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Radha Ashtami or the celebration of

Radha's birthday is not as widespread as
that of Janmashtami. However, it is a big
event in Barsana and the whole of Braj.

Radhas birthday falls on the Ashtami

(eighth day) of the first fortnight of the
Hindu month of Bhadra. As far as the calendar goes, this day is exactly two weeks
after Janmashtami or the birth of Krishna.
However Radha was older than Krishna.
Radha was born in Barsana to Vrishabhanu and Kirti. Barsana, Vrindavan, Gokul
all comprise the area known as Braj, which
is where the Lila of Krishna and Radha
played out.
Radha did not open her eyes after birth
and this had her parents worried. Yashoda
and Nand came to visit Kirti and Vrishabhanu along with the new born Krishna. It was then that Radha opened her
eyes so that her first sight on earth was the sight of Krishna.

Radha Ashtami in Braj

Radha Ashtami is a joyous occasion in all of Braj and especially so in Barsana. In Barsana, the center of the celebration is the temple of Radha situated at the top of Brahma Hill. Another important location is the Radha Kund or
tank. Normally, people are prohibited from entering the waters because it is considered sacred. However, on Radha
Ashtami the tank is thrown open to the public and the devotees of Radha queue up till midnight in order to take a dip
in the holy waters.

The Unity of Krishna and Radha

The birthdays of Radha and Krishna are celebrated on different days and they are perceived as different deities with
Radha being the consort of Krishna. They are however one soul in two bodies. Their actual unity is described in the
Brahmavaivarta Purana, with Radha emerging from the left side of Krishnas body.
The love of Radha and Krishna has been immortalized in verses by many poets of yesteryear and the unparalleled
love continues to inspire many. To understand the love of Radha and Krishna, we need to undergo reformation. We
need to realize the divine in all animate and inanimate. When that happens the individual becomes Radha and the
individual sees Krishna everywhere.
The meeting of Radha and Krishna always takes place in pristine Nature. Extolling that human beings are part of
Nature and the ideal way of existence is by living in harmony with Nature.
While Hindus celebrate birthdays of their deities they do not believe that the deities were born. Deities are eternal.
The birthdays mark their appearance on earth as avatars in human form. Therefore the technically correct statement
is that Radha Ashtami is the celebration of the appearance of Radha on earth.

Compiled By
Pandit Sachin Singh 082 456 5143

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