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The Impact of Micro-organisms

Question: Are micro-organisms beneficial or harmful to other living organisms and the environment? Evaluate the
impact of micro-organisms on living things and environment systems.
Part 1: Read the question above. After reading, in pairs, brainstorm and list some nominalisations that you could use
to answer the question.
- Utilisation
- Decomposition
Part 2: Pair up with a different classmate and read the responses to the question below. Highlight the
nominalisations present in the examples and then work together to rewrite and improve each response by including
more nominalisations and by explaining it using more sophisticated cause and effect language.
Response 1
Micro-organisms are important for the environment and ecosystems because they decompose the remains of and
wastes produced by living organisms. Because of this of recycling inorganic nutrients from decaying matter, microorganisms allow these nutrients to return to the ecosystem and therefore be used by other organisms, rather than
Improved response 1

Response 2
Individual living organisms can also benefit from micro-organisms, as they can provide them with essential nutrients
that they may not be able to create themselves or ingest as part of their natural diet. For example within plant roots
there are bacteria that are responsible for fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form that plants can use. As a
result of these bacteria plants are able to get sufficient nitrogen to allow them to grow.
Improved response 2

Response 3
However micro-organisms can also cause harm to the environment and ecosystems. For example if the population of
toxic blue-green algae increases too much, then this can disrupt delicate ecosystems and result in decreasing the
number of other species. Therefore the number of micro-organisms have to be in a careful balance. Because some
micro-organisms are able to infect and kill other living organisms they therefore make less animals and plants
available for consumption by other organisms.
Improved response 3

Response 4
Moreover micro-organisms can cause diseases and death in individual organisms. Some micro-organisms produce
toxins that other living organisms can ingest or absorb through their skin or cell membranes and as a result the
organism becomes ill or may die. Others cause an infection or invade another organism and breakdown the
structures and tissues of the organism to allow the micro-organism to use the nutrients, for its own growth and
survival, which are part of these tissues.
Improved response 4

Part 3: Individually, write a full length discussion that evaluates the impact of micro-organisms. In your evaluation
incorporate nominalisations where appropriate. In addition ensure you use cause and effect terminology.

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