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Exam Essentials


Watch the video of a model interview, based on Test 3 of the Cambridge English: First Speaking test,
and do the activities, which relate to each part. You can check your answers and look at the full script on
separate PDFs on this DVD-ROM.

Part 1 (00:04)
Watch Part 1 of the speaking test and answer the questions below.
1 In this part of the speaking test the examiner will ask personal questions. Watch Part 1 and
complete the questions.
a Where from, (Angie)?
b (Ral), in a city or a village?
c And living there?
d How can people free time in the place where you live?
e And what do people do in (Berlin)?
2 In this part of the test, you talk about yourself. Match the model phrases below to
their function.

but people call me (Angie).

Its one of the (biggest) in the region.

Its a brilliant place to

because people from all over come to study there.

What most people dont know is

a saying what is good about where you live

b comparing your city to other cities
c saying your nickname
d introducing a surprising fact
e giving reasons
3 Ral made a mistake while he was speaking, but he corrected himself. Write the mistake,
together with its corrected form.


Angie made and corrected two mistakes while she was speaking. Write each mistake,
together with its corrected form.
Mistake 1:
Mistake 2:

4 Prepare your own answers for the personal questions in exercise 1. Expand your replies by
giving further information or reasons for your answer.

TIP: If you make a mistake while speaking, dont be afraid to correct it. You can introduce
the correct version by saying I mean or sorry

National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cambridge English: First Speaking Test Worksheet

Part 2 (02:40)
Watch Part 2 of the speaking test and answer the questions below.
1 Here are some key phrases that are useful when talking about photographs. Complete the
sentences with a word or phrase below. Check your answers by watching Part 2.
both picturesmaybe itsit seems to me thatprobably
on the other hand so, in the first picture
a he is explaining something.
b The second picture, , shows a different situation.
c a private lesson
d have good and bad points.
e you can see a man.
f Hes worried about safety.
2 How did Angie and Ral support and explain their thoughts about the photographs? Tick the
correct box.
a Id say hes the teacher because he is ...

pointing to something.

at the front in the classroom.

older than the others.

b The best thing is that you get all the attention because the teacher is ...
only there for you.

someone you know.

in your home.

c It seems to be cold as hes ...

wearing a long black coat.

not casually dressed.

wearing a sort of hat.

d I think the man might prefer to travel by bike because it can be ..................... than the train.
more fun


less tiring

e The people on the train have probably chosen to travel like this because they prefer to ...
get to work quickly.

read a book while travelling.

relax on the way to work.

3 Who says each of these sentences? Write A for Angie and R for Ral. Note the useful words
and expressions in bold.

a there is a man, a man in his late fifties, I think.

Personally, Id prefer to study in a group.
I believe that when you go to school you learn much more.
If I could choose between cycling and taking the train, I would choose cycling.
Actually, this is how I go to work every day.

TIP: In Part 2, make sure you compare the two photographs and answer the specific question.
For example, in this test Angie was asked to say why the people might enjoy learning in the
different environments and Ral was asked to say why the people might prefer to travel in
these ways.

National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE 

Cambridge English: First Speaking Test Worksheet

Part 3 (07:34)
Watch Part 3 of the speaking test and answer the questions below.
1 Which two objects did Angie and Ral decide on? Tick () two items.

the map

he boots

the water bottle

the waterproof jacket

the sandwiches

2 The expressions in bold are used for Agreement or Disagreement. Circle the ones that were
used in Part 3.
aRal: I agree entirely / totally agree with you about the water bottle.
bRal: Yes, you could be right / you have a point there.
c Ral: Yes, I think youre completely right / youre quite right.
I definitely agree. / I couldnt agree more. The bottle would also be the first thing Id
like to take
We both agree / So we agree that the bottle of water will be the first thing on our list.

Angie: Im afraid you disagree / you wont agree with me here.

g Ral: Great, I think we have reached a decision. / it looks like weve come to a
3 Angie and Ral used different expressions to state and ask for opinions. Watch Part 3 again
and complete the gaps with the expressions they used.
a a bottle of water is extremely important.
b that its essential, not only for walks in the mountain
c think, Ral?
d the map, though.
e a map might be very useful.
f youre quite right.
4 Using words with a similar meaning (synonyms) can avoid repetition and impress the examiners.
Match the words and phrases that Angie and Ral repeated (ae) with the synonyms.
a important

extremely / really

b difficult

vital / essential

c strong

helpful / valuable

d useful

tough / durable

e very

hard / challenging

TIP: In Part 3 its not necessary to agree with your partner or to come to a common
conclusion. Practise expressions to acknowledge this, such as I think well have to agree
to disagree or Im afraid we have different views on that.

National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cambridge English: First Speaking Test Worksheet

Part 4 (12:22)
Watch Part 4 of the speaking test and answer the questions below.
1 In the speaking test, its important that you justify your opinion. Match sentences ae with
their corresponding supporting idea.
a Ral and I have the same opinion about this topic.
b begin by asking a doctor if you are fit enough
c only pack what youre certainly going to use
d it would be possible to survive without having to leave your house.
e Id say definitely, yes, people should definitely spend more time outdoors.

In my opinion, thats a very healthy thing.

This is especially important if youve been lazy for a while.

One of the reasons I say this is because I also love to see nature.

After all, you are the person wholl have to carry things around!

The internet has made it possible, hasnt it?

2 Angie and Ral used linking words and expressions to connect their ideas. Match the phrases
below to their function.
a I believe that


b In general,

Giving opinions

c Besides that,

Adding information

d One of the reasons I say this is because


e However,


3 Note the adjectives and adverbs in bold in Rals speech below. Further improve his speech
by adding adjectives and adverbs from the list.
Im the kind of person that enjoys (a) ........................... sports and being in (b) ...........................
contact with nature. When I can do both things at the same time, its simply great.
I (c) ........................... believe thats why people like to walk. This is especially true if you live in the
cities and dont have much opportunity to be I mean to, to see the trees and the plants, and to
listen to (d) ........................... birds. In general, people are (e) ........................... busy and hardly ever
enjoy nature. Besides that, walking in mountains is something you can (f) ........................... do on
your own, or you can do in large groups or small groups. Um, and its not expensive, because you
dont need any kind of special equipment you only need good boots. And it doesnt need any
special training, too, I mean, either. Its a very good activity.
TIP: If your partner is talking a lot in Parts 3 and 4 and it is difficult for you to join in, you can
politely interrupt by saying something like I dont mean to interrupt, but Id just like to say
or Im sorry, but could I come in here?

National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE 

Cambridge English: First Speaking Test Worksheet

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