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Posted on April 22, 2012

Pada pagi hari ini ,. ya benar, ini merupakan hari yang tidak biasa. Pagi hari dengan semangat
untuk meraih sukses membuat penampilanku tidak biasa. Disertai dengan rasa kantuk( sedikit)
aku bergegas untuk mandi. Dengan baju lengan pajnag bergaris gelap dan celana bahan memang
kelihatan aku seperti seorang sales..,, hah., okey gak masalah . pagi ini aku berangkat untuk
mengikuti seleksi kerja dan ini merupakan pengalaman pertama berkompetisi di dunia kerja.
Pukul 06.00. saya berangkat dan ternyata orang-orang yang juga seperti saya sudah banyak
kumplu di lokasi. Mikir sejenak ( keren2 saingan gua). ya, pagi ini adalah test untuk masuk
perusahaan schlumberger. Untuk anak-anak technik , udah tidak asing lagi ama yang namanya
schlumberger. Pukul setengah delapan seluruh peserta dikumpulkan untuk menjelaskan
presentasi dari salah saorang manager recruiter. Si bapak menjelaskan dengan full english dan
full spirit, full excited., ampe gua aja gak ngantuk melihat dan ngedengernya.Ini beberapa
cuplikan yang masih bisa gua ingat :
Thanks for your attention guys. are you okay..are you excited.. I hope we always look
handsome in anytime , anyway and any place.formerly, I was not different with you to be part in
Schlumberger. Expectation and excited make me can take me accepted in this company. I am
graduated in ITB and there was information Schlumbegrer open vacancy as an engineer , I
interested to join it. It was aboout 1998. You know this year is the worsy condition where global
resetion happen in all region in ASEAN. But This condition not make Schlumberger reduce
production in fact , demand of product increase. Schlumberger is Stable multinational company.
You must know the different between oil company and service oil company. Schlumberger is oil
service company. The bigest client from Saudi Aramco ( Arabian oil campany , like Pertamina in
Indonesia). The function of oil service company is to supply technology ,do exploration and
consult all oil and gas exploration. ..( sampai disini dulu ntar kebanyakan )..
Intinya setelah 2 jam berbicara, .. langsung deh kita mengikuti tahap-tahap rekruitment
Schlumberger yang tidak biasa. Jadi tahap pertama adalah short Interview. Intinya kita
diberikan satu pernyataan dan kita disuruh untuk mengomentarinya tidak lebih dari 4 menit > di
bawah ini adalah beberapa contoh + jawabannya ( yang jawabannya gua tanya dari temen2 gua).
1. a. What do you think about success
According to me success is condition where we can achieve and past our target
that will be given. There will be a satisfied condition when we have problem
and succed in and finish it. It is not easy full of spirit and totally in our activity
get our target.

2. a. What do you think in condition you are in underpressure in your job?

Thanks for your attention sir. As a human society certainly can help our
problem by share and communication with our team. There is individual
responsibility and team responsibility. Make a good condition in our job can
help it.
3. a. What do you think in condition you have problem with yor vehicle in desert
As a mechanical engineering university of Indonesia, Ill try to repair it by
looking for problem that make my vehicle can move. By the equipment that
available in it, its enough for me to try.
4. a. What do you think in condition your job in critical temperature about 50
degree celcius?
For this condition , first is safety. It will make me focus on our job. This is
something important that must be there especially in unusual conditionand the
second we can adaptate by protection toll. This is very useful to hinder
undesirable condition sir.
5. a

In condition you are a sales who sell new product.. What do you think

about that?
Thank you for your attention sir. There are several consideration for you to buy
this product. First, this product high quality, resistency of corrotion make this
product can be used for long time because this product is made by high
quality material. Second, low price. When you look at heprice in supermarket,
the differentiate of this price is so fantastic. And the third is discound, if you
buy more than 5, youwill get 1 this product for free.
6. a.

What do you think about heathy ?

Healthy is anything. You can do nothing if you have a decease because you
cannot totally for your job. Preventive is better than cure. While we do health
lifestyle, its good by consume vagetables and multivitamin to maintain our
7. a.

What do you think about schlumberger

Schlumberger is multinational company that focus on oil service. This mean

that if oil company find new oil hole. By the high technology, schlumberger
explore totally and manage it to convince that oil exploration still availability.
Schlumberger company is known as high technology and high standart
company. For example is pollution standart. If in region, region standart in
pollution under schlumberger standart, Schlumberger will refer to their
8. a. What do you think if your friends/ team work claim your job?

Its no problem as long as it cannot harm myself. If apparently its harm my job, I try to
communicate with him/ her the real problem that there is no offensiveness with each other
that make connection with each other not fair..
jadi intinya semangat dan yakin. kalo memang jodoh kita disana , kita akan meudah utnk
menjadi bagiannya ..,

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