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Yufri Isnaini Rochmat Maulana

Dusun Tegal Kalong RT/RW. 007/006 No. 49

Desa Kemuning Sari Kidul, Kecamatan Jenggawah
Jember, Indonesia 68171

Dear Sir/Madam,

I finished my study with minor in Computer Engineering and Media Digital and major in
Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology. Additional information, my GPA is

As you can see from my CV, I have made a lot of projects and have some work experience in
the field of computer and electro. In work as Junior Programmer. As Junior Programmer have
to make software development, and I specially make mobile software with Android
Languages. Next job, I as Mobile Apps Developer until now. The job position have to make
mobile apps developer in iOS Apps with Swift Programming and then Android Apps with
Java Android Programming. For IDE to use iOS Apps, I use Excode and for Android I use
Android Studio. In addition to the above, I also to join social organizations in the community
to add practical experience in the field of teamwork. When I organized, there is a less of
chances for things to be misplaced, deadline to be forgotten, and ideas to be missed. That
would allow me to make an immediate contribution to your staff.

With the hope that a mutual interest develop. I would appreciate an opportunity to join in
your company.

I am enclosing my curriculum vitae. Thank you for taking the time consider my application. I
hope you view my application favourably and I am avalaible for interview at anytime.


Yufri Isnaini Rochmat Maulana

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