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8" Grade Math Course Syllabus Mrs. Harper E-mail: The curriculum for the 8" grade math students utilizes mathematical concepts leamed in the 6" and 7" grades, while introducing new concepts needed in preparation for high school. One of the most important aspects of any middle school class is practice. Homework and class work are assigned to provide this practice; it is essential that all students complete assignments on time. Keeping up with the pace of the class is the next most important ingredient for success. Please encourage your son/daughter to seek extra help as soon as something becomes unclear. T encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns. COURSE OBJECTIVE! * To provide students with a foundation of basic skills and operations. + To master the five content areas as approved by the Kentucky Department of Education (Common Core Standards). ‘* To develop techniques for problem solving and applying those techniques to a variety of situations. . + To communicate mathematical ideas and information using appropriate notation and terminology. ‘* To recognize, make or apply the connections among mathematical concepts to other academic disciplines as well as the real world. GRADING: Summative Assessments (Tests or Performance Tasks): 60% Formative Assessments (Quiz, HW, CW, projects, etc.): 40% MATERIALS 2inch three-ring binder College ruled loose leaf paper Dry Erase markers (fine tip) Graphing paper Pencils (ots) CLASS RULES: * Be seated and prepared before tardy bells sounds—have your assigned work, notebook, folder, paper, and pencil with you. You will not be allowed to go to your locker to get it or you will have to share with a neighbor. Always ask for permission to get out of seat Follow directions when given Show respectful—to the teacher, your classmates, and property Use appropriate language (this includes vocabulary, tone, voice level, and body language) © = NoGuml!!!! STUDENT EXPECTATIONS © Be Prompt. Be Prepared, Be Polite. Be Patient. Be Persistent, CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: 1. Enter the classroom: 2. Sharpen your pencil 3. Sit down at your seat 4. Copy the agenda from the board 5. Begin and review the Warm-Up. 6. Check homework from the previous night and may be collect 7. 8 9. eeee . Introduce the new lesson/material . Do lass assignment and check your work. Start the night’s homework. 10. Have closure/reflect, ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: + When returning to class after an EXCUSED absence, please check the master agenda near door for the daily agendas and assignments missed while absent. Please check with a classmate for any notes missed. Check your class folder for any worksheets/handouts. ‘One day for make up work is given for each day absent. If absent for more than two consecutive days, please call in for missing work so you won’t be overwhelmed when you return. Mark “Absent” on your paper when turning it in. BLMS policy for UNEXCUSED absences will apply. Please see school policy for this, If you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to contact me, My e-mail address is listed on the front of this sheet. My planning time is 3° period daily. I will try to return your call/e-mail as soon as possible. Please sign and return Parent/Guardian Signature

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