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Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris


One day a lion was asleep. A little mouse jumped upon him that made the lion wake up. The lion was
very angry. He caught the mouse under his big paw. I have caught you! roared the lion. squeak!
cried the mouse please let me go. I will help you some day. The lion laughed at that.
1. This is a , her name is Siti.
a. boy
b. girl
ANSWER : B. (anak perempuan)

c. friend

d. man

2. Who was made the

lion wake up?...................
a. mouse
b. a little mouse
c. cat
ANSWER : B. a little mouse ( seekor tikus kecil )

d. dog

3. The little mouse will help.

a. lion
b. mouse
ANSWER : A. lion ( singa )

c. his friend

d. his self

4. How is the lion after wake up?.......................

a. very hungry
b. very angry
ANSWER : B. ( sangat lapar)

c. very happy

d. very sad

5. My sister doesnt like eggplant but she likes celery leaves. Celery leaves its means
a. bayam
b. timun
c. Terung
d. daun sup
ANWER : D. ( celery leaves )
6. .. touch the fire! Its hot.
a. Do
b. Dont
ANSWER : B. ( jangan )

c. Didnt

d. Doesnt

7. My mother is headache, so she drinks

a. milk
b. tea
c. water
ANSWER : D. ( obat )

d. medicine

8. The antonym of small is

a. long
b. tall
c. big
ANSWER : C. ( besar )

d. short

9. She a lot of books to school yesterday.

a. bring
b. brings
c. brought
ANSWER : B. ( membawa )

d. bringing

10. Ajie : My brother got an accident this morning.

Anton :
a. Im glad to hear that
c. Im pleased to hear that
b. Im sorry to hear that
d. Im happy to hear that
ANSWER : B. ( saya turut berduka cita )

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

11. I . go there next time.
a. would
b. well
ANSWER : B. ( akan )

c. want

d. will

12. Mrs.Hamidah is my mothers mother. She is my.

a. grand mother
c. mother
b. grandfather
d. aunt
ANSWER : A. ( nenek )
13. A doctor and a nurse work in..
a. dentist
b. hospital
c. ambulance
ANSWER : B. ( rumah sakit )

d. syringe

14.We can take a picture with..

a. book
b. bag
ANSWER : C. ( kamera )

d. bus

c. camera

15. Aldy is wearing a.when he walks in the heavy rain.

a. umbrella
b. raincoat
c. hat
ANWER : B. ( jas hujan )
16. Indonesia has................seasons.
a. one
b. Two
ANSWER : B. ( dua )
17. A : the weather to day?
B : it is snowy.
a. what
b. how
ANSWER : B. ( bagaimana )

d. T- shirt

c. Three

d. four

c. why

d. where

18. There are four seasons in..

a. Indonesia
b. asia
c. Europe
ANSWER : C. ( eropa )
19. Malin kundang changed to be............................
a. lake
b. temple
c. statue

d. Africa

d. stone

ANSWER : D. ( batu )
20. .Rio and Ria go to swimming pool with their father?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Does
ANSWER : D. ( are )
21. Meryto school on Sunday.
a. isnt go
b. doesnt go
ANSWER : B. ( tidak pergi )

c. doesnt goes

d. Are

d. go

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

22. The sun rises in the..
a. north
b. south
ANSWER: C. ( timur )

c. east

d. west

23. how .you to day?

a. are
b. do
ANSWER : A. ( are )

c. is

d. does

24. Andi : How do you go to school?

Tomy : I go to school.foot.
a. in
b. with
ANSWER : C. ( on )

c. on

25. .the blackboard, please! its dirty.

a. erase
b. sweep
ANSWER : A. ( hapus )

d. by

c. put

d. open

26. What is the name of the place where we can see many animals?........
a. market
b. zoo
c. cinema
ANSWER : B. ( kebun binatang )

d. library

27. Switch off the fan, jack.

The synonym of the statement is..
a. turn off the fan
c. turn on the fan
b. switch on the fan
d. open the fan
ANSWER : C. ( hidupkan )
Text for number 26 to 28
The student of SDN 004 Batam Kota have a plan. They want to have a picnic. They want to
see the zoo. They will go by bus. They are happy and can sing a song in the bus. They can see a
beautiful scenery along the way.
28. A: Who is going to zoo?
B : .are the students of SDN 004 Batam Kota.
a. I
b. She
c. You
ANSWER : D. ( mereka )
29. What are students doing on the bus?.............
a. They are dancing
b. they are eating
ANSWER : C. ( mereka sedang bernyanyai )

d. They

c. they are singing a song

d. they are sleeping

30. Along the way, they can see a beautiful

a. river
c. mountain
b. scenery
d. zoo
ANSWER : B. ( pemandangan )

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

31. A : .
B : I am nine years old.
a. How long do you study English?
b. What class are you?
ANSWER : C. ( berapa umurmu )

c. How old are you?

d. How do you do?

32. 05 : 20 a.m. I get up at

a. twenty past five
b. twenty to five
ANSWER : A. ( pukul 5 lewat 20 )

c. five past twenty

d. five to twenty

33.We need a ball and a goal to play in this sport.

What sport is it?................................
a. badminton
b. football
ANSWER : B. ( sepak bola )

c. volleyball

d. basketball

34. I want to have some drink, lets go to the..

a. library
c. office
b. canteen
d. classroom
ANSWER : B . ( kantin )
35. The first month is
a. January
b. February
ANSWER : A. ( januari )

c. August

d. December

36. The Indonesian people commemorate the independence day on..

a. January
b. May
c. July
d. August
ANSWER : D. ( agustus )
37. We commemorate Kartini day on..
a. April the first
b. April the twenty first
d. june the second
ANSWER : B. ( 21 April )
38. A man who teaches a student is ..
a. teacher
b. farmer
ANSWER : A. ( guru )

c. January the first

c. sea man

39. A : Who is the first president in Indonesia ?

B : It was..
a. Soekarno
b. Soeharto
c. Habibie
ANSWER : A. ( presiden pertama : soekarno )
40. During rainy season, the land is
a. hot
b. muddy
ANSWER : B. ( becek )

c. dry

41.Where will you go, when you want to send a letter?..............

a. post office
c. bank
b. police station
d. library

d. police man

d. Megawati

d. polluted

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

ANSWER : A. ( kantor pos )
42. Anton has toothache. His mother takes him to..
a. surgeon
b. school
c. nurse
d. dentist
ANSWER : D. ( dokter gigi )
43. We go to the beach every Sunday.
The simple past (bentuk lampau) is
a. We are going to the beach now
c. We will go to the beach tomorrow
b. We went to the beach yesterday
d. We dont go to the beach
ANSWER : B. ( kami pergi ke pantai kemarin )
44. He drinks orange juice. The negatives sentence is..
a. he doesnt drink orange juice
c. he dont drink orange juice
b. he want drink orange juice
d. he will drink orange juice
ANSWER : A. ( dia tidak minum jus oren )
45. Hello, I am is Sasongko.
a. his
b. her
c. your

d. my

ANSWER : D. (my )
46. n i r g s p
The correct word is..
a. sunny
b. snowy
ANSWER : D. ( musim semi )

c. rainy

d. spring

47. is weather cold the rainy season in

a. the weather cold the rainy is in season
b. the rainy season is the weather cold
c. in rainy season the weather is cold
d. in the weather is rainy season cold
ANSWER : C. ( pada musim hujan cuaca dingin )
48. I have . With rice and fried chicken at 13:00 after school.
a. supper
c. breakfast
b. dinner
d. lunch
ANSWER : D. ( makan siang )
49. 3 mei , write in English ?
a. may the third
b. may the three
ANSWER : A. ( tanggal 3 bulan mei )

c. mei the third

50. 2 maret, write in English ?

a. the two of march
b. maret the second
ANSWER : A. ( 2 maret )

c. the second of march

d. of maret the second

d. mei,three

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

51. A: what do you feel if you have headache?
B: I feel pain in my.
a. stomach
b. head
ANSWER : B. ( kepala )
52. How do you feel if your money lost?
a. Im very happy
b. Im very glad
ANSWER : D. ( saya sangat kecewa )

c. leg

d. eyes

c. Im proud

d. Im very annoyed

53. Every Monday, the all student the school yard. ( upacara bendera )
a. flag ceremony
c. sport
b. playing football
d. sing
54. Throw the rubbish into the .
a. rubbish bin
b. classroom
c. box
ANSWER : A. ( tong sampah )

d. cupboard

55. Where are the students playing football ?

a. in the river
b. in the classroom
ANSWER : D. ( di lapangan sekolah )]

d. in the school yard

c. in the garden

56. We live in the

a. Mercury
b. Neptune

c. earth

d. sun

57. The centre of our solar system is ..

a. Star
b. Moon

c. Planet

d. sun

58. A : Who was the third president of Indonesia?

B : It was ..
a. Soeharto
b. BJ. Habibi
c. Abdurrahman Wahid

d. Megawati

59. Mr. Ahmad Dahlan is the .. of Batam.

a. ambassador
b. mayor

c. governor

d. minister

60. Indonesia has . Provinces.

a. thirty three
b. forty three

c. twenty seven

d. thirty

61. We must know..seasons in Europe.

a. four
b. five

c. six

d. seven

62. It rains everyday during this month, This month isseason.

a. rainy
c. winter

d. spring

63. Mr.Ridwan is a postman, he works at the.

a. school
b. post office
c. bank


64. Sweep the floor, please! its means is..

a. buka pintu
b. tutup pintu
c. sapulah lantai

d. bersihkan lantai

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

65. Ronni : could i borrow your shoes ?
Aldo : .
a. thank you
b. sure, here it is

c. good bye

66. The bird is hungry. Please the bird!

a. feed
b. cut
c. eat

d. yes, thanks
d. give

67. Radio turn on the please! arrange it

a. radio the turn on, please!
c. turn on the radio, please!
b. the radio turn on, please!
d. please, radio turn on the!
68. Close your book, please! The sentence is.
a. request
b. command
c. invitation

d. innovation

69. Alat Suntik in English is..

a. thermometer
b. syringe
c. medicine

d. nurse

70. is doctor my a - father

The right sentence is.
a. 3-5-4-1-2
b. 3-2-1-4-5

d. 4-2-1-3-5

c. 3-5-1-4-2

71. My mother is going to shopping in the market with bring..

a. money
b. dress
c. jacket
d. basket
72. Where are the students playing football ?
a. in the river
b. in the classroom

c. in the garden

d. in the yard

73. A place where students and teachers can have drink and meal is
a. library
b. canteen
c. toilet

d. office


A : What picture is it ?
B : It is a
a. sunset
b. sunrise
75. Ryan hashe goes to a dentist.
a. earache
b. headache
76. Jakarta is a.
It is led by a governor.
a. village
b. republic

c. planet

d. solar system

c. cough

d. toothache

c. municipality

d. province

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris


It is a beautiful we can go to this place for picnic.

a. sea
b. beach
c. mountain

d. waterfall

My Family
Hi! I am Renny. I have big family, I have grandfather and grandmather. They have two
children. They are my mom and uncle Burhan. My mother is Siti and my father is Suparto. My father
job is police man and my mothers job is a nurse, and my uncle is driver. They are very kind to me
because I always study every night.
78. What is Rennys father job?..................................
a. doctor
b. police
c. farmer

d. driver

79. How many children my grandparents have?.............................

a. three
b. four
c. two

d. one

80. Who is a nurse?..................................................................

a. my mother
b. my father
c. grandmother

d. my uncle

81. Mrs.Hamidah is my mothers mother. She is my.

a. grand mother
c. mother
b. grandfather
d. aunt
82. . .touch the fire! Its hot.
a. Do
b. Dont
c. Didnt
d. Doesnt
83. Ani : Howare you?
Ana : I am ten years old.
a. old
b. do

c. many

d. much

84. Andi : What is in the airport?

Joko : .is in the airport.
a. a ship
b. a car

c. a plane

d. a bus

85. Veby : may I ..your book, please? ( meminjam )

Yemy : sure, you may. Here you are.
a. use
b. have
c. buy

d. borrow

86. A: what do you feel if you have headache?

B: I feel pain in my.
a. stomach
b. head

d. eyes

c. leg

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

87. How do you feel if your money lost?
a. Im very happy
b. Im proud

c. Im very glad
d. Im very annoyed

88. I am sick today. my father is going to take me to see.

a. a doctor
b. a teacher
c. a headmaster
d. a nurse
89. The students are reading books in the
a. mall
b. kitchen
c. library
d. canteen
90. A place where students and teachers can have drink and meal is.
a. library
b. canteen
c. toilet
d. office
91. Ryan hashe goes to a dentist.
a. earache
b. headache

c. cough

d. toothache

92. The antonym of small is

a. long
b. tall
c. big

d. short

93. 21. Ida is 160 cm. Irma is 156 cm.

Ida is.than Irma.
a. shorter
b. longer

d. thinner

c. taller

94. I get half price of my shoes in the mall. It means I get..

a. prize
b. cheep
c. expensive
d. discount
95. My mother is going to shopping in the market with bring..
a. money
b. dress
c. jacket
d. basket
96. Throw the rubbish into the .
a. rubbish bin
b. classroom
c. box

d. cupboard

97. Where are the students playing football ?

a. in the river
b. in the classroom
c. in the garden
d. in the school yard
98. Is Iwan a student? Yes, .
a. she is
b. he is

c. he is not

d. she is not

99. They are .in the swimming pool.

a. drinking
b. eating

c. taking a bath

d. swimming

100. Ilham takes a bath in the

a. bed room
b. bath room

c. living room

d. pray room

101. My mother always cooks in the..

a. bath room
b. kitchen

c. bed room

d. room

Kumpulan soal-soal bahasa inggris

102. This cake is delicious. delicious it means .
a. hambar
b. mentah

c. lezat

d. bergizi

My Breakfast
My name is Dony, I am the sixth grade in SDN 004 Batam Kota. I get up early
morning at five oclock. My mother always prepares my breakfast. There is a plate of fried rice
and a glass of orange juice on the table. I eat and drink it. My breakfast is delicious. After have
breakfast I go to school by bus at a half past six and study the lesson in the school until
afternoon at a half past one.
103. Dony has breakfast in the
a. evening
b. afternoon
c. morning
d. night
104.Who prepares Donys breakfast ? .does.
a. Sony
b. dony
c. Donys mother
d.donys father
105. Dony eats a plate of fried rice and drinks
a. a glass of juice
b. a glass of orange juice
c. a glass of milk
d. a cup of tea
106. What does dony do after has breakfast ? .
a. go to school
b. take a bath
c. make a bad
d. study
My Big Family
I have a big family. Every night I meet together with my family in the living room, they are
my father, mother, brother, sister and also my uncle and aunt. My fathers job is a teacher and my
mother is a doctor. My brothers name is Andhika and my sister is Linda, they love me very much.
My uncle has one son and one daughter, they are my cousin, when having holiday we always go
picnic to the beach and to the beautiful place and we live happily.
107. My big family meet together in the..
a. dining room
b. living room
c. bathroom
d. classroom
108. My father job is a
a. Doctor
b. Pillot
c. Teacher
d. Driver
109. My uncles son is my .
a. cousin
b. brother
c. nephew
d. sister
110. Linda is my ..
a. brother
b. sister
c. cousin
d. aunt
111. We go picnic to the . when having holiday.
a. mall
b. canteen
c. zoo
d. beach
112. A : Who was the third president of Indonesia?
B : It was ..
a. Soeharto
b. BJ. Habibi
c. Abdurrahman Wahid
d. Megawati
113. Mr.H. Muhammad Rudi is the .. of Batam.
a. ambassador b. mayor
c. governor
d. minister
114. Jakarta is a.
It is lead by a governor.
a. village
b. republic
c. municipality
d. province


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