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Tiny Little World

Scene 1
Nuestra protagonista es un/a nio/a pequeo/a que pasea con su perrito... se empieza a oir la msica del circo
desde lejos...(cancin tpica de circo en Ingles: The circus is coming to town, letra incluida detrs) Su perrito
se escabulle entre la carpa y se cuela adentro del circo y el nio lo persigue...
Girl: Lucky! Where are you! Lucky! come here boy! (busca al perro sin darse cuenta en los alrededores ni
mirando por donde va)
Acrobat: ni hao! (Hello/Hi!)
Girl: Uh, Sorry, I was just walking past and...
Acrobat: Sh n shchila?
Girl: What?
Acrobat: Solly, I speak English too-- You lost? You not allowed here,
the show not started yet were preparing tonights show.
Girl: Im sorry, I was looking for my dog. Did you see him come through here?
Acrobat: What does your dog look like?
Girl: He is small, and white with black spots, and he has a red collar. (foto de juguete abajo)
Acrobat: Oh, no, I didnt see any dog, I was upside down.
Girl: Upside down? How?
Acrobat: like this (le ensea cmo equilibrarse boca abajo)
Girl: Wow, neat! Can you teach me Karate? Ya! Huh! Ya! (pretends to do karate chops and kicks)
Acrobat: (laughing) Thats silly Im an acrobat, not a ninja... besides, Karate is Japanese, not Chinese..
Girl: Oh, I thought all slanted-eye folks (hace un gesto con los dedos, estirandose los parpados) were from the
same place.
Acrobat: Slanted-eye folks? Uhm, well, most of us Asians,. or as you say- Slanted-eye folks (acentuando el
insulto) are Asian, and Asia is a big continent, theres a lot of different places with different types of people.
Girl: Ah, I see.... Well, I wouldnt know. I hate travelling...
Acrobat: You hate traveling? Have you visited any other places?
Girl: No. Ive never left my town. I dont want to go anywhere else. My town is the best.
Acrobat: How do you know your town is the best if you have never visited anywhere?
Girl: Easy! It just is!
Acrobat: Come with me. I will show you something that may change your mind, (lo dirije hacia ...?) Come this
Girl: hm...ok (le sigue)
Acrobat: Le ensea un truco con palos chinos, donde podra participar la audiencia.
Girl: Wow, that was cool!
Acrobat: Here, you can keep this to practice the trick.
Girl: Oh, thanks.
Acrobat: Youre welcome. I should get back to work.
Girl: Yeah, and I need to find my dog, Lucky, I dont know where he could have gone.
Acrobat: Maybe he got hungry when he smelled the kebabs.
Girl: Kebabs?
Acrobat: Yes, the belly dancers were eating lunch a little while ago. Maybe they have seen your dog.
Girl: Ok. Thanks! Which way do I go to find them?
Acrobat: Go left, then turn right past the 4th row (la acrobata le dirije hacia el publico con una serie de
instrucciones y el nio pide ayuda al pblico para poder segurilas. Esto lo podriamos trabajar nosotras en
escena. Mientras la acrobata se cambia de disfraz)

Scene 2
Sale la bailarina al escenario bailando y se sorprende de ver a un nio all, le llama la atencin del nio.
Belly dancer: Hey, what are you doing in here. No one can see our performance before the show.
Girl: Oh, sorry. I was told to come find you to ask you about my dog. (Describe a su perro)
Belly dancer: What about your dog?
Girl: I lost him when we were walking past the circus and now I cant find him
Belly dancer: What does your dog look like?
Girl: He is small, and white with black spots, and he has a red collar. (foto de juguete abajo)
Belly dancer: I dont remember, I have been practicing my dance routine for tonight.
Girl: Oh, well, the acrobat told me maybe he came this way following his nose.
Belly Dancer: Oh yes I had a kebab for lunch earlier, but that was quite a while ago (de repente empieza la
musica de su entrenamiento y ella empieza al bailar.)
Girl: what are you doing?
Belly dancer: oh, sorry , that was my dance cue. I am practicing this for tonight.
Girl: thats not how its done!
Belly Dancer: Yes it is! Thats how belly dancing is done in my country.
Girl: What is belly dancing?
Belly Dancer: Belly dancing is the traditional dance from Turkey.
Girl: Turkey? Thats not how turkeys dance (se rie) Turkeys are big birds. (empieza a moverse como un pavo.
Belly Dancer. (se rie) It is also the name of my country.
Girl: in my country weve got a traditional dance too.
Belly dancer: (riendose) Oh, really? Show me, please.
Girl: (levanta la manos en forma flamenca y empieza a taconear al ritmo de la msica)
Belly dancer: Ah of course. Yes, I see, you know how to dance flamenco.
Girl: Yes I love flamenco. Flamenco is the best dance!
Belly Dancer: Do you know other dances too?
Girl: No. Only flamenco. I dont like other dances.
Belly dancer: How do you know that you dont like them if you have never tried. Actually, my dance is not so
different from yours. Look: (le muestra un trozo de coreografa con movimiento de manos.
Girl: Oh, yes, I do that too. (empiezan a bailar juntas)
Belly Dancer: Oh you are quite a good dancer. Do you want me to show you how to dance with your belly?
Girl: Dance with my belly? What?
Belly dancer: Look. (le ensea cmo mover el vientre al ritmo)
Girl: Wow! How did you do that!
Belly Dancer: I can teach you. Here, take this coin skirt. (le da una falda de monedas)
Girl: You put this on to dance? It makes so much noise!
Belly Dancer: Yes, but if you know how to move it, you can make music, too.
(La nia salta con la falda de monedas, haciendo mucho ruido)
Belly Dancer: Look, like this. (le muestra cmo hacer ritmo con la falda)
Girl: Oh, cool! I never knew another dance could be so fun! (se acuerda de que no estaba alli para aprender a
bailar) Oh no, I forgot about Lucky. I must find him before it gets dark.
Belly Dancer: Yes, you should. Soon the circus will open its doors and there will be hundreds of people coming
Girl: Oh no, poor Lucky. Where could he be?
Belly Dancer: Maybe he heard all the animals in the tent and went to find them?
Girl: Oh no, poor Lucky. He must be so scared.
Belly Dancer: Why dont you go find our animal trainer. Maybe he knows where your dog is.
Girl: Yes, thats a great idea. (empieza a irse, y se da cuenta que lleva la falda de monedas puesta y se la
empieza a quitar para devolversela)
Belly Dancer: No, you can have it. But promise me that you will show your firends what I have taught you.
Girl: Oh thank you so much. I will. I will! Goodbye! (se va bailando, otra vez preguntando al publico cosas para
encontrar a su perro)

Scene 3

Sonidos de animales de fondo y un sonido fuerte del gruido de un leon asusta a la nia.
Lion Tamer: Shhhh, dont scare the lion, its very dangerous.
Girl: (escondiendose detras de algo) wheres the lion? Please tell me he isnt here.
Lion Tamer: Oh, hes over there, but dont worry, he is inside his cage, I was just kidding.
Girl: Oh... (no se atreve a salir de su escondite)
Lion tamer: are you alright? What are you doing here alone?
Girl. Ive lost my dog
Lion Tamer: What does your dog look like?
Girl: He is small, and white with black spots, and he has a red collar ... and the belly dancer told me to come ask
Lion Tamer: (he laughs) Oh yes, of course, I am the King of the Jungle! (dando un latigazo en el suelo) but i
havent seen him so far ...
Girl; Oh, dont hit me please! I just want to find my dog!
Lion Tamer: (riendose una vez mas) No, no, no. Dont worry, I just use it to make big sounds. I dont hit
anyone. Do you want to try it?
Girl: Yes ... but ... (tmida se empieza a acercar al domador)
Lion Tamer: What's wrong? Why are you still scared?
Girl: Well ... no, I am just curious ... Have you been in the sun a lot with the animals and that is why you are so
Lion Tamer: (Se echa a reir) HAHAHAHAHAHA noooo !!! How can you think that?
Girl: My mom does not want me in the sun. She says I can get burnt ...
Lion Tamer: Well, you'r are right... sun is bad if you stay a long time outside, but look! This is my color! In my
country most of the people have black skin ... Didn't you know?
Girl: Really ?? Are you serious? Where are you from? I have never seen someone like you !!!
Lion Tamer: You probably havent travelled much, but i am from the Congo. It is a country in Africa, Have you
not been there ?
Girl: I dont like travelling ... my town is nice too ...
Lion Tamer: Yes, but if you dont travel, you cant learn new things, like this trick !! (El domador le da el ltigo a
la nia)
Girl: Oh, dear, its quite long.
Lion Tamer: Wave it around a bit and smack it down.
La nia empiea a mover ell latigo como una loca espantando al domador)
Lion Tamer: Wait wait, no so fast! (se acerca para ensearle) Like this.
Le muestra las comandas que tiene con los animales y el latigo.
If you use it once like so, (da uno hacia el suelo) de lions roar. (se escucha a los leones)
If you use it twice, like so, the monkeys shout. (se escucha a los monos)
And If you use it three times, like this, that means its time to eat. (le muestra como lo hace y se escucha el
ladrido de un perro)
Girl: Lucky! I heard him bark! Thats my dog. Where is it coming from?
Lion Tamer: Oh, it sounds like he must be near the food. I can go take a look. Wait here.
(el domador va a buscar detrs del escenario y se oyen ruidos estraos de animales y vuelve con su perrito)
Girl: Lucky! Youre safe! I was worried about you. You shouldnt run off like that!
Lion Tamer: Your dog seems to be truly lucky like his name says because he was with the lion food and almost
became food himself.
Girl: Oh, thank you so much for rescuing him! I was so worried!
Lion Tamer: You are welcome. Well, I must go prepare the animals for the opening act.
Girl: I never knew how much fun different cultures could be!

The circus is coming to town (para escuchar la musica)
Here they come
They're back in town
It's the greatest show around
Cause the circus is coming to town

Here they come

They're back in town
It's the greatest show around
Cause the circus is coming to town

There are clowns- jugglers too

There's so much to see and do
Now the circus is coming to town

There are clowns- jugglers too

There's so much to see and do
Now the circus is coming to town

The lions roar- elephants will dance

Nothing could ever be so grand!

The lions roar- the elephants will dance

Nothing could ever be so grand!

Don't be left behind

They're startin' right on time
Cause the circus is coming to town
(Gotta see it!)
Cause the circus is coming to town

Don't be left behind

They're startin' right on time
Cause the circus is coming to town
(Gotta see it!)
Cause the circus is coming to town
(Gotta see it!)
The cir-cus is coming to town

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