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7th Grade Language Arts

Mrs. Stockton
2016-17 Syllabus
Class Website:




Dear ____________________________________,
Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts! You are an important part of this class and Im
glad youre here. Im excited to teach you the wonders of language! My goal for you
this year is that you will develop and strengthen your reading, writing, thinking, and
speaking skills. We will also have the chance to develop our social skills as we interact
and work together. You will have weekly opportunities to work with various partners
and groups.
When you leave this class, you will have a better understanding of the world, your
place in it and how to effectively communicate with others.
Mrs. Stockton

Required Text:
McDougal Littell Literature
McDougal Littell Word Wise

Required Supplies:

1-inch, 3 Ring Binder with pockets

Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
5 Dividers
Pens (Blue, red, and Black)
No. 2 Pencils
2 Composition books
A flash drive
Pocket folder

Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide our grade 7 students with the tools necessary
for college and career preparation and readiness. We will accomplish this by using

texts of high complexity and integrated language arts study in reading, writing,
speaking, listening, and language.
Homework: There will be several independent reading projects assigned throughout
the year. Time in class to complete the reading for these assignments will be very rare.
Therefore, the student will be expected to read for this class at least an average of 20
minutes, three nights per week (20 minutes X 3 nights = 60 minutes/week) as
homework. Additionally homework, such as studying for a test or quiz, should be
expected periodically.
Classwork: These assignments are completed in class and may be graded as
Journaling: Students will journal independent reading assignments. They will also use
their journals for various bellwork and other writing.
Tests: This is work the student creates to demonstrate mastery of a standard or
standards. These assignments are graded for accuracy or according to a rubric that
the student receives prior to completing the work. Other tests include short answer,
essay, or multiple choice questions.
The letter grades will be determined by the grading system in the student handbook:
Below 60F
Late Work and Make-up Work:
Students are expected to complete assignments on time. Late work will be accepted
up to one week after it is due, with a deduction of 10 points per day. In the event that
a student is absent, they are to see Mrs. Stockton the day he/she returns to school to
obtain the work missed. They are then given three days from the date of the absence
to turn in the assignment. Work completed after the three days will incur a 10 point
deduction each day.

Classroom Norms and Protocols:

As a class, we will create our rules together so that we can discuss why they are
necessary. This is a proven exercise that helps students take ownership of such rules.
In accordance with school policy, the following system of strikes will be
Strike 1: In class punishment (change seat, verbal warning, etc.)
Strike 2: Student removed and sent to designated classroom, parent contacted
Strike 3: Silent lunch
Strike 4: Discipline Referral sent to administration
* Accommodations & Modifications for Students with Disabilities:
We recognize and accept our obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Accommodations & Modifications for
Students with Disabilities to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified disabled
students in all school activities. For further information, please contact the GCSJH ESE
Support Facilitator at 336-5186.


Contract (Return by Tuesday, August 23rd)

The class syllabus has been explained to me and I have studied the information. I agree to follow these
procedures and the norms we establish together in our classroom. I will show respect to my teacher, my
peers, myself, and my school.
(Student name, printed)
(Student signature)

As an essential part of my students success, I agree to support my student and his/her learning in
Language Arts. I have read and agree to the terms listed in this syllabus and I will contact Mrs. Stockton
with any questions or concerns.

(Parent/Guardian name, printed)

(Parent/Guardian signature)

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