
case 'K': cc |= 0x22; break;
case 'Q': cc |= 0x28; break;
case 'k': cc |= 0x44; break;
case 'q': cc |= 0x50; break;
case 'w': col = WHITE; break;
case 'b': col = BLACK; break;
case ' ':
case '-': break;
default: return -12;
CasRights = (cc & CasRights) ^ 0x7E;
return col;

void move_gen(int color, int lastply, int d)
int i, j, k, p, v, x, z, y, r, m, h;
int savsp, mask, new, forward, rank, prank, xcolor, ep_flag;
int in_check=0, checker= -1, check_dir = 20;
int pstack[12], ppos[12], psp=0, first_move=msp;
/* Some general preparation */
k = pos[color-WHITE];
forward = 48- color;
rank = 0x58 - (forward>>1);
prank = 0xD0 - 5*(color>>1);
ep_flag = lastply>>24&0xFF;
ep1 = ep2 = msp; Promo = 0;


position of my King */
forward step */
4th/5th rank */
2nd/7th rank */

Pintest, starting from possible pinners in enemy slider list

if aiming at King & 1 piece of us in between, park this piece
on pin stack for rest of move generation, after generating its
moves along the pin line.
for(p=FirstSlider[COLOR-color]; p<COLOR-WHITE+16-color; p++)
{ /* run through enemy slider list */
j = pos[p]; /* enemy slider */
if(j==0) continue; /* currently captured */
{ /* slider aimed at our king */
v = delta_vec[j-k];
x = k;
/* trace ray from our King */
while((m=board[x+=v]) == DUMMY);
{ /* distant check detected
in_check += 2;
checker = j;
check_dir = v;
} else
{ /* first on ray from King is ours */
y = x;
while(board[y+=v] == DUMMY);
{ /* our piece at x is pinned! */
/* remove from piece list
/* and put on pin stack
m -= WHITE;
ppos[psp] = pos[m];
pos[m] = 0;
pstack[psp++] = m;
z = x<<8;
{ /* flag promotions */
if(!((prank^x)&0xF0)) z |= 0xA1000000;
y = x + forward;
if(!(v&7)) /* Pawn along file */
{ /* generate non-captures */
{ PUSH(z,y)
y += forward;Promo++;


if(!(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0))
} else
{ /* diagonal pin
/* try capture pinner */
if(y+1==j) { Promo++; PUSH(z,y+1) }
if(y-1==j) { Promo++; PUSH(z,y-1) }
} else
{ /* slider moves along pin ray */
y = x;
do{ /* moves upto capt. pinner*/
y += v;
} while(y != j);
y = x;
while((y-=v) != k)
{ /* moves towards King
/* all pinned pieces are now removed from lists */
/* all their remaining legal moves are generated*/
/* all distant checks are detected
/* determine if opponent's move put us in contact check */
y = lastply&0xFF;
if(capt_code[k-y] & code[board[y]-WHITE] & C_CONTACT)
{ checker = y; in_check++;
check_dir = delta_vec[checker-k];
/* determine how to proceed based on check situation
{ /* purge moves with pinned pieces if in check
msp = first_move;


if(in_check > 2) goto King_Moves; /* double check */

if(checker == ep_flag) { ep1 = msp; goto ep_Captures; }
goto Regular_Moves;
/* generate castlings */
ep1 = msp;

/* generate e.p. captures (at most two)

/* branches are almost always take, e.p. capture is rare */
mask = color | PAWNS;
x = ep_flag+1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);
x = ep_flag-1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);
ep2 = msp;
/* On contact check only King retreat or capture helps
/* Use in that case specialized recapture generator
if(in_check & 1)
xcolor = color^COLOR;
/* check for pawns, through 2 squares on board */
m = color | PAWNS;
z = x = checker; y = x - forward;


if(!((prank^y)&0xF0)) Promo++,z |= 0xA1000000;

if((board[y+1]&m)==m && pos[board[y+1]-WHITE]) PUSH(y+1<<8,z)
if((board[y-1]&m)==m && pos[board[y-1]-WHITE]) PUSH(y-1<<8,z)
for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>color-WHITE; p--)
k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
if(i&m) PUSH(k<<8,x)
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
v = delta_vec[k-x];
y = x;
if(y==k) PUSH(k<<8,x)
} else
/* Basic move generator for generating all moves */
/* First do pawns, from pawn list hanging from list head


mask = color|0x80; /* matches own color, empty square, or guard */

for(p=FirstPawn[color]; p<color-WHITE+PAWNS+8; p++)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;

if(x==0) continue;
/* flag promotions */
if(!((prank^x)&0xF0)) Promo++,z |= 0xA1000000;
/* capture moves */
y = x + forward;
if(!(board[y-1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y-1)
if(!(board[y+1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y+1)
/* non-capture moves */
{ PUSH(z,y)
y += forward;
if(!(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0))
/* e.p. flag */
/* Next do Knights */
for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>color-WHITE; p--)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
/* always 8 direction, unroll loop to avoid branches */
if(!(board[x+14]&color)) PUSH(z,x+14)
if(!(board[x+31]&color)) PUSH(z,x+31)
if(!(board[x+33]&color)) PUSH(z,x+33)
if(!(board[x+18]&color)) PUSH(z,x+18)
if(!(board[x-14]&color)) PUSH(z,x-14)
if(!(board[x-31]&color)) PUSH(z,x-31)
if(!(board[x-33]&color)) PUSH(z,x-33)
if(!(board[x-18]&color)) PUSH(z,x-18)
/* now do sliding pieces */
/* for each ray, do ray scan, and goto next ray when blocked */
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
{ /* scan 4 rook rays for R and Q */
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=1 ])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=1 ])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=16])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=16])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
{ /* scan 4 bishop rays for B and Q */
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=15])&color)) PUSH(z,y)

} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));

} while(!(h&COLOR));

y =
y =
y =

if(!((h=board[y-=15])&color)) PUSH(z,y) } while(!(h&COLOR));
if(!((h=board[y+=17])&color)) PUSH(z,y) } while(!(h&COLOR));
if(!((h=board[y-=17])&color)) PUSH(z,y) } while(!(h&COLOR));

/* remove moves that don't solve distant check by
/* capturing checker or interposing on check ray
for(i=first_move; i<msp; i++) /* go through all moves */
if(delta_vec[(j=stack[i]&0xFF)-k] != check_dir)
stack[i--] = stack[--msp];
{ /* on check ray, could block or capture checker*/
x = k;
x += check_dir;
if(x==j) break;
} while(x != checker);
if(x!=j) { stack[i--] = stack[--msp]; }
/* Generate moves with the always present King */
x = pos[color-WHITE]; z = x<<8;
Kmoves = msp;
/* always 8 direction, unroll loop to avoid branches */
if(!(board[x+1 ]&color)) PUSH(z,x+1)
if(!(board[x+17]&color)) PUSH(z,x+17)
if(!(board[x+16]&color)) PUSH(z,x+16)
if(!(board[x+15]&color)) PUSH(z,x+15)
if(!(board[x-1 ]&color)) PUSH(z,x-1)
if(!(board[x-17]&color)) PUSH(z,x-17)
if(!(board[x-16]&color)) PUSH(z,x-16)
if(!(board[x-15]&color)) PUSH(z,x-15)
/* Put pieces that were parked onto pin stack back in lists */
{ /* pop pinned piece and link in old place it remembers*/
m = pstack[--psp];
pos[m] = ppos[psp];
#if 1
int move_count(int color, int lastply, int d)
int i, j, k, p, v, x, z, y, r, m, h;
int savsp, mask, new, forward, rank, prank, xcolor, ep_flag;
int in_check=0, checker= -1, check_dir = 20;
int pstack[12], ppos[12], psp=0, first_move=msp, myCount=0;

/* Some general preparation */

k = pos[color-WHITE];
forward = 48- color;
rank = 0x58 - (forward>>1);
prank = 0xD0 - 5*(color>>1);
ep_flag = lastply>>24&0xFF;


position of my King */
forward step */
4th/5th rank */
2nd/7th rank */

Pintest, starting from possible pinners in enemy slider list

if aiming at King & 1 piece of us in between, park this piece
on pin stack for rest of move generation, after generating its
moves along the pin line.
for(p=FirstSlider[COLOR-color]; p<COLOR-WHITE+16-color; p++)
{ /* run through enemy slider list */
j = pos[p]; /* enemy slider */
if(j==0) continue; /* currently captured */
{ /* slider aimed at our king */
v = delta_vec[j-k];
x = k;
/* trace ray from our King */
while((m=board[x+=v]) == DUMMY);
{ /* distant check detected
in_check += 2;
checker = j;
check_dir = v;
} else
{ /* first on ray from King is ours */
y = x;
while(board[y+=v] == DUMMY);
{ /* our piece at x is pinned! */
/* remove from piece list
/* and put on pin stack
m -= WHITE;
ppos[psp] = pos[m];
pos[m] = 0;
pstack[psp++] = m;
z = x<<8;


{ /* flag promotions */
if(!((prank^x)&0xF0)) {
z |= 0xA1000000;
y = x + forward;
if(!(v&7)) /* Pawn along file */
{ /* generate non-captures */
{ PUSH(z,y)
y += forward;
if(!(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0))
} else
{ /* diagonal pin
/* try capture pinner */
if(y+1==j) PUSH(z,y+1)
if(y-1==j) PUSH(z,y-1)
} else {

y = x + forward;
if(!(v&7)) /* Pawn along file */
{ /* generate non-captures */
{ myCount++;
y += forward;
myCount += !(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0)
} else
{ /* diagonal pin
/* try capture pinner */
myCount += (y+1==j);
myCount += (y-1==j);
} else
{ /* slider moves along pin ray */
y = x;
do{ /* moves upto capt. pinner*/
y += v;
} while(y != j);
y = x;
while((y-=v) != k)
{ /* moves towards King
/* all pinned pieces are now removed from lists */
/* all their remaining legal moves are generated*/
/* all distant checks are detected
/* determine if opponent's move put us in contact check */
y = lastply&0xFF;
if(capt_code[k-y] & code[board[y]-WHITE] & C_CONTACT)
{ checker = y; in_check++;
check_dir = delta_vec[checker-k];
/* determine how to proceed based on check situation
{ /* purge moves with pinned pieces if in check
msp = first_move; myCount = 0;


if(in_check > 2) goto King_Moves2; /* double check */

if(checker == ep_flag) goto ep_Captures_in_Check;
goto Regular_Moves_in_Check;
/* generate castlings */

/* generate e.p. captures (at most two)
/* branches are almost always take, e.p. capture is rare */
mask = color | PAWNS;
x = ep_flag+1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);
x = ep_flag-1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);
ep2 = msp;
/* On contact check only King retreat or capture helps */
/* Use in that case specialized recapture generator
/* Basic move generator for generating all moves */
/* First do pawns, from pawn list hanging from list head


mask = color|0x80; /* matches own color, empty square, or guard */

for(p=FirstPawn[color]; p<color-WHITE+PAWNS+8; p++)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
/* flag promotions */
if(!((prank^x)&0xF0)) {
z |= 0xA1000000;
/* capture moves */
y = x + forward;
if(!(board[y-1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y-1)
if(!(board[y+1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y+1)
/* non-capture moves (no double-push if promotion!) */
if(!(board[y]&COLOR)) PUSH(z,y)
} else {
/* capture moves */
y = x + forward;
myCount += !(board[y-1]&mask);
myCount += !(board[y+1]&mask);
/* non-capture moves */
{ myCount++;
y += forward;
myCount += !(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0);
/* Next do Knights */

for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>color-WHITE; p--)

x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
/* always 8 direction, unroll loop to avoid branches */
myCount += !(board[x+14]&color);
myCount += !(board[x+31]&color);
myCount += !(board[x+33]&color);
myCount += !(board[x+18]&color);
myCount += !(board[x-14]&color);
myCount += !(board[x-31]&color);
myCount += !(board[x-33]&color);
myCount += !(board[x-18]&color);
/* now do sliding pieces */
/* for each ray, do ray scan, and goto next ray when blocked */
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
{ /* scan 4 rook rays for R and Q */
register int h, y;
y = x; while((h=board[y+=1 ]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y-=1 ]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y+=16]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y-=16]) == DUMMY)
{ /* scan 4 bishop rays for B and Q */
register int h, y;
y = x; while((h=board[y+=15]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y-=15]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y+=17]) == DUMMY)
y = x; while((h=board[y-=17]) == DUMMY)
goto King_Moves2;

myCount++; myCount += !(boar

myCount++; myCount += !(boar
myCount++; myCount += !(boar
myCount++; myCount += !(boar

myCount++; myCount += !(boar

myCount++; myCount += !(boar
myCount++; myCount += !(boar
myCount++; myCount += !(boar

/* generate e.p. captures (at most two)

/* branches are almost always take, e.p. capture is rare */
mask = color | PAWNS;
x = ep_flag+1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);

x = ep_flag-1;
if((board[x]&mask)==mask) PUSH(x<<8,ep_flag^0x10|0xA0000000);
/* On contact check only King retreat or capture helps
/* Use in that case specialized recapture generator
if(in_check & 1)
xcolor = color^COLOR;
/* check for pawns, through 2 squares on board */
m = color | PAWNS;
z = x = checker; y = x - forward;


if(!((prank^y)&0xF0)) {
z |= 0xA1000000;
if((board[y+1]&m)==m && pos[board[y+1]-WHITE]) PUSH(y+1<<8,z)
if((board[y-1]&m)==m && pos[board[y-1]-WHITE]) PUSH(y-1<<8,z)
} else {
myCount += (board[y+1]&m)==m && pos[board[y+1]-WHITE];
myCount += (board[y-1]&m)==m && pos[board[y-1]-WHITE];
for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>color-WHITE; p--)
k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
myCount += (i&m) != 0;
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
v = delta_vec[k-x];
y = x;
myCount += (y==k);
} else
/* Basic move generator for generating all moves */
/* First do pawns, from pawn list hanging from list head


mask = color|0x80; /* matches own color, empty square, or guard */

for(p=FirstPawn[color]; p<color-WHITE+PAWNS+8; p++)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
/* flag promotions */
if(!((prank^x)&0xF0)) Promo++,z |= 0xA1000000;

/* capture moves */
y = x + forward;
if(!(board[y-1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y-1)
if(!(board[y+1]&mask)) PUSH(z,y+1)
/* non-capture moves */
{ PUSH(z,y)
y += forward;
if(!(board[y]&COLOR | (rank^y)&0xF0))
/* forget e.p. flag */
/* Next do Knights */
for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>color-WHITE; p--)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
/* always 8 direction, unroll loop to avoid branches */
if(!(board[x+14]&color)) PUSH(z,x+14)
if(!(board[x+31]&color)) PUSH(z,x+31)
if(!(board[x+33]&color)) PUSH(z,x+33)
if(!(board[x+18]&color)) PUSH(z,x+18)
if(!(board[x-14]&color)) PUSH(z,x-14)
if(!(board[x-31]&color)) PUSH(z,x-31)
if(!(board[x-33]&color)) PUSH(z,x-33)
if(!(board[x-18]&color)) PUSH(z,x-18)
/* now do sliding pieces */
/* for each ray, do ray scan, and goto next ray when blocked */
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
x = pos[p]; z = x<<8;
if(x==0) continue;
{ /* scan 4 rook rays for R and Q */
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=1 ])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=1 ])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=16])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=16])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
{ /* scan 4 bishop rays for B and Q */
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=15])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=15])&color)) PUSH(z,y)
y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y+=17])&color)) PUSH(z,y)

} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));

} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));
} while(!(h&COLOR));

y = x;
do{ if(!((h=board[y-=17])&color)) PUSH(z,y) } while(!(h&COLOR));
/* remove moves that don't solve distant check by
/* capturing checker or interposing on check ray
for(i=first_move; i<msp; i++) /* go through all moves */
if(delta_vec[(j=stack[i]&0xFF)-k] != check_dir)
stack[i--] = stack[--msp];
{ /* on check ray, could block or capture checker*/
x = k;
x += check_dir;
if(x==j) break;
} while(x != checker);
if(x!=j) { stack[i--] = stack[--msp]; }
/* Generate moves with the always present King */
x = pos[color-WHITE]; z = x<<8;
Kmoves = msp;
/* always 8 direction, unroll loop to avoid branches */
if(!(board[x+1 ]&color)) PUSH(z,x+1)
if(!(board[x+17]&color)) PUSH(z,x+17)
if(!(board[x+16]&color)) PUSH(z,x+16)
if(!(board[x+15]&color)) PUSH(z,x+15)
if(!(board[x-1 ]&color)) PUSH(z,x-1)
if(!(board[x-17]&color)) PUSH(z,x-17)
if(!(board[x-16]&color)) PUSH(z,x-16)
if(!(board[x-15]&color)) PUSH(z,x-15)
/* Put pieces that were parked onto pin stack back in lists */
{ /* pop pinned piece and link in old place it remembers*/
m = pstack[--psp];
pos[m] = ppos[psp];
return myCount;
int capturable(int color, int x)
{ /* do full check for captures on square x by all opponen't pieces */
int i, j, k, v, y, m, p;
/* check for pawns, through 2 squares on board */
v = color - 48; m = color | PAWNS;
if((board[x+v+1]&m)==m) return 1;
if((board[x+v-1]&m)==m) return 2;
for(p=LastKnight[color]; p>=color-WHITE; p--)

k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
if(i&m) return p+256;
for(p=color-WHITE+15; p>=FirstSlider[color]; p--)
k = pos[p];
if(k==0) continue;
m = code[p];
i = capt_code[k-x];
v = delta_vec[k-x];
y = x;
if(y==k) return p+512;
return 0;
void leaf_perft(int color, int lastply, int depth, int d)
{ /* recursive perft, with in-lined make/unmake */
int i, j, k, m, x, y, v, h, p, oldpiece, store, myCount;
int first_move, piece, victim, pred, succ, from, to, capt, mode,
pcnr, vicnr, in_check=0, checker= -1, check_dir = 20, legal;
int SavRights = CasRights, lep1, lep2, lkm, flag;
unsigned long long int ocnt=count, SavCnt;
union _bucket *Bucket;
first_move = msp; /* new area on move stack */
legal = 0;
count += move_count(color, lastply, d); /* bulk count, but generate moves th
at need legality checking */
for(i = first_move; i<msp; i++) /* go through all moves */
/* fetch move from move stack */
from = (stack[i]>>8)&0xFF;
to = capt = stack[i]&0xFF;
mode = (unsigned int)stack[i]>>24;
piece = board[from];
{ /* e.p. or castling, usually skipped */
/* e.p.:shift capture square one rank */
if(mode == 0xA0) capt ^= 0x10; else
if(mode == 0xA1)
{ /* Promotion. Shuffle piece list :( */
oldpiece = piece; pos[piece-WHITE]=0;
/* set up for new Queen first */
piece = --FirstSlider[color]+WHITE;
kind[piece-WHITE] = QUEEN;
code[piece-WHITE] = C_QUEEN;
Zob[piece-WHITE] = Keys + 128*QUEEN + (color&BLACK)/8 - 0x22;

pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
{ /* castling, determine Rook move */
j = mode - 0xB0 + from;
h = from+to >> 1;
/* abort if Rook in check
if(capturable(color^COLOR, h)) continue;
/* move Rook
board[h] = board[j];
board[j] = DUMMY;
pos[board[h]-WHITE] = h;
victim = board[capt];
CasRights |= cstl[piece-WHITE] | cstl[victim-WHITE];
/* perform move, in piece list and on board */
/* update board position */
board[capt] = board[from] = DUMMY;
board[to] = piece;
/* update piece location in piece list
pos[piece-WHITE] = to;


/* remove captured piece from piece list */

pos[victim-WHITE] = 0;
count += !capturable(color^COLOR, pos[color-WHITE]);
/* retract move */
/* restore piece list */
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
pos[victim-WHITE] = capt;
/* restore board */
board[to] = DUMMY;
board[capt] = victim;
board[from] = piece;

/* restore board */

if((unsigned int) stack[i]>=0xA1000000) /* was castling or prom */

{ if(mode==0xA1)
if(noUnder) {
piece =oldpiece;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
board[from] = piece;
} else
if(--kind[piece-WHITE] >= KNIGHT)
if(kind[piece-WHITE] == KNIGHT)
{ /* Knight must be put in Knight list */
piece = ++LastKnight[color]+WHITE;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
kind[piece-WHITE] = KNIGHT;
Zob[piece-WHITE] = Keys + 128*KNIGHT

+ (color&BLACK)/8 - 0x22;
} else Zob[piece-WHITE] -= 128;
code[piece-WHITE] = capts[kind[piece-WHITE]];
goto minor; /* try minor promotion */
} else
{ /* All promotions tried, demote to Pawn again */
kind[piece-WHITE] = QUEEN; /* put Q back for hash store */
piece = oldpiece; LastKnight[color]--;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
board[from] = piece;
} else
{ /* undo Rook move */
board[j] = board[h];
board[h] = DUMMY;
pos[board[j]-WHITE] = j;
CasRights = SavRights;
msp = first_move; /* throw away moves */
void perft(int color, int lastply, int depth, int d)
{ /* recursive perft, with in-lined make/unmake */
int i, j, k, m, x, y, v, h, p, oldpiece, store;
int first_move, piece, victim, pred, succ, from, to, capt, mode,
pcnr, vicnr, in_check=0, checker= -1, check_dir = 20, legal;
int SavRights = CasRights, lep1, lep2, lkm, flag, Index;
unsigned long long int ocnt=count, OldKey = HashKey, OldHKey = HighKey, SavC
union _bucket *Bucket;
first_move = msp; /* new area on move stack */
legal = 0;
move_gen(color, lastply, d); /* generate moves */
lep1 = ep1; lep2 = ep2; lkm = Kmoves; flag = depth == 1 && !Promo;
count += Kmoves - first_move - ep2 + ep1; /* bulk count */
for(i = flag ? ep1 : first_move; i<msp; i++) /* go through all moves */
if(i == lep2 & flag) { i = lkm; if(i >= msp) break; }
/* fetch move from move stack */
from = (stack[i]>>8)&0xFF;
to = capt = stack[i]&0xFF;
mode = (unsigned int)stack[i]>>24;
path[d] = stack[i];
piece = board[from];
Index = 0;
{ /* e.p. or castling, usually skipped */

/* e.p.:shift capture square one rank */

if(mode < 0xA0)
{ if(((board[to+1]^piece) & (COLOR|PAWNS)) == COLOR ||
((board[to-1]^piece) & (COLOR|PAWNS)) == COLOR)
Index = mode * 76265;
} else
if(mode == 0xA0) capt ^= 0x10; else
if(mode == 0xA1)
{ /* Promotion. Shuffle piece list :( */
oldpiece = piece; pos[piece-WHITE]=0;
/* set up for new Queen first */
piece = --FirstSlider[color]+WHITE;
kind[piece-WHITE] = QUEEN;
code[piece-WHITE] = C_QUEEN;
Zob[piece-WHITE] = Keys + 128*QUEEN + (color&BLACK)/8 - 0x22;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
HashKey ^= Zobrist(piece, from) ^ Zobrist(oldpiece, from);
HighKey ^= Zobrist(piece, from+8) ^ Zobrist(oldpiece, from+8);
Index += 14457159; /* prevent hits by non-promotion moves */
{ /* castling, determine Rook move */
j = mode - 0xB0 + from;
h = from+to >> 1;
/* abort if Rook in check
if(capturable(color^COLOR, h)) continue;
/* move Rook
board[h] = board[j];
board[j] = DUMMY;
pos[board[h]-WHITE] = h;
HashKey ^= Zobrist(board[h],h) ^ Zobrist(board[h],j);
HighKey ^= Zobrist(board[h],h+8) ^ Zobrist(board[h],j+8);
victim = board[capt];
CasRights |= cstl[piece-WHITE] | cstl[victim-WHITE];
{ if(piece != color && mode < 0xA0)
{ count++; goto quick; }
} else if(HashFlag)
SavCnt = count;
HashKey ^= Zobrist(piece,from) /* key update for normal move */
^ Zobrist(piece,to)
^ Zobrist(victim,capt);
HighKey ^= Zobrist(piece,from+8) /* key update for normal move */
^ Zobrist(piece,to+8)
^ Zobrist(victim,capt+8);
Index += (CasRights << 4) +color*919581;
if(depth>2) {
path[d] = stack[i];
if(depth > 7) { // the count will not fit in 32 bits
if(depth > 9) {
int i = HashSection, j = depth-9;
while(j--) i >>= 1;
Bucket =
Hash + (Index + ((int) HashKey) & i) + 7 * Hash
Section + i;
} else
Bucket =
Hash + (Index + ((int) HashKey) & HashSection)

+ (depth-3) * HashSection;
if(Bucket->l.Signature1 == HighKey && Bucket->l.Signature2 == H
{ count += Bucket->l.longCount; accept[depth]++;
goto quick;
goto minor;
Bucket =
Hash + (Index + ((int) HashKey) & HashSection)
+ (depth-3) * HashSection;
} else Bucket = ExtraHash + (Index + ((int) HashKey) & XSIZE-1);
store = (HashKey>>32) & 1;
if(Bucket->s.Signature[store] == HighKey && (Bucket->s.Extension[sto
re] ^ (HashKey>>32)) < 2)
{ count += Bucket->s.Count[store]; accept[depth]++;
Bucket->s.Extension[store] &= ~1;
Bucket->s.Extension[store^1] |= 1;
goto quick;
if(Bucket->s.Signature[store^1] == HighKey && (Bucket->s.Extension[s
tore^1] ^ (HashKey>>32)) < 2)
{ count += Bucket->s.Count[store^1]; accept[depth]++;
Bucket->s.Extension[store^1] &= ~1;
Bucket->s.Extension[store] |= 1;
goto quick;
reject[depth]++; // miss;
if(Bucket->s.Extension[store^1] & 1) store ^= 1;
/* perform move, in piece list and on board */
/* update board position */
board[capt] = board[from] = DUMMY;
board[to] = piece;
/* update piece location in piece list
pos[piece-WHITE] = to;


/* remove captured piece from piece list */

pos[victim-WHITE] = 0;
if((piece != color && mode != 0xA0) ||
!capturable(color^COLOR, pos[color-WHITE]))
/* recursion or count end leaf */
if(depth == 2) leaf_perft(COLOR-color, stack[i], depth-1, d+1);
else perft(COLOR-color, stack[i], depth-1, d+1);
if(depth > 7) { //large entry
Bucket->l.Signature1 = HighKey;
Bucket->l.Signature2 = HashKey;
Bucket->l.longCount = count - SavCnt;
} else { // packed entry
Bucket->s.Signature[store] = HighKey;
Bucket->s.Extension[store] = (HashKey>>32) & ~1; // eras
e low bit


= count - SavCnt;

/* retract move */
/* restore piece list */
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
pos[victim-WHITE] = capt;
/* restore board */
board[to] = DUMMY;
board[capt] = victim;
board[from] = piece;

/* restore board */

if((unsigned int) stack[i]>=0xA1000000) /* was castling or prom */
{ if(mode==0xA1)
if(noUnder) {
piece =oldpiece;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
board[from] = piece;
} else
if(--kind[piece-WHITE] >= KNIGHT)
HashKey ^= Zobrist(piece, to);
HighKey ^= Zobrist(piece, to+8);
if(kind[piece-WHITE] == KNIGHT)
{ /* Knight must be put in Knight list */
piece = ++LastKnight[color]+WHITE;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
kind[piece-WHITE] = KNIGHT;
Zob[piece-WHITE] = Keys + 128*KNIGHT
+ (color&BLACK)/8 - 0x22;
} else Zob[piece-WHITE] -= 128;
code[piece-WHITE] = capts[kind[piece-WHITE]];
HashKey ^= Zobrist(piece, to);
HighKey ^= Zobrist(piece, to+8);
goto minor; /* try minor promotion */
} else
{ /* All promotions tried, demote to Pawn again */
kind[piece-WHITE] = QUEEN; /* put Q back for hash store */
piece = oldpiece; LastKnight[color]--;
pos[piece-WHITE] = from;
board[from] = piece;
} else
{ /* undo Rook move */
board[j] = board[h];
board[h] = DUMMY;
pos[board[j]-WHITE] = j;
HashKey = OldKey;
HighKey = OldHKey;
CasRights = SavRights;

msp = first_move; /* throw away moves */
/* For split perft uncomment the following line */
if(d <= Split && d > 1)
int i; clock_t t = clock();
sprintf(buf, "%10lld", count-ocnt);
printf("%d. ", d);
fprintf(f, "%d. ", d);
for(i=1; i<d; i++) {
printf("%c%c%c%c ",
'a'+(path[i]-0x2222>> 8&7),
'1'+(path[i]-0x2222>> 4&7) );
fprintf(f, "%c%c%c%c ",
'a'+(path[i]-0x2222>> 8&7),
'1'+(path[i]-0x2222>> 4&7) );
printf("moves = %s (%6.3f sec)\n", buf, (t - ttt[d])*(1./CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
fprintf(f, "moves = %s (%6.3f sec)\n", buf, (t - ttt[d])*(1./CLOCKS_PER_
SEC)); fflush(f);
ttt[d] = t;
char *FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w QKqk",
*Fritz = "r3r1k1/1pq2pp1/2p2n2/1PNn4/2QN2b1/6P1/3RPP2/2R3KB b - -";
int Dep = 6;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, j, k, Col;
clock_t t;
double sumx=0, sumx2=0, tot=0;
if(argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-u")) {
argc--; argv++; noUnder = 1;
if(argc > 1 && sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &Dep)==1 && Dep > 0)
{ argc--; argv++; } else
{ printf("Usage is: perft <depth> [H<hash size>] [-<split depth>] [<FEN st
<hash size> = 20 gives you 2^20 = 1M entries (16MB)\n"
if(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == 'H' && sscanf(argv[1]+1, "%d", &HashSize) == 1)
HashSection = (1<<HashSize-3) - 1; HashSize = (1<<HashSize) - 2;
Hash = (union _bucket *) calloc(HashSize+4, sizeof(union _bucket) );
Hash = (union _bucket *) (((int)Hash) + 63 & ~63);

printf("Hash-table size = %x, Starts at %x,section = %x\n", HashSize+1,

Hash, HashSection);
for(i=128; i<1040; i++) Keys[i] = rand()>>6;
argc--; argv++;
if(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-' && sscanf(argv[1]+1, "%d", &Split) == 1)
argc--; argv++; } else Split = 0;
if(argc > 1) FEN = argv[1];
Col = ReadFEN(FEN);
pboard(board, 12, 0);
if(Col < 0)
{ printf("Bad FEN '%s', error code = %d\n", FEN, Col); exit(0); }
printf("Quick Perft by H.G. Muller\n");
printf("Perft mode: ");
if(HashFlag) printf("Hash-table size = %d%cB",
(HashSize+2) >> (HashSize<64*1024 ? 6: 16),
HashSize<64*1024 ? 'k' : 'M' );
printf("No hashing");
printf(", bulk counting in horizon nodes\n\n");
f = fopen("log.txt", "a");
fprintf(f, "perft %d -%d\n", Dep, Split);
for(i=1; i<=Dep; i++)
int n;
int lastPly = ((epSqr^16)<<24) + checker(Col);
t = clock();
count = epcnt = xcnt = ckcnt = cascnt = promcnt = 0;
for(j=0; j<10; j++) accept[j] = reject[j] = 0, ttt[j] = t;
if(i == 1) leaf_perft(Col, lastPly, i, 1); else
perft(Col, lastPly, i, 1);
t = clock()-t;
sprintf(buf, "%12lld", count);
printf("perft(%2d)= %s (%6.3f sec)\n", i, buf, t*(1./CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

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