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ATP Adenosine triphosphate. Nucleotide that consists of an adenine base, a five-carbon ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups.

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid. Nucleic acid that carries hereditary

information about traits; consists of two nucleotide chains twisted
in a double helix.
nucleic acid Single- or double-stranded chain of nucleotides
joined by sugar phosphate bonds; for example, DNA, RNA.
nucleotide Monomer of nucleic acids; has five-carbon sugar,
nitrogen-containing base, and phosphate groups.
RNA Ribonucleic acid. Some types have roles in protein synthesis.
amino acid Small organic compound that is a subunit of proteins.
Consists of a carboxyl group, an amine group, and a characteristic
side group (R), all typically bonded to the same carbon atom.
peptide bond A bond between the amine group of one amino acid
and the carboxyl group of another. Joins amino acids in proteins.
polypeptide Chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
protein Organic compound that consists of one or more chains of
amino acids (polypeptides).
fat Lipid that consists of a glycerol molecule with one, two, or
three fatty acid tails.
fatty acid Organic compound that consists of a chain of carbon
atoms with an acidic carboxyl group at one end. Carbon chain of
saturated types has single bonds only; that of unsaturated types
has one or more double bonds.
lipid Fatty, oily, or waxy organic compound.
phospholipid A lipid with a phosphate group in its hydrophilic
head, and two nonpolar fatty acid tails; main constituent of
eukaryotic cell membranes.
steroid Type of lipid with four carbon rings and no fatty acid tails.
triglyceride A fat with three fatty acid tails.
wax Water-repellent mixture of lipids with long fatty acid tails
bonded to long-chain alcohols or carbon rings.
condensation Process by which enzymes build large molecules
from smaller subunits; water also forms.
enzyme Compound (usually a protein) that speeds a reaction
without being changed by it.
functional group A group of atoms bonded to a carbon of an
organic compound; imparts a specific chemical property.
hydrocarbon Compound or region of one that consists only of
carbon and hydrogen atoms.
hydrolysis Process by which an enzyme breaks a molecule into
smaller subunits by attaching a hydroxyl group to one part and a
hydrogen atom to the other.
metabolism All the enzyme-mediated chemical reactions by
which cells acquire and use energy as they build and break down
organic molecules.
monomers Molecules that are subunits of polymers.
organic Type of compound that consists primarily of carbon and
hydrogen atoms.
polymer Molecule that consists of multiple monomers.
cell smallest unit that has the properties of life
cell theory theory that all organisms consist one or more
cells, which are the basic unit of life.

cytoplasm Semifluid substance enclosed by a cell s plasma

nucleus Organelle with two membranes that holds a eukaryotic
cell s DNA.
organelle Structure that carries out a specialized metabolic function inside a cell.
plasma membrane A cell s outermost membrane.
surface-to-volume ratio A relationship in which the volume of
an object increases with the cube of the diameter, but the surface
area increases with the square.

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