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Dear Parents / Carers of Year 4,

Autumn Term 2016

Welcome back to school and hope you had a wonderful Summer Break. We would like to give you a brief outline of the areas we will
be covering in the various subjects over this term, along with useful timetable information and homework guidelines.
During our daily English lessons this term we will continue to investigate a variety of different text types, with a
particular focus on Fantasy, Explanation and Film and play script. We will also continue to have weekly guided reading
and extended writing sessions where children will have the opportunity to put into practise the writing skills that they
have been developing. Please can we take this opportunity to express how important it is to read with your child on a
regular basis, as this not only supports them during English lessons but all aspects of the curriculum. In Year 4, we
recommend 15 minutes reading to an adult and 10 minutes reading independently every day.
As part of the 2014 National Curriculum, we have adopted a mastery approach towards teaching Mathematics. This
approach advocates spending longer on topics in order to embed understanding and develop rich connections across
topics. This term, we will be focussing on number and place value, multiplication and division facts, and addition and
subtraction. Your support is very much valued in helping your child develop confidence in Mathematics. At home, we recommend 5
minutes each day instantly recalling times tables up to 12x12, with a particular focus on those that need further development.
Our Topic this term is Sparks Might Fly and children are going to have fun learning all about electricity in Science. We will revisit
some uses of electricity and the importance of safety before trying to gain our Electricians Apprentice Certificate by completing
timed tasks and solving problems involving simple circuits. Did you know that electric eels can produce a strong electric current to
stun their dinner?
In Computing using the iPads we will focus on using technology responsibly with the children using apps to create their own
electronic music.
MUSIC will be linked to our theme of electricity where children learn to play and perform in ensemble using voices and instruments.
Our project focus in DT is electrical systems in which the children will have the opportunity to design and make a
functioning lamp out of recycled materials! If you have any recycled items that you think would be useful for our
project they would be greatly appreciated.
PSHE will give the opportunity for children to understand the importance of building strong and valuable relationships. We will also
continue to work closely with Rota kids, building on the fantastic experiences the children gained last year.
We felt so proud of the progress the previous Year 4 made in learning their brass instruments and remain very
excited to be working alongside Lancashire Music Service this year to develop our new cohorts musical skills. A one
hour teaching session will continue to take place every Thursday, and your children will have the opportunity to take
instruments home to practise their new skills while being invited to join the talented Miss Colemans school brass
orchestra during Thursday lunchtime rehearsals.
Dance and Gymnastics are on the menu for PE lessons this term. These sessions will take place
as follows:
Tuesday Indoor PE session for Leopard class (Mr Reynolds)
Tuesday Indoor PE session for Jaguar class (Miss Stevens)
Friday Outdoor PE session for Leopard class (Mr Reynolds)
Friday Outdoor PE session for Jaguar class (Miss Stevens)
However please ensure children have their full PE kit in school at all times, as changes are occasionally made to the timetable.
RE lessons will focus on developing an understanding of Buddhist lifestyles. Opportunities are provided to explore the Five Precepts
and the Three Refuges and to consider how this might relate to what is of value in pupils lives.
In French the children will be describing other people, including physical appearance, personality and nationality. They will also
continue to develop their understanding of masculine and feminine. This term, Jaguar class will have the pleasure of learning with
Madame Biggins who is a French specialist from Lostock Hall
You can have a huge impact on how your child develops both in confidence and ability by encouraging and supporting them
with their homework. Weekly spellings will be given out on Monday for children to learn throughout the week. English and
Maths homework will be given out on a Friday to be returned the following Friday, allowing plenty of time for completion.
Children may also be given a small amount of personal research to carry out or something to bring in to support their other
work in class. The children have their student planners which will continue to be used to record both homework and home
reading (to include book details, comments and page numbers.)
It is going to be an exciting term! If you have any questions or feel you have a particular expertise or interest in any of the above
topics please let us know. I hope you have found this information useful and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any
Mr Reynolds and Miss Stevens

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