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Narrative Text


: Siti Nur Khanifah


: XI IPA 2


: 27


Jl. Mayjen S.Parman Kutoarjo.Telf (0275)641317
kode pos 54211
TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012

Umbut Muda
Once upon a time, lived a beautiful young girl in Sumatra. Her name was Umbut
Muda. She was very rich because when her father died, she inherited all his money and

the house. She became nasty and proud of herself. Even, she didnt respect her mother.
She ordered her mother to clean the house, wash her clothes and cook her food.
One day, Umbut Muda was invited to attend a feast in another village. She wore her
most beautiful dress and all her jewelries. Her mother holding the umbrella to protect
Umbut Muda from the sun.
As they were passing the bridge, Umbut Muda accidentally dropped one of her
bracelets. The bracelet fell into the river. She shouted to her mother and ordered her to
go down to the river to find her bracelet. She searched the bracelet in the water , but the
river flooded because of the rain the naight before so it was imposible for her to get it.
Knowing that her mother failed to get her bracelet back, Umbut Muda was furious.
She yelled at her mother, You are the stupid and lazy woman! she said.
Go down the river again and get my bracelet back! sh stamped her foot and didnt
realize that the bridge was slippery. She slipped over the bridge and fell into the river.
She screamed for help. Her mother tried to help her, but the stream was too fast, Umbut
Muda was drowned.
Umbut Mudas mother was very sad. She couldnt save her daughter life.

Umbut Muda
Pada suatu hari, tinggal seorang gadis muda yang cantik di Sumatra. Namanya
Umbut Muda. Dia sangat kaya karena ketika ayahnya meninggal, ia mewarisi semua
uang dan rumahnya. Dia menjadi jahat dan bangga pada dirinya sendiri. Bahkan, dia
tidak menghormati ibunya. Dia memerintah ibunya untuk membersihkan rumah,
mencuci pakaian dan memasak makanannya.
Suatu hari, Umbut Muda diundang untuk menghadiri pesta di desa lain. Dia
mengenakan gaunnya yang paling indah dan semua perhiasannya. Ibunya memegang
paying untuk melindungi Umbut Muda dari matahari.
Ketika mereka melewati jembatan, Umbut Muda sengaja menjatuhkan salah satu
gelangnya. Gelang jatuh ke sungai. Dia berteriak kepada ibunya dan memerintahnya

turun ke sungai untuk mencari gelangnya. Dia mencari gelang dalam air, namun sungai
banjir karena hujan malam sebelumnya jadi mustahil baginya untuk mendapatkannya.
Mengetahui bahwa ibunya gagal untuk mendapatkan gelang kembali, Umbut Muda
sangat marah. Dia berteriak pada ibunya, Kamu adalah wanita bodoh dan malas!
Turun ke sungai lagi dan dapatkan gelangku kembali! Dia menghentakkan
kakinya dan tidak menyadari bahwa jembatan itu licin. Dia tergelincir di atas jembatan
dan jatuh ke sungai. Dia menjerit minta tolong. Ibunya berusaha membantu, tapi arus
terlalu deras, Umbut muda tenggelam.
Ibu Umbut Muda sangat sedih. Dia tidak bisa menyelamatkan putrinya.

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