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Mr. Manankichian
Office/Tutoring Hours: Monday 3:30-4:30 and Wednesday during lunch

Congratulations on completing your first year of high school! I strongly believe in a Growth Mindset
meaning that the harder we work this year, the more your mind will grow to reach your full
potential. Each student is unique, and I look forward to getting to know you as both an individual
and as my student. I have high expectations for your work and character. I look forward to working
with you as historians by questioning the answers, and producing (not simply consuming others
ideas) your own ideas of the historical past and its effects on today.
Class Rules and Norms:
1) Be responsible. Come to class on time with assignments completed, personal business managed,
and be present in mind, body and spirit. You must have all the class materials (see back page) ready
each day when you walk into class. Be responsible for our learning and environment. Your grade
and success reflect your effort to teach and to learn.
Its not about how many times you fall, it is about how quickly you can pick yourself up and
proceed. Even if you miss our grade cut off by 0.01%, you earned that grade. Tutoring is mandatory
to those who are earning a D or F.
For Work Habits, students with all work turned in will earn an E (Excellent), 1-3 missed
assignments earns an S (Satisfactory), while 4 or more missed assignments or the majority of in a
five-week period earns a U (Unsatisfactory). Tardies are also counted for Work Habits on the same

2) Be respectful. There is one speaker at a time. The others are actively listening. Please be mindful
of others personal space and belongings. Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.
Speak respectfully.
Complete your own work. Exercise your brain if you want to get stronger. Cheating will not be
tolerated. All parties involved in cheating will receive a zero and meetings with parents and/or
administration will be scheduled.
Be aware of class procedures, absence/tardy procedures and exam procedures (see website).
3) Follow school rules: Attend class with your lanyard visible and dressed for success following the
dress code. Electronic devices that distract our learning environment are prohibited and will be
confiscated. Confiscated electronic devices require a parent/guardian present to be returned.

For most of the class, rewards will be given more often than consequences, so lets start there. Mr.
Manankichian will reward students with earned privileges, notes and phone calls home.
For those few students who chose not to meet my high expectations, the consequences will be
recorded. Consequences may or may not follow the order given: verbal and written warning,
behavior journal, sent to another classroom, student-teacher conference, parents contacted,
detention, out of class suspension and sent to the principal.

--------------------------Complete, tear-off and return to Mr. Manankichian------------------------------I am the legal parent or guardian to _____________________________________and have read the class
syllabus. I will do my best to understand to support the student. I will frequently monitor my
childs progress on Jupiter Grades . I know I can contact the school to inquire about the
tutoring or office hour schedules. I understand there are always assignments to complete,
readings to analyze, and study materials to review. My child has tasks to work on nightly for
their history course, other classes they are taking, or Accelerated Reader (AR) books to read.
I know history includes exposure to the realities in the world and history. Some films or
photos may have nudity or corpses. I will inform Mr. Manankichian if I do not want my
student to participate in the lessons or movies listed on page two of this contract.
_______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Please print)
_______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature
_______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Relationship (Please Print)
________________________________________________________ Date
By signing, I, ____________________________________, hereby agree to class standards and will strive to
meet expectations to excel in this course. I know I may be exposed may versions of history
and will keep an open mind and to question the answers with evidence, not opinions. With
my permission, Mr. Manankichian may keep my student work for educational purposes.
I will do everything in my power to complete my assignments and study for exams. I will ask
questions and seek additional help. I will attend tutoring sessions and office hours if I drop
below a 70% in the class. I know this class is required for both high school graduation and
college admittance and will strive to reach my goals.
Student Name (Printed)


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