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Informative speech

1. 1. Do you ever wish time wouldstop so you can catch a breath? BY: GINA LUNCAN
2. 2. IntroductionI. What is stress? I. Definition II. SymptomsII. Negative coping
techniques I. Most common coping mechanisms II. Other mechanismsIII. Positive
coping techniques I. Examples II. 4 AsIV. conclusion
3. 3. What is stress? Stress, defined by Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, is an emotional and physical strain caused by response
to pressure from outside world. As published in Stress Management article on
WebMD 2011, The body reacts to change with physical, mental or emotional
response. Stress can either be positive or negative
4. 4. What is Stress? Symptoms of stress. Symptoms caused by Fast heart rate
Stress Fatigue Back, neck or shoulder pain Fast breathing Headache
Sweating Upset stomach Upset stomach Muscle tension Changes in weight
Change in Appetite Grinding teeth Teeth grinding Trouble sleeping Change in
sex Depression drive Feeling dizzy
5. 5. Negative coping techniques In their article, Stress Management, featured on, published Jan.2013, Smith and Segal report that negative coping
techniques may reduce stress, but most often only temporary relieves stress and
does more damage then good to the body.
6. 6. Negative coping techniques Smoking Drinking Over or under eating
Using pills or drugs to relax Withdrawing from loved ones
7. 7. Positive coping techniques Here is a list of positive techniques from stress
management articles on WebMD and Mayo Clinic Write Let your felling out
Engage in physical activity Positive talk Yoga Learn to say no Count to 10
Stay organized Do something you love for 15 minutes a day
8. 8. Positive coping techniques Smith and Segal provide the 4 As strategy
Avoid- avoid unnecessary stress Alter-alter the environment, be willing to
compromise and manage your time Adapt- focus on the positive and look at the
big picture Accept- accept the things you cannot change, look for the positive,
do not dwell on negative, learn to forgive
9. 9. Conclusion Definition- an emotional or physical strain caused by pressure
from outside world Identified negative coping techniques Identified positive
coping techniques
10. 10. Conclusion I challenge you today to reflect at your life, think of what
stresses you and how you cope with it. What will you avoid, alter, adapt or
accept to live a healthier stress free life?
11. 11. Works Cited American Psychological Association, American Institute of
Stress, NY. 2012 Statistic Brain Research Institute, publishing at Statistic Brain.,
06 042012.Web.20 Feb2013 Bryant , Charles. What are the Physical Effects of
Stress . Discovery Health . Web. 13 Feb 2013 Smith MA, Melinda, and Robert
Segal MA Harvard Health Publications , n.d. Web. 22 Feb 2013
Stress Symptoms effects on your body ." . Mayo Clinic, 19 02 2011. Web. 13 Feb
2013 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. Web. 20 Feb
2013 Stress Management WebMD , 20 04 2011. Web. 13,Feb

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