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Walking in the Garden of a Loving God

Once in a great while I stumble across someone's NDE testimony that I find to be uniquely
outstanding and awesome. Christian Andrason (pronounced On-dray-son) and his NDE
testimony is the latest one! For reasons that you will discover for yourself, I consider his
experience as the most inspirational I've ever read. His testimony is filled with new insights
- new "pieces" to fit into my own NDE cosmology puzzle.
It was on June 2nd of 1995, that Christian Andrason had his near-death experience.
Because of an unanticipated drug interaction and overdose, Christian's blood pressure was
caused to plummet while undergoing routine dental surgery. Once out of his body, Christian
took an extensive tour of what he calls, "The Divine Realm" and he saw himself go before a
great light he deeply believes to have been God. The experience not only changed the
entire course of Christian's life, but also the direction of his music career. He immediately
became more focused on all things spiritual; serving friends, loved ones and even those
some might consider strangers in anyway possible.
Best known for being an award-winning - critically acclaimed, independent recording artist,
Christian Andrason is a singer, songwriter and producer of inspirational music for his
independent record label, Wonderboy Records. Since 1987 he has professionally recorded
hundreds of songs and produced a total of 9 albums. Praised by celebrities, major press
and even former United States Presidents, Christian's music and messages of love have so
far reached millions of ears and eyes Internationally via Internet,
television, stage, print and radio.
Interestingly enough, Christian is the writer/singer of the theme

Betty Eadie and Christian

song entitled, "All The Time" used by fellow NDEer and long-time # 1 N.Y. Times Best
Selling Author, Betty J. Eadie for her 2002 award winning television program, "Embraced by
the Light" ... which featured Betty's famous book of the same name. Betty J. Eadie was the
first to discover and publish some of Christian's NDE writing in several pages of the 1999
inspirational book, "The Ripple Effect." The two are great friends, as Betty has been a great
source of inspiration to Christian for many years.
Besides writing about spirituality and recording future music, Christian now devotes several
days every week toward a thriving spiritual therapy/one-on-one ministry practice based in
Houston, Texas. Using his God given intuitive gifts and clairvoyant abilities he has since

helped a multitude - including many well known in entertainment media, politics, ministry
and in the new-thought movement.
Kevin Williams - 2004

Chapter 1
What happened?

On June 2nd, 1995 I had what is commonly called, "a near-death/out-of-body experience."
This event occurred because of a reaction to a mixture of medications I
had taken before having dental surgery performed.
Two weeks prior to the dental surgery, I injured myself while lifting a big
screen TV up a long flight of stairs in the rain. Once at the top, I slipped
and lost my footing. While I did manage to catch the TV, I pulled out
several muscles in my lower back and was in terrible pain. My injury
was so bad, I could not even stand once I got the TV into my
apartment. I literally could do nothing but crawl to my bedroom and into the bed. A doctor
was called, but because the medications he put me on were not powerful enough to ease
my suffering, I remained bedridden for about two weeks. This then launched me into a two
week fast where I lost a tremendous amount of weight. Getting up and down to go to the
bathroom was simply too excruciating, so I made a conscious decision not to eat and to
drink as little as possible.
Later, a dear friend found out what I had been going through and came over to give me a
much stronger painkiller he had discovered and brought back with him from a recent trip to
Columbia. The pills he gave me worked so well I called them "my magic pills" because in
only a short amount of time after taking them ... I was able to get up and move around with
little to almost no pain.
After having been bedridden for so long, as soon as I could actually stand up, I immediately
found myself in my kitchen eating some walnuts I had found in a jar, only to realize my back
tooth really hurt once I bit down! I called my dentist to make an appointment and he
reminded me that he had already told me I needed to have a root canal done, but I had
procrastinated dealing with it.
On the day of my dental surgery, now having had plenty of time to imagine the discomfort I
was about to endure in the dental chair (and completely weary of the thought of me having
to endure any additional pain) I purposefully took a rather large dose of pain killers before
the appointment, thinking that this would save me from feeling anything too severe during
or after the procedure. (I know, not the most intelligent thing to do. But it did not stop
there!) Because I was particularly nervous that day, I had also taken an anti-anxiety pill
and having a lapse in my memory (forgetting that I had already taken the medication) I
actually took another pill or two as I was rushing out the door!

The dentist's office, into the chair and then the beyond...
It was not until I drove into the dentist's office parking lot and stepped out of my car that I
started to realize I was feeling woozy. Yet, because I had forgotten I had taken the extra
pills, it never occurred to me that I might be in any danger. Actually, I felt pretty good. Yet
because of not having eaten for several weeks, I had lost a large amount of weight. Plus I
was dehydrated. So I thought that maybe I just needed to eat something, which I had been
refraining from because it hurt for me to chew.
Then... the inevitable happened:
Not long after I sat down in the dental chair the pain killers and anti anxiety medication
ended up conflicting with the anesthesia that was being given to me in the dentists
officeand because of my extreme weight loss [and dehydration] the result was that my
blood pressure fell too low and I was literally knocked unconscious and right out of my
As if I was moving in slow motion, I felt myself lift up out of my chest and head areaand
almost immediately found myself surrounded by the most dazzling, brilliant white Light!
This Light was whiter than any Light I had ever seen and it seemed to be growing brighter
and brighter in its intensity by the second.
I looked down at myself and realized that I too was made of Light. At first my Lightbody
looked dense to me, but as I allowed myself to look closer, I saw that I was comprised of
billions and billions of colorful light filled atomic cells. As the Light around me came forward
the atom cells in me started to dance and vibrate as if they were being made to
magnetically respond to the ever glowing illumination that was increasing and filling the
room by the second. Needless to say, the happiness I felt as this happened was
Next, I started to realize that I was becoming surrounded and observed by many beings
and fellow Souls, who in reality (I somehow understood) had been standing near me during
my entire lifetime! Every single one of these individuals was someone I knew very well, but
did not recognize as having been a part of my life during this incarnation. Yet, the
closeness and familiarity I felt for these beloved Souls surpassed any devotion for anyone I
have ever learned to Love here on this planet. As I felt the energy and Love coming from
them, I somehow knew that we were all family. I was also able to intuit that our mutual
growth depended on the gradual maturity and growth of us alland that for every success
one of us experienced, there was a joyous celebration felt by the entire group!
Memories of previous, past-life experiences with these beings started top fill my
consciousness, and as this happened I was filled with absolute wonder at how truly eternal
we all are! I saw how life never ends... Once a single lifetime is over, that particular
existence (and all the dreams, issues and desires that come with it) bridges over and
becomes an extension to yet another lifetime that is to be. The friends, family, co-hearts
we have had before, we will experience in some, shape or formagain, somewhere else,
just as we have each experienced them before. I remembered the process is endless,

wonderful and truly eternal.

An inner need to explore and understand my own eternal truth progressively grew stronger.
A bright, pulsing inner Light within me, (much brighter than all my atomic Soul cells) begin
to expand and contract, and suddenly stretched outward toward a distance I can only think
to call infinity. Like an exploding star, I realized that my intellect and consciousness were
traveling in multiple directions, realities and dimensions all at once. This event (for lack of
a better word or expression) was completely mind blowing! And because of this, I often
find it difficult to relay my NDE along the lines of a chronological story, because in truth,
everything I experienced from this point forward, up until the end, happened to me all at

Moving further into the Light
As I moved further into the Light, all time stoppedand a mere two minutes of Earth time
turned into what seemed to be days, weeks and even months. A huge scope of
understanding was now engulfing my total comprehension by the nanosecond.
Using a ego-driven, logical mind ... this concept might seem intense and/or complex. Yet,
the more I felt myself enter into this part of the Realm of Heaven, the process became quite
simple and effortless to understand.
As I sensed the energy of all those who were around me, I was helped to remember that
every child of God is considered very precious, is always seen and never forgotten. There
is nothing any of us could possibly do to keep us from being eternally Loved by
I undeniably understood that each and everyone of us exists for a very definite purpose,
holds a particular kind of unique energywhich usually manifests as a kind of talent that is
meant to be used and shared with others. It became very clear to me: We are not just
given the gift of physical life so that we can obtain a singular, Self-focused experience, but
so that we might also use, share and bequeath our own uniqueness, talents and life to help
others "experience life" for themselves.
Every time we make someone laugh, sing, cry, danceenrage them with anger, become
embarrassed, fearful or inspired, our unique approach helped in aiding them with their own
perspective, and thus ... the 'experience of life' was experienced by all.
Some things we would gladly do again, and some things we will dread for having done
them at all. It is our experience in being all-together and seeing the after effect of our
decisions and behaviors that makes this even more clear to usand wisdom is born. This
is why others' opinion of us and whom we are seen to be (no matter how much we may
dislike it) is so important to us, because it is part of the process we use to define who and
what we are and who we will choose to be tomorrow. When it comes down to it ... we are
all in this together and will be forever. We need each other, in good times and bad.
However, before we can see this is absolutely true, and before we can truly come to see
and understand one another (as we should always seek to try to) first, we must come to
honestly understand and accept ourselves. As we learn how to do this, our talents and

gifts are more easily shared, appreciated and readily accepted by those who can relate.
Trying to push ourselves upon those who cannot relate is like asking them to explain or
depict a location they have never taken a trip to! Therefore they have no understanding.
The goal is not to get others to like or accept you unconditionally, but for you to show others
you unconditionally love and respect yourself. And the highest form of Love and Self
respect is the ability to distribute it, without ceremony for our efforts ... to others. As this is
eventually seen and authentically felt by other Souls ... the acceptance we all seek arrives.
It is our need for ego-based power that corrupts us. When we exchange the need for
power with the humble need to distribute unconditional Love and service, the inner Might
we crave ultimately experience is infiniteas it ripples out, for all time ... without end. No
good deed ever goes wasted. Nor, in God ... is it ever forgotten!
As I stood in the Light, memories from former incarnations flooded my intellect and as this
happened, it struck me how all the moments (even those that might have seemed
insignificant before) all turned out to be huge stepping stones when seen from a eternal
perspective. I saw how even the most mundane or boring task had the ability to lead me to
an even greater awareness about myselfand I understood that we create much difficulty
for ourselves and others' when we try to ambitiously push or force ourselves into
circumstances before our Soul feels truly ready for them.
As I continued this process of backtracking and reviewing the spiritual reflection of Heaven
against all the mortal lives my Soul had chosen to reside within, I was able to review many
moments taken from my current life and compare them against moments from former
incarnations. It was during this process that I saw many behavior patterns and habits
(some good and some challenging) that had been following me around lifetime after
I clearly saw the origin behind every addiction or flaw I had and how I had acquired each
(whether socially, genetically or energetically). I remembered that with every incarnation I
lived in, I was being given the opportunity to ascend my own spiritual intellect and
individualized thinking (in how I made decisions for myself) so that I could rise above the ill
behaviors I was manifesting in my Soulthat did not serve the purpose of my Higher Self
or the greater good of God.
I saw that multiple incarnations (where we experience many different kinds of lives; some
poor, some wealthy, some with beauty, some with disfigurement or disease, some with
fame, some with misfortune or a mixture of everything) are all necessary; as these help us
examine the unlimited amount of vantage points into the remarkable, endurable,
unchangeable and complex natures of our own Soul. To glimpse this (even once) in a
single lifetime is truly a great blessingas this is how we begin to truly recognize and
define our own potential and behold our own wonder. All else is of the ego.
From Heaven I saw that it is our destiny, as human beings to seek out and have as many
mystical experiences as possible, so that we might realize our true Divine nature, while we
are still 'alive' in a flesh suit. Not only are these experiences necessary, they unlock the
God-truth stored within each of us and roll out pieces of our Divine blueprint, as to who we
'really' are.
Once you have become a person who has experienced and embraced your own Divinity,
only the vast open sky is the limit as far as all the things you will be able to achieve and

accomplish in a single lifetime.

You will find that the older, more experienced and advanced your own Soul becomes, the
more repetitive revelation type experiences will increase. As your Soul matures and learns
how to balance all areas of your life, you will crave mystical experiences more than you
seek creature comforts. You will feel as if something is missing if you are without a
revelatory experience for too long. And if you are, then this simply means you are in need
of balancing or amending something in your life that might be blocking you. (Welcome to
the game of life!)
Many lifetimes are necessary so that we might improve our Soul's mental and emotional
ability to create what we think of as identity all so that we might come to know and
stabilize our own intentionsand realize how powerful they are!
Once we realize how powerful our intentions areand understand that they do indeed
manifest our destiny, we will find ourselves more and more able to access and incorporate
any dream, wish or concept we desire, as we continue to explore and evaluate ourselves in
this or later lifetimes. (In other words, as we face how important our own thoughts are, the
negative issues or hang-ups that might have blocked us before, won't hold the same power
as we will have figured out how to remove the emotional and energetic attachments they
once imposed.)
As each of us possesses the Spark of God within, or what Jesus spoke of as, "The
Kingdom that is within" we will all one day learn that we have access to unlimited amounts
of power that exists on a enormous, nuclear scale. This power begins as a seed or thought
planted in the mind. If the thought is reinforced with additional thoughts of like kind, it will
materialize and bloom. Our Spirit (or Higher Self) already knows this, it is just waiting for
us to become conscious of this truth and see that we have the power to govern our lives,
by self governing our minds. Until then, the Universe will deliver life lessons that MUST
COME come to help us awaken our own consciousness, which overtime bridges us over
into Divine truth.
So while we may not be able to rectify or bring into balance every issue (we would like) in a
single lifetimeas our Soul's intellect grows, our ability to predestine ourselves into better
circumstances will improve and we will enable our Soul to energetically seek out,
materialize and manifest future lives that will help us achieve what our intention believes it
most needsso that we might continue our growth.
It was in this moment that I became more fully aware of the fact that God (our Creator)
wants us to experience everything that we wish to experience. Nothing is denied us, only
that which we inherently deny ourselves. And while certain experiences do not always lead
to pleasant outcomes, they do lead to a certain amount of enlightenment. Especially as
one returns his or her thinking to The Light and focusing on God's wish for us to learn a
more loving way to live our lives.

Feeling The Wonder of Creation and Absolute Love in The
Light With My Guides
Traveling at a velocity faster than the speed of light, with one super sonic boom right after

another, I witnessed an uncountable amount of wonderful places that were not of this
world. As this part of my journey moved forward, ultimately many spiritual truths were
lovingly and generously revealed to me with mind-bending answers.
It is from this particular occurrence that I now am able to help others' understand and/or
connect to the more eternal parts of the other side when I meet with them one-on-one.
Since my NDE I have been blessed with the ability to clairvoyantly see and greatly perceive
where most Souls have incarnated within the Creator's Super Universe and help them
understand some of the more mysterious or hidden sides of themselves. And while I tend
to see many familiar looking incarnations flash across an individuals face, I am still quite
taken by surprise by a phenomenal range of new or unique images I am not accustomed to
seeing ... that will yet once again remind me at just how vast and incredible all of God's
Creation is!
In my NDE, I saw there are literally trillions of worlds out there with organized life on
them only these locations are either very far away from Earth or held in different
dimensions that can only be traversed by the Spirit. And I find that even if I have not
actually been to a particular zone of Creation, my Spirit will still feel a powerful familiarity
and knowing.
As the amazing moment of standing with my guides and enlightenment was occurring, I
recall recognizing suddenlythat I was being guided by a Spirit who appeared in the form
of the most beautiful woman anyone could possibly imagine. She spoke to me using the
softest, most sincere voice I had ever heard and ultimately she became my most trusted
guide, as she was so lovely and incredibly gentle.
Following us were three other guides who all appeared as men, one of whom I recognized
as being my elder guide. This particular guide would show up during my experience (only
as he was needed) to approve or not approve the places and spaces of time I entered into
or was being shown.
All my guides were robed with what seemed to be a beautiful glistening white, diamond-like
material. I could also distinguish that they had Light coming from underneath their
garments. I knew that this Light was their true bodies. The moment they came into my
awareness, I remembered these beings as having been some of my closest friends that
have been with me for all-eternity. They were very kind to me and very caring about my
feelings. There are no secrets in Heaven, so information that might have been considered
embarrassing (that was revealed to me during my life-review) was treated with tremendous
sensitivity. And even in moments when I might have cried knowing that someone knew my
deepest darkest secrets, wonderful warm laughter was often exchanged between us
No matter any unpleasantness they may have known about me, I knew absolutely that I
was unconditionally Loved and that there was nothing I could ever do to change this. It
was revealed to me that my guides had made many communications to me during my
lifetime, prior to my NDE, particularly during difficult times in my childhood and
adolescence, only I was not consciously aware of them or their presence at the time.
Sometimes a thought would come into my head that was to lead me in more of an
appropriate direction. I understood that many times these "thoughts" were actually coming
from my guides. I was amazed by the fact that even during the times I had felt absolutely
isolated or alone, I never was! They (like angels) had been right beside me the entire

Dealing with my own Humanity

While I was in consciously the midst of my guides, I felt a tremendous amount of safety and
comfort, so I began to review some of my biggest fears and perceptions of failure in life,
and this brought me to consider the religious understandings and rules I had come to learn
as gospel-truth during this lifetime. Immediately, I felt the power of The Holy Spirit fill my
intellect. As this happened, I realized that while many of our World's religious ideas had
been divinely inspired during their origin (to help us see ourselves and the nature of our
Spirit more clearly) their basis had been largely misconstrued over time due to humankind's
need to rule over, socially dictate and micromanage the behaviors of their fellow brothers'
and sisters'. (I will cover more about this later.)
I began to think of all the sins I had committed during my life and felt so terrible and guilty
about. Immediately I understood that many of these moments (where I strayed from the
ways of Love and Light) were actually times where I had chosen to initiate future growth for
my own Soul. I saw that none of my 'sinful' actions were of any shock or surprise to God or
anyone else in Heaven. They knew what I was doing and exactly why I was doing it.
There was no judgment whatsoever! I saw that by choosing to sin I had made a rather
brave (or gutsy) detour from the "likely" and predictableand instead rooted myself upon
a path that would help me to investigate the very yearnings (I was most likely running from)
and deep dark questions still left largely unanswered in my own Soul. Not that these paths
would be easy ones mind you, however they would (and did) lead me toward
circumstances and individuals who would play out the role of some of my greatest teachers
in life.
Essentially, from the view point of Heaven, I saw there are two view points to this word,
There is the view point from The Other Side and the view point held from the World.
From the view point of the Other Side, I saw that the act of "sinning" was seen as simply
the departure of one path for another, and that the only true penalty (felt by the Spirit)
would be that we would be made to endure the repercussions and energies we had
quested to learn of, absorb or make others' experience. I would also like to mention that I
clearly saw that once we were done with an exploration and had said so directly to God
with a pure Heart, (whether in this lifetime or the next) God would faithfully once again set
us back upon a path that resembled our true purpose.
From the viewpoint of the World, our human mind sees "sin" as a departure away from our
Spirit's authentic purpose, which is to be perfect, pure and whole. If we see ourselves
doing something that apposes the will of our Spirit, our Soul becomes grieved and is made
to feel bad about its self. This action causes us to become fragmented inside. Meaning:
our inner Light becomes subdivided and our Heart feels confused. As the ego begins to
take note of what is occurring, it uses the situation to take full advantage of the person and
make them feel worthless. And as the individual turns their "sin" into a habit or addiction,
ego then seeks to have them believe that they are now too far away from their own Spirit,
therefore it is not possible for them to maintain control over themselves, their lives or their
destiny. This (of course) is a lie and comes from that which is Love's opposite ... evil.
Interestingly enough, from Heaven I saw that the only' true sin' one can commit is to lose
faith in God. Yet the reason for this is not for what most might think...
To lose faith in God causes a Soul to lose faith in themselves. It is the inner Spark within

us that gives us eternal and physical life. To deny God is to deny the inner Spark, and to
deny the inner Spark is to reject our life's true purpose and the inner power that gives us
everything we are and aspire to be.
When we fail to have faith in ourselves, we cannot perpetuate the higher vibration of Self
Love, Inner Love is the core power which helps us create and maintain everything we enjoy
about ourselves. Without Self Love we descend our consciousness to a lower vibration,
and in so doing, we open ourselves up to lower energiesand destructive thoughts and
habits soon follow that pull us away from our ability to tune into God, The Higher Heavens
and our Spirit.
If our Soul does not feel connected to Love or its own Spirit, the human energy and flesh
surrounding the Soul (and mind) will begin to become depressed, as very little life-giving
Light (from our inner Spark) will have been created. In time, if the behavior of faithlessness
is not remedied, the Soul will desire to leave the human vessel (and the mind it is attached
to) and the human organism (aided by ego) will seek to find a way to die.
Either a want for suicide will emerge, dis-ease or addiction (that will bring eventual
destruction) will come about. And the human mind will accomplish its darkened intention.

Chapter 2 - Questions and Answers,

"The Essence of God"

What is God made of?

God is an essence of absolute Love, Light and beautiful Sound.
What I understood (in Christian practice) to be the WORD of
God, is actually the SOUND or MUSIC of God.
God is a great LIGHT-filled Being who sings all tones
simultaneously and uses this method to bring all things into existence. In so doing, God has
caused each Creation to resonate with one another in perfect harmonyonce that
Creation has aligned itself with the ways of Love. God uses SOUND to create all things and
give them life. The Creator then extends Light, which helps the new Creation take form.
All of us hold Light and Tones within. I call these our Power Centers, while those who are
spiritual seekers of other traditions might know and call these centers, "The Chakra".

How long is the Light of God with us? Is there anything we can do to
make it go away?
Once God extends The Light, that Light will remain with that Creation for all eternity. There
is nothing that can remove it. Each and every one of us is surrounded by a great beacon
of Light. This is our eternal cord that connects us to our Creator. When most speak of
seeing a tunnel (in NDE experiences) what they are referring to is a cord that connects us

to God and the Light of Heaven shining through it from up above.

So you are saying that I can hear from God? If so, how?
Yes! I am saying that ANYONE can hear from God! One does not need to be Buddha,
Moses or even Jesus to hear from their Creator. To hear from God, all one has to do is
THINK as the CREATOR thinks. And I happen to know that God thinks only ONE central
thought, so this should be easy for you! GOD THINKS ABOUT NOTHING BUT LOVE -ALL THE TIME!
If you are living your life according to the ways of LOVE. (Which are the constructive ways
that you know deep down in your Spirit that are right for you), then you can confidently
know that you have the ability to hear from God. If you are actively seeking to spend time in
the presence of Godthen you can bet Spirit is going to provide opportunities for you to
do that! You will always know when the presence of God is with youyou will feel like a
grateful and excited little child again.
Actually all of us hear from God every day, only we are probably not aware of it. Because
we can get so caught up with the illusions and ego distractions of this world, we lose focus
easily. It is like being immersed in an action-packed movie or book while someone is
speaking, only you find yourself looking up and saying, "huh?" once you realize they have
been speaking to you for some time. As I mentioned earlier in this writing, we see God with
our Heart. Well, the same is true when in comes to hearing ... it takes the Heart to hear
from our Maker. But if our Heart center is cluttered with confusion, negativity, anger or lustfilled ambition maintaining our connection to God will be difficult. Yet, if we work to keep
our Heart clear and clean dailyhearing from God can become a very definite reality.

How do I know if I am hearing from God?

Anything that is not of LOVE is not of God! PERIOD! If thoughts of severe judgment,
condemnation, bitterness, unforgiveness, ego centered anger or hate-based retaliation
come into your mind and dominate it, please know, this is not God. This is your ego
speaking, which is ruled by fear. God fears nothing, therefore; God can speak no thing that
is reminiscent of fear. God only speaks using a language of Love.

Once you had your NDE, did you see God (the Creator) immediately?
While I believe I did ultimately experience a portion of the Creator's essence, at first, no, I
did not 'see' anything that resembled God (to my own Heart), at least not immediately.
Even as I experienced moments of absolute visual bliss in Heaven that I will never forget, I
always somehow knew that when it came to actually seeing and experiencing God FULLY
that this would not happen until I left human life for good. Until then, I knew that God would
remain largely veiled from me until I had grown my own inner Light to the point that I would
be able to endure standing in the presence and entirely of The Creator's Light. However, it
is important for me to tell you that the moment I entered the Realm, I certainly did FEEL the
presence of our Creator absolutely everywhere! Because (in essence) God is comprised of
ALL things, when you go home to Heaven you will constantly have a sense that you are
'seeing' God, especially as you experience the more sublime aspects and visuals within the
Realm. But it is important to remember:

We do not see God with our eyes, but rather ... our Heart!

What did God share with you about you and your
I remember The Light conveying to me that I would know times of great jubilation and that
there would also be times that I would know sorrow as I pursued my ordained purpose. But
I was told that I would be blessed for every time I succeeded in the name of Love. I was
told that every experience was extremely necessary according to a greater plan that would
unfold plans and plans never-ending. I was told not to ever worry about my competency,
capacity or ability, for it was promised to me that the Light would never leave me to endure
anything I was not created to handle. I was told that there would be times I would doubt
myself and my mission, but in the end, I would learn great wisdom and eventually see
myself as victorious.
I was shown an innumerable amount of scenes, all containing possible realities I would
eventually experience. I was shown many Universes and worlds that had organizational life
on them. I saw that everyone in every Universe is simultaneously working together to fulfill
God's great Divine plan. I understood that God sees and knows absolutely everything that
happens everywhere. I saw that while God does a great deal of planning, our Creator never
interferes with our volition, nor does God ever seek to alter the way we feel about things.
God knows there is no need to interfere because He knows that the Universal Divines' law
of cause and effect is always perfect. This method will always bring justice and teaching
wherever it is needed most.
I was amazed to see how each of us is connected eternally, that we have always existed,
and that we will never die.
I saw that we were indeed made in the image of God, which is an essence taken from the
Creator's own LIGHT. It is because of this Light that we can never
die. Every single child of God carries this Light within their Soul, and
we call this Light, Spirit.
As we learn how to LOVE, we build up additional layers of
supernatural Light on top of Spirit we hold within. It is from this Light
and our effort to expand it that we create our future realities.

What is our ultimate destiny?

A day will come when our Light will have become so large that we will eventually choose to
merge and go back to the Creator and be as ONEjust as we were in the beginning.
Once we are all ONE again, there will be a great celebration. And after a certain amount of
time has passed, yet again, there will be another great explosion, only this time it will be
much bigger and the process of Creation will be far more advanced.
I felt tremendous Joy and honor in having been shown these things and with great
confidence, I promised God (The Light) that I would do my very best. And in return, I was

told my best would certainly be enough!

Why is it so important to understand Love and use it in everyday life?

The reason why we must learn Love on Earth can be given a scientific explanation:
God is Love and exists as the highest absolute vibration you can think of. The act of Christlike Love elevates our own inner vibration and as this occurs our understanding of God
increases. As we learn how to Love and practice Christ-like Love with one another, the
inner vibration within the Soul creates magnificent rays of supernatural inner Light. These
rays then extend further into Heaven, helping us to reach and enter into various dimensions
that lead the way to the Higher Heavens.

Isn't the highest Heaven a place we go to if we are good in life?

Contrary to what many of us were taught by our various religions, "Heaven" is not
necessarily a reward for good behavior, it is simply a "higher plane of existence" that awaits
those who ready themselves to enter.
The only way to enter through the door ... is to believe in, live and hold the key of Love.

How can I learn more about the ways of Love?

Jesus Christ came to the planet to be a way-shower for all people and all religions. He
lived his life with great passion and dedication to this word LOVE, so that each of us might
have a role model to compare ourselves to. This is why he said, I AM the truth, I AM the
way, and I AM the life, no man can come to God but through me. If you
replace I AM and ME with LOVE IS ... you get ...





Christ had become LOVE WALKING AND TALKING ON THE PLANET. One cannot
understand God until one understands and WALKS AND TALKS in the ways of LOVE. If

you walk in Love, you will always understand God.

Just as fire merges easily with fire, and water merges easily with other water ... if we are to
merge with (and understand) God ... then we must become Love.

How does one know whether or not he or she is walking in the ways of


They are not easily offended (if at all) and they are always willing to
forgive trespass! (This is a biggie!)


They are generous people who give wholeheartedly.


They have a positive non-oppressive relationship with God that is

continually growing.


They do all they can to be of service to others and bring beauty to the

The Man on the Throne
There was a moment during my experience where I saw myself approaching what looked
to be a gigantic, magnificent man, sitting on a alabaster throne. Thru a kind of veil that was
partially covering him, I was able to detect that he had very stunning chiseled features. In
fact, he was so perfect looking, he almost looked statuesque.
The man was wearing what appeared to be a gleaming white robe and I saw that he had
the most fantastic muscular body. It was not large and gross, but truly beautiful and
symmetrical. The man's arm was resting on a flat smooth surface that was part of the
throne, and when he would move his hand (even the slightest amount) a musical, sparkling
rainbow colored essence would fall out and away from within his robe, eventually creating a
pool of Light around his feet on the floor.
Initially, the thought that came into my mind that I was seeing God! But then, as soon as I
thought this, very quickly, it was revealed to me that this thought was only partially true.
It was immediately made known to me that the physical form I was observing was actually
an astral version of "me" in Spirit form, as God saw me existing as already!
I heard inside my mind, "This is your Higher Self." As I looked deeply into this beings eyes,
I saw my own reflection and realized that the "inner voice" I had been hearing my whole life
(as the voice of my own conscience) had actually been guidance coming for this
personagewho still resides in Heaven in a greater degree of wholeness and Light than I
do here on Earth. In fact, I realized that I had only taken a very small portion of my Higher
Self's Light with me for my journey here this go round. By doing this I would be
encouraged to dig deeper and develop my faith and intuition; and secondly, I do not see

how my human brain really could have tolerated too much more Light, as I believe now it
would caused my body and mind to short circuit.
It was in the Realm that I learned God only sees each of us as our Higher Selves. It is only
our ego mind that defines us as being something lower. I also understood that all other
parts of me (in total) make my Highest Self who he is. Later, I realized that the gold and
rainbow colored Light that had come out from underneath the robehad actually been the
essence or Light of God.
For me, this portion of my NDE remains one of my favorite events that happened to me,
which I love to share with others' ... mostly because this was the moment I truly realized
just how humble and Loving God is! God could have easily allowed me to believe that the
man I was seeing in all this splendor, was in fact 'God" and then have me bow down and
worship the formbut that was not what was wanted at all, nor was the "worshiping of
God" ever what was considered important. No, instead I was helped to see something
God wanted me to see and realize what Heaven knew I could "and would" eventually
become: a Soul who will eventually learn how to see it's Self as God sees him alreadya
magnificent being of Love!

How did God appear to you in Heaven, and what does it feel like to be
near the Creator?
Many may not remember (while being alive in this human body) but I saw in my life review
that each and everyone of us has stood in the presence of God's Light; and for everyone
our Creator's appearance will never be exactly the same visual as it might be for
someone else. This might help explain why so many different people and cultures have
such vast differing visions or 'versions' of God.
Before each of us are sent forth into our various missions, we are brought into a vast 7-tier
Cathedral of Light I feel led to call, "The Throne Room of God." In this room resides
portions of our Higher Self in union with the very essence of all Creation (most likely the
same Being those of us who are Jewish or Christian know and call, "Father God.") It is my
belief that our Maker can manifest His (or even Her) image into whatever form we wish to
see in front of us, whether that be the formation of a majestic looking elderly man with a
long, silver beard or something completely different.
A very intuitive friend of mind (who also had a rather powerful NDE) experienced God as a
gigantic, neon colored, musical butterflywho showed her an unlimited amount of scenes
(during her life review) all on His massive wings. I found that image so amazing (and
familiar to my own Spirit) that it has never left me.
As far as how it feels to be in the presence of our Creator, simply consider the most pure
state of bliss you can possibly think of and multiply that times any number you could come
up with and you will be on your way to comprehending the Being who brought us into
existence and Loves each and everyone of us, so very, very much!

What do you think is the true gender of God?

In all honesty, I always dislike being asked this, because the answer is always as

complicated as the question.

But I will answer by saying that I deeply believe and intuit God to be a Being who is beyond
human comprehension and understanding. I see God existing as One who encompasses
absolutely everything that exists on a atomic or energetic levelyet even with all that, I
know there is WAY more!
God also represents all timethe past, present and future that we are each existing in as
a unique personality and while all this is going on, at the same timeGod also has an
infinite and distinct personality.
But even "God", as a "Persona" or "Presence" is still way beyond our comprehension. So
what do we humans' do to try to understand this Persona or Presence?we try to
compare it to our own! And usually this boils down to us putting "God" as a gender or form
we are personally comfortable seeing in a seat of control. From a conscious viewpoint in
regard to gender: some men and women do not trust women, so they consistently see God
only as a man. Some women and men do not trust men, so they consistently see God only
as a woman. Yet, when looking at God from Divine viewpoint you must realize that in truth,
as God exists in such a state of Totality, it stands to reason that "God" (in His or Her
absolute form) is completely genderlessand exists for all of us an unlimited amount of
faces and images.
However, now that I have pointed all this out, I want to say that I full-well know that their
are very definite, discernable energies that come from God that we can sense as being
either masculine or feminine. Because of this, I believe that God (in personality) speaks or
reveals Him/Her Self to us using a voicing and/or image (whether masculine or feminine)
that we most relate to or need to experience at the time.
When I was a child, I was most comfortable with seeing God literally as my "Heavenly
Father" and I would hear from Him speaking to me with a voice I can only think to call
male. Even today, with my enlightened way of seeing and thinking about God, I am still
often comforted by a vision of God as a kind, strong, older man. Especially as it is
becoming more obvious that we are living in a world where there is so little well-balanced
male leadership and honest-to-goodness integrity!
Yet at the same time, I am aware that my Soul has had many lifetimes and existed in many
religious belief systems where I have been comforted by the conscious notion of God as a
masculine presence. But I know in my Heart of Hearts that God ALSO exists as a Divine
Feminine presence. For years now my Spirit has told me that this is the part of God we
see as, "The Holy Spirit." And since I am mentioning this here, I also want to make it quite
clear that I believe our world and humanity has developed a tremendous unbalance due to
the fact that The Divine Feminine has not been properly regarded in our religious systems.
I think in order to have a healthy Self image of your own Spirit, you need to have both
masculine and feminine principle represented and properly regarded. Until then the ego will
define gender roles for us and subject many people to unnecessary trials and tribulations.
In the end, when it comes to assigning a gender to God, I believe the Old Testament gives
wise advise when we are warned not to have ANY graven image of God. Because, after
all, "God" is the sum total of everything that exists!
Additional Note to the reader: Please understand that if I make gender references in
relation to God, I do so for basically two reasons: First, I simply cannot for the life of me
bring myself to call God ... an "It!" (That will never do, as my inner conviction forbids me to

label God in such a way!) The second reason is because it is fully possible for any Soul to
only experience God (in Heaven) as either one gender or another for the majority of their
incarnation process. In fact, many Souls who incarnate to our planet feel more comfortable
viewing God (before they incarnate here) as male or as "the masculine principal" because
masculine energy (and its long-term development) is actually their primary focus here on
planet Earth. However, if you truly want to try and absorb the totality of God Almighty, I
recommend that you try to think BEYOND gender!

How do you visualize God today?

Because of my NDE, I tend to visualize God as a limitless Ocean of infinite, sparkling,
colorful Lightwhose unconditional Love and beautiful Sound (once it surrounds you)
makes you feel completely whole and blissful. There really can be no precise or
reasonable human explanation for this feeling. All I can say is that being in the presence of
God ... totally encompasses everything that is good and wonderful you have ever wanted to
know or experience! And once fully in The Presence ... there is no other place you will
want to be.

Once you experienced God, then what happened?

I recall speaking further with my very loving guides. I continued to absorb in an amazing
amount of information, which I could not remember or understand until many years after my
NDE. The amazing thing about Heaven is there is no end to the information you can
absorb, and I guess you could say that the energy of my Soul just took in the bigness of
everything that was shown to me in God's Heaven like a huge spongeyet it has taken
me years to be able to put it all down on paper like this!
At first, when I found my self experiencing The Presence ... I felt as if was standing in one
spot, but then it became evident to me that I was actually expandingthen traveling and
witnessing a vast geographical landscape that even to this day I still often have difficulty
fully explaining or describing.
There is a verse in the Bible says: "For ears have not heard, nor have eyes seen the
wonders that God has prepared for those who Love Him." For all I was able to take in and
comprehend, this verse is certainly an understatement!

Why is it so difficult to stay in touch with God in every day life?

Since my near-death experience, I have come to understand that rather than God being
somewhere "out there" in outer space somewherein realityI see that all of US are
actually a part of the space that exists within God. (Read that again if you need to.)
God is 'The Spark' of Light within us, and this Spark is the connection we have to our
Higher Selves. When we fail to stay in touch with our Higher Selves (because we are down
on our Self or life in general) we lose faith. In losing faith, we fail to appreciate Love and
It is our FAITH in God that keeps us strong and connected with Godyet (even if we do
lose faith) because we ALWAYS have and hold the eternal Spark within, never can there be
a time where we are lost to God. Never will there be a time when we are away from God.
While it might seem (to ego) God is missing ... God is there!

Watching, Waiting and Loving us ... the whole time!

Are we alone in the Universe?

Oh my gosh! To this question, I can confidently tell you a big, fat, whopping ... NO!
We are but 'one' of trillions and trillions of existences out there. And I can also tell you that
we are not anywhere near the center of the Universe, we are actually in the outskirts of it.

So Earth is not our home?

Only for a little while. Earth is actually one of many homes we will have known before our
incarnation career is over. I like to think of Earth as the current living, breathing stage our
Soul and physical human body (which you already know is temporary) is
now existing on. Yet Heaven is made of pure, radiant Light that lasts
Heaven could certainly be said to be our real home, however; as we
spiritually mature we will find ourselves continuously moving upward to
even higher dimensions in Heaven, and as this happens, a time will come
when we will have reached a level that finds us once again reunited with the Creator of all

What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?
Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have
been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged
by Heaven. Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief
that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the
Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom
and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were
orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our
ownwho may have volunteered their technology and understandings or even sent to
help guide and shape a culture within humanity during a pressing time within its
development and evolution.

Why do some claim to see these beings and some do not?

I think we pass by things all the time without noticing them, but that does not mean they do
not exist or that they are not there. We human beings tend to form and fashion what we
call 'our reality' based upon what we believe we can handle. And what we tend to believe
we can handleis what we believe we can still control. I think the idea of other beings
from other places tend to scare most people because it seems to be such an unknown. Yet
you must understand ... according to the laws of Universal manifestation, anything that
occurs to us (even as a thought in our subconscious mind or imagination) does indeed
exist somewhere, on some level. If it didn't, we human beings (who are actually more
spiritual beings than anything else) would not be picking up the transmission or images in
our mind.
Another thing to consider when wondering why most of us have not seen extraterrestrials
yet is that we humans tend to think in flesh and blood terms. Those who come from other
places (that are not of this world) may not always hold a flesh and blood form exactly. Their

vibration may greatly differ from our own and this may make them seem almost transparent
or even invisible to many. This is why cameras and video recorders are such valuable tools
for those who are curious. These devices can often capture images a human, opinionated
eye may not.

Do you think a time will come when more of us will know and believe
in the existence of those who come from other worlds?
Yes. Once we as a people prove that we are collectively ready to embrace such a reality.
Until then, only a few will understand that this phenomenon is more than a possibility.

How did we come into Spiritual existence?

My guides showed me a time we call the beginning of Creation. Just as I observed the
formation of my own unique Spirit, later there was a huge explosion, coming from an
amazing looking, singing, pulsing, Joy-filled ball of bright Golden-White Light! I knew that I
had always been very much a part of this Great Light, as have the rest of us. From this
Orb of Light exploding, I found myself happily and quite excitedly hurling through space and
timearriving safely in a perfect place of peace and amazing splendor. I knew
immediately that this place was geared toward the expansion and education of every Soul
that came there. Today I call this space, "The Realm" and it is here that we are assisted by
many wise beings and Elders while we are being helped to complete much training and
soulish expansion.

Please explain about orbs.

Consider how we each have a microcosm of billions of intelligent cells that exist within our
human bodies. These cells are in constant union and communicating with each other and
because of this we are able to physically survive, thrive and rebuild ourselves on a cellular
level. Well, I believe we exist spiritually as a kind of cell within the body of God. I also
know and believe that there are many orbs and cells of many different kinds and types of
life out there in our Universe and within the multiple dimensions that surround us.
The science of physics tells us that an object which takes on the form of a circle uses up
less energy to maintain its self and can do so infinitely. I find that very interesting, because
even today (during my more clairvoyant moments) out of no whereI will see colorful orbs
or sparks of light zipping by me or hovering near other people. Perhaps you have seen (or
'thought' you have seen) them yourself? It is not at all uncommon for people (who consider
themselves to be non-clairvoyant) to see these amazing demonstrations coming from the
supernatural world. In fact, many are starting to notice orbs surface more and more in their
own personal pictures, especially when taken with a digital camera. When you pay closer
attention to your digital photos you will more than likely see an orb hovering over
someone's head or they will be in the upper corner of a room, sometimes leaving a trail of
light as they they put themselves in motion. If you train yourself to watch out for orbs,
eventuallyyou will likely see them.

So are these orbs ghosts?

No, I would not call them thatbecause I do not believe they are here to haunt or even
follow us around long-term. I would venture to say that these emanations are merely
spiritual beings traveling between dimensions in the Astral Realm. You must understand
that going on all around us is a kind of spiritual freeway of moving Souls in constant transit.

Some may be loved ones here to check in on us for a brief moment, or others may have
been sent to act as a kind of Angel during important moments of our lives. I think the more
we consider and watch out for the agents and residents of Heaven to appear, the more we
will be able to recognize them and become more comfortable with their presence. Also, a
lot has to do with the level of spiritual vibration we are holding at the time. If our spiritual
vibration is low, we will see and perceive little else but other low vibrational, slow moving,
dense atomic, material objects currently around us. Also, when we exist in lower
vibrational states, we tend to focus on our own sense of self pity, rather than seeing
ourselves as spiritually empowered and able to break through barriers and strongholds of
this very temporary world!
However, if our spiritual vibration is high, we can actually see and perceive quite a
bitwhich will depend largely upon our own level of comfort of seeing such things. But
once we allow fear and bewilderment to chase us down and win, our vibration soon
plummets and the door that was now opening, closes shut.

What are ghosts, anyway?

To understand what a ghost is, first you must understand what you, yourself are ethereally
comprised of (inside your own physical body)which is pure, atomic Light.
When your Soul is finally apart from your physical vessel, you will at first appear to yourself
in your atomic state. This is also known as your Astral body, which is a conglomerate of
swirling atoms in a semi-formed (human appearing) state. Underneath and within the
atoms themselves is yet another body comprised of an electrically charged and Light filled,
colorful force or essencecalled Spirit. This is actually your true body in this Realm.
What we tend to think of as ghosts, is simply a manifested psychic imprint or a kind of
atomic mistcoming from the leftover energy of an individual who is now existing (in-part)
between this dimension and the Astral Realmthe crossover point between this existence
and the next.
I have come to believe the more a Soul's energy is made to become intense or passionate
during the moment of their passing, the greater the likelihood they will attach themselves
psychically to the moment and leave a powerful atomic/energetic imprint. This imprint
usually creates a kind of flickering transmission or frequency-based signal that those who
are intuitive or sensitive to psychic energy are likely to pick up on. Some will even have the
ability to actually see a psychic imprint full-on, while most will only sense its presence at
I once worked with a couple who got along great, until they came back home to their new
home. Immediately, as soon as they stepped through the front door they would begin to
fight. It got so bad they actually started to feel powerful feelings of violence. Turns out the
foundation of their home was sitting on some kind of a battle site ... where civil wars had
been fought. These people were so intuitively sensitive, they unknowingly were picking up
on the left over psychic imprint and reacting as if the energy was coming from them. Once
they had the knowledge of what was really happening, they began the process of holding
their conscious intensions more powerfully and living their lives in such a way that formed a
literal "Love and Light" barrier between them and the left over psychic debris. After a few
weeks the challenging energy began to dissipate and so did the couples in-home fighting.
Many times when we feel uneasy in a space and are not sure why, we may be subliminally
reacting to the unseen energies within our environment. If demonstrations of excessive

anger, lust, selfishness or manipulation have been occurring frequently in a space, you can
count on those who are spiritually sensitive (especially children and animals) picking up on
the energies and also becoming aware of the supernatural beings and energies these kinds
of behaviors attract. Ever walk into a cold or hot spot in a room and then suddenly feel a
sudden shift in temperature? This is because you just crossed a time/space portal or the
energetic standing space of an entity. It is for this reason that it is important to remain
consciously aware of the reasons why it is vital to keep your home as positive and loving as
possible. 'Cause if there are 'ghosts' (or disincarnated people) in the house (whose
energetic imprint holds a lower band of vibrational frequency) these guys will always be the
first to arrive on the scene.
Because all atomic energy holds intelligence (on some level) a ghost is merely a left over
remnant or echo of what that individual once wasand now the left over energy is seeking
to understand the dramatic experience it encountered during life and/or at death.
As the ghost seeks to navigate the limited amount of energetic essence it currently holds
within its self, it may tend to portray themselves as a kind of "scene" that constantly replays
(like a moment from a movie) over and over again. I find that a ghosts' reveal usually has
very little to do with another person in the room, and more to do with the ghost seeing or
experiencing themselves against a live individuals' (who is observing them) energy.
When a ghost with a strong or devious energetic presence senses it is being watched, it
may seek to borrow or steal from the aura energy of their observer in order to make their
demonstration appear and feel more intense and realso try not to allow the energy of
fear to build up in you if you think you are encountering a ghost. You will only be giving the
entity what it sees as 'passive energy.' Some ghosts may want to share or tell their story,
so they will wait and save up their energy until they sense they are being perceived and
communicate in any way they are able. They will then put on the best display they can, but
as soon their energy is used up, they will seem to fade from site. This is why some ghosts
just suddenly appear, only to disappear a short time later.
When it comes to ghosts, the good news isa majority of them don't care if you see them
or nottherefore they remain completely benign and harmless.
In conclusion, it is our divine birthright to call all wayward energies out of our dimension
and into the Light! Especially those who cause havoc for living human beings! So, if you
feel you are in the presence of a being who is tainted with darkness or if you believe you
are in the presence of an entity that needs to be banished from the Earth plainsimply
pray and ask for The Christ Light and God's angels to come and shepherd the fragmented
energy away from this dimension and into a more Heavenly place of Love and Lightso
that the energy can be reunited with its original owner. If a being seems resistant to leave,
ask for help and find those you know who walk powerfully in Love and Faith to join you in
your prayer of removal. The more who are available to do this, the greater the chance of a
more positive outcome. The prayer will open a portal of Light for angels to whisk the entity
through to the other side.

Why do so many tend to forget or not consider God and/or Heaven in

daily life?
While it might be difficult to understand, we humans are still very much connected together

(as a collective consciousness) and because many in our world have not yet a found 'a
good enough reason to constantly focus their intention on Godit is easy to become
distracted by everyday life and lose interest or focus on the Divine. ...And because others'
seem to lose their interest or focus so easily, it can be misleading for us to believe that
there really is not an issue with us losing our own. But be diligent! Know it is wise for us to
do all we can to maintain our conscious connection to God and the Other Side, as this can
help us through those difficult or confusing moments that always come in life. This is
perhaps why the experience of death (of a loved one or someone close to us) is often used
by Heaven to give us a wake-up call; forcing us to more deeply consider what is before and
beyond us.
Plus, I am sure it does not help that each of our Souls (in this world) are covered by a kind
of energy that manifests what can be thought of as, "a veil of forgetfulness." This veil in
actuality is a low vibrational barrier or supernatural wall that blocks us from seeing too
easily between Realms and existences. In order to see beyond it, a person must maintain
a very high vibration in their Soul. But a time comes when our Spirit calls out to us to
mature so that we might look within and learn our truth, only it does not necessarily have to
be during this lifetime. After a period of time of going back and forth, living worldly one
moment and then recalling that we are of The Spirit and a Divine being, we ultimately learn
to balance out and co-exist with ourselves and each other peacefully. And once enough
time has passed, we realize it really is trueeach of us really DOES carry a literal "piece"
of God's Light within, therefore it can be considered that whenever another person is near
usso too is a part of God.
So to recap: God sent each of us to this planetcarrying a portion of The Creator's Light
inside. Only, right now, that Light is covered up by the flesh suit we call the human body.
The question is, will we be able to look past the body and then be able to discern, develop
and nurture the Light we each carry? It is not easy, I know! But learning how to succeed in
this quest is part of God's plan and how we are helped to mature in the Spirit. And not to
worry, God did not send us here empty handed! We have much guidance all around us in
the supernatural Realm and each of us have deep wisdoms (from previous existences)
implanted within our Soul. They will speak to us in our time of need. When it is in God's
plan for us to tap into this wisdomthere is nothing that can be done to stop the process!
Just remember, God reaches everyone in a different way. No one person awakes to
wisdom the same exact way. That is why God has given us such different personalities, life
yearnings, comfort zones or expectations, as these drive us into the lives that ultimately
rise us up to the inner truth that sleeps within us all.
Somehow, through each of us living in a physical body (and having been given a unique
personality) we are not only helped to better understand our Creator, but this is how we are
encouraged to learn how to recognize and start practicing Love. As we struggle, yet seek
to take dominion over the ego, we learn to recognize the voice of our own Spiritwhile
learning how to differentiate between the needs vs. the wants of our own Soul. (And yes,
there is a differenceas our 'wants" tend to be more ego motivated.)
If Love is truly utilized and practiced (as we seek to manifest our needs in a balanced way)
we will then begin a more lasting and resourceful relationship with our own Spirit, which
over time will help us to expand our consciousness and Self awarenessthus helping us
to better understand our life's true purpose.
Please Always Remember: Love creates Lightand Light causes our inner Being to
illuminate brightly. While we might not always 'see' this Light, we will be able to eventually
spiritually feel it and therefore experience God through each other.

A time will come when we will be back in the Loving embrace of our God, and it will be a
very Joyous time for us all. But first we must work at accomplishing the thing God sent us
here to learnAND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN ... THAT IS LOVE! We are here to have
complete and total Love of each other and complete and total Love of ourselves. Until
such time as each and everyone of us comprehends what Love is exactly and understands
how to utilize its energy, the process of seemingly being 'apart' from God will go on and
onuntil the very last Soul has realized the truth: That there is no greater power in the
Universe than Love!

Chapter 3 - Questions and Answers,

"Heaven, Time, Dreams and Destiny"

When I arrived in Heavenduring the beginning of my experienceI found myself in a

huge room where the walls and ceilings were seemingly made of pure crystal; they had a
very healing kind of Light and soft music coming from the inside of them. The effect of the
Light and music flowing together was so calming, that I felt right
at home in this space almost at once.
In fact, the energy was so pure here that I felt as if I was being
given a wonderful Light and Music bath. I was being shined on,
're-tuned' and helped to harmonize with the spirit world; and
this assisted me to think and feel more clearly than I ever had
before. Whatever residue of anger, doubt or frustration I might
have been carrying around in my Soul up until this point, was
being completely washed away. Looking back, I now believe that the purpose of this room
was to prepare me for what was about to happen next.
With my guides besides me, I was taken into a new room. In my mind I heard that I was
entering, "The Room of Knowing". The room seemed to be suspended in mid air, and right
in the middle of the dark of space ... with swirling galaxies going on all around it. Standing
on a floor that appeared as reflective, black onyx; I stood in awe and watched as God's
Super Universe spun above, like a perfectly choreographed dancewhich often made the
floor look like a magnificent mirror.
I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appearand form a kind of gigantic,
cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. (Or
rather I should say, "MY LIVES IN REVIEW!")
While the cube was definitely square, once I was within it (and surrounded completely) I
realized that the device was also cylindrical. Without ever having to turn my head, I
panoramically saw my past, present, futureand there was even a screen behind me that
displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes.

I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood
absolutely everything I was seeingeven in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to
be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this
space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single mindedness here on
Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is
what they say: that when we go back homewe all really are of ONE mind!
One item of interest I would like to now point out: While I was able to see anything that
was either beside or below me in the box, without physically movingif I wanted to
actually 'look up' however, I did have to apply effort and 'intend' to see upward. I find that
fascinating, because the same holds true in life. If we want to walk forward or downward,
in respect to gravity, it really does not require that much energy, however, if we want to
climb upward we have to apply actual effort. When thinking of this in physical, mental,
emotional and psychological terms, I don't know about you, but for me I start to realize that
it is totally in God's plan that we learn how to endure resistance and apply ourselvesso
that we might reach our upward destinations, otherwise known as our personal goals and
Another thing to think about: Ask any person to look in the direction where they think God
exists and most will usually look upward. Those who have found some form of
enlightenment will gesture all around themselves, while those who have truly formed a
close, personal relationship with God will motion to their Heart center. Again, I think this
says something about us and proves that we are truly instinctual beingswho put
ourselves only as close to God as we personally feel comfortable being. When we
distance God away from us, this indicates we feel (in our Soul) that we still have much to
learn. If we bring God closer, we believe ourselves readyto apply to life what we think
we know and believe God and life has shown us.

What and where is Heaven?

In truth Heaven is all around us. But the place most of us think of as "Heaven" is actually a
location that exists in the inner and upper most, center regions of the Realm. And I know
this may sound strange, but (from far away) I remember an image of the Realm of Heaven
looking something like two cones placed together tip to tipwith the large openings
opposite of each other, which also connected to all the other incarnation based Realms.
And surrounding the entire structure was an orb or sphere of energyall surrounded by
spinning geometrical shapes.
During my NDE, I had an intrinsic knowing that a more intense form or presence of God
Almighty sits directly in the center of every realm, in an invisible dimension that can only be
entered and navigated by the way of the Spirit. The higher a person can cause their own
inner vibration to become, the deeper into the time/space that individual can go and travel
into this space in order to find and relate to God.
During my experience I saw that there are many different Realmsand each is stacked
one atop the other, like pancakes. Each Realm can be entered via a channel or portal,
however before someone can enter a particular Realm, first the vibrational signature of the
individual entering must accommodate and match with the vibrational signature of the
Realm they are crossing over into.
And now here is the really mind blowing part! In Divine Reality (from God's perspective) I

absolutely knew that in comparison with everything else that God created within the Super
Universe, our entire Realm is no bigger than the point of a needle!
To help wrap your mind around this concept, consider how science is now able to make a
computer chip (that can hold an infinite amount of information)no bigger than a
microscopic sliver of metal. Well, God (the ultimate scientist of all) can store "His
technology" in an even better way! Perhaps this gives us even more dimension as to why
Jesus said, "The Kingdom is within!"

Does God always hear our prayers?

Absolutely! God is the Spark of Light we hold within our Spiritwhich also gives us the
ability to have physical life.
If God is this Sparkthen why wouldn't our Maker hear us?
Have you ever been around a body that is no longer alive (whether a person or an animal)
and felt for their energy? You know they are not there any more because, not only has
their core energy or Spirit left their body ... the Spark of God is gone too. You know this is
true as you clairsentiently and inwardly compare the Spark that you hold within yourself,
with theirs.
As I witnessed my life-review, I relived all the many times I had asked God for help (with
certain issues in my life) and I also observed myself lose hope over and over
againthinking that God had either not heard me or didn't care. From the view point of
Heaven, I saw that quite the opposite was true! I saw that every time I made a request to
God, the Universal powers around me were literally moving both Heaven and Earth to help
me manifest my request! Only what I did not know at the time was that much of the things I
had asked forwere being scheduled to happen in later lifetimes.
There is a verse in the Bible where Jesus Christ says:
"Ask ... and you shall receive ... knock ... and the door will open!."
Jesus was able to confidently tell us this because He knew that life is never ending and that
our God (who Loves us so much) honors all requests sooner or later, (whether it is in this
life or in the next.) All we have to do in the meantime is have faith that God knows what is
best for us. And if we truly believe thisHeaven will send us a Spirit of Peace to tide us

Why is life the way it is? Sometimes it seems so good and then it gets
We are "what we are" and "go thru what we go thru" because somewhere,
somehowwhether in this life or anotherour Soul asked a questionand in return the
Universe gave us back an answer in the form of our current life experience.
It can be said then that our current lives are tailor made by Heaven and the Universal
Divine (which is truly alive and acts like a super computerkeeping track of everything) to

provide us with all the experience and understanding we require, so that in future
existences we will ask fewer questions and have greater amounts of wisdom.
What we do we do in life, we always do (in Spiritual reality) for the sake of higher purposes.
When we see this as true, we enjoy the investments we make so much moreand we
understand that they are not really based on outcome, but contribution instead.

Why does God schedule certain "dreams," "wishes" or "life-requests"

to happen in later lifetimes?
First of all, we are pretty busy down here on Earth, as each of us has tons of duties,
responsibilities and spiritual assignments we have to complete before this lifetime is over.
And some of the things we have to do may have been carried over from a another/former
existence. Believe it or not, many of the projects we are working on (in this life) are merely
tasks left over from previous (or other) existences considered important to our Soul. We
each have lots to do in this life, working with different people and developing various
talentsand the result may be that we will not have enough time to accomplish every new
goal or dream before this lifetime is completed. But!!! we can be confident in knowing that
if we ask God for something, God always hears us and wants to make us happy, therefore
at sometime (whether it is in this lifetime or another) our wish will be granted. And when we
return back home to the Realm, in this timeless space, we will see and experience all of our
collective Selves as if we are experiencing ONE lifetime, having been woven and treaded
together like a fine tapestry.
Therefore, we should keep in mind that God always knows when the best or exact time to
have us receive a request would be. Our ego makes us believe that we should have what
we want in the instant we made the request (especially during times when it seems we are
suffering), but God always knows when 'that something we want' would be more
meaningful and have a more lasting impactand these are the times when God usually
gives us the desires of our Heart. You have to keep in mind: Life is a whole lot bigger than
our ego mind lets us think it is! Everything we endure in life is all about expanding our
capacitymaking us ready to be able to accommodate even more once a request we
made to God arrives.
So many ask God for something, and because our requests do not immediately manifest it
might be easy to think our wish is not coming or that God is not listening. This is not true.
Once you ask God for somethingit is coming! God, the Angels and other Divine helpers
are always working on your behalf!! However, you must clearly understand that most of the
things we ask for, we are not properly prepared or strong enough to handle once they
arrive. So when people ask Heaven to help them manifest a major dream, they must
comprehend that the ones' looking after them (their guides) know that if the dream came
when they were not truly ready for it, it would crush the person flat! Therefore, Heaven
sends lessons and challenges to help a person develop character and integrity. Through
this process they will become strongergradually, and once their dream or request to God
arrives, they will not only be able to hold or carry it, but they will be able to enjoy and thrive
in it too!
Some of us may have a dream or a goal we would like to see manifest before this life is
over and actually have it happen, while some of us might have to wait to experience our
dream in a later life. No matter, please know that when your wish or dream is supposed to
come to you it will, and when it does it will be completely fantastic! Until then, just
realize that other lessons (that you need to experience for your own good) are being

And until you get what you wantmy advice is that you stop searching for or reminding
yourself of the evidence of those 'things' that seem to be keeping you separated away from
what you want. Whether you are facing a lack of money, love, good health, weight loss
or personal success of any kindstop thinking negatively about these things, as all you
will do is block the energy and flow of them coming to you! The truth is we all eventually
manifest what we think about. You will manifest and find the opposition you fear if you
KEEP LOOKING for it! Because without even realizing it, you are subliminally building a
case that will judge you unready to receive what you say you wantbecause
to the Universe, instead of seeing an open hand to fill ... it will only see a clinched fist!
Look for your dreamsACTIVELY, PASSIONATELY AND POSITIVELY ... and they will
eventually come! I promise! God is never unfair and wants to see us all get what we

What about time? Does it exist at all in Heaven?

No. During my NDE, I discovered that Heaven is a place where ALL TIME is happening all
at once.
The way I like to think of it is: God is Time and we are the moving hands on our
Creators' clock. While we (the hands) may all seem to be in motion, God (Time) sits
perfectly still like a solid foundation or stage for us to live out the dramas' of our lives.
I know that may sound bewildering to some saying that all time is happening at once, and
for the sake of writing this book, I would like to be able to say that my trip to the Other Side
happened in a kind of sequence, but it didn't. As I mentioned before, with the exception of
a few brief moments (during the beginning and the very end of my NDE) I had what I can
only think to call, "an extended eternal moment" where I experienced my own Light travel
everywhere and experience everything at once.
I witnessed my own spiritual essence expand outward, like an exploding sun, and as all the
various "rays" went forth, north, south, up, down, east, west and all around (at a
supernatural speed much faster than the speed of Light), I was able to take in, process and
ultimately recall a tremendous amount of information. Yet, even now, since having had my
NDE, I find that I am still trying to sort and figure out a great deal; and to be perfectly
honest, I don't think I will ever be able (in this lifetime) to successfully communicate exactly
what happened to me or what I saw and felt within the deepest part of my being. This is
one of the reasons I wanted to wait till I was a little older before I actually published
anything pertaining to my experience, as I was hoping that maturity and life experience
would help me be able to better explain the event, as well as what I now believe I now
know. But as the demand has so obviously grown, with hundreds of e-mails and thousands
of visits on my website every week, I have decided that my years of reflection has been
long enough and now I see that it is time for me to prayerfully and faithfully walk forward
and put my recollections and understandings down permanently in inkand also in the
capable hands of Heaven. However, even still, as I write these words in this moment ... I
realize there is so much more to conceptualize and process.
The deeper I went into Heaven, the more I realized that there is no time. It simply does not
exist in the higher spiritual stations and spheres. On the other side, there is no night and
daynor is there any aging or biological decay. Absolutely everything that has ever
happened, is happening now, or will happen in the future, is all happening right this

Time, I understood, was created for those who exist in a physical body to help us develop a
sense of what is truly meaningful and what is not while we exist and explore life in our
physical body. If we were just to exist with an understanding of timelessness, we humans
would more than likely get little to nothing done! But with a structured system of 'time' in
place, (as we observe our own aging and manage the limited amount of energy available to
us), we are made to focus our attention toward the details that matter most to our Soul in
the moment. Doing this helps us to maintain a certain pace, as we mentally grow. Then,
as ego induces the idea that we are 'running out of time' somehow the event of fearing age,
seems to helps us to consciously prioritize and zoom in on the smaller details of our life.
The body we live in now, exists in its own time table, however, once we return WHOLLY
with Spirit and The Realm, we will have an amazing recollection that we are actually a sum
total of many existences, which (as I have explained) are all existing at once.

Are all our lives occurring here on Earth?

No, they are all going on RIGHT NOWall over God's Super Universedue to the fact
that all beings are intrinsically made of Light; and Light has the ability to divide and
subdivide atomically according to the experiences our Higher Self wants to have and see
us experience. The miracle of all this however, is that each stand of Light has its own
sense of unique identity. And the only way to explain why or how this is possible? GOD IS

Our spiritual brother, Albert Einstein

A moment happened in the beginning of my experience where Albert Einstein, the famous
scientist, came forward to speak with me. While at first I could not make out his face, by
the 'feel' of his energy I knew exactly who he was as soon as he appeared.
To be perfectly honest, I really never had much of an interest in Einstein before, so I found
it interesting that I was seeing him now, and what amazed me at the time was that he
seemed to know exactly who I waseven though he died in 1955, 14 years before I was
He explained that he wanted to answer a few questions I was starting to have about some
of the codes and scientific theories I was now seeing on the screen held behind me. He
told me it was important for me to fully understand, so I could accomplish my destiny on
Earth. I remember wondering how it was that he could speak of and claim to know of my
destiny, when I myself did not have a clue?
As he spoke to me about space, time and relativity I was aware that Einstein had been
(and still was) a great teacher who not only had been born to our world, but that he had
also come to many other worlds' in God's Super Universe to help them advance in scientific
and social understanding. As his energy stood before me, it was like being near an old
friend who just happened to be tremendously brilliant, and what I found completely
remarkable was how he was able to explain even the most complex notion in such an easy
to understand way.
Not only was he incredibly kind, sincere and funny; he always seemed to be completely
interested in my views. We started discussing sound and the use of music and harmonies
for the purpose of transporting energy into a space. It surprised me that I actually started to
believe I knew more about this particular subject than he seemed toand when he
showed me a supernaturally displayed diagram of what the Universe looks like before and
after sound has entered it, I challenged him in our discussion about the use of tonal
dissonance, which led to another discussion about the opening of some sort of time/space
portal and the filling of space with atomic, neutrino type matter. I understood that this
matter absorbed and recorded absolutely that happened within the space it filled. Without
thinking, I began speaking about the use of positive and negative energy, and that if too
much challenging energy fills a space, the atmosphere becomes tainted and is never as
pure as before. We spoke about Nazi Germany and how the vile actions performed there,
when Hitler was in power, forever altered the energies in that part of the world.
Ultimately, Einstein seemed highly interested (and even humored) by my assertions. And
as he saw that I was shocked by my own sudden burst of self confidence, he congratulated
me on what he called my "chutzpa" (hut-spa)a word I had never heard before until then,
which I later found out was a Yiddish term expressing, "sudden and unexpected boldness."
While our actual conversation seemed brief in comparison with everything else I
encountered during my NDE, Einstein did manage to impart a tremendous amount of
information to me in a way that I can only call, "telepathic"not only could I hear his
thoughts and explanations fully in my mind, I could also see actual multi-dimensional,
moving, colorful demonstrations as well. It was like watching a live documentary that is
being broadcast into your mind. Unfortunately, most of what I was shown is not always
easy for me to recall at will, but I am sure it is all still subconsciously with me, because I will
sometimes find myself suddenly able to explain some of the things Einstein showed me on
a "as needed" basis during my one-on-one sessionsand then be completely stunned by

what I just remembered!.

My lady guide stepped forward, and with Einstein still standing somewhere near-by, she
directed my attention toward the screen hanging to my left. On the screen I watched the
beginning of my material existence, where I was a pure, glimmering, baby
Soulsurrounded by a tremendous ball of Loving, Golden Light. Then I witnessed my
own spiritual evolution and saw that I had existed long before this present incarnation
(where I am now a male human known as Christian Andrason.) For me, watching the
process of living life, after life, after life unfold, was mind blowing! I undeniably observed
that I had lived an innumerable amount of liveswhere I had been born into a human
body many, many times as both a woman and a man! This greatly surprised me because
up until this time I had been led to believe (by Christian fundamentalist religion) that not
only were multiple incarnations not possiblea Soul could only maintain one gender in
As my attention turned to the screen in the center, I saw how wise, Elder guides watch over
us always, and that with every incarnation they send us to the best places within God's
Creation, where we can obtain the most amount of growthaccording to our spiritual
needs and over-all Divine purpose.
There was a moment when I was able to travel though the center screen and quite
suddenly I found myself visiting a few of these places and remembered having incarnated
into some of them. A split second later, my attention was focused on the third screen, that
was to my rightand as it came to life, I began to see representations of what were to be
my future lives. With both the center screen and the one that was to the right, I actually
saw a separate version of myself, three-dimensionallyliving out each incarnation as if it
was happening in present time. Seeing this left me totally spellbound!
Once more the energy of Albert Einstein came toward me and he explained that in
Heaven's reality, there really was no such a thing as "past lives" or "future lives", as from
the view point of Heavenall of our incarnations are actually happening all at once!
Einstein taught me how our Spirit is able to divide and subdivide its Self, just like God, as
when our Creator formed us, therefore we are able to create a new life for ourselves as our
Spirit sees the need. Einstein said, "We are all like cells in the body of God. We never go
away. We never leave. All we do is merely merge our preexisting energy together for the
purpose of making new cellswhich ultimately represents an extension of our authentic
Spirit." The process is completely comparable to how a human body or human life
regenerates. Just as we are each extensions of our Earthly parents, we are extensions of
our Heavenly parent and Higher Self as well.

The Tunnel
During my NDE, I don't consciously remember traveling down a tunnel, as you hear about
in most near-death experiences. I have talked to many of the most famous NDE people
out there (who are still here with us) and I find that even they too have a slight different
understanding of tunnels from one another.
While I was often aware of tunnels and portalsand even heard a few of them whirling

beside me ... to be perfectly honest, if I did go through one, I do not remember.

I do, however, recall seeing a rather unusual visual of a guide traveling to a deeper
dimension in Heaven, as he was going through a tunnel himself. As the guide started his
journey, I started to see what looked to be a fast moving, swirl of energy stretching down a
long, thin, endless drain. What was odd was while the guide stood in place the entire time,
he visually appeared to be becoming smallerwhile at the same time he appeared to be
lengthening as he fell deeper into the swirl of energy. Then all at once, he was gone!
Later, it occurred to me, that what I had seen was this guides' energy traveling through a
portal which connected the dimension (or Realm) I was standing inbetween another that
held a much faster vibration.
Intuitively I knew that the guide had not really become smaller, but actually much bigger. It
was my perception of him that seemed 'smaller' because he apparently was traveling to a
place that (to me) was very far away from where I was standing in my own consciousness.
Because of having witnessed this, it is my belief that we each do something very similar
when we leave this life and travel to the Other Side. As we go down the long tunnelour
Spirit body of Light shrinks away from our "small" physical body, leaving it behind so that
we might reunite with our much bigger body of Light or 'Higher Self' in Heaven.
In truth, "Heaven" is all around us. It is not just abovebut directly in front, around and
even (just as Jesus Christ said) within. It may be difficult for those who exist in a doubtful
mental state of lower vibration to imagine what Heaven is exactly, but Heaven is certainly
here with us (as is God)right here and right now!

Heaven is our real home!

Now that you have had a near-death experience, are you afraid to die?
No I am notif anything, I am actually excited! For the rest of my life, I cannot image not
considering Heaven as being my real home! I have a good idea now of what is waiting for
meand it is so wonderful! The only thing that makes me resistant to return too soon is
that I want to make sure that I accomplish everything that I was meant to do in this life.
That is very important to me and something I think about quite often.
And by the way, (just so you know) I do not believe that we die. I believe we transition.

Do you know what it is you are supposed to accomplish now in life?

I think I know some of it, but everything ... no, I don'tand to be perfectly honest, I don't
want to know everything I am destined for. There would be no point to be being here
I do know I am meant to help people, to be a teacher or guide when permitted, to work with
music, help influence and impact culture and obviously write down or talk about what I

believe I know of the Spirit, while at the same time I develop and deepen my own intuition.
I believe I am meant to try and figure out life on certain levels, like one would try to resolve
a crossword puzzle, so that I might help give clues to others' about the possibilities of their
lives. Yet, I also know I am not supposed to take myself or this life so seriously, that I get to
the point I no longer enjoy it. So from this perspective, I tend to see life as a kind of game
that can sometimes be quite challenging or fun. However, the goal, is to seek to infuse
every single day with as much Love and goodness as I can squeeze from my intention and
give away freely.
So, from that standpoint, I know I am here to be a friend. I was shown very clearly in
Heaven that nothing is more important than Loving the people God puts in our livesand
doing this with all of our Heart! Even when we are hurting. Everyone that is here is here
for a reason. Even the difficult people! God put us all here to help take care of each other.
Learning how to do this makes us a better Soul.
I am here (as are the rest of us) to learn how to be a better Soul. By intentionally working
on this ideal consciously, not only will I help reshape my own life, I will shift the outcome of
this world and all of God's Super Universe.

Does Heaven know when we are going to die?

The time, method and place of our passing is always known way in advance by our Elders
and guides, as well as by our own Higher Self before it actually happens. This process
(which is centered around what will give us the most spiritual growth) was fully discussed,
mapped out and then agreed upon before we incarnated into these bodies.

Who will be there when I arrive?

Your relatives, friends and even former beloved pets (who are now on the other side) will
be telepathically alerted to your impending transition; you will be able to depend on them to
greet you as soon as your arrival back into the Realm occurs, should that be the wish of
you and your Higher Self.

When I pass away from my body where is it that my Soul will go?
We each return to the spherical space in the Realm we last came from (prior to this
incarnation) which exists within the center of Heaven or what I refer to as, "The Wheel of
Destiny". Our guides will be waiting for us there, ready to help us through our life review,
and once that is completed, we go before our elders, who give us further instruction and
enlightenment about the physical lives we just encountered. Then we usually join a group
of fellow Souls (we are close to within the Realm also known as our Soul Family) or we
spend some time on our own in a very pleasant or tranquil place within the Realm or God's
Super Universe our Soul appreciates.

How do we get to where we are going in the Realm?

Everything in God's Super Universe is regulated by vibration, electrical current and
frequency. The higher our Soul's level of vibration and frequency, the higher and further we
are able travel throughout the Divine Realms and God's Super Universe. What is
interesting about the Realm is that our energy automatically brings us right to the place that

either most interests us or resembles our own energy.

What about God's vibration?

Our Creator vibrates at an absolute level that is so fast that He actually sits perfectly still!
Yet God spans past all space, time and His entire Creation without having to even lift a
single finger or move the central part of His own energy! When thinking of the frequency,
vibration and energy of Father God, I can only share with you that it is incomprehensible,
as it is constantly ever-expanding upward in pitch.

What does the inside of Heaven look like?

Glorious! There are great cities very similar to the ones we live in now, only these places
have great harmony and balance to them. I saw one city that was made entirely of gold and
precious stones. It actually glowed! One city that always stays in the back of my mind is a
great metropolis made entirely out of what looked to be sapphires. It glows with the most
luminous blue and white Light. It reminds me of a white Christmas tree with beautiful blue
glass balls. I had a knowing that this place was where Loving Christ-like communicators
choose to gather and exchange thoughts. There is a tremendous amount of Love and
Grace in Heaven. No matter where you go, the feeling of Love and Joy is everywhere.
There is no other place you would rather be.

Is there a special place where we stay in Heaven?

The point to incarnating in a physical body is so that once we are done, we can then
explore the many worlds and places of wonder within the Realm. However, each of us is
allowed a sacred space there, (where we can make a home for our Soul), if we desire to. (I
will explain more about this below.)

How does Heaven change in appearance?

The higher up you go in Heaven, the more it becomes impossible to give a human
description. I try to explain it by saying there are flashes of Light and brilliant colors of every
spectrum everywhere. In fact the colors that are in Heaven are more brilliant than the ones
we have here on Earth. There are healing tones that play incredible music, which all
together form one single sacred song. There is such tremendous LOVE, PEACE and JOY
there that you can think of no other place you would rather be. There is no way to really
describe the high Heavens. It has to be experienced by the
individual. And all individuals will have this experience when they
are ready and it is time for them.

Who goes to Heaven?

In the endbelieve it or not (sigh of relief) everyone gets to come
home! I know some people will have a hard time hearing this.
Especially those who believe that people who do evil deserve
damnation. But you must understand; Heaven does not think as
we do. Heaven is a place of ultimate LOVE! They want nothing
more than to see us healed and restored should we have been damaged by evil. And to
Heaven, those who are hurt by evil or even seen as Souls' who actually do it ... are all seen
as individuals who are hurting in the worst wayand in need to repair. Also, do you

honestly think Jesus would have asked us to forgive, serve and Love one another without
hesitationif Heaven does not do that as well? Think about it.
Understand, God has a perfect system of justice. What comes around, always goes
around. No one ever gets away with anything. I can promise you that! What we do not
rectify and make right in this life, we will have to accomplish in the next one. The great
Christian teacher from India, Paramahansa Yogananda, believes that Heaven does not
usually allow us to remember former incarnations because of the challenging Karma we
may have endured before. He says, there is no greater "hell" than the hell we create for
ourselves though the perpetration of unloving behavior. The energy of such deeds always
comes to find us in later lives.
When we have learned how to become individuals that base our entire existence and
consciousness around manifesting LOVE, we then become capable of entering the domain
of the higher Realms of Heaven while also understanding how Heaven thinks. In the Bible,
it is written, "Our thoughts are not like God's thoughtsand our ways are not like God's
ways." And without the energy of Love permeating our being fully, we will never even
come close to thinking like God.
The bottom line is this: until we practice Love consistently, we will only go so far until we
are made to incarnate somewhere in God's Super Universe again and again (unlimited
times) until we finally learn our lesson. Until then, we will be allowed to come back home to
various parts of the Realm temporarily, so that we can be refreshed, refurnished and taught
by our elders, Soul Family and our guides. But once we are done, it is off to work we go!

But what about the people who ALWAYS do bad things in life?
First of all, when we make errors in life, God does not see us as bad people, but Souls who
are in need to enlightenment.
If we do harm to others or ourselves in life, God sends us to a place or future incarnation
that will ultimately show us why doing such things is wrong. These lifetimes tend to be
very severe.
You can trust that when God or Heaven sends you somewhere to learn something, the
lesson will be learned soon enough!
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"What goes on in the "Divine Realm?"

Lots of things! Individuals are laughing, relaxing and enjoying one another's company.
Some are off working together in pairs (or larger), so that they might bring a new concept or
idea, or accomplish a Divinely intended goal for the planet. Some are off to themselves
reflecting in far away, peaceful places and learning how to work with and trust the power
they hold within them. Others form close-knit groups and enjoy learning together as they
are taught by various Loving, advanced teachers and guides of Spirit. The Realm is a real
happening place I can tell you that! I always laugh when I think of society's image of
Heaven as little cherubs sitting around playing harps on clouds. Ahhhh ... it's a whole lot

more intense than that!

Who can see Heaven or the Divine Realm?

Anyone can see it.

Even in the body?

Yep. Even in the body. You will be amazed to find out that some of the things you "thought
you saw" (but thought your mind was playing tricks on you) were actually things Heaven
was helping you see on Earth. Again, the higher up you go in your capacity to hold Love
and Light in your Soul, the greater the chance your spirit will reside long enough in your
body to help your consciousness become open enough to help you see and understand the

How can I learn how to see it?

Every time you choose to participate in a LOVING THOUGHT, you are manifesting the
feeling of HEAVEN ON EARTH. The reason most are so unsure about the place from
which we all came is because we have not yet learned to LOVE ourselves or one another
enough. Once we learn how to LOVE enough and keep this LOVE perpetual, we will build
up a tremendous inner Light and this Light will be used to help us see glimpses into
Heaven. Not only will you be able to see or sense spiritual things, you will also understand
how to work through issues that trouble you in your life.
For many, seeing or sensing Spiritually can happen quite suddenly. Close your eyes, take a
deep breath and ALLOW the peace, presence and Joy of Almighty God to wash over you
like a warm, gentle, flowing stream of water. Concentrate on this feeling for as long as you
are able. Just imagine to your best ability what the word "JOY" might mean to you. If you
feel doubt or have "jumbled" emotions about this word, it could mean that you are holding
guilt, shame or unforgiveness in your Soul. These things have no place in the Realm of
God! Let them go now. Think only what it means to LOVE and be LOVED. Be patient.

What will I see when I seek to see Heaven?

Some report to having seen their silver cord, some see white flashes of Light, some see
tunnels of dark blue or violet with a lovely blue pastel colors toward the end. Some of you
may even see moving figures, buildings, colorful flower gardens or even great celestial
cities. Others report having amazing consciousness expanding thoughts come to them
which help them to understand their lives, the world and the ultimate plan of God better.
Sky is the limit for what you can experience! That is the wonder of Heaven...

Do we have a home in Heaven?

As a matter of fact, (as I said before) I saw that we do (should
we want one) and this home held in the
Astral Realmcan be any size and as
wonderful as we wish it to be!
It can be a quaint cottage or it can even be a
huge mansion. Real estate is not an issue in

Heaven! If you can think it, it can be done. What many of us fail to realize is that each of
us DOES have the ability to manifest any visualization into material form. In Heaven,
because all things are made from the essence of pure LIGHT, this process is actually done
quite easily.
In Heaven, we each have the ability to sculpt density into the Light (using concentration)
and this is how we create 'form' throughout the Realm. We do this by lightly focusing (or
pressing) with our intention.
You would be amazed at how much you could accomplish here on Earth once you master
the art of concentration! Everything mentally comes down to one single wordintention.
In Heaven holding intention is fairly easy because we can so easily tap into others around
us who think and feel as we do. Here on Earth, this process is far more difficult! This is
one of the reasons we incarnated here. We wanted to learn how to sharpen our individual
Our intentions are everything, as they dictate our future. But if they are too spastic,
undecided or doubted, our energy becomes fragmented and diluted, and our ability to bring
something tangible into form becomes near impossible. Therefore, it is important to really
focus and concentrate on those things we believe we want and need.

What did your house look like in Heaven?

While this is very personal to me, I saw that I had a house made entirely of what looked to
be rubies. These precious stones were affixed to the walls in the hundreds of thousands to
millions. Maybe this explains my absolute obsession with the color ruby red!
I saw that there was furniture in the house, similar to what we have here on Earth, only it
seemed to be more round and futuristic; and interestingly it had a great deal of cushion!
Surprisingly, texture is apparently something that can be felt in Heaven. In fact, all of our
five senses are very much the same as on Earth, only in Heaven, they are far more
developed to an unimaginable degree. We have the ability to smell, see, hear, touch (and
get ready for this)EVEN TASTE!!!!
The one thing about the home I think about the most, is that it had a lovely, flowing stream
that moved through the actual house and into a lovely, lush, floral garden in the back. The
sound of bird song was everywhereand I absolutely adore bird song! And while I do not
recall ever seeing any of my beloved pets in Heaven, I remember that they meet us in the
garden (as well as anyone else we might wish to see) once we cross over after our lifetime
is completed.
Another thing I always wonder and think about, I question whether or not the back of all of
our homes in Heaven all share this same stream and gardenthe reason I wonder this is
because it was in this place that I met a personage I call, "The Guardian of the Garden"
who I knew looked after all the Souls who visited this tranquil space in Heaven. I guess I
will have to wait and see for sure!

How are we prepared for our incarnations?

Everything that we experience in Heaven always has a gigantic and well orchestrated plan
behind it. And there are a vast number of beings and angelic workers take great delight
and feel incredibly privileged to help us discover ourselves and determine who we are to


The 7 Realms of Development
From Heaven I remembered that before each of us are sent forth into our
various incarnations or missions; we were first taught and instructed within
many of the various compartments of God's Great Ream.
For those who are preparing for incarnations in a humanoid form there are
approximately 7 levels to graduate from. Each of these spaces constitutes
a special enclosure within the Realm, much like a small suburb or
township, that exists within a cityrepresenting a specific compartment
utilized for Soul-based training.
Each is energetically colored and seen by the Spirit to coordinate with the
various 7 hues of the rainbow. Because of this, there exists a Red hued
Realm, an Orange Realm, a Yellow Realm, a Green Ream, a Blue Realm,
an Indigo/Pink Realm and then lastly, there is the Violet Realm.

Red Realm

In the
we will have just come from having been
manifested and incubated as an individual Spirit by God. Once we are
aware of our own uniqueness, we go before Elder Spirits who assign to us
guides. These wise Spirits who are much more evolved than us, usually
remain with us for our entire incarnation process. While we get to know
them, we visually tour all of Gods creation and are taught one-on-one
about all the vast purposes and intentions that each part of Gods Creation
can provide for a visiting Soul. It is during this time of tremendous growth
that we are educated about the different worlds, creeds and cultures that
exist. Our time in this Realm helps us to build up our inner confidence in
ourselves, while we look to those we know we can trust. Not only is it a
time of questions and answers, it is a process that makes you grateful to
God and full of awe as you realize just how wonderful the Creator is to
have given you the gift of life. The Red Realm infuses a Soul with
tremendous energy and helps give them the courage to have their own
sense of identity and unique perspective. Some Souls having had difficult
or traumatic incarnations often return here to the Red Realm to be
nurtured by the more feminine, Mothering force of God so that they might
be re-infused with vast amounts of positive energy.

Orange Realm

In the
we are introduced to many other Souls
who share similar energies to our own. Socially we co-mingle with one
another until we are eventually divided up into schools or various
groupings called, Soul Familiesall according to our mutual gifts and
interests. It is here, in the Orange Realm that we mutually begin
developing our creativity and intellect, while also learning how to manifest
our own personal, unique feelings and impressions about Gods Super
Universe in a group setting, with other like minded Souls. This is a very
happy place in the Realm and a great deal of fun. With our Soul family in
tow, our group guides will often take us out to explore specific parts of this

Realm which help us to prepare for what it will be like to interact with
othersdifferent from ourselves. After every incarnation, we always
return here to parts of this Realm to discuss our mutual successes and our
failures, as well as our future intentions with our Soul Family.

Yellow Realm

In the
we separate away from our Soul
familyand part ourselves at a distance from the opinions and view points
of other Souls. This event helps us to grow in wisdom. For brief periods,
we are encouraged by teachers and guides who pass through this Realm.
Masters and specialists of every kind of incarnation you can think of speak
to us from a place of authentic experience. Their job is to help us truly
begin to a refine and cultivate our own perceptions. While they only visit
with us for periods of time (so as not to overly intrude upon our solitude,
which is vital for our development) their time with us is deeply important.
We are taught, reminded and cautioned about potential difficulties, pitfalls
and challenges we either have or might eventually encounter even
before having ever experienced such things. The life books of Soul's our
teachers want us to know about are shown to us here and as this happens,
we are allowed to step into a kind of simulation that helps us to experience
what it might have been like to have been that individual. It is here in the
Yellow Realm that we also have our life reviews and once it is over, we are
left to ourselves to play out some of the memories from our former
incarnation ... so that we might reflect about who we are and who we see
ourselves becoming.

Green Realm

is often used as a point of re-entry into the
spiritual Realm once a physical incarnation is completed, and many Souls
will return to Heaven via this portal ... as this is where the deepest and
most spiritual form of individual contemplation occurs. There are no
teachers or guides here; Only A Great Master... a warmly compassionate
and engaging personage, who exists as a flowing and rippling form of
bright Light. This Being is never far away from us so that we always have
a friend who is instantly available for us to walk, talk and hash out our inner
most concerns with. This event all happens within the confines of a
magnificent, lush, never ending garden that is filled with every kind of
beautiful aspect of nature a person could never imagineeven in their
wildest dreams. I feel it important to note that this garden always retains
the same look and feel for everyone who visits there. As our wonderful
and beloved Light Being friend speaks to us (once we show readiness) the
vital importance of Love is shared with us and why it is our ultimate destiny
to learn how to use and cultivate Love as often as possible. We are shown
aspects of the Creators Light, which exists as a spirit of Love we have
within ourselves. Its tremendous healing and restorative power is
revealed to usas we are encouraged to utilize it as soon as it occurs to
us to do so; especially during times where our physical incarnations begin
to appear difficult. Before we leave the Green Realm, the Being of Light
gives us a special blessing and a vibrational signature is then placed upon
us, so that in the moments of our darkest hours we will never completely
forget who we are or where we came from. Christs voice calls out to us
through this signature: You belong to me and I belong to you. The Light of
God is your true home and the Light is where you will one day return once
your quest is completed. Love is your greatest power. Learn to use it
In the

Blue Realm we reunite with our guides and Soul family.

We also find old friends from the Orange Realm here, as well as advanced
workers of Spirit intermingling with us. We gather all together to listen to
one anotherto share newly conceived ideas and concepts that were
obtained during our time of independent contemplation. The Blue Realm is
a phenomenal place of wonder. It is a fun place of invention and advanced
creativity. Many Soul's who are often in between incarnations come here
and enjoy the exciting and active setting as their vacation away from
physical life. Older Souls share stories and experiences with younger
Souls and sometimes some of these meetings present opportunities where
new friendships are forged and future incarnations are planned. It is in this
location within the Realm that we imagine what 'our Heaven' should look
and feel likeand everyone who inhabits this Realm is always involved, at
least on some level in the process of constructing the Heaven we all dream
together. At the center most part of this Realm, we manifest an ever
growing metropolis that is based around many different architectural
images, which often resemble the same familiar traditional, Roman/Greek
classic and modern, futuristic buildings we have become familiar with here
on Earth. In fact, all design and reproduction that occurs here has always
first come from the Blue Realm. Once something is manifested in this
Realm, it lasts forever.

Indigo Realm

In the
, we enter into more of a serious state where
we learn how to concentrate to use more fully the gift God gave us to
manifest our ideas into actual form--to an even more advanced level. It is
here in the Indigo Realm, under the supervision of our guides that learn
just how powerful our own thoughts can be. As this occurs, we are allowed
to work independently or as a group, practicing our skill at using our own
energy to sculpt astral density into form, all so that an actual reality, of our
own creation, might occur right before our very eyes. It is in this deep,
warm, blue, starry cosmos, that we learn exactly what kind of energy it
takes for us to be able to produce an object or an outcome, and because of
this, we learn how to better cultivate our thoughts so that once we are put
into a physical flesh body, we will be able to, at some point, truly manifest
what we say we desire. There are many sacred schools of learning here
and it is in this Realm we learn about some of the more mystical aspects of
God's Super Universe.

Violet Realm

is a marvelous astral projection of what we
mutually believe and desire for Gods Throne room to look like. It is here
that we are infused with an "I can do" spirit, while respectfully meeting and
and being met by the Beings of the Highest order within Heaven: such as
The Grand Elders (who are among the oldest of our Creation and exist as
a kind of panel of wise Souls who guide our guides) and the Arch Angels
(who all help to shepherd us in all our many existences and lifetimes).
Once our meetings are completed, it is then understood that we have
accomplished the necessary preparation needed to begin incarnating into
the physical Realms within Gods Super Universe. It is now time for us to
leave the schooling, restoration and healing rooms and Realms of Heaven.
However, there is one final stop that must happen. As we are brought
further into the Violet Realm Our guides walk us into a vast domed
Cathedral of Light. This is the moment we have all been waiting for and
the excitement we feel is enormous! It is here in this gigantic room, which
radiates pure golden Light and is bigger than a stadium that we re-

encounter the very essence of The One who brought us and all Creation
A kind of graduation ceremony begins, as each one of us is gently lifted up
and levitated toward our Creators massive presence so that we can be
We are each spoken to privately. No one hears the conversation that is
shared between us and God. The Almighty reveals His thoughts to us
about the unique purpose and reason our Spirit was brought forth from His
womb and into existence. Yet, as this happens, it is clearly understood
that no ones purpose is any less than any others, as everyone is destined
to play out a vital part to The Creators phenomenal and eternal plan.
And while God knows we are more than likely to take many different roads
and alternative paths to get to that final outcome, The Almighty knows,
absolutely and confidently that we will indeed arrive back home
Many individuals whose primary purpose it is to serve the world in ministry
spend a tremendous amount of time here in between incarnations. The
energy and presence of God fills them with the faith necessary to strive to
deliver a replication of God's Love to those who look upon them for
guidance and leadership.

Chapter 4 - Questions and Answers,


Did you see Angels?

Yes, I did see Angels and know that they most definitely exist,
exactly as we imagine them to. Yet Angels, just like God, can
greatly differ in their physical presentation.
During my NDE, I was aware that Angels were always
everywhere ... however; though Angels seemed very important
to me and my own personal mission here on Earth, Angels (those we think of as the winged
ones) were not the focal point during my near-death experience. Of course, I knew that
they were always somewhere in the background, watching and Lovingly serving in any way
they possibly could.
One of my favorite memories from my NDE was when I found myself standing in what I
believe to have been the highest Heaven my Spirit is currently able to reach. As I looked
up, I saw the most awesome celestial event of dark purple and blue. I saw thousands of
Angels with many eyes and wings shining through a kind of veil and looking down on me.
These beings were interconnected and formed a gigantic circle and I knew that they were
of great importance to God. I saw these beings as the keepers and guardians of all

knowledge. They were absolutely gigantic and I had a knowing that they could instantly
evaporate anything (that has been formed from fear and darkness) with a single thought.
But as they looked upon me, I felt such tenderness, compassion, safety and LOVE. Their
greatest concern was always for my happiness and that I be pleased with what I was being
told and shown.

How many Angels do each of us have?

As many as we need. I have come to understand that most of us have two or even three
helpers. These Angels mostly come in the form of guides. However, winged guardian
Angels (who come from the Angelic Realm) are never far away and always have a watchful
eye on us to make sure nothing prevents us from accomplishing our Divine purpose. And
believe me when I tell you that nothing can stop them once they are headed toward a
beacon of Light that has just shot up into the Heavensfrom a believer who is saying an
earnest prayer!
Speaking of beacons of Light: My dear friend, Betty J. Eadie saw in her near-death
experience (as written in her wonderful book, "Embraced by the Light") that no prayer is
more respected than a prayer that has been issued by a Mother. Deep down, I know this is
true, as I understood that Heaven sees all Mothers as the ultimate co-creators of God's
Super Universe. Mothers are given tremendous gifts of the spirit and act literally as Angels
on earth for their childrenshould they choose to step into and acknowledge this role.
Because of this a Mother who loves her children tends to manifest mega amounts of Light
around them that potentially bless their entire family. Also, a Mother's touch has great
power! It can shift atomic matter to its very core. And should it be the will of God, this
touch can heal dis-ease and/or put a protective barrier of Light around a child. It is for this
reason, that I believe that all parents should do all they can to maintain being close to God
(at Heart) and practice the laying of hands on their children, while at the same time
speaking blessings over them.
Note: I also saw in my NDE that their are some Souls' come here to act as Earth Mothers
to the world. These amazing people can come in the form of nurses, doctors, teachers,
social workers, healers, politicians/law-makers or gentle representatives of various religious
ordersetc. These individuals (whether man or woman) are often afforded the same kind
of spiritual abilities, as afforded to a good Motheras Heaven allows and sees fit. The
nun famously known as, "Mother Theresa" who worked most of her life in the impoverished
streets of Calcutta, India is a wonderful example of an Earth Mother.

Who are our guides and what are their roles in our lives?
Our guides are what I call our wingless Angels. They are our most cherished friends and
supporters in Heaven. They never leave our sidenever for a single second! In fact, what
many do not know is that somewhere right here on Earth, in our families or somewhere in a
line of dear personal friends, there is always one who acts as a Heavenly go between for
us and the Realm. Hence the verse, "Angels walk among you unaware!"
Also, I think it is important for us to consider the Hebrew meaning behind the world,
Ang = "Being"
El = "Of The Light"

Essentially you could say that when we have the energy of Love in our livesand are
growing with it dailythat we become powerful "Beings ... of The Light."
So with Love ... We are all Angels.

Did you meet Jesus? Who is he to you?

During the latter part of my near-death experience, I found myself walking in a beautiful
garden with a Being whose Lightbody was significantly brighter than my own. And even
though there was no evidence of gender, this particular Being felt very masculine to me.
I was standing in this garden when all of the sudden I was aware of someone behind me.
As I turned around, I felt a wonderful, unassuming energy easily and quickly merge with my
own. Yet at the same time, I found that I was acutely aware of my own identity and
uniqueness. This surprised me as it was evident to me that this Being was clearly far more
advanced and powerful than methis individual's Light and energy had what I can only
think to call "a nuclear" quality to it, which could clearly take over my energy and Light and
reassemble it completely! But even with this possible, I knew it would never happen as he
embraced me and accepted me just as I was. Soon I recalled that this same personage
was the one who had counseled me before ... in the Green Realm. While being with 'Him' I
felt incredibly happy, safe and peacefuland from that moment forward, I began to think of
the Being as, "The Guardian of the Garden."
I will always remember and intuit the Guardian as being very kind, brilliant, funny, sensitive,
polite, wise and intensely humble. One could never imagine having a more perfect friend!
While the Guardian and I walked thru the lush garden, I saw that it was filled with every
colorful flower imaginable. Vibrant chirping birds and shimmering waterfalls that plunged
into vast crystal blue pools of singing water were everywhere. I recall a moment when I ran
to one of the pools and put my hands and arms in and reached as far under the water as I
could. My reach seemed limitless and yet, I knew that in truth there was no bottom. As I lift
the water up and splashed it against my face, I could actually sense it was alive as I
listened to all the many different harmonious tones coming from it. The sensation was not
a damp wet feeling at all, but rather, cool, smooth and soothing.
The Guardian leaned down to talk to me. We spoke about many things, but what I recall
the most was him conveying our Creator's intentions for the World, and all the many Super
Universes' and Heavens' that surround us. He shared with me how everything and
everyone is connected, and even with one part missing, everything in all Creation would fall
completely to pieces. The vibrations behind the Guardian's teachings greatly stimulated
my spiritual mind; to the point I could actually feel a kind of tickling or buzzing sensation
going on all around me. A moment came where we were both lifted upward. I knew this
was happening so I could view the entirety of the Creator's Garden from above. I saw that
the garden is immense and from a visual standpoint, has no end! I commented about all
the many different kinds of flowers I was seeing and the Guardian reminded me that each
and every flower within the garden actually represented a single Soul who had incarnated
within God's Super Universe. I was told that the garden is a reminder to all who choose to
walk within it of God's great Love and devotion to all Creation. The Guardian also warned
me not to allow myself to become too infatuated with the colorful blooms of the flowers, but
to consider the plain looking stalk which holds the bloom up for all to see. The Guardian
told me that the stalk was actually just as important as the bloom itself, as the bloom (which
lives to ultimately drop seeds) is a testament to the longevity and staying power of the
stalk. The Guardian then told me that when we faithfully endure the storms and challenges
of life, our "stalk" (or Soul) is gradually made thicker and more solid, and in timeit will

hold a gigantic "bloom" (or Spirit) for all creation to see and enjoy. "The power of
unconditional Love, the search for wisdom, faith in God's plan, charity and the pursuit of
Joy" the Guardian told me, "is what causes our stalk to bloom beautiful flowers and drop
the seeds of destiny, thus yielding a beautiful and colorful life!"
And then the Guardian said something that has stayed with me. He said:
"We are all ONE and walking in the Garden of God."
Since having had my NDE, I have walked with the Guardian in this same garden (during
dreams and meditations) many times. And while this Being never gives himself an actual
name ... I have come to believe that the Guardian is somehow connected to the man we
know and call, Jesus Christ. The reason I believe this to be true is because of quite a few
spiritual experiences I have had since my NDE that have to do with Jesus and (for me
personally) the evidence is undeniable. (Perhaps, I will write about and share these
experiences, which are intensely personal to me, at a later date.)
Yet, what I do not mind sharing and find absolutely fascinating is that while many people
have met and seen the actual personage of Jesus during a NDE or other spiritual
experience, for me, that did not happen. Jesus did not reveal Himself to me, not until a few
years later. But I have come to believe that this was intentional on Heaven's part.
Rather than me finding Jesus in Heaven ... first, I guess, He wanted me to find him in life!
And I am glad that it happened this way. Because now, I have a much greater appreciation
for exactly "who" Jesus is to me. I Love this man with all of my Heart ... and this Love is
not a religious Love, but rather, a huge respect. If you come to my house you would
probably notice that I have some kind of rendering of Jesus in almost every room, along
with many pictures of people who are close to me. For me personally, Jesus Christ is like a
really close family member. One of my best friends. Someone I love just as much as my
close loved ones here on Earth. Maybe more...
As I look at His history and study His life, I see that He truly is the way, the truth and the
life, as His ways shine forth the route we must all take in lifeif we want to to live in and
experience "The Light" more fully while we are still in human form. And that "route" is to
learn how to Love (and forgive) ourselves and all others with all our might!
Today, I now see Jesus Christ as my principal guide. He is the one leading me now.
Talking to me always; in my waking hours and in my sleep. He is there telling me when I
need to calm down when I am upset or asking me to go speak with someone I may have
just noticed when I walked into a room. How do I know it is Him? I just do. Just like how I
know the feeling of others I care about when they are sharing the same space as me.
They give off there own energyand Jesus gives off His own. I am sure that anyone who
has ever experienced Him knows exactly what I am saying. His energy on the Earth plain
has a very solid feel to it. He is very good ... right to his core. So when He relays
something to you, you absolutely know it would be incredibly foolish to ignore Him.
As for my other Heavenly guides, for many years now (since my experience) I have
managed to stay in off-and-on again contact with them, however, I know it is not their way
to make themselves readily apparent to me on a personal level in every day life. There is
still too much I have yet to learn and they are not about to make my journey too easy for
So my advice to those of you who are seeking to know your angels or your guides, trust me

when I tell you ... in the deepest part of your core, you know them already! But before they
can truly reveal themselves to you, you must learn how to suppress your ego-based,
chattering mind. You must prove to them that your greatest aim in life is not to run away
from the things that challenge you (that you chose to experience before you came here)
and into escapist type behaviors, but to hold onto inner, Divine courage as you seek to
make a path to try and find your true Spirit in this lifetime!

What do you know about Christ, as being the Son of

I think it is very important to start off by saying that I fully saw and understood in Heaven
that we are ALL the children of God. Each and every one of us plays a vital role on this
planet. No one is seen as insignificant or is unloved. I understood
that to be called a son or daughter of God, means that you have
matured fully in all the ways of LOVE.
Jesus IS the great leader for all the Sons and Daughters of God,
especially those who follow the Christian faith. It has been made
very clear to me that Jesus does not want anyone bowing down to
Him and being subservient. In fact, what Christ truly wants us to feel
is that we are worthy to walk right beside Him. Only through our
agreement to walk beside Christ can there be any real progress
made in our lives and in the world.

Why would you recommend that someone get to know Christ?

For many years, I had no clue who this man Jesus Christ was. Oh, I was raised up to be a
Christian alrightbut I never really understood who Christ really was, at least not until
about 3 years after my experience. Before then, I guess I found too many in Christianity
come off as haughty and oppressiveand because of this I wanted to distance myself as
far away from the faith as I could! But in the process, I also distanced myself from Jesus,
the teacher of Love, and that was unfortunate! It was not Jesus' fault that so many who
'said' they subscribed to the Lord of Love's ways ... came off acting like they had a board
up their backside! Perhaps if I had had better examples of Christ-Love as a child, I would
have understood the Lord when I was first taught to believe in him, but that was not in the
cards for me.
So now, I never EVER judge anyone if they are unsure about what they feel when it comes
to God, Christ or the Bible. I have foundyou cannot rely on humankind or a single book
to reveal God to you ... you have to seek these things out with all your whole heart and let
the Holy Spirit be your guide. I truly believe that this is what God wants for all of us.

How did you finally come to know Christ?

One morning, after having suffered from several weeks of terrible depression ... I came to a

point of desperation, where I wanted to see the truth about Christ, and so I finally
askedand the Holy Spirit showed and reminded me of what I subconsciously knew deep
down in my Soul, but because of the low vibrational circumstances I was surrounded by,
had forgotten:
Christ is the Light and Essence of God ... that we each hold within us and who we will
awaken to when we choose to embody a Loving lifestyle. The more we do such a thing
(and put faith- based Love into practice) the better our lives will become and the more we
will reveal this inner Light to ourselves and others. It was then revealed to me that if I
would put more energy into Loving and serving others, that the depression I was
experiencing would be made to decrease because I would once again illuminate with
enough Light that would help vanquish the darkness I was experiencing inside myself at
the time.
I was told by the Holy Spirit, "When in doubt ... always follow Him! Follow Christ! HE WILL

What about the people who say they are Christian ... but are not very
A great number of people on the planet may think they know Christ, but it is clear that they
do not. They have not yet passed the Love test. You can always tell who has Christ and
who does not ... simply by watching how a person consistently treats people. Sure, some
people might have a bad day or two and totally blow their cool, but I am talking about a
person who in their heart has a sense of urgency to want to Love on and Joyously Serve
others, and not just the ones who look or behave attractivelybut all people. A person
filled with the Christ Light will always see that every Soul on this planet is a precious child
of our Creator and will always do his or her best to Love with all their might!
TO GO! I cannot say it enough, because LOVE is the ONLY path to understanding God
and Christ in Heaven. The more you use it and put it into practicethe more you will
evoke the Spirit of the living God in you and see this for yourself. I would Love it if you
understood God and Christ better, so that you would once and for all see that Love is an
awesome energyit's a tool that makes you more powerful than you could ever imagine!
Another vital thing to understand about Loveit also shows you that you and all others are
worthy to call out to God or Christ and receive help at anytime. Not only will the Light of
God come, but Angels will come running too. We may not see the manifestation of this all
at once, but God is always thereespecially when we call!
Another reason I really want some of you to consider Christ, is if by some chance you feel
like you get lostespecially before or during the actual time of your physical death. You
can call on Christ and He will come for you! The absolute truth is: He is there with you
already. But sometimes we need to strongly declare our intentions with all of our Heart in
order to see what has been there in front of us, all along!

What about the fact that Christian religion says we are to worship God
and/or Christ?
Too many do not understand the difference between "worship" and spending time in the
presence of God Almighty. If you want to bask in absolute appreciation for our Creator's

Love and Goodness, then that is wonderful! Doing this will only empower you to see that
you are a very precious child in God's Creation. The Joy of the Lord is our Strength! I
always encourage those I work with Spiritually (all of my one-on-ones) to seek out and
spend time every day in the presence of God. Nothing can be better! But some believe that
unless they are face down on the floor or performing some repellant activity or major form
of sacrifice, that they are not properly worshiping or "earning" God's Love. I saw very
clearly in Heaven that God expects nothing of the sort from us
...and that we need not seek to earn anything from God, because
everything has already been given!
OTHERS! In fact, if you really want to know what true worship looks
like, it is how you treat others, when you are kind and gracious with
them. Nothing means more to God than when we are purposefully
good to others. Even when our ego tells us they do not deserve it!
Modern day religion has no real concept of just how humble God and Christ are. If they did,
they would never utter one single unloving word to any fellow child of God!
As for me, (as I have already mentioned) I personally chose to see Jesus, the Christ, as the
true example of what a true Child of God should be look and be like. I also personally
believe that in His Divinity, Jesus, The Christ is perhaps the greatest man that has yet to
walk the planet. I know in my Heart of Hearts that each and every one of us aspires to
become the same. After my experience, I found the scripture in the Bible where Christ
said, "Great things I have done, but greater you will do!" Jesus said this because he wants
us to join him in relationship to God. When it comes to his years of service and dedication
to all others'I have nothing but total respect and LOVE for this man, Jesus. And I do not
mind sharing that it is my ultimate goal to become as much like Him as possibleeven
when I feel I am sometimes far away from accomplishing such a vision. But I cannot give
up or give in, as I deeply intuit that following Him and His ways will always lead me to the
Peace and Love I so deeply want to unlock, use and know in my own Soul. For me, Jesus
truly is the key that opens me up my inner door to the Father. But I know that before the
Father can be fully revealed in and rise to meet me, I must rise first and come to
understand in life what God is made up of ... and I already know that is Love. And the only
way this is going to happen is by me allowing every experience that comes to me, both
painful and joyous, as an opportunity to demonstrate, practice and express what I have
come to understand as Love.
I sincerely want you to know that in life or in death, I thank your for your prayers as I seek
to undertake my eternal journey. Please know that you are always in my prayersas you
undertake yours.
Return to top

Chapter 5 - Questions and Answers,


What I observed in the Realm went way beyond what I would have originally thought
"reincarnation" would be. And with reincarnation, I am not exactly speaking about being
born again and again on this planet or other places alone.
Re-incarnation (I learned) is about birthing new energy from our original energy. When we
take on a new lifetime, this happens by us merging new energy (gifted to us by God) with
bits and pieces of our 'older' energy mixed all together.
Heaven then helps us to fit into a new space (in this case a physical bodyheld in another
dimension) so that we might further explore new ideas or feelings that require additional
Soul searching and/or experience.
If there is any part of our core Self that causes us to hold serious questions about
ourselves and our abilities, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will re-incarnate again
and again until we are satisfied with the answers we eventually find.
What I saw from Heaven is that God has arranged a great big system of many different
Universes out there ... which I now call, "God's Super Universe." (I probably ought to call it
God's Super University because that is exactly what it was it made for ... to help educate
us!) But what is so awesome to comprehend is that our Creator has it all organized
perfectly to nurture and produce any kind of life or experience you can think of. This is
done in such a way that helps us to pick right up from where our energy left off in a
previous existence so that we might start over somewhere else.
But here is the deal ... all of itand I do mean ALL OF ITis happening all at once!

The Long Hallway
At one point during my NDE, as I was standing in The Room of Knowing, the room shifted
and became cube-like. Suddenly, I found myself staring at 4 screens that surrounded me
completely. Each screen projected a 3 dimensional image I could easily extend my own
energy into to examine what I was viewing more extensively if I felt the need. While the
screen behind me displayed all the codes and formulas of physics within the Universe, the
3 screens in front of me displayed my past, present and future. As one particular scene
which had something to do with me helping and guiding others' in alternative lifetimes
unfolded and caught my eye, I felt a part of my own energy go forward and into the
screen. Immediately, the projected demonstration froze and I found myself flying down an
endless hallway of every different kind of door you could possibly think of.
One door seemed 'other worldly' and was made of nothing but pressurized air, with many
layers of colored light and different textures I could sense with my hands. Another door
was one you might see from the middle ages. It was tall and made of thick lumber and
had a large, gothic door handle. Of all the doors I passed by, and there must have been
thousands upon thousands of them, I found that all were very different from all the others.
It didn't take long for me to realize that each door actually symbolized a particular lifetime I
was connected to and 'a part of me' and my Light. A few times, my guides permitted me to
get a glimpse of what was going on behind some of the doors and to my absolute delight, I
began observing a few of these existences in real-time. Instantly, I remembered being

these people, as I could actually feel and sense 'their presence' deeply rooted within me!
Some of the lives were very pleasant and fairly easy, while some were significantly more
I saw that I had been both wealthy and poor, man and woman, sick and well, royalty and
common personand even victor or villain Yet, I fully understood that each life was vital
and going on for a much needed purpose.
Every lifetime, I learned, is orchestrated by our guides and the Elders to flow perfectly with
one anotherteaching us something important about life, the Self, the Self of others, our
Creator and the potential that exists within the Super Universe that surrounds us all. For
the first time I had a comforting sense of trust that no matter what happened to a person in
life, only good could ultimately come from it, as down the road God eternally works all
things to a good end.
As I looked down the opposite side of the hall, I saw a kind of oval room that connected yet
another long hall way. I understood that this hallway represented my so-called 'future'
lives I was still very much connected to in Heaven.
Then I was shown, 'a brief glimpse' of what I believe will be a future lifetime that I may
encounter once this current life is completed. And I don't mind saying that what I saw
excited the heck out of me! While observing this potential upcoming life, I clearly
understood that this life (the one I am now living) has been actually magnificently
constructed in such a way to help prepare me for what is in store later onin this
upcoming life. All of my tests, my talents, my successes, my failures, my heartaches, my
gloriesI saw that all of them had been happening not just to make me more effectual
and capable in this lifetime, but also for the many lifetimes that are out there ahead of me
in God's Super Universe ... soon to come.

So we each have future lives to live once this lifetime is done?

As I have explainedall lifetimes are really happening all at once, but to answer you from
the perspective of our current intellect and understanding of linear time, "Yes, we will each
live again and again and again! Maybe not here on Earth exactly, but definitely
somewhere else."
During my NDE I saw that life never stops, it just keeps on going. Some people think that
when they die that they just go to sleep and never wake up again. This is not so, simply
because consciousness is pure energy, and energy (as proven by science) cannot cease
to existit can only transform from one state into anotherlike water evaporating into
Once the event of your physical passing has been completed, and once whatever
temporary trauma you 'may' have faced (while physically dying) is doneyou will
immediately find yourself in a very familiar and wonderful state of awareness. In fact,
when all of your energy has finally left your human body and gone back home to reside in
the Spirit Realm, you are going to be amazed at just how freealiveand 'lite' you are
going to feel! After having been locked up in a dense and burdensome physical body for
all these years, the feeling of freedom you will experience will be absolutely tremendous!

How does the process of re-incarnation work?

Let's say that after this life you want to incarnate againwhat would happen is (from the
Astral Realm - which is the Realm between us and Heaven) you would take a portion of
your Spirit's energy (which is the part of you that is of God - that transcends time and
space) and you would also take a part of your Soul's essence (which is the part of you that
holds all your memories, as it records everything you do as it seeks to derive a strong
sense of unique identity). You would then take your Spirit and Soul and merge it with a
physical body that holds a majority of the characteristics needed to fulfill a new life quest.
During meditation or dreams, whenever I want to recall this event, I always see a vast,
beautiful body of glistening water that I know is representative of God's Spirit. Upon the
water I see a glowing, pure, bright white essence (that I know is my Spirit), surrounded by
ever colorful sparks of Light, making up the essence of my Soulwhich retains energies,
personality, memories and experiences from former incarnations.
I know that I am only taking with me the energies and essences I will need to help me
complete my forth-coming lifetime, where I am intending to not only build upon my current
gifts and talents, but seek to develop new strengths and ideas.
Up from the water, a silver mist forms that envelopes the supernatural display of Lights
completely, forming a kind of supernatural protective shell or skin, which seals my Soul
and inner Spirit within a renewed, orb-like spiritual body of freshness and vitality. (I believe
this process is where our childlike "innocence" comes from, no matter how old of a Soul
we might bewe will always have a need for this kind of essence.)
Beings then come, who specialize in the humanoid form we are about to incarnate into.
With great skill, and hand movements both swift and smooththey gracefully shape our
spiritual body so that it is prepared to take human form.
Next, I recall how our guides and the Elders of Heaven then work with us to come up with
a perfect game plan for our future incarnation. At this meeting it will be decided what
talents you will pursue and apply during your lifetime, and also what kinds of goals you will
be aiming to achieve. Fellow Souls you are familiar with in the Realm (who have similar
interests as you) will be paired with you during the lifetime. You will pick your parents,
friends, teachers and matesas they choose you as well. A detailed agreement is made
as to the kinds of roles each person will play with one another during this lifetime. It is also
understood that our spirit guides (and inner instinct) will step in from time to time to make
sure we remain true to the plan.
Next, everyone is scheduled to be born under the perfect astrological sign for their Soul in
order to help us achieve the destiny we seek. Our approximate time of birth is always
masterfully coordinated (by Divine specialists in Heaven) to match the lessons and life
blessings we need to encounter in order to spiritually mature.

So astrology does play into our lives?

Yes, it certainly does! (But please understand, when I speak of astrology I am not referring
to your local newspaper's tabloid horoscope!)
From the Realm I saw that our cosmos is very much alive and holds a very powerful
energy and definite intelligence to it. It is from our Soul passing through what I have come
to understand to be 12 unique aspects of a pre-designed intelligence (during the moment
our Soul supernaturally travels to our body to be born) that we get our astrological

placement and emotional profile (also called a "chart") filled in this life.
Heaven mandates the use of astrological placement to ensure that we are always made to
feel or experience something while we are here.
As soon as a Soul's energy moves into our Earth bound dimension, like a magnet we draw
all 12 aspects toward usand become literally imprinted with the precise energies,
frequencies and vibrations that are being held and produced inside the aspects by our
Cosmos and Solar system at that exact moment. NOTE: Also, whatever Karmic energy
(positive or challenging) our Soul may have left behind from in our last incarnationfinds
us immediately as well.
As all this happens, the energy of all 12 signs of our zodiac passes right through us. Our
Soul then acts as a kind of filter or netand with computer like accuracy, we are perfectly
matched with the energies that suit the destiny Heaven has already arranged for us to
experience. In this moment, it is as if the entire map or picture of our Cosmos is being
stamped onto our Soul, and as our Soul reads, compares and translates this reproduction
(to help our human brain form and hardwire our upcoming personality)our Spirit also
works with the constructhighlighting certain aspects and superimposing over it many
detail remembrances of who we are and have been eternally. Once this process is
completed, it will be as if the energy from this Cosmic map will have filled every cell in our
body and every vacant slot within our mind, giving us a template to follow in lifeuntil
such time as we learn how to regulate ourselves spiritually.

Here is a listing of the 12 signs and a listing of the dates when they hold general
placement in the SUN aspect of our astrological chart. However, it is important to realize
that our SUN aspect is but one governing factor over our energy, as we also have other
planetary bodies in our Solar System creating tremendous gravitational influence on our
Soul's energy.

Aries - March 21 - April 19

Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Cancer - June 21 - July 22

Leo - July 23 - August 22

Virgo - August 23 - September 22

Libra - September 23 - October 22

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21

Capricorn - December 22 - January 19

Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

Pisces - February 19 - March 20

NOTE: Please keep in mind that during some years the sun may enter into the signs a day
earlier or later than this schedule may suggest.

What are some of the reasons a Soul will be born with astrological
The best way to think of our astrological positions is to see them as training wheelslike
one would use on the bicycle of a child. As the child learns how to balance themselves on
their ownthe need for training wheels will become less and less.
From Heaven I saw that while being born with astrological placement certainly gives a
Soul direction in life, this is only meant to last until such time as a Soul can learn how to
regulate themselves fully through the energy of Spirit. A few of us will learn to breakaway
from being strictly led by our astrological promptings in this lifetime, while it will take others
much longer. To do so requires balance and those who learn how to experience and effect
the world using a good, sweet and purely motivated Soul, while also learning how to listen
to the leadership of our Higher Self or Spirit ... these are the ones who will be able to
vacation away from the heaviness of astrological promptings.
But initially, astrological placement is certainly very important, especially as we start off in
Some Souls may be born under the sign of Leo in order to give them a boost of courage,
so that they are helped to bring big and grand ideas or displays to the world, while they
also learn how to overcome personal arrogance. Some may be born under the sign of
Taurus to help them establish a personal sense of style in themselves and for the world,
while they learn how to encourage or inspire others. Or some may be born under the sign

of Libra to help them keep an eye on balancing themselves and their tremendous talents,
while they try not to get too carried away enjoying the pleasures of physical life. Some
who are born under the sign of Cancer bring a spirit of nurturing and stability to family and
friends, as they seek to learn how to navigate themselves to a place of sanity, while they
strongly sense and empath all the different shifting energies that surround our world
constantly. Scorpio is given strong intuitions and leadership ability but they must learn
give and take, fight self subtotaled, and not to allow themselves to become bitter or
vindictive when they have been scorned. Gemini people are brilliant because it is as if
they have the mind of two people. When given enough time or resources they can invent,
master mind or reason through almost anything. However, in order to do this they must
always seek to remain balanced in how they approach life and other people's feelings or
their ego's will have them wasting time and chasing their own tail for years. Virgos help
others keep track of details, while also seeking to learn how to share and become
comfortable with those closest to them being in or maintaining a seat of control.
Capricorns come as organizers with a rich, practical and natural know-how to do just about
anything. Their quest is to learn how apply their tremendous personal power to break
through comfort zones that scare them. Aquarius people are here to harness new
thoughts and ideas and then share them with others for the common good of all. Pisces
are the brilliant alchemists of the Universe. Through them and their powerful and always
present psychic sense, can come the best exhibition and sharing of creative invention our
world can know. However they must be careful of becoming sideswiped and put off course
by self delusion and pride. Sagittarius folks have a gift for targeting and acquiring
wonderful goals and then generously sharing them with others, however as freedom loving
people ... they must also learn how to generously share themselves emotionally in order to
have long lasting bonds. Those born under the sign of Aries usually come to help start or
pioneer something into existence, while also being encouraged to remember to be a "team
player" and not go so fast in life that they never finish what they start or take others'
emotionally for granted.
When seeking to understand this very esoteric science, it is vitally important to understand
that your astrological profile is made up of far more than just your sun sign! You are a
person with many signs Because, in actuality, we each have at least a dozen other
influences below our sun sign.
For instance, a person can have Leo for a sun sign, but they might have a Cancer moon
and a Cancer ascendant. This is going to cause them to be a somewhat bold, yet
sensitive and intuitive person in life. All of our influences, blended all together (with all the
other signs, stars and planetary influences) will heavily salt and pepper an individual, and
given the special ness and eternal experiences held in their own Soulthey will be
granted a truly unique and enlightening experience while they are alive in their current
human body.

Why does the world have such a difficult time grasping astrology?
In my opinion, our world still has a long, long way to go in understanding this eternal,
esoteric and truly spiritual science. And I think there is still a lot of fear due to the fact that
people did not always know what they were doing when it comes to astrology, so religion
came in and made an evil out of it. Or so-called intelligent and practical people (who are
also non-intuitive) declared that astrology simply had no relevance to every day living.

Well, I am here to tell you that it certainly does!

During my NDE I clearly understood that astrology plays a huge part in the roles we live
out here on Earth and everywhere else we will ever incarnate into. Yet, I also understood
that very rarely are we allowed to return to the same, exact geographical location twice ...
nor are we ever reborn with the same astrological profile.
In short, the astrological aspects' we are born under are all clues indicating where we have
already incarnated to in God's Super Universeand what we have yet to focus on and
learn about ourselves and the world around us.
Our Astrological placement helps to 'season' our innate, instinctual based thinking and
feelings, thus causing us to reach new perspectivesadvancing us to places of thought
we might not otherwise go on our own. Many of the promptings we will have due to our
astrological positioning will help push us into considering ideas we might have left off in
previous incarnationsalways showing us that there is a definite need for us to keep
exploring beyond what we might individually think and believe to be as true.
At the same time, because others' are born under different signs and astrological
placements than us, their perception and view point will always be slightly different from
our ownthus helping us to see ourselves (and life in general) using a different pair of
eyes and mindset.
Our astrological make-up will always pull out and reveal all the hidden 'texture' we hold
within our Soul, which comes in the form of 'personalities' brought to the surface during
great Cosmic shiftswhere members of our inner village make a sudden appearance and
reveal their energy. Yet as soon as one comic shift is over, a new one begins and the
inner village member or members (now up front in our psyche) will fade back into the
background, making room for other inner villagers to come forward if it is the will of our

How does astrology affect our personal relationships?

Astrology helps to teach us the difference between harmony and disharmony. And while it
is human instinct to only want to seek out and be with those we are harmonious with
(especially in marriage, business or friendship) this might not be our destiny or the will of
Heaven for our lives.
I saw in my NDE that often we will merge with others who actually have (what some
astrology experts would call) "an incompatible astrological aspect" in comparison with our
ownwhich can seem to bring on an endless onslaught of disagreements,
disappointments and debates.
From Heaven's point of viewI saw that incompatibilities were not only intended, they are
absolutely mandatory, as they help balance us and make us grow! As one ego battles
another, a kind of sandpapering occurs that gives the individuals' an opportunity to
'smooth' out their thinking and over-all approach in life.
Today, I understand that when we attract incompatible or disagreeable individuals into our
lives, we are revealing an inner desire to expedite our own spiritual expansion, while at the
same time allowing ourselves to develop patience, insight and wisdom.

Many of the Soul's we are closest too in Heaven may volunteer to be born under an
inharmonious astrological sign. They may play rather unattractive roles in our lives while
we are incarnating. Some will even play the enemy, as they will inherently know our
strengths and weakness, and therefore play the excellent part of a worthy opponent.
From Heaven, I saw that all major events that happen to us in life are pre-planned and
scheduled to help promote growthand while this might not always accommodate our
worldly sense of comfort, it is an important part of our process.
What might be seen as something 'bad' happening on Earth can actually be seen as quite
the opposite in Heaven. Everyone in the Realm knows that "a challenging event" can
actually be the best catalyst that brings about much needed change and/or growth; thus
showing Souls their spiritual strengths and weaknessto a level that would have never
been possible had "a perfect situation" been maintained.
I strongly recommend that you purchase and read, "The only Astrology book you will
ever need" by Joanna Woolfolk. In this book, you will learn a great deal about your own
human ego and understand that many of the things and issues which seem to drive or
plague you in life, do indeed come from cosmic promptings.

How do we bring those we are destined to know toward us in life?

While there will always be characteristics we will find attractive (or not) in others, this is not
always the determination we use as to deciding whether or not a person is to remain or
travel with us in life.
From those who are destined to be with us, (whether friend or romantic interest) there will
always be a kind of frequency or 'spiritual signal' coming from that particular Soul that our
Soul will subliminally recognize and be attracted to. This energy will then draw and
potentially hold that person near giving them reason to observe and or notice usas well
as us observe and notice them in return. Many will say that they have no idea how they
got together with certain individuals. They will just merely report an unexplainable need,
and say: "It just happened!" This is an example of Souls holding frequencies or energies
(within themselves) that attracts toward them other Souls. Always keep in mind: LIKE
ALWAYS ATTRACTS LIKE. And just as successful people tend to attract other successful
people toward them in life, damaged people will also attract toward themselves other
damaged Souls. Heaven uses this method to teach and show us ourselves, especially
when we are existing in a state of non Self awareness or when we lack Self perception.

Can't we choose who we associate with? Even if we are existing in a

damaged state?
Sure we can!
An amazing thing happens when a damaged or confused person chooses to hang around
with an individual they perceive as being successful. Once they find that person they
admire (and if that person chooses to allow the association) the energy of that individual
literally surrounds the Soul of the seeker and after a period of time ... actually seeps into
their own energy field. The seekers personal vibration and frequency then comes up to a
higher level than where it was before, thus giving the individual a greater sense of their
own potential.

Yet at the same time, the person being admired will have to take carewhile this energy
exchange is taking place, because they may find themselves becoming overly extended or
energetically drained. They may even find themselves taking on some of the other
person's energy or some of their nonproductive habits or thinking for a period of time. But
should this happen the good news is once the individual recognizes and chooses to
amend their newly acquired nonproductive behavior the original energy and memories of
how they became "successful" in the first place will return to them. And once they TAKE
ACTION and enforce their intentions they will not only get back to where they once were,
they will have been made even stronger and wiser than ever before.
The good habits we practice and develop always pay off in the long run, as the longer we
maintain them, the greater chance we have of boomeranging good energy back in our
direction should we face a set-back.
And now some more good news: When you help others out there is always an energetic
pay back. When we lovingly extend our selves and unselfishly help others, in time, when
we are in need (and one day we will be) Heaven will make sure we are helped in return! It
may not always be in the ways our ambitious ego wants, but the help will come in the way
our Spirit most needs it to.
Just make sure that when you are playing 'Angel duty', pay close attention to your intuition,
which will warn you when you are going beyond your capacity levels. When your inner
Spirit speaks to you and tells you it is time to step away or take a break from a particular
person or situationdo so.

What are some things I should keep in mind when dealing with people
who are more evolved in areas I am interested in becoming more
evolved in myself?
Heaven is always hoping we choose to aspire to associate with positive individuals who
can teach and show us how to come up higher in life. This is one of the ways we can be
helped to grow and mature in a single lifespan. However, if we want to maintain a longterm personal affiliation with this individual we admire (who is more advanced than we are)
we will have to set our intentions high and focus on what it might take to become more
energetically similar to that person, so that they will be attracted to us in returnand stay
around long enough for us to be benefited by them.
Remember the saying: "Birds of a feather flock together?"
Example: Ever heard of the term "spotting?" This is when one weight lifter stands beside
another as they attempt to lift a heavy weight during a series of progressions. Professional
weight lifters cannot workout seriously with other people who never lift weights. How
could they when that person (who does not workout) would not have the strength
necessary to lift a heavy weight off of a lifter who has just over extended him or her self?
(Which is what weight lifting is all aboutpushing yourself past your previous limits.)
Well, the same goes for highly advanced people who have pushed them selves to become
achievers that others' admire. It is instinct that tells an advanced person to only closely
associate with others of a like kind, as the only way to keep going up in life is to walk with
people who have similar aims, ideals and goals.
Yet, all that being said, be aware! Not every perceived "diamond" shines 100%. When
you start relationships with people you admire (who seem to be more evolved than you

financially, physically, emotionally or spiritually) keep a few things in mind.

1. There is no such thing as a perfect person. All of us have something to learn here on
Earth, or else we would not be here. While a person may have admirable or extraordinary
qualities, they still have weaknesses Heaven wants them to learn how to overcome.
2. God gives certain people certain gifts in order to help them achieve their destiny. God
may not open you up to the same gifts because you have a different destiny and have
been sent here to develop your unique set of gifts. (If everyone's gift was the same ... it
would be a boring world!)
3. It will require SELF LOVE on your part to recognize, develop and appreciate your own
gifts while also allowing others to shine in their abilities.
4. Do not allow yourself to become co-dependent on another person you admire. Codependence in this case means spending too much of your time riding off of or unfairly
using the energy of another. Overtly fantasizing what it is like to be another person is not
healthy. Not only does this habit imply that we subliminally believe we can never be good
enough as God made us to be, it can launch us into an unnecessary state of competition
with the person we admire.
5. And if it makes you feel any better, know you will be given the chance to develop other
gifts in later lifetimes!

Chapter 6 - Questions and Answers
The Higher Realms
Before my life review ended, I observed myself go before what I now choose to call "The
Throne of Heaven." This place is a great multi-leveled domed hall and is where (to my
understanding) the highest presence of God exists (for me) at my spiritual level. What I
experienced in this space was nothing short of spectacular!
As my Spirit entered the room, I felt my own Light merge with a brilliant white, golden,
baby blue, peach and rose colored Lightwhich filled me with indescribable happiness
and feeling of exuberance. Then, quite suddenly, I felt the energy of my Spirit lift and
shoot upward as fast as lightning! It was like I was being rocketed through a magnificent
snow globe as I was being surrounded by an ocean of spinning, colorful sparkles and
glittering Lights. The moment offered nothing but pure exhilaration!
In front of me manifested a HUGE, spinning, singing orb of flashing, Golden Light. As I
looked deeper into the ball, I saw 7 smaller orbs standing in a line vertically. Each was
flashing separate colors and following the order of a rainbow's spectrumof Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Not only was each color distinctly vivid

and bright, they had their own magnificent kind of tone coming from them. As I listened to
the music these tones made as they harmonized together, I knew that a tremendous
amount of knowledge was about to be imparted to me.
Inside my mind I heard that I was now in front of, "The Seven Fold Spirits of God", as I had
once read about in the Bible, in Revelation. I also knew that we each carried these same
7 Spirits in us (commonly called by the Eastern religions, "The Chakra".)
As I looked at each individual colorshining and emanating away from the 7 Spirits, I
could sense a particular feeling or characteristic that I carried in my own Soul.
The Red color gave me a Spirit of Courage.
The Orange color gave me a Spirit of Joy.
The Yellow color gave me a Spirit of Wisdom and Self Knowing.
The Green color gave me a more balanced inner sense of will power and a Spirit of
The Blue gave me creative awareness and a Spirit for wanting to Think and Speak
The Indigo (which often turned Pink ) gave me an ability to visualize, forecast and
manifest a Spirit of Insight.
The Violet color filled me with an even deeper feeling of confidence and a Sprit of
I supernaturally understood that these 7 Spirits, when balanced, could help a Soul
manifest and create for themselves a wonderful life! But I also knew that if one (or more)
of the Spirits was not properly considered, then the life of that Soul would become
unbalancedas the Soul would begin to create energetic disharmony within and around
Surrounding each of the 7 Spirits were various rings of Bronze, Silver and Gold, and I
knew that each of these rings signified a level of mastery or level of Self awareness.

Bronze represented elementary awareness...

Silver, intermediate...


Gold equated to advanced awareness.

I saw that each ring could open a kind of time/space portal within each colorful Spirit which
connected to what I can only think to call, "the more mysterious parts" of God's Creation...
The more pronounced and advanced a particular ring became, the deeper a portal would
seem to go where a powerful resource of Spiritual enlightenment would always follow.
As I turned my awareness away from the 7 Spirits, I found myself looking down from some
sort of a cliff or precipice that seemed to form a triangular shape. As this happened I
recalled in my Spirit that the Lights I had been observing 'dancing' all around me, were
actually a part of my own original essenceand that they were also a part of everyone
else God had ever created.
I knew that collectively, all together, each of our Lights' were a part of "God" both Father
and Mother Creator mixed together in a colorful body of glowing energyI have since
learned to call, "The Light of Christ."
As I looked upward, I saw that the illumination of our Lights' went on and on without end.
With the Light of everyone all around meI kept climbing higher and higher and felt an
ever deepening swell of Love that reached to the very core of my being and Heart.
It was at this moment that I felt fully embraced and knew without doubt that I was in the
presence of our Creator. And while I could not actually SEE Himwhat was so wonderful
was I could FEEL and comprehended Him totally! And without any doubt what-so-ever, I
knew that this omnipresent Being found great delight with me! I clearly heard thoughts in
my mind that I was considered "a perfect" child within the body of our Creator's Creation,
and I knew the same applied for each of us.

The Great Wheel
As I looked downward from where I was, I saw a phenomenal structure I can only describe
as being a Great Cosmic Wheel. This multi-colored, glowing device looked as if it had an
uncountable amount of other wheels turning within itand as the wheels turned, I sensed
that they represented a form of consciousness, as they were all expanding and growing
from moment to moment.
There were also discernable tones coming from the spokes within the wheels, and as I
listened to them at once, all-together they made the most glorious kind of music! The
emotions I felt in hearing this sound produced within me feelings of pure excitement and
exhilaration; because suddenly I began to recognize that many of the toneswere
coming from places and people who had once been very near and dear to me. Again it
occurred to my Soul-Mind: In reality, we really are all ... ONE.
A comprehension came to me that while we are all existing in physical bodies, we are only
temporarily separated and divided apart from one another and there is an important
reason for this. God uses the physical human flesh to cover up the Light of our Spirit.

This occurrence gives our inner Lightbody a sense of density and separateness, which
(believe it or not) is exactly what we want while playing 'the game' of incarnation.
The physical flesh body creates an environment that is naturally lower in vibration and
because of this, it becomes a challenge for us to see our true selves. The goal is to see if
can become able enough to create Light within and around ourselves so that we can
spiritually advance in our daily lives, while also realizing the Creator's Light exists within us
and that this essence was meant to be used for us to manifest what we call our lives.
Obviously, this test is not so easy, and getting caught up in all the dramas' of life that
'seem' and 'feel' so real is a tremendous temptation. But Heaven has great faith in our
ability to eventually discover what is true about usand what I found most interesting is,
from Heaven's perspective, all of what we see as physical reality, is from the eyes of
Heavenan illusion.
In truth, we are all shades of gray, all of us different hues of dimming and brightening Light
a mass of atoms, supernaturally spaced apart from one another, perfectly.
From Heaven, I saw that spiritually each of us is always in some sort of a process
of omitting a vibrant Light, tone and vibrationand then vacillating in that brightness, tone
and vibration from day to dayall according to our current mindset and level of intention.
I saw that this occurrence of vacillation actually created the atomic reality we think we see
and sense all around us.
We are told by science that nothing in our physical reality is really a solid. While items
such as wood, concrete or steel appear to us to be 'hard', in fact, within the very structure
of the wood, concrete and steel there is a mass of swirling energy that consists of what we
call, "atomic matter". Even the words you are reading here and the ink used to present
them, it is nothing more than an atomic simulation. The letters hold form because of the
intention I have put forth in writing them. How is this possible? Because in truth, all matter
is made of nothing more than transparent, radiation-based Light. The miracle of life is not
that Light (we cannot see with average human eyes) exists, it is that we are able to take
Light and actually use it to manifest form. How we do this by aiming our thoughts toward
the Light. This is how God made the Super Universe. It was 'thought' into existence and
God's intentions were so clear and precise, that the atoms have remained firmly in place
and will remain in tact, until such time as God decides differently. Today, God has given
this Universe as a gift, for us to learn how to learn how to manifest for ourselves and add
creation upon it. It like God has given us a blank canvas to paint on. We either like what
we paint or we don't. If we don't, God has given us the illusion of time to repaint over the
canvas and try again. This is why things are always changing. However, if we truly like
what we have done, and enough of us appreciate that thing ... it will remain.

How do thoughts create form?

Our intentions slow down the high vibration of an atom's structure and this creates density
within the body of the atomthus manifesting form. When enough of us think of the
same thing, our thought becomes a reality and a "solid" eventually appears.
Also, you must understand. We humans are not alone. We are each supernaturally
surrounded by special spiritual individuals and advanced entities who know how to
manipulate energy using thought. When we reveal to these beings that something is
important to us to experience, they aid us by adding their energy to our energy and all-

together 'the thought we are focusing on' is reinforced and ultimately brought into reality.
The same goes with people around us in everyday life. They help us manifest too. As we
each attract toward us people who hold the same (or similar) values and energies as our
won, we ultimately bring toward us individuals who help us create in life what we are
interested in creating. As we mutually hold a vision, walk in agreement and apply our
unique talents and abilities we help one another build our collective dream
togetherbringing it into the physical. However, if we are not mindful of our thoughts and
actions, we can also manifest chaos, confusion and disaster!
The more we each think, speak and hold a vision for a thingthe more 'that thought'
becomes tangible and real. Every thing we currently witness happening in this world is
because a large number of people have thought and manifested it. This event is what I
have come to call, "The Collective Consciousness." Our collective consciousness is the
vehicle that is driving us toward our ultimate destiny and this destiny can shift and change
suddenly. All that needs to happen is for enough people to enforce their own will ... and
that thing will be done! This is why it says in the Bible, "Where two or more are gathered,
so too is God."

The 12 Realms of Incarnation
I saw from the vantage point of Heaven that we all act as a kind of collective energy. Alltogether we are involved in a process of forming layers, and layers, upon layers, of colorful
Light and tone, each stacking collectively atop one another, forming a kind
of cylindrical/musical bodythat when seen from Heaven looks like a phenomenal garden
of color; and from God's Throne rooma gigantic flower.
This is exactly what I saw "The Realm" of our particular Universe to look like ... a kind of
flower! It has a bright colorful center of gold, with petals of colorful star systems floating
around it. It is absolutely beautiful! Other Universal Realms (and there are billions of
them!) they too look like a floweronly of a different variety. And when you pull back and
see it all together ... you have a view of the most majestic garden you could ever imagine!
This is what I heard the Guardian of the Garden (who I walked with before the end of my
experience) call, "The Garden of God."
This "galactic garden" is comprised of all the children of God ... who have been born all
over The Creator's Super Universe. Yet, even stillfrom God Almighty's point of view, all
of flowers grouped together still looks like a single, long-stemmed flower! Think of a DNA
strand (and what it looks like with all the colorful molecules seeking to bond together), and
perhaps you will begin to grasp what I am saying and trying to depict here.
As I have written, our thoughts create our reality. Well, Heaven has brought into existence
many different realities for us to experience and bounce our energy against. This is why
we were gifted with what I call, "The Wheel of Destiny". Incarnating within the Wheel helps
us to mold our Soul's thoughts and intentionsby exposing us to all kinds of different
atmospheres' and realities. Thru this, we are greatly helped to not only manifest our future
reality, but make clear decisions as to how we would like to navigate and productively use
our own energy.

Please explain more about The Wheel.

"The Wheel of Destiny" (which is a massive, circular singing instrument made of dense
amounts of Light) exists in the higher Realms of Heaven. This Wheel acts as a portal that
can literally shoot our Soul like a bullet, into an unlimited amount of existences and
incarnations within God's Super Creation.
Jesus said, "In my Father's house there are many mansions ... and if it were not so, I
would have told you." I now believe that Jesus was speaking of all the many different
Realms there are in Heaven. He may have been speaking about the Wheel, which also
might be the exact wheel Ezekiel saw in his visions and spoke of in the Bible.
As for the Wheel its self, I observed 12 different compartments or 'specified' Realms of
specialized existence. I understood that our Soul was designed to be capable of
incarnating into any one of them. As for the Wheel its self, think of a pre-sliced pie with 12
equal portions or sections. Each section offers a unique and/or different cultural,
environmental or social experience (from all the others) which we can use to develop and
enlighten our Soul. Each Realm has its own "set" or "stage" that our Soul's can "play" or
"act out life" upon, thus evoking powerful feelings as well as a veritable amount of
experiences, which bring about wisdom. During my experience, I saw that no single
Realm had the same exact type of energy or physical appearance, as each seemed to
have its own frequency, distinct feel and ambiance.
However, characteristics and comparable qualities of the other Realms can spill over into
the other Realms; as our particular Realm (the one we currently exist in here on Earth) has
quite a tremendous amount of similarities.
These are the 12 Realms of incarnation, the places where we go to veil ourselves
away from the awareness of our Spirit and practice life as a physical being.
NOTE: Please understand these names are ones in which I have personally assigned.
They are not by any means "the official names" of these Realms. The way I named each
one usually has something to do with a characteristic I thought most described its over all
general appearance or feel.
1. The Red Realm (Beast of Burden Worlds) - These are existences which appear to be
very difficult and would (from our worldly perspective) be very uncomfortable as the Red
Realm is a very lower vibrational placement. One of the existences I saw here was very
hot (temperature wise), rock based and had flowing rivers of lava rushing down like
waterfalls. I saw no vegetation growing anywhere and because of all the steam and
smoke going into the atmosphere (from the lava), you could not really see the sky. So,
everything primarily looked to have a kind of red tone to it. Most of the beings I saw there
seemed to possess a lower form of intelligence. They had a shell-like skin, and they
moved very slowly and methodically as they worked building shelter above the rock. I also
believe this Realm is where we get our so-called mythical vision of dragons. People who
love the idea of intense physical work or like to be hot, may come from this Realm and it is
typical for them to display FIRE (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) somewhere in their
astrological chart.
2. The Oceanic Realm (Water Worlds) - These are entire civilizations that exist under
and around huge bodies of water. Beings who exist under the water might have gills or
something comparable, however there are also beings who exist and live on top of the
water who thrive based on the production that comes from down below. Many of these

water-based existences have similar eco systems to our own here on Earth, however, I
often noticed the water had a different texture, color or consistency to it. For instance, I
recall a wide ocean of violet water, filled with life which included singing, joyous, jellyfish
like creatures, who would create air bubbles in the water that other creatures (who were
without gills) could swim into and breathe. It is my belief that the idea of civilizations such
as Atlantis come from the Oceanic Realm. People coming from these existences will often
be interested in oceanography, marine biology, boating, scuba diving, thrive emotionally in
life while living near bodies of water or have a life long interest involving water. Individuals
from this Realm enjoy teaching or being taught about water and are greatly distressed by
water pollution. It is typical for them to display WATER (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces)
somewhere in their astrological chart. It is important to note that Souls incarnating from
this location will very often be able to be quite telepathic with those closest to them.
3. The Mystical Realm (Realm where our Myths and Fairytales Come From) - It is
from this Realm that wizards, elves, fairies, unicorns and anything else you can think of
(that would seem like fantasy) comes from. This Realm is very bright, colorful and
interesting. Many of the ideas behind our so-called "fictional" movies, based on mythic
worlds come from here. Quite a few of the beings of higher intelligence in this Realm are
capable of possessing abilities we on Earth would call superhuman, mystical or magical. I
believe children who have vivid imaginations, believe that can be invisible, can fly or be
"super hero like" probably have incarnated recently from this Realm. And while it might
seem like this Realm is all fun and games (and it is fun!) there is still quite a bit of heavyduty communication that goes on here, as feelings and emotions are strongly analyzed
and then discussed. Members of the Mystical Realm love the idea of a social life, are
highly resourceful in problem situations and psychologically oriented. It is typical for
individuals from this Realm to display AIR (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra) somewhere in their
astrological chart.
4. The Tribal Realm (Organizers and Developers of Ritual, Routine and Group
Consciousness) - It is from this Realm that the idea of Religion, Government, Kings,
Queens, Priests, Holy men and women, Presidents, Generals, Senators and Congress
persons' comes from. The idea behind the Tribal Realm is for a group to be able to look
up to a head figure ... a person, who is not a god, but an individual who can be followed to
lead the people in a direction that brings a positive, universal outcome. This Realm is
where the concept of business, commerce and class structure (higher, middle and lower
class) as well as the idea of a slave or servant was born. Many of our best (and worst)
world leaders' have come from this Realm, as it was in the Tribal Realm that they learned
how to survive and/or thrive in a political and economical environment. Souls who
incarnate here learn to thrive as a group, by developing individual gifts, talents and abilities
to contribute to the collective society at large. A perfect example of a great Soul to come
to Earth from having ample experience within the Tribal Realm would be Martin Luther
King. It is typical for leaders who come from this Realm to display large groupings of
EARTH (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn), FIRE (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and AIR
(Aquarius, Gemini or Libra) in the top of their astrological chart. While WATER (Cancer,
Scorpio or Pisces) *may* appear in the lower positions of their astrological chart. Air and
Fire leaders tend to be thought of as the most popular, while Earth and Water leaders tend
to be seen as being more serious or even war minded.
5. The Devas Realm (Contains those we might think of as lower 'gods' or creator
beings below God Almighty.) I believe this is where we get the Roman and Greek gods,
as well as the gods of the Hindu, Buddhist and Tribal traditions. Many of the our world's
religions, as well as other worlds' in the Creator's Universe have "gods" who come from
here. These "gods" will always embody the principals and basic ethics a group of Souls
(incarnated on a planet or plain of existence) are trying to develop and demonstrate within

themselves. I have come to believe that much of the Bible's Old Testament scriptures
notate or depict the existence and presence of the Deva gods. I recall when Moses went
to Egypt to command Pharaoh to release the Jewish people from slavery. In order to do
this, Moses had to prove that his God was far more powerful than Pharaoh's gods. There
were many contests between thembut ultimately, Moses' God won.
6. The Galactic Realm (The Universal Explorers or Star People) - These are the
Realms that contain individuals who are more technologically advanced than our Realm is
currently. However, this does not always mean that those who are born of this Realm are
always more intelligent or more civilized than us. It is from having incarnated in Galactic
Realm that many of us on Earth get our idea of how to make space travel possible, as well
as having the need to explore, study and map out what is beyond our planet and solar
system. For a long time now, our planet has been visited by others' who are not originally
of our world or Realm. In my NDE I saw that Earth was actually quite filled with extra
terrestrials' thousands of years ago. In fact, it is my belief that the reason we have
differing races is because of the visitations our planet has received for ages. Also, I
suspect that much of the Old Testament was written regarding and referencing the
presence of extra terrestrials and/or depicting them as representatives of God Almighty.
Souls having incarnated in this Realm will tend to have significant amounts of FIRE (Aries,
Leo and Sagittarius) and AIR (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra) in their astrological chart.
7. Realm of Ancients & Oriental Splendor (Focuses on Refinement of Discipline and
Artistic Development) - Many of the beings I saw in existences here look very similar to
what we think of as our worlds' Asian race, yet this was not always the case as others' I
observed had an Egyptian or Indian look to them. Also, quite a large number of the beings
were quite tall (by 9 or 10 feet) and very slender. The reason I call this location "The
Realm of Ancients & Oriental Splendor" is because many of the civilizations that come
from this Realm maintain a long time span or history. And the energy and mood I
observed exhibited many of the characteristics we have come to appreciate from the
peoples' of the east. It is in this Realm that all art forms (coming from other places within
the Realm) are refined and further developed. Different styles of music, dance, symbol
type writing, medicine and general culture (we see demonstrated here on Earth) comes
largely from this Realm only the presentation here is far more elegant. Those interested
in the use of symbols, like to learn a musical instrument for personal pleasure, are drawn
toward the use of holistic medicines, respond well to energy work or acupuncture, or have
a strong reverence for older persons and affinity for ancestorsmay very well be natives
of this Realm. Souls having incarnated in this Realm will tend to have significant amounts
of EARTH (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) in their astrological chart.
8. The Geometric/Observation Realm (The Wonder Worlds and
Architectural/Engineering Schools) This is the Realm where all science, architecture,
music and invention is conceived and developed. Also, it is in this Realm where a Soul
can have the opportunity to incarnate and merge their energy into actually becoming an
element, such as water, metal, fire, air or something else. Why do they do this? So that
the potential of an element can be more closely observed and fully analyzed. For
instance, a single lifetime (lasting only a few hours) might be spent as being a single drop
of rain, where you experience the entire process of falling to the ground, being absorbed
into the ground and/or evaporating up into the atmosphereall so you can once again
become a single drop of rain. I saw that many of our world's inventors and engineers will
have incarnated into this Realm and experienced a few brief lifetimes living as an actual
element ... so their brilliance and inventive ability is greatly sharpened. Those who
strongly respond to being more environmental responsible are possible candidates from
the Realm. Also, it is my understanding that our Guides will often take us to this Realm in
our dreams (during our sleep) in order to teach or demonstrate something they believe we

need to experience to help us get better in touch with our current reality. A large portion of
people who hold Earth (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) and/or Air (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra)
signs as their Sun or Moon position will have come directly here to Earth from having had
an incarnation in this particular Realm.
9. Sun, Moon & Star Realm (The Wise Ones & Keepers of Knowledge) - This is the
Realm where the mystery schools (such as astrology, alchemy and magical arts) are
developed and executed with tremendous excellence and skill. I saw many wonderful
spaces in this Realm and time spent here is extremely exciting, as it is incredibly
enlightening. This is one of the first Realms we first incarnate to (as baby Souls) so that
we might learn about the supernatural ability we possess within ourselves and how to
best develop it. The teachers here are very creative and fascinating Souls who have all
had fantastic incarnation experiences! When you come to this Realm you always look
forward to all the stories you will here. There is one space within this particular Realm that
is my absolute favorite place to be. This is where 'Father God' manifests Himself as a
majestic Sun and 'Mother God' appears as a graceful Moon in a dark, deep blue sky, and
each of us (the emanations of The Christ Light) appear as glimmering stars who all
admire one another and our Heavenly parents. It is truly a very happy, wonderful,
innocent and very "childlike" existence. I believe many souls come to the Sun, Moon &
Star Realm before and after incarnating into a more difficult existence, as coming here
helps to buffer the hard energy a soul will experience. There is a place here where a Soul
can just sit for eons and bask in the glow and comfort of complete stillness and solitude
while being softly caressed by the energy of God's Love. It is like going to the best spa in
the Universe! Then once the are done here, many like to go on to the Mystical Realm, and
then on to the Adam Kadmon Realm (where Earth is) People who have a strong Love or
connection to God, a well developed psychic ability, a significant interest or subtle
inclination toward in things considered metaphysical, like to watch or do magic tricks, have
a natural aptitude for astrology or numerology, are natural born therapists who can sit and
talk with you for hours and hours, are interested in the rituals of religion or those who like
to use Sun, Moon and Stars in the decorating of their personal spacemay be individuals
who have spent more than a significant amount of time in this Realm.
10. The Light People Realm (The Elders, Healers & Universal Adjusters) - While this
lovely, pastel colored Realm is used to incubate baby Souls and/or regenerate Souls' who
have been broken or damaged in some way, most of us do not return here or stay for very
long until we have reached and are able to exhibit a strong level of lasting spiritual
maturity. When considering the 'bigness' of the entire human race, we will probably only
see a small number of people on Earth (who are long-term residents) coming from this
particular Realm. Those who come here from there, always arrive to bring a significant
amount of Light, Love and Service to the planet. The more senior members might have
come to establish a new religious order or to bring much needed peace to an area of a
planet living in chaos. Light People are natural born healers and have the ability to lead a
large number of people toward doing much good. I believe whenever a world in God's
Super Universe is in great peril or in a time of tremendous transition, a large number of
these Divine, Selfless beings (at various levels of development) incarnate to help bring
balance. Souls' coming from here greatly understand the use of tone and energy, and
have the ability to teach many Souls how to advance from where they are in their present
consciousness. All of our Elders and some of our Heavenly Guides are graduates of this
Realm of Light, as this is the last incarnation station before reaching the upper Realm of
Heaven. If I were to give a human example: I believe someone like Mother Teresa or
Ghandi would be a excellent representative of someone who spends a tremendous
amount of time in this Realmwhile Jesus Christ would be the ultimate example of a fully
evolved Soul having Mastered this and all the other Realms within the Wheel. I would also
like to mention here that certain people who have been exposed to long-term abuse or

violence within a relationship may come from this Realm, as these Souls who come from
the Light People Realm are usually very pure and innocent. Once an abuser returns to
Heaven and has their life review, not only are they going to re-live the experiences of
abuse again, as both abuser and the person being abused, but they are going to become
acutely aware that the Soul they abused was a Soul who comes from the Light People
Realm; and the impact of this awareness will be so severe and shameful, that the
individual will probably right then and theremake a declaration of the Heart that they will
never abuse anyone ever again! Because of this, some Light People may elect to make it
part of their destiny to be united with someone who is a chronic (life after life) abuser.
However, I also believe a Light Person has the right to walk away from such a relationship
at anytime they choose.
11. The Angelic Realm (The Realm of Mission and Service) - It is from this location that
we get the image of winged, flying beings ... yet this Realm represents so much more...
Many of these beings hold etheric bodies made entirely of a kind of energy comparable to
what we think of and call, "radiation." Suffice it to say that they physically hold tremendous
power within themselves.
Beings coming from the Angelic Realm are the navigators' and implementers' of tone (in all
forms) all over the Super Universe. They write, sing and orchestrate music, they invent
musical instruments, they oversee the formation of language and the publishing and
distribution of words and ideas. They act as the messengers for beings of higher
consciousness, such as those who are incarnated within the Light People and Devas
Angels often play the role of "enforcers", as well as "truth carriers" of Universal law and
justice. They are the protectors of the innocent and act as Light bearers and comforters to
those of us who are enduring difficult times. There is a verse in the Bible which says:
"Angels walk among you while you remain unaware." This is because there are many
individuals here on Earth who have played the role of Angel in Heaven, and are now here
to fulfill a Divine role in the physicalhuman form.
Since becoming aware of the Angel Realm, I hold a deep suspicion that all of our Arch
Angels originated hereand what the Bible depicts as the "fall of Lucifer" is actually what
I believe to be a true story that pertains to events that happened between this particular
Realm and the Devas Realmas it is obvious that 'ole Lucifer would have spent a
tremendous amount of time in both. As notated in scripture, Lucifer had been originally
appointed by God to be an Angel of the highest order, yet it became his ultimate goal to
become an actual god. The only way this would be possible would be for him to
reorganize his existence and centralize his power in the Devas Realmwhere he would
develop many followers. I think God allowed this and even had a great purpose in it.
However, as Lucifer's goal became a reality, and he decided he wanted to challenge The
Creator's ultimate planthis (as yet again scripture depicts) got him kicked out of not only
Heaven, but also the higher Realms within the Wheel of Destiny and right into the lower
vibrational abyss of the Astral Realm.
Now armed with my current understanding of metaphysical spirituality, I do not really think
that "God" actually kicked Lucifer anywhere. God wouldn't have to, because as Lucifer's
vibration and frequency began to plummet (due to arrogance, bitterness and the darkened
energy created by feelings of supremacy), Lucifer would just naturally descend out and
away from the higher plains of consciousness and into lower ones.
12. Adam Kadmon Realm (Humanoid/Animal Worlds - Where our planet exists) --

You might think that maybe I really don't need to say much about this Realm, because you
are in it right nowbut I think there are some very important things about our Realm to
bring to your attention. First of all, I just want to say to everyone that we are incredibly
blessed to be here! There are few places, where we are able to physically incarnate
toat this levelthat have as much beauty and variety as we are now able to
experience here on our planet. And I don't mind confessing to you that sometimesI
have been so incredibly sad when I realize the state of things! It breaks my Heart to think
that after so many generations of us having been herefor thousands and thousands of
yearsthat we still have not fully realized the potential we have ALL been blessed with.
Instead, we choose to allow greed and big business to thrive over helping to feed, clothe
and heal the hurting and the elderly, we think of new ways to make war, instead of working
with all our might to build a brotherhood with those who seem so different than us, we
thoughtlessly use up, damage and rapeYES, RAPE!our planet, while we so
carelessly throw around the resources it freely gave uscreating toxic waste on the lands
our children grow up on and in the waters we drink. And here comes my personal,
materialistic, pet peeve: Why do we spend so much time constructing ugly looking
buildings and housesand then use inferior materials to create themwhen we could be
making things so much nicer for everyone! Why can't we plant more trees and grow more
flowers? Why does it seem so impossible to help all the cities of this entire planet look like
a Kingdom on Earthfor all to walk, enjoy and live in?
will never forget when I first went outside after my NDEOK, I realize, I had just seen
Heaven, and what can top that, right? But when I really looked at the architecture we
manifest today on this planet, it was so shocking to me! While there certainly are some
truly magnificent constructions to behold, they are too few in number!and these
buildings still do not come even close to what Heaven showed me we are capable of!
Even today, as I drive around and see old rusted tin roofs and dilapidated old shacks in
great need of repair, I ask myself, "Why do we let this happen? It is not what we really
want for ourselves, but we just let it happen? Why are we wasting so much time?"
I will tell you why! Ego! Stupid, ego! It has us comfortable with our current level of
consciousnessand until something disastrous comes around to shake us up (and
believe me when I tell you something will, as it always does) ... not much is going to
Please, forgive the sudden spanking, but it is not always easy for someone like me, to
have had such a powerful revelation, and been shown so many wonderful thingsonly to
come back to a place that so many treat like a dumpwhile witnessing so much blatant
self-imposed ignorance and the apathy. Yuck! There is a reason that so many of us exist
in a perpetual, subliminal state of depressionour collective Spirits' are absolutely
horrified by what is happening here. And I will tell you why: While you may not
consciously remember, it took some doing for you to be able to come here. Not just
anyone ends up being born on Earth or this Realm. You have to be 'SOMEBODY!"
Believe it or not, everybody is a "star" here on Earth. Every Soul is seen by Heaven as
being a major player! If you were not, you would not be here! But so many of us are
blowing it! We just keeping coming back, life after life, doing the same ole things! Come
on! We really have to wake up and help take responsibility for what is happening here!
And if we honestly think that we can just keep doing what we have become accustomed to
without serious repercussions ... we are dead wrong! Listen, there is a reason Heaven
keeps trying to send us clues in the form of blockbuster movies about the impact of global
warming, virus' out-of-control and the terrible impact of war, etc. They are trying to help us
become conscious to what we have been doing to ourselves!

OK, now let me tell you what we have here:

The Adam Kadmon Realm is primarily a great big melting pot, where geographical land
masses, water, air, fire, metals, the sky, the laws of physics, basis of chemistry and
biologyeverything that has managed to evolve and survive from all over God's Super
Universe and from the other 11 Realmsnow has a platform right here on Earth! In our
Realm, you will just about find a little piece of everything that exists 'out-there'right here
with us! Different creeds, races and culturesnot to mention a gigantic variety of animal
life, insects and mammoth marine population compared to other planets I was shown in
my NDEsimilar to our own.
One fascinating item I recall from my NDE is that while other planets might have only a few
different kinds of a species covering and ruling over the entire face of the planet, Earth
seems almost limitless in the amount of different forms and kinds of life it can have. Oh,
and we cannot forget the millions and millions of intelligent biological life formsthat coexist with us here, such as virus' or microscopic cells that manifest and mutate themselves
by the millisecond! By the way: Just so you know, like you, Heaven intended for them to
be here tooto live out a very specific purpose and destiny. From the eyes of Heaven,
even a single, tiny cell is being fully observed and anticipatedjust as "you" a living,
breathing Soul areand at the same time God sees absolutely everything! All the living
Universes and all they contain! Isn't that mind blowing? I think it is, as it certainly puts
God's line-of-sight in greater perspective!
On Earth, we are constantly seeking to find comfort from the elements, however, I saw that
other planets held in other solar systems might not be as seasonally warm or cold as
Earth. There was one wonderful location I observed where the people who lived there had
no houses. They did not need them. Perhaps this is where some of us get our obsession
with camping or wanting to sleep outdoors under the stars?
One of the things that makes incarnating on other planets in the Adam Kadmon Realm
worth while, is that the astrological and cosmic impact on the Soul is completely different
than the influences we experience here on Earth. For instance, Cancerian people (born
under the Sign of Cancer, who are Water Signs) are largely impacted by the movement of
our single moon, as the moon is known to regulate the ebb and flow of ocean tide, not to
mention bodily fluidswhich by the waycontain chemicals that motivate human
emotions. But what if a planet has 4 moons? Or the rotation around the sun is 1000 days,
instead of 364? What would life be like for a Cancerian (or any other Sign for that matter)
The Adam Kadmon Realm sits in a location in God's Super Universe that is able to receive
both high and low vibrational influences. It is because of this that we are able to be greatly
impacted by the supernatural and astral realms that surrounds us without even being
aware of itthat is, until such time as we reach a level of spiritual maturation where we
are able to exist in a state of higher consciousness and become enlightened. Until then
most humans will be tested, toyed with and manipulated (on some level) by disincarnated
beings and challenging energies. Other Realms will have a much more clear view of such
things, while others will remain untouched and completely unaware.
I also think it is important to note that while our Earth is within the Adam Kadmon Realm,
other planets within our Solar System are not. I was shown this very clearly. This might
be why we don't see other human beings living nearby on other planets in our Solar
system. However, that does not mean there has not been life on them before or some

kind or form of life living on them now, only in a form or dimension we cannot yet detect.
While I know I was shown much about the purpose and history of the planets' in our Solar
System, I cannot always recall as much as I would like. I do know that Mercury is
definitely a part of the Red Realm. It is super hot and red, as it is right next to the sun. In
regard to Venus, I have heard many beautiful stories or visions coming from other
clairvoyant people that depict (from my understanding) that this planet is located directly
within the Light People Realm. Mars seems to have once been a perfect location for those
belonging to the Tribal Realm and I was shown in my NDE that one day our scientists will
discover that there definitely has been biological life upon itas well as other planets and
moons. Whenever I intuit Jupiter, it always seems very Deva like to me because of it
size ... where Saturn has a very astral, Angelic feel to it. I mean, just look at it! It actually
has a halo! It will be interesting to see if we ever discover water or a substance similar to it
on Neptune, as astrological legend depicts it as being a water-like planet. That would be
perfect for the Oceanic Realm.

How is it decided where a Soul incarnates to in the Wheel?

I understand that (when it comes to incarnating) not every Soul will go to each and every
Realm within the Wheel, yet (at the same time) our eternal 'Spirit' (the part of us that
makes us ONE with God) will always have something of an understanding of what God's
purpose is (and was) in having creating all these Realms and we will have an idea of what
can be learned from them. When we were a very young Soul, we were each educated by
our guides in regard to the Realms and told how they can enlighten us and expose the
potential of our own inner power. In the beginning, it is our elder guides who help us
choose what Realms are best suited for us, but as we mature and prove our selveswe
are eventually given the oppurtunity to choose for ourselves.

Is anyone made to go the a Realm they do not wish to go to?

No one is ever forced into going anywhere they do not want to go!

Then why do we choose to incarnate into difficult Realms or

Because our guides are experts in revealing the value of us incarnating into locations that
will help us to expand and improve the knowledge we have about ourselves. In Heaven,
we are shown many phenomenal and wonderful places to go to, however, it is understood
that we cannot enter into these places until we advance our own Soul. We would not be
able to handle these locations otherwise.

Once we are able to choose for ourselves, where to we go first?

Most of us will only wish to focus on a few Realms that pertain to the general interest of
our Soul. Usually our guides send us at first to the Geometric Realms to help us initially
feel what it is like to put our Spirit into a physical flesh suit and be impacted by gravity and
elements. Or we are taken to the Sun, Moon & Star Realm to be reminded of how much
God loves us. However, as a Soul becomes more mature it may eventually want to take
on more advanced stations within the Wheel, and as this occurs, the opportunity to do so
is made available to them.

Souls who incarnate in all the Realms, successfully advancing thru all the many
dimensions and different levelsare those we tend to think of as 'master' or elder Spirits.
It will be these individuals who will emerge from the Wheel as the wisest and 'most
awakened' among us. They will be the ones who bring the most significant contributions
of art, culture, science and sociology to the planet.

How do you know if a person is an older Soul?

Some of us will be able to recognize these individuals on Earth as those people who have
an amazing well-developed command of their own spiritual energybut this ability will
more than likely be because you yourself are quite advanced and possess a powerful
Should you ever encounter an advanced Soul (as they are few and far between) you may
feel an actual inner pulling sensation that will move you to the deepest part of your being.
It will urge you to pay close attentionas this person may have come to play the role of
some sort of teacher or guide for you. Regardless of how long they remain in your
lifeyou can rest assured that the time you spend observing them will prove to be
However, (even thought meeting a guide on Earth is certainly predestined) those who
experience a long-term observation will have to have a large amount of spiritual maturity
(and multiple experiences within the Wheel themselves) before they will be able to
overcome the nagging and over-riding voice of ego, which will try to plant seeds of doubt
or create feelings of competition in order to veil and vine around the Universal plan of
Godwhich always seeks to pull a Soul away from Divine truth. It is because of this that
most relationships between student and teacher (older Soul and younger Soul) will not last
for very long. The human ego of the younger Soul will always seek to surpass his or her
teacher all the while forgetting that even though it might seem as if the student will have
moments that they have surpassed their teacher (on certain levels) in realitythe
teacher's journey has never ended, therefore the teacher always has something new to
teach. Also, something to keep in mind when considering the ways of a advanced guide
or teacher. Many of them will test their students spiritually by appearing to falter or
stumble for a period of time on purposeonly to put themselves in the position of being
able to more closely observe the weaknesses and strengths' of the student. (Judge not ...
for in the way you judge, you will be judged in turn.)

Where exactly do we (Earth) exist within the Wheel of Destiny?

Currently, those of us on Earth exist in the last portion of the Wheel, where I think of and
refer to as the "Adam Kadmon Realm" or more simply said, "The 12th Realm." Our
Realm, (which is not for the faint of Heart, so consider yourself very brave for being here)
has a bit of something that comes from all the other 11 Realms. For instance, our seas
and oceans come from the Oceanic Realm. Our lava and intense solar heat can be
compared to the Red Realm. Our understanding of engineering, science and architectural
design comes from the Geometric/Wonder Realm. Most of our world's religions come
from the Devas Realm. Our ability to govern ourselves 'as a people' and follow 'a leader'
comes from the Tribal Realm. Many of the images we believe to be fantasy, such as
mermaids, unicorns, fairies, elves, leprechauns, etccome from the Mystical Realm and
our esoteric and ancient wisdoms such as astrology, alchemy, numerology, cosmology and
manifestation techniques are derived from the Sun, Moon & Star Realm.
A few studies have been done at the ancient site of Stonehenge that I find absolutely

fascinating! Stonehenge is now known to have been built by the ancient Druids of
England, who had an excellent understanding of astrology, which more than likely came
directly from the Sun, Moon and Star Realm. In one study it was discovered that
Stonehenge gave off precise Alger rhythms and frequency lines that pointed to key
locations (some where cherished monuments are now standing) all over the world. Such
as the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and The Great Wall of China. Of
course all three of these locations (looking back to ancient times) easily represent the
Devas, Geometric, Oriental and Sun Moon Star Realms. But what I found especially
interesting was all the frequency lines (coming out and away from the center of
Stonehenge) were divided up and formatted to look like 11 slices within a single round pie.
As I counted each compartment, immediately I wondered whether or not these frequency
lines had any thing to do with The Wheel of Destiny? My intuition quickly told me they did.
"But there are only 11 compartments represented here on the study." I thought. "The
Wheel of Destiny has 12 compartments." Then all at once it occurred to me, "Of course! I
know why there are only 11 sections! We (Earth) are actually in the Adam Kadmon Realm,
so there would be no need for a 12th slice or section to be represented!"

All Realms seem to have 7 different levels of development running through each
compartment or Realm and I have learned to call these, "The Rings of Destiny." Each ring
resembles a colorful band of Light and frequency that also represents every color
contained within our world's rainbow and our power centers or Chakra.
The red, orange and yellow rings are the lowest vibrational bands, and those of us who
exist within them are considered to need the most development and spiritualized
assistance; where those who exist within the green, blue, indigo, pink or violet bands are
typically more mature or developed spiritually and are granted more freedom to roam
about God's Super Universeor to where ever else we want.
What tends to happen is what ever our highest or most developed power center or Chakra
is, that is where the majority of our energy will feel compelled to go to when we first leave
this body. And this is more than likely the "Heaven" we will experience (within the Rings of
Destiny) until we are led by our guides to other places within the Ream.
It is important to note that while we do tend to carry various characteristics or mannerisms
with us from life to life, vast eternal/past life experience does not necessarily preclude to
the exhibition of long-term maturity, excellent thinking, self control or polite behavior from
us all the time. These qualities (moment to moment) are always a choice.
For those of us who carry around advanced understanding in our Soul, we can always
depend upon getting our fair share of tests and challenges (that come in the form of
physical or personal disadvantages) to make sure that incarnating on Earth or anywhere
else in the Wheel is worth our effort. So while we will all have our ups and downs, those
who maintain a Spirit of Love will become those who possess the higher vibrations ...
therefore they will require the least amount of supernatural supervision or spiritualized

Who are more dominant on our planet right now, advanced or

unenlightened Souls?

On our planet right now we have many different levels of Souls all seeking to coexist with
one another, some are terribly immature and a few are quite advanced. However, all of us
are here to help one another ascend and mature to even higher levels of development and
spiritual maturity. Right now, there are more who are existing on the immature side of the
vibrational band. On the positive side, that means for those who are more advanced, you
will encounter more inconvenience and opportunity to test your level of grace, which will
help you to grow spiritually. I want to also mention that I understood that each colorful
band or vibrational level has an unlimited amount of dimensions of possibility, which each
stack upon one another like transparencies. This is quite amazing to see from Heaven's
view point!
While there are certain things that are absolutely predestined to happen to us in our
lives ... the world in which we live most resembles the thoughts we collectively think and
the actions we evoke. During my experience, I saw that our Earth now currently sits
between the 2nd (orange) and the 3rd (yellow) vibrational bands of development. There
are many supernatural and incarnated Angels here with us, helping us to mature so we
might move onward and upward. But basically what our current level or placement means
is, our world still has a long way to to go, as we are largely concerned with eyeing and
policing what one another is busy doing in life, while we are also in a mad search of what it
means to hold a unique sense of identity for ourselves. Once we collectively graduate to
the 4th level or to the higher 'green' vibrational band, this will mean that the people of
Earth are globally ready to properly care for one another's needs. Hunger will end,
homelessness will end and so will all war.
But as you can see ... we are still a long way from having that happen.

OK, tell me again why I can't easily recall other or former lives?
The reason you cannot recall other lives is because you are not yet at a level of conscious
awarenessor at a high enough level of vibration to be able to manifest and recall
memories held deep in your Soul.
While we are each surrounded by many veils of low vibration (some created by us and
some created by others') do not think that just because you do not recall previous lives,
that others' cannot. Many people have had (or will have) moments where powerful
memories from other lifetimes will suddenly return to them, and according to their own
level of comfort and need to explore these revelationsthe vision they see will be as clear
and detailed as that person wants or needs.
For instance, this kind of thing happens quite often with young children or when a person
is put into a true hypnotized state and their inner vibration is brought to a higher level of
conscious awareness. If a person is at a subconscious need to recall previous existences
and/or has a strong intention to do so, this can enable them to have a clear or sudden
insight as to what their intellect will see as former lifetimeshowever, as I have already
explained, in Divine reality (in the higher dimensions of awareness) all lifetimes are
really happening at once.
But to answer the question, understand that an average person's current level of spiritual
consciousness can be easily compared to the mental recall of a small childas most
people only possess a small amount of spiritual recollection. Ask any average 2 or 3 year
old what they ate or did yesterday and see what the answer is? They will more than likely
not be able to tell you very much. Why? Because their current capacity is only developed
enough to communicate what they are "seeing" and "doing" in this moment. It can be the

same with us who are not yet ready to graduate to higher levels of enlightenment and
because of this, we will only be able to "see" or "do" this lifetime. However, know that you
can program your Soul to remember if you really want to.

What were you told by your guides about 'destiny' during your
I was told we all have a destiny and that there is a very definite plan for our lives. And I
also saw that nothing that happens to us in life comes as a surprise to the Spirit. While
events may cause shock to our Soul, because the ego has done an expert job in causing
us to become distracted by life and our surroundingsour Spirit always remains in touch
with what is occurring and happening around to us. The trick is, to be conscious of this!
To help us stay on track, especially during moments where we may be caught up in ego,
each of us have pre-planned eventsor what I call, "clue events" that will occur.

What are clue events?

Clue events are synchronistic moments that trigger a supernatural memory and help us
prepare for a significant event we are destined to experience. I saw in my NDE that
Heaven (or our guides and elders) helped to plant these clues deep in our subconscious
mind before we came here to help us find our lives and true feelings ... and once
recognition of a clue event begins, the energy of the moment makes its way up to the more
conscious part of our brain and enters into our main stream of thought. This then evokes a
series of premonition type thoughts or feelings within us, which sooner or later produce 'an
action' that gets us walking in the direction of our destiny. If you understand the concept of
"dja vu" you will know what I am talking about.
In Heaven, I saw over and over again, things that we see almost on a daily basis, which
might even seem mundane to somecould actually be a clue for us to pick up on to get
us going in the right direction! I understood that before we came to Earth, many of these
clues were shown and explained to us and in our Spirit we hold a deep knowing of what
any particular clue really means for us. I saw that the conscious mind does not need to
recognize a clue, (although spiritually sensitive people will eventually begin to discern
them), it is the eternal "subconscious" part of the mind that does all the spiritual work for
us. A clue can come in the form of us looking at a clock at just the right moment and
seeing a set of numbers (such as 1:11 or 4:44) that mean something to us ... it can be
hearing someone say a familiar phrase or "trigger word" at a very interesting period of your
life ... or it can be something as simple as seeing a single item sitting somewhere odd that
intrigues you to wonder, "Why is that thing there?" or it can be something that falls down
right in front of you.
In Betty J. Eadie's book: "The Ripple Effect", I told the story of always noticing single
shoes lying in the middle of the road after my NDE. After years of seeing these shoes,
Spirit finally revealed to me their meaning. Whenever I am seeing a single shoe, lying on
the road, I am being subliminally prepared to have someone walk into my life, who I am
about to help in someway, spirituallyand my utmost goal is to seek to hand them their
other shoe (symbolically) using my intuitive gifts and send them off, walking stronger or
more wise than before they got to me. If the shoe is sitting on the ground, upright, then I
know the person will have a bold ego and I will have to go easy with them. If the shoe is

lying to the side or upside down, their confidence in themselves needs to be restored.
Funny thing is, it only takes a few hours or a day or two before the person shows and their
personality always reflects the clue I just saw.
My favorite moment in regard to my single shoe clue is when I was walking in downtown
Boston with my dear friend Christine in the late 90s, trying to explain to her "the whole
shoe clue" phenomenon. In honesty, Christine revealed to me at one moment during our
walk that she had a difficult time understanding or even believing that something so simple
could be true. I promised her that God would show her a sign. A few moments later, as
we turned a corner ... I heard Christine gasp! She froze in her tracksand kept looking
up at a tall building beside us! When I also stopped, turned and looked where she was
looking, I saw a huge, 3-story window filled with thousands of different, single shoesall
nailed to a gigantic wall as an art display. Of course, Christine and I soon fell on a near-by
street bench, laughing our heads offwhere Christine swore to never doubt me again.
It was soon after this moment that my one-on-one career exploded, and I have since seen
and helped as many peoplethat were represented (as single shoes) on that wall.

Chapter 7 - Questions and Answers
"Sin", "Scripture", "Energy" and "Fame"
(Such Complicated Concepts)

What is sin and what happens to us when we do it?

Many of us have learned to define "sin" as being a religious rule we have broken.
What we must come understand is that many of the rules we are taught to follow in religion
were created by fellow human beings, not necessarily God Himself. I saw this very clearly
during my NDE. And after having been raised to strictly adhere to fundamentalist Christian
doctrines, I found this understanding hugely eye opening.
Now, this does not mean that guidelines and ideas that give our lives "spiritual structure"
(found in scripture) are not God inspired; Heaven certainly does encourage us to "do unto
others only as we would have them do to us." But in truth ... (and Jesus, The Christ said it
best) all that is really asked of us is that we seek to be a person who appreciates and
Loves all people, while we also learn how to let people (and ourselves) appreciate and
Love us in return. I know (of course) that this is not as easily done as it sounds. But by
allowing ourselves to become a truly Loving person (in every day life) we help ourselves
(and one another) create a kind of energy that mutually aids our innate ability to Self
correct errant behaviors, shifting them so that they create a more positive outcome for the
entire world.

What were you shown as far as how religious scripture was created?
First of all, it is important to understand how Heaven sees religion. They do not see
religion as an absolute law that must be followed absolutely, but rather, they see religion
as being a "wisdom school" to help guide us in life; so that we might eventually ascend to
higher levels of consciousness and connect with our authentic Spirit. It is hard to do this if
your own vibration is kept at too low of a level due to the fact that you are living a life
steeped in lower animal or common consciousness. So most of us need "training wheels"
to help guide our minds' where it comes to personal morals, boundaries, character and
integrity. This is the purpose of religion. However, I also clearly saw that religion was
never meant to be used as a jail cell to keep a person bound to only one way of thinking or
to a single system of personal belief. As a Soul matures in consciousness, it is expected
for them (whether in this lifetime or the next) to clearly see that all religions act as puzzle
pieces, that when put together help us to recognize and see our true and authentic Divine
As far as how particular religions came into being:
During my NDE I was shown how human behavior was closely studied by those who were
destined to hold important leadership positions on Earth. From Heaven these individuals
were able to monitor and observe all the "destructive choices" made by human beings
from generation to generation. I saw how some of these Souls were born to be spiritual
teachers, who would write the scriptures (considered "God Breathed") now followed by
many of our world's leading religions.
These very wise Souls (guided by elder spiritual beings) were able to detect issues which
seemed to inhibit a Soul's psychological progress, as they incarnated into biological form
and used a human brain. Certain repetitive behaviors were scrutinized and seen as being
the catalyst which created the most difficult problems for society to overcome in general.
Hence the term "sin" was born.
Yet when the time came for these Souls to actually be born, while many of the wisdoms
they obtained in Heaven remained with them, they (like everyone else) were born into a
world of human ego; so when it came time for them to write the rules and guidelines
down ... too often, the social and economic traditions of the time period influenced their
communication, rather than them giving enough mention about the importance of a Soul's
individual freedom and unique personality.
Because of this, I understood that many of these same teaching Souls chose to keep
coming back to Earth to help put things right. They always arrive to help humanity take the
next step, while they themselves spiritual evolve. Life after life Heaven helps them obtain
venues which eventually attract vast amounts of people, and when the time is rightthe
Holy Spirit pipes a renewed inspired message thru them and the people become more
During my experience, I saw many things in Heaven that did not always correspond with
the teachings I had been taught Biblically. Such as: the damnation of the Soul [living
forever in a pit of fire because God Almighty is mad at you.] Friends, let me assure
youthat is a great big lie!
But the one thing I constantly found myself in awe over was the fact that the Soul is truly
eternal and how it is absolutely destined to re-incarnate many, many times so that it might
travel many different kinds of existences and experiences within God's Super Universe. I

was stunned when it was shown to me how many of our original Christian/Judeo
scriptures (containing teachings about re-incarnation) had been purposefully discarded like
an old news paper being thrown in the trash. Who knows all the exact reasons why this
happened, but the bottom line is for hundreds of years people have not been told the truth.
After my NDE, The Holy Spirit told me their were still clues in the Bible to find. And it was
not too long before I was led a verse in the New Testament where Jesus was discussing
with the disciples' the fact that John, the Baptist, was actually the re-incarnation of Elijah.
Matthew 17:10-13: The disciples asked the Lord, "Why do the teachers of the law say that
Elijah must come first (before you) and Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah comes and will
restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him,
but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to
suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that Christ was talking to them about
John the Baptist.
Then I was led to Revelation 3:12 "To him who overcomes, I will make a pillar in my
temple and never again will he be made to leave it."
When I read these verses, I could not believe my eyes! For so many years I had gone
over them again and again, but never saw them or understood what they meant. Now with
this new comprehension, I saw how Heaven works with usas we seek to define
ourselves to even greater degrees with every lifetime we live.

Please explain how sin might effect our lives today.

In truth, "sin" (given a more metaphysical definition) is nothing more than us making an
unloving choice which ultimately creates and/or draws a certain amount of darkened
energy around usthis dark energy covers up the energy centers we carry in our physical
and supernatural body. With the energy centers muted, we produce a distressed tone that
sounds like really bad music. As this happens our emotional, physical and spiritual health
become at risk due to the fact that we are not able to easily access our Spirit. We become
vulnerable to the substandard thought forms carried by others (alive and disincarnated)
that travel through lower frequencies and lower vibrations. And because we have
manifested this energy ourselves and led it toward us, we are responsible for cleaning it
up. In God's eyes, we created it, therefore it belongs to us and there is nothing we can do
to detach it from us or make it go away. This concept is called, "Karma."
The only thing we can do to bring remedy to negative Karmais apply the energy of Love
toward our bad decisions (like applying money toward a bill) so that the energy might be
transformed and turned into good Karma. With every Karmic payment we make, the debt
we owe goes down; and once the challenging energy we created has been transitioned
and now become a positive energy, the Super Divine will then release us from its hold and
negative influence.

How long does it take to transform negative energy?

My answer to that is how long did it take you to create it?
Some of us will transform and escape the negative energy we created in this lifetime, while
many will have to learn how to do it in the lifetimes to come. It is all a question of how
much work (on our selves) are we willing to do in this life? The good news is positive

energy has a much greater power to it than negative energy (as negative energy is wispy
and thin) therefore (if sustained for a period of time) it should not be long before the
positive energy you manifest tips the scales toward a more favorable direction.
Somewhere down the line, it is going to have to be done. So why not start being a more
Positive, Forgiving and Loving person today?

What about the really big sins, like murder, stealing or unfaithfulness?
I will try to answer this as simply as possible. Deep down within each of us we have the
voice of the inner SparkGod, who tells us the difference between right and wrongbut
sometimes our own sense of passion (out of control) and the energy of ego can get the
best of us, and lead us in a direction that will create a massive amounts of negative Karmic
The law of the Universe is simple, unless you made an agreement prior to coming here "to
play the bad guy" you will pay 'eye for eye' for all you do.
If you murder someone ... in time, you will experience how it feels to be murdered.
If you steal from someone ... in time, you will be stolen from.
If you cheat on someone ... in time, you will experience what it means to have someone be
unfaithful to you. It is that simple. There is a verse in the Bible that says: Be not deceived
for God is not mocked, what ever a man sewsthat thing he will reap."
When we "sin" we are going against our true naturewhich is our Spirit. And to do
anything that causes us to deny the beauty and wonder of our own Spirit, is seen by our
Soul as an act of Self hatred. If we have Self hatred, the Universal Divine has an
obligation to show us why by bringing to us more of the same energy we have just
created. The Soul will become open to just about anything the Universe brings toward it
during this time and the result can feel incredibly intense, as all kinds of energies will now
be swirling around you! Once we finally realize that our negative thoughts and deeds
create our future, we may then choose to adjust and focus them in a more positive
direction. As we put positive change into action, this then creates momentum that will not
only pull us away from all the Universal lessons and dramas'our decisions will return us
to a place of peace, stability and Self Love.
So to recap and make myself perfectly clear:
"Sin" is not really a condition defined by God, but by an individual's Spirit and Soul.
"Religious sin" became defined after humankind studied their own history. The sins that
now tend to stick in the rule books of religion are the ones which seem to cause people the
most amount of trouble. Some of the rules will make sense, some will not. Therefore
many of us will feel led to experiment and see what applies directly to us.
In the long run, it is YOU and GOD together who must decide what a sin is to you and
what it is not. Only you can decide this for yourself and no one else. After all it is you who
is going to responsible for your own clean upif you make a mess of your life. And as
you (and everyone else) experiences each and every repercussion that comes from every
action you doit will not be long before your boundaries will become clear.

How is energy created by human beings?

Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we are always in a constant state of
producing energy. When we make choicesenergy particles are created and released
from our very Soul. This energy creates an electro magnetic field. When people see the
auras of others', what they are really observing is the energy field created by that person's
thoughts. Remember, we all come from God, therefore we have the ability to manifest our
thoughts into form just as God does when ever God thinks of something. Once God thinks
of a thing, it exists; and while it may take us more time to manifest somethingwe can do
the same.
If we are Lovingthen the energy we create around us will be Loving. We will draw a
greater flow of positive energy toward us and those we care for.
If we are unloving, then the energy we create around us will be unloving and more than
likely our personal lives and environments will not be very fruitful, pleasant or inviting.
Until we decide to re-evaluate our lives, dedicate ourselves to amending them and be
willing to reclaim the negative energy we have created (by transforming it with Loving
action) we will doom our selves (and those who choose to stay around us) to live out a
very sad and mediocre existence. The question is, will we once and for all decide to be
aware of the energy we are creating? And once we are aware, will we take full
responsibility for that energy, which has now become wayward and destructive?
When the answer is yesthen you will truly know what it means to be a self empowered
individual. Until thenyou will go from life lesson to life lesson.

How does energy effect people in the entertainment industry?

It is always funny to me how the entertainers I know, no matter how famous they are
usually grimace at the thought of their children becoming entertainers themselves. The
reason for this is simple: because when it comes to 'sin' no one gets potentially exposed to
this kind of energy like entertainers do! They see it all! Remember, as you are starring up
at a stage and focusing on the one you see as the 'star'the star is also looking back and
seeing 'everyone' in the audience who is looking at them! All kinds of people, from all
walks of lifecarrying around all kinds of energies! Folks, believe me when I tell you,
sometimes it is a lot to deal with! This is one of the reasons why entertainers tend to
harden themselves emotionally and come off 'Diva-like'. In reality, whether they or those
around them know it or not, they are trying to limit the amount of energy they experience,
feel and absorbwhich is enough to make anyone come off as cranky or even a little
crazy! Entertainers tend to be energy sponges. How else do they become proficient at
their craft?
One of the things I have always noticed while working in the entertainment field, is actors,
singers, musicians, writers and directors often produce, omit and draw to themselves a
larger amount of energy than most people when they are working. As I will look at them
clairvoyantly, I will see that their aura will sometimes be double or triple in size than it
should be!
Part of being in the entertainment industry is the willingness of an individual to take on and
play out 'a role.' Of course (to the logical, linear mind) this role is not really meant to be a
real person or even permanent, right? Well, from a spiritual stand point, whenever we use
mental energy to 'imagine' or create something ... we are drawing toward ourselves

spiritual matter. And regardless of how tangible our creation becomes in this world, in the
astral Realm that thing becomes absolutely real! This is one of the reasons why I think the
making of horror movies is such a terrible thing! Why fill the astral Realm with even more
awful stuff than is there already?
So when an actor is working to portray a character in spiritual reality, that so-called
'individual' is most definitely being produced. And because the energy created by the
entertainer has been focused like a laser beam to make themselves seem convincingas
they play out the role, they can become hugely drained emotionally and psychically.
Especially if the role or character they are portraying needs to appear to be holding a
lower, more troubling vibration than the entertainer is accustomed to holding themselves.
When this is the case, it is like the entertainer is now carrying the karmic weight of two
people around. This is one of the reasons why so many in the entertainment field endure
a large amount of hardship. Because as they are trying to handle what the public thinks
and feels about their performance, they are also now trying to navigate all this, heavy and
real energy they have created around themselves. For those entertainers who do not know
how to personally balance themselves, addiction becomes their outletso they can numb
the tremendous sensitivity they now feel.
From the Realm I saw that most of our famous entertainers today are people who have
played this kind of role many, many times before. Of course, the more experience a Soul
has with doing something, the more comfortable they are going to be dealing with all the
issues that come with it. However, if someone is somewhat 'new' to the entertainment
field, and not an 'old Soul'they can expect a large mount of personal difficulty and
initiation type experiences in front of them! So my advice to entertainers is, always be
careful of the roles you choose to play outand make sure you have the personal
strength and spiritual fortitude to carry them once they are out there in the astral!
As we often see in the tabloids, fame can be quite dangerous and tragic for some.
Anytime you are dealing with the public, you are dealing with a mass amount of energies.
Some entertainers are just too intuitive or sensitive to be able to deal with fame long-term.
This is why you will see certain talented people come into and then quickly fall out of the
scene. They need to be given time to refuel and re-prioritize how they want to manage the
energies they have now brought upon themselves.

How can you tell if an entertainer has been an entertainer in a prior

The more chameleon-like, versatile and substantive an entertainer is or seems, the greater
the probability that they have done all this before.
Having long-term longevity within a career is a very good indication of prior experience.
No matter the stage they are inin their career, they will always be brimming with creative
ideas! Oh! and most importantly, take a look at how they handle and bounce back from
personal let downs, betrayals and scandals. While they will tend to appear to be
workaholics and quite prolific, they will also know deep down when it is imperative that
they slow down and rest! The trick is to actually get the poor, weary Soul to do it without
them having the feeling that they have lost or wasted time. This is one of the hardest
issues for any great talent (who has come to the planet to help inspire and motivate those
who would listen) to have to deal with. But as in life, rest brings restoration, renewal and
clarity ... and to my wonderful spiritual brothers and sisters in the biz, these things can only
make you better at your game! And PS: if you have been out of the game for a long time
and worry that perhaps you have been out for too long ... go ahead and get back in! Not

only will it be good for your Soul, the instinct to return to public life and artistic
demonstration means your Spirit has revealed to you that there is either something within
you that needs to be worked out ... or that there is someone out there who needs to hear
what you have to say!
And remember (whether it is on a level that is large or small) God has sent you here to
impact culture. For the sake of the world and the sake of your own karma, I beg you to
strongly consider exactly how your art is affecting the consciousness of others! Please be
willing to ask yourself what kind of energy does it evoke and why it is important for you to
put it out there if it does have a sting of negative energy to it? Are you looking just to be
heard? Or is there something truly important you need to say? And should you find that
you are producing one negative display after another, please think about the kind of
messages are you implanting into the minds of innocent children, knowing that they will
subliminally carry these impressions way into adulthood and for the rest of their lives. Is
your art being used to lift all of humanity or are you using your talents to merely
emotionally defecate and add to the high level of energetic garbage that is already out
there? My hope is that you will choose to be part of the solution and not part of the

Who would you name as being an obvious old Soul in the business?
If I were to give examples of entertainers who have obviously done all this before, I would
point to the legends and prodigies within the business: Meryl Streep, Anthony Hopkins,
Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Al Pachino, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Bette Midler, Elton
John, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Emma Thomson, RuPaul, Dolly Parton, Michael
Jackson, Mozart, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Tina Turner, Nina Hagen, Elvis, Shirley
MacLaine, Cher and Beyonc ... just to name a mere few. Each of these people will
probably tell you that they felt a huge call of destiny to get to where they arrived in the
public's awareness of them ... and because of this, regardless of the sacrifice, they knew
that they would have to do whatever was necessary to help them launch their star so they
could get their start.
Also, you will notice that each of these people will have a distinct appreciation for detail
and many times (whether openly or in secret) have something substantial to say in regard
to spiritualitysimply because they have been exposed to and weathered so many
different kinds energies! They are literally experts in the field! People who are old Souls
will always recognize or at least 'sense their vibration' immediately. This is why it appears
that they always sky rocket suddenly to fame. The old Souls' will want to show support
and purchase their work, as subliminally it is understood that these eternally seasoned
entertainers always have something to teach and/or reveal about being human.
Another thing I would like to say to all my actor friends out there reading this, no matter the
roles or characters you evoke in your movies, plays, concerts or music videos ... when it
comes to your personal life, learn how to consciously release these characters you have
created immediately or as soon as a scene is done. Ask the advice of those veterans
around youyou admire, how they 'let go' of a personality they created? And, most of
all ... do not allow yourself to fall prey to dark energy.should that be the nature of your
One more tip: Enjoy life, but stay away from addictive substancesyou know are creating
a problem for you. Remember, the thing that seems to bring you comfort in life ... is
not always your friend!

No matter how challenging your life gets ... career wise or personally, try to ALWAYS
remain as Loving, Forgiving and Grace oriented person as possible. Doing this will help
your personal vibration remain high, and you will be able to quickly locate your true Self
during times of chaos and doubt.

What exactly is dark energy? How does it come into existence?

Dark energy is fragmented matter. Most of it came off and away from our Soul as we were
having a negative thought and/or doing a negative (unloving) deed. This energy, once
created then floats around our personal/atomic atmosphere as supernatural
debrislooking for something or someone to connect to.
Because dark energy is unpleasant and non productive Heaven sees it as a kind of trash
that needs to be recycled. And until it is recycled, it will be seen by our Spirit as a
Dark matter goes against the flow and principle intention of the Universe. Why? Because
it is in God's plan that we learn what Love is and how it is best used. Anything that
opposes Love blocks positive flow into our lives. The more blockage that exists, the less
Love we will feel and experience. And because of this what usually happens is the dark
energy becomes toxic, thus creating an atmosphere that produces a rather problematic

Please help me to better understand how energy operates ...

In order to comprehend the energy we each produce, it is important to realize that all
energy (which comes off and away from our Soul) posses actual intelligence.
Think of how our own human blood and tissue holds something science calls, "DNA."
Our DNA is made up of molecules which hold absolute intelligence that can never be
completely destroyed; even in a dead human body that no longer has a Soul in it, the DNA
lives on ... even after millions of years. Our DNA holds all the memories from the past,
forever linking us to those we are connected to ancestrally. All the thoughts and deeds of
our ancestors (from the very beginning) are held within our DNA. All their decisions; good
and bad, their triumphs and failures ... they are all theremixed up with the moments of
our own present life. One day, we may use the very same essence (that we ourselves
have now co-mingled with) to produce children, and as they are infused with our DNA it will
be up to them to pick up where we left off. The understanding behind the strengths we
developed will be theirs, as well as the weaknesses we failed to reconcile.
If we are good parents, we will monitor our children and see about their challenging traits,
fully knowing that there is a very high probability that their unproductive behaviors and
traits may have come from us and our ancestral DNA. We will not curse them, but rather
prayerfully look to Heaven for ways to teach them how to overcome.
Well, the energy we produce is similar to our DNA and it can be compared to the children
we reproduce. Remember, our energy came from us and God holds us responsible for it,
therefore when we have manifested negative energy we must see after it and make sure it
is transformed by actions of Love. When we fail to transform the energy, we must live
with the repercussions

How does sin create negative energy?

When we sin (or make unloving choices) it is as if our Soul just bled. If the bleeding is not
made to stop ... we will exhaust the energy in our Soul and eventually experience a kind of
spiritual death, where we will cease to be aware of our own Divine nature.
If we are not aware of our Divine nature, we will not have faith. And during times of need,
if we are without faith our physical person can be easily destroyed by depression and/or
disease. So always hold on to your faith! And if you want to know what helps us hold on
to our faith, it is never allowing ourselves to lose hope! And if you want to know how to
hold onto hopenever allow yourself to exist for very long in an unloving state.

Is God or Heaven mad at me when I sin (and make unloving choices)?

Actually, both God and Heaven expects "sin" to happen ... a lot!
So, no, God nor Heaven is mad at you for sinning. How can they be? You are just trying
to figure your life out. Your just going about it in a immature way.
Believe it or not, our odd ball behaviors are never a surprise to God or anyone else in the
Heavenly Realm. They already know, even on our best day (in our feeble human
condition) that we are far from perfect! They realize that we are going to constantly make
errors and perpetually make bad decisions. It is just understood that when this is the case,
we are existing in a state of confusion and not very aware of Love in the moment.
Everyone in Heaven knows in timewe will all learn how to amend and better
Until then we will be made to bask and exist in a life of undesirable means. And because
Heaven respects our choices, they will allow us to exist in a negative state for as long as
we appear to have the need.

How will I know when I am creating enough Loving energy to remove

the negative energy?
You will literally feel it. You will experience a tremendous feeling of peace or even joy.
You will look and listen for itand eventually see evidence of it on the faces and in the
voices of other people ... as they experience you and the Loving energy you produce.
Keep in mind, the greater the darkness around usthe greater measure of Love that will
be required from us in order for balance to be achieved.

Always LOVE like your life depended on it ... and you will be just fine!
And if your Spirit warns you, or tells you not to participate in something that is not for your
highest goodseek to use your energy to avoid doing that thing.

What can I do to help myself avoid temptation?

My advice is that when you are tempted to do something you know you should not be
doing, again, my advice is that you seek to immediately do what you know is right! You will
be grateful you did! Remember, to keep the momentum going in the correct direction,
produce an action that would be considered a good or Loving deed so that the challenging
issue (and the energy that the moment is creating) will not be as powerful or influential.
I find that concentrating on doing good for others, is usually the best remedy to pull us
away from doing bad to ourselves.

Chapter 8 - Questions and Answers

Crossing Over

What about Suicide?

If there is one issue I get questioned about more than any other, it is about suicide.
For many of us, we will literally have 100s of incarnationsand for some, there will be
even more. And until GOD calls us all home for good, there will be no limit to the amount
of lives one is allowed to live. Living multiple lives is like writing many books, with each
representing a single lifetime; and at the end of every lifetime, if we like, we will have a
story we can read and relive for all eternity. And if we want to add to the story, all we need
do is incarnate again.
Suicide can be comparable to us starting a book, but not finishing it. This of course leaves
the story we started only partly written. Imagine picking up a fascinating 200 page book
and only being able to read to page 60, simply because the rest of the pages are blank!
I understand that from Heavens view point, it is much more difficult to pick up a life where
you left off where suicide is concerned, as the energies swirling around a Soul during that
time can seem quite severe and intenseand who wants to start off a new lifetime that
way? When I walked through The Hall of Doors in Heaven, (which represented many of
my former lifetimes) I quickly understood that most of my future incarnations were always
based around the conclusions of my previous existence. It was like my next life was
always an answer from the last one. If I had accomplished much good in my former life,
then an abundance of good energy followed me to where ever I was headed; and if I was
destructive or insensitive, then much of that kind of energy (which I had created or drawn
toward me because of my actions) would find me once I incarnated again. I think it is like
this for all of us. Where ever we leave off, energetically that is the place we begin again.
So if we leave one life filled with drama and chaosdrama and chaos in the next life is

where we tend to begin.

The talents, emotional strengths and the wisdoms we have developed from former
lifetimes will (on some level) follow us to our next existence, and so too will all unresolved
fears and phobias we have given power to. Should we end an incarnation too soon, using
suicide, our guides and Elders tend to make us do that particular kind of life all over again;
causing us to re-experience many of the unpleasant circumstances we sought to escape.
And we can pretty much expect the conditions to be a bit more difficult than before. There
can be many reasons for this, but mainly it is because our guides and elders do not want
us exiting a life improperly and believing that we are not able to call upon our Spirit or
Higher Self to help us endure difficulty and challenge. Other issues might be that we did
not properly develop enough of our instincts, intuitions and intelligence during the
challenging lifetime, which was meant to help us learn how to succeed in later lifetimes.
Others who would have continued to incarnate with us from within our Soul family will
more than likely have already moved on to other experiences (we are not yet ready for)
as they are not likely to remain with us while we endure our repeat performance.
However, I did see that when this is the case, either a few close members from within our
Soul family or one or two of our guides will re-incarnate with usto help us catch up.
From Heaven I saw that Gods Universal system is orchestrated perfectly. Heaven and
those working supernaturally beside us will always seek to give us unlimited opportunities
to do good and draw positive energy toward us. With this we will always be able to grow
through our faults, fears and weaknesses, and eventually redeem ourselves in the eyes of
our Higher Self who in the end is our ultimate judge and jury. Because of this, I
personally believe that it is important for us to hang on and give our Soul every opportunity
to finish every single second of every life we start, as we are always in a process of taking
care of and seeking to grow through issues that might have troubled us in our past. It
is important for us to eventually see ourselves as "the hero" or "the heroine" within our own
lives. But this will never happen if we only see ourselves as a quitter! Life after life we will
always be looking for someone else to save us, when in truth, we have (and always have
had) the ability to save ourselves.
The difficult circumstances being demonstrated in the current lifetime could very well be
our Karma or the resolution our Soul has been seeking because of former lifetimes, and if
we cut this life short, we will not only be adding to our own inner sense of sorrowwe will
be adding to our Karmic debt. Remember, while the human mind may not be consciously
aware, the eternal Soul never forgets what it has seen, been a part of or doneand
because of this it grieves until it sees justice and the fulfillment of redemption, which can
only come from self forgiveness.
I think it is also vitally important to consider that when a person is considering or does
indeed commit suicide, he or she is hugely affecting the lives of the people around them.
Through the process of prematurely ending our lives, we are cheating those who
incarnated with us from progressing. And the grief these people experience can be so
tremendous that it can not only shut them down completely, but it can even greatly impact
their future lifetimes. Once a person who has committed suicide is on the other side, they
will be able to see the pain they caused others in their life review and the feeling of regret
will remain subliminally with them in later lives.
Not only are people who are thinking of committing suicide living in a very self absorbed
state, they are drawing very negative energies toward themselves; and should they go
ahead and commit suicide for reasons of self pity or evil inclination, typically the emotional

pain (they were running from before) is now magnifieddue to the overwhelming
supernatural awareness of the negative energies around themthat they can now see
because they are out of the body.
It is because of this that when I hear of others having negative near-death experiences
(when they have also led terrible lives) I know that this is because they are both stunned
and terrified at who or what is surrounding them spiritually. The picture is not a pretty
one that is for sure! Remember, we draw to us what we are. If we are good and love
doing good, then positive energies will follow us. However, if we allow evil to persuade
and take us over then we can expect more of the same.

What about when some is in serious pain and dying?

In my Heart, I do not believe Heaven sees someone who is in the very last stages of life
who wants to exit (and I do mean a person who is barely hanging on) the same as
committing suicide.
I think a time can come when a person should be given the choice as to whether or not
they need medical assistance departing this life. In ancient cultures, it used to be quite
common to help others' transition. Why would we humanely help our pets who are in
agony, but not each other? Today, too many are left hanging on simply because of the
tremendous greed of medical institutions wanting to keep a bed filled for yet another day
just to keep medical bills high. This, of course, reveals a terrible sickness within our
society and a need for every individual (who wants one) to have a living will and a doctor
who deeply respects a person's wishes.
However, before any kind of a decision of helping another transition is ever made, it is
important we be very cautious and prayerful that our actions are not getting in the way with
the higher will of Heaven. You must always consider: To cause a Soul to transition too
soon not only jeopardizes the spiritual growth of the individual themselvesbut also those
around them.

How can a person become "stuck" after death? Don't

we just pass on?
While God always Loves us and never turns away from us, when the time comes for us to
cross over ... some may decide not to go into the Light and remain earthbound for a time.
This is a very difficult kind of experience and there seem to be a high number of Souls who
exist in this station right now. In fact, much of my one-on-one practice is helping those who
have the energy of earthbound Spirits hitchhiking in their spiritual atmosphere. When I
observe that an angry energy or entity is attached to someone, I see that these beings are
lostand most have not yet found God or Love during their physical lives so now they
feel confused, bewildered, caught or trapped. And (in a moment of struggle) they feel as if
they have no other choice but to siphon off the Light(s) of otherswho are still alive and in
a physical body.

Why does God allow a Soul to sit their energy upon the energy field of
someone else?

In my NDE I saw that God had built the Soul to be a kind of net that retrieves or catches
energy within it. Doing so not only causes the netting Soul to grow spiritual muscle (by
being consistently weighted down by the energy in his or her net)but it can also gives
transport to the energy of a lost being ... giving the confused energy an opportunity to
observe us during moments where we practice Love and/or remember our inner Divinity.
When a Soul is lost in the nether regions (between this dimension and the Realm) or in
what the Bible calls, "the death shadowed valley," it is because they do not remember who
they are in Christ ... and have forgotten Love.
Therefore, God gives lost Souls and the energy they createan opportunity to grow by
allowing them to closely monitor us while they make up their mind as to what exactly they
want to do with themselves.

What happens to a person whose Light is being siphoned?

The event of being "siphoned" can cause some very difficult issues to happen for an
individual being tapped intoespecially if the person has attracted to them too many
unloving energies. Remember: we attract to us energetically what we are
(as an energy) ourselves.
Over time, if our behaviors are risky and unlovingwe will begin to feel
very "weighted down!" Some people start to have overt feelings that
appear very foreign to their Soul or addictive behaviors (minor and
serious) may begin to crop up and gradually take over. We may have
energy problems or feel constantly depressed, angry, ill, jealous,
resentful, lazy, lustful or fatigued. People in my one-on-one's all the time
will tell me, "I keep finding myself doing or saying or feeling things I don't want to do, say or
feel!" Paul in the Bible used to say this very thing himselfand then openly speak about
something he called his, "thorn in the flesh" which God would never remove from him. I
deeply believe that what Paul was speaking about was disincarnated persons attached to
his own energy fieldwho were taunting and discouraging him. We all (at one time or
another) have these "thorns" attached to us; and it is in God's plan that we learn how to
deal with them by learning how to properly deal with the emotions we feel within ourselves.
Love and learning how to apply Love in our lives consistently is our greatest key to keeping
disincarnates at bay. Having to deal with disincarnated beings and the energy they leave
behind is one of the many methods God will use to drive a Soul into development. When
people come to me about issues that "seemed to suddenly come up" during a certain
difficult period in their liveswhich do not easily go away, this can be an indication that a
person is in a process of what I call, "holding."

What does it mean to be "holding" and what happens because of this

What is actually occurring in the case where someone is holding, is that these folks are
carrying too much negative energy on their Light-body which does not really belong to
them. When I clairvoyantly look at a person who has come to see me (because they have
some serious issues going on), I will typically and clearly see the presence of many
energies (or persons who have all not yet crossed over into the Light), sitting on their
energy field. These disincarnates will be firmly latched to the host for the same purpose or
reason as one would be holding onto a life raft in the middle of the ocean.

Actually, (believe it or not) attracting disincarnates is quite normal, as each of us attracts

energies of like kind toward us at every hour of every day from other dimensions. Some
are good and some are challenging, however, I find with energies who are causing
problems, we can draw the presences of these energies too near to our core Self and this
can greatly affect how we think and see ourselves. The reason for this is because all
thought travels as a frequency; and when we have the same kinds of thoughts (similar to
those who supernaturally surround us), our own inner transmission can get jammed. Think
of what having multiple personality disorder might be like (having all sorts of thoughts and
impulses running around through your head at once) only make it more subtle and you may
grasp what I am saying here. It is for this reason alone that carrying around a negative
thought form and/or allowing an addiction to develop is dangerous.

What do disincarnated energies have to do with addictions?

In the process of us allowing an addiction to mount in ourselves, not only do we mentally
and chemically alter ourselves to require that addiction on a more permanent basis, we will
have eventually surrounded ourselves with many disincarnated beings who will wan to
observe that same addiction in progress.
Some disincarnates will follow a family line through generation to generation, until someone
strong enough emerges who can break addictive cycles and strongholds. This is why it
says in the Bible that typically, "The sins of the fathers are the sins of the sons." Because
disincarnates are of spirit and no longer in a physical body, they will seek to vicariously live
and experience an addiction through you and as this happens over time, they will also seek
to control your thinking so that you engage your addiction more frequently! Alcoholism, sex
addiction, drug addiction, gossip addiction, ambition addiction, hate addiction, material
addictionall of these are potential festering grounds that can attract disincarnates toward
us. And what is sad, is most people have no idea what is happening to them. They believe
they are hopeless individuals who simply have no self control; when on the contrary,
something much more elaborate is occurring around them that escapes their attention.
These individuals are steadily being used and manipulated like puppets by wayward
immature spirits, who are taking advantage of our own naive and spiritually ignorant
natures. Paul wrote in the Bible, "For we war not with flesh and blood, but with
principalities and powers and darkness in high places." What I believe Paul was speaking
to (in this particular case) is the shadowy agenda of disincarnated entities, who seek to
influence us from the astral dimensions that surround us all here on Earth.
Then there is another influencing aspect to consider:

"Our Inner Village"

Chapter 9 - Questions and Answers
The Inner Village
As you already hopefully knowthe person and personality you are now will never die, it
simply moves on. Therefore, we each will live many lifetimesand the look and feel of
those lifetimes will always be completely different in comparison to the one we are living in
now. So where does all the energy manifested from all these lifetimes go? Well, they
accumulate (at least in-part) within our eternal Soul and all-together form what I call, "an

inner village."
Ever notice how you think how you know someone, and believe yourself able to anticipate
how they might react to somethingonly to find the person turning on a dime and
completely shocking the heck of you in the end? Ever wonder why some people seem so
"together" while others' seem to be emotionally hanging by a mere thread?
The reason for this can actually go a lot deeper than the average person might consider
and is far more complicated than catching someone on a day where they may be
presenting a 'different mood.'
When ever other peoplefor no apparent reasonsuddenly shift in their beliefs, have a
severe mood swing, have a sudden need to move to a different part of the country or the
world, start taking recreational drugs addictively, have affairs, get unexpectedly divorced
and/or leave long-term relationships, make drastic career changes, have a irrational tirade
or act out during a rash moment of violence ... I always suspect that somehow,
somewaythat individual's inner village is most definitely involved!
Of the many things I learned from all my spiritually experiences, the reality of our inner
village remains (for me) one of the most important aspects to consider when trying to
understand ourselves and other peoples' personalities, preferences and automated
instincts; as it is often our inner village which causes so many of us human beings to seem
so complex and complicated.
During my one-on-ones, as I clairvoyantly look at someone, I often see many different
members within their inner village emerge ... and believe me when I tell you that you can sit
all afternoon for hours and hours and morph with someone and still not see 'everyone' who
is there! However, luckily for me, the more major players within a person's inner village
usually emerge within the first few minutes of me looking at them.
Your inner village exists as one of three different streams of consciousness:
all entwined.
The first stream of consciousness is coming from your ancestors' genetics (held in your
blood cells or DNA). The memories of your ancestors are transported to you via your
parents and their chromosomes during the moment of conception. When an ancestor DNA
cells enter into the developing human brain these memories are decoded, categorized and
stored in our subconscious mind during fetal development. Once our Spirit enters into our
physical body and Soul at the moment of birth, the Light or spark of God illuminates our
brain like a light switch that has just been turned on. This then activates the potential for
actual mental recall of our ancestors' past memories and the movement and expression of
our inner village.
The second stream of consciousness is what I call, "the mask self" you are todaywhich
is deeply affected and formed due to conditions within your social environment, economic
status, level of education, moments of personal happiness vs. moments you have
experienced personal sadness, the way you treat and/or have been treated by others' and
your current astrological make up and how the cosmic Universe punches your buttons. All
these conditions hardwire our physical brain and over time cause us to put a mask on top
of our core Selfso that we might mold and produce what our Soul sees as a unique
'person' to navigate between other people and potential opportunities in this current

The third stream of consciousness consists of your "Core or Soul Self" which is made up of
many different 'selves' or 'personas' that you have actually (at sometime) once experienced
as a physical incarnationapart from the one you are in now. (Which I will discuss in
great detail from here on out.)
Considering your genetic blueprint, your mask self and all the previous incarnations you
were once a part of you can think of your inner village as a fantastic supernatural
construct, which is now braided together like a kind of rope or supernatural DNA
strandAnd this rope or strand is only as strong as we have allowed our own Soul's
character and integrity to developthough us consistently doing what our Spirit tells us is
the right thing for us to do!

What is the purpose of the inner village?

The inner village is manifested to help us resource information from the past to help us
define our own individual identity during times when you need direction or assistance
making choices or decisionsas to how you should lead your life. However, if you have
allowed yourself to become a person who has few values, boundaries or morals ... you can
become easily persuaded by the darker personas' you hold within you.

What can cause complication with the inner village?

For most of us, many of our lives have been incarnations where the majority of our actions
were good and purewhile in other lifetimes, we may have learned to become more
opportunistic or manipulative (at others' expense) and because our behavior may have
been less than Loving or holy, we will have manifested for ourselves an abundant amount
of challenging energy or karma.
And when it comes to challenging karma, what usually results is "us" drawing and carrying
around an assortment of energies, "voices" and uncontrollable instincts of what appears to
be a very difficult and complicated 'persona' inside of our heads; which for a period of time
we may allow to do our thinking for usthat is until we figure out the energy we are
engaging our Spirit with is not leading us to a place that is good, productive and
There are many factors that can cause an eruption within our inner village and have us
going inwhat might seem to be the opposite direction of what we (or others) might have
expected for ourselves.
Sometimes there is a huge shift in the cosmic system and we become hugely influenced in
an astrological way, or we may be surrounded by a lot of career or personal pressures
which cause us to doubt our own personal sense of power, or we many be newly
surrounded by certain people who omit a very powerful energyand this is causing us to
reach and find personas' within that understand them, or we could be seeking to
understand and deal with a disincarnated entity that is trying to manipulate and tap into our
energy. The list can go on and on as to what can cause a complication.
Near my Los Angeles apartment in West Hollywood, there is a rather large assortment of
homeless people. I have worked with a few of them. Most of these Souls suffer from what
others' would call mental problems. While this may be true, in my eyes these peoples'
'mental disorders' and inability to integrate into every day society is a symptom of
something much deeper. I have clairvoyantly seen that quite of few of these people are

holding onto lost spiritual entities who have latched on the them because their own inner
village is in such a state of confusion and chaos. This occurrence has created an
avalanche of voices around and within themand the result has led them to exist in a
state of madness. As I have become acquainted with a few of these people and learned
their stories, I find myself constantly amazed at how little 'allowances' of destructive
behavior (over time) got them to where they are now. Before they might have been
considered perfectly normal, holding down good jobs and living above average lives when
suddenly, BAM!the darkness around them that matched the darkness they had created
within (from this life or former ones) attacked and evoked something I refer to as, "a
spiritual stroke!" The only way out is Love and to be surrounded by Christ centered Love.
This is the only energy that can cut through a person trapped in this state. While
medication can (sometimes) help, in truth it will only temporarily by-pass the chemical
strongholds that have been rooted in that person's brain. With out the energy of Love
swirling around them, once the medicine has run its course, the person is left no better than
It is my firm belief that the psychological conditions we now refer to as split personality, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia all come from people psychically reacting to either the
energies surrounding them, such as disincarnates (who have not yet passed their energy
on into the Light. These poor individuals are suffering because one or more of the
members of their own inner village are trying to push their way to the front of that person's
conscious mind and the result can be maddening.
Just as I wrote previously, at one time or another, we all say to ourselves, I dont know why
I just did that. I dont feel like myself right now. I have no idea why I got so upset! I
cant believe how excited I feel and I wish I could figure out why? All these questions are
statements that come from a place of eternal Soul memory, where (in truth) we are actually
quite aware and subliminally knowledgeable about what changes are going on in our inner
sanctum. How else would our inner alarms know when to go off when we find ourselves
thinking and behaving in a manner that we find unintentional or strange. The reason why
we unconsciously "do as we do" is because we are not exactly alonethere can be
'others' influencing uswhether they are physically present, disincarnated or those we
hold in our inner village.
When it comes to the more difficult members we carry around in our inner village, I always
like to remind myself (as well as others) that THIS LIFE is a chance to create "the antidote"
that will help produce a better kind of energy. I am speaking about creating a Light in our
own Soul that is so bright, it will help put those 'dark things' we may have allowed our
selves to become a part of previously. Don't ever forget: A positive attitude always gives
you altitude! Thus helping you to better see the scope of possibility within your own life.
So ... always seek to do what you know in your gut is the right thingand in later years
(and later lives) you will be so glad you did! Why? Because within your own Soul you will
build a powerful character that will know how to "rope you" and pull you back from creating
additional negative energy; energy that will only bring a continuous stream of unpleasant
"cause and effect situations" that follow you around everywhere you gountil such time as
you learn your lesson and take responsibility for your own behavior.

What are some additional things to know in regard to having an inner


Remember, everyone you have ever been is still existswithin youonly they are doing
so as a pure stream of consciousness. To them, they are still very much aliveonly now,
they are a part of YOU and also everyone else you have ever been or existed as. And like
any member within a village, some of our personas' or inner 'selves' are going to be more
powerful than others', and they may (at times) seek to take dominance over the issues we
question or the decisions we make. This can either be a good thing (during times of crisis
or extreme confusion) or it can be a serious challenge (during times of serious addiction,
rage or lust.)
When an action from our inner village is positive, we tend to think of or call this 'persona' an
inner angel. But if the persona demonstrates destructive thinking or behavior, we may think
to call "it" a devil or a demon. This is why I think it is important for a person to constantly
consider and re-evaluate their own ethics and personal set of standards. You want to
make sure they are always coming from a truly good and Loving place.
Where it comes to our inner village, once we learn how to manage our own immaturity and
the immature members existing within our psychic Self (by learning how to walk in Christcentered Love) the experience of having and being aware of an inner villagecan be an
absolute delight!
The Convention
I will never forget going to a Christian convention many years ago where there were a
variety of many well-known speakers in attendance. One of the speakers, a charismatic
Christian man got up and started speaking in tongues to the audience. Now, I had no idea
what he was doing when he started, as all this at the time (back in the late 80's) was pretty
new for me.
And for those of you wondering exactly what speaking in tongues means, (you may have
read about it in the Bible or caught it being done on some of the Christian programming
stations, not realizing what was going on) but this is where an individual switches from
using their common everyday languageand starts speaking something foreign that (at
first) may sound like gibberish.
Well, when the man spoke this way, out of no where, dozens around me in my particular
seated area got up and started speaking out loud in tongues as well. More and more,
people started getting up all around the stadium and speaking this same totally
indiscernible language. It was astounding, and at first I thought the friend I had brought
with me was going to start hiding under his chair, as he seemed pretty shocked by it all
himself. But then there came this undeniable energy or feeling in the air. It felt electrical
and absolutely gave you goose bumps. Then all of the sudden, to my surprise, I too started
to hear (within my own head) this same kind of language, only what I heard had a slightly
different dialect than what was going on around me. Immediately I though, "Oh, I am just
getting caught up in the moment." But then, my friend turns around and looks at me,
shrugs his shoulders and says, "Christian, I have no idea why I am going to do this ...
but..." He then proceeds to stand up, puts his hands in the air (which was totally
uncharacteristic for him!) and starts speaking the same exact dialect and phrasing I had
been hearing in my mind, that was slightly different from what many of the others were
speaking! I was totally astounded.
It took me having my NDE to understand what had happened in that moment. During my
experience I saw how we all incarnate all over God's Super Universe, and many of us (who
incarnate on Earth and follow a religious path) usually follow a similar common religious

theme and go to the same exact places. While some of the rules may be different and the
names of what we call God are different, we are still vested in the same process of
acknowledging Almighty God. as our Creator.
Thinking back, I realize that the language and type of speaking that was being done that
day must have been coming from a location (not of this world) that everyone (who got up
and started speaking) must have come from. Obviously, this is an example of a member
within our own inner village coming forward.
Another thing I realized from experiencing the convention was that Heaven will often
expertly have many people (who come from similar places in God's Super Universe) hold a
kind of reunion here on Earth, so that members within our inner village can re-associate
with other Souls from their past. This somehow not only helps to bring balance to current
issues going on within our current lifetime, but it gives a feeling of warmth and nostalgia
(even if it is subliminal) to our eternal Soul. This is certainly what the Christian convention
did for me and my friend ... in this particular case.

How does our inner village help our Soul to grow eternally?
Because every lifetime we live is an actual extension to the one we lived before, our current
life can be viewed as a potential antidote, to help remedy and aid the sad, destructive or
undesirable incarnations that came before it. God is never unfair. What we do not
achieve, acquire or satisfy in this lifetime, God will give us an opportunity somewhere else.
The same goes when terrible things happen to us, where we even question and doubt
whether or not God sees or Loves us. God will always make sure we are fully blessed and
taken care of in the end.
Some lifetimes are going to seem more 'successful' than others and help us connect further
into Divine Love as well as an understanding of supernatural power, while
other lifetimes will 'appear' to be utter disappointments doing no more than cluttering our
Soul with darkened energies and thought patterns that repel the Spirit.
Yet, I saw in my near-death experience that every life we live actually does teach us many
things, revealing potential methods we might use to better ourselves. Hopefully, (once an
incarnation is complete) we will have greatly deepened the wisdom already accumulating in
our Soul and acquired many strengths (not previously held in our being) and then
apply these to the lifetimes we have ahead of us. This is why it is so important for us to
really try our best and do what we know is virtuous or "the right thing to do" in life. When
we easily bend our decisions to what we know to be 'lower behaviors' or to
the childish temptations of ego, we are in actuality cheating ourselves. We will never get
ahead if we don't at sometime realize how important it is to take these lives we are
living, seriously. As difficult as they sometimes are, in truth they are still tremendous gifts
from God due to the fact that the learning and wisdom we can derive from a single lifetime
can be immense! And when we do as Christ taught, and Love God (and value others) with
all our Heart, we build a kind of supernatural energy around us that attracts similar higher
energies. As this occurs (at the same time) our Soul rapidly fills with Light, as it learns how
to Love (and value) its self. Love is the ONLY power that will help us to transcend the
lower energies (we carry around .. in our inner village) and help us to ascend
these 'personas' to a higher state of being.
With every life we live, the lifetimes we existed in before will always speak strengths and
weaknesses to the lifetimes ahead. Therefore, it is necessary for a Soul to have additional
incarnations so that its weaknesses might be made stronger. The only way for this to

happen is for a Soul to have different or multiple experiences, showing different points of
view which eventually expand the Soul's consciousness and perception of what it thinks it
believes. We each behave in life according to what we think we truly believe. Sometimes
our thinking is not beneficial, nor does it bring peace to the Heart. So, God gracefully gives
us many lifetimes (jam packed with many different kinds of experiences) to help us learn
how to amend our lower behaviors and bring peace to our inner village.

How do we bring peace to the inner village?

I believe that the process of learning how to make peace with ourselves, is none other than
us learning how to make peace within our inner villageas each member may have a
need they would like to explore. It is for this reason that I highly recommend to those who
possess some sort of talent to find a way to explore them as often as possible. The reason
being is because those of us who 'seem' to arrive here with a natural or automatic aptitude
toward art, music, design, cooking, sewing, writing, athletics, communication or leadership
skills, etcmore than likely developed these abilities in former incarnations.
Members within our inner village will always have a need to exercise their gifts and will
usually seek to persuade 'the soul in charge' (that being you) to find a way to practice
them. If we do not find a way to participate in our gifts we may find our selves feeling
emotionally empty, becoming easily bored or even depressed. As one might suspect,
some of the oldest souls on the planet will have multiple gifts, talents and abilities. While
this might seem to be a great blessing, in some respects it can end up being something of
a burden, as it may cause a Soul to have an instinct to run in multiple directions and do
multiple tasks at once. This method (of course) is maddening and near to impossible.
Perhaps this is why A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) seems to be on the rise in society, as
there are more 'older' Souls on the planet than ever beforeonly these individuals may be
caught up in circumstances that is keeping them from finding and maintaining a sense of
peace. This can due to many things, such as a challenging habit or addiction that is
causing them to feel a lack of control over themselves, an individual present in their daily
lives who chronically causes drama or disruption or them simply refusing to give
themselves enough permission to be free and happyso that they might live and play BIG
in lifedue to some old 'tape' playing in their heads which represents the ego-centered
voice of an unsupportive parent, teacher or other influential person saying, "No! You can't
do or be that!"
My advice to those who find themselves feeling frustrated over what talents to pursue or
the right career path to take in life, (when it seems as if there are just too many possibilities
to consider) I suggest you meditate and pray often, asking Heaven to show you what your
life purpose (during this particular moment in your life) should look like and be. Angels and
guides will always come to give us clues. But ultimately it is up to us to make the final
decision. Also keep in mindour lives can always result in several different chapters
where we WILL get to explore many different sides of ourselves, especially in our later
years. And as you live your life, remember that you and your Soul are eternalalways
claim the truth that God is never unfair! What Heart desire you do not end up fully
developing in the here and now, God will certainly give you the opportunity to experience
somewhere else. That is (after all) one of the reasons God allows us to carry our inner
village where ever we go.
One sure way to see if a person is indeed peaceful within their inner village, you will notice
a sweet (or even humorous) kind of charisma coming from them. They will tend to attract
all kinds of people toward them, especially animals and childrenwho are usually very

energy sensitive and reluctant to merge themselves easily with others.

The reason for this is because the individual has come to terms with all sides of him or her
Self. In their relationship with God, Heaven, their family, their friends, the world, their
financial well-being, their creative nature, their sexuality, their own personal feeling of safety
and esteemwill all be based upon a true foundation of peace and contentment.
Therefore the electromagnetic vibration that comes from within the individual will be felt as
being very soothing and healing to those in their presence. Jesus and Saint Francis were
both very famous for having this affect on children and animals.
And what makes a person capable of becoming like this? Their Humility, Integrity and
Grace will be great during times when the storms of life fall upon them. They will practice
what they know in their Heart is right and behave honorably in the midst of temptation and
turmoil. Not only will this method teach them how to manage their human feelings of anger,
lust and ambition, they will learn how to listen and know when their Heart (God) is speaking
to them. They will eventually see why it is wise to refrain from too easily gratifying their
own ego. And with the practice of this procedure overtime, they will posses a tremendous
Spirit of Self Love, which will help them to serve God, Heaven and our Creator's
CreationMind, Body and Heart. This will create a powerful field of energy around them,
causing those who are sensitive to feel safe in their presence.

So how does Love influence the inner village?

The interesting thing about the energy of Love, is that it causes (as I just mentioned) all the
voices within our inner village to blend and become ONE strong voice. Therefore, it might
be said that it is difficult for a Soul to feel confused when they are seeking with all their
Heart to live as a being dedicated and immersed within the practice Love. Perhaps this is
what Christ wants us to know...
Love is the voice of God. When we are WITH Love ... we are more able to hear from God.
And when we are in Love's service ... we will always gladly do the will of our Creator in
Heaven. This always brings an outcome of inner Joy and Peace.

Are our ancestors a part of our inner village?

As discussed previously, the human memories of our ancestors are carried in our DNA and
this event can greatly affect us on many levels.
Ancestors (in disincarnated form), Angels, guides and other disincarnates (not related to
us) can always have a influence over the way we think and some of the decisions we might
make for ourselves, howeverthese beings are strictly forbidden by God to willfully
adhere themselves to our actual spiritual core. While an energy can surround us in our
energetic atmosphere, use their Light to touch ours' and telepathically communicate to
usthey are not allowed to easily invade our core.
The only case were someone might have someone or something enter their actual Soul
fiber would be in the case of what we think of as "possession," where an individual has
enthusiastically invited an energetic presence to become one with their energy. But even
then these beings are not really "fixed or "bonded" to our actual core. They are merely
gripping onto etheric fibers of Soul tissue, as a single hand might grab onto loose clothing.

As soon as an individual's Soul has a strong intention to completely push away an invading
presence, an entity can be expelledespecially with the help of Angels and/or powerful
God-oriented Lightworkers who are ordained to remove stowaways.

Are all of the members within my inner village less mature than I am
No. Members of our inner village are not always immature or undeveloped spiritually.
We have each had some very promising, former incarnations, and because of thisthere
are many wonderful members within our psychic Self to resource from. So many
fascinating, talented and wise peoplejust waiting to share and help assist you with the
decisions you make for your life.
You will find that your inner village will pop up, (out of no-where in your inner mind) during
moments when it is time for you to make a major shift or change happen in your life. Your
guides (which are usually the guides of members within your inner village too) will speak to
them (during times when it is astrologically beneficial for you to make a move in life) and
remind or show them a simulation of what can potentially happen to you in your future.
The loving members within your inner-village will get very excited; and they will seek to
inspire you to listen to your more positive and hope-filled inner dreams and instincts, so
that you follow them and ultimately achieve your destiny.

How does my inner village know of my destiny?

Destiny is now something that most of the members within your inner village now full-well
understand, as they will have had a life review and Heavenly education upon reentering
The Realm at the end of their incarnations. Therefore, they are very aware as to
everything they could or should have been in their former lives. This is one of the reasons
they look forward to observing and being a part of you living out your life. You are your
inner-villages extension to a world they still wish to enjoy and experience. It is just like
parents to some degree, watching their children. You represent the hope that you *just
might* go on and finish what they themselves were not able to complete.
Understand: within you are all the talents and abilities your inner village has already
developedand these talents and abilities will go on in you and the future lives you will
live. The bottom line is: the positive members of your inner-village want you to feel the
strength and beauty of your Soul again, as they themselves now know it

Is it possible to become familiar with (or remember) members within

my inner-village?
Yes, it certainly is. Many people already (at the very least) have a sense of the lives they
have lived before and are still connected to because of having felt the energy evoked
during a strong dj vu or clue moment. Just think of something, someone or even a
thought that seems to reoccur over and over in your life. This is a clue.
All around us in life, we are surrounded with evidence of who we have been before and
deep down we are always conscious of iteven if this is just a slight, subliminal level of
awareness. Look at your friends, family, career, life passions, dreams, hobbies, the places

you like to visit or travel to, the foods you like to eat, the kinds of ideas you like to study or
talk about, the type of people and situations you attract into your life. All of these can
indicate who you have been beforeor they may represent a need to rekindle something
you have already been a part of and would like to revisit.
You may visit a location and KNOW you have been there before. You may meet a person
and KNOW you have known them before. All of these places and/or people hold an energy
that your Soul already knows and wants your current, human brain to become familiar
with. This energy is then able to communicate to you at whatever level you are currently
able to open up to and be conscious of, or to the level you have managed to be able to
control and inhibit the annoying distractions presented by your ego. The revelations can be
endless and completely awesome. As long as you remain hungry and comfortable
exploring themthey will keep coming!

I would like to find out more about my own inner village, how can I
investigate this?
If Heaven believes you are ready to become aware of your inner village, you will have this
information revealed to you or a method will come to you, as my NDE came to me to
reveal what you need to know. For those of you who advance to a higher level of
consciousness (even momentarily) you will have visions, dreams or actual memories of
who you have been (or connected to as a former incarnation.) When you take time to
meditate you will get glimpses of who you have been.
As demonstrated by hypnotherapy, we have already discovered that as humans descend
their ego-based awareness and then ascend their brain waves from a fully conscious/Beta
state, to an Alpha state (which is like driving for sometime on a freeway and your attention
drifts momentarily), or Theta state (which goes even lower than Alpha and is the state that
causes you to dream) or a Delta state (which is like being knocked out during surgery
disassociating you fully from your physical body and connecting you to your Spirit) the
more you will be able to tap into subconscious memories stored within the Soul.

How do our brainwaves effect our conscious awareness?

Beta waves (held in the lower red Chakra) connect us to the animal and primal or more
instinctual part of our consciousness.
Alpha waves (held in the the orange Chakra) connect us to our 2nd nature and the more
collective or "common conscious" which helps us to build on perceptions of ourselves and
one another.
Theta waves (held in the yellowsolar plexus Charka) connect us to and helps us to build
on our more individualized thoughts and feelings. This state of consciousness is the
doorway to helping us begin to discover our Highest Self.
Delta waves (held in the greenHeart Chakra) connect us to our most authentic Divine
and intuitive nature, thus connecting us to the Realm of Spirit and our Highest Self.
Beta waves hold a thicker, lower frequency that grounds you to what you perceive as the
current reality going on around you. Yet, as Alpha, Theta and Delta waves become
increasingly higher in vibration, they allow you to slip into a stream of consciousness that

evokes connection to the subconscious and supernatural.

This is an understanding that the great teachers and spiritual masters of our world have
intuitively known and taught for yearsthat all forms of meditation, whether through
conscious breathing, chanting, exercise, yoga or simply focusing your concentration on
letting go of your mental ego-based, chatterall of this can help to clear the shelf of the
mind, thus allowing a person to see over to what is on the other side. Many runners often
report having amazing revelations come to them during their exercise session. The rhythm
of their pace puts them in an Alpha state, and as feel good endorphins fill their bodya
huge amount of Self awareness can flood to them. This is one of the reasons so many
become addicted to running.

What about people who channel or open themselves up to other
Well, first let's talk about channeling. While I know it is certainly possible to clairaudiently
hear from another speaking to us from another dimension, we also must take into
consideration that many times members from within our very own inner village may be
speaking to us.
For instance, there have been many times while I have been writing this book where I have
very astutely felt the presence of my own inner village members. As I seek to recall my
memories of God and Heaven, and many of the details that occurred during my NDE,
where it comes to depicting certain precise spiritual wisdoms'I know that I have had a
great deal of help from my inner village. Actually, (to me) the process has been
fascinating. Over the past few years, I and a few of my dear friends who often read my
writings have noticed that there will suddenly come a certain kind of unique 'voicing' to
them, different from the other writing I have done. Even the way I phrase and punctuate
sentences will become different. And as I write and bounce from topic to topic, I will also
sometimes become aware of an inner kind of shift that has just occurred in me. For
instance, when ever I write about the Sun, Moon and Star Realm within the Wheel of
Destiny, I will feel this very mystical and freethinking type presence, who is child-like and
absolutely full of wonder come upon me, yet where when it comes to me describing the
inner village, disincarnates, people's fears & hang ups, etc, I will have this very
psychologically oriented, compassionate inner personage come forward. And please
understand, it is not like I ever lost touch with my own authentic self, I simply realize that I
have been obviously very persuaded by the former incarnations within mewho still very
much exist and have actual 'hands on' experience with many of the topics I feel led to
cover. (So if you notice a shift in some of the tone within my writingthat is probably why.)
Now, when it comes to channeling other Spirits and how they might affect us, you have to
imagine the way our spiritual or Lightbody is designed.
Our Lightbody (just like the skin on our physical body) is made up of many layers, only
these layers are made up of supernatural Light. These were put in place by Heaven to
help store our own supernatural energy in all its various forms, while also protecting us
from becoming too vulnerable to the foreign energy of others'. When we intentionally open
ourselves up to the energies of other people (especially those that are spiritually darkened)
we may be putting ourselves at risk if we are not mature or strong enough in our own
relationship with God. Think of going into a room where someone has a bad case of the

flu. If your immunity is good chances are (if you take excellent care of yourself) you will not
get sick. However, sometimes perfectly good people do get sick
Those who have yet to develop a strong sense of God-oriented values or who have
vacillating intentions can be easily manipulated and deceived by unscrupulous entities.
Overtime, if a person naively seeks to commune with the supernatural world around them
(before they are truly ordained by God to do so) they will erode a few of the top layers of
their protective Light, thus allowing an energy or entity to come too close to the core of that
individual, potentially causing a Soul to believe that they are no longer in control of them
selves. This (of course) can lead to many problematic issues which greatly effect our
health, relationships with others and our general demeanor.

Can our guides or angels channel through us?

Yes, they can. But this would be a very rare event and only allowed in order to deliver a
very important piece of information or a special form of energy to a person in need.

Can't a person just dismiss an invading entity on their own?

In some cases, with the power of Love put continuously into practice, they can. However, if
a person does not yet possess a strong boundary or aura of Light around them, which most
who were just invaded probably don't, they will need the assistance of others who are full of
God's Light, Love and Presence. Because if the expelled presence does not really want to
go, it will usually just wait around until it sees it has an opportunity to replace its self.
In the bible, in Matthew 12:43-45 Jesus spoke about this issue saying:
When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding
none. Then it says, I will return to the person I came from. So it returns and finds its
former home empty, swept, and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits
more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person
is worse off than before.
This is why if we have just encountered some sort of a spiritual attack of some kind, it is
important that we always surround ourselves with as many good God-oriented people as
we can find and live as clean and Loving a life as possible.

What do you say to a person who has trouble grasping the reality of
the inner village or disincarnates?
I say that I understand how they feel. It can be real easy to just laugh all this previous life
and disincarnate stuff off and say it isn't real just because these presences are not always
that obvious. (Even when unexplainable hell is going on around us all the time.) However,
be warned! The most dangerous opponent is always the one who remains unseen,
underestimated or forgotten.

What do you say to those people who have a hard time grasping or
accepting the fact that the Soul can experience multiple lifetimes?
First of all, I feel a tremendous sense of understanding and compassion for these people.
How terrible to think day in and day out that THIS IS IT! No more life or worldly practice

after this life is done. It is either Heaven or Hell from here! Yow! But I know exactly how
they feel. I used to feel the same way!
It is embarrassing for me to reflect back and admit that at one time I used to be one of
those people who absolutely did not believe the Soul could experience multiple lives. Yet,
when I was a child I believed, as I used to have past life recollections all the time.
However, a few ignorant people, representing modern day Christian theology (including
certain family members) knocked that understanding right out of methat is until my 1995
near-death experience, which clearly showed me that these bodies (we now inhabit) are
not the first and only time we have existed! I saw that our Soul and Spirit is ancient! I also
observed that there is no such thing as death. Life never ends, it only transitions and
evolves. The reason for this is because conscious thought (which is made of pure energy)
never ends.
So contrary to the belief held by some, in truth we are not some "little Soul" that never
existed prior to us drawing our first breath in this life time. We have already had a vast
amount of experience with incarnating into a physical body. God would have NEVER sent
us here if this was not the case. The experience of coming to this planet would have been
way too harsh for someone inexperienced with incarnation. So, God gives us plenty of
different incarnation experiences 'elsewhere' that prepare us for the lives that are ahead.
Thus we develop and accumulate our inner village which helps to provide us with a
resource of wisdom.
There is a verse in the Bible about a blind man that came to Jesus to be healed... Before
Jesus gave the man sight (which the man had never had before) Jesus' disciples asked,
"Was the man born this way... because of his own parents' sin or was it because of
something he himself had done?" "It was neither," said Jesus, "He was born to
reveal the glory of God."
We can potentially learn four things from this verse:
1. The Bible does indeed indicate that a Soul can exist in an incarnation prior to this
current lifetime. (Why else would the disciples asked Jesus if the man had done something
wrong before he was born?)
2. A Soul can come to the planet and be inflicted with challenges for the purpose of
revealing the weaknesses of others.
3. A Soul can incarnate with challenges to help others realize and practice healing gifts.
4. A Soul can come and endure challenges for the purpose of being made stronger

What keeps disincarnated beings from automatically going into the

In my one-on-one work with others, I have noticed when it comes to these energetic beings
many of them do not feel comfortable with God, God's Love or Christand they are
unsure as to whether or not they have the right to call out and claim their Divine birthright of
receiving Heavenly salvation. As I clairvoyantly observe this occurrence I know that there
is a strong likelihood that the person in front of me, holding, might have similar issues as
well, (as I always keep in mind the laws of attraction draw to us what we are.) So in my

one-on-one ministry, I do what I call "Love revival work." I work with an individual to get
them to create as much Christ-centered Love in their lives as possible, so they can
eventually cause an explosion of inner Lightthat not only puts proper distance between
them and their visitors', but also a proper barrier for what we would think of as evil as well.
Long story short: Love your Self and others' greatly and seek to keep your mind free and
clean from addictive behavior or negative thinking. Doing this will keep challenging
disincarnates from becoming too much of an issue for you. Do not follow the same path
that many of these challenging disincarnates have; many of them never followed or
participated in a system of faith that taught about a Loving God or if they did they
convinced themselves they did not need it. Seek to practice a Loving faith in God in your
life as much as possible! And at the time of your passingI do not recommend that
you follow earthly material interests. When your time comes (and the Light, the tunnel,
Christ or your departed Loved ones come for you to take you home) go with them and GO
HOME TO GOD! This is where you really belong! Just know that when you Love God or
The Christ Lightyou will just naturally sense of feel where you need to go in Heaven and
arrive in that place automatically.
Return to top

Chapter 10 - Questions and Answers
The Issue of Sex

Probably more than any issue that troubles people on this planet (other than religion) is the
issue of sex. "Sex" in our world is more than a wordit is a literal obsession. But there is
a reason for this and if we are to master our understanding of what sex is exactly, we first
have to comprehend a few things:
In the beginning, (in Heaven) all Souls were once grouped all-together as ONE with
Godand all together we formed a tremendous Joy filled mass of Light, Music and Love.
Then the time came when God decided to allow us to have our own unique and
independent experience, so we were divided apart from one another and Him and
eventually allowed to incarnate our Spirit into flesh-based vessels, we today call "physical
While in the physical body, when we have the desire to seek out sexual activity, the true
'subliminal' purpose and reason for this is so that we might realize 'a sense' of connectivity
and be in Unionwith another (whose energy we are attracted to) who also holds "God's

Signature and Spark" within, just as we do.

Or we might wish to stimulate our own body in a sensual way so that we might feel a sense
of reconnecting with our inner spark and experience the "orgasmic bliss" that reminds us of
being back in Heaven ... with God and one another.
In heterosexual relations, we use the act of penetration and potentially seek to use our
inner Light to spark [with] the inner Light of our mate, which can then miraculously and
biologically form a human child. The moment conception takes place, the energy (or Lightforce) which has been created by the two individuals greatly impacts the embryo and super
charges the genetic code to begin unfolding immediately. This is not to say that artificial
insemination is not also an affective means to produce a child, however, it is vitally
important for the sake of the baby that they feel and be in the presence of great Love as
soon as possible, if the best of their genetic code is to become activated and elevated.
When making a baby, you want Love to occur in their environment as soon as possible!
Love creates Divine Light and Divine Light is the active ingredient which produces all good
things in this world. In the absence of Divine Love, what results is sadness and a feeling of
a void. Which interestingly enough, can cause a person to mature past puberty, craving a
tremendous amount of sexual stimulation on a constant basis. Because they never got
enough Love when they being made or growing up. Thus the state of many people in our
world today.
As we all know, sex is the act that propagates our species on this planet and carries on our
ever developing genetic code. However, I saw in my NDE that other places within God's
Super Universe (who exist in higher vibrational areas) are able to use other means, such
as consciously merging their Lights with one another as onewhich then fertilizes an
embryo. However, this is never done until the individual consciously realizes that they
themselves have spiritually matured and learned much so as to pass the energy on to their
future offspring. Again, the more Love and Divine Light is present during conception and
pregnancy, the greater the chance a child will utilize and access within themselves genetic
code that is superior and best suited for their upcoming spiritual mission within their new
material body.
This method of creation (of manifesting offspring) is not too dissimilar as to how God
propagates actual Souls. Simply told: God manifests the essence of a mass group of
Souls by sparking His Spirit against a vast fold of space (where the Holy Spirit Mother
sits). And in a flash of lightning ... together their energy produces forms or new celestial
bodies which can potentially manifest into physical bodies.
The Body holds symbolic meaning to the Soul
God made the human body to be physically beautiful, yet each part was also made to
reveal a clue that potentially represents or subliminally communicates a particular
characteristic of the Spirit to an on-looking Soul. Through-out time, our species has
become genetically conditioned to be selective in how we choose our mates. We do this
for several reasons, but principally for the purpose of producing healthy children, as well as
a prolonged, long-term, fulfilling, emotional relationship .
Usually when we find ourselves deeply infatuated with a particular body part, it is because
we are subconsciously longing to evaluate the values and strengths a person *might* hold
in their Soul. Most of us subliminally understand in our Spirit that a person's outer body
often mimics and produces an outward physical reflection or response to what we know
and call our inner manso, as we set out to choose a mate, physical attributes will always

be considered.
For instance:
The Chest/Breasts = a person's potential level of honor and nurturing ability. Relationships
cannot be maintained if a person does not exhibit a trait or willingness to nurture their loved
Hands = a person's potential communication ability and level of kindness. If the hands
appear hardened, this might send a signal or warning of a hardened heart.
Legs and Feet = a person's long-term stability, giving indication as to how well they might
emotionally endure a long-distanced, life-journey. When the legs are strong and the feet
are beautifully intact, this indicates Self care. Self care is always a subliminal indicator of a
person's self awareness.
Rear End = a person's ability to enforce self control over their feminine attributes, giving
clue to potential level of long-term stamina, grace and personal sense of self esteem or
Arms = reveals potential level of physical strength and ability or desire to defend and
Back or Shoulders = potential ability to endure stress and resolve difficult issues when
encountering hardship
Vagina = new hope, emotional warmth or psychological blanketing
Erect Penis = potential extension of passion and masculine-based personal power, plus it
can be a subliminal indication of one who might be able to provide direction.
All this being said, it is important to note that the perfect ideal of what makes a body
beautiful is always in the eye of the beholder. What might be seen as stimulating for one,
might not give the same effect to another. This is largely dependent on emotional need for
an individual at the time and needs often change. Also, I think it is important to also
consider that some of us may choose to take on physical challenges during a particular
lifetime that completely disguises our inner beauty.
So, word to the wise ... while appreciating the physical beauty of another, never strictly
judge a book by its current cover!
Sexual Energy
For most humans, sex starts off as being an urge that is purely instinctual, which ends up
manifesting its self as a behavior even before we are even conscious of what we are
As sexual energy is released, our power centers (Chakra) vibrate and this brings to our
attention a feeling of actual stimulation, to both the body and the Soul.
Overtime and through instinct (coming from previous lifetimes) a Soul may learn to crave,
remember and demonstrate this kind of sensationespecially if the energy produced

during sex had any effect on actually healing that Soul from a trauma they may have
encountered prior. This is where most instances of sexual addiction sprout from. During
times of personal or emotional pain, where an ample amount of dark energy is being held
hostage in the Soul, an individual may try to excessively use sexuality to help release it to
encourage energetic flow.
Sexual memories are carried in our cells genetically, and the feelings and sexual impulses
felt by our ancestors can be expected to permeate our subliminal awareness once we
reach the age of pubertycausing us to "turn on" our sexual selves with a want to replay,
play out and reestablish what has already been. This is why where it comes to observing
raw or experimental displays of sexuality, we must always guide our children lovingly and
never establish within them a sense a shame for what they feel. They are only seeking to
energetically understand their own cellular impulses, handed down for generations.
When people are feeling a huge sense of lust that never seems to go away, it is usually
because they are terribly bored or creatively unfulfilled in lifeand reacting to feeling a
terrible vacancy of Love and Light within themselves. They are probably feeling stuck inbetween the two states of Animal and Common Consciousness. Intuitively, they see
themselves as beings who somehow need more out of life and therefore need to be
energetically filled or fulfilled by (subconsciously) utilizing the Light of another. These
people hurt and desire to be touched and perhaps they wish to be touched in sexual areas
of the body that are energetically blocked up. This kind of blockage occurs often for
adolescent children. Going through puberty is not easy, as it is a physical, chemical,
emotional and psychological event. Going through such a moment can cause tremendous
anxiety and over time this might create an energetic blockage in their Chakra centers and
Soul body. And with them feeling a lack of Love in the home, at school or from the world in
general the natural response within the Soul is to crave healing and with a body newly
awakening to its sexual potentialincreased libido results. It is vital at this point to try to
make a adolescent understand that this process is perfectly natural and a necessary part of
being alive. Yet until they learn (and are taught in a kind, grace oriented and nonthreatening or way) to truly value themselves and see that it is spiritual connection they
truly crave, their ego will have them reach for sexual gratification type behaviors only. While
an adult should never place shame over an adolescent for their sexual instincts, unique
desires or even their fantasies, what should be encouraged is that they develop balance
over their sexual selvesso that their more fleshly instincts do not constantly rule over
As a Soul grows, sexual 'dramas' will tend to be played out with ones who symbolize or
represent those who have caused them pain. Sons and daughters who do not have a
strong sense of themselves will always seek to make with those who resemble their
parents in someway. For example, some daughters will seek out a replacement for their
insensitive fathers and some sons will seek out a replacement for their domineering
mother. The mates for these individuals will be the substitutes of true Love.
For others, who seek out spontaneous, unbridled sexual conquests, as so-called "acts of
love", eventually these individuals will evoke and initiate upon themselves a massive
amount of lower energies, whose only goal is to chase down physical, sensationalistic type
pleasures such as overt feelings of romance or physical and/or mental stimulation that
leads to orgasm, instead of developing and learning to appreciate long-term, emotional
fulfillment. Now in saying this, it is not that any sensation or stimulation that leads to
orgasm is wrong, it is that ego will have these Souls define lower vibrational, raw behaviors
as the only kind of sexual union they can possibly have, until such time as they see
themselves as spiritual beings and worthy of receiving and distributing higher forms of Love

and Light.
What we do (or are interested in) sexually is usually an indication of what we are interested
in energetically - as sexual stations (the mouth, the genitalia and anus) are in spiritual
reality 'portals' that allow energy to enter or exit.

Am I susceptible to demons or darkened forces

during sexual activity?
I will first answer this by saying that sex is a wonderful thing! It is truly a gift from God that
connects us with the creative and spiritual powers we hold in our Soul. Too much fear has
been built up about sex to the point that it has made too many people dysfunctional and
out-of-balance. But should your intentions become intensely lust filled (usually because
you are in some sort of emotional pain) you must be very careful because now your
psychic environment is about to become linked to an animal conscious level of
thinkingand as this occurs, you will (on various levels) magnetize and attract toward you
all kinds of lower energies (human, disincarnated or challenging) who hold their own level
of intention, vibration and energy at the same level you do ... or below.
Remember, when we do not come at life with a spirit of Love, our vibration lowers and so
does our auric shield of Light, thus opening us to all the teachers of life and the
Supernatural Universewhose soul purpose is to challenge and mirror back to us the
reflection the Universal Divine sees coming from us. If the reflection is pleasant, then so
too will be the energies we sense around us, but if we are darkening, then we will have
heavy energetic entities' (and the havoc they produce) to contend with.
If we engage in perpetual unloving, addictive type behaviors, we can expect our vibration to
remain at a very low level and this of course will cause us to become impressionable to the
highly influential, darkened energies now surrounding us. This is that feeling of "ick" you
will intuitively feel when you know you have been engaging in an activity that your Spirit
feels uncomfortable with and you probably shouldn't be doing anyway because you are
lowering your own personal vibration. As lower vibrational type beings draw near (as your
own vibration lowers) these type beings will always try to 'use us' for their purposesas
they are seeking to play out and stimulate their own desires on some level. And like an
undertow of water, until we reignite our positive intentionswe can be taken under by their
powerful will and energy. Perhaps this is why the Bible says, "Resist the devil (what your
Heart tells you represents darkness) and "it" will flee.
To remedy and put "it" where "it" belongs sexually, we must disciple ourselves to disengage
away from activities that draw Light out of us, and instead creatively focus and concentrate
our energy on doing something that truly means something to us ... something that fills us
with Love and Light immediately! In fact, if you want to know the secret as to how to find
your way out of an addiction ... realize that you must exchange your compulsion with
something that you know is good for you and do that instead of the thing you really don't
want to do anyway!
And while you are at it, use the power of prayer. Ask God Almighty for help. Ask God and
His helping agents of Heaven to cut the chords of energy that bind you, so that you might
be released from all negative energies. (t is hard to see where you are driving in life if you
do not clean your windshield! And sometimes a good, pure heavy rain of God's goodness
is just what we need!) Request God to open a new channel for you that will help you
cleanse your Soul, align all your power centers ... reaffirming their power in youalso ask

that Heaven help you affirm your own powerful and positive intentions ... making them
more clear to you. And lastly, ask to be shown the thing you are not seeing and have the
humility to receive the answer you get back, no matter how hard it might be to accept at
first. Always remember: The first step to making any real and lasting change in life
depends on our willingness to take full responsibility for ourselves and all of our actions.
Past, present and future.
Once all this has been done, back away and fast from engaging in any activity that might
cause your vibration to lower againthus exposing you to nefarious entities. Trust me, if
you are not willing to walk away from their "party" their party will continue on with you ... as
their entertainment.

How do I control lust?

For ages spiritual masters have been trying to tell us that only through meditation and
consistent discipline of the mind will we ever be able to control chemical driven desires and
Success (of course) does not happen over night. Especially with some men, as their level
of vibration tends to hover and remain at a much lower level (animal consciousness) than
most women. This does not mean women cannot fall to low vibration themselves, because
they certainly can! However, there is great power within feminine energy to understand the
importance of virtue and self-respect. Therefore, women who maintain a strong connection
with their own feminine essence tend to be better able at utilizing self-control. Men, who
are not comfortable recognizing and/or embracing the feminine essence that exists within
themselves will have a much more difficult time being more balanced. This is why it is
important to teach our children that regardless the gender they hold, that they do in fact
possess within themselves the same two essences of their Creatorwhich is both
Masculine and Feminine Essence and Presence.
When dealing with lust:
Buddha used to tell his disciples to remember when they were facing massive feelings of
lust (when observing a persons' highly attractive physical state) that underneath the
beautiful hair, skin and shapely bodywas a mass of veins, muscles, mucus based fluids,
bowels, waste material, blood and bones. He told them to remember this as their ego tried
to push them into immediate infatuation or romanticized attachment. I think it is wise for us
to recall the true state of a person's physical machine, while we are learning how to see
whether or not another person's Soul is a honest to goodness match for our own. Anyone
who has truly found their right person will tell you, where their is long-lasting, true Lovea
persons' outer appearance will end up mattering little. How they treat you and others' in
general, communicate, touch your heart or help (or make) you grow spirituallywill always
mean the most!
When it comes down to it, sex is a decision, not an after thought. It only seems like an
after thought when we have been motivated by animal consciousness.
Besides being biological, so many of our urges tend to be sociologically driven. To
understand ourselves and be willing to examine and analyze our own motives and desires.
We must be willing to take responsibility for ALL of our thoughts and actions and always be
willing to bring them into the Light of day.

What about sexually diverse people?

If this world were to ever find out just a small amount of what sexually diverse (Gay,
Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered) people are here to do on this planet, there would
never be one single wisecrack or hurtful remark made ever again. Instead there would be
great respect! People who speak disrespectful things about people of this orientation ...
enact judgment, and do so from a place of unenlightenment,
insecurity, ego and socially-induced prejudice.
Some may use mistranslated and/or misunderstood scriptures
taught to them, not by the Holy Spirit ... but by fear-filled human
beings. Many will choose to sustain a Divinely unsupported,
satanic, hate-based rage against these children of God, rather
than using Love to bring understanding and healing between
both peoples.
ANOTHER! When people sling condemnation, judgment and bitterness at others, they are
not practicing the great commandment. They are allowing their Souls to fall into darkness.

What were you told or shown about this issue?

When I got to Heaven, one of the first things I asked was about the very issue of
bisexuality, as it had caused me a great deal of concern my whole life. My lady guide
walked me to a room that had a large screen in it. On the screen, I saw two forms of Light
conjoining with one another in the act of making Love. My guide then asked me to tell her
which was the male and which was the female? I said, "I dunno!" She smiled at me and
said it does not matter. She went on to say that the two Lights were what God saw when
He looked upon us. She explained that God always sees us as our higher selves and that
gender is a very temporary thing that will not be around forever. It was further explained to
me that God Himself is both a Mother (feminine) essence and a Father (masculine)
essence to us, therefore; God fully understands our attractions for members of similar
genders. Because the act of sex is really about a Soul seeking to return to a sense of
being "in union" with God again, it is only natural for that individual to want to conjoin with
another person who represents an aspect of God that he or she feels most comfortable
withwhether that be a masculine appearing presence or a feminine one. This is why we
must be cautious should we decide to project God as being a single gender, because in
truth, the presence of God is able to come in many forms. When we seek to see (or sense)
God we do so subliminally remembering The Divine as our Soul experienced God Heaven,
which might have been experiencing The Almighty as male, female or both.
It was told to me (or rather I was reminded) that there are no mistakes in the way each of
us were made. God knew what each of us would be challenged and blessed with. We each
act according to our Heart (or developed Soul center) and as we mature spiritually, we
come up higher each time.
One other thing I was shown was a couple engaging in activities that focused on Lust
rather than Love. My lady guide said that these individuals were in great spiritual duress
and bringing upon themselves a life that would present much challenge. I saw that their
Soul Lights began to dim significantly and there was a dark haze all about them. My lady
guide then told me a time would come when these individuals would need to learn to come
to God with their sexual selves, so that He could help them to use their sexuality in a more
Loving way. More than likely, emotional or mental illness would emerge and help guide

them to a more Loving path of expression. As I looked upon the figures, I sadly commented
that lust was a major factor that involved many gay people. The lady smiled at me and
explained that all fall into lust before we fully embrace the Light within ourselves. Later the
lady also revealed to me that the two dimly beings in spiritual duress ... had been a married
heterosexual couple.
Lastly, I understood that in God's Super Universe, the social structure within other Realms
or planets can differ greatly from our own. Before incarnating here, a soul might have
incarnated to a place where actual gender is not evident or even an issueinstead what
might have been significant were 'qualities' of exhibited masculine or feminine nature.
A Soul coming from an incarnation such as this might be hard-wired to only consider or be
attracted to the characteristics they have become fond of or comfortable with, rather than
focusing strictly on a potential partners genderin regard to their own.
It is my deep belief that our Spirit begins constructing our human brain to perfectly
coordinate with our spiritual past at the moment of conception. This is so that our Soul can
pick up somewhat from where it last left off. While the body and environment will be
completely different, the mind and its method of thinking will be greatly the same. Because
of this (as science is clearly discovering) our brain can actually differ greatly from the brains
of other people. Thus creating different chemical compulsions to pursue certain behaviors
or thoughts that others would never even consider themselves.
NOTE: I find that many Souls are now being born on the planet who are less likely to
follow what might seem to be the so-called "social norm" (even if it puts them thru
discomfort) simply because to them ... that "norm" is actually foreign to them in comparison
with their true eternal past! (I think sexually diverse individuals demonstrate this

What was the dark haze surrounding the couple?

The dark haze was what I call gray, dark or shadow energy. This is a challenging type of
essence that co-exists with us on the planet. I believe this could be what the Bible might be
referring to in-part as demons, as this essence is able to surround both
the living and earth bound souls'manipulating their thoughts, moods
and ultimately, behavior.
I have come to believe that these entities' job unto Creation is to help
bring us additional weight and life obstacles which match our non-positive
or unloving thoughts. With the weight of their essence on us, our inner
Light is blocked. After a period of time where we go stumbling around in the darkness of
our lives, we are once again encouraged to return to more Loving thought and action. As
soon as we produce enough Light in our Soul from having been Loving, the shadow energy
However, we must maintain Loving action and thinking because if we return to a less
positive way of being, these entities return bringing reinforcements with them. When this
happens it is time to do spiritual warfare!

A special note to all sexually diverse people:

Never be ashamed of your same gender attraction-based instincts. Know that there is a
very important reason for these, even if you and others have difficulty making sense out of
them. My advice is that you be willing to consistently bring your sexual ideas and thoughts
before God and ask our Loving Creator to help you learn how to handle yourselfso that
your life might turn out to be a productive and happy one. Know that when you humble
yourself and ask for help from Heaven ... you will be assisted in ways that you could not
have manifested on your own.
Be patient and above all-else ... Self respecting! it is hard to live a good life when you do
not show yourself enough Self respect. People who engage in destructive behavior do so
because of a lack of Self Love. Maintaining Self respect helps to maintain Self Love.
When looking for a partner, seek to find relationships that encourage long-lasting intimacy
and spiritual connectivity (where you can both be benefited by mutual growth and loving
companionship). Rather than simply chasing ego-based fixations (which focus on nothing
but lust-based physical attraction) try to keep yourself in check by remembering that there
are more constructive uses of your creative energy ... that in turn will help you build your
Self esteem, rather than degrade it, making you or others feel like nothing more than a
simple sexual device. Yet, also know that there is nothing wrong with appreciating or
valuing the human form, as it is certainly one of the most perfected designs of our Creator!
Just keep in mind to seek to do all things with a conscious perception of balance:
Living with Balance (Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit) is what promotes a truly happy
Use your time here to bring as much LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE to the planet as
possible! And for goodness sakes, have a good time and enjoy your life! In being born
with a sexually diverse nature, you have been given advanced gifts of perception that
others will not be able to easily access within themselves. You came here to be a teacher
and a generous giver. You are not a genetic mutation or a psychological malfunctionyou
are a masterpiece! You are a product of nature and been brought forth to bring greater
harmony and balance to the world. Yes! Heaven knew you were coming here this way and
intended you to be just the way you are!
You have an innate gift to illustrate and/or creatively demonstrate masculine and feminine
principal in such a way that will greatly impact culture and the lives of others ... thus
bringing a kind texture and variety to all forms of art, design and esoteric ways of thinking.
Whether others acknowledge you or not, please be aware that in God's eyes, you are a
tremendous gift to this planet! Take pride in your uniqueness. Do not ever judge yourself
by a sliding scale that is slanted toward socially induced prejudice. Judge yourself only by
your own willingness to be a good and Loving person. In the end, that is all that really
matters to God.
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Chapter 11 - Questions and Answers

Spiritual Warfare

How does one do spiritual warfare?

My answer might surprise you. Spiritual warfare is a practice of
celebration! Why? Because celebration is the very opposite to
depression, which is what dark energies want us to fall into so they
can tighten their grip on us.
Dark energies do not want us to celebrate and rejoice in the fact that beyond any truth
God is Love and Gods Love has already WON and achieved VICTORY over any challenge
that might come against us! It is up to us to open ourselves up and receive Gods
Loveall we must do is simply BELIEVE!
The dark forces of challenging energy come to steal our Joy! The reason for this is
because Joy creates blinding Light all around us. They don't want that! Misery Loves
company! Ever notice that?
Those who are in the habit of being down adore it when others come and join them in their
destructive pity party. Well, these "sad parties" are for the most part attended by darkened
energetic beings and because dark energy is joyless, it wants us to become the same!
However, never forgetthe Joy of the Lord is our Strength!
When you feel as if you are being overcome by shadow it is time for you to announce
NO MORE! and celebrate your life! I highly recommend that during times when you feel
something evil is trying to sneak up on you from the back door, swing open the front door
and let the Light of Gods Love come in your life in every way you can think of or Holy Spirit
shows you. Throw out all behaviors you know to be destructive and non-positive. Allow no
negative conversation to come from your mouth! Seek to affirm ONLY what you know is
Hint: Turn off the TV... and put on the CD player! Use music to heal your life! Keep in mind
that when we go back home to Heaven, music is what God uses to restore our Souls, as
Powerful and stirring music is everywhere! If we are wise, we will play good Love affirming
music in our environments often! I use everything from Gospel to Enya. Play that
wonderful music in your homes, cars and work/sacred spaces everyday! Think of good
music as a can of Lysol that not only helps to disinfect your space from dark energy, it
spreads colorful rainbow Light for you to walk into.

How did your near-death experience affect your music career?

Just as food filled with vitamins and minerals transports ample nutrition to the body, Music
filled with strong flowing melodic lines, lush tones and positive lyrics greatly empower our
Soul! Whenever we listen, sing or participate with uplifting Music, our Soul is literally

consuming spiritual food, as we are now causing our selves to become more open and
healed from having experienced the emotional trauma that comes to us all from everyday
living. Music filled with a messages of Love, Joy, Self confidence or even Humor enhances
our ability to give and receive Light. God, our Creator is actually comprised of MUSIC; and
when the tones and lyrics we consistently listen to hold positive influence, we are helped to
maintain a sense of connection with our eternal Spirit.
When I came back from my NDE, I made a promise to myself that I would only record and
sing songs that had a positive and healing influence on the Soul. The reason why is
because I clearly understood that Music is one of the most powerful influences we have on
our planet. So far, I have kept my promise, and I'm honored to hear from those who tell me
they play my Music in their homes, cars, at work and in their healing spaces often. It
pleases me greatly to hear from these individuals and then find out that the Music is
helping them to heal from anxiety, break spells of depression or motivate and cause
positive momentum in their lives! THANK YOU to all of you who have entrusted me with
this great privilege and allowed the energy within my Music to enter into this part of your
lives. Believe me when I tell you, I do not take this honor lightlyas it fills me with
indescribable Joy!

What about music that comes across as being harsh or abrasive?

After my NDE, I came back fully understanding the power music has over our livesas
Heaven had gifted me with an ability to be sensitive to the tones held within Music. Today I
have a strong, conscious capacity to comprehend what most tones are subliminally
communicating to the Soul and I use this ability when I write, arrange and produce mine
(and others') music. In fact, that is why I typically write the melody first and then put the
words down later. For me personally, instrumental Music is simply a message waiting for a
translation. A musician is a person whom Heaven has blessed with a potential sensitivity to
tone. As tones are processed and decoded in the Soul, an emotional vocabulary is then
formed that is used to communicate to others'who are still developing their impressions
about the world that surrounds themwhile the tones within the Music enhances their
personal experience.
This being said, it should then be easier to understand why certain types of people like to
listen to certain types of music. People who only want to listen to upbeat music
desperately want to move forward in life, while those who are easily bored by softer or
more gentle toned Music tend to be restless individuals who have not yet come to a place
of peace and inner resolve within themselvestherefore they require harder tones and
dramatic lyrical messages which might be considered 'chaotic' to some. This helps these
Souls' to fill in the gaps they perceive to be missing in their lives. However, what must be
understood is that what we become motivated by in life emotionallytends to create the
blueprint to the lives we end up living.
During my NDE, I learned that dark tones and harsh/suggestively sung music (with
negative lyrics) is not really seen as "Music" from Heaven, but obnoxious noise instead!
Abrasive music listened to over time, acts as sandpaper to our Soul, greatly harming the
inner power centers (or Chakra)causing our Soul to progressively become distressed
and dysfunctional.
Usually the artists doing these kinds of songs are typically distressed and dysfunctional
themselvesas they throw their sad energy into the environment of others'using dark
tones like a virussubliminally influencing anyone who has not yet learned to become
immune. It is because of this that I strongly advise people who are working on improving

their lives or staying on a Light-filled pathto stay as far away from such music as much
as possible!
Unfortunately, much of the "popular music" in today's culture is littered with destructive
lyrics and non-nurturing tones. Without being aware, the general public has been trained
by the greed-based media to actually become entertained by dysfunctional songs, and
most people (especially youth) have no clue that much of the music (they are listening to) is
actually injuring them emotionally! Some may have an inkling of this fact, but because of
media hypnotism, socialized peer pressure, boredom or lack of quality music ... they listen
anyway. And we wonder why we have so much violence, materialism, uncontrolled lust,
dis-ease, emotional disorders (such as being bi-polar) as well as many other issues?
From what I now understand spiritually, the programming being aired on TV and the radio
has just about done modern day culture in! And if we don't start becoming more observant
to the negative programming we are filling our minds with day after day, we are going to be
caused to become numb to what is actually good for usand not be able to make
effectual and lasting "positive" momentum in our lives! If we want a good life, we must
learn to train ourselves to pay close attention to how the music we are listening to makes
us feel. Does it make us feel peaceful, joyous or dynamic? Or does it leave us feeling
aggressive, resentful, bitter, lustful or arrogant? Be careful! Music is powerful stuff. It can
either help heal you or hurt you. With all my Heart I advise you to listen wisely!

Please explain more about the music of Heaven...

Many people have heard the amazing music of Heaven. This music is (of course) coming
from everywhere in the Realmfrom all the inhabitance and from God Almighty, as well.
As you have already heard me say, the music of Heaven the most stunning and beautiful
sound you could ever imagine; it is truly beyond description!

Some who have had near-death or out-of-body experiences have reported that as they are
in the process of leaving their body, they immediately start hearing beautiful songs sung
about God, such as "Amazing Grace" or "The Hallelujah Chorus"and they wonder why
this is?
The reason is because when we begin to leave our body we start to become immediately
aware of what I call our supernatural senses. One of these senses is the ability to hear in
the Spirit.
There are beings (wonderful spirits) who have made it their job to sit all around the
perimeter of Heaven in order to sing songs to those of us who are on the outside. These
Angels and friends of God sing praises and glory to God not because God demands it or
because they themselves are caught up in some religious furor, but because they want
to sing hope and comfort to all the brave Souls who are currently away from Heaven. They
know that while we are away (and in this world) we are behind a great low vibrational veil of
forgetting, causing many of us to remain in a state where we cannot easily remember God;
so these wonderful beings sing songs about God's Love and Grace (using Divine
tones) that the entire Universe can subliminally hear. When our Soul hears this music it
fills us with feelings of peace and brings our more refined senses into a state
of harmony. And for those who are allowed to consciously hear the music, it is a great
blessingas it is not only very healing and restorative to the Soul, but helps us catch a
quick remembrance about the truly fantastic place we all come from!

Those who are God oriented in everyday life will have moments during
their lifetime where they will be able to hear the music of Heaven.
There will be times when the faithful are deep in prayer or the faithless
are experiencing agonizing grief or the hurting are in physical pain -these individuals may be given the opportunity to hear heavenly
songs. Some who are on strong medications or drugs (which enhance
subliminal awareness) will have moments when they hear the
music. Animals, young children and those who are musically inclined
or talented with musical ability are very sensitive to the music of
Heaven. Those with the gift of creative musical expression may even take certain
tones their Soul's heard from Heaven and seek to duplicate them in the songs they write
or orchestrate here on the Earth.
When you are blessed enough to actually hear the music of Heaven, just open yourself up
and let it do its job. It is clearing and cleaning all the dark psychic fragments off and
away from your Soul. And once these fragments are away from you, you will once again
be able to tune in and hear the great inner music within you (which brings feelings of Joy)
that has never stopped playing!

Sometimes I feel so ashamed because of my weaknesses!
Never allow shame to come down on you because you have fallen into challenge. Every
person on this planet has to endure this process and every person has been made stronger
because of it. The occurrence of challenge is a part of God's perfect plan. Most think that
they have to make themselves perfect before God will have anything to do with them. This
is not so. It is our challenges in life that help us to find God! Once we get past our
challenges, we understand the great unconditional Love God has for us and The Almighty
then uses our experiences to help dislodge others who become stuck in the same places
we have been.

What happens to me spiritually once I am able to have victory over a

Each time we are able to build our Light back up, we then add solid muscle to our Souls. I
am speaking of spiritual muscle (made of dense Light) which will help us to lift up issues
and challenges that might have been impossible to get through before. It is through this
method that God prepares us to undertake our life's mission. This is why many people have
difficult lives before they come into their glory. The challenges they faced will have
strengthened them to the degree that once they arrive at their Divine destination, very little
will be able to shake them.
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Chapter 12 - Questions and Answers

What is ego?
Ego is that thing that helps us learn what LOVE is by showing us what
it is not. All things on earth must come to a place of balance. All things
must have a parallel or (in this case) an opposite. This is how we are
each caused to grow spiritually. Just as a face (due to gravity) may
wrinkle with time, so does a Soul become weighed down with ego. Ego
is always LOVE'S opposite. Love raises vibration and ego lowers it.
Ego is a mental essence that each of us is made to endure for as long
as we walk the planet. Ego is that thing that tells us in our mind, "No you can't do
thatbecause you're not talented, thin, good-looking, wealthy, intelligent, young, strong,
interesting or intuitive ENOUGH!" This is the voice of the Liar. The Liar is the voice of ego.
Let me put it this way: wherever there is separation, condemnation, self-doubt, lackmentality, bitterness, hostility or segregationyou can best be sure ego is not far behind.

Why does ego do this?

Ego wants to keep each of us earthbound, weighted down by heavy energies and
Heavenless for as long as it can! It desires that we lose spiritual momentum and wants us
thinking in as much of an unGod-like way as possible. Ego seeks to lure us into believing
that our personal comforts and ambitions are all that matter in lifeorit tries to go to the
other extreme and have us disbelieve or refuse our own worth, beauty and potential. With
ego-based thinking firmly in place, it can grow exponentially, causing us to become overtly
self-absorbed without us being aware of just how out-of-balance we are becoming. If we
are ego filled, all we will be able to think about is our own issues, agenda and problems,
which will put us into the position of investing little (to no) time into the true reason God
sent us to this planet!
We are here to be a blessing and allow people to bless us in return. We are here to heal
others and help them build dreams that bring everyone (here on Earth) closer to God and
Love. Ego wants to train us to not use faith or look skyward for our answers; it wants us
mentally, emotionally and spiritually limited. Ego usually seeks to achieve this goal by
seeking to get us addicted to something so that we do not face our own reality or take
proper care of ourselves, those we care for or our goals. Ego wants us to think in ways
that are more emotional and reactive (or offense-based), rather than give us a opportunity
to be sensible and 'proactive,' as we participate in a life that can be a blessing for all.
Should we allow ourselves to advance toward an "ego-controlled" state-of-being, we will
cease to be emotionally balanced and may very well become easily deceived by worldly

temptations that (in time) deplete our integrity, energy and character. Ego wants us to
become vulnerable energetically and mentally so that we are more easily controlled by
shadowy forces, which work in union with its agenda.
While egos' over-all mission is to cause us to doubt God, Love and our own Spirit, (in truth)
there is nothing to greatly fear about ego. It is only as powerful as the power we personally
give it, as ego can be compared to a fragile, spoiled child that screams and rants until it
gets what it wants. And like any spoiled child, if you ignore it during its temper flare long
enough, sooner or later it will get the message that we are not interested in yielding to its
inferior influence. Ego (like anything else) is an energy that wants 'more energy' added to
it. If we feed ego while existing in a destructive mind state, the thoughts and deeds ego
promotes will (of course) thrive. Over time this will only create negative addictive behavior
that leads to a disharmonious life with ourselves, our goals, God and others.
Yet, for every time we choose to follow a more Loving/Christ-centered/balanced path (and
consciously center that energy around being generous, peaceful, joyous, self-controlled
and gracious)Life will flourish all around us and those we care for.

I thought having an ego was a good thing?

Many people confuse having a 'personality' with ego. They are not the same thing.
Personality comes from the unique Spirit we all carry and maintain within, while we also
seek to develop our eternal Soul.
Our Soul is like the bread we see wrapped around a corndog. Yet, inside the bread is the
meatand core of who we really are. Our Spirit or personality is the part of us that
instinctually interacts with the material world our Soul now sees going on around us. This
gives us our own inner sense of our true selves, which is also the driving force that helps
us to achieve our Divine destiny. As our personality becomes bonded to our Soul it
develops an actual vibration and frequency we can perceive via the Spirit. We tend to use
this perception to identify others' when they first appear to us in Heavenor when we spot
someone in the Spirit, who we know is to walk along side us in life here on Earth.
A person's personality and Spirit will always have much variety and uniqueness to it. It can
be very passionate and intense in nature, or it can be very delicate and demure.
Personality reveals the realness of our Joy and in the tenderness behind our tears. No
matter how similar some may seem, everyone's approach and perception of life is meant to
be like no others'. This is what having 'personality' is all about.
However, ego is something entirely different. Ego is a highly influential energy form that
comes from a distorted and chaotic mass of energy held OUTSIDE of us. This energy
rides on a wave of frequency and is connected with something that is beyond our
comprehension. During times of emotional confusion, it seeks to bond energetically with
us, and as we allow it's radio-like signal to blend with our own authentic vibration and
frequency, ego actually seeks to alter and distort our authentic personality by distracting us
away from being fully aware of our own deep feelings and thoughts. This essence is at first
very subtle, but can eventually cause us to believe that in order to "feel and be alive" in
terrestrial life, we must react to and interact with the energies and material forms that were
manifested outside the realm of Spirit. (This is where our love and zeal for money, fame
and material success comes from.) Ego achieves this by cleverly having us believe that
our identity is defined by what we do, materially have or achieve in a single lifespanand
also by how others' seem to perceive us as being powerful, important ... or not.

In truth, in comparison with the view of Heaven ... this lifespan is very temporary (as is all
the glory that comes with it) while our eternal lifespan has more to do with us achieving or
carrying out the ultimate goal as designed by our Higher Selves in the Realm of Spirit.
Ego can be used as a temporary energy that can cloak us from seeing or sensing what is
underneath a person's true motives and intentions. The thicker a person's ego isthe
harder it becomes to see another persons' Heart.
It is ego's role to try to distract or delay us and others' from reaching this goal. And ego has
some powerful tricks up its sleeve! Many a great man or woman has had their destiny
brought to its knees by the whims of lust, material pursuit, substance addiction, self pity,
ambition or revenge. All these are used by ego to delay a Soul's potential progress, and a
Soul will never know any of this is happening until they learn to value and be able to tell the
difference between their own Spirit over what 'seems' to be material success or personal

Ego vs. Self Love
All of us need a certain amount of approval in life, because for many, we see it as a
sign of being Loved. We each like to be confirmed and want to know that the contributions
we make matter. Yet, in our world today there exists an ego-based trap for
those who base too large of a portion of their entire existence around being affirmed,
thus locking them into a habitual pattern of requiring approval, attention or praise from
others that in the long run eventually manifests the person's greatest fear ... disapproval.
When disapproval occurs and the person's approval addiction is not being met, the ego has
the individual turn inward and inflict feelings of rage and Self hatred for not being
"enough." Overtime, this behavior can bring massive amounts of drama and chaos,
whether intentional or not.

If we do not learn how to Love and Affirm ourselves, we can create a bottomless pit that
can nor ever will be completely filled. We will only require more attention, more
approvalthat is until our patterns become evident to us and we decide to do something
about them. And until we make this decision approval addiction will mount and get even
more severe.
Our egos are like little children. They never grow upso, we have to constantly monitor
our own behavior. It does not matter how old or mature a person becomes, sooner or later
something in life is going to come a long that is going to punch their button (during a
vulnerable time) and their ego is going to seek to get a choke hold!
We must allow ourselves to grow up by allowing ourselves to recognize that we do in fact
have an ego and it is not going away. But not to worry, that is why God allows us access
to our own Spirit. So we can bring the ego under subjection.

Why do some people seem to be more approval addicted than others?

There can be a few reasons for this. If we did not get enough affirmation as children
(from those we believed we needed it from) there can be a tendency to want to use our
adulthood to continue the process of 'seeking to grow up." During times of uncertainty, we
may search out figures or certain persons to fill voids in our life, who will remind us of those
we wished had given to us the initial approval we needed. Yet, often times the reaction we
get from even these people is similar to the reaction we got from those we believed
disapproved of us. This is mostly due to the fact that we have not yet learned that certain
personality types are prone to produce certain behaviors. If we allow ourselves to
constantly remain sensitive to how others react to us, not only will we freeze and not be
able to move around and be free in lifewe will spend too much time evaluating how
others feel about us, rather than how we feel about ourselves.
Another reason a person can be approval addiction prone is because something traumatic
happened to them in a former incarnation that their Soul has not worked through yet. This
type of person may feel overtly unsafe when engaging in situations with other people,
places or events they find foreign until they receive verification from a trusted source. This
can become a painful and frustration situation for all involved, as the individual who is
afraid will not feel they are able to move forward in life unless someone tells them to. The
only way out of this type of behavior is to trust God and the Life our Creator gave you. You
must know there is a reason for everything that happens, and in the end, all things work out
for good ... even when it seems bad things happen.
The quest for approval can lead us down many long roads that actually take us away from
our true Spiritual purpose. When you find yourself needing too ample amounts of
approvalbe careful! Your ego may be driving you into going in the opposite direction you
really want to go.

What about the devil?

If you understand ego (and that we should learn how to avoid it), you will understand the
concept behind the devil. I do not visualize the devil as some horned red entity with a long
tail and pitch fork, but rather I understand "it" to be an energetic essence or frequency that
exists as a big vast cold nothingness. Satanic frequency is the LOW-RANGE frequency
that constantly surrounds us (in our collective thinking) in a challenging way. This essence
is certainly nothing to fear unless you wish to participate with it, as it is the complete
opposite to the HIGH, INCOMPREHENSIBLE LOVING frequency of God.
When I had my NDE ... at no time did I ever experience satanic energy in the higher
Realms of Heaven, however, when I first departed from my body I did experience a very
harsh buzzing sound that I was constantly aware of as long as I witnessed my Soul near
the Earth plane.
There was a moment when my Spirit body floated directly above the Earth; a thought
occurred to me, "they" (those on the Earth) are so innocent!" In that compassionate
moment, I began to realize just how naive the people of Earth are to their true spiritual past
and authentic purpose. As "we" (those on Earth) continue to fight for control over who is
right and who is wrong, we rarely advance to a level of consciousness that would reveal to
us that everyone here on this planet came from somewhere else (within God's Super
Universe during previous lifetimes) which exposed our Soul to great inner wisdom
pertaining to that particular incarnation. And because these experiences are part of us and
who we are, they create an innate understanding (held as Soul as a memory) as to why we

feel and believe the way we dotherefore (while always remembering that each of us
exist in alternate levels of spiritual maturity) it can be said that everyone on Earth does
have a valid viewpoint as why they feel the way they do! So, while keeping this in mind,
along with all the "socialized conditioning" that occurs in our various communities, making
people believe that prejudice is normal or that some people are simply inferior to
others'it is easy to see why we are in a perpetual state of war!
As soon as all these thoughts happened, I heard the voice of my own Spirit say to me: "But
remember "you" (those on Earth) are not alone. You are not your only obstacle to
overcome. Yes, you do have an adversaryhowever, it is the darkness of your own
thoughts you war with mostly. And not only have you added fuel to your own inner fire, but
"you" (those on Earth) have given ammunition to those who would stand against you."
As I contemplated these words, immediately I started to noticed the buzzing sound (I had
been hearing) increase and then suddenly decrease according to the land mass, state or
country that was directly below. I noticed "hot pockets" of low vibration coming from certain
locations, more intense than other places. For instance, from the United States, I
monitored "spiritual radiation" intensely coming from the vicinity of the west and east coast.
Of course, I could detect these energies coming from all over the world, but the U.S. cities I
felt led to focus on the most where Los Angeles, Washington D.C., New Orlands and New
York. I knew that each of these cities had both manifested and also drawn toward
themselves a tremendous amount of challenging energy which would give each location its
own unique set of issues to deal with. As I listened to my Spirit speak to me, I decided that
these were definite places within the nation that possessed much fear and lacked a
continuous abundance of true Loving practice. As I already mentioned, there were many
other smaller hot pockets to be found in other places, but with these particular highly
populated cities, I understood that had the practice of Christ-like unconditional Love and
forgiveness been more advanced among the people, not only would the buzzing sound
(representing lower vibration) be drastically reducedpeoples' collective fear would be
minimized and illusions (which easily cause division and aggression) would be easily seenthrough all over the world.
I noticed in countries that seemed less advanced socially, were economically
disadvantaged or politically oppressedthe buzzing sound usually become even more
severe and wide-spread.
At the time of my NDE, I recall the land masses representing China, the Middle East and
Russia as being locations I heard the noise the loudest. And whenever I would focus on
the actual energy coming from this buzzing sound, I would empath a sensation of actual
heaviness, while also intuiting actual presences' "who" were being opportunistic and
manipulative with the people below. As this revelation came to me, I began to see actual
dark patches begin to appear, spot and hover over the various land masses where the
buzzing sound was greatest or growing. The best way to describe this event would be to
ask you to visualize thick clouds completely covering up the Light of the sun, which
normally shines over head, that is until a rain or thunder storm comes.
Since, my NDE I have recalled and had many experiences with this adversarial energy
here on Earth and have come to define the essence as: The "It" Factor.
I know this lower frequency is an actual intelligence that gathers like minded, negative, dark
thinking individuals and/or entities to give power to its self. "It" sends out a signal that
promotes arrogance, strife, hatred and greedand once this energy has been created ...
this essence somehow feeds off of it. Satanic energy seeks to contaminate Joy, place a
wedge of division between us and God, brother against brother, sister against sister and

our faith in Love. Where ever satanic frequency is allowed to exist, the loss of hope and
undoing of spiritual wealth will not be far behind. Where exactly this essence originates
from (as far as being an actual intelligence) I am not exactly sure. As I have stated, I do
have a sense there an abundant amount of truth to be found in the Biblical story about the
fall of Lucifer. However, I do not believe that the depiction has ever been taught in such a
way that reveals everything we need to know.
Whether your concept of evil is allegory or Divine truth, it is undeniable that we each daily
face a potentially dark and savage world. All one has to do is turn on the news or
experience traumatic and unexplainable occurrences in life to see how true this is. Yet, it is
important to always realize that all of life is simply a test to show us where our faith lies. In
time and eternity, we can always take back what has been lost and stolen from us, yet the
ONLY way to maintain energetic protection against the many slings and arrows of
darkness, is to consistently seek out God and put into practice a Christ-centered life of
Loving ourselves and others unconditionally.

What are some things that might lure darkened presences toward me?
Disallow negative speaking of any kindand disassociate yourself FAR from gossip
whenever you find yourself in the middle of it! There have been some I have
clairvoyantly observed, that it looks like their is actual black sludge accumulating
outside of their mouths!
Never forget: What comes out of our mouth is soon to be made manifest and
what we cast off onto others, in time comes back around for us!
At the same time always realize your voice can hold great supernatural power!
When your words and intentions are strongly centered on creating Love and
Light, actual ribbons and beads of brilliant color (coming from your glowing power
Art by centers or Chakra) fill the atmosphere as you speak. Some children, animals and
individuals who are spiritually sensitive will psychically hear and/or feel the
projected power coming from your vocal tones, as they actually bless all who
choose to listen. Note: When we are told Biblically that some are given the gift to
Peter speak and cast evil presences out and away from others'this is why.

In direct parallel to what you just read, please, please, PLEASE!! be careful of the

harsh toned/lyrically darkened music you listen to. The words contained within
songs help us to form powerful thoughts. You do not want to allow yourself to
become hypnotized and influenced by the message contained within a songif it
is not a condition you wish to experience in your own life! Also, please keep in mind that
violent, suggestive movies or mindless TV watched overtime does not help you to know
your own mind and hold to virtuous intentions.
Avoid horror movies and do not participate with or reside among those who practice black
magic, mean-spirited spell casting or satanic worship. Steer clear of those who exhibit a
blatant lack of self control over their sensual Selves. Being comfortable with one's
sexuality is a great blessing and should be something we each strive to achieve in life. Yet
keep in mind that for everything God gives to us, we have a responsibility to keep
ourselves in check if we are to maintain our enjoyment of that thing. Lustfully broadcasting
our sensuality (without proper consideration for our own Soul's purity and innocence) can
lead to some pretty dismal times ahead. This world is filled with darkened supernatural
presences who would love nothing more than to have you join them in their hellish
addiction and misery. Dark presence has a tactic that is simple: they predatorily seek to

get naive people to become accustomed to bending their values, so that overtime they
progressively keep pushing themselves beyond the point they should. This eventually
causes a Soul to become too numb to know when they have surpassed their own spiritual
limitationsand what eventually develops is an unfortunate circumstance. If you only
knew or could see what you were drawing toward yourself (while dark practices were
electromagnetically manipulating your energy) you would be horrified! Remember, all
shadow-type behavior LOWERS the Soul's vibration.
Lower vibration ushers in depression, disillusionment, disease and despair. The further our
Soul's vibration falls, the more darkness can come and take root deeply within and make us
want to give up everything we Love and value. If you hear the Holy Spirit (or the inner
voice of reason) telling you to turn off or move away from something or someone, I would
advise you to consider doing so immediately (in as Loving way as possible) unless you are
ready to endure the lesson that will come should you remain stubborn or ignorant.
Should you fall into LOWER vibration or find yourself attacked by something evil, do not
easily give yourself up or move into a spirit of fear! As soon as you realize what is
happening to you seek to amend your Soul and your personal environment with LOVING,
LIGHT OF CHRIST! Summon God's warrior Angels, such as Arch Angel Michael. Ask for
the Light and Violet flame of God to come in and purify your Soul and your environment.
Using the power of your imagination, in your minds eye, fill your space with beautiful Lights
and Colors. You would be amazed at how this will scare off challenging entities! Like
anything else in life, the more effort you put into something, that is what the end result will
And most of all, never forget... no matter what you may have done that is "wrong" you can
never lose your Divine birthright to call out to God and Heaven asking for help! And after
you have asked, DO NOT STOP BELIEVING HELP IS ON THE WAY! Do not let evil try to
convince you that you do not have the power or the right to amend your life because the
truth is, you always have and you always will!

10 rules that shut OUT "the devil!"

1. Seek to live as clean a life as possible! When in doubt, ask Heaven to show you how...
2. Always try to do what you deeply believe to be the right thing.
3. Be as loving and generous to others as possible.
4. Seek to be grace oriented and forgiving of others' weaknesses. (However, know that
you need not be a pawn or a fool to anyone's vanity or manipulation.)
5. Pray for and send wishes of Love and Light to those who hurt you ... or those you
disagree with.
6. Practice self-control and self-discipline, especially in the face of what you know is not for
your higher good. Remind yourself that living a life in the Light is much more beneficial and
gratifying long-termthan a few measly moments of 'dark' fun.
7. Speak to God often and give thanks when you wake up every morning and before you
go to bed. Every good parent likes to hear LOVING WORDS from his or her child. Make

sure you express words of Love and Praise to your Heavenly parent.
8. Make sure you show appreciation toward the kindness of others. And also make sure
you are being loving and honest, regardless of how others may treat you.
9. Avoiding what your Spirit tells you is evil will keep you and your home empowered and
also attract toward you those who are filled with Light and good energy.
10. Joy-filled Laughter (that is not at someone else's expense) is always excellent
The bottom line is, no one is perfect, nor are we expected to be...
However, we are all held accountable for everything we say and do.
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A Place Called Hell?

What about hell?

As written in the Bible, in the book of Psalms, there is a place called "The Death
Shadowed Valley." This is where some Souls may choose to go to if they feel
too afraid, guilty or shameful to approach Heaven or God. This is an in-between
place or dimension that separates Souls from this world and the next. And as I
have discussed beforebeing caught in this type of situation can be a very
frustrating process to endure as it can cause problems for both the living and
Art by those no longer existing within a physical body. However each of us has the
ability to call out to God (or to Christ)and immediately be taken home to

Peter It is important for us to understand that we each send ourselves to the places our
Teekam Soul believes it most belongs. We do that now here on planet Earth. Those stuck
in addiction, lust, bitterness and hatethese are the ones truly in hell. But the
moment we choose Love, we can get ourselves out.

A few Souls may find themselves (for a short time) in what I call, 'teaching and
testing areas" within the more astral or lower stations of the Realm. Those who willingly
lived (what the higher part of themselves may see as) dismal, unproductive or damaged
livesmay require an intensified lesson, as to the kinds of energies they are cultivating
around and within themselvesall so that they do not repeat the same methods exactly
when blessed with another incarnation. In this space (that may appear rather challenging)
there may be terrifying visual demonstrations that 'seem' sensory. And to the Soul

experiencing these apparitions, it will feel as if they are witnessing something real, but in
truth, they are not. The experience will be nothing more than a grouping of dramatic
images and imaginings taken right out of the individual's subconscious mind and pieced
together by theatrically minded guides who supervise this part of the astral Realm.
Once the lesson is understood and processed, that individual's spiritual energy will lift or
ascend upward and enter into far more pleasant places of existence within God's Realm.

What about a place of burning fire?

After my experience, I remembered a place in the deep regions of the Realm where I saw
what might be described as great caverns of electrical blue fire. However, I understood that
this place was not a terrible place by any means, but rather a vast healing zone used for
the purpose of loving purification. This wonderful place was used for bathing the energy of
those who had too much negative energy connected to their Soul. It was not at all some
kind of purgatory or a place of damnation like many religious dogmas would have you
Another thing to consider: in God's Super Universe there are many planetary existences
that might 'mimic' what might appear to be a kind of hellish environment. In the Red Realm
(for example) there are beings who live within and around vast pits of lava and fire. This
existence is (of course) extremely hot and not exactly comfortable. However, it is important
to understand that all Souls who came here, did so by their own volition in order to develop
certain qualities of physical perseverance and courage. In fact, those who are extremely fit
or easily follow a strict exercise regime here on Earth are likely 'former' participants of the
Red Realm, as intense physical discipline is what is often accomplished from having
incarnated there.
Also, it is important to note that (unless specifically planned before an incarnation occurs)
the bodies we are given in every Realm are made to accommodate our surroundings, and
while we may at times face physical or mental challenges while enduring an incarnation,
typically the life spans we experience are not very long at all ... in comparison to more
peaceful existences.
Let me now conclude this topic with this:
To all those who live in fear of being burned alive for all eternity in a lake of fire ... PLEASE
STOP entertaining this UNGODLY notion!!
To put this terrible debilitating belief in perspective, ask yourself: why would God command
us on Earth not to KILL or MURDER ... and then turn around and do this very thing to a part
of His very own Light? GOD WOULD NOT!!
Now think of a mere 5 year old who has just displeased or even disobeyed his or her own
parent. Imagine that parent taking that child and throwing them in a bathtub filled with
gasoline and then lighting a match, only to gleefully watch the child burn in agony. Get a
picture of this in your mind, and as you feel the sense of horror fill you, ask yourself how
could an all loving, omnipresent and omnipotent God do this to someone as inferior and
fragile as a foolish, spiritually immature human being? GOD WOULD NOT!! And any
human who tried to commit such a heinous act would be labeled insane or even put to
death themselves for such a crime! In believing in a hell, are we to compare God with a

criminal and barbaric act? I don't think so!

God would neverEVERsend the Spirit of one of His precious creatures to a place to
be eternally harmed ... and anyone who truly knows and understands God would see that
would be something completely contrary to our Creator's nature!! However, if a person
believes they are deserving of a 'hellish' penalty for having been naughty in life, then I am
sure they will find what they are looking for in the astral Realm. But know this... God did
Also, please consider that life is certainly full of "hellish" experiences in the here and now. I
am talking about excess that leads to Soul sickness. Too much of anything (but Love) isn't
good for you and deep down, you know that. Addictions are a private hell just waiting to
happen. And what is sad is, the more precious and authentically good a person's Soul is,
the harder it is for them to deal with what is happening to them! While God would prefer we
keep ourselves from as many shadow-based activities or addictions as possible, (so that
we do not overly darken our Souls, **which in time will only keep us from remembering who
we really are in Spirit**) know this: God understands us way better than we understand
ourselves! God is a LOVING and FORGIVING GOD! It is just a matter of you learning how
to Love and Forgive yourself enoughto be able to let go of those things that do not serve
you, your true destiny and better good.
So if you want to avoid a hell-like scenario (whether in this life or for a short time after),
listen to your Spirit, and Love and practice forgiveness (with you and others) every time you
are given the opportunity.

What are some other things I should watch out for while living out my
Never allow hatred to exist within you! Please! Do all you can to remove it from your life.
Hatred is the greatest toxin known to humankind. Never allow yourself to remain angry.
Anger brings disease and challenging energy. Do all you can to avoid excess. Excessive
food, drink, lust, intoxicants, ambitious planning, competition, and (of course) grief,
bitterness, resentment and judgment (leading to condemnation). Challenging energies can
easily fool us into becoming unbalanced if we over-indulge in any one person, place,
thought or thing. Be sure to get plenty of fresh air, exercise, rest and watch what poisons
(unnatural substances) you put into your body. Drink plenty of pure water. Your Spirit wants
to help you wash toxins out of your body. Water was made for this purpose. Your body is
the temple for the Spirit. The ego will do all it can to have you disrespect yourself so that
you might ultimately lose your sense of importance and divine worth.
Beware of the ego at all times and look for it in all situations and people. Once you spot
ego, ask God to help you assume spiritual control. Never be ashamed to ask for God's
help. God is right there waiting to show you the way out of your dilemma. Seek to be as
respectful (as much as possible) to all living creatures. Be generous whenever you can.
Remember that Mother Earth has been a gracious host, let us do all we can to keep her a
wonderful place for all Her children to live.

Chapter 13 - Questions and Answers

Your Destiny is to Love and allow Yourself to be Loved
How is it that you were shown these things?
I am not quite sure of what ALL the reasons might be; but I do know I was destined to be
some kind of teacher on this planet, as I saw in my NDE I have played this kind of role
many, many times. Also one thing has always remained consistent with me: Whether I am
up or down, I always try to Love and seek God with all of my Heart! I know that this way of
being has helped me greatly reconnect with my own Spirit and opened me to the truths and
understandings I am now able to share, which surpass the simple every day thoughts of a
fleshly, mortal life. This is the benefit of raising one's own spiritual vibration and seeking to
live out your personal powerby trying to demonstrate Love and grace to all.
Also, (if it makes you feel any better) I have certainly endured my fair share of heartache in
this lifetime and in the lifetimes now behind me! My Soul has witnessed a tremendous
amount of abuse, neglect and harsh experiencesthat has damaged not only to me, but
others' as well. I have witnessed the outcome of hatred and evil and seen how hard it is for
us to release the energetic effect these events do to our Heart. However, I know that in
God, we are powerful beyond measure! And with Love and Faith (in the good that is to
come), we need not lament over our hardships, instead, we must rejoice! All difficulties and
challenges cause us to grow in might and in much needed spiritual strength. We will
The one thing I know absolutely about our God, is that The Almighty always comes to get
us should we get too lost in our own lives! My NDE helped put me back on the right path
for me and my life, and I work daily to stay on it, as I can easily fall away from my faith from
time to time. But I have learned that this way of being will not help me. It will only pull me
away from all that I am and was meant to be.
Now having said all this, it is important to know that every single person can know and see
all I haveand even more! They just have to get themselves to a place of Love (of God,
themselves and others') so they can.
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What would be the most important thing you could

say now?
Please never forget: You are so Loved! And never is there a time where you are
unseen or forgotten! To know Love ... you must practice Loving! Remember, your
challenges in life are here as gifts ... once you succeed in getting past them, you will be
rewarded by being filled with Loving and healing Light. There is no greater feeling than this.
When in doubt, rememberLove is always the answer!

God bless you my precious brothers and sisters! Please know I am sending out Love and
good energy to whomever will receive it!
Be Loving and good to one another ... and Love will be good to you!
I will leave you now with a few powerful words spoken to me by my
guides on a rainy Monday afternoon, where I was feeling somewhat
overwhelmed and searching for my next step.
I was told:
"Your life is an ever unfolding story. It is an examination of the current state of your
consciousnessand how you choose to use it to manifest your life, which always takes
you to the next level.
The road never ends ... nor do you."
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"I know deeply in my heart that not one of us

is left unseen, ever forgotten, nor will any one
of us be eternally lost. God has confidently
sent us to this planet to learn one thing, and
that is Love! Now it is our turn to watch how
well we can love ourselves and one another!"
- Christian Andrason

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