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Definition of Feminicide

It is understood by feminicide the murder of a woman by the fact of being a woman.

In this way, when a woman is the victim of a crime and the crime that has been
committed by their status as women as the main cause, this phenomenon is known
as feminicide.
A social disease caused by the macho mentality
The Feminicide is not a circumstance that occurs in isolation and in certain parts of
the world. To a greater or lesser extent is a global reality and it is worrying because
in some countries each year there are thousands of cases of murders of women at
the hands of their partners or former partners.
Those studying this disturbing phenomenon considered that the main cause is the
macho mentality and patriarchal in broad sectors of society. According to the mental
schemes macho, women have a social role determined (wife subject to the husband,
without autonomy as a person and dedicated mainly to the role of housewife and
mother). When some women do not accept the role macho who imposed on them,
you can trigger a violent reaction that will result in the murder. This usually happens
in cases of separation or divorce in which man does not assume the new role of his
partner and therefore decides to resort to violence.
According to the male vision, the murder of a woman is a way of demonstrating that
your body and your life belong to a man. Thus, the motive for the crime would be a
cultural conception according to which the life of a woman does not belong to her
but that a man (your partner, your father or brother) is the owner of your life.
In general lines the Feminicide is not simply a concrete fact that happen in a
moment of anger but that normally comes preceded by a climate of violence in male-

female relations. The violence prior to the crime can be directly physics, but also
kind of emotional or through the imposition of sex
The different perspectives of Feminicide
The crime of a woman by her partner is not the only form of femicide. Also occurs in
those cases in which there is a sexual assault (for example, a violation) and after
this act is committed the murder of a woman. Prostitution related to the trafficking in
persons is another of the social contexts where women become victims by virtue of
their status as women

It is understood by feminicide the murder of a woman by the fact of being a woman
this is due to that each year there are thousands of cases of murders of women at
the hands of their partners or former partners. By the main cause is the macho
mentality and patriarchal in broad sectors of society since for them the life of a
woman does not belong to her but that a man (your partner, your father or brother) is
the owner of your life.
The violence prior to the crime can be directly physics, but also kind of emotional
also occurs in those cases in which there is a sexual assault (for example, a
violation) and after this act is committed the murder of a woman.

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