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Course: IB Spanish, SL (Standard Level) and HL (Higher Level)

Teacher: Seor Herrera

Room: 99F
Language B Objectives:
At the end of this course, students are expected to demonstrate the ability to:

Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations.

Understand and use oral and written forms of the language accurately.
Understand and use a range of vocabulary in common, everyday language.
Select a register (familiar, informal, formal or ceremonial) that is generally appropriate to
the situation.
Express ideas with general clarity and fluency.
Structure arguments in a clear, coherent and convincing way.
Understand and respond appropriately to written and spoken material of average
Assess some subtleties of the language in a range of forms, styles and registers.
Show an awareness of and a sensitivity to the culture studied.

Course Content:
1) All course material will be presented in Spanish. Reading, writing and speaking in
Spanish will be necessary and required.
2) Spanish is taught through a content-based approach, requiring learning through meaning.
3) Through the study of the Core and Options at the SL and HL levels (plus the 2 literary
works at the HL level), students build the necessary skills to reach the assessment of
objectives of the language B course through the expansion of their receptive, productive
and interactive skills.



1. Communication and Media

2. Global Issues
3. Social Relations

1. Cultural Diversity
2. Customs and Traditions
3. Health
4. Leisure
5. Science and Technology

IB Mission Statement:
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring
young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural
understanding and respect.
To this end, the organization works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous
These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate
and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be
IB Learner Profile: The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally-minded
people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet,
help to create a better and more peaceful world.
As IB learners, we strive to be:
1) Inquirers
2) Knowledgeable
3) Thinkers
4) Communicators
5) Principled
6) Open-minded
7) Caring
8) Risk-takers
9) Balanced
10) Reflective
The IB Exam and Internal Assessments: SL
External Assessment

70% total

Paper 1: (1 hour, 30 minutes): Receptive skills

Text-handling exercises on four written texts, based on the Core themes.


Paper 2: (1 hour, 30 minutes): Written productive skills

One writing exercise of 250-400 words based on one of the five Options.


Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills

Intertextual reading followed by a written exercise of 300-400 words plus a 100word rationale, based on the Core themes.


Internal Assessment: Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated

by the IB.
Individual Oral (8-10 minutes)
Based on the Options: 15 minutes preparation time and a 10 minute (maximum)
presentation and discussion with the teacher.
Interactive and oral activity:
Based on the Core themes: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.

30% total


The IB Exam and Internal Assessments: HL

External Assessment

70% total

Paper 1: (1 hour, 30 minutes): Receptive skills

Text-handling exercises on five written texts, based on the Core themes.
Paper 2: (1 hour, 30 minutes): Written productive skills
Two compulsory writing exercises
Section A: One task of 250-400 words, based on the Options.
Section B: Response of 150-250 words to a stimulus text, based on the Core.



Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills

Creative writing of 500-600 words plus a 150-word rationale, based on one of the
literary texts read.


Internal Assessment: Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated

by the IB.

30% total

Individual Oral (8-10 minutes)

Based on the Options: 10 minutes preparation time and a 10 minute (maximum)
presentation and discussion with the teacher.
Interactive and oral activity:
Based on the Core themes: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.


*Per the IB: At the culmination of the IB program, students will be required to take both the
External Written Assessment and the Internal Oral Assessment. Rubrics provided by the
International Baccalaureate Organization will be used to assess writing and speaking
Assessment/Grading in the classroom: Assessments will primarily be designed to prepare the
students for the IB oral and written production and will include, but are not limited to, the
following activities and exercises:
a) Tests and quizzes that will prepare the students for future IB examinations.
b) Communicative activities: debates, group or individual presentations, interviews with
teacher, interviews with other students, role play, newscasts, projects, etc.
c) Listening and video activities: songs, movies, documentaries, news bulletins,
commercials, etc.
Assessment Weights:
Class Participation and Speaking (CPS)
Written Work (WW)
Quizzes and Tests (QT)
Reading Comprehension (RC)
Written Assignments (WA)


Assessment Categories/Descriptions:
Paper 1 Activities (RC): Text handling exercises meaning that they are similar to the ACT/SAT.
Paper 1 provides texts followed by a sampling of questions pertaining to the texts.
Paper 2 Activities (WA): These will mostly be in-class essays that will pertain to each of the
Option themes that we discuss in class. These essays are written, based on a given prompt.
Written Assignments (WA*): These will mostly be in-class essays that will pertain to each of
the Core themes that we discuss in class. These essays are written based upon the texts given and
analyzed at the time of the assessment.
*This assessment is different on the HL exam because in lieu of the given texts, students
will use their knowledge of the literary works studied in class.
Discussions/Speaking Assessments (CPS): In-class participation is expected every day. Whether
we are simply discussing an assignment or if we are practicing for the IB exam, all students are
expected to participate. In addition, the Interactive Oral component of the IB exam will be
conducted in class and evaluated by the teacher.
Written Work/Quizzes and Tests (WW/QT): Written work is any class assignment or
homework that is not designed to reflect the IB test format. Students will be responsible for this
written work in addition to learning the given vocabulary.
Grading Policy:
Grading Calculations:
B =80- 89
C =70-79
Failing=59 and below
Daily Required Supplies:
1) Folder
2) Notebook
3) Pen and pencil
Make-up Work Due to an Absence:
Teachers shall provide an opportunity for a student to make up missed work due to any absence.
Students will be held accountable for the work. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask
your teacher for the assignments and then turn in your work within the time allotted.
Late Work:
Any student who fails to turn in an assignment on the day it is due, may turn in the assignment
late, but will only receive half credit. If the student was absent, he/she will have 3 days to makeup the work. Any assignment turned-in after the 3-day grace period, will result in half credit.

Restroom Passes: You will be allowed 3 passes per quarter. You will not be permitted to use the
restroom every class period. You must have your agenda available in order to use the restroom.
If there is a noticeable pattern or problem with bathroom usage, the progressive discipline steps
will be followed.
Progressive Discipline:
You are enrolled in a prestigious IB program, therefore, the expectation of appropriate and
responsible behavior will follow suit. If you are doing something that is inappropriate, I will
make it known through eye contact, approaching you at your desk, or calling out your name. If
your behavior does not change after these initial cues, the following steps will be taken:
1) Private conference with me before/after class.
2) Phone call home
3) Counselor Referral, Parent-Teacher Conference, or Dr. Greenes Referral (depending
upon the severity of the infraction).
Classroom Rules:
1) Be on time and prepared to learn.
2) Listen to the speaker/pay attention.
3) Raise your hand when you want to speak.
4) Remain seated at all times, especially when the teacher is speaking.
5) The use of electronic devices is never permitted unless granted permission by the teacher.
6) Be respectful of/to others.
7) No food or drink in classroom, except water.
8) Keep head up and remain alert at all times.
9) Respect the teachers work space.
10) Absolutely no profanity or rude language.
11) Keep all personal items on the floor (purses, backpacks, etc.). Leave desk area clear/clean.
12) Participate and dont be afraid to speak Spanish!

Notebook Check:
Your notebook is a very critical component of this class. You will be given a grade at the end of
every quarter based upon the quality of how well it is constructed. The notebook check should
ultimately help you, not hurt you.
The most important components of your notebook include:

Dates written in Spanish (as seen on the board).

Titles of warm-ups/lessons underlined.
Translations added (where indicated/needed).
Have legible handwriting and organization.
Proof of having gotten the notes from someone if absent/tardy. For example, if there are
30 entries and you only have 15, it will be evident that you are missing notes and will not
receive the full amount of points.

Basic Rule of Thumb: If a teacher writes it on the board, include it in your notes.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism: According to the Harbrace Handbook, 15th edition, Plagiarism
is defined as presenting someone elses ideas, research, or opinion as your own without proper
documentation, even if it has been rephrased. It includes, but it not limited to the following:

Copying verbatim all or part of anothers written work;

Using phrases, figures or illustrations without citing the source;
Paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source;
Using all or part of a literary plot, poem, or film without attributing the work to its
NOTE: The use of online translators is considered a form of plagiarism.

Consequences: Any student who is found guilty of plagiarism will receive a zero for the
Synopsis of Course:
This is a very rigorous, college-level course designed to challenge every student involved. You
cannot be afraid to speak Spanish or make mistakes. There is no room for shyness, unfortunately.
This class will challenge you to be brave, to put yourselves out there in a language that is not
your own and to face any fears of speaking in front of others. Your brain will be expanding daily
as you are developing a new way of thinking, assimilating into a new language and developing
your ability to communicate effectively. You will need to speak Spanish at all times, even when
speaking to your classmates, including, of course, when speaking to the instructor. This will
ensure that you have immersed yourself in the language, truly maximizing your learning

Parent-Teacher-Student Contract
Dear Parent/Guardian,

My name is seor Herrera and I am delighted to have your child in my Spanish class this
year! Please read through the syllabus and dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Im looking forward to helping your child improve his/her language skills! Please have your
child return the bottom portion of this form to me next class.
Muchas Gracias,
Seor Herrera
Spanish Teacher
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE CUT & RETURN THIS CONTRACT TO SEOR HERRERA NEXT CLASS
(Rm 99F)

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)
Parent/Guardian Name (Signature)
Parent Phone Number (most accessible)
Student Name (Printed)
Student Name (Signed)

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