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Lesson Planning-Glogster

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)
3.3.3.A4: Connect the various forms of precipitation to the weather in a particular place and time.

3.3.3.A5: Explain how air temperature, moisture, wind speed and direction, and precipitation make up the weather in a
particular place and time.

1.6.3.A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations.
• Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)

The students will evaluate their own work.

The students will become familiar with the Glogster website.
The students will be able to research information about weather on the internet.
The students will work collaboratively with a small group of peers.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)
The students will create a poster based on the rubric topics.
The students will self-assess their work using the teacher created rubric.

Glogster tutorial
Teacher made rubric
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:
A student may be provided additional time if they need. Students with special needs may also require a special education teacher,
paraprofessional, or teacher beside them to walk them through the process. Students with special needs may also be given
frequent breaks if needed.

Enrichment Techniques:
The students may create an additional Glogster poster about the whole water cycle if they have additional time or would like to.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
If a student requires additional assistance, a special education teacher, paraprofessional, or peer will be assigned to help them.
The student may be provide additional time to complete the assignment. A paper copy of the flier and rubric will be given to the
student prior to starting the lesson.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will divide the student up into groups. One group will be called condensation; one group will be called evaporation;
one group will be called precipitation. Each group will research information on the involvement of their vocabulary word on the
water cycle. The groups will be given 10-15 minutes to find out as much information as they can. When the time is up each group
will given 2-3 minutes to present the information they found.

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

The students will return to their computer.
The teacher will present the poster to the students and explain the required components of the assignment.
The teacher will show the students a model of a poster.
The students will watch a video tutorial on how to use Glogster.
The students will be navigated to the Glogster website.
The students will ask questions they have about Glogster and the assignment.
The students will begin finding pictures related to the groups topic for the poster.
The group will brainstorm ideas on paper on how they would like to design the poster.
The group will design the poster on the computer.
The group will save their work and upload the poster to the class’s website.

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

The students will work collaboratively with a small group of peers to create a poster explaining the vocabulary word they were
The students will be given a chance to re-edit their poster before presenting it to the class.
The student’s will self-assess their work based on the provided teacher created rubric and their participation in the group.

Each group will be provided 5-7 minutes to present their posterer and vocabulary word. After the presentations the students will
be given a rubric to complete on their poster and participation in the group.

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