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P 0 Box 567

Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Princeton, IN 47670

Princeton, Indiana 47670

Permit #193

October 15, 1982




Wilkersons are

now missionaries to

"^Sharlotte Ray

the Philippines.


Missions Services Assn'

Box 262?

Knoxvilie", TN-3'?901

Forwarding Agent

Make checks payable to G.T.O. ear-marked for Wilkerson's.



Leslie Writes...

"Greetings from the Wilkerson's in the Philippine Islands.

Nairobi was hindered somewhat.

to charge us $600 overweight.

Our luggage was overweight.

Our departure from

The airlines were going

I told them, I cannot pay that much money, so they

directed me to the air control manager of Pakistan Airlines.

He said we would have

to pay, but I said. Forget it! We'll leave the excess weight in the airport.
We were trying to work this problem out from 8:00 Pfi until 11:30 PM, When we were
finally checked in, all our luggage v;as checked on too. So we arrived in Manila
on Saturday. Sept. 4, at 6:30 AH. We checked thru custoines and immigrations with
no problems. It was much easier than I thought it would be. From the airport we
hired a Jeepney to take us to Cavite City, where we are staying with Rosie's mother
temporarily. I have written to Manila Bible Seminary asking for help on how and
where to cash our support check, and where and how we can be used here in the
Philippines. Things are slow right now. We are not doing much for the building up
of the kingdom. This letter is mostly for letting you know we have arrived safely
and physically we are fine. The children emotionally are not to good. There has
been a lot of change in two months. Pray for them, and for Rosie and I to have more

love and patience for them.

-the next letter.

I do have some pictures and slides taken in Africa in

Till ..then, God is. wonderful.. Les Wilkerson,". _ _ .

SEPTEMBER 6 Bits and pieces of letter from Director of Christian Fellowship Outreach
Samuel Wandendeya, a national Ugandian.
Christian greetings to you...I am sorry
to mention this to you about our brother Leslie Wilkerson and his family...After
observing this, we suggested to Bro. Leslie to take her to Philippines so that she
may be near home and change...We in C.F.O. give honor and glory to Jesus who through

him, you and the brothers sponsored Bro. Leslie to come to Uganda,
is bad for he Is the one who caused all this through his wife.

I know the devil

Our prayer is that

one day the Lord will bring him back again to Uganda. While he was here, the Lord
was using him much. He was baptizing people everyday and many were coming to know
the Lord through him. We feel so sorry to have lost him. Send our love to those
who were concerned with sponsoring our dear brother and his family to Uganda.
Yours in his service...Bro. Wandendeya"

SEPTEMBER 29 "Dear Larry, Received your letter and was glad to hearfrom you. The
September Newsletter was very efficient. We continually give thanks for the support
coming in...We have petitioned the Lord for the specific needs to repay you. so

get ready because we prayed believing God was going to provide. Also prayed our GMC

Van would be sold so that money could go to repay the loan for our tickets. Yes,
take out money every month, no problem, for the loan and what you can send us of the
remainder, we will survive on response to the letter you received from
Bro. Kabi, I did not baptize all those people...John Hamilton baptized some and
a brother in Christ from M'Bale, Patrick, baptized some. Yes, God did use us while
we were there! Amen!!! But unfortunately, Bro. Kabi is not recognized by the

Government of Uganda so he could not be of much help to us for returning.

I have

not heard from Samuel or A1 yet, so don't know if they want me to return now. but my

own personal feeling is that Bro. Simon sort of exaggerated a little bit, so don t

count too much on his letter. Simon lived with us while we stayed in Uganda.
Thanks for the news about the School and of Princeton Christian Church. I also

prayed that our mutual trials will make us all trust God more and not destroy what
faith we have.

Princeton Christian Church is loved by God, and so are you.


you all for your support, faithfulness to us, prayers and everything else...
We are getting settled in now. We have made contact and are fellowshipping
with the Church of Christ here in Cavite City.

There are two congregations here

and many more throughout the area. Yesterday, a Philippine Preacher and I went to

Manila Bible Seminary and met M/M Hale, v^ho have been missionaries here for 42 years.

-PAGE l-


Then we met with a man who knew you, Ron SHoffman. He was wondering why you didn't
send him a letter letting him know we were coming. But I said the decision, trip,
and the burden was so great that you probably forgot. So, now you will receive a
letter from hirn, joking around with you. (Editor's note: Ron and I were in College
together at Cincinnati.) Well, anyway, Bro. Ron assured me as long as our support
comes in we are welcome to work with the Philippines Mission Churches of Christ of
Central Luzon.


Rosie and I will have a conference with him, Tuesday, October 5, for him to learn
more about me, and also for Rosie to get some ideas from his wife, who has lived
here since she was nine years old. The idea is to help us not make the same

mistakes we made in Uganda. You might think, "Shouldn't Rosie know already being
a native Philippino?" Well, Rosie wasn't a Christian then as she is now, and she
has spent the past 12 years in America. So I am being the wiser this time, and
seeking advice from Philippino preachers and evangelists. They work hand in hand
with Bro. Ron Hoffman, so advice and direction will be coming from him also.
VeSj Larry, I know Charles Littell needs help, but it seems to be more expensive
down there than here. We are going to remain here until things work out differently.
We are all fine and looking forward to a fruitful ministry for the Lord in the

Philippine Islands. I say this in closing, TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE GREAT THINGS

Yours in Christ, Leslie Wilkerson."


"TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Dear Larry, Please send the Wilkerson Family back

to M'Bale, Uganda, East Africa. We would like to hear Mr. Wilkerson's good news of
Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ died for unbelievers.

We really would like Mr. Wilkerson to come back, and we believe the Wilkerson's
will do good work for the Lord God. Rosie has been helping the ladies and
Mr. Wilkerson kept on preaching the good news.
We could not believe it when we first met the Wilkerson's.

Rosie was speaking

to everybody freely, unlike some Whites who never spoke to us. The Wilkerson family
is very friendly. When we are with them, we feel very free and happy. They really
want to do the Lord Jesus Christ's work. We will be waiting for the Wilkerson to
return. We had known them very well just in one month.

Mirian Tenuity, P 0 Box 1514, M'Bale, Uganda."


Leslie has about $1,000 per month raised. His airplane tickets from Uganda

to Philippines were $4,468. Thanks to the extra support and gifts sent, Leslie now
is in the red, $1,351.58. A check for $750 was sent to himOctober 7, for his

October support. Leslie agreed with me to send him only this amount until the loan
is re-paid.

So, the situation is thus: Wilkerson's are living with her mother, and have

no vehicle, and only $750 per month income until the loan is paid. Please help them
as you can and are led by God to do so.

Dear Christian brothers arid sisters in Christ,

This is the time of year that people begin to get all happy and cheerful, sing

songs, buy gifts, and bake cookies. Things are no different here in the Philippines.
There are manger scenes, angels. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year signs everywhere!
The only thing missing is the cold, ice and snow, but that doesn't bother us one bit!
We are continually thanking God for your support, and letters. Your letters,
as well as the support you send us, are sources of encouragement. Several of you
have asked me "What can we do to help you?"
#1. We need Bibles; and they can be bought here, even in Tagolog language.
So, funds for Bibles is my #1 need.
#2. Personally, I need some Bible dictionaries, and concordance.
#3. We need prayer for these new ministires, and especially the new church work
at Kawit Cavite, which is about 10 miles from Cavite City; the establishment of our
GTO Christian Mission here.


We need funds as the mission must grow and so will it's expenses.

November starts out with "FIESTA".

This festive time is sort of Tike the New

Orleans "Mardi Gras". The Spanish introduced Fiesta way back when they controlled
the Islands. The Christians do not observe Fiesta entirely for obvious reasons. But
they do get together and share a meal. Nov. 1, the custom is for the people to go
to the graveyards and pay respect to their dead. They spend the whole day there,
from early morning up to 10 PM.
Rosie and the children are fine and continue to adjust to their new home. The
children are even learning some basic words and phrases in Filipino. The people here

enjoy very much to hear them speak. I am trying to take Tagolog lessons as I have
been advised. My problem is this. When I am invited to preach and evangelize, I say
YES to that, and NO to language study. I know that learning the language would help
me be more effective, but I am torn between that and what I am really here for!!
The weather here is supposed to be WINTER! It is hot, sunshine, and more drier
than usual. If this is winter, you could fool me!
I continue in my preaching and teaching. I traveled to Balanga, Bataan, the
capital of Bataan, with Bro. Ben Sales, and visited the Church of Christ there,
enroute to the city of Mariveles. At Mariveles we worked with the Church for 5ive
days in preaching and evangelism. It is about 100 miles from Cavite City. One of
the Elders of the Church is Commander Reuben Roy of the Philippine Navy Intelligence
Office. He suggested we try to get aid from USA Base at Olongapo City. Possibily
we can get a car free or at a very Tow price; so we have written a letter. Returning
to Balanga, we learned the Church there had been started by David Lubog, Filipino,
who had studied in California. The congregation is about 5 years old, and has about
60 or 70 members. The building was built by the Lubog family. Back home in Cavite
City, we continued our work, branching out also to establish the new church at Kawit
Cavite. November has been a busy month for us. I noticed I was putting on a little
extra weight, so I started exercising and making an effort to slim down a bit.
November 25 thru December 5 was spent back at Mariveles Bataan preaching, and
enjoying God's wonderful creation. Bataan is a very beautiful place here in the
Philippine Islands with its mountains, and beaches, but it is becoming more and more
industrialized, thus making the future Church work look very good. Also, there is
a group of original Philippinos, a minority tribe, who have never been reached with
the gospel. They have been treated like the American Indian sorta, by the rest of
the population. We intend to reach them if possible.

Well, this brings November to an end and December and a new year into sight!
How time is getting away from us!! May God be our strength and guide as this hew
year begins, that our desire will still be to serve Him till Jesus Comes. The
Wilkerson family wish you all a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We
close with the words of Romans 16:24-27:

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Now to
him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the
preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery
which has been kept secret for long ages past, but now is manifested,
and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to tbe commandment
of the eternal God, has been made known to all the nations, leading
to obedience of faith; to the only wise God through Jesus Christ, be
glory forever.


Yours in Christ,
Leslie, Rosie, Bob, Leslie Jr., Debbie and Marcia Wilkerson,
Missionaries to the Philippine Islands
Send Funds to:

GTO Christian Missions

Box 567

Princeton, In. 47670




Published jointly by:


Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Princeton, IN 47670


Permit #193


P 0 Box 567

Princeton, In 47670


Larry W. Jamison

Sharlotte Ray

Evangelist, Editor and

Missions Services Assn

Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901

GTO Director


GTO Missionary to Philippines


GTO Missionary to Haiti




The actual trip will be from January 3 thru Feb. 4, 1983. Walter Brewer, the

Evangelist at Farmdale Church of Christ in Barboursville, West Virginia, and I will

share this trip together. From Jan 3 thru 17, we will be in Kerala State, working
with P.V. Alexander, in the land where oral tradition says that the Apostle Thomas,

the one called Doubting, was a missionary from AD 52 to 82. From Jan 17 to 24, we'll
be with Art Morris, in Madras, where the Apostle Thomas by oral tradition is said
to have been killed and is buried. Jan 24 we will fly to Rangoon, Burma, and work
with Edward Bill until Feb 4, at which time we will return to the States.

During the day, our task will be to teach in our Bible Colleges. Evenings we
will be preaching in crusades or in the Churches. We have asked, and continue to
ask, for your daily prayers for our missionary trip.

Thank you so very much for all the Christmas Cards, letters, and financial

support for this trip. I appreciate each one of you for your help. I really did not
Expect to g^ enough moneys to go, and"^s prepafi^ T^o 1)orrow additional necessary
funds. I felt like with all the people we hear of out of jobs, and Increasing prices

and lay-offs, etc. that I would not be given enough funds. I am ashamed. My faith
was weak. Thank you for the wonderful out-pouring of support you sent me in the name
of Jesus!

STEVEN WRIGHT, KEVIN TINCHER, and BARNEY DARRAH are preparing to lead the

services. Steve will preach each AM Church service. Kevin will preach each PM

Church service, and Barney will teach the Wednesday Bible Study. KENNY WHITE will
drive the BUS for me, so please call him (385-2783) with Bus information.
The Monthly Men's meeting will take place Jan 3 with Bro. Barney as acting
chairman and a pictorial directory program scheduled. New boxes of offering
envelopes for 1983 are being passed outget yours this Sunday. February is
scheduled for our STEWARDSHIP MONTH, and March is scheduled for LEADERSHIP and
MEMBERSHIP ROUND-UP MONTH. Since this is the last newsletter you will get until the

first of February, we wanted to announce these things for your information.




"Churchgoers today are 'theologically illiterate,'" says Luthern minister. (A

recent Christianity Today Gallup survey showed that while 84% of Americans believe
the Ten Commandments are still valid, more than half could not even identify fiye of
them.) Preachers have less time in which to do the explaining too. Donald Macleod,
who has taught homiletics at Princeton for 32 years, says, "The minds of listeners
are geared to TV and the 30 second commercial." While Macleod insists on an
18 minute maximum, in former times SERMONS WOULD RUN FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR!

(Time 12/31/79) Sermonettes produce Biblical illiterates who go stand on the Church
steps and smoke their cigarettes, but deny the power thereof in their daily Christian
lives because of their attitude toward the preached WORD OF GOD! We need a revival

of the pulpit to achieve a revival of the pew!

I knew I should have been born years ago when preaching did not interfer with

peoples watching TV! Maybe we have gone too far down the liberal road to ever return

as many are saying. The Bible says, "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching
to save them that believe!" Maybe God was wrong! Do you suppose??? Could it be
that people who cannot stand to hear more than 18 minutes of God's Word really want
to go to an ETERNITY of hearing God's Word?

Non-profit Organization
U.Si Postage Paid
Princeton, In 47670

December 9, 1982
P. 0, Box 567

Permit #193

Princeton, IN 47670

Forwarding Agent: .

LarryAV. Jamison

dec 1 3 1982

P 0 Box 567

Princeton, In 47670

Leslie & Rosie Wilkerson

^Alexandra Enriques

208 F, Manalac, San.Rogue



Cavite City, Philippines 2705

Make checks payable to G.T.O, ear-marked for Wilkerson's,

^'SLE'KINt^ to ObEV the Great commission and take the gospel into ALL THE NATIONS!" ""
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

Nov. 1, 1982

Our thanks to all who continue to pray and send us missionary support to help us
remain in the Philippines. We praise God and thank Him daily for Christians like
yourselves who give sacrifically for the Lord's work; God is noticing and will bless.
In, my ,-last letter I wrote "things uere slow." Well, things have changed! I
mentioned that our children were not doing too good emotionally, but I am certainly
glad to report that with your prayers, they are adjusting just fine and are pretty
well content with being here. I have been teaching, or should I say, helping with
their schooling. Because their bocks are self-explained, all they have to do Is
follow the directions, I am helping by keeping them motivated, v/hich they don't like
to good! Ha! It is our intention to enroll them in the public school system here.
Most all schools here teach in English because it is becoming a universal language.
At the same time, they will learn "Tagolog", which is the Philippine national
language. The school year begins in June and ends in March, so we will enroll them
this coming June and until then. Daddy will be their helper.

As we get settled, v;e have been serving with the Cavite City Church of Christ,
The first Sunday I preached, Miss Patricia Elma came forward to be baptized. Sept 29
I conducted a.funeral, and the Christians requested I preach a sermon so those in the
audience not saved would hear the gospel, so I did!
Many questions are asked of us such as: How long are you going to stay? Where
are we from in the States? How did you meet Rosie? What are the Christians like
in America?

We answered as best we could.

The Philippinos are fond of hospitality, so we have been Invited into many homes
since our arrival, which Rosie and I have enjoyed greatly. There are such variety
of foods as fish, rice, steak, potatoes, and they have McDonalds, Pizza Hut,
Dairy Queen, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dunkin Donuts, and Chinese Resturants. So, the
food situation here is not at all like it was in Uganda. But as Phil 4:12,13 says,
we know both how to live humbly and in prosperity; being filled, and going hungry.
Personal Evangelism is done Sunday thru Saturday here, with Monday as a day of

relaxing and trying to get ready for the next week's work. Our door to door evangel
ism has been paying off. We baptized 4 last week. Their names are much different
than in the states: Susan A Gabriel, Japhet A Bautista, Lucena D Pagtakhan, and
Ferlyn B. Reyes. They are now your brothers in Christ. Bro. Ben of the Caradad
Church of Christ and I have beeti talking about starting a new church in a new area
that no one has reached yet. There is also another congregation, the San Antonia
Church of Christ in Cavite City. I preached there Oct 10, and two more came for
baptism into Christ.
We spend a lot of time calling on back-slidders. We visit in homes where the
Christians are not faithful; like not around the Lord's Table for months. So as
God instructed us in Galatians 6:1-10, we sought to restore them in the faith, and

after prayer and instruction, go our way. As a result, some have returned to the
fellowship, and some have not. Same Devil alive here too!
I preached at Maradad on Oct. 17, and that afternoon, Bro. Ben and some ladies
of the Church (Beth, Gloria, Abigale and Marybeth) came to Alexandra Enriques house,
(Rosie's mother) to conduct a Bible Class for the neighborhood children. There were
30, including mine, and they had songs, prayer, and the story of the Prodigal Son.
The children sang the songs they learned the whole rest of the day. As a result, now
the parents want us to come back for a Bible Class for them, so we planned one for
each Tuesday from 4:00 until 5:00 PM.

October 18 we took another trip to Manila to see Ron Hoffman, and to see about
getting our GTO check cashed. When we arrived, Ron was busy getting ready for a trip
to America for a special meeting in Illinois. So, he could not help us, but we
got it cashed in Cavite anyway, thanks to Rosie. Ron was afraid of dishonest people
in the marketplace, so we had cashed our earlier checks at the Philippine Mission
Bank. During our visit, I got awfully sick, so Rosie gave me two aspirns and put
me to bed for the night. The next day I was better, and we went on our way.
In spite of all this, I am taking time for my family too. We have talks, walks,
and squawks, but still remain a family, seeking to please God with our lives and
actions and with His help and love, we shall be what He wants us to be; Romans 8:lff.

...sorry to hear that some in the Uganda Christian Fellowship say and trying
to make me look badly, but the Lord knows what is in my heart...I think it best for
me to just keep mouth closed...I really love to go back Uganda. The people is
wonderful. Nice to work with. But why is always whoever the head or the big person
mades it look like the poor is small and the rich is big shot!? I rather be in
Uganda. Leslie baptizing more people everyday and Uganda is coming back to God.
The way they show it on TV is so different from the way it is...
...Leslie and kids are suppose to leave the Philippines because American
citizens are only suppose to stay 59 days, but because I am still Filipino citizen,
it is okay for them to stay, I've been going to imigration offices and we have to
pay almost $400 for Leslie and our kids to stay in the Philippines. Right now I am
so happy I did not become American citizen, as I was going to but there was a mix
up in papers. God knew. Right now I am keep going to Manila trying to fix the
visas for Leslie and kids...

...Leslie and I, we get along just fine. The kids are UK. We going to keep
on preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ...for a while I was down and feeling so
low, but I thank Jesus, he took my hand and eased my mind, I was astray but Jesus
show me the way, and now I am better every day...the time I spent in Uganda, confused
and didn't know what to do...I almost gave up, but Jesus gave me hope...thanks to
Jesus my days are bright again and I am not afraid to face my Christian friends again
because Jesus taught me how to be strong. Larry, this is how I feel when we left
Uganda, but everything is alright now...Love, Rosie.

write a letter of recommendation...''The officers and members of the Church of

Christ located at P. Burgos Street, Caridad, Cavite City, have been very happy and
spiritually alive since the arrival of the family of Bro. Leslie Dale Wilkerson. He
has been working with the local church in its Personal Evangelism program, house to
house Bible studies and in opening a Sunday School class for children in their

residence. Five souls have been brought to Christ since September 19, to the present.
We hope and pray that this family will stay longer in the Philippines for they can
really be of great help in sharing the good news to others, thus bringing more souls
INDIANA FROM ELDERS: Benjamin Villanueva, Agapito Canlas and Benicno Sales, Jr.
Thanks to extra support, WILKERSON'S NOW HAVE THEIR LOAN REPAYED for their
airplane tickets from Uganda!!! On Dec. 1, I sent them their $750 check from
November's gifts, and today, Dec. 9, I sent them another check for $1,044.55,

Their GMC Van was sold for $1,000.

And extra was given for Christmas gifts, and

putting it all together, I can well imagine the joy in the Wilkerson household
when they receive the letter I sent today with the news that their loan was paid in
full and they had $1,000 extra besides toward a vehicle or housing. They will have
a very Merry Christmas for sure if it gets there by December 25!
May I express my personal thanks to all of you friends of Wilkerson's for
such a generous out-pouring of support during these past few hectic and confusing

I will send them another check before I leave for India on Jan. 3. I may and
may not get another newsletter printed before then. But for sure, as I fly to India,

I rejoice in my heart greatly that Wilkerson's are okay, got their heads on straight,
and are financially recovered from the quick move from Uganda! "0 Lord, My God,
How great Thou Artl"

Merry Christmas to you, one and all, and God speed in Christ!

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