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AutoSys Commands List

Looking for AutoSys commands or a cheat sheet to master AutoSys? Stop your
search as you are at the right place. This article is all about AutoSys, how to use it using
a list of AutoSys commands etc., Before starting with the commands list, lets get to
know about AutoSys.

What is AutoSys?
AutoSys is a job scheduling software, used for controlling and managing the
unmanaged processes in a clients machine, a task scheduler created by using a batch
program or UNIX script. To create an AutoSys program, a person needs to have either
a LINUX or Windows machine. Defined jobs are transferred to the clients machine
using FTP, and with the help of an Agent which must be installed on the clients

How to define a job on a Windows or UNIX

To define a job on Windows, you need to follow the given procedure1. Click on the Start button >> All programs >> CA >> Workload Automation >>
Command prompt. OR, just in case, if you are using LINUX click on the Finder
and type CA Workload Automation prompt.
2. Type jil for getting access to the CA workload automation.

3. Now, define the job using subcommand, attribute, and parameters.

4. After setting it, close the prompt window to load the job in the available database.
To define a job, a user can either use JIL or AutoSys GUI, the GUI is broadly based on
JIL subcommands, the only difference is that the with JIL you get a prompt window,
whereas, with the GUI, you get a user-friendly UI built using Java.

AutoSys Commands Cheat Sheet

As mentioned before to define a job using JIL, you need to get access to the JIL
subcommands, to do that just type the following AutoSys commands in the prompt
If you are new to AutoSys, and you need help with the Job Information Language (JIL),
then in the command prompt type the following command
autorep w J q
If you want, you can define a job in a text (.txt) file and then load it on the command
prompt. One significant benefit of defining a job in a .txt file is that you can easily save

and carry the .txt file, and use it another machine. You wont be able to do it if you
directly define the job in the prompt window.
jil < file_name.txt
Like all scripting language, JIL also has some syntax, so it might happen that while
writing the job in the .txt file, someone could misspell the keywords, but you can easily
check that by using the following command.
jil - v syntax < file_name.txt
One of the most critical components in AutoSys is Agent if an Agent is not installed on
the clients machine then whatever job you define it will have no use, so its vital to
check the connection between the client and the server, therefore, to check that type
the following commands
autoping m machine
AutoSys also lets you to test the status of a particular job which is being processed, and
to check that, just type the following command
autostatus j job_name
The database is also a key component, so its crucial to maintain the security of it
because ultimately, every job defined gets stored in it, to modify changes in the
database type the following command
To start event on a clients machine, type the following command
event M machine_name
To check whether the database or job is getting processed, type the following command
It may happen that a job might get interrupted while being processed, so to restart the
job, you can type the following command
chase [-A|E]
Its important to keep the database free as much as possible, the log files of the remote
agents take up quite space, so to delete them, type the following command
Sometimes you might need to provide a license key to run AutoSys, so during those
scenarios use the following command

Start/Hold/Kill a Job

To start a job or put it on hold on a remote computer, use the following commands
sendevent E STARTJOB J job_name
Used to start the job
sendevent E JOB OFF HOLD J job_name
Used for putting a job on hold
sendevent E KILLJOB J job_name
Used for terminating a job
Hope you liked the AutoSys commands cheat sheet. Also, read
AutoSys Tutorial for Beginners

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