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Year Long Plan

Grade: 3rd

Subject: Language ArtsSchool Year:


1st Trimester
August - November

2nd Trimester
November - February

2016 - 2017

Teacher: Mrs.

3rd Trimester
February - May


Students will ask and answer questions
related to text, recount stories, and
describe characters. Students will ask
and answer text-based questions, refer
explicitly to the text as the basis for
answers, describe traits, motivations
and feelings of characters, explain how
illustrations can contribute to what is
conveyed in text, determine the
meaning of general academic and
domain-specific words, compare and
contrast the most important points and
details from two texts on the same
Story structure
Main idea
Fact and opinion
Decode multi-syllable words
Reading Workshop:
Read to self
Read to others
Listening to reading
Word Work
Students will start the writing workshop,
learn strategies for generating ideas for
true stories, write with independence,
and use a storytellers voice-not
reporter. Students will pause to check
how they are doing and consider what
is going well and what they might try
next, editing so others can read their
writing, learn to generate alternate
leads as ways to rehearse a story,
writing discovery drafts, revising by
studying what others have done, learn
to develop the most important part of
the story, regrouping sentences into
paragraphs, revision, adding detail, and
use correct punctuation. Students will
learn how revision can bring writing to a
new level, revising endings, using
editing checklists, and publishing a
narrative piece.
With the Journey series and Words
Their Way
Speaking and Listening:
Students will participate in the Living
Saints presentation. Students will pick
a saint of interest, research the saint,
write and prepare a short speech about

Students will ask and answer textbased questions, refer explicitly to the
text as the basis for answers,
determine central meaning, main idea,
lesson and moral, describe character
traits, motivations and feelings, use
terms such as chapter, scene and
stanza when speaking, explain how
illustrations can create mood, find the
meaning of general academic and
domain-specific words, describe the
logical connection between sentences
and paragraphs in text using cause and
effect and comparing, compare and
contrast the most important points and
details from two texts on the same
Context clues
Making inferences
Drawing conclusions
Sequence of events
Irregularly spelled words
Decode multi-syllable words
Prefixes and suffixes, including Latin
Reading Workshop:
Read to self
Read to others
Listening to reading
Word Work
Students will write persuasive
speeches, learn how to gather different
ideas for changes theyd like to see in
the world, learn how to write about
people who deserve attention or about
places, things, or ideas, learn strategies
for being more persuasive to
audiences, editing as you go making
sure your audience can always read
drafts, learn how to make goals and
plans for future work, collect evidence
for their opinions by gathering what
they know about topic, organize and
categorize evidence, learn how to make
their speeches more persuasive by
providing examples, use paragraphs to
organize drafts and use transition
words, use an editing checklist to
proofread, working with a partner.
Students will learn different forms of
opinion writing, how to hold themselves
accountable for deadlines, learn how to
conduct surveys and interview to collect

Students will ask and answer textbased questions, refer explicitly to the
text, determine main idea, use terms
such as chapter, scene, and stanza
when speaking, distinguish own point of
view from that of the narrator or those
of the characters, compare and
contrast the themes, settings and plots
of books within a series, read and
comprehension grade-level literature
and informational text independently
and proficiently, use language that
relates to time, sequence and cause
and effect, describe the logical
connection between sentences and
paragraphs, identify and know the
meaning of most common prefixes and
suffixes, read with sufficient accuracy
and fluency to support comprehension
Using references materials
Point of view
Reading Workshop:
Read to self
Read to others
Listening to reading
Word Work
Students will begin to write
informational stories, thinking of
informational writers as teachers,
brainstorm ways to organize
information writing, introduce different
organizational structures, research
through reading books, introduce table
of contents as a tool to plan chapters,
learn various strategies to develop
informational books, connect
information using different transitional
strategies and phrases, balance
interesting facts with engaging style,
revision, using checklists, revision
strategies, compare back to first draft
and revise, imagine text as a speech,
brochure, or article, publish, and share
with audience. Use strategies for Living
Wax Museum project.
With the Journey series and Words
Their Way


the life of the saint.

Students will follow agreed-upon rules
demonstrating respect and good
listening while they share their stories
aloud with the class. They will ask the
students if they have any questions,
comments, or connections. They will
ask questions to check understanding
of information presented

evidence, revise their introductions and

conclusions, how to address a cause,
researching, revision, and publishing.
With the Journey series and Words
Their Way
Speaking and Listening:
Students will follow agreed-upon rules
demonstrating respect and good
listening while they share their stories
aloud with the class. They will ask the
students if they have any questions,
comments, or connections. They will
ask questions to check understanding
of information presented

Speaking and Listening:

Students will participate in the Living
Wax Museum. Students will pick a
historical figure of positive influence,
research that person, create a tri-fold of
information including a 5 paragraph
paper, poem, graphic organizer,
interesting words that pertain to that
era, and present this information plus a
1-2 minute memorize speech in front of
the school and parents.
Students will follow agreed-upon rules
demonstrating respect and good
listening while they share their stories
aloud with the class. They will ask the
students if they have any questions,
comments, or connections. They will
ask questions to check understanding
of information presented


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