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Advanced Level Mathematics Statistics 1 SS emus er eam eS WAL Cy International Examinations ‘The publishers would like to acknowledge the contuibutions ofthe following people to this series of books: Tim Cross, Richard Davies, Maurice Godfey, Chris Hockley, Lawrence Jarret, David A. Lee, Jean Matthews, Norman Moris, Charles Parker, Geof Staley, Rex Stephens, Peter Thomas and Owen Toller, (Cambridge, New York, Metbourne, Madrid, Cape Towa, Singapore, ‘Sto Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge Univesity Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 SRU, UK worwcambridge org, Information on this tie: www (© Cambridge University Press 2002, ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject sattory exception and tothe provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements _o reproduction of any part may take place without the written ‘permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2002 10 prising 2010 Printed inthe United Kingdom atthe University Press, Cambridge A catalogue ron for ths publication is ovilabe fom the Bish Library ISBN 978.0.521-53013-2 Paperback ‘Cambridge University Press has no respossibilty for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for extemal or third-party internet websites refered to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites i or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information segarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given inthis work is core at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does nat guarantee the acewacy of such information thereafter. ‘Cover image: © Tony Stone Images / Arc Wolfe Contents Introduction y 1 Representation of data 1 2 Measures of location 2B 3° Measures of spread 39 4 Probability 65 5 Permutations and combinations 84 6 Probability distributions 100 7 The binomial distribution 109 8. Expectation and variance of a random variable 121 9 The normal distribution 133 Revision exercise 163 Practice examinations 167 Normal probability function table 172 Answers 13 Index 183

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