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We, yes, including Me, learn or learned obedience through the things which we suffer. (I:9)
Thou shalt know that it has been worth it all all that thou hast suffered, and all that thou shalt yet go through. (I:11)
Some are going to suffer in hell for having led millions astray with their universal bad samples of selfishness, bad habits,
coolness, cruelty toward each other and hatred... (I:45)
By praying you can relieve the suffering.
Be not envious of selfish doers-of-nothing to alleviate the suffering around them.
Reduce the number of those who will suffer and die in the inevitably unfolding coming events in history by praying for
them, and giving them My message of warning, so that they can prepare. (I:50)
Some folks may have a swell time on Earth and have to pay in hell for it later, like the rich man in the Bible, who wanted
poor Lazarus to only dip his finger in the cool water to refresh him and ease his suffering. (I:67)
Who are the ones who go astray: is it not the ones for whom everything comes so easy? Solomon went astray because he
didnt have to go through the hardships his father had to go through, which made him appreciate the kingdom, for he didnt
just receive it by birth, he couldnt take it for granted, because he had to suffer persecution even from loved ones before he
could inherit it.
Without the things you suffer you would never be able to learn the lessons I want you to learn. Its those many afflictions
and sufferings that make you righteous (Ps.34:19). (I:107)
Glory in your sufferings, excel in your tough times... thats rising above. (I:135)
Without the additional beauty from the sufferings of the present world, the final outcome wouldnt be the same... (I:151)
I know how it feels not to be accepted by those you call your own. Consider it part of being a partaker of My sufferings.

Maturity comes from suffering the very thing most people try so hard to avoid. It comes from learning that its not in
yourself, but in forsaking that self-love and finding Me at the end of yourself, and finding that I am so much greater, so
much more sufficient and so much more able than yourself. Lest Israel say, Mine own arm hath saved me. (I:291)
Only sufferings can bring forth depth. (I:566)
I'm showing you a lot about not resisting the pain but accepting it instead.
You've all got to be willing to take the pain along with the love! The virgin instinctively knows that she's going to be hurt by
allowing herself to be loved. But fear of pain and the decision to resist and not allow it will only result in hardening. (II:75)
You used to see My crucifixion as something dreadful, something that people wonder why it had to happen, until you
realized that this was actually the main purpose for which I came, My greatest task and most important "job," My destiny.
Even so it is with your crosses. You may dread them and you may rather have those cups pass from you, like I wished, but
afterwards you'll see that they were actually the most valuable and most important parts of life, without which things would
never have been the same... no victories won over the enemy, no precious lessons learnt... No victory without a battle, no
crown without a cross, no rose without a thorn... no beauty for ashes... (II:214)
All the pain, all the suffering will make sense, you'll see! (II:245)
If I learned obedience through the things which I suffered, how much more so each one of you... (II:264)
Get a taste of the suffering! Get a taste of what I went through for you! (II:310)
Only pain and suffering brings out the best in people, and that's when they usually turn to Me. (II:342)
You must take both, the enjoyment I give you, as well as the suffering that comes along with it. If it were just one-sided, and
you'd only have the fun part of life, you'd soon become spoiled.
There has got to be some pain and suffering, and often the most effective sort of pain is that which is being evoked on you
by your own children.
Let it count toward your being a partaker of My sufferings. See yourself as one of those on the altar, one of the lambs and
rams of sacrifice, the partakers of My sufferings. Remember that you're in good company among many other fellowsufferers, and resist it not.

Be honored that I have counted you worthy and strong enough to bear these sufferings. Remember My apostles who
"rejoiced that they had been counted worthy to suffer" for Me. It's part of your "job" to "endure hardness" as a good
soldier of Mine (2Tim.2:3). (III:140)
Taking up your cross is a hardcore reality that you've got to accept in the matrix of your understanding, your concept and
perception of what's to be expected out of this life. Your cross is your destiny.
And just like with Me, and every other true follower of Mine throughout history, your cross will always be provided for you
by people.
If you keep in mind that that is your destiny, just as it was Mine, you won't be disillusioned, you'll know what to expect.
Your job, which is seeking first the Kingdom of God, which again consists of people, is your cross. Those people who
constitute your job for Me, and that you're supposed to lay down your life for, also become your cross.
As My follower and as a partaker of My sufferings, that is what you've got to expect.
That cross is real. It's a reality. And you've got to bear it willingly.
You've got to stop trying to avoid the hurt and the pain, but realize that it's essential it belongs.
You've got to allow them to "crucify" you and cause you that pain. You cannot run from it or try to resist it... It's your
destiny not to fight back. Learn from Me how to take that suffering and hurt from people without resisting it, without any
attempts of defending yourself; you've just got to let it be.
You can find real joy if you willingly choose the path of suffering I have laid out for you.
Once you've accepted your path and you realize that the suffering is nothing strange about it, but that it belongs, and that
it just serves to eradicate the impurities, you'll also find yourself of greater service to My people, and find that there will be
those who'll receive your healing, your message, your sacrifice... just as there were those who did receive Me; those who
make it worth it all. (III:247)
Sufferings are precisely the factors that make you appreciate Me and all I am for you, and they draw you to Me in a way that
all the good times in the world never could. (III:316)
I took upon Me the burden of suffering voluntarily. And while I dont want My disciples, followers and believers to suffer
ceaselessly, is it too much to ask that you should become partakers of My sufferings in whichever way I deem tolerable
and bearable for you?
If you decide youre just going to grit your teeth and take it, no matter what, just because the good Lord deems you fit and
capable of handling it, youll be alright. (2011:53)
So, you dont have it in you to suffer much I see. But maybe Im just trying to get a little bit more tolerance for suffering
out of you, just a little more endurance, than you thought you were capable of. Do you think thats so bad? It might come in
handy one day, to be able to put up with a little bit more (2011:55)
Real art consists of learning to rejoice even in your sufferings... (2011:66)
Can you take the suffering, the losses, and the less than favorable circumstances from My hand and thus as positives
by faith? (2011:86)
True love shows willingness to go through consequences together and suffer with folks. When youre willing to suffer for
somebody, even when you know theyre wrong, thats the kind of love that is apt to change the world. (2011:118)
Its one of the enemys great favorites to make sufferings especially for believers to happen as long as possible in this
world; and while he lets them occur, make you cease to believe in Me and stop and terminate your faith. (2014:80)
A little more suffering in life will make you a bit humbler. (2014:148)
Ive been tortured on the cross, and beat-up beforehand so, there seems to be a time in life to go through suffering so
you can learn the difference between whats up now and the Hereafter maybe not even so much to just make sure youll
appreciate the Hereafter enough, but to also see the vast difference, and why things need to get changed (2015:27)
Therell be a good ending coming to all this suffering currently having to go through, and thus look forward to that, even
through the hard times currently still passing.
Let it be the most helpful job faith has ever done, to help you make it through some times of pain and suffering!
So, why all that suffering, you wonder? Well, youll find out the reason why Were allowing this, and youll find out what its
all supposed to be teaching you if you manage to be open enough to have your heart and mind accept such relatively
tough lessons. (2015:135)
Sufferings and hard times that you have to go through are what will ultimately make you stronger and help you make it
through the hardest times awaiting the world. (2015:157)
Even if youre having to suffer a lot, just let it be bear with it, and making your effort to depend mostly on Me and your
help from Above will help you make it! - Ready for that?
Just dont get into complaining too much, but make the effort to bear with it! (2015:158)

Many of My followers and disciples have had to suffer throughout their lives, just as I had to, and when its your turn, you
shouldnt start complaining as one of My followers! (2016:42)
Going through life includes suffering, but thats what I, the Son of God, had to go through, too. (2016:46)
Instead of letting the things that life brings make you angry, allow them to make you humbler and more compassionate,
remembering that others have to go through far worse sufferings.
Some things we just cant get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to
pay for allowing to fall for the enemys temptations, another one of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. (2016:47)
Remember that bearing a cross is part of the job for My true followers (Mt.10:38)!
I know its not easy, but neither was it for Me.
So, if you have to go through some suffering its what I did for you. And I never made a secret of the fact that it would be
part of the fate of My true followers. (2016:63)
Thats why mothers love extends over that of the fathers for their babies and children: Theyve had to go through some
sufferings in order to have them. Isnt that a proof that sufferings in some ways can raise some folks capacities to love?

Try to take the suffering with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important
lessons you will be able to benefit from! (2016:91)

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