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BIO 50 Intermediate Zoology

1. Type of egg, basic cleavage pattern, and specific cleavage pattern of many echinoderms,
amphioxus, and mammals
2. Type of egg, basic cleavage pattern, and specific cleavage pattern of cephalopods, most
fishes, reptiles and birds
3. (a) Identify species (b) This species supports what type of hypothesis on the origin of
multicellularity in animals (c) Opalina supports what type of hypothesis on the origin of
multicellularity in animals
4. (a) Draw a choanoflagellate and label structures (b) Mechanism by which
choanoflagellates feed (c) Choanoflagellates are similar to what type of cell in what organism
5. (a) Protists which move using flagella (b) Protists with a pointed apex (c) Protists which
move using pseudopodia
Hurdle: Sing the Bahay Kubo
6. (a) Identify type of spicules (b) These spicules are characteristic of what class (c) Give an
example (species)
7. (a) Identify type of spicules (b) These spicules are characteristic of what class (c) Give an
example (species)
8. Trace the pathway of water flow through Sycon
9. (a) The gelatinous matrix is termed (b) The exterior surface of the sponge is composed by a
thin layer of flat cells called (c) Function of amoebocytes
10. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) What is the term for the
relatively larger openings on the surface (d) Gemmules are important because
Rest station

11. Differentiate protostomes and deuterostomes based on (a) origin of mouth (b) cleavage
pattern (c) coelom formation
12. Demonstrate (a) parallel evolution (b) convergent evolution (c) divergent evolution
13. (a) Nervous system of cnidarians (b) Two body types of cnidarians (c) Unique stinging
14. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) Identify body type (d)
Identify mode of reproduction
15. (a) Identify common name of species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) Identify
body type (d) Which of this is the most probable scientific name for this species: Chironex
fleckeri, Malo kingi, Carukia barnesi
Hurdle: If you were to acquire a characteristic from an animal, what would it be?
16. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) When this is alive, the
brilliant color is caused by (d) Term for solid partitions with serrated margins
17. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) What structure houses the
18. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) Identify body type (d) Name
one symbiotic species (common name is acceptable)
19. (a) Identify species (b) This species belongs to what class (c) The polyp bears how many
20. Draw the life cycle of Aurelia

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