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What is low immune function?

Low immune function refers to an underactive and poor performing immune system. The
immune systems prime function is to protect the body against infection and the development of
cancer. Support and enhancement of the immune system is perhaps the most important step in
achieving resistance to disease and reducing susceptibility to colds, flus, and cancer. Supporting
the immune system involves a health-promoting lifestyle, stress management, exercise, diet, and
the appropriate use of nutritional supplements and herbal medicines.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, it is a

sign that your immune system needs support:

Do you catch colds easily?

Do you get more than two colds a year?

Are you suffering chronic infection?

Do you get frequent cold sores or have genital herpes?

Are your lymph glands sore and swollen at times?

Do you have now or have you ever had cancer?

Recurrent or chronic infections-even very mild colds-only occur when the immune system is
weakened. Under such circumstances, there is a repetitive cycle that makes it difficult to
overcome the tendency toward infection: a weakened immune system leads to infection,
infection causes damage to the immune system, which further weakens resistance. Enhancing the
immune system can provide the answer to breaking the cycle.

What causes low immune function?

The health of the immune system is greatly impacted by a persons emotional state, level of
stress, lifestyle, dietary habits and nutritional status. Nutrient deficiency is the most frequent
cause of a depressed immune system. An overwhelming number of clinical and experimental
studies indicate that any single nutrient deficiency can profoundly impair the immune system.

What dietary factors are important in low immune function?

Optimal immune function requires a healthy diet that is (1) rich in whole, natural foods, such as
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, and nuts, (2) low in fats and refined sugars, and (3)
contains adequate, but not excessive, amounts of protein. On top of this, for optimal immune

function, an individual should drink five or six 8-ounce glasses of water per day (preferably
pure); take a high potency multivitamin-mineral supplement; engage in a regular exercise
program of at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and 5-to-10 minutes of passive stretching
daily; perform daily deep breathing and relaxation exercises; take time each day to play and
enjoy family and friends; and still get at least 6-to-8 hours of sleep daily.
One of the more damaging food components to our immune system is sugar. In one study, the
ingestion of 100 gram (roughly 3-1/2 ounces) portions of carbohydrate as glucose, fructose,
sucrose, honey, and pasteurized orange juice all significantly reduced the ability of white blood
cells (neutrophils) to engulf and destroy bacteria. In contrast, the ingestion of 100 grams of
starch had no effect. These effects started within less than 30 minutes after ingestion and lasted
for over 5 hours. Typically, there was at least a 50% reduction in neutrophil activity two hours
after ingestion. Since neutrophils constitute 60-to-70% of the total circulating white blood cells,
impairment of their activity leads to depressed immunity.
Some of the most important food components to enhance immune function are the carotenes.
Many of the immune-enhancing effects of carotenes, as well as other antioxidants, are due to
their ability to protect the thymus gland from damage. The thymus is the major gland of our
immune system. It is composed of two soft, pinkish-gray lobes lying in a bib-like fashion just
below the thyroid gland and above the heart. The thymus gland shows maximum development
immediately after birth. During the aging process, the thymus gland undergoes a process of
shrinkage or involution. The reason for this involution is that the thymus gland is extremely
susceptible to free radical and oxidative damage caused by stress, drugs, radiation, infection, and
chronic illness. When the thymus gland becomes damaged, its ability to control the immune
system is severely compromised.
The thymus is responsible for many immune system functions, including the production of T
lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. The thymus gland also releases several hormones, such
as thymosin, thymopoeitin, and serum thymic factor, which regulate many immune functions.
Low levels of these hormones in the blood is associated with depressed immunity and an
increased susceptibility to infection. Typically, thymic hormone levels will be very low in the
elderly; individuals prone to infection; cancer and AIDS patients; and when an individual is
exposed to undue stress. Carotenes and other antioxidants may ensure optimal thymus gland
activity by preventing damage to the thymus by free radicals and pro-oxidants.
Beyond protecting the thymus gland, carotenes have been shown to enhance the function of
several types of white blood cells, as well as increase the antiviral and anticancer properties of
our own immune system mediators, such as interferon. Simply stated, carotene-rich foods and
drinks appear to be able to boost immunity.
Foods high in carotenes include colored vegetables, such as dark greens; yellow and orange
squash, carrots, yams, and sweet potatoes; and red peppers and tomatoes. Also important for
proper immune function, including protecting against cancer, is the inclusion of cabbage family
vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflower, collards, kale, and greens from
mustard, radish and turnip), flavonoid rich berries, garlic and Jerusalem artichoke in the diet.

Yogurt and probiotic supplements have the ability to boost immune function, particularly when
made with large amounts (billions per serving) of Bifidobacterium lactis. Consuming yogurt with
Bifidobacterium lactis increases the proportions of total, helper, and activated T lymphocytes and
natural killer cells. Other effects include an increase in immune cells ability to phagocytize or
engulf and destroy invaders as well as the tumor cell killing ability of their natural killer cells.

What nutritional supplements should I take for low immune

Foundation Supplements. High potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula; Vitamin D3
2,000-5,000 IU/day; Fish oil, EPA+DHA 1,000 to 3,000 mg/day.
A high-potency multiple-vitamin and mineral formula is the first step in supporting the
immune system with nutritional supplementation as it will address any underlying nutritional
deficiencies. Deficiencies of virtually any nutrient can result in significantly impaired immune
function especially deficiencies of vitamins C, E, A, B6, B12, and folic acid. Minerals that are
especially important are zinc, iron, and selenium. In addition to a multiple, some specific
nutrients are helpful in boosting immune function: vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A.
Vitamin D3 is especially critical to immune health. Individuals who have vitamin D blood levels
lower than 38 ng/ml had twice as many upper respiratory tract infections as those with higher
levels. Clinical studies have validated vitamin Ds ability to reduce the risk of colds and flu. To
insure optimal vitamin D status, recently most health experts are advocating daily dosages of
2,000 to 5,000 IU.
Echinacea has been shown to exert significant effects on immune function in over 300 scientific
investigations, not all of the clinical studies have been positive. Mixed results from clinical
studies with Echinacea are most likely due to lack of or insufficient quantity of active
compounds. Echinamide is a patented, clinically proven, product that guarantees high levels of
the three key active groups of compounds responsible for echinaceas actions on the immune
system. Follow label instructions.
Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat viral
infections including the common cold. Clinical studies in China have shown it to be effective
when used as a preventive measure against the common cold. It has also been shown to reduce
the duration and severity of symptoms in acute treatment of the common cold, as well as raise
white blood cell counts in chronic leukopenia (a condition characterized by low white blood cell
levels). Research in animals indicates that astragalus apparently works by stimulating several
factors of the immune system. In particular it appears to stimulate white blood cells to engulf and
destroy invading organisms and cellular debris as well as enhance the production of interferon (a
key natural compound produced by the body to fight viruses). Astragalus is one of the main
components of the Anti-V product from Natural Factors. Other components of this formula
include: Echinamide; lomatium (Lomatium dissectum); reishi (Ganoderma lucidum); and
licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). As a general immune system tonic, take 50 drops or two capsules
two times a day or as directed by your health practitioner.

Wellmune is a special beta-glucan preparation from bakers yeast that has been shown to be
effective in several double-blind studies in boosting immunity in preventing colds and the flu.
Subjects were treated daily with either 500mg of Wellmune or a placebo for 90 days. In one of
these study results, the Wellmune group reported:

No missed work or school due to colds, compared with 1.38 days of work/school missed
for the placebo group.

No incidence of fever, compared with 3.50 incidence in the placebo group.

An increase in quality of life, including physical energy and emotional well-being, as

measured by a clinically validated health survey questionnaire.

Medicinal mushrooms like maitake, shitake, reishi, and cordyceps possess significant immune
enhancing effects. Much of this activity is due to the presence of beta-glucans. Numerous
experimental and clinical studies have shown that mushroom beta-glucans activate white blood
cells. Follow label instructions.
Probiotics refer to health-promoting bacteria products containing species like Lactobaccilli and
Bifidobacter. These preparations can be valuable aids in boosting immunity. Take 6 to 12 billion
live colony forming units (CFU) daily.

Our mood and attitude have a tremendous bearing on the function of our immune system. The
bottom line is that when we are happy and optimistic, our immune system functions much better.
Conversely, when we are depressed, our immune system tends to be depressed. When a person is
under more stress or is depressed, they will need to make a conscious effort to boost their
immune system that includes taking their supplements. It is not only major life stresses that can
cause depressed immune function, but the more significant the stressor the greater the impact on
the immune system. Negative emotions suppress immune function while positive emotions
enhance immune function. In my clinical practice, whenever patients are suffering from low
immune function I will ask them who their favorite comedian is and then write a prescription for
them to watch a movie or TV show that features that comedian. The bottom line is that if you
want to have a healthy immune system, you need to laugh often.

How do I know if the recommendations are working?

Fewer colds and other virus infections, shorter bouts of infections, and better overall resistance to

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