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Compressible Pipe Flow Analysis

& System Modeling Software

AFT Arrow 6
Evaluate New Designs and Improve Your Installed Systems
AFT Arrow is practical fluid dynamic simulation software used to calculate pressure drop and flow
distribution in gas piping and ducting systems. Designed for compressible flow systems containing
steam, compressed air, chemical and petrochemical process gases, natural gas transport and more,
AFT Arrow is an indispensable tool to help you tackle your most challenging systems.
Experiment with operating conditions and
Quickly and easily change system input
data, including valve positions, compressor
operation, control set points, pressures,
temperatures and more
Model a wide range of system components
for both design and operational cases
Select ideal or real gases
Choose between isothermal, adiabatic or
generalized heat transfer conditions
Vary your system lineup: open and close
pipes and valves, turn compressors or fans on
or off, set control valves to fail position
Conduct flow analysis with high velocities
including sonic choking
Compile libraries of your frequently used
components and quickly select them from a
drop down list
Assemble non-reacting mixtures and
analyze dynamic mixtures resulting from
intersecting flow streams
Model rotating piping systems such as those
found in steam and gas turbines
Model effects of elevation changes such as
in tall structures, subsurface mines and
overland pipelines
Specify alerts that automatically highlight
output values that are out of range for flow,
pressure or velocity
Understand the fluid dynamic and
thermodynamic behavior of your system
Predict how pipes, valves, compressors,
fans and other components will interact with
each other
Evaluate the performance of new designs
Assure all design requirements are met
Identify and correct operational problems

Produce less costly, more efficient and

more reliable piping systems
Typical Applications
Pipe and duct sizing
Relief valve sizing and system calculations
Compressor and fan sizing and selection
Control valve sizing and selection
Simulating system operation and component
Choked flow calculations
Evaluating pipe insulation and heat transfer
in pipes and heat exchangers
Troubleshooting existing system
Advanced marching methods provide highly
accurate results
Detailed modeling for fans and
compressors, control valves, heat exchangers
and other components
Conduct compressor and fan energy cost
Conduct thermal analysis including piping
heat transfer and heat exchanger modeling
Scenario Manager tracks all design variants
and operational possibilities in a single model
Integrated graphing and reporting
Built-in library of gases and fittings can be
extended and customized
Built-in ASME steam properties
Optional ChempakTM add-on utility provides
a thermophysical database of almost 600
gases - allows you to define non-reacting premixtures and simulate dynamic flow mixing
AFT Arrow add-on module:
Goal Seek and Control (GSC) - automates
identification of input parameters that yield

desired output values and simulates control

This module can be used with your existing
AFT Arrow system models
How does it work?
AFT Arrows powerful solution engine
simultaneously solves five fundamental
equations: mass, momentum, energy, state
and Mach number. It uses a modified Newton
- Raphson matrix iteration method plus
proprietary methods developed by AFT so you
can achieve a true and rigorous compressible
flow solution

New in AFT Arrow 6!

Output reports can be generated in 5
Languages: English, French, Spanish, German
and Chinese
Graphing Enhancements Multiple graphs
can be added to Graph Folders for easy
generation and display and multiple graphs
can be tiled on the same Graph tab
Results Diagrams graphically show output
for pipe heat transfer and compressors
Design Alerts are specified and named
globally and applied to pipes and junctions

Posibiliti de analiz
Verific diferite condiii i scenarii de
Permite schimbarea rapid i uoar a
datelor de intrare ale modelului, inclusiv
poziia ventilelor, regimul de operare a
pompelor, valorile de reglare, presiunile,
temperaturile, etc.
Modeleaz o gam larg de componente ale
sistemului pentru cazurile de proiectare i de
Permite selectarea gazelor ideale sau reale
Alege ntre condiii de schimb de cldur
izotermic, adiabatic sau generalizat
Modificri ale sistemului: deschide sau
nchide conducte i ventile, pornete i oprete
compresoare sau ventilatoare, seteaz
robinete de reglare pentru regim de avarie
Efectueaz calcule de curgere pentru viteze
mari inclusiv la viteza sunetului
Compileaz colecii de componente folosite
frecvent i le selecteaz rapid dintr-o list
Convertete amestecuri inerte i calculeaz
dinamic amestecurile rezultate din fluxuri ce se
Modeleaz sisteme de conducte pentru
turbinele de abur sau gaz
Modeleaz efectele schimbrilor de elevaie
pentru structuri nalte, exploatri subterane i
conducte de transport
Stabilete alerte ce evideniaz automat
valorile calculate anormale pentru debit,
presiune sau vitez
nelege comportarea termodinamic i
dinamic a fluidelor din sistem
Scenario Manager urmrete toate
variantele de proiectare i de operare ntr-un
singur fiier pe model
Grafic i rapoarte integrate
Biblioteca ncorporat de gaze i fitinguri
poate fi extins i adaptat
ncorporeaz proprieti ale aburului
conform ASME
Utilitarul opional ChempakTM ce include o
baz de date cu proprieti termofizice pentru
circa 600 de gaze permite definirea
amestecurilor neutre i simularea dinamic a
Cost (CST) calculeaz preurile evilor i

Estimeaz interaciunea evilor, ventilelor,

compresoarelor, ventilatoarelor, etc.
Evalueaz performana proiectelor noi
Asigur ndeplinirea tuturor cerinelor de
Identific i corecteaz problemele de
Conduce la siteme mai ieftine, mai eficiente
i mai sigure
Aplicaii tipice
Dimensionarea conductelor i tubulaturilor
Dimensionarea supapelor de siguran i
analiza sistemelor
Dimensionarea i alegerea compresoarelor
i ventilatoarelor
Dimensionarea i alegerea ventilelor de
Simularea sitemelor n operare i
interaciunea componentelor
Calcule n regim de curgere sonic
Evaluarea izolaiei evilor i a schimbului de
cldur n conducte i schimbtoare de cldur
Identificarea problemelor sistemelor
Metode numerice avansate ce conduc la
rezultate foarte exacte
Modelare de detaliu a ventilatoarelor i
compresoarelor, ventilelor de reglare, a
schimbtoarelor de cldur i a altor
Efectuare analize de cost al energiei pentru
compresoare i ventilatoare
Efectuare analize termice incluznd
schimbul de cldur i modelarea
schimbtoarelor de cldur
Modulele funcioneaz separat sau
mpreun i pot fi folosite modele AFT Arrow
Modul suplimentar AFT Arrow:
Goal Seek and Control (GSC) automatizeaz identificarea parametrilor de
intrare ce conduc la valorile dorite pentru
rezultate i simuleaz funciile de reglare
Acest modul se poate folosi pentru modele
de sisteme AFT Arrow existente
Cum funcioneaz?
Modulul puternic de calcul din AFT Arrow
rezolv simultan cinci ecuaii fundamentale: de

mas, vitez, energie, stare i numrul Mach.

Acesta folosete o metod matricial de
iteraie Newton - Raphson modificat plus
metode proprii dezvoltate de AFT pentru a se
putea obine o soulie real riguroas a
curgerii fluidelor compresibile
Nou n Arrow 6!
Rapoartele cu rezultate pot fi generate n
cinci limbi: englez, francez, spaniol,
germane i chinez

nbuntiri grafice Se pot aduga mai

multe grafice n directorul de grafice pentru
generare i vizualizare, i se pot ataa mai
multe grafice unui Graph Tab
Diagramele cu rezultate grafice le includ pe
acelea ale transferului de cldur prin
conducte i compresoare
Pentru conducte i jonciuni, se specific
alerte de calcul ce primesc denumiri la nivel

AFT Fathom, Applied Flow Technology, Dynamic solutions for a fluid world and the AFT logo are trademarks of Applied
Flow Technology Corporation. Chempak is a trademark of Madison Technical Software Inc.

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