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In Adamic historical theory, the first man, Adam, was the first kingdomfounder on earth, the originator of the

monotheistic concept of kingship--i.e.

the idea of supreme authority vested in an individual national leader. But
his was a temporal, physical, political kingdom, not at all like the spiritual
"kingdom of God" founded by Jesus Christ. As the much imitated first kingdomfounder, however, Adam is called "the first man", and as the second kingdom
founder, the one and only originator and founder of a spiritual kind of
kingdom, Jesus Christ is called "the second man" (1 Cor. 15:47).
Adamic historical theory is concerned with the first kingdom-founder, or
"first man", Adam, and the history of the Adamic kingdom that he founded. But
to understand the relationship of the historical Adam to the Biblical Adam
we have to begin with the story of Creation as it is told in Genesis 1 - 3.
Also, in presenting the theory I shall be using the term "God", but the reader
can mentally substitute "circumstances" or "forces", or something like that if
those terms are less disturbing. In the interests of clarity, however, I
shall of course personify (as for example "God said:" since that is normal in
any human language.
In the middle ages, probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century, the
medieval Church invented the idea that Adam was "the first man" in the
physical sense of being the first human anatomy on earth--rather than in the
more significant spiritual (i.e. "intellectual/theoretical/ideological") sense
of being the first kingdom-founder. There is little or no justification in
Genesis for the materialistic interpretation of the terminology "first man,
Adam" making him the first human body on earth. On the contrary, from Genesis
it would appear that Adam's world was well populated with human bodies--the
species homo sapiens--when Adam was born. The medieval Church, however, firmly
established the materialistic interpretation.
In order to support that materialism, the medieval Church was more or
less forced to invent what I call the "rerun" theory, according to which the
story of the Creation is told twice in Genesis--Genesis 2 being a "rerun" of
Genesis 1. The medieval Church succeeded in firmly establishing her peculiar
"rerun" theory; and both the materialistic interpretation of Adam and the
"rerun" theory survive strongly today. But to understand Adamic history it is
necessary to get rid of both of those (still popular) misconceptions!
Instead we shall adopt the view, implied by 1 Cor. 15:47, that Adam is
called the "first man" because he was the first kingdom-founder. By
originating the monotheistic concept of monarchy, the House of Adam began
human life as we know it--meaning civilized national life. He was therefore
"the first man" in the sense of beginning human life as we know it on earth.
And, as we shall see, he was "the first man" in other senses as well--none of
them having to do with his bodily form or physical appearance.
The kingdom he founded flourished before Sumer, Babylonia, and ancient
Egypt, and was very much more advanced than those great civilizations in
agriculture and related sciences (especially astronomy and mathematics), and
in philosophy and theology. We know about an earlier civilization because the
Sumerians, Babylonians, and ancient Egyptians, all tell us that they were
instructed by an earlier and more advanced civilization. Our interest is in
how and where that earlier civilization arose, and what happened to it, and we
shall refer to it here as "Adamic" because under that name we can reconstruct
its history from Genesis, as well as from the information it left behind.
The human species progressed slowly from primitive agricultural communities, to settlements, villages, city-states, and finally magnificent dynastic
civilizations. That primitive progress can be traced in Mesopotamia, the land
between the rivers--the Tigris-Euphrates valley--where it culminated in the
advanced dynastic civilization that preceded Sumer, Babylonia, and Egypt.
That is the civilization that we call "Adamic"; which brings us back to
Genesis, and a more rational literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 than
the strained "rerun" theory.
Genesis 1 is a record of the Adamic kingdom's highly advanced theory of
the physical creation and formation of the physical universe. It preserves,

however imperfectly, a deep understanding of the physical development of the

universe, closely analogous to modern scientific cosmogony and cosmology. But
(see below) Genesis 1 has nothing to do with the story of the creation of Adam
and Eve nor the beginning of the cultural development of civilized life and
nationhood, all of which began with the kingdom founded by the House of Adam.
That history begins in the second chapter of Genesis.
The medieval Church, to support the "rerun" theory, had to imagine that
the creation of man, male and female, in Gen. 1:27, refers to Adam and Eve,
rather than to mankind. But after making that artificial identification of
Adam and Eve in Gen. 1, even the most ardent supporters of the "rerun" theory
acknowledge that there is almost no other synchronism between Genesis 1 and
Genesis 2. Of course there isn't! The two chapters don't synchronize because
they deal with totally different subjects. Not only that, but the idea of
Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 is totally out of character with the rest of Gen. 1,
which nowhere suggests that any life form began with a single individual pair.
How far cultural development had progressed when the founder of the House
of Adam was born is an open question. Did any kind of human language exist?
Many authorities confidently assert that it did, and had existed for thousands
of years. They may be right. But the evidence they rely on is the development of organized patterns of living--and on that kind of evidence we could
conclude that a human language exists among termites! Adamic theory leaves
unanswered how far spoken language may have developed before Adam.
The origin of human language also remains unknown. It has been suggested
(by archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie) that true language, in which there is
no observable relationship between symbols (signs, words) and the things they
stand for, may have developed first as writing. That would go a long way
toward explaining primitive body-painting. But whatever may have been the
stage of development when Adam was born, Genesis and the rest of the Bible
makes very clear that the creation of Adam was intimately related to the
creation of an Adamic mational human language.
Genesis reveals that Adam was inspired by the "whatsoever principle" of
naming, whereby "whatsoever" Adam named anything, that was its name (Gen.
2:19). It is the essential principle of a true Adamic language that there is
no necessary relationship between signs ("words") and what they stand for.
Nor is there any restriction on what can be appointed as a sign (a "word").
In order to express Adamic theory consistently the terms "word" (or
"words") and "name" (or names) are used in a highly generalized sense. By the
"whatsoever principle" of naming, anything whatsoever can be a word (name) for
anything whatsoever. That is the "whatsoever principle" of naming that Adam
was inspired to adopt. To appreciate the broad generality of the "whatsoever
principle" of naming, it is important to understand that names (words) don't
have to be spoken or written signs. Taps in a Helen Keller's hand, or anything
"whatsoever" can be appointed as a name (a word).
The counterpart of the "whatsoever principle" of naming is the restriction
that there must NOT be any necessary relationship between a word (name, symbol,
phrase, sign, algorithm) and what it stands for. You may call the dog a "bow
wow" but in God's law, as it was revealed to Adam, any observable relationship
between the sound of "bow wow" must not be NECESSARY to its assignment as a
name. You may refer to yourself with the personal pronoun, I, and observe that
the letter "I" is a stylized representation of the upright human figure--but
you must NOT make that image and likeness essential to the meaning of "I".
With the inspired "whatsoever principle" of naming, and its counterpart,
Adam was able to conceive of abstractions, like the word "am", for which there
is no clear image and likeness. It is thus that the "whatsoever principle" of
naming confers on me the self-awareness created by comprehending the words "I
am!" In Adamic theory there can be no self-awareness unless and until the
words "I am!" (or equivalents) are comprehended. It is the comprehension of
the words "I am" that confers on me my human BEING. My Creator explicitly
tells me so in Exodus 3:14 where He says: "I am that `I AM!'"


From the principle that human BEING begins with comprehension of the
words "I am", and the principle that words (names) must never be bound to
corresponding images and likenesses, came the first and greatest two laws of
the Adamic kingdom--which have come down to us as the first two commandments:
1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me; and
2: Thou shalt not bow to and give worth to images and likenesses.
In very early times the Tigris-Euphrates valley was known as Aden or Eden
and it seems that the founder of the House of Adam was born in that region.
Reading the Hebrew of Gen. 2:1 very literally, it tells us that prior to Adam,
"no speech of a Queen yet used to be on earth, and no herb of the tillage yet
used to flourish as the Lord God had not caused rain upon the earth, and to
cultivating the land mankind was insignificant." (This reading is explained
more fully in my Annotated Translation of Genesis 1 - 3 in DL 9 on this
forum.) As Genesis continues it appears that Adam attempted to "cultivate the
land" but God frustrated ("pressed") him with dust from the ground--and made
him reflect on that problem (Gen. 2:7).
In that way God brought Adam to a new location in Eden which was lushly
fertile, a veritable Garden area--the "Garden of Eden" as we call it. The
garden's fertility gave Adam the leisure to think, and it therefore provided
him and his livestock with plenty of vegetation to eat, but also with food for
the mind--"every tree of delight to understanding" (Gen. 2:9). It was there
that Adam learned the essential "whatsoever principle" of naming, and the
essential law against bowing to images and likenesses.
Whether or not any form of human language existed at the time, or what
was its state of development, is irrelevant to Adam's overt recognition of the
"whatsoever principle" of naming, and his adoption of the first two commandments. Those two commandments are absolutely essential to the creation and
preservation of human life on earth--as (I hope) will become clear. Human
life, beginning with Adam, is VERBAL, not organic. Thus Adam gave "whatsoeverprinciple" names to his livestock--animals and fowl--and to all "life" = all
existence, meaning everything he observed (Gen. 2:20).
Adam's "whatsoever-principle" language gave him reflective life, but he
had to get others to understand his "whatsoever-principle" words. Gen. 2:20
says that he was singularly unsuccessful in that effort, and it vaguely
suggests that he may even have tried to get animals to understand him. Being
totally unsuccessful he quit trying (he "slept" in deep frustration), and he
fell in love with "one from his side", and mated with her, Gen. 2:21. She
became pregnant. (Gen. 2:22 says she was "built to woman" which is a Hebrew
idiom for pregnancy.) Adam made her his "wife"--and she would become Queen
over the Adamic kingdom (whether or not he had other consorts).
Adam still faced the task of getting others to accept his "whatsoeverprinciple" names. Since he refused to allow natural responses to images and
likenesses ("bow wow, yo he ho, pooh pooh) in devising his names (words) they
had no natural, reasonable, or logical basis. The task of getting others to
accept them meant he had to establish a pure Faith--unquestioning acceptance
that the "bow wow" is a canine, with no natural, reasonable, observable
relationship to logically connect "canine" with "bow wow". Acceptance and
adherence to his "whatsoever-principle" names thus constituted a pure Faith.
(For emotional reasons today, human language is not called a Faith-though clearly that is what it is. To avoid the emotionally disturbing word
"Faith" it is now said that human languages are "conventional"--which means
the same thing. But it is because Christians long ago recognized that human
language is necessarily a Faith, that they long ago declared that all things
depend upon a Faith! They understood very well that the Judeo-Christian faith
began with, and still begins with, a spoken and written Adamic language--a

language built on the Adamic "whatsoever-principle" of naming.

We learn from Gen. 3:20 that where Adam had failed, it was Eve who
succeeded in establishing the Adamic faith--Adam's language of: "whatsoever
Adam called everything, that was its name". But we'll get to that. For now
it will suffice to say that Adam evidently gained enough followers to found his
kingdom in Eden, with himself as King and Eve as Queen. It was a kingdom bound
by a faith, a national language--analogous to what Victorians called "The
Queen's English".
With the incredible advantage of an established national faith (namely
the Adamic language) the Adamic kingdom made rapid progress. And, having
learned the extraordinary power of the "whatsoever principle" it was suggested
that the same principle could be applied to legislation. Adam could legislate
what was good and what was evil, and whatsoever Adam said was good, that was
good, and whatsoever Adam said was evil, that was evil. At Eve's suggestion,
we are told, Adam applied the "whatsoever principle" to legislation and thus
attempted to outlaw nakedness in Eden.
Natives of the area, who had not become subjects of Adam's kingdom,
rebelled against the attempts of his followers to enforce the ban on nakedness. Like many other prohibition laws since, prohibiting nakedness brought
disaster. Adam and his followers were driven out of Eden, and they began a
long migration to the East. We presume that some scattered in all directions,
and some even remained in Eden, but the main Adamic body under the leadership
of Adam and his Queen, evidently went East, because the brandished sword to
prevent his return was on the East of Eden, Gen. 3:24.
It is necessary to pause a moment here to mention that the Biblical idiom
does not distinguish between the House of Adam and its founder. That is
usual. Israel, for example, was Jacob's name and it is the name of his
progeny. In the case of Adam and Eve--the king and queen of the Adamic
nation--it seems that not only does the name Adam refer to the founder of the
House of Adam and his heirs, but the name Eve was bestowed upon whomever
became the queen of the nation. Hence we do not know how long the nation was
in Eden since it was not limited to the lifetime of an individual king.
The nation was finally driven out of Eden, but the seeds of monotheistic
(monarchial) civilization had been sown there--in the Tigris-Euphrates valley,
and they were destined to germinate and reappear. And those of the Adamic
nation who fled West were bound to find the fertile Nile valley, and there
again put down the roots of a monotheistic civilization. Meanwhile the main
body migrated East, and no doubt made several attempts to settle and to reestablish the kingdom--only to be driven off each time by hostile natives.
But along the way they undoubtedly sowed seeds of the idea of monotheistic
Finally, some two-thousand miles East of Eden, they broke through some
high surrounding mountains to discover a marginally fertile protected plateau,
which is now called the Tarim Basin. There, protected by the high surrounding
mountains, the nation was successfully re-established. The land of the basin
at that time covered a huge underground freshwater sea which was tapped for
irrigation. Adam appointed two co-regencies under Cain and Abel who were
charged to administer farming and sheep-ranching, respectively. And they
called the Tarim Basin "the face of the earth"--much as we today call the
adjacent territory (Tibet) "the roof of the world".
In the style of our modern "Westerns", war eventually broke out between
Cain and his farmers, and Abel and his ranchers. Abel's people were wiped
out. Cain was expelled from the face of the earth and he and his people, the
Kenites, went back to dwell in "the land of Nod, on the east of Eden", Gen.
4:16. Subsequently, the House of Adam in its 130th year appointed a new coregency under Seth, and Seth 105 years later appointed the dynasty of Enos,
and so on, as recorded in Gen. 5--until at one time there were as many as nine
regencies over what must have been a flourishing city-state nation.
Because the Adamic nation forbade bowing to images and likenesses they
could not use graphic images and likenesses as a means of communication--nor

any forms such as pictographics, ideographics, or hieroglyphics, which

depended on a residual image-and-likeness component. That forced the nation
to develop phonetic graphics, which began with what we now call cuneiform.
But later the nation developed a twenty-four-sign phonetic alphabet, from
which all the alphabets of the world are descended. It is therefore not too
far afield to say that Adam and human life as we know it, began with the
invention of writing. That puts Adam no earlier than about 3500 to 4000 B.C.
It is very possible that Cain's people established or developed the
civilization of Sumer, and carried cuneiform writing to them. If so that
would mean that Cain was expelled from the face of the earth after cuneiform
had been developed there, but before the twenty-four-sign alphabet had been
invented. The alphabet was later carried into early ancient Egypt, but it is
also found in different Mesopotamian remains, prompting Sir Flinders Petrie to
remark that the alphabet is as old as history.
At the face of the earth, with the advantage of writing to preserve its
learning and understanding, the nation progressed rapidly in agriculture and
structural engineering for irrigation, in astronomy and mathematics for
tracking the seasons, and in basic science as well as technology for mining
and quarrying. When it had grown sufficiently in knowledge and power it sent
out emissaries and settlers to develop other territories. They naturally
concentrated on those areas where the earlier seeds of Adamic civilization had
taken root after the nation's expulsion from Eden. Chief locations for
development were Sumer and Babylonia, and the fertile Nile Delta of Egypt.
The nation established a calendar-system with thirty-day months and a
twelve-month ideal or "sacred" year of 360 days, but a civil year of 365 days,
both tied to the Autumnal Equinox for the first month of the year. The sacred
calendar was synchronized to the solar year by adding a month at the end of
the year, whenever that was necessary in order to keep the Autumnal Equinox in
the first month of the calendar year. In other words a month was added whenever the calendar would have been thirty days or more out of step with the
equinox. That generates a repetitive cycle of intercalations, a cycle that
repeats in 103 years. The 365-day calendar had 5 days added whenever needed
to keep the equinox in Month 1 of the civil calendar.
Such a cycle is called a "calendar cycle". Our modern calendar, for
example, is based on a 400-year calendar cycle. The rule is that an intercalary day is added every fourth year ("leap-year") except at the end of a
century unless it is the end of the 4th century of the 400 year cycle. By
that rule, in 400 years there are 365.25 x 400 - 3 days = 146097 days.
Dividing that by 400 we find that our mean calendar year has 365.2425 days.
The 103-year calendar cycle had 37623 days giving it a mean year of 365.27185
days. The actual solar year was slightly longer 6000 years ago than it is
now, since it is now decreasing by about .53 seconds per century. If that
rate of increase has been constant then, the average value of the solar year
over the past six thousand years has been 365.242425, and 6000 years ago the
length of the solar year was 365.24279 days.
It is to be noted that the 103-year calendar cycle is generated very
simply and naturally by adding a thirty-day month whenever necessary. We can
also now conclude that the 103-year cycle kept the calendar very accurately
synchronized to the solar year at that time. But while that calendar cycle
was arrived at very simply, it is evident that the Adamics had astronomical
knowledge that is far from simple. It appears that they had even ascertained
the date of what is called "zero degrees perihelion" which is when the
equinoxes on the earth's orbit (points when earth's axis is exactly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit) coincided with the perihelion and aphelion
(closest and farthest approach to the sun) of the earth's orbit. It seems
that they considered basing their calendar epoch (i.e. "year 0") on the year
of 0 perihelion. But apparently for reasons of numerical symbolism, and
perhaps also from historical considerations, they finally put the calendar
epoch 44 years later, at midnight of the Autumnal Equinox of 4000 B.C.
Many other astronomical cycles were known and observed, having to do with

the relationship of the calendar to the solar year and of the lunar year to
the solar year. Of these the one that shows up most prominently in records
was a 97-year (solar) calendar cycle. But there is no need to go into any
more detail concerning the astronomical calendar cycles, in order to learn and
understand how they impinge on Adamic history.
Another kind of (non-astronomical) calendar cycle was based on the idea
of "a year of months" which was, of course, 30 years. Every thirty years
there was a calendar festival, called an "End Festival" at which time, if a
dynastic house had appointed no suitable heir, the dynasty was declared
officially ended. And there was a "Great End Festival" every fourth "End
Festival", which is to say at the end of every 120 years. However those
festivals also had to be synchronized to the calendar and that was done by
delaying the sixth "Great End Festival" so that it came at the end of the
121st year. That way six "Great End Festivals" coincided with seven 103-year
cycles, at the end of 721 years.
It is because of the calendar cycles, especially the "End Festivals" that
we know that the chronology in Gen. 5 refers to dynasties or "houses" rather
than individual rulers. The idea of "End Festivals" was continued in ancient
Egypt by what are called the Egyptian "Sed Festivals". In Egypt a new
dynasty officially began at a "Sed Festival"--whereas at the face of the earth
the Festival was when a dynasty was officially ended. And when the Gen. 5
chronology is examined it is found that each of the dynasties named there
ended in the year ending a calendar cycle, usually in the year of an End
Festival. Even without the direct statement in Gen. 6:9 it would be clear
that each of the names in the Gen. 5 chronology are the names of dynasties
that lived for many generations. (It is mildly amusing that some modern
versions have changed Gen. 6:9 to read "Noah was a just man and perfect in his
generation [singular]" but in the Hebrew it is clearly: "Noah was a just man
and perfect in his generations [plural].)
The 103-year calendar cycle was handed down to ancient Egypt and kept the
Egyptian calendar accurately synchronized to the solar year for many centuries.
But typical of the overall pattern of retrogression, the Egyptians during the
18th Dynasty, had lost all understanding of the science behind their calendar
system, and the calendar was changed to a simple 365 days. There is an 18th
Dynasty record complaining of the calendar change, but it was was adopted by
then, and the Egyptian so-called "vague year" was established. That calendar
allowed the Egyptian year to slip a quarter of a day every year, or a whole
year in 1461 years--the so-called "sothic cycle".
Egyptologists, blinded by their belief in gradual progress, assumed that
ancient Egypt had used the vague-year calendar, without revisions, for over
two thousand years, and base their reconstruction of Egyptian chronology on
that (obviously naive) assumption. It was very convenient since the Egyptians
annually recorded the first appearance of the star Sirius, and the date of the
"heliacal rising" of Sirius on the Egyptian calendar allowed them to pinpoint
the year of that record, in the belief that it would have to have been either
the year assigned or a year one sothic cycle earlier or later. It never seems
to have occurred to them that at any earlier time the Egyptians may have had a
scientifically accurate calendar. So they had to make such explanations as
that (in one case) the harvest festival "had to be an offering of green corn",
and in another case "the earliest high Nile on record" (by a full month!)
To regulate agriculture the Adamics invented what we call the "zodiac".
It consisted of pictures superimposed on celestial constellations in the
zodiacal belt--a belt encircling the celestial sphere, centered on the earth's
orbit (projected to the celestial sphere) and extending 23.5 degrees above and
below the orbital line. It is the belt in which the moon and the planets are
always seen. The pictures originally identified six equal sections around the
zodiacal belt. Later that system was replaced with pictures identifying
twelve equal sections around the belt. Today we have twelve unequal sections
or constellations as a result of combining the two systems.
The purpose of the zodiac was to tell farmers the time of year, when to

expect summer heat or winter cold, or when to expect the rainy season or the
dry season, or in the Nile Delta when to expect high Nile. They had only to
look up at the night sky to see where the moon was against the zodiac, and
they could tell what month of the year it was. If they new where the month
was with respect to new moon, they could figure the actual day of the month
from the moon's phase. The most essential information supplied by the zodiac
was, of course, planting time. In later times, and among more primitive
people it was believed that the zodiac CAUSED the rains of the rainy season,
or CAUSED the heat of summer, &c., and astronomical science degenerated into
astrology--although there was more to the astrological misunderstandings.
It will be convenient to refer Biblical dates to the Adamic epoch at the
Autumnal Equinox of 4000 B.C., calling that year, Year 0 A.K., from which the
year B.C. or A.D. can be easily calculated.
In 1056 A.K. the dynasty of Noah was appointed to oversee the burgeoning
missions and settlements where the Adamic settlers were developing civilizations, and commerce with those civilizations. Meanwhile the bare-bones outline
in Gen. 5 bespeaks a furious power struggle at the face of the earth. The
high point of nine dynasties reigning over territory at the face of the earth
was reduced to just two--Lamek and Methuselah. Noah, who reigned over the
settlers and missions, and Noachian mariners, was probably not threatened. We
know that Noachian settlers penetrated into India, China and Japan, and into
Europe, and there is even some evidence they may have reached the shores of
the Americas.
The development of the face of the earth required extensive irrigation
which was obtained from artesian wells ("fountains of the deep") that tapped
the vast underground fresh-water sea ("the waters under the earth"). Since
the land was surrounded by high mountains, we find that the Adamics carried
with them a picture of their world, representing it as a dome of land over an
ocean of water, surrounded by high mountains. We find that that is the picture
of the Chaldean world, with the mountains supporting the sky. And similar
representations are found in ancient Egypt and Sumer.
Tapping the underground water was eventually so excessive that it became
a threat to the nation's survival. The danger was that too much irrigation
could soften the "floor" of the basin, and since earthquake activity is fairly
common in the region, there was the threat that if the land was too heavily
irrigated it could collapse into the underground sea. That threat was clearly
foreseen, and the nation was warned that if the excesses continued its days
would be 120 years, Gen. 6:3. Scholars unfamiliar with the calendar cycles
seem to have no idea where the "120 years" came from. It was, of course, a
warning that the nation might not see the next "Great End Festival". Like
most such warnings it went unheeded, except by Noah who built an ark for
himself, his family, and his livestock, in order to survive the impending
In the 600th year of Noah (1656 A.K.), the 17th day of Month 2, (night of
our 30 Oct. to 1 Nov.) "were all the fountains of the deep broken up" Gen.
7:11, as the flooded face of the earth collapsed into the underground sea.
Miraculously, Noah seems to have survived the catastrophe. The rain continued
forty days, but "the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days"
Gen. 7:24. In the 17th day of Moth 7 "after the end of one hundred and fifty
days" (Note 5 x 30 = 150 days, confirming 30-day months) the ark rested upon
the high hills (Heb. ARRT "Ararat", high peaks or highest hills. There is no
evidence of a mountain in Armenia, or anywhere else, named Ararat as early as
2344 B.C., the year of the flood.)
The collapse of the face of the earth breached the once mighty Pe Shan,
and the water drained out through the breach in the mountains, inundating
China as recorded in the Chinese Shu King. Meanwhile winds from the Gobi
desert drove in through the breach, eroding the mountain at a phenomenal rate
and burying the Adamic kingdom under perhaps a mile or more of desert sand.
The water draining through the breach, and the sand blowing in, have left a
totally desiccated region that looks as though it could not have been fertile

or inhabited within the past tens of thousand of years. However the catastrophe responsible its appearance happened in 2344 B.C.--the 1656th year of the
House of Noah.
What was left after the destruction of the face of the earth were a
number of Noachian settlements, and Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian
dynastic civilizations that acknowledge their debt to the earlier and more
advanced civilization--a civilization that perished, probably forever beyond
reach. But it may be noted that archaeologist A.H. Sayce has shown that the
Biblical description of the "sons of Noah; Shem, Ham, and Japheth" corresponds
to an outline of the geographical distribution of the white race at the time
of the deluge. Although Noah and his family were the only inhabitants of the
face of the earth that who survived its destruction, it would seem that many
descendants of Adam did survive--in addition to the Kenites (Cain) who had
long since been expelled from the face of the earth.
Outside of the Bible, evidence of the Adamic civilization is overwhelming
in the advanced scientific knowledge that was handed down from earliest times
by people and cultures and civilizations that had no means of deriving such
advanced information. But it is fashionable to ignore just how early modern
scientific concepts first appeared.
What the popular modern mythology tries to preserve is a picture of
gradual progress from primitive fantasies to a true scientific view of the
universe and the laws of science. Adamic theory puts the "gradual progress in
the pre-Adamic (10000-4000 B.C.) past, followed by a meteoric rise, when the
invention writing began human civilization as we know it, and then a catastrophic destruction in 2344 B.C. How far progress went in the Adamic kingdom
we can only guess, based on bits and pieces found in early cultures which
presumably came from the Adamic kingdom and Adamic settlers.
Modern scholars rarely mention, for example, that the Pythagoreans, long
before Aristotle, taught that the earth is a sphere freely poised in space and
orbiting the sun. The Pythagoreans boast that Pythagoras pried that "secret
knowledge" loose from the Egyptian priests, who had preserved it, but obviously
didn't understand it themselves. Nor do they mention the full heliocentric
theory of Aristarchus--none of that knowledge supposedly existed before
Nor is there usually any mention of Lucretius who carefully explains why
bodies of different weight must nevertheless fall at the same speed in a
vacuum. That and a whole lot more from a disciple of Epicurus, writing more
than a thousand years before Galileo! Then there is the extraordinary insight
of Genesis 1:2 in which it is recognized that an "earth without form" corresponds to a black body--darkness; plus the recognition in Gen. 1:3 that the
first departure from the formless state had to create light, before there were
any stars (or suns) in the universe. These are things that modern minds could
easily appreciate if modern teachers dared to teach them--but they contradict
the mythology of gradual progress.
What seems impossible for modern minds to understand and appreciate is,
however, as I mentioned at the outset, the principle that human life is VERBAL
not organic, and that self-awareness, human BEING is created by comprehension
of the words "I am!" The consequences of that insight are enormous, and it is
necessary in concluding this essay to mention some of them, even though they
may go far beyond anything that the reader wants to know or understand!
The prime consequence of the creation of the human self by comprehension
of the words "I am!" is the necessary conclusion that therefore ALL THINGS
known to mankind are created by the word that identify, express, and describe
them. In the universe there was no spherical earth orbiting the sun until man,
circa 4000 B.C., described a spherical earth orbiting the sun. That makes our
spherical earth and solar system no more than about 6000 years old! We can now
project it back in time for several billion years, but it came into existence
no more than 6000 years ago, because it was not described more than 6000 years
ago--just as Newton's mm/d^2 law of gravitation is only a little more than 300
years old. Again we can project its operation back to the birth of the uni-

verse, but Newton's "law of gravitation" did not exist before Newton described
it as such.
Modern physicists have, in the past decade, come close to once again
recognizing that the universe is created the way in which we describe it. In
physics, a version of that insight is known as "the anthropic principle" and it
is discussed in popular as well as serious books and papers on modern physics-for a popular treatment see for example, Davies "The Accidental Universe".
The anthropic principle is also discussed by Stephen Hawking in his new book
"A Brief History of Time". But modern scientists still adhere to the creed of
Scientific Empiricism, and believe that science is built on "observations". It
does not seem to have dawned on them that an "observation" is not an observation until it is expressed in words (symbols, algorithms, &c.).
The understanding that we and the universe are created by the words with
which we describe ourselves and the universe affirms that God is "the Word"
(John 1:1) manifest in "the voice of the words" (Deut. 4:12) [and Jesus Christ
is "the Word" incarnate]. Knowing that we and our universe are created by the
words with which we identify, express, and describe all things, is such a
powerful and revealing insight that it is difficult to imagine how far the
Adamic kingdom may have progressed in knowledge and understanding with the aid
of that incredible key. They did not apply themselves to the development of a
materials technology, as we have, but they seem to have far surpassed us in
scientific theoretical knowledge leading to a deep understanding of God and
His creation--the physical universe.
With that remarkable scientific insight they were able to leave to us a
6000-year chronological prophecy, describing in very general terms the history
of the descendants of Adam. That is usually considered to be outside the pail
of science. But there are many who have held otherwise. They have said that
a sufficiently comprehensive scientific understanding of God's universe would
necessarily include a knowledge of past and future developments in the history
of mankind, as well as in the history of the physical universe. To quote
Stephen Hawking's new book, that is exactly what he also now says: "Yet if
there really is a complete unified theory, it would also presumably determine
our actions."
And within the limits of the uncertainty principle it may well be that
"the Word" revealed to the Adamic nation the general outline and consequences
of a unified theory that made it possible, in general terms, to predict six
thousand years of the history of the Adamic people and their followers. That
is the "unified theory" that remains to be discovered and recovered from the
text of the Bible! The chronology of Biblical prophecy is referred to the
astronomical clock (e.g. the "time, times, and half a time" = 3.5 x 360 years
= 1260 years, which is an extremely accurate luni-solar calendar cycle). THAT
is what later degenerated into astrology! The clock to which historical prophecy was referred came to be thought of as CAUSING the prophesied events.
Finally let it be noted that it should be possible to predict the pattern
of future history if, but only if, man has free will (as Judeo-Christian theory
declares). For if man has free will, mankind is analogous to a set of random
particles and the statistical future of the set as a whole is predictable. But
if man does not have free will, then of course it is impossible to make a
prophecy of future history without first knowing the constraints on man's will.
But in that case it would be possible to make specific predictions rather than
only a general overall pattern-prophecy with, a specific here and there. The
generality of Biblical prophecy therefore may be viewed as affirming man's
free will.

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