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Antinutrientes, un problema grave en

el consumo de cereales, legumbres y

31 marzo, 2012 por Alex von Foerster 47 comentarios
Se introdujeron en la alimentacin humana, en forma de cultivos, hace unos 6 a 10
mil aos, dependiendo la regin. Si bien fueron en las distintas culturas, alimentos
importantes y altamente nutritivos, contienen antinutrientes, sustancias perjudiciales
para el ser humano que deben ser transformados para evitar problemas de salud. A lo
largo de los aos, el ser humano fue desarrollando tcnicas para eliminar o
transformar estas sustancias nocivas, pero hoy en da, estas prcticas estn en su
mayora, perdidas.
Qu son los antinutrientes?
Son sustancias que si bien protegen a las semillas o cereales de insectos, hongos,
plagas y permiten garantizar las condiciones para que la semilla germine; pueden
producir diversos problemas nutricionales y de salud al ser humano que las consume
regularmente, ya que disminuyen o impiden nuestra capacidad para asimilar los
nutrientes del propio alimento o de otros.
Entre los antinutrientes, encontramos al cido ftico, oxalatos, taninos, inhibidores
enzimticos, lectinas y gluten, entre otros.
Los taninos de las habas y nueces se combinan con las protenas y dificultan la
absorcin de stas.
El cido ftico, presente en semillas, cereales, legumbres y tubrculos
(principalmente en las cscaras o salvado); es un gran problema en la nutricin, ya
que barre el calcio, magnesio, hierro, cobre y principalmente zinc del organismo. La
carencia de zinc, por ejemplo, est relacionada con una disminucin de la inmunidad,
un aumento de las alergias, la disminucin de la capacidad reproductiva y la
disminucin de eliminacin de cadmio (clave en el cncer de prstata y pulmn).
Todas estas enfermedades estn aumentando de manera epidmica.
Los inhibidores enzimticos, por ejemplo, bloquean a la pepsina (necesaria para
digerir protenas en el estmago), a la amilasa (necesaria para digerir hidratos de
carbono) y a la tripsina, enzima encargada de digerir protenas en el intestino
Las lectinas y el gluten estn relacionados con diferentes alergias y problemas
inmunitarios. La hemaglutinina (lectina) presente en las legumbres (especialmente en
la soja), promueve la formacin de cogulos y hace que las clulas rojas de la sangre
formen grumos.
Por todo esto, el consumo diario de alimentos con alto contenido de antinutrientes
(cereales, legumbres y semillas) que no han sido transformados adecuadamente, se

encuentran relacionados con diversos problemas digestivos y falta de apetito, dientes

cariados y dbiles, raquitismo, alergias, deficiencias nutricionales como la anemia o
la osteoporosis y problemas en el sistema inmunolgico.
Qu haca el ser humano en la antigedad?
El pan, hasta hace 150 aos era fermentado y llevaba de 24 a 48 hs. de elaboracin.
La levadura no exista y en su lugar, se utilizaba la masa agria o masa madre, que
fermentaba y transformaba los antinutrientes del trigo o centeno.
En frica, el mijo era fermentado durante varios das, para dar lugar al oji, una
papilla de sabor cido altamente nutritiva que hoy en da se sigue elaborando. Lo
mismo suceda en Amrica con el maz y los porotos o en Europa con la avena [i].
Los Aztecas remojaban las semillas de zapallo en salmuera y luego las secaban al sol
o las cocinaban antes de comerlas [ii].
En Oriente se fermentaba el arroz y las lentejas por lo menos durante dos das para
hacer las dosas o idli. La soja, una de las semillas con mayor contenido de
antinutrientes, era consumida solo despus de ser fermentada (miso, shoyu, tamari,
natto y tempeh).
En fin, todas las semillas eran remojadas, germinadas y/o fermentadas y cocidas.
Por qu?
Todos estos procesos de elaboracin de los alimentos, transforman o desactivan los
antinutrientes, incrementan el valor nutricional (se sintetizan vitaminas y enzimas) y
predigieren nutrientes (por ejemplo las protenas se desdoblan en aminocidos, los
azcares complejos en azcares simples, etc.). Esto hace que el alimento sea ms
fcil de digerir y los nutrientes estn disponibles para ser correctamente asimilados.
Qu sucede hoy en da?
Lamentablemente, esta sabidura milenaria, patrimonio de la evolucin humana, se
est perdiendo. An en el mbito naturista, donde se supone haber mayor conciencia
en relacin al alimento que se ingiere, se ignoran todos estos mtodos de elaborar los
cereales, legumbres y semillas.
El pan, sea blanco o integral, se leuda rpido con levadura quedando as todos los
antinutrientes intactos. Y empeoramos an ms la situacin cuando agregamos
salvado, supuestamente til para evitar el estreimiento. Prcticamente toda la
repostera integral naturista, que se supone mejor que los panificados blancos
industrializados, se elabora con harina integral que no ha sido fermentada. As
galletas, budines y tortas integrales, colaboran da a da a desmineralizar la dieta y
generar todo tipo de alergias.
Los cereales no se remojan, se comen al dente, mal cocidos, como el caso de las
pastas o cereales cocidos a medias. En este caso, al problema de los antinutrientes,
sumamos el de los almidones crudos o mal cocidos, que son sustancias txicas.
Las semillas, en muchos casos se comen secas (tal como se compran en la diettica o
almacn) o tostadas (a altas temperaturas donde se generan sustancias txicas) con

todos los inhibidores enzimticos presentes.

La soja transgnica u orgnica, mal procesada y con todos sus problemas
nutricionales, abunda en la mesa de vegetarianos y veganos, a modo de milanesas,
hamburguesas, leche, texturizados y barritas.
No solo antinutrientes . . .
Otra prctica comn en la actualidad, que agrava ms la situacin de los
antinutrientes, son las dietas bajas en grasa y/o con alta presencia de alimentos
descremados y light [iii].
Nos olvidamos (o se encargan de ocultarnos) que en toda la historia de la humanidad,
el ser humano consumi dietas altas en grasas, en especial saturadas y de origen
animal [iv]. Estas grasas contienen grandes cantidades de vitaminas A y D,
liposolubles, que ayudan a absorber el calcio, hierro, fsforo y las vitaminas del
complejo B que contienen los granos y las semillas.
As es que la papilla de avena fermentada se coma con crema cruda o manteca, el
pan de masa agria, con quesos fermentados o manteca. De esta forma se garantizaba
la asimilacin de los nutrientes.
Hoy, reemplazamos estos platos por cereales en copos o inflados (cargados de
antinutrientes y con sus protenas desnaturalizadas), pan sin fermentar, galletas
integrales o de harina blanca (aditivada con minerales sintticos) hechas en una hora,
sin posibilidad de desactivar antinutrientes. Para colmar los desatinos, untamos los
panes con quesos descremados, margarinas o mantecas adulteradas; mezclamos los
copos con leche o yogur descremado; nos atiborramos de barritas infladas, con
aditivos de todos los colores.
La fobia a las grasas saturadas nos lleva a un tnel sin salida, un camino donde los
problemas de salud estn garantizados. En este sentido, es interesante ver como el
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, uno de los difusores ms experimentados del veganismo y la
alimentacin viva, sugiere suplementar la dieta con vitamina D y est a la bsqueda
de suplemento de vitamina A activa [v], ya que observa que con los carotenos
vegetales no alcanza y es consciente de que la dieta vegana, al estar ausente de grasa
animal, genera deficiencia de estas dos vitaminas.
Qu hacer?
La coccin ayuda a reducir el cido ftico, pero no alcanza si el cereal no se remoj
previamente en un medio cido. As es que hoy en da usamos suero, kfir,
kombucha, vinagre de manzana o limn (obviamente orgnicos) en el agua de
remojo. De esta forma el agua tibia acidificada, permite la fermentacin y reduce an
ms el cido ftico.
Por ejemplo, aqu podemos observar la reduccin de los fitatos en la qunoa bajo los
diferentes mtodos de preparacin *:
Reduccin de cido ftico
Cocida por 25 min. a 100 C.
15 a 20%
Remojada por 12 a 14 hs. a 20 C, luego cocida. 60 a 77%

Fermentada con suero durante 16 a 18 hs. a 30

82 a 88%
C, luego cocida.
Remojada 12 a 14 hs., germinada durante 30
hs., lacto-fermentada 16 a 18 hs. y cocida a 100 97 a 98%
C durante 25 min.
* Fuente: Living With Phytic Acid, Ramiel Nagel (Weston Price Foundation)
La fitasa es la enzima que desactiva al cido ftico. El centeno y el trigo son los
granos con mayor contenido de fitasa. Por ejemplo, el trigo, contiene 14 veces ms
fitasa que el arroz, y el centeno, ms del doble que el trigo.
Cabe aclarar que moler el centeno o trigo en molido de piedra, garantiza la presencia
de fitasa. En contraposicin a esto, el molido mecnico destruye esta enzima.
Los cereales bajos en fitasa como el mijo, maz, sorgo, arroz y avena se benefician si
al agua de remojo, le agregamos 1 cucharada de granos de centeno recin molidos.
Si se elige tostar los granos para facilitar la digestin, hay que agregarle al momento
del remojo, alguna fuente de fitasa (centeno molido), ya que el tostado destruye
algunos nutrientes como el caso de la fitasa (enzima encargada de transformar el
cido ftico).
El pan de masa agria, en el cual la harina se remoja y fermenta de 24 a 48 hs. da
como resultado un alimento libre de cido ftico y hasta es bien tolerado por algunas
personas con alergia al gluten [vi].
Otro mtodo a rescatar es la germinacin. Luego de 5 das de germinacin, los
garbanzos pierden el 60% del cido ftico y las lentejas el 50%.
Remojar y germinar las legumbres antes de cocinarlas, reduce el contenido de
aflatoxinas y aumenta significativamente el contenido de vitaminas B2, B5, B6 y C.
Aqu hay que mencionar que los germinados contienen sustancias irritantes que
hacen que los animales no los ingieran (en especial las legumbres) [vii]. Por esto, en
el caso de las personas que consumen grandes cantidades de germinados, es mejor
escaldarlos o darles una ligera coccin.
Es importante mencionar que en la antigedad era comn cocinar los cereales y
legumbres en caldos de huesos de diferentes animales y/o con manteca o leche cruda
agria. Estos procesos mejoraban la absorcin de minerales y otros nutrientes.
Otro mtodo interesante, utilizado en diferentes cocinas orientales y afn a
vegetarianos, consiste en cocinar los cereales y legumbres con algas (kombu o
wakame), no solo para facilitar la digestin, sino tambin para mineralizar el plato
En fin, resulta imprescindible volver a rescatar hbitos milenarios saludables como el
remojo (activacin), germinacin, fermentacin y coccin a bajas temperaturas, en
especial cuando en la dieta se consumen a diario cereales, legumbres y semillas,
como es el caso de naturistas, vegetarianos, veganos, macrobiticos o crudvoros.

Alex von Foerster

Sandor Katz, Wild fermentation, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2003.

[ii] Sally Fallon, Mary Enig Nourishing traditions, revised second edition, New
Trens Publishing, 2001.
[iii] Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dutch get it right and recognize saturated fat is not a
[iv] Sally Fallon, Mary Enig La dieta del hombre de las cavernas, traduccin:
Mnica Gmez .
[v] Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Deficiencies on a meat-based diet,
[vi] Abby Eagley, Learn how to cook the way grandma did, 2011
[vii] Jean-Louis Tu, Is cooked food poison?,

Compart el post
Archivada en: Artculos, Aspectos nutricionalesEtiquetada
con: Antinutrientes, Artculos, Soja, Tradiciones nutricionales, Vegetarianismo y
veganismo, Vitamina D



Maria dice
31 octubre, 2014 en 8:46 pm
Que me aconseja sobre la soja orgnica . Cuando remojo cereales o
legumbres,cambio el agua pero toman mal olor y lo tiro?gracias


fabian novellino dice

10 marzo, 2015 en 5:20 pm
Hola Alex ! es un gusto comunicarme con vos. Te escribo para preguntarte
cmo comer la avena arrollada es suficiente dejarla toda una noche en
remojo y consumirla al da siguiente con el desayuno por ejemplo? Si es as,
esa agua con la que se remoj, se desecha o se puede tomar?
Otra, la levadura nutricional es realmente buena en su aporte proteico? Este
tipo de levadura no entra en el listado de la levadura comn para leudar el
pan, no? Es otra cosa, cierto?
Desde ya muchas gracias y un cordial saludo.


silvina dice
16 octubre, 2015 en 11:40 pm
Hola Alex,
como es lo de remojar en medio cido? y que proporcin? para todos los
cereales? el mijo tb se remoja?

Alex von Foerster dice

17 octubre, 2015 en 8:34 am

Hola Silvina !
Yo uso unas 2 cucharadas de algn medio cido (por ejemplo vinagre de
manzana orgnico) por cada taza de cereal que remojo.
El mijo tambin.

Tretibio dice

13 mayo, 2016 en 9:07 am

Hola Alex, pregunto: eso funciona tambin con garbanzos, porotos y

adukis? Yo los dejo en remojo un da entero en agua; la espuma que se
forma en la superficie me dio siempre desconfianza pero nunca la elimin.
Luego freezo todo hasta el momento de cocerlo.
La verdad, siento que estamos rodeados, agarremos hacia donde
agarremos hay algo que desequilibra. Consumo semillas de zapallo para
recuperar zinc hace aos, as como salen de la bolsita met la pata?
No ser que el secreto est en la actividad y no en el consuma mgico?

Alex von Foerster dice

13 mayo, 2016 en 10:21 am

Hola Tretibio,
Yo adhiero a la recomendacin de consumir semillas y legumbres, solo que
creo que es indispensable aprender a prepararlas segn diferentes tcnicas
que quitan o disminuyen en gran medida los antinutrientes de estos
En el cao de las semillas de zapallo, te sugiero un remojo previo de al menos
8 hs.
Y el agua de remojo de las legumbres, yo la descarto y al momento de
cocinarlas, uso agua nueva.

Tretibio dice

13 mayo, 2016 en 11:01 am

Gracias!. El agua de remojo la tiro, por supuesto, no qued claro en la frase.


senda dice
19 marzo, 2016 en 11:54 pm
el pan blanco se convierte en azucar, por que los panaderos hechan sabor
y el integral, tiene menos azucar
lo otro es arepas o galletas
la verdad hay que comer
la comida que Dios me regalo esta santificada, pues Dios extiende la tierra
con sus productos.


Joana dice
19 abril, 2016 en 11:46 am
Hola Alex, cundo te refers a vinagre de manzana orgnico, cul es? dnde
lo consigo? Yo consumo bastate vinagre de manzana a diario pero no
encontr opciones a los que se comercializan habitualmente.


Mutuca dice
9 mayo, 2016 en 4:54 pm
Es realmente necesario comer este tipo de cereales?

Alex von Foerster dice

9 mayo, 2016 en 6:55 pm

Hoy Pablo, no entiendo bien a qu te refers con este tipo de cereales
A cules te refers?


Nadia dice
9 mayo, 2016 en 8:15 pm
Hola Alex ! consulta he tratado de hacer brotar el garbanzo pero siempre lo
tengo que tirar del olor fuerte que larga , no se que estoy haciendo mal ?
gracias, un abrazo.

Alex von Foerster dice

9 mayo, 2016 en 10:23 pm

Hola Nadia,
El garbanzo es complicado. Se suele partir y lo granos partidos no germinar
y pudren a los otros.
Te sugiero probar con lentejas, porotos aduki y mung.


Maria dice
10 mayo, 2016 en 6:23 pm
Hola : Siempre se debe tirar el agua del remojo ? Nueces ,almendras ,
Castaas, cuantas hs d remojo para poder comerlas ? Gracias!

Alex von Foerster dice

10 mayo, 2016 en 6:39 pm

Hola Mara,
S, el agua de remojo de las semillas la descarto.
Por lo general, como mnimo las remojo 8 hs,

Carla dice

29 junio, 2016 en 12:09 am

Hola Alex! Solo se remojan o es necesario tambin germinarlas en un medio


Alex von Foerster dice

29 junio, 2016 en 5:29 pm

Hola Carla,

Cada proceso que vas haciendo, va mejorando la digestibilidad del alimento

y en algunos casos, tambin mejora el valor nutritivo de la semilla, cereal o
Fijate el cuadro en el artculo, donde se muestra el ejemplo de la quinoa

como a medida que avanzas con diferentes procesos, logrs transformar

ms el cido fsico.


axel dice
11 mayo, 2016 en 10:48 am
En algunas cosas esta acertado pero se le olvida a quien escribio esto que
antes la esperanza de vida era a lo mucho 35 o 40 aos, lo cual demuestra
que las dietas antiguas no son para nada venerables, la realidad es que aun
no encontramos la dieta perfecta, es una combinacion de lo viejo con lo
nuevo y obviamente debe ser ecologicamente consciente, estar matando
vacas y deforestando por el placer de los lacteos o la carne nos va a
terminar destruyendo.

Alex von Foerster dice

11 mayo, 2016 en 10:57 am

Hola Axel,
Como todo, cada uno puede tener su punto de vista y sumar para intentar
encontrar una forma de alimentarnos equilibrada en todo sentido.
No estoy de acuerdo con que para producir lcteos haya que deforestar. La
realidad es totalmente opuesta. Se deforesta para plantar soja, maz, trigo y
otros cereales, legumbres y semillas.
Para tener vacas de forma sustentable, no hay que tocar ni un rbol.

Te sugiero ver el trabajo que vienen haciendo los Salatin (solo por
mencionarte uno d los tantsimos ejemplos de agricultura y ganadera
regenerativa), en Polyface Farm, hace muchos aos, y vas a ver que la
situacin no se condice con lo que vos decs.
En cuanto a las dietas tradicionales y la esperanza de vida, la verdad que es
algo que me gustara tocar y desarrollar en algn otro post. Simplemente te
digo que no se puede hacer una comparacin lineal, la esperanza de vida en
la antigedad era mucho menor en gran medida porque las condiciones de
vida eran mucho ms agresivas.
Lo interesante es que la dietas de pueblos longevos de la antigedad no
mostraban las epidemias de enfermedades degenerativas que vemos hoy en


Andrea Martnez dice

11 mayo, 2016 en 4:17 pm
Hola Alex. la verdad que estoy tratando de aprender, y resulta muy
complicado encontrar el camino correcto, hasta ahora con lo que voy
investigando, haba llegado a la conclusin de que es importante la
alimentacin consciente, que en lo posible mantengamos la alcalinidad en el
organismo y que las semillas y frutos secos tienen muchsimas propiedades
por lo que es bueno incorporarlas a la alimentacin. Ahora con este artculo,
ya se me complic el camino, y no me queda muy claro, o sea que es bueno
pero habra que cocinarlos o germinarlos ?
Podran ser ms especficos para los que no tenemos tanto conocimiento .
Muy agradecida, siempre tratando de aprender.Saludos.

Alex von Foerster dice

11 mayo, 2016 en 6:55 pm

Hola Andrea,
Desde mi punto de vista, sigue siendo importante consumir semillas, solo
que hay que aprender cmo debemos consumirlas.
En esta receta vez un ejemplo. Ac hay otro ejemplo (una leche de
almendras con las almendras activadas remojadas -).
Tambin te sugiero leer ste artculo de la avena, que te va a aportar mucho.
Y por ltimo, si pods participa de alguna de las clases que doy, que una y
otra vez surgen estos temas.


Natalie dice
11 mayo, 2016 en 8:36 pm
Hola, alex entonces se remoja bien las legumbre y el vinagre de manzana se
le agrega al agua de remojo para que sea mas tolerado pregunta para que la
legumbre sea completa tiene q ser con arroz para que sea completa la
entrega de propiedades espero tus respuestas

Alex von Foerster dice

11 mayo, 2016 en 10:17 pm

Hola Natalie,
La legumbres remojaba la menos 1 da. yo no les pongo vinagre.
Lo de que la legumbre sea completa es relativo. Te sugiero leereste
Prximamente voy a dar la clase de Antinutrientes por Skype, tal vez te
convenga hacerla.


Beln dice
21 mayo, 2016 en 12:41 am
Hola Alex, no me qued claro es suficiente con remojar los cereales y
legumbres 24 hs? o adems hay que germinarlas y luego cocinarlas? y en el
caso del mijo, el trigo sarraceno y la quinoa es igual?
Muchas gracias!

Alex von Foerster dice

21 mayo, 2016 en 9:32 am

Hola Beln,
Cuantos ms procesos puedas hacer, siempre va a ser mejor, porque vas a
poder transformar ms antinutrientes. Por ejemplo, es mejor remojarpregerminar o fermentar-cocinar que solo remojar-cocinar.
Si sos de Bs. As., el fin de semana del 9, 10 y 11 de junio estoy dando un
taller intensivo de este tema, terico y prctico, donde voy a mostrar en

diferentes recetas cmo transformar antinutrientes. Esto va a ser en

CRUDO, Chacarita,

Beln dice

21 mayo, 2016 en 6:57 pm

Gracias por tu respuesta, soy de La Plata, pero me interesa mucho el tema

porque tengo un nene de 2 aos y siempre van surgiendo dudas respecto a
cmo cocinar los alimentos. Cmo recibo ms info sobre el taller? ya me
suscrib a la pg. Saludos!

Alex von Foerster dice

21 mayo, 2016 en 10:24 pm

S ests suscripta al Blog, te va a llegar a tu mail el aviso de cada vez que de

un taller.
Hay una posibilidad de que en agosto de algn taller cerca de La Plata.
Estuve hablando con la gente de Mujumama, de City Bell.


Valentina dice

21 mayo, 2016 en 8:55 pm

Hola Akex, una pregunta: para hacer pan con harina integral, cul es el
procedimiento? dejo la harina en remojo entre 12hs y 24hs, ese remojo ya es
con la levadura agregada? con un medio cido como vinagre de
manzana? gracias!

Alex von Foerster dice

21 mayo, 2016 en 10:31 pm

Hola Valentina,
El pan yo lo hago con masa madre, no remojo antes la harina, porque se
remoja y fermenta con la masa madre.
Ac pods ver la receta.


Gabriela dice
29 mayo, 2016 en 2:24 am
Hola, cmo comer la avena arrollada? es suficiente dejarla toda una
noche en remojo y consumirla al da siguiente con el desayuno por ejemplo?
Si es as, esa agua con la que se remoj, se desecha o se puede tomar?
Para hacer galletitas de avena?
Y la levadura nutricional tampoco sirve? Slo la masa madre? Gracias

Alex von Foerster dice

29 mayo, 2016 en 2:47 pm

Hola Gabriela,
Todas tus preguntas en relacin a la avena las pods ver en este post.
Ac pods ver una receta con avena.


Pablo dice
5 junio, 2016 en 12:26 pm
Hola Alex, me gustara saber tu opinin respecto a dos puntos:
1. En cuanto al remojado con jugo de limn Lo recomends para todo tipo
de semillas? Es decir, cereales, legumbres, oleaginosas, frutos secos.
2. En cuanto a la coccin con agua Tirs el grano una vez que el agua
rompe el hervor o lo colocs desde el principio?

Alex von Foerster dice

5 junio, 2016 en 7:16 pm

Hola Pablo,
1.- Jugo de limn es la opcin que menos uso. Prefiero otros medios
acidificantes y fermentados como el suero o el vinagre de kombucha o de

manzana sin pasteurizar. Lo uso solo para cereales.

2.- El cereal lo cocino de entrada con su agua correspondiente,

Pablo dice

5 junio, 2016 en 11:31 pm

Disculpame, no me qued en claro el primer punto El medio acidificante lo

empleas solo para cereales? Por otro lado Granomadre est
comercializando productos nuevamente?

Alex von Foerster dice

6 junio, 2016 en 12:18 am

S, solo en cereales.

Ac pods ver productos de Granomadre. Escribile a Diego,



Jesus dice
23 junio, 2016 en 7:04 pm

Hola, tengo duda con el remojado de los garbanzos para hacer hummus.
Dejo por 12 hrs en remojo con 1ccda. vinagre y despus hervir 20mins? O
que recomiendas. Gracias

Alex von Foerster dice

25 junio, 2016 en 11:16 pm

Hola Jess,
No, yo no recomiendo eso.
Para hacer hummus, remoj los garbanzos como mnimo 24 hs. y luego
cocinalos varias horas, en lo posible 3 o 4 hs.


Romina dice
2 julio, 2016 en 9:38 pm
Hola Alex muchas gracias por este articulo! Te hago una consulta, para el
fermentado de arroz yamani, o cualquier cereal, debo ir cambiando el agua o
tan solo lo dejo a una temperatura estable con el mismo agua durante dos o
tres dias?? Es necesario ponerle al arroz vinagre?
Por otro lado, el maiz se puede fermentar?? Y las harinas de maiz se
pueden fermentar?

Alex von Foerster dice

2 julio, 2016 en 10:01 pm

Hola Romina,
Hay muchas formas o tcnica para hacer fermentaciones. Algunas con agua
y sal, otras con probiticos, otras con algn producto que tenga lactobacilos,
En las diferentes clases o talleres que doy voy enseando distintas tcnicas.
No es fcil en una respuesta de un comentario del post poder transmitir algo
de esto.
Si dejs el arroz en remojo, va a fermentar, pero tambin puede ponerse feo.
Todo depende del tiempo, de la temperatura y del medio fermentado o
microorganismos que agregues.
Ya de por s, dejarlo en remojo 1 da antes de cocinarlo, es un buen paso en
el sentido de transformar antinutrientes y hacer el cereal mas digerible.
Si le agregas 1 cda. de vinagre por cada taza de cereal que remojes, vas a
mejorar la transformacin del cido ftico.
Todos los cereales y harinas se pueden fermentar.

Romina dice

10 julio, 2016 en 12:54 am

muchas gracias alex! yo consumo acido filofago en ampollas una vez al mes,
Entiendo que puedo agregar para fermentar estos lactobacilos..
me gustaria mucho tomar tus talleresalguno al menoshubo uno en
crudo, me lo perdi cuando haya otro lo publicaras??

te dejo mi mail

muchas gracias por tu amabilidad!

Alex von Foerster dice

10 julio, 2016 en 8:42 pm

Hola Romina, sugiero que te suscribas al Blog y as te van a llegar a tu mail

las novedades y nuevos cursos.


Ro dice
9 julio, 2016 en 1:09 pm
Gracias. Es un artculo muy completo. Explicado fcilmente y sin fanatismos.
Por ah, tibien he pudo que dosis bajas de fitatos parecen ser necesarias. Es
el viejo refrn que dice que la dosis hace al veneno. Un tema donde hay

mucho que aprender, sin duda. Buen aporte


Alex von Foerster dice

10 julio, 2016 en 8:41 pm

S, sin dudas un tema en el que en el mbito de alimentacin alternativa,
donde tenemos ms conciencia en muchos aspecto, en esto estamos en


Guillermo dice
14 julio, 2016 en 7:23 pm
Hola Alex, luego de leer detenidamente el artculo, se me ocurre hacer el
siguiente planteo, Primero me pregunto Cul es la definicin de
alimentacin saludable? Hay personas que visitan mdicos solo para
confirmar que estn sanos, como en mi caso, que llevo una vida sana
consumiendo alimentos vegetales, evitando los industrializados y refinados,
y muy pocos lcteos.
Otros le dirn a su mdico, consumo algo de carnes con verduras frescas y
hago mucho deporte, y ste le dir sus anlisis son perfectos siga as,
Luego de la lectura siento que estoy un poco perdido.estoy realmente
Un Abrazo.

Alex von Foerster dice

14 julio, 2016 en 7:48 pm

Hola Guillermo,
Para responder a tu comentario tendra que escribir un libro !

Parto de la base de que para m, no hay UNA alimentacin saludable sino

que cada persona tiene SU alimentacin adecuada. Claro que en esto,
pueden haber grandes bases aplicables a todos, pero no creo que haya
una dieta que a todos les funcione permanentemente.
La dieta es algo mvil. No es lo mismo la dieta de una embarazada que de
un nio o un adulto de ms de 60 aos.
En lugares como Argentina, que tenemos 4 estaciones bien marcadas, la
dieta debera variar y adaptarse a estos cambios estacionales.
Hay muchas caractersticas individuales a tener en cuenta porque es
evidente que dos personas no reaccionan igual a una misma dieta.
Y para cerrar este comentario, te cambio la pregunta y en lugar de Cul es
la definicin de alimentacin saludable ? te la modifico y pongo alimento
saludable. Para definir a un alimento como saludable, creo que bsicamente
hay que prestar atencin 2 aspectos que parecen bsicos, pero an en
mbitos naturistas y de alimentaciones ms conscientes pasan por alto o
se cometen errores importantes.
1.- La calidad de la materia prima. No es lo mismo la carne de pastura que la
carne de feed-lot. No es lo mismo el trigo orgnico que el transgnico, los
vegetales convencionales versus los orgnicos y as sucesivamente.
2. La forma en la cual preparamos ese alimento: no es lo mismo comer
carne a la parrilla que cocinarla en un guiso. No es lo mismo un pan hecho
con levadura que uno fermentado con masa madre, no es lo mismo
un lcteo crudo y fermentado que uno industrializado y/o pasteurizado y as
puedo continuar con infinitos ejemplos.
Particularmente, en lo que a Antinutrientes respecta, mi preocupacin parte
por ver cantidad de vegetarianos y naturistas comiendo mal enormes
cantidades de cereales, legumbres y semillas. Con mal me refiero a que los
comen sin remojo, fermentacin y coccin adecuada, con lo cual, se comen
todos los antinutrientes.
En algn otro post seguimos con este tema,
Un abrazo


Patri dice
18 julio, 2016 en 9:16 pm
Hola Alex. No me pierdo tus notas que me esclarecen muchos puntos, pero
que, paradojicamente, me disparan muchas dudas sobre..casi todo! jaja. Mi
pregunta puntual ahora es: cmo consumo las semillas de ssamo (son las
que ms consumo), las de girasol y las de chia. Yo las tuesto y as en
caliente las muelo. Estoy haciendo todo mal? Gracias!!!

Alex von Foerster dice

20 julio, 2016 en 7:44 pm

Ja !, bueno, despus de la duda puede venir un claro, un momento de
claridad y armona !
Yo te sugiero que no las tuestes porque el calor destruye y transforma (en
forma perjudicial) los cido grasos de las semillas.
Si lo haces ocasionalmente, hacelo a fuego bajo, pero no es algo que te
sugiera como hbito.

alimento y conciencia - Caldo de huesos


Huesos de 1 pollo, incluidas las garras, cuello, etc. (en el

caso de las garras, si se puede usar 4 o 5)

1 o 2 zanahorias


o 4 pencas de apio
cebolla pelada
o 4 cms. de raz de jengibre
cdas. de vinagre orgnico
o 4 lts. de agua

1. Colocar los huesos, el agua y el vinagre en una cacerola.
2. Dejar macerando 1 hora (este paso es importante para que
los nutrientes de los huesos se desprendan durante la
3. Transcurrida la maceracin, agregar las verduras cortadas
en trozos grandes.
4. Llevar a fuego fuerte hasta que hierva.
5. Bajar el fuego y cocinar tapado, a fuego mnimo, unas 12 a
24 hs. Debe mantenerse una burbuja suave de hervor.
6. Faltando una hora para apagar el fuego, podemos agregar
algunas hiervas o especias como laurel, romero, tomillo,
salvia, crcuma, pimienta, etc.
7. Apagar el fuego, dejar entibiar y colar.
8. Usar o guardar en frascos de vidrio. Si tiene mucha grasa se
compactar con el fro en la parte superior. Se puede retirar
con una cuchara y listo. Ya tenemos nuestro caldo de
huesos, para tomar directamente o usar en otras recetas.

Why You Should Be Lacto-Fermenting

Your Oatmeal (It's Not Weird at All!)

Megan Gordon
Oct 13, 2015











(Image credit: Leela Cyd)

We eat a lot of muesli and oatmeal in our house, and we usually soak the oats
overnight in a little water or apple juice to save time in the morning. Recently, an
intriguing new twist on this method came across my radar: lacto-fermenting oatmeal
with yogurt.
It's simple: soak the oats in water and yogurt overnight, which kickstarts some lactofermentation in the oats.
My husband used to live in a co-op, where they made oh-so-many fermented foods, so
this seemed right up our alley. I had to give it a try.

What's the Point of Lacto-Fermentation?

I'd originally heard this idea for adding yogurt to oats from a feature onTasting Table.
Mixing just a little yogurt into the oats kicks off the lacto-fermentation process. What
does that mean? The beneficialLactobacillus in the yogurt goes to work on the
starches and sugars in the oats, creating lactic acid (a preservative) and helping break
down the tough structure of the oats.
Read the Original Tip: How One Simple Trick Can Revolutionize Your Oatmeal by
Eleanore Park

How To Make Yogurt at Home

(Image credit: Leela Cyd)

The Testing Method

I set out to try this out by soaking 1 cup of regular rolled oats in 1 cup of water with 2
tablespoons of plain whole-milk yogurt. I set it in a clean, covered container and left
it overnight (about 12 hours).

The Results
When I woke up the next morning, my oats had soaked up most of the liquid. You can
eat them as is, but I warmed mine up in a saucepan with a little milk.
The fermentation process that began overnight left the oats with a much more
complex flavor than regular overnight oats. They don't taste sour, but they definitely
have a deeper, slightly yeasty flavor it was really wonderful with a handful of
currants and brown sugar (or any favorite toppings)!
The Verdict: This is a mind-blowing tip!

Final Notes
So why try this at home? The bonus of this technique is three-fold: Whenever you soak
your grains, you're saving a bit of cook time, and this method is no exception I find
soaking oats overnight (with or without yogurt) makes for a really quick on-the-go
breakfast. Second, adding the yogurt into your soaking liquid really amps up the flavor
and makes for a much more interesting bowl of oats. And third, there is said to be a
nutritional benefit as well; soaking grains reduces their phytic acid, which can make
them easier to digest. A soaking window of eight to 24 hours is ideal; the longer you
let the oats sit, the more complex and flavorful they will be.
If you're looking for a way to add a little excitement to your morning oatmeal routine,
this is a great place to start. And it's certainly timely, as we now find ourselves firmly
in fall, a season in which I find nothing more comforting than a warm, deeply flavored
bowl of oats to start the morning.

How to Soak Grains for Optimal Nutrition

By Kelly 239 Comments

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Update: When The Nourishing Home first launched in 2011, I was following
the real food Weston A. Price Foundations recommendations for properly
preparing grains and saw a dramatic improvement in my health. This post is
an overview of the research I reviewed during that time period and provides
basic information on how to properly soak and prepare grains based on the
research at that time. Its important to note, however, that I am now
gluten-free and grain-free. This transition took place after I discovered (in
late 2012) that many of my ongoing health struggles were linked to gluten
and grains. Once I removed gluten and grain from my diet, I experienced a
remarkable health transformation. This is not to say everyone should be GF,
but only to inform you that I have found it to be personally beneficial as
someone who has chronic autoimmune/inflammatory illnesses. Despite the
fact that I am now 100% gluten-free and grain-free, I opted to leave this
information about soaking grains available on my site, because I do believe
that for those who can consume grains, proper preparation is essential. If
you have questions about soaking grains, please contact the Weston
A Price Foundation, and of course, take the time to do your own
research on the topic. Thank you!
At first glance, soaking may seem intimidating, time-consuming and even
risky after all, who would actually leave prepared food out on the counter
for 12-24 hours before cooking it? Well, the truth is your ancestors did!
So before we explore the joys of soaking, first allow me to assure you that
soaking is quick, easy and best of all,


significantly beneficial

to your health! In fact, soaking and sprouting grains is a key component in

adopting a Real Food Lifestyle.
Why Soak Your Grains?
In a nutshell, the centuries-old process of soaking grains, also known as
culturing, helps to breakdown the antinutrients and hard-to-digest
components of the grain and at the same time, helps to release highly
beneficial nutrients.
Soaking grains really is very easy! It just takes a little planning ahead. The
result is a highly nutritious and easy-to-digest whole-grain food with
wonderful robust flavor.
So lets get started! Below are some simple tips to help you discover the joys
of soaking.
Why is it so important to remove/reduce phytic acid (phytates)?
Phytic acid is an antinutrient found in grains and legumes which binds
important minerals preventing your body from fully absorbing them.
Consumption of high levels of phytates:
results in mineral deficiencies, leading to poor bone health and tooth decay
blocks absorption of zinc, iron, phosphorous and magnesium
causes body to leech calcium
lowers metabolism
contributes to anemia
Phytase to the Rescue!
Phytase is a natural enzyme that is present in varying degrees within grains,

seeds and nuts. This helpful enzyme, when properly activated, works to
break down the phytic acid(phytates), and also helps to release beneficial
nutrients, making them more bioavailable (more easily digested).
Unfortunately, cooking is not enough to adequately release phytase and
reduce phytic acid. Instead, there are three basic methods for utilizing
phytase to help reduce phytic acid:
Sprouting activates phytase which helps to release important vitamins,
as well as makes grains, seeds and beans more digestible. However,
according to a recent update by the WAPF sprouting is a pre-fermentation
step, not a complete process for neutralizing phytic acid. Consuming grains
regularly that are only sprouted will lead to excess intake of phytic acid.
Soaking grains/flour in an acid medium at a warm temperature also
activates phytase thereby helping to release important vitamins, as well as
making grains, seeds and beans more digestible. In addition, soaking helps
to reduce, or even eliminate phytic acid.
Souring another option to reduce/eliminate phytic acid think sourdough
bread,. Sourdough fermentation is by far the preferred method for reducing
phytic acid in breads and bread-products.
In general, the best means of significantly reducing phytic acid in grains and
legumes is a combination of acidic soaking for considerable time, followed by
Its important to note that not all grains contain enough phytase to eliminate
phytic acid even when soaked, such as oats and corn. However, wheat
flours (such as whole wheat, spelt and kamut) and rye flour contain high
levels of phytase. Therefore, adding a small amount of rye flour (or rolled rye
flakes) to your oat or corn acid-soak will help to reduce the high levels of
phytic acid found in these grains.
Phytate FUNdamental: Did you know that you can help mitigate phytic
acid in your diet with complementary foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D and
calcium. In fact, the absorbable calcium from bone broths and raw dairy
products, as well as vitamin D from certain animal fats can help to reduce the
adverse effects of phytic acid.
A Practical Approach to Phytates
Its important to note that it is not necessary (or practical) to completely

eliminate all phytic acid from the diet, its simply best to keep it within
reasonable levels.
In practical terms, this means properly preparing phytate-rich foods to reduce
at least a portion of the phytic acid, and its also recommended to limit
consumption of phytate-rich foods to two or three servings per day. However,
many experts do recommend that for some individuals, such as children
under age six, pregnant women or those with certain medical issues, it is
best to consume a diet as low in phytic acid as possible.
Keeping in mind that each person is an individual, and that this article is not
intended to diagnose or treat illness (please see your physician for
that), research indicates that most problems arise when whole grains, nuts
and beans become the major dietary sources of calories.
So the key is to follow traditional food preparation methods (such as
soaking), and to seek to maintain a well-balanced diet with an emphasis on
low-phytate, nutrient-dense foods making up the majority of your daily
caloric intake.
The Key to Effective Soaking
As mentioned above, soaking is an effective method used to help breakdown
the difficult to digest components of grains, called phytates. When it comes
to soaking, acid mediums are a vital part of the process. Thats because the
acid medium serves as a catalyst to initiate the culturing/fermenting process
that enables phytase be released.
There are several acid mediums used in soaking. They include dairy based
acid-mediums, such as whey, whole milk kefir, cultured buttermilk and
whole milk yogurt. Although there is some newer conflicting research
suggesting cultured dairy products such as milk kefir, buttermilk and yogurt
may result in less phytic acid reduction than previously reported, which has
led many to use whey as their primary acid medium of choice.
However, there are several non-dairy acid mediums that can also be used
in a soak to effectively reduce phytates. These include: Lemon juice, raw
apple cider vinegar and coconut milk kefir or water kefir. So, for those who
are dairy sensitive, or simply wish to avoid using dairy, these make great
options for soaking.

My personal preference is to use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as they

are very easy to keep on hand. The basic rule of thumb is to use
approximately one teaspoon of lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar, mixed
with one cup of warm filtered water. Simply use this mixture to replace the
liquids in the recipe (so, for example, two cups of milk kefir could be replaced
with two cups of water mixed with two teaspoons of lemon juice or apple
cider vinegar).
How to properly use acid mediums to achieve an easier to digest, more
nutritionally robust grain-based food, is discussed in detail below.
Kefir FUNdamental: Did you know you can make your own kefir? Kefir
grains can be purchased to make milk-based kefir, coconut kefir, and kefir
water. A great resource for all things cultured is Cultures for Health.
Getting Started
1. Soaking Whole Grain Flour
Generally, when it comes to soaking flour, its as simple as a 12-24 hour
soak. Most flour is high in phytase, the enzyme that helps to break down the
phytates, so a simple soak is all that is needed to get the most nutritional
bang out of your grains! Remember, your soak should contain some form of
an acid medium whether you choose to use a dairy option (such as whey,
kefir or cultured buttermilk), or a dairy-free option (such as coconut milk
kefir, raw apple cider vinegar), its up to you!
If you are new to soaking your whole grain flour, start out by following a
simple recipe, such as my 24-hour Power Muffins. Following this easy recipe
will enable you to see how simple soaking is, and experience how delicious
and nutritious it is too! Then, start exploring more recipes by visiting real
food based websites. I also highly recommend Sally Fallons book Nourishing
Traditions , which is the book that has inspired me and so many other real
food advocates out there.
2. Whole Grains
Soaking whole unmilled grains (like brown rice for example) is as simple as
some *warm filtered water mixed with a small amount of an acid medium.
The result of this process is that it helps to break down the hard to digest

components of the grain, while releasing the highly beneficial nutrients. (*I
use a tea kettle to warm my water until its warm to the touch, but not
The general rule is to add enough warm water to cover the grain, and then
add a small amount of an acid medium to every one cup of grain. As noted
above, you can choose a dairy-based acid medium (such as whey), or a dairyfree option (such as lemon juice or apple cider vinegar). Then tightly cover
and soak overnight (or up to 24-hours).
Note for Cold Weather Soaking: If you place your soaking rice in the oven
with the oven light only on, the rice will stay warm since the oven light will
produce some heat to create a nice warm soaking environment. Then be sure
to drain, rinse and cook the rice, perferrably in bone broth and butter.
For details on soaking brown rice, check out my Simple Soaked Brown
Rice recipe.
Please note: A recent study showed that you can greatly reduce the phytic
acid (up to 96%)in brown rice by using a method called accelerated
fermentation. For more information, I recommend reading Kitchen
Stewardships post with details on the process.
The one exception to the above soaking rule is oats. Oats contain a large
amount of hard-to-digest phytates and other anti-nutrients. Unfortunately
oats are so low in phytase (the enzyme that helps to break down
phytates), that soaking them in warm water mixed with an acid medium is
not enough to adequately break down the large amount of anti-nutrients that
naturally occur.
However, with the help of some additional phytase added to the soak (in the
form of rolled rye flakes , or if youre GF use ground buckwheat groats both
are high in phytase) along with a full 24-hour soak time a fairly decent
amount of the anti-nutrients can be removed, making the oats more
digestible and nutritionally sound.
This is accomplished by using the following formula:

For every one cup of *oats, add enough warm water to cover the oats, and
then add one tablespoon of whey, or one to two teaspoons of a dairy-free
acid medium (see note below) and one tablespoon of either rolled rye flakes
(or rye flour or spelt flour) or if youre Gf, use ground buckwheat groats . Then
soak at least 24-hours at room temp. Once soaking time is completed, drain
oats in a fine-mesh strainer and gently rinse.
Please note: I have found the taste of soaked oats using a dairy-based acid
medium (whey or kefir) to be a bit too sour for our liking. So, we use raw
apple cider vinegar instead. Give it a try in this delicious Soaked Oatmeal
Breakfast Porridge recipe.
*If youre GF and can tolerate oats, be sure to look for certified GF Rolled
Oats .
Buckwheat Groats:
Buckwheat cereal (also called ground buckwheat groats ) is a delicious grainfree (gluten-free) alternative to oatmeal. Its creamy texture is similar to
farina. Buckwheat has a relatively high phytase content (the good enzyme
that breaks down phytic acid), so if you opt to soak it, be sure to keep the
soak time to 7 hours max, or it will become to pasty/mushy.
3. Nuts/Seeds
According to the WAPFs extensive white paper Living With Phytic Acid,
there is still not enough adequate research on nut/seed preparation to say
with any certainty how much phytic acid is reduced by various preparation
techniques. However, it is known that soaking nuts/seeds in warm salt water
for approximately seven hours and then dehydrating them to make crispy
nuts helps to make the nuts more digestible and less likely to cause
intestinal discomfort. Additionally, roasting most likely helps to further
remove phytic acid, based on research conducted with chickpeas.
An update to the WAPF white paper suggests (although its important to note
that there are no conclusive research studies specifically sited) that
individuals should use caution when it comes to consuming lots of almonds
and other nuts as a replacement for bread products. In these circumstances,
an eighteen-hour soak is highly recommended.

My personal approach is to consume limited amounts of blanched almond

flour one serving daily seems to be fine for me. But each person must find
their own balance. Again, I recommend reviewing the principles listed above
in the section titled A Practical Approach to Phytates. Another option
is coconut flour a delicious and nutritious option for those on a grain-free
diet, which is why you will find many recipes using coconut flour here.
However, coconut flour is rich in fiber, and for some individuals this may
cause issues. Thats why its important to do your own research as to the
types of foods that will work best for your particular health challenges, and of
course to strive for a well varied, balanced diet centered on whole foods.
4. Beans/Legumes
The traditional method for preparing beans is to soak them in hot water (hot
to the touch, but not boiling) for at least 12-24 hours, changing the soaking
water at least once during this time, followed by a thorough rinsing and then
long cooking process. In general, soaking beans and then cooking helps to
eliminate approximately 2050% of the phytic acid depending upon the
length of the soak time.
There are conflicting opinions about whether an acid medium is necessary.
My personal experience has led me to side, in this case, with the no acid
medium option, as I find (as do many others) that the addition of the acid
medium reduces the flavor and texture of the bean.
WAPF recommends a very lengthy bean-soaking process of up to 36 hours
with the soaking water being changed out and the beans being thoroughly
rinsed at least every 12 hours. In addition, WAPF recommends adding a
phytase-rich medium to the bean soak to help further improve phytic acid
reduction. For those who are eating beans more than once or twice a week, it
may be best to heed these instructions in order to keep phytate consumption
levels in balance.
For more information about soaking grains, nuts and beans, I highly
recommend reading Sally Fallons book Nourishing Traditions as well as the
WAPF website. Happy soaking! Joyfully Serving HIM, Kelly

My new cookbook is here! With more than

100 irresistible recipes, Everyday Grain-Free Bakingteaches you how easy
it is to create grain-free, dairy-free versions of all your familys favorite baked
From breads, biscuits and muffins to savory snacks and decadent treats,
youll find step-by-step instructions, beautiful color photographs and helpful
tips & tidbits to make all of your GF baking adventures a delicious success!
Click here to get a SNEAK PEEK of the book!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post include affiliate links, providing The
Nourishing Home a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Of
course, you are not obligated to use these links to make a purchase, but if you
do, it helps to support this site and ministry.

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kd says

June 27, 2012 at 9:37 pm

This is basically the 1st thing Ive ever read about the need to soak grains,
beans etc. I am not familiar with it which is surprising to me with all of the
nutrition information I have read the past 10 years.
A few questions:
Do all flours need to be soaked? What about gluten free flours? I use the
following flours: brown rice, sorghum, tapioca, millet, and premade gluten
free flour mixes. Do they all have to be soaked?
How will they affect my gluten free baking? I am new to gf baking and am
not confident experimenting with soaking those flours while Im still
experimenting with gf recipes. How does soaking flours affect the liquids
needed, the use of starches and the use of xanthan gum?
Sorry for all the questions. It seems like the more I learn about healthy
eating the more I still need to learn. It is kind of discouraging and hopeless
feeling sometimes. I have made a large amount of changes the last few
years and I feel like I cant ever truly eat healthfully. The more I learn, the
higher the bar moves. It feels immensely unattainable.
It is difficult for me to just eat food and not worry.
Im not meaning to whine or be a Debbie Downer. I cant tell you how
much I appreciate your website. It is SOOOO informative, uplifting,
encouraging and easy to read. Finding it was literally an answered prayer.
Thank you for all of the work you do and any help you can offer on the
above questions.

Kelly says

June 28, 2012 at 3:39 pm

Hi, KD. Thanks for your note and welcome! I know how hard it can be to
sort through all the conflicting info about what constitutes a healthy diet
sometimes its all completely overwhelming! But in a nutshell, soaking GF
flours that contain all those starches would not be conducive to a good
result in terms of baked goods and many of the starches themselves do not
necessitate soaking since they dont contain large amounts of phytic acid

which is the purpose of soaking to reduce this anti-nutrient. Phytic acid

reduction is important when consuming grains, so the discussion on the
benefits of soaking generally applies to grain-based flours such as whole
wheat, etc. Brown rice contains phytic acid, so if youre using large
amounts of brown rice flour, that may be an issue, but if its part of a
blended flour mix and your not trying to heal or resolve a major or chronic
illness, then small amounts unsoaked should be fine. Again, the reasoning
behind soaking is to help breakdown the phytic acid which is explained in
the article (why you want remove phytic acid and how to do this).
I encourage you NOT to become overwhelmed, but to take it slow and
steady, and just remember that we are finite beings with finite little minds
(although, we meaning mankind in general tend to think were SO
smart). So thats why all this health information is so varied and often times
is so conflicting. We as human beings are constantly discovering new
information about the food we eat and its benefits and drawbacks. So here
is my humble opinion in a nutshell, (after doing much research on the
subject of health and nutrition, and after being blessed by God to be healed
of a chronic health issue) The best route to take is to start by removing
as much refined, processed food as possible from your diet/your familys
diet. And do this by taking one step at a time because its slow, steady
progress that results in lasting lifetime healthy changes.
With that said, its very important that we not get caught up in trying to
live our lives with so much anxiety over what we eat, and instead focus first
and foremost on God. After all, He created us and knows whats best for us.
He promises that if we seek Him FIRST, everything else will be added
(Matthew 6:33) in other words, Hell take care to meet our needs as He
sees best for us. It doesnt mean Hell always meet our needs in the waywe
think He should, but in the way that He knows is best for us in the long run.
Gods goal is to draw us near to Him and incline our minds and hearts to
bring glory to Him and to seek His will first above all else. Yet, we all can
see that our hearts are inclined to please ourselves first and seek comfort
and security in the things of the world that we desire health, financial
health, satisfying relationships, etc. rather than finding our joy and
satisfaction in Christ. We need to remind ourselves daily that He is our
everything and our all! Wow, is that liberating and healing when we do and
sets our hearts and minds on fire to do great things for HIM!
I am compelled to share this because my sole purpose in starting this
website was for it to be a ministry of encouragement not just for physical
health through eating whole, unprocessed foods (food our creator has

provided for our well-being), but more importantly, spiritual health through
encouraging a closer walk with and dependence upon God. My heart is to
see more and more people grow in their love and service to Our AWESOME
So, as you continue on this journey of trying to decipher what is the best
course to take for good health, I encourage you to read this article I wrote
on developing a plan and budget for eating healthy (see link below) as it
has been helpful to many and is how my hubby and I set our course for
eating healthier so that we could better serve the Lord and our
family/community with increased strength and diligence.

With many blessings to you and your family, Kelly

ebby says

December 10, 2012 at 7:31 am

thank you so much for this comforting and inspiring post. ive recently
been trying to heal my body through nutrition and was SERIOUSLY getting
stressed out and overwhelmed by all the conflicting research and studies
out there. i was putting way to much faith in that. You are absolutely right.
First and foremost seek God and the rest will fall into place. I need to have
faith that God will bring me clarity in all aspects of my life including
nutrition. Im so glad stumbled upon this website. God bless!

Kelly says

December 10, 2012 at 8:50 am

Oh, Ebby! What a blessing to hear from you! Thank you for taking the
time to write such an encouraging note. I am always so honored that the

Lord can use me to encourage others! I am so glad that you are seeking
the Lord first in your desires to be healthier. I know He will bless you
according to His will which is always to grow us more into the image of

Jesus Christ! Lots of blessings to you, Kelly


Samantha H says

February 4, 2013 at 6:33 pm

Thank you.that is all I have to son has been having gluten
issues (hes 2) and i found out about soaking grains from a friend but your
comment about God and turning to him and not living our lives filled with
anxiety was so uplifting.thank you

Kelly says

February 5, 2013 at 8:06 am

What a blessing, Samantha! I praise the Lord that He brought you here to
read that and to be encouraged by it! Appreciate you taking the time to
leave a kind note! Lots of blessings to you as you strive to help your son!
Keep casting your cares on Christ and He will continue to give you

strength, wisdom and guidance!


Christine says

October 11, 2014 at 9:35 pm

I just found your site while looking for an answer to the question about
whether its beneficial to soak gluten-free bread mixes. Thanks for the
clear and concise answer and explanation.
I loved the testimony that you posted too. Ill be following your blog!
Thanks and God Bless your ministry,
New GF eater and Weston Price follower, Christine

Kelly says

October 12, 2014 at 9:42 am

Welcome, Christine, so glad youre here! Thanks for taking the time to

leave a kind note!


Rhonda says

June 8, 2015 at 8:40 am

Hi Kelly! I love that this has been posted for over 3 years and its still here
for those of us when we are ready to seek out this information and apply it
in our lives. This was so timely for me to read your reminder of putting our
faith in God rather than all the conflicting information out there. I too, was
starting to feel a bit of anxiety and stress trying to figure out all the
conflicting information; but will now turn to my Heavenly Father and trust
in Him to help me know what is best for myself and my familys health. I
needed to hear that today. Thank you for listening to the spirit and posting
this when you did. I am just beginning to start my own blog and include a

more spiritual side to the mindset we need to put it in Gods hands. Thank
you again for your words full of faith and strength.

Kelly says

June 9, 2015 at 6:34 pm

You are SO welcome, Rhonda. Thank you for taking the time to leave a
kind note. Im so glad God directed you hear for encouragement. Its
always an honor and a blessing to know that we can be used as His

instrument for blessing others.



Elizabeth says

August 2, 2012 at 9:26 am

Aha! amount written out in letters not numbers. So much for my speed
reading abilities.
Again, good article!!! Our family is new to this but it makes absolute sense.
Have purchased the book Nourishing Traditions.

Kelly says

August 2, 2012 at 9:59 am

Glad you enjoyed this. It truly is just a brief overview of Nourishing

Traditions and the phytic white paper provided by the Weston A Price

Foundation. Blessings to you, Kelly



Darrow says

October 5, 2012 at 10:27 am

hi, this is a great site! Im a little confused and have a question. Youre
recommending to cook sprouted grains, nuts and seeds to further reduce
phytic acid. But there is another prominant school of thought (Whole Food
Plant Based Diet), that says its healthier to eat sprouted grains, beans and
seeds raw as opposed to cooking them because they loose valuable living
enzymes when heated above 118 degrees. This same thinking recommends
not consuming any dairy or animal proteins due to their acid forming effects
in the body, which in excess, can cause disease. These two opinions seem
to be opposing, are both right? Is your info sourced from Weston Price?
Trying to figure all this out, thanks!

Kelly says

October 8, 2012 at 12:56 pm

Hi, Darrow, since most people cook their grains, I am explaining the
process in this article with that in mind. Cooking grains can minutely
reduce phytic acid, but it is certainly not a significant or accurate way to
reduce it sprouting and soaking are the best methods. Yes, I follow WAPF
recommendations for the most part, but do my own research and honestly I
focus on a balanced approached to good nutrition based on eating whole
foods. I certainly agree that eating sprouted and raw foods are a wonderful
source of whole food nutrition. But I do not agree that animal proteins and
dairy should be eliminated from the diet unless in the case of dairy there

are significant allergy/health issues involved. I have personally recovered

from two severe chronic health issues eating a whole foods based diet that
includes pastured/raw dairy products, grassfed animal protein and healthy
fats/oils, along with a wide selection of whole foods, including lots of raw
options. With that said, I do believe that each person is a unique individual
and therefore its important to research and discover what you believe will
work best for you. My food philosophy really comes down to this I eat the
real foods that God created as close the way He created them as possible.
Because I believe that God knows what is best for us since He is our
Creator. So if I stick with eating what Hes made verses processed
manmade junk, than I will certainly be much healthier and praise the
Lord, this has been the case and I am no longer on any prescription
medications now. Just remember in your search for health and wellness, to
not lose focus on what really matters real life (eternal life) that comes
only through the Jesus Christ the Lord.

Lots of blessings to you, Kelly


Crystal says

January 18, 2013 at 5:27 am

Kelly, interesting info. I, too, am doing my research and trying to find the
best way to nourish my family. Also, trying to figure out how to eat the way
God originally designed us to. I have to ask you about dairy being what He
made for us. Why do you believe that milk, made for nourishing a baby
calf, was created for adult humans, who drink their own mothers milk but
then wean as a toddler? I havent been able to make sense of that, nor has
anyone else that Ive asked. Very interested in your thoughts. Seems a lot
of info out there is biased in one direction or another. Thanks!

Kelly says

January 18, 2013 at 7:19 am

Crystal, Youre right about all the conflicting information between vegan,
raw diets, real food lifestyle, grain-free, etc. Thats why its so important to
make your decision based on whats best for your personal health, and
first and foremost, take your concerns and desires to God for His direction.
As far as the milk issue goes, I dont believe the argument that humans
shouldnt consume milk simply because all other animals when weaned
dont, is a strong argument. Humans are distinct and there are many
things that separate us from animals because God designed us to be the
crown of His creation. There are many biblical examples of milk bring
consumed by the people of God. In fact, Gods main promise for the
Israelites was that they would inherit the land flowing with milk and
honey. But you have to be careful in also saying how God designed us to
eat because the people of Gods diet has changed throughout history.
In the beginning all of creation must have been designed to be vegetarian
since death did not enter the world until Adam sinned. However, we
definitely see meat being sanctioned by God after flood times as we see
all the examples from there forward of Gods people eating milk, bread
and meat (as well as meat being designated for the priests). Yet, later at
the time the law was given, His chosen people avoided the unclean
animals as a means of being set-apart (ceremonial laws). Then, we find
Christ telling Peter in the New Testament all that God has provided is good
for meat, which most understand means the ceremonial laws are no
longer necessary since Christ fulfilled all the ceremonial law and has set
us apart through His spirit for His glory.
So, in trying to eat for better health and wellbeing, I believe the best place
to start is to simply start eating whole foods (real food) the foods God
created, as close to the source as possible, rather than the manmade
processed and refined distortions of food. This is why raw milk (if youre
going to drink it) is the best form since it is not processed at high heats
that destroy its natural enzymes and nutrients, as well as distort its
proteins. (The changes that occur to milk during pasteurization are well
However, there will be some who simply due to poor gut health, allergies,
etc. may not be able to tolerate milk or grains or nuts. Each of these have
been consumed since the beginning of time, but that doesnt mean
everyone should eat them for some, they are problematic foods to be

Again, if you start out by getting rid of the processed and refined foods in
your diet (those are the real problem issues that everyone should avoid)
then you can begin to cleanse your body and improve gut health. You will
then be able to become aware of the real foods in your diet that may also
be an issue for you and/or your family.
For me personally, after one year off all processed foods, I began to
realize that I have an issue with gluten, so I stopped eating it and have
made huge progress in my health issues praise be to God! So although
the bible calls bread the staff of life, for me personally only GF bread is my
staff of life, due to my health conditions which are exacerbated by gluten.
And I also have to watch my dairy intake as well, so I focus on limiting it to
small amount of cultured dairy just 2-3 times a week.
I hope this helps to clarify my approach to healthy eating a bit more.
ABOVE ALL, I always want to encourage people to keep God central in
all we do. Its easy to get obsessed with a healthy diet, especially after
you begin to see it helping alleviate troublesome conditions, but we have
to remember that God is the one who heals and not allow anything to
creep into our lives and slowly become an idol.
A great way of keeping guard of this is to always present our concerns
and desire to Him first to seek His direction. Please read this article
(link below) about how to set up healthy eating goals the article
discusses eating real food on a budget, but more importantly it explains
how to establish healthy eating goals with Gods Will for your personal
health and that of your familys at the

Lots of blessings to you, Kelly


July 10, 2016 at 10:41 pm

Jehovah says

Had God wanted you to eat gains man would not have to processes
them by soaking. As it is, your soaked grains have now undergone a
processing by man. Apparently, God also sent you gluten Praise be to
God! you should continue to keep it central in all you eat.

Kelly says

July 18, 2016 at 4:10 pm

I couldnt agree more in keeping God central in all we do and never
becoming caught up in trusting in what you eat rather than trusting in
God alone and giving Him praise for all of His blessings. Blessings to you
in Him, Kelly


Nancy says

October 22, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Hello Kelly,
I am new to the world of raw foods I enjoy eating raw oats but had no idea
they needed to be soaked.
RE. Oats: Once they have been soaked and rinsed what is their shelf life? I
am assuming I can keep them in the fridge.
Thanks and Blessings,

Kelly says

October 22, 2012 at 3:30 pm

Yes, you can keep them in frig for about 5-6 days, then they start to get
really mushy. If youre not going to be cooking them, then, Id recommend
soaking for at least 24-36 hours. The issue with oats is that they are very

high in phytic acid, which is an enzyme that can cause digestive issues and
bind to important minerals, reducing your bodys ability to absorb these
nutrients. All grains, beans, nuts and seeds contain varying levels of phytic
acid, so thats why soaking is recommended. In the case of oats, because
they do not contain a good level of phytase (the enzyme thats activated
during the soaking process that helps neutralize phytic acid), you have to
add phytase in the form of rye (or another grain such as spelt or wheat) or

if youre GF buckwheat. Lots of blessings as you begin to soak!



Nancy says

October 22, 2012 at 4:39 pm

Is this the same reason to soak raw almonds? I soak them overnight and
take the shells off.
Thanks for your website! Lots to learn!

Kelly says

October 22, 2012 at 6:26 pm

youve got it, Nancy



Valerie says

November 30, 2012 at 10:30 am

Can I soak a bunch of steel cut oats for 24 hrs, drain/rinse, refrigerate, and
use as needed for the next few days? I ask bc I make oats overnight in a
crock pot, but dont remember to soak through the week. If I can soak all
the oats Sat-Sun and then use portions of the rinsed oats throughout the
week, we can have crock pot oats several times that week. Thanks!

Kelly says

November 30, 2012 at 1:27 pm

Yes, you can do this. I would use them within 5 days of soaking, which
would get you through the busy weekdays. Crock pot oats are so delicious!
Good for you to make such a wholesome breakfast! Blessings,



Shannon H. says

December 15, 2012 at 10:43 pm

Hi I had a question. What about brown rice farina? Is that considered a flour
and need to be soaked as well. Or to bypass the soaking could I use white
rice farina?

Kelly says

December 16, 2012 at 7:57 am

Hi, Shannon. Brown rice farina, is basically finely milled (crushed) brown
rice. So I would soak it overnight using same method for soaking brown rice
and then drain in a fine-mesh strainer and cook as directed (noting that it
will cook faster after being soaked). Yes, you could use white rice to avoid
soaking since the outer germ is removed (which contains the highest
level of phytates in the grain). Nutritionally, youd be losing some good
nutrients and fiber by choosing white over brown, however, I am not one to
completely poo-poo white rice as a bad choice, as long as its eaten in
moderation as part of a well balanced whole food diet. In fact, for some,
white rice is better tolerated than brown, so for those individuals its a
better choice. Again, I do encourage individuals to avoid eating a diet high
in starches like white rice, but having it on occasion is well tolerated is fine.
If youre GF, its important to also avoid using GF flour blends daily, as they
tend to be primarily starch-based using potato, tapioca, white rice, etc.
Thats why, I stick to highly nutritious, low carb, high protein and fiber
options like blanched almond flour and coconut flour for my GF baked

goods recipes. I hope this helps! Lots of blessings, Kelly



David says

January 15, 2013 at 9:50 am

Very informative indeed! I would like to ask you if you know about the fact
that soaking also can leach water-soluble vitamins en minerals from the
grains. This is to my opinion an important issue because grains are mostly
packed with water-soluble B-vitamins and for example with calcium. Could
you please share youre knowlegde about this concern? Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,

Kelly says

January 15, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Great question! Yes, David, you are correct that there is some nutrient
leaching that occurs during the soaking process. The problem with grains is
that they contain an enzyme known as phytic acid, which binds to
beneficial nutrients (not just in the grains youre consuming but the other
nutrient-packed foods you may be consuming with them), thereby not
allowing your body to utilize these nutrients.
So although in theory you would have more nutrients in the unsoaked
grain, you would also have the issue of your body not being able to utilize
the nutrients youre ingesting due to the phytic acid inhibiting absorption.
So it becomes an issue of bioavailability. In other words, you may lose some
nutrients during the soaking process, but the nutrients that are left intact
will be bioavailable your body can absorb them and you wont have the
issue of additional nutrient loss. Also, besides the bioavailability issue is the
issue of the harm that phytic acid can do to gut health.
I am a huge proponent of each person being proactive to do their own
research and come to their own decisions about what is best for their
personal health and lifestyle. So I recommend some additional reading on
phytic acid and its negative impact on digestion, gut health and the issue
it raises with decreasing nutrient absorption.
After thoroughly researching this, Ive concluded the best option for my
personal health is to limit my grain consumption and when I do eat them, I
follow the traditional centuries-old practices of culturing/soaking my grains.
And of course, I strive to maintain a well balanced diet with lots of variety
in the fruits, veggies, animal fats and cultured foods we consume in an
effort to maintain good gut health, since without a health gut, its
impossible for your body to utilize all those healthy nutrients youre putting
into it. I hope this helps to better clarify.

Blessings, Kelly
WAPFs white paper on phytic acid:

Copy & Paste the follow link into your browser, as for some reason it
wont go right to the article otherwise. Its Sally Fallons (author of
Nourishing Traditions) article on WAPF website about grain


teancum144 says

January 15, 2013 at 10:36 am

Regarding oats, what is the purpose of the acid medium? According to the
following link, an acid medium is not necessary:
I used to soak my oats at room temperature (about 69 F), but I have read
that it should be above 90 F. I did this last night, but my oatmeal didnt
smell too good in the morning. I wonder if the acid medium is to help
prevent the growth of harmful bacteria? How much acid medium should I
add to a bowl of oats? Also, I was thinking about coconut vinegar would
that work?

Kelly says

January 15, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Hi, there. This is a good question and one that is asked fairly frequently. Im
very familiar with the post youve referenced, as Amanda and I are actually
acquaintances through the Nourished Living Network. She also has another
blog called Traditional Foods, that I highly recommend.
To answer your question though, I do not believe Amanda is saying that
using an acid medium is not effective, instead, I believe that whats she
presenting is the fact that using an acid medium alone without added
phytase to soak your oats is useless (other than making your cooking
time quicker, it wont reduce the high level of phytic acid found in oats).

Thats why its important when soaking oats to use what Amanda terms a
complementary high phytase component she recommends a variety of
high-phytase flours (in my case, I prefer to use rolled rye or buckwheat
groats, as I find using flour makes the oatmeal very pasty). This
concept/research has been written about extensively in other phytic acid
papers, such as the free one available on the Weston A Price Foundation
website. By adding a high-phytase ingredient to your oat soak, it will help
to neutralize the phytic acid in the oats, albeit not 100%.
In the conclusion of her article, it seems to me that the issue Amanda is
raising is that because soaking can be inconvenient, if youre eating it on
occasion, perhaps its okay to just forget about it, (I would add, if you have
good gut health). But rather than just forgetting about it, or forcing yourself
to eat sour-tasting oatmeal, I believe a happy medium can be achieved.
By soaking your oats in warm water (just slightly above body temp), adding
a bit of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (or to answer your question, yes,
coconut vinegar would work) and adding some phytase in the form of rye
or buckwheat, you can reduce a fair portion of phytic acid. Then, by
draining and rinsing the oats, you can help to reduce the soured taste (as
well as by sticking with vinegar or lemon juice, as dairy based acid
mediums result in a far stronger soured flavor). This is the best win-win that
Ive found.
Of course for some, the best option may be to avoid grains altogether,
especially if gut health is poor and reactions to phytates are high. In these
cases, its best to use a diet such as GAPS to work on healing your gut, so
perhaps in the future you can include grains and other high phytic acid

foods. Hope this helps to clarify. Many blessings, Kelly


teancum144 says

January 16, 2013 at 9:37 am

Hi Kelly, thanks for your thoughtful and informative reply. Im just looking
for some clarification on the smell/taste. I used to soak my oats at room

temperature (about 69 F) and never had a problem. However, based on

your article and others, Ive started soaking at about 100 F. As suggested, I
add a tablespoon of fresh ground whole wheat flour. However, the smell is
not sour (like my sourdough starter smells). To me, it smells bad like a
spoiled smell. I made two bowls. I started both the night before. The first, I
ate in the morning. It smelled kinda bad, but I ate it anyway. I didnt get
sick (thank goodness). The second bowl I kept fermenting until the
afternoon. When I opened it to eat, it smelled so bad I had to throw it out.
To me, my sourdough starter smells good and Ive eaten it raw (sour, but
not bad). This smells much worse and the taste is not good. Thoughts? I
thought about adding some probiotics to help ensure only good bacteria
wins the battle, but Im not sure if that would interfere with the phytase?

Kelly says

January 16, 2013 at 9:46 am

Apologies for not answering your question. If Ive got this right, your not
using an acid medium in the soak? Are you soaking more than 24 hours? I
would recommend soaking about 12-24 hours using an acid medium
either vinegar, lemon juice or a cultured dairy product (but it does, in my
opinion, result in a more soured taste when using a dairy acid medium).
As stated previously, the acid medium will not only better activate the
phytase, but yes, the acidity can help to prevent mold/bacteria growth. As
you know, its normal for soaked/cultured foods to smell soured (like
sourdough) but they should not smell spoiled. Usually, your nose knows.
So if it smells off I wouldnt eat it. If you try all these steps and it is still
smelling off, then maybe its the oats? I got a batch of oats one time that
must have been full of mold spores because after three attempts of
soaking it (and getting fuzzy mold after just 12 hours), I tossed it and
bought a new brand and have had no issues since. Blessing to you,



Roseann @ The Wholesome Life says

January 20, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Im new to soaking grains and I have a question. Store bought whole grain
flour doesnt have any nutrients intact because it oxidizes shortly after it is
milled and loses its nutrients. Flour that has been milled needs to be used
right away in order to obtain all the nutritional benefits. My question is
would soaking wheat berries before grinding them into flour still release the
nutrients? Soaking the flour as soon as it is milled is good for flour that is
used for making a batter, but if one needs dry flour, would soaking the
wheat berries be as beneficial?

Kelly says

January 20, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Hi, Roseann. You are correct that as time passes, ground flour becomes less
nutritionally sound. So you have two options, you can sprout the wheat
berries then grind them and use them no soaking necessary. Or you can
grind your own unsprouted berries and soak them. I use sprouted flour for
some recipes where soaking doesnt yield a good end product (like cookies
and biscuits), but for muffins and breads, the flavor of soaked flour (its a
bit soured like sourdough bread) is quite delicious. For details, I
recommend sites like Weston A Price Foundation. Heres an article on
sprouting wheat berries from my friends at Keeper of the Home, incase you
want to go this route:
Blessings, Kelly


Jill says

January 31, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Hi Kelly,
Many thanks for your comprehensive explanations. I am a journalist in
Melbourne, Australia and have never heard about soaking oats.. What an
eye opener!! I use a lot of food grade essential oils. Would a few drops of
lemon essential oil work when soaking oats as a substitute for fresh lemon
juice or apple cider vinegar?
Again, my sincere thanks for all this information.

Kelly says

January 31, 2013 at 8:51 pm

Hi, Jill. You are very welcome I am so glad you find this helpful. The fresh
lemon juice or vinegar provides a good acid medium to help release the
phytase and activate it so it can better do its job of neutralizing the phytic
acid. I do not know if lemon oil will have this same effective. I have not
seen anything in the literature on this. So I would recommend sticking with
what has been thoroughly researched. However, if you do happen across
literature supporting lemon oil, I would be interested in reviewing it. Many

blessings to you, Kelly



Jill says

January 31, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Many thanks, Kelly., and yes, I will certainly let you know if I learn more
about lemon essential oil and its use re counteracting phytic acid. Blessings
to you too, Kelly.. Jill

Kelly says

January 31, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Thanks so much, Jill! By the way if you dont mind me asking did you get
an email letting you know that I replied to you? I have installed a new
comment notification plugin and wanted to be sure its working. Thanks in

advance for letting me know! Blessings, Kelly



Jill says

January 31, 2013 at 9:59 pm

Yes, I received an email, Kelly. From my perspective, its definitely
worthwhile. As a journo I live on my Mac and appreciate it when a reply
drops into my Inbox. Thanks again.. Cheers, Jill

Kelly says

February 1, 2013 at 7:41 am

awesome! its a new plug-in I loaded and I just wanted to be sure it was
working thanks for letting me know! Lots of blessings to you,



Jill says

January 31, 2013 at 10:15 pm

Just a quick question re soaking legumes, Kelly.. You suggest hot water and
soaking 12-24 hours. Do you allow the water to cool then store them in the
refrigerator? I would be a tad concerned leaving them out of the fridge for
that length of time especially in Melbourne during the summer with
temperatures often climbing to the mid-30s. (PS: Many thanks for the maths

Kelly says

February 1, 2013 at 7:43 am

LOL I just want to keep everyone on their toes when it comes to adding. I
soak my beans for 12 hours and then drain and store in frig until Im ready
to cook them. Once cooked, beans can be stored in frig for about a week or
in freezer up to a month. They do change in texture a bit when frozen, so
theyre best suited for soups or other recipes that you can toss beans into. I
also mash pintos and store in freezer for homemade refried



Jill says

February 1, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Thanks again, Kelly. Im pondering whether or not to write an article about
this. Will let you know if I do. Cheers for now. Your insight and guidance are
a great help and much appreciated.


Kelly says

February 1, 2013 at 6:11 pm

My pleasure! Lots of blessings to you, Kelly


Paranoid Eater says

February 11, 2013 at 7:25 pm

Hello Kelly. I was just wondering if itd be okay to substitute buckwheat
flour, instead of the groats, to soak oats with in the hopes of reducing phytic
acid. Also, what would be your advice for soaking quinoa?

Kelly says

February 11, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Absolutely, I personally prefer the groats in things like oatmeal, because
they make it less pasty. But the flour is just as effective as the groats in
helping to provide the necessary phytase to help break down the heavy
concentrations of phytic acid in oats. As far as quinoa goes, you should use
the same process warm water and an acid medium. As with oats, I rinse
my quinoa after soaking to help reduce sourness, and with quinoa, rinsing
really helps to remove the bitter tasting saponins that coat the grain.
Kimi at The Nourishing Gournet has a nice recipe for basic quinoa you may
want to check out:

Thanks so much for your great question and kind note! Wishing you many

blessings, Kelly


Juliet says

February 20, 2013 at 8:23 am

Thanks so much for such an informative post! I have only recently started to
eat right and though I generally have been feeling better/clean, I was
experiencing uncomfortable/embarrassing gas problem at times and now I
see why! I am going to try this soaking method starting today!
A few questions for you if you dont mind
(1) I love eating buckwheat for breakfast when soaking buckwheat,
should I add an acid-medium or just plain water would suffice?
(2) I usually soak buckwheat overnight (right after dinner, I soak it in water
and eat it about 12 hours later the next morning) and its definitely longer
than 7 hours you suggested. Does that mean this good enzyme, phytase
would leach out in the water and when I dump that water and rinse
buckwheat before I eat, does that mean I am dumping phytase along with
the water?
(3) What about chia seeds? Does chia seeds need to be soaked beforehand
as well? If yes, with an acid medium?
Please forgive me for many questions! I have to admit, its quite
overwheleming to try to soak in so much information, but I am so glad that I

am actually on the right track to healthier me.

Thanks so much for your info again!


Kelly says

February 20, 2013 at 11:43 am

Hi, Juliet! Welcome to the real food lifestyle. Im glad youve found this post
helpful to you. I really recommend reading one or both of these books for
more information as you start your journey toward traditional food
preparation. Check out this article for more details about the two real food
books I recommend:
In the meantime, to answer your questions
1) The reason it is recommended to only soak buckwheat groats 7 hours is
because they tend to get mushy. But if that is not an issue for you, then
feel free to soak up to 10-12 hours. Yes, you need an acid medium to help
activate the phytase to reduce phytic acid. When it comes to grains (or in
this case a seed), I like to use either apple cider vinegar or lemon juice,
because I find dairy acid mediums create a much too soured taste for my
familys liking.
2) You dont have to dump out the soaking water and rinse the grain (or
again, seed, in this case). But many people prefer to do so because of taste
and texture preferences. If you scroll up in the comments, you can see
where Ive discussed this issue in particular with regard to soaked oats.
Dumping out phytase isnt really the issue, as it doesnt have any real
value for your to consume it. The issue that some people have with
discarding the soaking water is their concerns about dumping out nutrients
that can leech out during the soaking process.
3) Chia seeds are a funny little seed and if youve ever soaked them,
then you know what youll end up with is chia gel. They do contain phytic
acid, so most would agree that they should be consumed in moderation.
There can be a lot of digestive issues that occur with chia seeds because
they are so high in fiber and contrary to what weve been hearing in the
mainstream diet world, a high fiber diet can actually be a very unhealthy
one, especially for those with digestive and gut health issues.

Lots of blessings, Kelly


Juliet says

February 20, 2013 at 7:02 pm

Kelly, you are a lifesaver! Thanks so much for such detailed answers! Bless

Thanks for your book recommendations as well I will have to pick those
up soon!
So, do you usually plan out a weekly meal, figure out what kind of
grains/beans/nuts/seeds you may need for the week, soak them and store
them in the fridge until they are ready to be used? Do they stay well in the
fridge for a while? I ask you this question because, otherwise I find this
soaking process quite cumbersome if I have to do it almost everyday for
each meal the next day for smaller quantity (especially because I am a
working mom).

Kelly says

February 20, 2013 at 7:53 pm

My pleasure to help, Juliet. You can soak and store
grains/beans/nuts/seeds in the frig/freezer, absolutely. I am all about using
time in the kitchen efficiently. Although I dont site soaking as an example,
per se, in this post:
it does discuss the concept of maximizing your time in the kitchen, so I
encourage you to read the above article, if you havent already.
For example, rather than soak brown rice multiple times. You can soak a
very large batch, cook it and freeze it in serving sizes that match-up with

your meals/recipes. And yes, you could certainly soak and dehydrate or
roast several pounds of nuts and store in freezer, etc. With beans, many
people do not like the texture of frozen beans, but I find them to be just
fine as additions to recipes. The only thing that wouldnt work well would
be to soak a muffin recipe and put the batter in the freezer. But you could
certainly soak a double or triple batch of muffins or pancakes and
cook/bake them, then freeze them for quick and easy meals. Hope this

helps! Blessings, Kelly



Juliet says

February 20, 2013 at 8:29 am

So sorry! I just thought of a couple more questions!
(1) If you have sprouted lentils/quinoas etc, should you still need to soak
them prior to cooking, or they would be fine without soaking?
(2) When soaking different grains, nuts, legumes etc, do you need to soak
them all seperately? For instance, if I were to soak brown rice & barley (or
black beans & chickpeas / walnuts & almonds & sunflower seeds), can I
add them together in a same glass jar and soak them together?
Thanks again so much, Kelly!

Kelly says

February 20, 2013 at 11:47 am

Hi, Juliet. Sprouted grains are one of the ways to help deactivate the phytic
acid that naturally occurs, so there is no need to soak sprouted
grains/legumes. And its up to you about soaking together. With nuts, I
dont see any issues. For others, if you are going to cook them together and

they have the same cook times, then I dont know of a reason not to. But
many grains/beans do not cook at the same time/temp, so that would be
something to keep in mind. Blessings, Kelly


Danae Johnson says

February 24, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Thank you so much for this straight-forward, helpful post on soaking grains.
Such a simply thing to do to make a vast improvement in our overall health.
Quick question: you mention raw apple cider vinegar. Does conventional
apple cider vinegar not work? Thanks so much!

Kelly says

February 25, 2013 at 9:05 am

Hi, Danae. Thanks for your kind note, and yes, you can use conventional
apple cider vinegar. Its the acidity that serves as the catalyst to activate
the phytase in breaking down (neutralizing) the phytic acid. I just like to
use raw apple cider vinegar because it is my preferred vinegar of choice
due to its powerful antibiotic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal tonic providing a

broad spectrum of health benefits. Blessings, Kelly



Jo Whitton says

March 6, 2013 at 11:36 pm

Hi Kelly, I just found your website and am loving it! Sounds like we have a

lot in common.
Ive been getting questions on my site about why
dont you discard the soaking water when soaking grains/flours, and doesnt
this water still have the phytates in it, so shouldnt you get rid of it? From
what Ive read, the phytase is breaking down the phytates, not just leaching
them out into the water, which then needs to be tossed. Is that right? A lot
of my recipes are blended with the soaked grains and water, and
sometimes theres flour in the mix too, so you obviously cant rinse that out.
Have you got a bit of wisdom to share with me on that? Thanks so much!


Kelly says

March 7, 2013 at 3:51 pm

Hi, Jo! Always a pleasure to meet a fellow (or should I say sister) real
foodie! Yes, you are correct, phytase breaks down (neutralizes) phytic acid,
so it isnt necessary to discard the soaking water. However, when it comes
to soaking grains, the reason many do (my soaked oatmeal recipes
recommend draining and rinsing the oats after soaking) is because it can
help to improve the taste and texture of grains/legumes. However in
recipes using ground whole grain flour obviously the soaking liquids are
part of the recipe itself.
There has been some discourse about this question of cooking in the
soaking water vs. draining the soaking water and using fresh water/liquids
to cook soaked grains in the comments on this post. So if you may want to
look for those and read through some of my responses to the questions.
Several have also wondered whether tossing out the soaking water
(regarding oats or other grains) is tossing away nutrients that leach out
during the soaking process. That is a valid concern, as this does occur to
some degree, but it comes down to personal preference. If my kids will eat

soaked oatmeal that is made from oats that are soaked then strained and
gently rinsed before cooking, but they wont eat it oatmeal cooked in its
soaking water, due to its more soured flavor, I have a decision to make?
Personally, if youre eating a well balanced whole food diet, it should not be
a major concern to remove the soaking liquid if it improves the flavor and
gets you or your children to eat something they otherwise would not. But
likewise, if you like the more soured flavor, then by all means, go ahead
and cook the grains right in the soaking liquid.
I hope this helps a bit. I am no phytic acid expert, but this is what I have
found to be the case in the research Ive read. You can certainly look to the
Weston A Price Foundation for their article on phytic acid as an excellent
resource, as well as Jenny at The Nourished Kitchen, Amanda at Rebuild
from Depression (she also has a phytic acid paper), etc. Lots of blessings,



Lonie says

March 10, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Hi Kelly.
very informative.
some questions can i soak the lentils in the fridge? or at room
does warm water (at potentially room temp) also apply for black beans and
chickpeas? i soak my black beans and chickpeas about 12 hours with cold
water in the fridge have for years .
should i cut back on eating legumes every night for dinner? in terms of iron
& other mineral absorption? im not a vegetarian its a more budgetary
way of getting my protein & fiber!


Kelly says

March 10, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Hi, Lonie. Please take a look at #4 in the post and youll see the
recommendations by WAPF for soaking beans/legumes. Soaking is not
recommended in the fridge, as noted room temp or in the case of beans
very warm water is the best method for removing phytic acid. As far as
whether you should reduce the amount of beans/legumes your eating, that
is a question only you and your healthcare provider can determine
together. If youre in good health, are properly soaking your
beans/legumes, are eating a wide and well-varied real food diet, and are
not experiencing any health issues, then theoretically there shouldnt be a
reason to stop consuming properly prepared beans/legumes. But I want to
stress that I am not a physician, naturopath or otherwise, so its always
best, if you have any concerns, to discuss them with a qualified healthcare
provider you can trust. Thanks for your questions. Many blessings,


Shai says

November 17, 2015 at 2:09 am

Hello ,
For knowing the truth about the difference in soaking in medium acid
,between cold ( fridge ) and warm water . Where can the percentage of
destruction of the phytic acid or vitamins absorption percentage can be
found ?
I would prefer to see How much vitamins are absorbed , cold vs warm /

Thanks .

Kelly says

November 20, 2015 at 2:02 pm

Hi, Shai. As noted in this post, I am no longer keeping current on the latest
phytic acid research since I am now grain-free. However, as noted in the
post, you can keep up with the latest research and address questions
directly to the Weston A Price Foundation which compiles research on how
to properly soak grains. Heres their
website: Best to you in your healthy living

journey, Kelly


Kristen says

March 14, 2013 at 10:21 am

A few questions:
-We are new to soaking and WAPF eating. Still looking into options for
filtered water. What do you use to filter/purify your water? Also, what do you
recommend for soaking until we get a purifier installed?
-This may sound silly, but for flours, do you simply buy a bag of flour and
soak it as is? Is there any benefit to sprouting over soaking with an acid?
-Its still cold where we live and our heat is set around 62 at night how
high do we need to turn it up in order to achieve the benefits of soaking (Im

assuming 62 doesnt count as a warm kitchen)


Kelly says

March 14, 2013 at 2:11 pm

Hi, Kristen. Have you read Nourishing Traditions? If not, I really recommend
picking up a copy. To be honest the recipes are a bit lacking in flavor, but
the dietary information (which is about half or more of the content of the
book) is excellent and goes through the research and reasons as well as the
how-tos for soaking, sprouting and culturing foods.
With regard to your questions. We simply use a carbon-based water filter,
as we havent yet invested in a water filtration system. Were looking into
options, but most are a bit expensive. The key is to remove the chemicals
that are generally added to tap water. So in the meantime, something as
simple and inexpensive as a Brita water pitcher that you can fill and reuse
to have access to filtered water for your soaking would work just fine.
Regarding soaking flour, youre soaking it as part of the recipe itself. If you
click on the link in this post for my 24 hour power muffins, I think that will
help you better understand the process, as it explains step-by-step how to
soak the flour using the ingredients in the recipe. Heres the link so you
dont have to search for it:
And yes, there is a benefit to sprouting over soaking with sprouting your
sprouting the whole grain, then slow drying it using a dehydrator, so you
are then able to grind it into flour without having to soak the resulting
sprouted flour. The benefit of sprouted flour is that youre not limited to a
recipe that requires soaking. And not all recipes lend themselves well to
soaking, like cookies for instance soaking cookie batter simply does not
result in a good end product.
And last but not least, with regard to soaking at cooler temps, a little trick
is to simply turn on your oven light and put your bowls of soaking grains
into the oven with the oven light left on. Most oven lights can keep an oven
quite warm, so this is a good option when its winter time. Happy soaking

and sprouting!

Blessings, Kelly



Kristen says

March 14, 2013 at 5:39 pm

Thank you so much, Kelly! I havent read Nourishing Traditions yet. It was on
my list, and I think I need to move it to the top! All of the blogs and sites
Ive been reading are recommending it. I am new to your blog, but I love it
and will check it often. We already have a Brita and will keep using it for
now. Filtration systems are SO expensive. Thank you for all the great info
youve shared. Its comforting to know there are other families who are
successful with traditional eating. Most of the time I feel like we are all alone
in this. And Im struggling to get my 2 and 4 year olds on board! If you know
of any resources or tips to help little ones with the transition from less
healthy eating (still healthier than most they arent used to munching on
Oreos whenever they like, but their diets have been entirely too grain heavy
and have included too much boxed organic snacks) to whole foods, I would
be indebted.

Kelly says

March 15, 2013 at 8:56 am

The key is taking it slow, replacing one food/food group at a time with
healthier options. Of course, be sure your husband is on board with this so
you can be allies together. Ex: You can do this in the case of oreos for
example, by making your own homemade cookies and simply stop buying
the oreos. Dont let your kids fussing about not having oreos anymore get
you detracted. Afterwhile your kids will settle into the new routine. You
kiddos are still so young, so believe me it is so much easier now to make
these changes than when they get older. (Mine were 6 and 9 when I started
this journey and they werent all too excited about giving up their
processed snacks either.)
Remember you are in charge. I think sometimes for whatever reason Moms
go into this slave mindset where we think we have to give our kids what

they want even when we know its not good for them because were
afraid they wont eat or we dont want to have to handle the
attitude/tantrum that may result. Im not saying to make this into a battle
of the wills. But theres a balance to moving children off of processed foods
a balance between education and participation, and of simply being
lovingly firm and consistent that we are not going to be eating certain
foods because they simply are bad for our bodies.
The process of educating your children and getting them to participate in
healthy eating choices and food preparation is the main focus I encourage
because this is what leads to less resistance and lasting changes as they
get older and are away from home more often. So, I always recommend
bringing them into the kitchen at the youngest of ages, discussing why
were eating healthy and allowing them to pick some of the meals on your
meal plan each week (of course, giving them some options, so that they
can pick from healthy options). Participation in the kitchen is one of the
best ways to get kids to eat healthier, since they are more apt to eat what
theyve made. Thats why teaching your children basic
cooking/baking/recipe following skills is so beneficial not just because its
a practical life skill, but because it reinforces and teaches healthy eating
principles. These are the reasons Im such a big advocate of Kids in the
Kitchen (definitely check out my section on that on my site).
As far as other resources, there are several blogs I follow that I find to have
lots of great ideas for feeding children healthy Keeper of the Home,
Kitchen Stewardship, Modern Alternative Momma, Mommypotomus and
more Start with these and Im sure youll find even more great sites,
since these bloggers have contributing authors, so you can check out the
sites of those bloggers too. Just remember, each small consistent change
adds up over time and leads to lasting lifetime healthy habits. Heres a
guide from Nourishing Our Children that talks about how to get started, this
may help: and if you
havent read my article on Real Food on Budget, I highly recommend it. It
doesnt just discuss ways to keep your budget in check, but starts off by
explaining how you can set healthy living goals and make forward
Hope this helps! Lots of blessings to you and your precious family,



Kristen says

March 16, 2013 at 6:37 am

Thanks for your lengthy response, Kelly! I think the wording in my previous
comment was a bit confusing. The good thing is that my kids actually are
NOT used getting things like Oreos all the time. Judging by your advice, we
are already making progress. We have eliminated boxed/processed snacks
without nearly the fuss I expected. We talk frequently about making
healthy choices, and always have and we are sure to tell them that
healthy decisions sometimes change as Mommy and Daddy learn new
things. Making switches to all homemade snacks and pancakes with
almond flour, for example, has been easy. I think I just have to find some
patience in allowing them to reorient their taste buds to some meat and
vegetable options that have not been a substantial part of their diets. My
husband is on board for the most part and is supportive. I will check out
the other blogs you mentioned and I have already read the other parts of
your blog all super helpful. I am sitting down today to meal plan our
week. Oh, and just one more question for you is there a grain mill you
recommend? Electric or manual? Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kelly says

March 16, 2013 at 7:17 am

Hi, Kristen! Apologies for the misunderstanding. Im sure it was me just
reading too quick. I tend to get excited about talking about kids learning
to eat healthy. As far as a grain mill. I dont personally have one (I use my
vitamix) but my friend Erin at The Humbled Homemaker has the wonder
mill and loves it. Heres her post, if you want to check it
out: She uses it to grind her own gluten-free

flours, but my understanding is it can grind just about any grain and does

so beautifully! Hope this helps. Lots of blessings, Kelly



Penny Dickerson says

March 18, 2013 at 8:16 am

You recommend against using quick oats. But quick oats are the same as
rolled oats theyre just cut into smaller pieces to cook faster.

Kelly says

March 18, 2013 at 9:03 am

Yes, youll find that most real food followers do recommend against them.
Quick oats are more processed than old-fashioned oats, so they cook up a
bit quicker and are mushier in texture. This is especially true when they are
soaked. If you are interested in the research behind soaking and culturing, I
really recommend reading Nourishing Traditions or Real Food: What to Eat
and Why. Lots of blessings, Kelly

Penny Dickerson says

March 19, 2013 at 9:47 am

Yes, I do know that many people are prejudiced against quick oats, but it
seems silly. If being more processed than rolled oats just means that
they are CUT into smaller pieces how could that make any difference?
The fiber and nutrition is just the same. Its like dicing carrots or eating

them in big chunks. The difference is just cosmetic. Now, I know there IS a
difference between them and steel cut oats/oat groats which have more
fiber. Blessings to you as well!

Kelly says

March 19, 2013 at 10:41 am

Hi, Penny. I agree its a bit nit-picky and really not worth arguing over.
Heres the differences between how the various oats are
processed: I
think the reason WAPF and others recommend avoiding quick-cook oats is
because they are steamed a bit longer (thus more processed in their
But for me personally it comes down to taste and texture. Quick cut oats
do not soak well in my opinion and experience. They tend to be pasty and
mushy. I prefer to be able to have some of the chewiness of the oat intact.
I think the key here is to be sure to properly prepare oats, if you have
concerns about phytic acid. I agree its silly to quibble over food opinions
in general, there are much more important issues in life than



Emily says

April 7, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Hi Kelly,
I am new to sprouting/soaking and just found your site. It is very informative
and helpful. I do have one question regarding soaking and sprouting. Its my
understanding with sprouting that not all of the phytic acid is broken down.
And the same goes for soaking, not all phytic acid is broken down. So could

I soak the grain in an acid medium and then sprout it? Or would the grain
not sprout due to the acid medium? Thanks for your help.

Kelly says

April 8, 2013 at 11:58 am

Hi, Emily. I have not found any research or literature that recommends
soaking sprouted grains or vice versa. I think the key here is to aim for
reducing phytic acid, as it is a naturally occurring enzyme in many foods,
grains of course more abundantly. The process of soaking and sprouting are
traditional methods that societies across the globe have used to prepare
grains. Again, I havent found any documentation supporting doing both to
the grain. But if you locate some research or literature discussing this, Id
be interested in reading it.
There is a movement right now going on that suggests people should not
consume any grains. For some, this may be a necessity. But for most this
may make for an unnecessary restrictive diet. My food philosophy is to eat
the foods that God has provided to mankind since the beginning of creation
and to prepare them in ways that maximize their nutritional value. Not to
make food an idol something we trust in or worship but in order that we
can achieve whatever measure of good health God grants for the purpose
of serving Him and those Hes entrusted to us (hubbies and kiddos and our
circles of friends/family) with greater zeal and energy.
So, if you believe that phytic acid is a major issue for you (and for some it
can especially if gut health is poor), then you may want to explore a diet
such as GAPS to first work toward healing your gut, and then reincorporate
traditionally-prepared grains as tolerated. Hope this helps! Lots of

blessings, Kelly

Emily says

April 10, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Thank you for you quick response Kelly. I do in fact have poor gut health
that I am hoping to improve. I agree with your comments that food and
diet can become an all consuming idol. Ive been working towards
acceptance of Gods plan for me. I think I will learn each technique and see
what becomes a comfortable routine for me. I dont believe that Paleo is
meant for everyone but can be beneficial to some. I will look into the GAPS
diet and see if that could help me on my journey. Thanks.

Kelly says

April 10, 2013 at 6:59 pm

Youre very welcome, Emily! I just prayed for you that the Lord will bring

you peace and direct your path! Blessings to you, Kelly



Brandi says

April 14, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Ive just come across your website! Can you help me understand the
difference between culturing, fermenting, soaking, sproutingand any other
similar methods. Maybe some of these names are interchangeable? I

appreciate your help on our journey here!


Kelly says

April 14, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Hi, Brandi. Have you purchased the book Nourishing Traditions? If not, I
really recommend getting a copy. This book has one of the most thorough
explanations (as well as how-to instructions) on traditional foods. Each
chapter covers a different subject matter in detail its more of a text book
than a recipe book :). But to give a basic explanation to your question
The term soaking refers to the method outlined in this article soaking
various grains, nuts, legumes, etc. in an effort to neutralize the phytic acid.
(Sometimes soaking is referred to as culturing as well, since a culture is
often used as the acid medium the catalyst for the soak to activate the
The terms culturing and fermenting are used interchangeable and refer to
using a culture of some form to create a probiotic-enriched food. Examples
include sauerkraut lacto-fermented pickles and dairy-based cultured foods
such as milk kefir, buttermilk, yogurt. However, there are also non-dairy
cultured foods as well like cultured coconut milk and water kefir, etc.
Sprouting is a different method than soaking that is used to reduce phytic
acid and make the grain more easily digested.
Again, the book Nourishing Traditions covers these methods, but can also
find information online as well through resources like Nourished Kitchen
Jenny writes a lot about cultured foods in particular.
Hope this helps! Lots of blessings, Kelly

Brandi says

April 15, 2013 at 1:30 pm

Thank you, Kelly! That was helpful! If soaking and sprouting have the same
goal, is one better than the other?


Kelly says

April 15, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Hi, Brandi. I would assume it depends upon the grain as to whether one is
better than the other. I do know that if you have the time or can afford to
purchase sprouted grains, it is a WHOLE LOT EASIER than having to soak
and you dont have the issue of taste or texture changes that can occur
with the soaking process. I recommend if you arent able to purchase
Nourishing Traditions and read through this textbook on traditionally
prepared foods, that you spend some time over at Katies site, as she has
been writing on this topic for many more years than I, and she has an
extensive library of posts you can read through that delve into all of the
research and details shes uncovered. Ive found her posts to be highly
informative and helpful. Heres the
Again, its important to keep the right balance of striving to eat healthier,
yet not getting so consumed by it that youre living as a servant to food,
rather than as a servant to the Lord. I know I may sound like Im preaching
a sermon here, but I know firsthand how easy it can be for a good desire
to lead us onto a path of starting to trust in food, rather than trusting in
God. So I always want to encourage people to keep focused on the Lord
and seek Him for direction. He will certainly keep our paths straight as we
keep our eyes on Him!
Lots of blessings, Kelly

Brandi says

April 16, 2013 at 4:42 am

Yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly, Kelly! Thank you for your help!



James says

May 11, 2013 at 12:05 pm

In your soaking instructions above under the Oats section, with using an
acid medium, it states, Then soak at least 24-hours at room temp. Blog
participants and other instructions found on the internet and maybe even
Ramiel Nagels book Cure Tooth Decay also mention soaking with warm
temperature above body temp, 90, or 100 What is the advantage of
soaking above room/body temp? greater reduction in phytic acid, by how
much, alot, little, significant? Thank you.

Kelly says

May 12, 2013 at 3:46 pm

Hi, James. Rami actually wrote the white paper for WAPF that I based this
overview upon (as well as other WAPF white papers) and he does mention
using warm water for your soak in general not just for oats. However, to
sustain a soak at a higher temp than room temp can be somewhat difficult,
which is why many (like me) start with warm water and keep our soak on
the counter at room temp (this is the traditional soaking method outlined in
Nourishing Traditions).

Regarding your question about the advantages of a sustained soak at a

temp higher than room temp, the warmer temp does help to further reduce
phytic acid.
How to accomplish this? One way you could potentially achieve a sustained
temp greater than room temp is to place your soaking receptacle in the
oven with the oven light on. Now, I highly recommend first checking the
sustained temp as some ovens run really hot with the oven light on. An
easy way to do this is to put a reliable oven thermometer into the oven,
turn the light on and then in about 6-12 hours (you could do this before
bedtime), check the temp of your oven.
Personally, I dont worry too much about this extra step of placing my
soaking receptacles into the oven, but it is an option. I do want to point out
that if youre particularly sensitive to phytic acid, limiting consumption of
these foods, especially ones high in phytates is the best option, as even the
most controlled soak does not completely eliminate all phytic acid. The
other point I like to make is that research is constantly revealing new and
often conflicting information about what helps and hinders good health. My
food philosophy is simple We eat whole foods culturally prepared as pure
as we can find them within reason and budget. We eat healthy so we can
better serve the Lord, but in no way want to become slaves to a diet that is
so restrictive and cumbersome as to become more of a burden and stress
than it is helpful and healthful.
Hope this helps better clarify. Lots of blessings to you and your family,



Sharon says

May 13, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Hi, I just made cheese and had a lot of whey left over. I didnt want to just
throw it out so I remembered that I can soak wheat berries in it and then
dry them. I poured the whey into a 5 gallon bucket and added it to about
2/3 full of wheat. I decided to look up how long I should soak and found I

probably should have sprouted them instead and then dried them.
What should I do? I have a fairly good size food dryer, and I dont want to
have all this wheat go to waste.
Im a bit confused. Can you clarify things for me? My difficulty is:
Should we soak and sprout grain for later cooking and grinding? Is this
& therefore: Should I only soak flours (and some grains) in an acid that is to
be cooked the next day?

Kelly says

May 14, 2013 at 9:52 am

Hi, Sharon. First, before I forget, I wanted to share this wonderful resource
from my friend Jill at The Prairie Homestead. She has some great ideas for
using whey that might be of help to
As to your question, if you have unsprouted wheat berries, you can opt to
either sprout them, dry them and store them until youre ready to grind
them and use them in recipes. Or you can opt to grind the unsprouted
wheat berries into flour as you need flour and use the unsprouted wheat
flour in your favorite soaked-wheat recipes. And of course, you could
certainly do a combo of the two sprout some of the wheat berries for
recipes that you dont want to have to soak, and leave some of your wheat
berries unsprouted for use in soaked-wheat recipes that you enjoy.
Many sources say sprouted grains do not need to be soaked, as the process
of sprouting helps to achieve similar results to soaking. Although some
research (according to the WAPF) states that sprouted grains do not result
in as much phytic acid reduction as soaking provides. Regardless, both
approaches are traditional methods of grain preparation and both do
provide important benefits. For many, it comes down to the convenience
factor and the taste/texture factor I would certainly agree that in the
case of sprouted grains, they are much easier to use because they
eliminate the need to soak and also some recipes (such as cookies for
example) just dont have a good end result when the batter is soaked.

Of course, soaking is one of the mainstays in the real food-traditional food

diet because for many this is an easier option than sprouting grains or
purchasing sprouted grains (which are quite expensive). Soaking is a well
documented method that helps to unlock nutrients, reduce phytic acid and
also help improve digestibility of the grain. With soaking, you simply would
grind your unsprouted wheat berries into flour and soak the unsprouted
flour in an acid medium as part of a recipe youre making. In the case of
soaking other grains like oats and rice, you can soak those, rinse them and
store in the fridge for later use within a 5-6 day period of time. Its also
important to note that you can also sprout rice yourself or purchase
sprouted rice as well if you do then soaking would not be necessary.
So with regard to your whey-soaked grain that was not sprouted, its
unlikely that this soak effectively achieved the goals of reducing phytic acid
and improving digestibility and nutritional benefit. However, there is no
need to toss it out, you could opt to either take these grains and follow
protocols for sprouting (see below), or you could dry these soaked grains
out and then just grind them as you need them for soaked wheat recipes
youre making.
Here are two articles that discuss how to sprout:
Kitchen Stewardship Sprouting Grain
Nourished Kitchen on Health Benefits of Sprouting
So again, I agree that there is no need to waste the wheat berries either
option you decide (whether to go ahead and properly sprout and dry them
or just leave them unsprouted and use them in your favorite soaked wheat
recipes) is better than tossing them out.
I hope this helps further clarify. Lots of blessings, Kelly

Sharon says

May 14, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Kelly, you really gave me concise answers, thanks so much. I was

wondering if the whey would adversely affect the ability of the wheat to
sprout? Have any ideas for sprouting such a large amount, as in
containers? Looks like the wheat swoll up to about 3 gallons! I will read the
article you sent me next.
I also wanted to praise you for your sensible approach to healthy eating..
not to make it a thing to be almost worshiped, or idolized. I have seen this
in so many people. As wells as the ruining of family budgets to buy this
food. I think we just do the best we can and with what we can afford. I love
your wisdom! Thanks, Sharon

Kelly says

May 14, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Hi, Sharon. I am not sure about whether the whey would have any impact
on the wheat berries sprouting. Its definitely worth trying to sprout rather
than waste the wheat berries. Please do read the articles I referenced,
those contain precise measurements for how to properly sprout grain and
you may want to ask either of those authors for more details about
sprouting since they are far more experienced in that area than I. And yes,
its all about doing what you can without healthy eating becoming an idol.

Seek first the Kingdom of the Lord Lots of blessings, Kelly



Mikey says

May 14, 2013 at 3:48 pm

hi. enjoyed the article
just a question (or two) :

i really enjoy chickpeas. ive been eating them canned & in dry state (i
never soaked, just rinsed + cooked for 1.5 hrs + drained/rinsed + dried per
package instructions). i actually ate these maybe 3-4 nights a week. for
maybe the past 2 years.
now that ive read this article, i really want to prepare them correctly
so 2 questions : i am very, very busy, with 2 kids and an old father to look
afteri dont have to time to keep pouring out the warm water and
rinsingif i soak the chicks in warm water w/ lemon juice for 24 hours, will
the warm water start to grow bacteria? i can ask my dad to maybe change
the water once for me (if he can remember!)
and secondly, how long should i boil my chickpeas? more than 1.5 hours? i
cant see myself being able to do it for more than 2 hours (no time).

Kelly says

May 14, 2013 at 10:13 pm

Hi, Mikey. Im glad youve found this article to be helpful. First, let me start
by saying that we all have to do the best we can with the time and
resources we have available. You could definitely make yourself stressed
out if youre trying to run a busy household while caring for your Dad and
trying to change soaking water every few hours. So again, these are
guidelines based on ever changing/updating research. So the key (the rule I
myself follow) is to just be aware and to do the best you can in making
healthy choices, while always keeping your focus first on serving the Lord
and seeking Him.
When it comes to chickpeas they are a more difficult issue, as according to
the Living with Phytic Acid white paper written by Rami Nagel for the WAPF,
Even after five days of sprouting, chick peas maintained about 60 percent
of their phytate content Germination is more effective at higher
temperatures, probably because the heat encourages a fermentation-like
condition. So the point here is that, with soaking and sprouting you are not
going to completely rid the grain or legume of phytic acid, but the goal is
reduce it and also to potentially take a look at reducing high phytic acid
foods as these can lead to potential health problems for many people over

time. So if you can start your soak at a higher temp (warm water rather
than cold) and place your soaking chickpeas in your oven with the oven
light only on (the oven light can really make a nice warm environment for
soaking) and do this for at least 12 hours, this will give you some phytic
acid reduction. I havent been able to find exact numbers, but suffice it to
say, it will be reduced to some extent. This is a much more manageable
soak than trying to germinate the chick peas over several days and having
to continually change out the water. Because yes, if you dont it can lead to
bacteria and other issues.
As far as cooking, once youve soaked your chickpeas, thoroughly rinse
them and then cook them to the desired texture however long that takes
you to achieve. Cooking does help to reduce phytic acid, but again, I
havent seen any hard-fast research to support a certain time frame for
cooking. So if youve come across a white paper or literature on that,
please let me know. If youd like to look into more about phytic acid
reduction, I highly recommend visiting the WAPF website

at: Blessings, Kelly



Rhonda says

May 17, 2013 at 8:36 pm

hey kelly,
what legume and/or bean has the least amount of phytate content? i would
like to incorporate beans/legumes into my diet, but like the above poster,
have little free time.
i love the taste of all legumes (i.e. lentils) & beans (i.e. black beans, red
kidney beans) so ill go with whatever has the least amount of phytates
and therefore requires less amount for soaking/prep.
p.s. this was very informative. had no idea that there was even sucha
thing as anti-nutrients haha. especially in such supposedly nutrientdense/commonly-thought-of-as-healthy-foods!


Kelly says

May 18, 2013 at 9:13 am

Hi, Rhonda. Yes, beans do vary in the amount of phytates they contain
(from approximately .4 percent to as high as 2 to 3 percent of dry weight),
but honestly if youre eating them regularly, all beans should be soaked for
the minimum soak time (overnight in warm water) to remove at least a
portion of the phytic acid.
I agree that soaking for days at a time and changing out the water is a bit
much I dont do it that way myself. But it doesnt take much time or effort
to do an overnight soak and the result will be faster cooking and taster
beans as well. This is the method I use, as do most others. Keep in mind
that cultures that consume beans have been soaking them before eating
them for centuries, so this age-old practice is a traditional method for
making them more easily digestible.
With regard to individual beans and which may be lowest in phytates after
soaking, this article from my friend Amanda should help you with the

Lots of blessings to you, Kelly



Jane says

May 21, 2013 at 7:06 am

Hello Kelly! Thank you for your informative blog. I recently discovered the
WAPF and have started eating raw milk, more grass fed animal proteins and
cooking with healthier oils (i.e. coconut). In my search for healthier
alternatives to adulterated boxed breakfast cereals for my two young sons, I
have also started sprouting my own grains and dehydrating (at 95 degrees).
I have tried making my own soaked granola but do not feel that it offers the
same nutritional benefits as some of the other grains do. My sons have
become accustomed to having cold cereal every morning, so I gently grind
up some of the buckwheat groats, spelt, kamut, etc. that I have soaked and
dehydrated and then top it off with some unsweetened organic shredded
coconut, organic raisins, blueberries, a sprinkle of ground flax meal and of
course, raw cows milk. Believe it or not, they love it and the raw cows milk
has caused my sons eczema to completely disappear! Sometimes I will
serve different variations with different fruits, grains, etc. My question is, do
you think this type of breakfast dish is unhealthy to have every single
morning? Would it be more nutritionally beneficial to grind the hard grains
first and THEN soak with an acid medium instead of soaking then grinding?
If I cook the cereal combination instead of presenting it to them in raw form,
would the nutritional benefits be somewhat lost through the cooking
process? I would like to add a bit more substance or crunch to the cold
cereal by adding oats but oats scare me what is the optimal way to
prepare them?
Best wishes!

Kelly says

May 21, 2013 at 10:58 am

Hi, Jane. It sounds like you are making so many positive changes and so
take stock in the fact that you are doing a wonderful job. So many times we
forget to be satisfied with our progress because were of course always
seeking to improve. So I just wanted to take a minute to commend you!
As far as eating the same thing for breakfast every morning, yes,
personally, I would strive for more balance. It would be great if you could
involve your children in coming up with some alternate healthy breakfast
options that would bring more balance to the breakfast table. In particular,
I would strive to add some protein to the morning meal. Research studies

indicate that protein at breakfast is a real benefit to children, as well as

adults. So I would definitely seek to add some protein to breakfast such as
pastured eggs, NF bacon or sausage. If you do opt to add oatmeal once in
awhile, you can even hide an egg in oatmeal, just check out my power
oatmeal recipe in the breakfast recipes section of my site. (As far as your
question about proper preparation of oats, please refer back to the article
here and you can also refer to my breakfast porridge recipes on this site for
the best methods for oat preparation.)
Of course, if your kids are eating this breakfast and then having a lot of
other variety throughout the day that isnt heavily grain-focused, then
there isnt as much cause to have to immediately change this practice
(although I would still strive to start getting them accustomed to other
breakfast foods at least twice a week again for the sake of variety and
developing their palate for health foods). The issue with grains is again,
that of balance. As long as grains arent taking center stage at each meal,
meaning they are a side dish, not a main dish. Most healthy individuals do
fine with properly prepared grains in moderation meaning 2-3 three
servings (or less) daily, as per WAPF recommendations. Of course this is
completely an individual issue, as some people do not do well on grains at
all, even when properly prepared.
Regarding your question about preparation of the grains. It sounds like you
are sprouting grains first, then you are dehydrating them and then grinding
them and serving them with raw milk. As noted in this article, sprouted
grains are a much more nutritious option, but this process does not reduce
phytic acid as much as soaking grains does, and yes, grinding the grain and
soaking it would be more helpful to reducing phytic acid than soaking the
whole grain (unmilled, ground or crushed) because there would be more
surface area for the phytase to penetrate and neutralize the phytates. So
you could crush or slightly grind the sprouted grains and soak them
overnight, rinse (to remove the soured taste from the acid medium) and
then serve with raw milk. As far as the crunch factor, you could add some
soaked and dehydrated nuts to add a little crunch.
Of course, if you start to move toward the route of varying breakfast, you
could certainly keep serving this cold cereal alternative youve created
exactly as you are now, and you could certainly keep serving it if they
arent eating lots of grains at every other meal. Its really up to you as far
as how best to vary their diet.
The key here is balance and low stress! There really is no hard-fast rule to
follow in other words, I do this + that and I get = great health. I wish it

were as simple as a easy-to-follow formula that ensured wed all be

perfectly healthy, but it simply isnt. Each person is an individual and some
will be more sensitive to certain things (like grains) and others wont. So
the best we can do is to simply make the healthy changes that we can, with
our focus on the Lord, first and foremost. Otherwise, we get into the
slippery slope of making food an idol to where we are stressing over each
meal, and we become a slave to food, rather than it serving us and being a
natural, stress-free blessing we enjoy. Healthy eating should be a goal we
strive for, but not live for. I hope this makes sense.

Wishing you and your family lots of blessings, Kelly



Mae says

July 1, 2013 at 5:39 pm

I find this article fascinating. Thanks! I recognize the need to
soak/sprout/ferment grains/legumes/nuts based on the info you wrote. But,
Im interested in further research and wondered what your sources were,
other than Sally Fallons book. Would you be willing to share with me what
studies have shown that this is indeed necessary protocol?

Kelly says

July 1, 2013 at 6:08 pm

Hi Mae. I am a huge proponent of doing your own research and then taking
a sensible approach, keeping in mind that each person is an individual and
there is no one diet that is perfect for everyone, and keeping food in its
proper place (in other words, not making it an idol).

There are many resources out there that discuss the benefits of soaking,
but I would suggest you start with reading the phytic acid white paper on
the WAPF site. Heres the link:
You could also purchase other white papers, such as the one provided
at but the one on the WAPF is free, which is why I
recommend it in this article.
I also want to expand on my statement about no one diet is perfect for
everyone. For some, even properly soaked grains are an issue, as is the
case for those with grain and/or gluten sensitivities and so these individuals
need to avoid grains/gluten altogether.
My personal food philosophy is to focus on eating whole unprocessed foods
the foods God created, rather than overly processed and refined manmade foods. As we begin to clean-up our diet and help our bodies rid
themselves from the toxins found in refined/processed foods, we can then
discover even those real foods that might be an issue for us.
Eating healthy is therefore a personal journey that will be different for each
person. So I never want to imply that there is one specific diet for all.
Because I do not believe that to be true. But instead, I seek to provide the
information that has helped me and my family to improve our health and
well being thanks be to God! And although soaked grains have helped
improve the health of my family, Im also a firm believer in the benefits of a
gluten-free or grain-free diet for those (like myself) who have trouble with
these foods. Upon discovering my gluten-sensitivity, I have subsequently
found relief by removing all gluten-based foods from my diet, which is why
my site now focuses mainly on a grain-free/gluten-free lifestyle since this
site documents my familys health journey.
I hope this helps and wish you the best as you research the right diet for
you. Many blessings to you, Kelly

Mae says

July 1, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Thanks Kelly! Im trying to eat only whole foods. Its a difficult process, but
I understand the benefits, even necessity. Im an aspiring sustainable

I actually had not come across this information before, which was why I
asked for the sources. Legumes and whole grains are a staple in my diet. I
definitely recognize that I am possibly, probably, suffering from the
adverse effects of an overdose of phytic acid.

Kelly says

July 2, 2013 at 8:21 am

How wonderful that youre an aspiring sustainable farmer. You should
consider documenting your journey via a blog or FB fan page. I hope youll
keep in touch! Thanks again for your kind words. Blessings to you,



yv says

October 2, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Im hoping you can help with this question. Ive been looking into the
benefits of resistant starches and as a result I have started incorporating
steel-cut oats into my diet. Would soaking steel-cut oats reduce the amount
of resistant starch? Or would it have any effect on the resistant starch found
in the oats?

Kelly says

October 3, 2013 at 8:05 am

Hi, Yv. I do not know the answer to that question. I would imagine soaking
would breakdown starches and especially if you drain and rinse the oats
(thus rinsing away starches released during the soak). I suggest you reach
out to your sources on the benefits of resistant starch and ask if they have

any studies on this subject. Blessings, Kelly



Katie says

December 2, 2013 at 9:31 am

Hi! I am so grateful for this blog!!! I am trying to uncover the root issues
with my nine year old sons digestion problems. He also has the oral herpes
virus, that I somehow passed to him. I have recently been researching the
Autism Spectrum Disorders, and have learned that many kids with Autism
have trouble with digestion. My son has always had loose stool. So, I
starting taking wheat out of his diet, (which is soo hard to do with a bunch
of picky eaters!) but he seemed to be doing better. It didnt take long before
I got really worn out, and out of things to make the kids, I decided to try
toasting some sprouted bread for croutons one night last week, and put
them on their squash soup. The next morning, Simon had broken out with
about 5 cold sores on his mouth. I was mortified. My theory, and I am
hoping you can give me your opinion on this too, is that his digestion is very
compromised, and when he has something that stresses his physical body
out, his body elicits an immune response. In his case, I believe the herpes
comes out because it is an area his body is already weak, with the virus
lying dormant otherwise. Does this make sense? Do you think Im on the
right track? I dont mean to be negative about all conventional medicine,
but they have no interest or awareness in treating the body holisitically and
only offer topical creams and antibioticswhich are treating the symptom.
They are not interested in trying to uncover the root of the problem, and I
am desperate to help my child. Thank you so much for your blog! I am also

thrilled that you do it out of your desire to help others and serve God!!! Its


Kelly says

December 2, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Hi, Katie. I am happy to hear your finding this site helpful to you. I am not a
physician or naturopath, and I do advise seeking out the counsel of a good
doctor you trust, particularly one that understands nutritions role in
improving health.
But to answer your question, absolutely you are correct. Gut health is a
major issue among most children and adults with health issues and in
particular, gluten and grains in general have been shown to have a
negative impact for those children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. I
recommend you pick up a copy of the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
Here is a website with details about it:
I also recommend you visit my friend Caras
site: has an autistic daughter and has followed the GAPS diet
to successfully help her daughter tremendously. She is extremely
knowledgeable about autism and I know her site will be of great help to you
as you strive to help your son live out the best possible health and live
possible, according to Gods Will.

Prayers and blessings are with you, Kelly


Katie says

December 3, 2013 at 3:21 am

Thank you so much!!!

Kelly says

December 3, 2013 at 8:37 am

My pleasure to help!


Claire West says

December 7, 2013 at 10:41 am

If I grind first (because I have few teeth left) and then, afterwards, soak
will this cause a major loss of nutrients?

Kelly says

December 7, 2013 at 11:22 am

Yes, you can grind grains and in fact it actually makes it easier for more
phytic acid to be neutralized. I am not aware of grinding itself leading to
nutrient loss, other than storing ground grains over a period of time does.
But rather than just take my advice based on my research, I do recommend
all readers do their own research and base their diets upon their own
unique health needs along with the advice of a good nutritionist. If you read
through the comments here, youll also find seem references to other great

resources, as well as common questions about grain-soaking answered.

Blessings to you, Kelly


Shannon H. says

December 13, 2013 at 7:46 pm

Hello Kelly,
I have a quick question regarding soaking Quinoa and Quinoa flakes. Ive
read before that Quinoa flakes dont need to be soaked because the flakes
dont contain saponins and regular Quinoa does. So which soaking method
if any should I use with Quinoa flakes and Quinoa?
Thank you

Kelly says

December 15, 2013 at 9:30 am

I havent heard to soak Quinoa flakes either, since as you mentioned, they
have gone through a refining process. But as far as soaking quinoa, its the
same concept as outlined for whole grains water and an acid medium. My
friend Kimi has a specific soaked quinoa recipe on her site which you may
find very helpful since she covers how to soak and cook quinoa step-bystep:

soaked.html Hope this helps to clarify. Blessings, Kelly



Katie says

December 22, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Hi Kelly,
Im sorry if you covered this. When soaking oatmeal to make granola with,
doesnt it get soggy? How do you do this?

Kelly says

December 22, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Hi, Katie. I have a soaked granola recipe that I highly recommend. Heres
the link: This should help answer your questions about how to
make a soaked oat granola. Blessings, Kelly


Katie says

December 22, 2013 at 6:07 pm

wow, that was quick, THANK you!


Kelly says

December 22, 2013 at 8:11 pm

LOL! I happened to be on and saw it. Glad to help! Merry Christmas!


Isabella says

January 10, 2014 at 4:05 am

Hi! This may be a dumb question but I need to ask I have a recipe that
includes 1,1 kg flour (I am in Norway so we use metric system) and 6 dl
water. Do I leave 1,1 kg flour soaking in 6 dl water and then use that same
water to continue with the recipe? Or do I rinse the flour?

Kelly says

January 10, 2014 at 8:36 pm

Hi, Isabella. You cannot rinse flour, so when soaking flour, youll want to use
the liquids in a recipe to help you achieve that. So take this soaked
chocolate cupcake recipe and soaked banana bread recipe as examples:
Youll see the liquids used for the soak are the actual liquids required for
the recipe. Hopefully this helps to further clarify. So take a look at the
liquids in your recipe and use them for the soak making sure to include an
acid medium like apple cider vinegar if you arent using an acidic cultured
dairy medium (like buttermilk). Again reviewing the two recipes I provided
above will help you see what I mean.
When I first started my site back in April 2012, I was using ancient grain
flours such as spelt and kamut, but then I had to go gluten-free for health
reasons and so since about August of 2012 I have been developing all
gluten-free based recipes. But I still get a lot of people who follow a whole
grain diet, who find my site because of this article, which is wonderful.
Because I definitely do not think everyone should be GF, unless they have
to be. Eating properly soaked whole grains can be very beneficial and
nutritious for those who do not have health issues that preclude gluten or
Many blessings, Kelly



Liz says

January 18, 2014 at 5:32 pm

Hi Kelly,
I was wondering if oat soaking would work for the granola I make. I came
across your website and info. while researching the oat/gas connection. The
recipe (which I love) calls for rolled oats, along with other nuts and seeds,
(all raw) and a honey, oil, vanilla dressing, mix up and bake. Im not sure
about starting with wet, soaked oats. what do you think?
Thank you,

Kelly says

January 19, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Yes, you can make a soaked granola. Perhaps my recipe will help you with
ideas for soaking yours.
Just remember that you will need a phytase booster for oats since they do
not contain ample phytase on their own. I recommend either rye flakes or
cracked buckwheat groats (if youre GF). Youll also need to be sure to
include an acid medium such as apple cider vinegar. Again, I think my
soaked granola recipe will help you see how best to alter your recipe.
Blessings, Kelly


Liz says

January 20, 2014 at 7:47 am

Thank you! Cant wait to try it.



Sabina says

January 22, 2014 at 1:36 am

Hi Kelly,
So glad I have found your site. I was just wondering if you can soak, then
dry ingredients? In you brown rice recipe you soak them, then cook straight
away. Can you soak a big batch, dry it, the use smaller amounts
individually? (Im particularly interested in oats as well). Thanks very much,

Kelly says

January 23, 2014 at 12:17 am

Hi, Sabina. I havent tried it, but I would imagine you could if you dont
mind the extra work. I do know that many people soak rice and oats, drain
and store in the fridge for up to a week and just cook it as they need to.
This is a simpler way without the extra set to dry the grains. Just thought
Id share this with you as a simpler alternative. And thank you for your kind
words. Welcome to The Nourishing Home so glad the Lord led you


Sabina says

January 24, 2014 at 3:38 am

Excellent. That is much simpler. Thanks so much!


Tanja says

February 10, 2014 at 11:08 pm

Whats a good recipe for soaked homemade oat milk ? Maybe resulting in
about a quart of oat milk?
Also, what do think would be better? Sprouted homemade oat milk or
What about flax seed milk? To soak or not? Do you know its phytic acid
My daughters cant do dairy, almond, and we dont do soy or rice milk (re
Hey, thats a good question Do you think soaking or sprouting does
anything to the arsenic in the rice?
Thanks !!!

Kelly says

February 10, 2014 at 11:25 pm

Oh She Glows has a recipe for homemade oat milk that may be
helpful: I have not made oat milk, so I havent tried this recipe, but I would
recommend soaking the oats as described in this overview of the Weston A
Price phytic acid white paper, making sure to use a phytase booster and
acid medium (ACV works best for reducing the soured flavor from soaking).
Its up to you if you would like to use sprouted oats in place of soaked oats.
I have no comment on how sprouted oats would work in oat milk, since I do
not make oat milk. But I can tell you that sprouted oats tend to be coarser
in texture. Not sure if that would impact the milk? Regarding flax, I only use
it occasionally as it does contain high levels of phytic acid, however, its

important to note that there are other issues with flax, other than phytic
acid, that you may want to further research. This article from my friend
Kimi can help you get started in looking deeper into the issues with
flax: And last but not
least, I have no research Ive come across that soaking helps reduce
arsenic in rice. Although my hunch would be it would not do anything to
help with this as it appears to permeate the grain which is why even
processed cereals are showing arsenic levels. But again, I havent
researched this thoroughly to see if their is any literature on the topic.

Blessings to you, Kelly



Tanja says

February 17, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Thanks so much!


Joy Roxborough says

March 3, 2014 at 2:30 pm

Thanks for your info. Been finding so much contradictory info and it gets me
confused sometimes, but I will press on!
Question: what happens if I do my soaking in the refrigerator? Eg I keep my
oats and millet and flour in the fridge anyway, so if I then soak them for
long periods at room temperature, wont that make the grains go bad and

rancid? I live in the Caribbean too so it is very hot anyway. I hate when my
mum soaks peas overnight on the counter. It has all this foam in the
morning and it all smells stinky.
What confuses me also is when is it okay to keep the liquid in which our
grain has been soaked and when do you need to discard the liquid and
rinse? I see some places where a rinse is called for and other places were
the soaked iquid is incorporated into the overall recipe. . .
Thanks for your help.

Kelly says

March 3, 2014 at 5:16 pm

Hi, Joy. Ideally, soaking should be done at least at room temp, if not at
higher temps in many cases. Thats because the phytase is more active at
warmer temps and thats what breaks down the phytic acid. I know it can
be confusing, but I really recommend reading through the research. A great
place to start is the phytic acid white paper by the Weston A Price
Foundation. That is the paper that I briefly summarized in this post (How
to Soak Grains for Optimal Nutrition). Here is the direct link to the white
paper (below). You can also research other information on the WAPF

website. Hope this helps. Blessings, Kelly

Joy Roxborough says

March 3, 2014 at 5:36 pm

Thank you. I will go thru the white paper and the other recommended site .

Joy Roxborough says

March 12, 2014 at 6:04 pm

not read the White paper yet but I did an overnight oat flour soak on the
counter and it was fine. I actually really enjoyed the pancakes made from
it. Will certainly take it further. Thanks

Kelly says

March 13, 2014 at 9:06 am

Great! So glad you are finding this information helpful.



Irina Timoshenko says

March 12, 2014 at 3:06 pm

good day dear Kelly,
Thank you so much for posting all these useful tips!
Ive got a question (sorry if it was covered above): where can binding of
phytic acid can occur in the body? My question is (in case I have to eat
foods with high % of phytic acid) whether it would help to separate
consumption of them and the rest, say, by 2 rhs?
Thank you very much,



Kelly says

March 12, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Hi. Irina. As far as I know, separating foods may not work, I havent seen
any literature suggesting this. Whats best is to reduce the phytic acid
using proper soaking methods. But you can combine foods to also help
reduce the impact on the body, such as including butter and bone broth
with high phytic acid foods (such as cooking brown rice in bone broth). As
far as where does binding occur in the body, the binding has to do with the
absorption of nutrients within the digestive system. I recommend reading
the phytic acid paper I mention in this post to start, and then doing your
own research based on your health to determine how sensitive you may be
to phytic acid and whether it may be causing issues with regard to your
health and nutrient absorption.
Blessings, Kelly


Cassio says

March 28, 2014 at 9:33 am

You might want to update your article to take real independent scientific
research into account, instead of relying WAPF (the marketing arm of the
animal food industry).

Kelly says

March 28, 2014 at 10:05 am

Hi, Cassio. This article does take into account other research outside of
WAPF. I think the bigger issue to address relates to your comment about
the animal industry this is not a vegetarian site, although I believe fruits
and vegetables to be the biggest component to a healthy diet, I also
believe that animal meat and fat from grassfed animals is important to
maintaining good health. I was a vegetarian for 14 years and it nearly
destroyed my health. I know not everyone will agree, which is why its
wonderful that the internet is just chalk-full of sites you can find to agree
with your dietary preferences. As stated over and over again in this article
and throughout my site, I encourage everyone to do their own research.
Each person is a unique individual and I do not believe there is a one size
fits all approach to health and diet. For some phytic acid is a huge issue,
for others its not, as there may be other bigger issues at play, such as
gluten. In fact, since the time this article was published, I have since
changed to a gluten-free, grain-free diet and have found it to be a real
benefit in alleviating many of my persistent health issues, particularly since
discovering the fact that I am extremely sensitive to gluten, which I never
knew was an issue for me until I cleaned up my diet. So as with everything,
health and diet are a constant journey of learning and discovering what will
work for you as a unique individual created by a great God. Science can
provide us with some good foundations to help us on our journey to living
as healthy as we can in this life, But our true reliance should be upon the
Lord and trusting in Him for our ultimate health eternal life in Jesus Christ.
And that, my friend, is the real focus of this site encouraging people to
seek the Lord and trust in Him. What we eat and striving for good health is
of no value at all, if we are not doing it in order to better serve our KING.
Blessings to you, Kelly


Bianca says

March 31, 2014 at 8:02 pm

Hey Kelly.
I have been wondering for ages whether or not to drain the water the nuts
and oats have been in as that might have phytates in it? or does it just
simply convert into something else?
i have been draining it as i believe that the water that the food has been
soaked in contains inhibitors for digestion.


Kelly says

April 1, 2014 at 11:42 pm

Hi, Bianca. Thats a very common question and the answer is that its really
up to you. The phytic acid is neutralized during the soak, however, most
cooks prefer to discard the soaking water as a matter of taste. I personally
do not cook oats or rice in their soaking water, but instead drain and rinse
the oats/rice prior to cooking. Like other home chefs, I find this to result in
the best taste. And like you, I do believe it improves digestion. Hope this

hopes. Blessings, Kelly


Joy Roxborough says

April 2, 2014 at 8:32 am

Thanks for this response to her question also. I have been wondering that
for ages too! Some people say, though, that throwing away the soak liquid
means you are also throwing away some of the nutrients that have washed
out into the water, but I think I read somewhere that there is not enough
research on whether or not nutrients get lost that way.

April 2, 2014 at 11:22 am

Kelly says

Yes, that is a common point made and if you scroll through the comments
here, youll see that its definitely come up. Yes, some nutrients may be
lost from discarding soaking water, so again, it comes down to personal
preferences and ones health goals. Personally, I would strive to get the
most nutrients from veggies and fruits by including more of them in ones
diet rather than grains. Thats just my personal opinion and the way we

strive to eat.

Joy Roxborough says

April 2, 2014 at 11:33 am

Yeah, more fruits and veggies! But now that brings another issue I have
seen being bandied about lately. Is there any such things as consuming
too much sugar from fruits? And is there a difference in the effect the
sugar has on the body when you juice your fruit as opposed to when you
eat the whole fruits? Thanks and blessings to you too also.

Kelly says

April 2, 2014 at 12:01 pm

I am certainly no expert, but I do know that juicing fruits results in far
more consumption of fructose than eating whole fruits. In addition eating

whole fruits provides fiber which is lacking in juices.


Alana P says

April 7, 2014 at 5:33 am

Hi,Im also new to soaking, and I find this information very helpful. Two
questions. When you soak with complementary grain, why do you need the
flour, can you soak with whole wheat. Secondly, with buckwheat, is there a
difference between toasted buckwheat and raw, in terms of rinsing out after
soaking. And which grains are low in phyates?

Kelly says

April 7, 2014 at 9:54 am

Hi, Alana. I am not understanding your question? When you soak flour, you
do not need another grain or flour with it, unless its oat flour. When you
soak grains, you do not need flour or another grain, unless you are soaking
rolled oats or steel cut oats, in which case you need rye flakes or flour (or
buckwheat if GF) since oats do not contain enough phytase to reduce
phytic acid. For a listing of the phytates in grains, please visit WAPF and
review the white paper from Rami
Nagel: Th
is may also help to answer your questions as its quite extensive.


Alana. P says

April 7, 2014 at 6:52 pm

Hi, apologies for the misunderstanding.
What I mean was when I soak my steel cut oats, can I use the whole wheat,
or whole buckwheat as my grinder doesnt work? I dont suppose you get
the same benefits. I also though millet and corn were low in phytase?
Also with the buckwheat query, I read that you need to rinse after soaking
for raw buckwheat but not toasted?


Kelly says

April 7, 2014 at 7:39 pm

No worries at all. For best results, youll need to crack the wheat or
buckwheat. You could do this with a quick whirl in a blender, or place in a
bag and give a couple whacks with a large spoon or hammer (I dont
recommend doing that on your countertop). The reason is you need to
expose as much phytase as possible, so you need to crack the bran layer.
And yes, if you check out that white paper it talks in more detail about corn
and millet. I am not aware of research about specifically rinsing unfrosted
buckwheat, but I personally use toasted crack groats for rolled oat soaks.
And I always rinse my oats after soaking, as you can see from my recipes. I
find it results in a much more palatable oatmeal. Blessings, Kelly

Alana says

April 8, 2014 at 6:42 pm

Also if I want to start givign my bub grains, I was thinking of starting with
brown rice cereal, or rice cerea. Should I soak this flour overnight with
acidic medium. Cant remeber if rice is high in phyates? I dont think it is?

April 9, 2014 at 2:55 pm

Kelly says

Hi, Alana. Yes, brown rice is high in phytates, but not white rice. Its the
bran of a grain that contains the most phytates. Most baby cereals are
white rice based and are highly processed. For information about feeding
infants and toddles, I high recommend reading this article from Nourished
Kitchen: (she includes
other references at the conclusion) and I cannot recommend enough this
Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck:

Hope this helps! Blessings to you and your little one!




JANE says

April 8, 2014 at 8:22 am

Hi Kelly,
Firstly, I wanted to thank you for all the fantastic work youre doing in
educating us/the world. Its brilliant to be able to come across your website
and learn, importantly, about food our sustainer.
So my question is about oats. I just wanted to ask you about soaking whole
(groat) oats my husband and I have started to have this on a regular basis
and weve actually started to use Peter DAdamos Eat Right for Your
(Blood) Type. So far, so good were really noticing big improvements in our
general health. The thing is, oats is one of the few whole grains my husband
can have his system cannot take buckwheat or rye. Is there any other
medium we could use in which to destabilize the phytic acid while soaking?
Look very much forward to your reply.

Kelly says

April 9, 2014 at 3:03 pm

Hi, Jane. Thanks for your kind words. So glad youre experiencing some
great benefits on your real food journey. To answer your question, you can
use almost other grains that are high in phytase such as whole wheat, spelt
or kamut. I do know that Bobs Red Mill makes spelt flakes, which are nice
because then you dont have the pasty texture that happens with flour as
the phytase booster. Of course, if you drain the soaking water and rinse
well, this can help overcome the issue. Heres a link so you can see what
spelt flakes look like:
Blessings, Kelly


Makeda says

April 19, 2014 at 12:05 pm

Hi thanks for this article! You really helped to simplify a lot. I have a
question. I was considering using amaranth flakes (like quinoa
flakes/pressed whole into that flaked shape) for breakfast and havent seen
much info about them being cooked much less soaked. I was wondering,
should I worry about soaking them? Do you think that the processing got rid
of the phytates just like with quinoa flakes? Has any here ever used
amaranth flakes? I would greatly appreciate the input! God bless!

Kelly says

April 20, 2014 at 5:02 pm

I personally would soak quinoa and amaranth flakes, but I dont eat these,
so I cant say how they taste once soaked whether pasty or not. Heres an
article about soaking these grains that you may find helpful. Blessings,



Michael says

April 21, 2014 at 6:45 pm

Great article, but I want to know why you are comparing almond flour to
coconut flour? I feel they are not equally good.
My personal approach is to consume limited amounts of blanched almond
flour and coconut flour as grain-free replacements to gluten-based baked
In fact, coconut products and coconut flour is superior to almond flour in
many respects.

Kelly says

April 21, 2014 at 7:34 pm

My intention was to say that I limit grain-free baked goods as I want the
bulk of my diet to be centered on whole foods like vegetables, fruits,
grassfed eggs/meat, healthy fats, etc. Grain-free flours can be quite filling
and for me personally, I want the bulk of my intake to be more nutrient
dense. But thats not to say theres not a place for these and I certainly do
enjoy creating grain-free flour based recipes, as you will find on my site. In
addition, this statement is meant to support that almond flour and coconut
flour are far better choices than the starch based GF flour blends commonly
used within the GF community. Hope this helps better clarify.

Kelly says

April 21, 2014 at 8:06 pm

Thanks, Michael. I went back and re-wrote that section to hopefully better
clarify my position on almond flour and coconut flour as grain-free
alternatives. As someone who was recently diagnosed with Non-Celiac
Gluten Sensitivity, I am no longer eating gluten-based grains. So I do bake
with both blanched almond flour (not almond meal), as well as coconut
flour, which again are better choices compared to the heavy starch-based
GF flours that are commonly used. Appreciate you leaving a note so I could
better express my personal thoughts. But again, these are just my personal
thoughts after examining several of the phytic acid research papers. I
highly recommend all individuals do their own research of course,
particularly since everyone is a unique individual with different health

concerns. Blessings to you, Kelly



Michael says

April 22, 2014 at 4:09 pm

Hello Kelly,
Thank you for updating the section 3 on nuts/seeds, it is so clear now even
an immigrant like me whose mother tongue is not English can understand!
By the by, you have great information and I like some of your vegetarian
recipes as I dont eat any meat.
Usually, I dont comment on blogs, but your article was exceptional and I
grew up in Asia among coconut trees and when I read coconut flour and
almond flour as equals in nutrition, I thought I should let you know.
I may be prejudiced about coconut, but it is much superior flour than
almond flour in my opinion!


Kelly says

April 22, 2014 at 7:56 pm

So great to meet you, Michael. I so enjoy meeting people from across the
globe. And I am bias with you because you are right that coconut is a better
choice for those with high sensitivities to phytates and it is exceptionally
rich in nutrients. Appreciate your kind words and so happy that the Lord
has led you here and youre enjoying the recipes and information.
Blessings, Kelly


Gail says

April 27, 2014 at 2:01 pm

Hi Kelly, I have been soaking oats, rice, grains, and legumes for well over a
year now with great success, thanks mostly to your instructional post, and
in part to my Nourishing Traditions book. I have to ask you this question:
Where can I find the lovely yellow and clear cooking/bake ware shown in the
photo accompanying this post? I would really like to purchase some. Thanks
again for your great recipes!

Kelly says

April 27, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Hi, Gail. The clear mixing bowls are old corningware bowls I got for a
wedding gift years ago. I couldnt find them on amazon, but I did find these

and they are quite pretty and practical: As far as

the ceramic bowls those were also a gift and I believe you could find
something similar at Williams Sonoma, The Container Store or on amazon
like these: These are just some ideas, but there are
so many beautiful mixing bowls out there, I am sure with a quick search,

youll find something you love. Blessings, Kelly



Lori says

April 29, 2014 at 11:23 am

The above article is excellent!!! But I do want to make mention that the Rye
Flakes will have to be raw and not steam rolled, otherwise the phytase
enzyme in the rye would have been killed by the steam rolling

Thanks, Kelly for writing this very important and
informative article, as well as all the time for research you took to do it!!!
Blessings to you all!!!

Kelly says

April 29, 2014 at 11:32 am

Thank you, Lori. I would love to read that study, could you send me a link. I
most certainly want to be sure to update this, so I am not giving outdated

information. Thank you again!


Blessings, Kelly


Lori says

April 29, 2014 at 5:25 pm

Kelly, I was just doing a bunch of reading on this subject, but I think it was
on the long article put out by Nourishing Traditions (Sally Fallon) with the
updates on soaking. One of the things that was being said is that long term
storage of flour (and maybe grain, too) or freezing ends up breaking
down/and eventually destroying the phytase enzyme in flour. This is why
they always seem to stress freshly ground rye flour, etc. I had looked up and
found Rye flakes and even bought some, only to find out they are steam
rolled. . . Well we already know that the temperature used to steam rye or

oats is high enough to destroy the phytase. . . Oh well,

I have to
admit, Ive got flour stored in the freezer and have for a long time, since I
dont grind mine fresh. This is certainly a learning journey on all of this.
By the way, I just did peanuts, and boy are they good! Did them for 36
hours! Changed the warm salt water in between and they even began
sprouting a little bit. I had to do a lot of rinsing to get all the slimey stuff off
and most of the peanut skins, but I think it was worth it!!! I then put them
on a tray and sprinkled sea salt on them, dried them/slightly roasted them
at 225 degrees for a few hours until I liked the taste, look and texture. This

is the best batch Ive ever made. No more 12 hour soaks for me!
Blessings to you!

Kelly says

April 29, 2014 at 11:59 pm

thank you so much for this thorough reply. I have to admit that I havent
been staying on top of the latest grain soaking research since I went
gluten-free grain-free due to health issues, so I appreciate you taking time

to share this information so I can look into this further. many blessings to



Lori says

May 3, 2014 at 10:30 am

Kelly, you know how I asked you about whether you could put raw rye in
with brown rice because it has a good amount of phytase enzyme? Well, I
got my answer by re-reading the article on Weston A. Price org. written by
Ramiel Nagel. The article is called Living with Phytic Acid. And he does say
you can add fresh ground rye flour when soaking corn, oats and even brown

rice, since they are all low in Phytase Enzyme.


Thanks for all you


Kelly says

May 3, 2014 at 11:06 am

Thats a great article, which is why I referenced it in this one. Glad you read
it. I noticed he updated it, so I need to go back and re-read it myself. Best

to you and happy soaking!



Melissa says

May 25, 2014 at 9:39 am

I am on a gut healing journey for MS. As it takes SO much time to cook from
scratch, thank you for the encouragement to keep the Healer first. Thank
you for helping others! Sourdough bread is my next step. Since you are
gluten free I hope you can help. Most GF sites suggest brown rice flour as
the starter medium soak it or buy brown rice and crack hull and soak and
dehydrate and grind many steps? Or what do you suggest for the starter
and for the breads themselves perhaps to vary the grains and make
Thank you!

Kelly says

May 27, 2014 at 11:14 am

Hi, Melissa. I am now grain-free due to several health issues and have
found this to be the most helpful at this point, so I am not going to be your
best source for sourdough, but I have a friend Adrienne at Whole New
Mom that has years of experience in sourdough starters and perhaps she
can help you with questions about GF starters. You can find here
here: Hop

e this helps! Blessings, Kelly



Carina says

June 26, 2014 at 9:48 am

Thanks for this comprehensive article! I have shied away from cooking with
grains ever since I started reading WAPF literature because it felt so
complicated. Now I am getting back into it and actually doing it and I realize
it is not complicated at all. Thanks for doing a good job of highlighting the

principles at work here. Now Im off to soak some oats.


Kelly says

June 26, 2014 at 4:43 pm

You are so welcome! Glad this was helpful and encouraging to



Carina says

June 26, 2014 at 9:57 am

Oh, quick question for you: was your section on oats written with whole,
steel-cut or rolled oats in mind? Or does it matter? Thanks!

Kelly says

June 26, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Any cut of oat should be soaked using the method described.



Linda says

June 28, 2014 at 6:22 am

Hi Kelly, I tried to subscribe to your blog but didnt succeed. Maybe the
problem is with my computer. Can you subscribe me? Thanks!
Yes, to God be the glory! Who alone is worthy of all praise! May Gods great
Name be praised throughout all eternity! I owe my life and everything I
have to Jesus. Thank you Precious, Beautiful Jesus for your Amazing Love!
Im forever in Your debt! Jesus, the sweetest Name I know!
10 years ago I lived without realizing it in an apt with toxic mold for 3 years.
Got sicker and sicker but far, far worse after docs gave me shots. That was
approx. 2 years ago. I dont know what was in those shots! Scary!
Nevertheless, I believe God is going to heal me! Only God can heal me now.
For quite some time I went grain-free but it didnt help. Nothing I have ever
done has helped.
I read you are always supposed to use an acidic medium for beans and
grains which I have always done, but just recently read not to with beans.
Anyway, I just soaked rye grains for the first time without an acidic medium.
I changed the water last night and this morning was amazed and delighted
(never had this happen before) to see bubbles on the top of the water and
bubbles rising up! I just now started the process of sprouting. Any advice on
how to ferment grains and beans? I live in South Florida. Very hot! Yesterday reported temp of 92 degrees and reported it felt like 104
degrees! I didnt use heated water for soaking.

Kelly says

June 28, 2014 at 9:31 am

Hi, Linda. I just added you to my email newsletter. I will also email you to
send you the link you would have received when subscribing so you can
download your free goodies. Sorry to hear of your health issues, but so
happy to hear of your love for the Lord. As you know, He gives us the grace
we need each day! I cant help but think of Paul who had that thorn in his
side and God told him MY grace is sufficient. For those of us with chronic
illness, I think we can truly relate to that and although it would be amazing
to be completely healed and feel great, there is something even more
amazing seeing God use our weaknesses and pain for His glory and our
increased faith and love for him. As far as your question, heres a link that
may help you. Blessings, Kelly
Sprouting grains:
Fermenting grains:
Why grains may not be good for


Linda says

July 5, 2014 at 3:16 pm

Kelly, Thank you very much! God bless you!


Ruth says

July 19, 2014 at 5:44 am

I have recently decided to eat healthy as I have a pretty fast metabolism. I
usually eat 4 times a day and up to six times if the weather is particularly

cold. I have spoken to my chiropractor and he recommended I go on the

anti-inflammatory diet. So far I have been eating lots of broccoli, red
capsicum, green beans, ginger, ground turmeric, baby spinach, carrot,
walnuts, honey, ground cinnamon, apples, passion fruit, lemons, oranges
and ricotta. I can add a few things here and there but these usually remain
each week. And since I get hungry quite fast I add whole grains such as
bulgur, buckwheat, cous cous and barley.
My question is, do the green beans also have to be soaked as mentioned
above? And should I soak the grains I mentioned also? This is the first time I
have come across soaking/fermenting.
Another question I would like to add (although it is not quite relevant to this
article but I dont know where else to write I usually dont participate on
forums) what else should
I do to improve my diet? I am new to the whole concept of cooking (I live
with my parents and recently decided to break away from their
inflammatory foods and be healthy).
Thank you so much!

Kelly says

July 20, 2014 at 11:51 am

Hi, Ruth. Sounds like youre on the right track. Green beans do not need to
be soaked since they are not a grain. With regard to the others you listed,
buckwheat can be soaked, but requires a much shorter soak time since it
will become very mushy if soaked more than 7-10 hours. Same goes for
bulgar and cous cous. Barley grain should be treated same as wheat, spelt,
etc. And as far as learning more about eating a real food diet, you can see
the books I recommend here (just scroll down to real food
resources): Hope this helps!

Blessings, Kelly


Erica says

July 31, 2014 at 2:39 pm

I read the post and am looking at your oatmeal recipe but I wondered
have you done any soaking in just acidic water? Would that be as effective
as using Apple Cider Vinegar? Thanks so much!

Kelly says

July 31, 2014 at 3:06 pm

Hi, Erica. Not sure what you mean by acidic water. When soaking, you can
use many different kinds of acids in water vinegar, lemon juice, yogurt,
kefir, etc. The acid medium is what helps as the catalyst for the phytase to

break down the phytates.


Erica says

July 31, 2014 at 3:12 pm

I mean water that has been separated with a water ionizer (Alkaline water
machine) that has a ph of 4.0, 5.0 etc. that is by definition Acidic water
due to its PH. I have an ion ways Alkaline Water Machine and we use both
the Alkaline Water and the Acidic water for lots of things and I wondered
about using it for this purpose as well. Blessings!

Kelly says

July 31, 2014 at 3:27 pm

That is interesting, Erica. I happen to have PH strips on hand (when I first
started making Komubcha, I bought some to make sure my Kombucha
was reaching the proper PH level). So I tested 2 cups of water with one
teaspoon of ACV, which is what I typically use for soaking 1 cup of rolled
oats. The water was at about 4.5 on the PH scale according to my PH
strips. So it sounds like your acidic water should be fine. Although I do
recommend doing a google search on ionized water for soaking just to see

if there is any research on it. Blessings, Kelly



Kerren Hobbs says

August 1, 2014 at 2:28 am

I was told that you can lose weight by drinking the water that the
buckwheat has been soaking in. If this is true can you tell me how to do it.

Kelly says

August 1, 2014 at 9:04 am

I havent heard that one. Id recommend doing some research on



Jennifer says

August 8, 2014 at 9:10 am

Hi Kelly! Ive been having some issues with soaking and Im hoping you can
clear a few things up for me because I cant seem to find clear information.
When I first started soaking grains and legumes a few months ago I had no
issues with them smelling. Sometimes Id leave quinoa 48 hours to start
sprouting and they still wouldnt smell, and beans 48 hours with no smell.
Lately, if I leave them to soak even 24 hours they start to smell very sour,
Im assuming its them fermenting because theres also a lot of foam on top
of the water- but Im new at this so Im not sure. Im assuming that because
its summertime now and much warmer in my kitchen, its the temperature
thats causing this. Are grains and legumes safe to eat when they smell like
that? To be safe Ive been throwing them out which is such a waste. In warm
summer months, can grains and legumes be properly soaked in the
refrigerator to prevent the smell? It seems that less of a soak time wouldnt

properly remove the phytic acid. Thank you


Kelly says

August 8, 2014 at 9:45 am

Temperature has a significant impact on the fermentation process. So in
warmer climates and warmer seasons, fermentation will take place more
quickly. In addition, if you are soaking more than 12 hours, its
recommended to change the soaking water to avoid issues. If you are
wanting to properly sprout grains, I recommend you read about sprouting
as it is different process. Heres an example of Jenny at Nourished Kitchen
speaking on sprouting: And as
far as being safe to eat, I always say, the nose knows! If it doesnt smell
right and creates doubt or is repulsive to you, thats your bodys way of
saying no, thanks, this might be unsafe. So follow your instincts. Grains
that are soaked properly or sprouted properly may have a slight buttermilk

scent, but they do not smell spoiled, rancid or unappealing. I hope this



Jennifer says

August 8, 2014 at 2:48 pm

so helpful- thank you! Can grains/legumes/nuts be properly soaked in the

Kelly says

August 8, 2014 at 3:32 pm

As we talked about proper temperature is key to fermentation. Room temp
is the ideal. Cold slows the process significantly and is not recommended
for best results in reducing phytates. You may want to read the actual
phytic white paper on WAPFs site. Its a bit technical, but is very thorough.
I reference it in this post, but heres the link
again: Ho

pe this helps!


Kailash says

August 17, 2014 at 6:23 am

Hi Kelly,
I am a vegetarian who enjoys grains but I need some help with the soaking
I have a chronic condition with digestion and food sensitivities and so
soaking is important to me. However this is what I find: Soaking brown rice,
millet etc. and draining away the soak liquid resulted in losing too many
good nutrients with the soak water and ended up making me weak due to
nutrient deficiencies. So I retain the soak water and cook the grains in it.
However, if I soak too long in too warm an environment, here in Florida in
the summer, the grains get sour and I have a reaction to the bacteria which
sour the grains. So for my specific situation, is there a way to soak and still
get the benefits without actually souring? Maybe soak in lower room
temperatures like 78 deg F? Any help is appreciated.

Kelly says

September 4, 2014 at 10:30 am

Hi, Kailash. Apologies for the delay. Its been a busy summer.
First, I dont want to try to convince you to change your dietary preference,
but I will say that I was a vegetarian for 14 years and I truly believe it is
what led to the many health issues I have worked so hard to overcome with
the Lords kind mercy. I had a heavy reliance on grains when I was a
vegetarian and I believe it greatly taxed my gut health.
Grains, although the do contain nutrients, can be very difficult to digest and
in many cases (for certain individuals) can lead to, or greatly exacerbate,
health issues, particularly digestive disorders. So moderation is really key,
and so is proper preparation. I would recommend that you read this white
paper by WAPF for more information about phytic acid and the soaking
process: i
f you are planning to continue on the path of including grains in your diet.

With regard to your note about soaking too long and experiencing soured
grains as a result, that is because high temps will cause that to happen,
just as you suspected. What you will need to do is decrease the soak time,
and lower the temp, as you suggested. Or you may wish to sprout grains
instead, which requires changing the soaking water frequently to avoid
bacteria from thriving, or the sour taste that many individuals do not find
pleasing. You can find much information about sprouting online and in the
Nourishing Traditions book.
Again, I am not trying to convince you or anyone to go grain-free, but do
know that I have been grain-free for two years now and have seen
remarkable health improvements as a result. Therefore my website as
shifted to a grain-free approach in the recipes I develop and share,
although I still leave this information here for those that do opt to include
grains in their diet in order to help point people to the importance of proper
preparation if you do eat grains.
So again, for some, healthy living is truly journey of discovery with
unexpected curves along the way that cause you to rethink whats best for
your personal health. So if you continue to have digestive issues despite
the healthy changes youre making, I would recommend seeking out a good
natural health practitioner, as well as exploring new options in your diet
that you previously may not have considered with much research of
course to support this change. And above all else, take your concerns to
the Lord! Because only the Lord can bring true healing and give grace and
peace in all circumstances. Although Hes made wonderful nutritious foods
to help sustain and heal us, the reality is, He is the one who heals (its the
Creator, not the creation what brings about real life) and so we need to put
our trust in Him first and foremost. I hope this encourages you! Blessings,



Adina says

August 25, 2014 at 4:42 am

I dont normally make comments but I just had after reading your story..I

feel I came across your website at the Lords guidance

your first comment on this website, dated June 28th, 2012so true we need
to take it easy in changing our eating habits, learning this soaking thing..
since it takes time and most importantly not do this at the expense of losing
sight of God or spending time with Him as ultimately He gives us the
healing, all the guidance we need. I had to say something since I feel we

speak the same language

of your heart.

God bless you and give you the desires


Kelly says

August 25, 2014 at 10:01 am

Welcome, Adina! I just love how the Lord can connect us all in amazing
ways like the internet. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a

kind, encouraging note. You are a blessing!



Ben says

October 1, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Hi Kelly,
First off, what a helpful article! Thanks for sharing. Im a recent college grad
trying to cook a bit more healthy. Just wondering if canned beans are
treated differently than dry beans? For instance, if I purchase canned beans

from Trader Joes (Pinto, Black, etc.) does that change anything with the
process of soaking the beans overnight you outline so well?

Kelly says

October 1, 2014 at 9:21 pm

Hi, Ben. Youre so welcome. To answer your question, since canned beans
are already cooked. Its not possible to soak them. So if you want to use the
soaking methods, youll need to purchase dry beans and soak them. Using
a crockpot will help make the process easier when cooking them. But
remember, its all about balance. So small amounts of canned beans in a
relatively healthy diet should not pose a major issue, unless you have
sensitivities. If they make up a daily (or moderate portion of your diet) then
proper soaking is definitely recommended even for those without any

evident health concerns.


Ben says

October 6, 2014 at 7:13 pm

Thanks Kelley, that makes sense really appreciate the help.

Ben says

October 6, 2014 at 7:14 pm


Kelly says

October 6, 2014 at 8:24 pm

You are so welcome!

My pleasure!



Sophie says

October 13, 2014 at 12:03 pm

Hello, how could I dry soaked oats before making granola with them? I dont
have a dehydrator, would they dry while the granola cooks in the oven?
Also, how long do we have to soak lentils before cooking them? I would
imagine it takes a bit less time than bigger beans. Do we have to add
vinegar to the soaking water? Baking soda?

Kelly says

October 13, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Hi, Sophie. I have a soaked granola recipe here you may be interested in
trying: regard to lentils, please see this
post: your questions
about beans/lentils yes, you can add baking soda or vinegar, I dont but

heres a site who




Colette says

December 2, 2014 at 9:23 am

Something to consider: When I did a heavy metal detox (on going),
increased my mineral and salt and water intake (balanced it), increased my
stomach acid and increased the good bacteria in my gut (on going), my
sensitivity to grains went down. Whole grains are high in Nickel which
interacts with cadmiun (a toxic metal that accumulates in the body when
you are deficient in Zinc and other minerals). After taking a supplement to
pull the heavy metals out (mainly cadmiun), I found that my sensitivity to
nickel containing jewlery had decreased a lot. I know mercury interfers and
causes problems in the digestive track as well. The health state of the
adrenals have an affect also.

Kelly says

December 2, 2014 at 11:20 am

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.



Jenny says

January 22, 2015 at 10:23 pm

This is the best article I have read so far that actually makes soaking grains
seem relatively easy and totally manageable for someone. I REALLY a
appreciate this.

Kelly says

January 23, 2015 at 8:52 am

Thank you! You are quite welcome! If you dont already have the book
Nourishing Traditions, I highly recommend it as well! Blessings, Kelly


marg says

January 28, 2015 at 7:06 pm

Kelly, I am blessed that you praise the Lord in your answers. My question is:
I soaked hard white wheatberries for 36 hours , rinsed them and put in
dehydrator. Theyre giving off a sour smell. Should I be concerned?

Kelly says

January 28, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Hi, Marg! Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I definitely want to use this site

to bring glory to the Lord.

As far as your question, I do want to

point out that I have been grain-free for about a year and a half now so I
am not keeping up on the latest research in soaking and sprouting grains.
However, I would recommend that you change the water if youre going to
soak longer than 18-24 hours particularly in warmer climates. Soaking for a
full 36 hours without changing the water may result in a soured flavor and
possibly with unwanted bacteria. Instead, what you may want to look into is
sprouting your wheat berries. This is a great article that describes the
process: I
hope this helps.


Nili says

February 11, 2015 at 3:37 pm

Dear Kelly,
I know you are now GF, but I thought I might consult with you on soaking. I
make my own baby food and soak all grains and legumes before cooking. In
order to make porridge for baby, once I soak, I air dry the grains/legumes so
that I can grind them into a powder before cooking. My question is, is it
possible to soak, dry, and then store the grains/legumes or must I use them
immediately? It would make it easier for me to have pre-soaked and dried
grains/legumes on hand so that I can grind them on a moments notice if
needed. Thanks so much!

Kelly says

February 11, 2015 at 8:04 pm

I would think it would be fine to do as you suggest. I would just recommend
storing in the freezer. That way, just incase there is any moisture
remaining, you wouldnt have the potential for bacteria or mold. You can

still grind the frozen soaked and dried grains, or allow them to thaw a bit

first before grinding.


Nili says

February 13, 2015 at 3:32 am

Great. Thanks! Do you know if the boosted nutritional value of the soaked
grains/legumes degrades over time while in storage? Also, if they are
completely dry and I dont store them in the freezer, how much of a shelf
life do they have after having gone through the soaking process?

Kelly says

February 13, 2015 at 9:56 am

All foods nutritional values degrade over time, so yes, that would be true
in the case of extended storage of soaked grains. And I cannot speak on
the shelf life of soaked dried grains, you would need to do some research
on that. The reason I suggest storing in the freezer is because youre
wanting to use these for an infant and so I am recommending the safest
course of action to ensure the least likelihood of any source of mold or
bacteria forming on grains that may not be thoroughly dried. I always err
on the side of caution.


coco zordan says

February 17, 2015 at 7:27 pm

Hi Kelly! Im so glad I found your website and the article about how to
prepare grains and beans.
Its so clear and comprehensive that I used it in my blog. Of course I gave
you whole credit. I hope you dont mind but in case let me know. : )
Best and thank you!

Kelly says

February 17, 2015 at 7:36 pm

Hi, Coco. Please email me to clarify what you mean by using my post in
your blog? This is copyrighted content and is protected by law. It cannot be
copied and placed into another website, as that would be a violation of
copyright. If you enjoy the article, you are more than welcome to link to the
article and direct your readers here to read my article in its entirety, but it
is not permissible or legal to copy anyones work and place it into other
sites or publications. You can reach me via email to discuss. Thank you.


Alex2102 says

February 21, 2015 at 1:10 pm

First of all Im really glad that Ive found your site, as I previously had no
idea that cereals need to be soaked. No wonder Ive always found whole
grains to be hard on my digestion. Thank you for putting together all this
As Im trying to find ways to heal my gut.. gastritis.. Im kindly asking for
some more clarifications on soaking, hope you dont mind. Here I go:
1. do refined grains need soaking? Eg basmati rice, jasmin rice, refined
2. I am concerned about the acidic medium that is used when soaking, as

Im following an alkaline diet, to suit my gastritis. Any idea whether the

grain itself turns acidic while soaking?
3. after soaking, do whole grains turn out as easy to digest as refined ones?
I was reading about a bland diet for gastritis, and they were saying to avoid
whole grains, as they are hard to digest, but they didnt say why they are
so.. So Im thinking it might be because of the phytic acid.
Thank you and best whishes,

Kelly says

February 23, 2015 at 9:07 am

Hi, Alex. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am now gluten-free
and grain-free, so although Ive left this article up for those who are still
following a whole grain, real food lifestyle, I am not fielding questions at
this point, since I am no longer keeping up with all the research on grains.
What I do recommend is that you review the Weston A Price Foundation
white paper on phytic acid/grain soaking and contact them with any
questions or Sarah Pope, one of their spokespersons (see second link
With regard to GI issues and why whole grains are hard on the GI tract, I
can tell you that for many individuals who have GI issues, it truly makes a
significant impact on ones health to follow a grain-free lifestyle. For more
information, I recommend reading Breaking the Vicious Cycle, you can
find the book here on their website, as well as read more about how grains
can impact GI health for those with chronic GI issues and autoimmune and
inflammatory conditions:
I hope these resources help you to find the answers youre looking for. Best

to you in your healthy living journey!




Tomas says

February 24, 2015 at 8:19 pm

Can anyone confirm the maximum temperature before phytase is rendered
useless? Weston A Price recommends a soaking temperature of 37 deg C.
(100 deg. F). I want to buy an electric yoghurt maker to soak my oats + rye
in that. The temperature range of the machine is 39 to 41 degrees C. (102
to 106 degrees F.).
Is that too hot for phytase?
Thanks for your avice.

Kelly says

February 25, 2015 at 3:10 pm

If you scroll down in this post:
youll see that this blogger gives recommended temperatures for soaking
grains. I would recommend contacting her to ask for the research behind
where she arrived at these temperatures so you can research for yourself if
these temps are accurate.
Hope this helps! Blessings to you, Kelly

Tomas says

February 25, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Thank you

Kelly says

February 26, 2015 at 10:34 am

My pleasure to help!


Amelia says

February 27, 2015 at 8:28 am

Just want to clarify about the oats. Are you saying that in addition to adding
an acid, i.e., Apple Cider Vinegar, that I should also add some spelt or rye
flour to the soaking water? If so, Does the spelt flour (which I have) have to
be soaked first before I add to the soaking water? Thanks so much!

Kelly says

February 27, 2015 at 3:52 pm

Hi, Amelia. The spelt or rye should not be soaked first, you can add it to the
oats either as flour or as rolled flakes. I recommend the rolled flakes
because they result in a less pasty oatmeal. But either will work to provide
the added phytase needed to reduce the phytic acid in oats. Blessings,

Aimelia says

February 27, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Thank you for explaining and thank you for your service to the Lord in this
capacity. I am also a member of GNOWFGLINS. It is awesome the way I just
happenened to come across these two sites that are Christ based!
Continued blessings to you.

Kelly says

February 27, 2015 at 7:16 pm

Thank you for your kind words. Wardee and I are good friends so
wonderful you are following her site as well. She is definitely an expert in
soaking and traditional food preparation. She was one of the first bloggers
I followed when I started my real food journey years ago. I cant speak
highly enough of her. Blessings to you in your healthy living journey! May

God bless and direct you!



Tomas says

March 4, 2015 at 8:15 am

Hi, I bought a yogurt maker specifically to make yummy yogurt and also to
soak oatmeal in sustained warmth (it maintains 102-105 degrees F, or 3941 degrees C). I soak the oatmeal with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar +
a tablespoon of ground rye for each cup of oatmeal, covered with warm
water. Sounds right, I know.

But at 24 hours it smells distinctly different not entirely bad as in

pathogen bad, but not exactly attractive either. It doesnt have the nice
fruity smell of fermentation that I recognise in sourdough. I rinsed and
drained the oatmeal, but the funky smell remained. I then cooked it, but
that made no difference. Its lost the sweet and oaty taste that my normal
porridge used to have.
What do you think is going on? Is this smell normal, and do I just need to
get over it?
Is there any other way of getting rid of the phytates without ending up with
a funky breakfast?
Thanks for your help.

Kelly says

March 4, 2015 at 6:14 pm

Hi, Tomas. This is because by soaking in a very warm environment for an
extended period of time without changing the soaking water you are
actually souring the oats.
As Ive mentioned to others in the comments above, its a fine line between
soaking for the health benefits and being able to actually enjoy your food.
Thats why, when I make soaked oatmeal for my kids (they are not grainfree like I am), I do not do an extended soak at high temperatures because
they simply will not eat the resulting soured oats. You can see what I do
here in this post:
It may not be as effective at removing phytic acid as a 24-hour soak, but it
does result in moderate phytic acid reduction with the benefit of the

oatmeal actually tasting good.

Another recommendation would be to change your soaking water every 4-6

hours so that you are curbing the souring process and helping to make sure
you arent breeding harmful bacteria.
Hope this helps. Blessings, Kelly


Daphne says

September 6, 2015 at 11:39 pm

Hi I would like to know whether soaking of medium fried grains(millets I
fried it cos its infested with beetles) has any effect on phytates

Kelly says

September 7, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Hi, Daphne. Heating grains does reduce phytates, but I do not know how
much phytate reduction will occur to soak fried grains. Since this is now a
grain-free blog for the most part, I am no longer keeping up with the
research, which is why I recommend at the beginning of the article to
contact Weston A Price Foundation with questions and for further
documentation and research. Blessings to you, Kelly


Nancy Giove says

November 22, 2015 at 7:21 am

Hello Daphne, when soaking oatmeal, please tell me if i must discard the
soak water or may i simply cook in it? also, forget oats, may i soak oatmeal,
as in Quaker Oats?
thank you, Nancy



lynnann says

January 10, 2016 at 10:10 am

Ive googled and can not find information regarding how fermenting grains
effects the carbohydrates. Im curious as to whether they are reduced in the
Im on a strict doctor prescribed diet for weight loss and must keep carb
count very low for a temporary period. I do eat the veggies I ferment as I
know much of the sugar is eaten up in the fermenting processbut now
wonder about the starch carbs in whole grains?

Kelly says

January 10, 2016 at 3:36 pm

Hi, LynnAnn. Thanks for your note, however, as I mentioned at the
beginning of this article, I highly recommend contacting WAPF for questions
as they lead the research on soaking. As far as carbs go, I havent read any
studies on how soaking may impact carbs, my guess is because it doesnt.
If you are on a carb restricted diet, you may wish to consider going grainfree. Since my site is now a grain-free site, I have many delicious recipes
with healthy options for those who wish to restrict or avoid grains.
Blessings, Kelly


Holly says

January 10, 2016 at 8:41 pm

If I want to make a sprouted bread, would I need to sprout wheat berries in

cold water and then use the warm warm/acid soak after? What would you

Kelly says

January 10, 2016 at 8:47 pm

Most agree that its not necessary to soak sprouted grains. Heres some
info from Cultures for Health that
As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, I am now following a grainfree lifestyle due to health issues, so I am not keeping up on current
research, so I do recommend following the WAPF site for the latest on
soaking. You may also find this article from Jenny at Nourished Kitchen
helpful: Blessing
s, Kelly


Andrea says

March 8, 2016 at 10:38 pm

Is it possible to reduce phytic acid by soaking in salt water instead of the
acidic medium? I have very severe GERD and I was eating soaked quinoa
every evening (around 5pm) until I realized it was causing me more acid at
night. I cant have any type of fat, meat or acidic foods for my evening meal
because it contributes to my reflux. Im wondering if I could soak my quinoa
in salt instead. Would this still be effective at removing physic acid? Nuts
and seeds are soaked in salt water, so I guess I was just wondering what the
difference would be with quinoa. Thanks so much!

Kelly says

March 11, 2016 at 10:45 pm

Hi, Andrea. You may have missed my opening comment in this article that
my dietary lifestyle is now grain-free, so as a result, Im not keeping current
with the literature on soaking, although honestly Ive not seen much new
info coming through the research pipeline. Still, I would encourage you to
visit the Weston A Price Foundation. You may also want to consider
changing to a gluten-free diet focused on gut healing. There is so much
literature on gut healing via a GF lifestyle and how it positively contributes
to reducing and even healing GERD. If you do a quick google search on
health benefits of GF diet for GERD, youll see what I mean. Blessings to

you in your healthy living journey!



Julie says

March 10, 2016 at 8:22 pm

Hi Kelly,
What kinds of improvements health or otherwise, have you experienced
since omitting grains from your diet?
Thank you,

Kelly says

March 11, 2016 at 10:26 pm

Hi, Julie. Since I have severe gluten sensitivity, Ive experienced some
remarkable benefits from removing gluten, but when I also opted to remove

grains as well as gluten (and limit dairy), I began to experience healing and
relief from my autoimmune conditions that has enabled me to live a much
fuller, healthier life. For anyone with chronic health issues, particularly
autoimmune-related, I highly recommend giving the grain-free lifestyle a
30-day minimum test run. Thats why I encourage and lead Whole30
Challenges here on the blog. You can find out more about this free program

Julie says

March 29, 2016 at 7:40 am

Hi Kelly, Thank you for your reply. How did you figure out you have an
autoimmune condition?

Kelly says

April 1, 2016 at 6:11 pm

I underwent myriad tests and was finally diagnosed by specialists,
including suspected Celiac disease. I refused the definitive test which is a
colon biopsy and decided I had had enough and had already made the
commitment to live GF. It was a long road, but Im so thankful to have
found out about my autoimmune conditions, because changing to a grainfree lifestyle, along with using essential oils, supplements and other
healthy changes has resulted in me being able to regain my health,
energy and wellbeing. I pray the same for you as well!


Stefano says

April 5, 2016 at 7:18 pm

Hi Kelly,
I was wondering if I can just add rye berries (instead of rolled rye flakes/rye
flour) as a starter to break down the phytates when soaking oats? And do I
need to soak rye berries before using them as a starter? I forgot to say, in
this case Im not talking about soaking rolled oats but simply oat groats,
as to when you make kasha and not a regular porridge. I was thinking to use
rye berries because they are supposed to be less processed than rolled rye
flakes/rye flour (unless you grind or roll your own rye groats), so you can be
quite positive the organic properties of oats are preserved after all.

Kelly says

April 8, 2016 at 12:39 pm

Hi, Stefano. Since Im no longer consuming grains as noted in the post, Im
asking friends to contact Weston A Price Foundation directly with questions.
I have seen talk that groats should be cracked in order for the phytates to
activate. But again, please do contact WAPF with questions. Thank


Stefano says

April 8, 2016 at 3:52 pm

Thanks for your advice, Im going to try and contact WAPF about this topic.

April 8, 2016 at 7:40 pm

Kelly says

You are quite welcome!



Scarlett says

April 7, 2016 at 7:17 am

Thank you so much for your detailed posts on oatmeals, I have learnt so
So far I have been soaking my oats in the fridge, but now I know that they
should be left at room temperature at the very least.
I was wondering if the following practise would be safe & also remove the
phytic acid sufficiently:
My oatmeal contains: Rolled Oats, Rolled Barley, Rolled Triticale, Rolled
Wheat, Rolled Rye, Rolled Rice.
I put it in a cup, pour boiling water, cover & leave it for 24 hours.
So my two questions are:
+ Would it be safe to consume? I thought that food left at temperatures 560 degrees is in the danger zone; bacteria grows rapidly.
+ Would the phytic acid be sufficiently removed? I dont use an acid
medium but I do have some Rolled Rye.
Thank you for your help!

Kelly says

April 8, 2016 at 12:31 pm

Hi, Scarlett. As noted at the beginning of the post, I recommend contacting
Weston A Price Foundation per the links included in the post for questions
and updates on the latest research with regard to grains and phytates.
Thank you! Blessings, Kelly


Irene Baldwin says

April 29, 2016 at 4:01 am

Thank you, your article is so helpful



Kelly says

April 29, 2016 at 8:54 am

You are very welcome!



Craig Cobb says

May 30, 2016 at 8:28 am

Can I prepare several batches of soaked oatmeal ahead of time, and if so
should I refrigerate them after the 24 hour soak?

Kelly says

June 6, 2016 at 12:30 pm

You should always refrigerate after the ferment. You can either cook or not
cook the oats first before refrigerating. Use within 4 days for best results.


Doug says

July 9, 2016 at 6:29 pm

What about flax meal? I like to take it for fiber, does it have phytic acid?

Kelly says

July 10, 2016 at 12:30 pm

Hi, Doug. You may want to check this article out from Kristen at Food



Filed Under: Getting Started, Sprouting, Sprouting Grains

Grains have been a staple crop for many a society since ancient
times. But grains, like all seeds, have a coating full of anti-nutrients
along with some tough-to-digest fiber in the bran of the seed.
Because of this, many of these ancient cultures also worked at
preparing grains that would be both easy to digest and more
nutritious than the bare seed itself.
There are three main ways grains can be prepared for optimum
nourishment, each of which is slightly different in its final result.

The process of sprouting is, in the simplest terms, the process of
seed germination. In the case of grains, the grain seed is kept
warm and damp, just as it would be in the soil, and after a short
period of time a tiny sprout begins to emerge from the very core of
the grain.

Changes to the Grain Seed When Sprouted

The sprouting process is a complete biological transformation of the
seed. In this process there is a lessening of the starch of the grain
and at the same time an increase in the protein, fat, amino acid
composition, and B vitamin content. Through the enzymatic action
that occurs in the sprouting process the anti-nutrients found in the
grain are also lessened.

Advantages to Sprouting Grains

Many people prefer this method of grain preparation because the
grains can be sprouted in large batches and dried for storage. They
can then be ground into flour as needed and made into bread
without the need for soaking or souring afterward.
Sprouting is also a good way to prepare whole grains that will be
consumed as a side dish.
Sprouting at home, under sanitary conditions, is considered perfectly

Browse our wide variety of organic and non-GMO sprouting seeds,

including barley sprouting seeds or hard red wheat sprouting
seeds, to get started at home.

Souring refers to the process of fermentation. Sourdough is
probably the most widely known method of grain fermentation,
though ancient cultures preparedsoured porridges more often than
bread because porridge can be made with roughly cracked grains.

Why Sour or Ferment Grains?

Grain fermentation was very likely practiced because people found
that fermented grains were more easily digested than unfermented
ones, and the fermentation added an additional level of taste and
variety. Additionally, fermentation allowed for longer storage times,
so was a matter of simple practicality before the widespread use of

Sourdough as Soured and Fermented Grains

The original leavened bread, sourdough, is made in such a way that
not only is the bread lightened by the leavening, but the acids and
bacteria present in a sourdough culture also pre-digest the grain and
neutralize some of the anti-nutrients inherent in all seeds.
One thing to keep in mind is that grains do better in fermentation,
and therefore soaking, when they are cracked to expose the starchy

endosperm. This starch is what the wild bacteria will feast on in

order to proliferate and create beneficial yeasts and acids.
When souring, you can allow wild organisms to inoculate your grain
and water mixture naturally, or you can choose a starter
culture. Sourdough starters are the most likely choice for breads,
but you could also use anything that contains beneficial
bacteria: whey from cultured dairy, water kefir, or even a bit of
brine from a batch of fermented vegetables.

Preparing grains by soaking has become more popular in recent
years and is a precursor to the fermentation process. Soaking is
beneficial in its own way.

The How and Why of Soaking Grains

The hydration of the grain results in enzymatic action that can
reduce the enzyme-inhibitors in the grain. If an acidic medium is
used, as is the case when you soak grains in cultured dairy, the
acids can help to break down anti-nutrients as well as fibers.
Soaking is usually only performed for 12 to 24 hours; beyond that
fermentation begins, which some argue is a more complete way to
pre-digest the grain and neutralize anti-nutrients.
Whether you choose sprouting, souring, or soaking, know that the
time and effort, though small, is worth it. In the process, you are
nurturing grain from a seed with built-in protective elements that

make it difficult to digest, to one that is a nourishing staple in your


Ready to Learn More?

How to Make Sourdough Bread (VIDEO)
Getting Started Sprouting
How to Sprout Grains

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