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By: Jafrizal *)

Abstract. The observations at several junior high school students found that
many who have difficulty in learning to speak English. It is necessary to use new
strategies in order to improve their speaking skills, using KWL technique and
language games. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the
application of the KWL technique and language games can improve students'
ability to speak English.
The research was conducted on a group of junior second semester of Grade 3
Imagine School Year 2002-2003 and comprised six schools, the study lasted for 2
months to 3 cycles. Cycle I students complete a table column (K) and column (W)
with experience related to the topic and the material they want to know. Next the
students express the results or conclusions from the material they studied and
written on the column (L). At each end of the meeting, students play a game
according to the topic of language. Cycle II students answer the questions
according to the teacher guides the researcher. Cycle III prior to the learning of
all students were given the task of studying at home about the topics that will be
taught next.
The results showed no increase in active student I spoke to the cycles of about
10%, 15% of cycles II and III cycles as much as 20.8%. It is also seen on the daily
tests of students, who are taught using the KWL technique and language games
better, and learn the percentage of completeness was higher than those not
using the KWL technique.
English lessons in junior high school serves as a means of personal development
of students in science, technology and art. After completing his studies, they are
expected to grow and develop into individuals who are intelligent, skilled and
personable and ready to play a role in national development (GBPP 1994).
Discuss the teaching of English in junior high school that covers all four language
skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. All were supported by elements of
other languages, namely: Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation according to
the theme as a means of goal achievement.
Of the four language skills above, the learning skills of speaking was less able to
function properly. Students have not been able to communicate in English,
although very simple. On the other hand, the 1994 junior high school curriculum
suggests that students who have graduated from junior high school level

education should be able to convey ideas, opinions, or response to a problem in

simple English.
Third grade students in the group SLTPN 2 Imagine for example, after studying
English for two years have not been able to also use English to communicate
even in a simple form. Even more tragically, recently incurred a tendency for
students to hate learning English because they assume that English lessons a
tedious and daunting.
One attempt to overcome this problem, the teachers in group 2 Bayang SLTPN
agreed to the Classroom Action Research was conducted on the third graders,
under the title "Efforts to Improve English Speaking Ability Students in the Class
III SLTPN 2 shadow Through the KWL technique and Language games ".
This study aims to enable students to be able to use English for simple things,
such as:
A. Said,
2. Answer the questions, whether submitted by the teacher or by classmates,
3. Do not feel embarrassed to speak English.
Speaking skills is the ability to express their opinions or thoughts and feelings to
a person or group verbally, either face or by distance. Moris in Novia (2002)
states that speaking is a natural means of communication between members of
the public to express their thoughts and as a form of social behavior. Meanwhile,
in Maulida Wilkin (2001) states that the purpose of teaching the English language
today is to talk. Furthermore in Oktarina Wilkin (2002) states that skill is the
ability to speak up sentences because the communication takes place through
the sentences to show the differences in behavior that varies from different
One thing that can improve students 'ability to speak spontaneously, that is to
explore students' knowledge on the subject being taught. KWL technique can be
used for such purposes. KWL stands for Know (the unknown), What to Know (who
want to know), and Learned (that was obtained). Ogle (1989) states that the KWL
format is a great way to help students actively participate in talking about what
they're learning in the scope of the theme. Any teaching, teachers share the
paper with KWL format or on the board, as Table 1.
K (Know) W (What to know) L (Learning)

In the process of learning, the teacher gives a topic, then orally asked students

what they know about a given topic. All students' answers are written in column
K. The next question is what they want to learn about the topic and all the
students' answers are written in column W. Then students are asked to read
material that is intended for the day. Then the teacher to explore what they have
learned and write it in column L.
Teaching methods through the KWL technique will be more etektif and learning
atmosphere will be more fun if followed by the play of language. This language
game should match the theme and scope of the student level. Wright and Backy
(1984) says that language games can help and motivate students and engage
them in talking and working. Language game is believed to lead to a situation
where the language is useful and meaningful. Language games that can be used
herein include ro / ep / a /, word guessing, chaind words, and others.
Based on the above, the hypothesis of this research actions are as follows:
Learning English using the KWL technique and language games can increase the
ability to speak.
Setting Research
The research was conducted at the Junior 2 class 3 cluster shadow, which
consists of six junior secondary schools, namely: Imagine SLTPN 1 and 2, 3 and 4
Tarusan SLTPN, Painan SLTPN 1 and 2.
Grade 3 students use as a research site is assumed that they already have a
sufficient basis to be able to speak in plain English.
This study lasted for two months, beginning in early August 2002 and ended in
late September 2002. Implementation research is divided into three cycles. To
facilitate the implementation of research, serve as junior second shadow cluster
center because it was in the middle of junior high school who was doing
Cycle Research
As noted above, classroom action research was conducted in three cycles, and
each cycle consists of four main activities, namely manufacturing plan (plan),
implementation of the action (action), monitoring (observation), and reflection
(reflection). At this stage of the plan, the teacher researchers to make
preparations at the center of the group. Here, all activities to be implemented
matured and determined the tools used to monitor the actions performed on the
stage of action, teachers, researchers presented the study in accordance with
the plan has been formulated. Along with the implementation of the action, the
other teacher researchers monitored by using an agreed time when the planning
stage. Monitoring results are then reflected together to look at the advantages

and disadvantages that are used for the implementation of further action.
The research instrument
To obtain research data are valid and justified, in this study used several auxiliary
instruments, such as observation sheets, record sheets and sheets of field test
results of students.
Participation of Students in Class
On the cycle I, the material discussed in touch with lightweight technology,
hospital equipment, and electronic equipment. I cycle is done in 4 meetings or
for 2 weeks, ie in the second week and third week in August 2002.
Teachers who appeared as the executor of action research, write the topic and
create a KWL chart on the board. Then the teacher asked the students the things
they know about the topic and write it in column (K). The teacher asked the
students wanted to know about the topic and write it in column (W). As for the
things we want to know the students could be a statement or question. Then, the
teacher asks students to read a given discourse, and guide as needed. Finally,
students are asked to put all they get after reading a given discourse. All
students' answers were written in the column (L) and this is the result and
conclusion of the learning process at the time. At the end of the activity,
students are given the play of language-related topics, among others: guess an
image after image characteristics mentioned earlier, based on letters to make
words that have been determined, and play a role.
Monitoring results indicate that the cycle I had no change in student behavior,
but most students still feel awkward and embarrassed to speak especially to
those students who are capable of quite low. They are difficult to exclude ideas or
responses because they feel unable to compete with a smart kid. On this cycle I
ask new students 12.5%, 20% of teachers answered questions, and respond to
9%. It was just classified as a smart student.
Based on activity cycle refeksi I, then made a plan of action for the second cycle,
which gives children the opportunity that enabled low, with questions provided
by the teacher to guide students to come in to give feedback or questions.
On this second cycle, the material covered is on tour. This cycle of activities also
takes place during the second week of the 4 meetings, the fourth week of August
and first week of September 2002. The main activity in the second cycle is
similar to the activity at cycle 1. However, before learning begins, teachers,
researchers tried to motivate students with guiding questions to provide
reinforcement to the students so as not to feel shame in response to the issue of
ideas or topics to be studied. It is primarily aimed at children belonging to low-

capable. In addition, the addition of learning time because they were slow in
setting words to be submitted.
At this cycle, the teacher researchers not only provide opportunities for students
who are active alone, but share the opportunity for students who are less active
by providing guiding questions. If they have not been able to put forward the
idea entirely in English, they are given the leeway to use some words that are
difficult in the Indonesian language. At the end of free play activities are also
held a relevant view of the learning topic.
Results of monitoring peers in this cycle shows that the higher the student
participation. Weak students are willing to spend any ideas, comments, or
opinions about the topic. But the changes have not been so prominent. On this
second cycles, recorded 15% of students who ask, answer questions 24.5%, and
9.8% responded. Reflekasi Based on this cycle, the research team prepare a plan
of action for cycle III.
On this third cycle, which in the present material related to culture, namely:
home tradisionai, folklore, and traditional ceremonies. This cycle lasts for two
weeks with four times perternuan, namely the second and third week of
September 2002. Form of activity in this cycle with previous cycles.
In the learning process in this third cycle, students seem more enthusiastic, they
have dared to express their ideas or questions that are applicable to that
required by the KWL technique. From the observation of this third cycle, active
child asks 20.8%, 26.5% answered the question, and that gives a response 15%.
Students who want to talk not only dominated by students who are good at it.
Students who at first seemed passive in this cycle has been actively looking for
questions, answers, and respond. At the time of the game, children are
enthusiastic to participate. Overall, the participation of students in the learning
process in each cycle can be seen in Table 2.

No. Observed aspects of Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III
A. Asked 12.5% 15.4% 20.8%
2. Answer 20% 24.5% 26.5%
3. Responding to 9% 9.8% 15.1%


No. Aspects that were observed before Suklus Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III
A. Average daily tests 4.2 4.9 5.6 6.1
2. The percentage completeness
study 3.3 4.5 5.2 5.7
Table 2 above shows that an increase in the activity of students ranging from
cycle I, cycles II and III cycles in the aspect of asking, answering and responding.
Results Deuteronomy Students
Test results are given to students also showed progress from cycle to cycle. The
results of average daily values in the cycle I was 4.9 with 45% the percentage of
completeness learning. In the second cycle, the daily value rose to 5.6 with 53%
learning completeness. While in the third cycle, the daily tests up to 6.1 with
57% completeness learning outcomes.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that learning English using the
KWL technique and language games can improve students' speaking ability.
A. KWL technique and language games can increase the participation of students
in the classroom when teachers provide opportunities and guidance to all
2. The results of daily tests of students who were taught using the KWL
technique and
3. language game is better and the percentage of completeness of student
learning is also higher than those taught not to use KWL technique.
A. KWL technique approach and game language can be used in teaching and
learning as an alternative to increasing the participation of talk and make
learning more effective and attractive.
2. English subject teachers to be creative and innovative in preparing for further
study in order to increase learning outcomes.
1) Octarina, D. Of 2001. Interactive activities as the way to improv EFL Learners'
Speaking Abilities. Final papers S1 - Padang: UNP Padang.
2) Department of Education and Kebudayaan.1999. GBPP supplements. Jakarta:

Ministry of Education and Culture.

3) Novia, T. Of 2002. Strategy to improv student's ability in speaking. Final paper
S1. Padang: UNP Padang.
4) Wright and Backy. 1984. Language Art: Content and strategies. London:
--------------------------------*) Is Professor of English Jafrizal SLTPN 2 Imagine the South Coastal Di

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