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Hephaestos a young boy of African Tribes injures his leg in a playful hunting accident and spends time

recuperating sitting in an old plume tree where he learns how to tame fire when lightning strikes one
day. He is proclaimed first King of man and renamed Vulcan, every modern royal lineage originates
from this event as do the concept divine right of kings which is the privilege of godly communication.
As the young king grew older he became a tyrant and subjected the tribes to slavery under the power of
the flame, a new child, Prometheus, rises to the challenge of liberating his people by becoming Vulcans
lover and stealing the sacred flame from his throne room. Prometheus, captured and subjected to harsh
punishment, is saved by the eruption of Toba on the other side of the world, Vulcan dies in the ensuing
chaos and when his head cracks open a white larvae emerges, pupates and transforms into a beautiful
butterfly. During his punishment and near death experience Prometheus learns how to communicate
with nature and the first animal cult is established, as Toba ravages their homeland the thousand
remaining tribesmen are forced to migrate out Africa. Vulcan was the father of Atlantis, a global
network of Cro-Magnons and protocivilization upon which every ancient and modern society were
founded, they communicated with smoke signals and starnavigation, the capital, Am-Tuat, was located
in then existing Beringia mammoth trail connecting EurAsia with the Americas. Ra was the first King
of Atlantis whom according to theosophy battled evil sorcerers who had discovered telepathy by
artificial cranial deformation, this war was enshrined in the egyptian book of the dead and Ras journey
into the underworld. When the Beringia landmass sank in ten thousand bc Osiris, last king of Atlantis,
ruled the tribes and by warfare and exploration spread agriculture around the globe, he was a master
shaman and nature had once more revealed her secrets to the chosen sons of Africa who were finally
freed from seasonal hunting and scavenging. The great empire split into many parts but the three main
civilizations arising out of her were the Akkadians, Megalith tribes of France and Aryan horse tamers.
This is the source of platos version which he expanded upon and modeled to suit the audience of his
day. atlantis: Cradle of civilization and second root of western magic and mythology. The first root
grew from Indo European Urheimat horse tamers under leadership of Elder Aesyr Wodanaz (4500 bc),
Akkadia and Urheimat diverged into separate branches when Atlantis, the first Nation collapsed. Osiris
the fertilizer is the father of Akkadia, Arya is the father of Urheimat, they are both children of CroMagnon shamans of Lascaux who colonized the world under the banner of Atlantis, which in turn
originated when Prometheus led the Tribes out of Africa after stealing the sacred flame from
Hephaestos the first King and source of the divine right of kings - the power to communicate with
god/Solar. 1250 bc Troy: Knowledge of the books slowly drifted westwards into Troy and mount Ida
where Herophile converted and expanded them from clay tablets to papyrus hexameter. When Troy fell
with ensuing bronze age collapse in 1250 the most important books of the nation were smuggled on
boats landing at the shores of Delphi. 800 bc to 400 AD delphi Spy agency of the Ancient Greeks,
instructions on how to erect an empire by surveillance were transferred to Delphi when Troy fell, which
in turn had decoded the information from Akkadian tablets of omen under supervision of Herophile at
Mount Ida. The Sibylline Books in its crude version where created by stargazing Magis and travelled
westwards from the Troad to Massalian colonies who traded with Ligurians, Etruscans and Druids.
Together they would forge the Roman version of the Libri Sibyllini which exerted tremendous power
over the republic and played a key role in the eventual rise and domination of the Roman Empire. After
the fall of Rome the books were said to have been destroyed, but not before being transcripted by the
newly founded Vatican who would go on to establish modern christianity throughout Europe based on
the books arcane power. The Sibylline Books were restored by Aesyr Wodanaz in 2012 in a gift of
alliance to the American Empire also known as Rome 2. 200 AD odin: Odin was born near the river
Oder and joined the ranks of auxillary barbarian Roman legions during its final hours. He was a
member of the Germanian Druidic priesthood learning Latin as a military linguist during visits to
Rome, later becoming an advisor on foreign policy and strategic developments of the empire. Upon
retirement he spent his free time working on a symbolic systemization of nordic languages based on
Latin eventually developing into the Runic alphabet. He had several children, legendary Anglo-Saxon

Kings and conquerors of Rome, Aesyr Wodanaz is a living descendant of these mythological heroes
upon which much of western culture is based. In honor of his father he developed a new symbolic
language of the 21st century based on emotions functioning in tandem with augmented reality and the
internet (palantir) synergizing with a new alternative currency. Merlin 600 AD: After the fall of Rome
christians established the papacy and reconstructed aspects of the highly secretive Sibylline Books
wherein details of a national blueprint for spying were enshrined as a means to gain absolute control
over society. Pagans operated spy agencies of their own under Druidic priesthoods BCE which later
evolved into Odinism around 200 AD and the tales of Merlin shortly before the rise of modern nations.
Fundamentally these legends all serve to deliver the same message; that information gathering agencies
provide a critical aspect for long term success of any tribe or nation, just like the military to which its
intimately linked.

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