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Personal planets in Astrology

The planets have important meaning in astrology. All horoscopes have four main components:
planets, signs, houses and aspects as I mentioned in the post about the natal chart. The planets
show what is happening, the signs show how its happening, the houses show where its
happening, and aspects show how the energy flow of the happening is channeled. What
follows is a brief overview of the planets and what they represent.
The planets have important meaning in astrology. Every planet orbits the sun at a different
speed, going slower and slower the farther they are from the sun. Each one is said to affect a
different part of our personality. Each planet symbolizes a different component of life, a
different type of energy. In psychological terms, we can call them needs or drives.
The inner planets also known as the personal or private planets the Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Mars and Venus (the Sun and the Moon are luminaries but are included when we say
planets). The personal planets move quickly through the zodiac. As a result, they affect our
day-to-day, moods and habits. The inner planets are the main subject of study in the present
The outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These planets move slowly,
changing signs every one to fifteen years. As a result they shape the bigger trends in our life.
In fact, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto orbit the sun so slowly that they are said to shape entire
generations. The outer planets will be examined in detail in the next post.
Just as the movements of the planets reflect human affairs, the planets in the horoscope are
also reflections of specific parts of the Solar purpose. Planets regulate energy flow and
represent the dimensions of experience. Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign, and that

sign will exhibit traits of the planet. For example, Aries is ruled by warrior planet Mars,
Capricorn is ruled by disciplined Saturn.
The planets in the solar system impart significant impact on our human lives. The inner
planets are associated with personal identity and how our personality gets expressed.
Therefore sometimes these planets are referred as the personal planets. Now lets take a look
at what each planet represents. Keep in mind that the following definitions are very brief and
generalized. As with any area of astrology, there are many other layers of interpretation and
meaning that are useful, valid, and important.

The Sun, the giver of life, represents our conscious mind in Astrology. It represents our will
to live and our creative life force. Just as the planets revolve around the Sun in our solar
system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our ego. It is
also our adult the part of us that censors our inner child, that reasons things out, and
makes final decisions. The Sun is our basic identity, and represents self-realization. When
you are asked, Who are you?, and youve passed your basic statistics and occupation, your
answers will be a description of your Sun. The Sun also represents our overall vitality. The
Sun directs us, and can be considered the boss of our chart. The Sun ( ) is so important in
the chart, that the happiest people on this earth are those who identify (without overidentifying) with the Suns expression. Though one might think that the traits of their Sun
would come easy to them, the truth is, the Sun shows what we are learning to be. It is very
important to remember that the Sun represents reason as opposed to instinct. With respect to
the other luminary the Moon, the Sun reflects the present or the here and now, while the
Moon infuses the past into our lives through the feelings. When we are acting out our Sun,
we are purposeful, directed, proud, and creative. On the negative side, we can be haughty,
overly willful, self-centered, and judgmental. Grant Lewi referred to the Sun as indicative of
the psychological bias which will dominate your actions. He went on to say, You may
think, dream, imagine, hope to be a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other
planets: but the Sun is what you are, and to be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause
your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary
The Sun also represents your ego, the inner you, your essence, the unchanging part of you
the calm, steady, deep and lasting force felt within you, enabling you to exert willpower, make
decisions and direct all the other parts of you life. The Sun represents your will, and its sign
determines the dynamic expression of the will, which is carried out through the activity of the
other planets in the horoscope. The Sun, rules Leo, his element is Fire and he represent

masculinity. The Sun represent the masculine part of your personality. Whether male or
female, the Sun hold clues as to how you may relate to your father or other male figures in
your life. An individual with Sun in Leo, for example, may have full creative self-expression
as his or her life purpose, and this purpose will be further described and modified by both the
placements of the other planets and their angular relationships, or aspects, to the Sun.
As the Sun puts forth light, so it brings forth life. This luminary represents the self, ones
personality and ego, the spirit and what it is that makes the individual unique. It is our identity
and our face to the world. The Sun also speaks to creative ability and the power of the
individual to meet the challenges of everyday life. The Sun is majestic, and in keeping with its
regal air, it rules royalty and higher office. This orb also lords over our health and well-being.
The Suns golden glow is a vital life force which imbues us with strength, energy and a will to
succeed. It is the Sun that gives strength to the other planets, which is why this planet
occupies a key role in astrology.
In the chart, the position of the Sun by zodiac sign represents the natives life purpose and the
style in which they leave their mark in the world. By house, the Suns position shows where
our personalities shine. The areas of life associated with that house reveal the types of
experiences which contribute to our sense of individuality and which shape our sense of pride.
These areas of life are ones in which we seek to express and focus our Sun sign qualities.
Principle: Vitality; sense of individuality; creative energy, radiant inner self (attunement of
soul); essential values.
Urges: Urge to be and to create. Needs: Need to be recognized and to express self.

The Moon, in Astrology, is the ruler of Cancer, and her element is Water. The Moon
represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our
unconscious. Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts. How do we instinctively react or respond
to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to the Moon in your
natal chart for answers. The Moon ( ) is associated with the mother and with feminine
energy in general. The Moon is both our inner child and our inner mother. It is responsive,
receptive, and reflective. The Moon is our spontaneous and instinctual reactions. Just as the
Moon circles the Sun, in a symbolically protective manner, and reflects the Suns light, the
Moon in our chart shows how we protect ourselves, as well as make ourselves feel secure,
comfortable, and safe. We can also think of the Moon as that which gives us animation. It
rules rhythmic ebb and flow of activity and energy. The Moon is a mediator between the inner
world and the outer world. While the Sun is rational, the Moon is irrational. Habitual

behaviors and prejudices are ruled by the Moon. Prejudices may not be acted out, as our Sun
may censor them, but the Moon rules our spontaneous reactions and feelings.
For some of us, our Moons seem to drive our personalities more than the Sun does. This is
particularly true if the Moon is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), or if it is conjunct
an angle in the chart (near the Ascendant, Descendant, 4th house cusp, or 10th house cusp).
For true happiness in life, it is wise to neither give your Moon too much nor too little
importance in your life.
I feel that Grant Lewi, in Astrology for the Millions, offered the most evocative description of
the Moon when he wrote the following: When you know what you mean but you cant say
it, it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that cant say it. Thoughts that do often lie
too deep for tears are the thoughts of your Moons nature. The wordless ecstasy, the mute
sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you cant get across to the world,
or which the world doesnt comprehend or value these are the products of the Moon in your
horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly
through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed. When you know what you ought to do, but
cant find the right way to do it, it is your Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react
in harmony. Also, when you dont know why I said that, it was your Moon expressing
despite your Sun (if you are innerly satisfied with the involuntary speech), or the Sun
expressing against the will of the Moon (if you are displeased with what has slipped out).
Things you know without thought intuitions, hunches, instincts are the products of the
Moon. Modes of expression that you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art,
letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. Whatever you feel is
most deeply yourself, whether or not you are able to do anything about it in the outer world, is
the product of your Moon and of the sign your Moon occupies at birth.
The Moon, which reflects the light of the Sun, is our personal reservoir or container of life
experiences, the colored glasses through which we perceive our world. It is a way of being
and of relating to life that feels more natural and comfortable. To put it another way, the Moon
is like a photo album containing the many pictures of our lives. When we look at these
pictures, they evoke certain feeling states and emotions. Someone with Moon in Pisces may
experience their world in a highly imaginitive way, while a Capricorn Moon may relate to
their environment in a more rational, objective manner.
The Moon represents our home life and perspective. Our emotional, feeling nature. The Moon
indicates female energy, ruling the sign of Cancer, which rules the breasts. It is connected to
family roots and our past. The Moon is also a symbol of fertility and femininity; its sign
colors ones relationship with the mother, and with women in general. In a males chart, it
indicates the type of woman he feels most comfortable with. Although the Venus sign
indicates a males romantic/erotic preference in partners, the Moon sign indicates the type of
woman he would choose as a lifelong mate (because the Moon needs are stronger than the
Venus wants).
The Moon infuses the past into our lives through the feelings, while the Sun reflects the
present or the here and now. When we are acting out our Moon, we are imaginative,
creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side,
we can be moody, restless, and irrational. In the natal chart, the position of the Moon by sign
shows how we emote and respond to our environment, as well as our instinctual habits,

especially in our homes and in private. By house, the Moons position shows which areas of
life we feel the most at home or comfortable.
Principle: Reaction; sub-conscious predisposition; feeling about self (self-image);
conditioned responses.
Urges: Urge to feel inner support; domestic and emotional security urge. Needs: Need for
emotional tranquility and sense of belonging; need to feel right about self.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is the
messenger in Astrology as it is in Mythology. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and
communication. Mercurys action is to take things apart and put them back together again. It
is an opportunistic planet, decidedly unemotional and curious.
In modern times, we tend to meet peoples Mercury first. Many people make a connection
for the first time through e-mails, for example. Mercury rules whether we are flowery in our
speech or written words, concise in our choice of words, or business-like even in our personal
communications. Mercury not only rules communication, it represents coordination. Thought
processes, ideas, and sensory information from both conscious and unconscious sources all
need to be coordinated and understood. Mercury analyzes, sorts, groups, and makes sense of
things. How does we handle nervous energy? How do we express and convey our thoughts?
How do we approach others and information in order to learn and exchange ideas? When we
are acting out our Mercury, we are inquisitive, curious, communicative, and versatile. On
the negative side, we can be high-strung or nervous, nit-picky, indecisive, and overly
Mercury relates to the principle of intellect and the ability of an individual to perceive and
relate to other individuals or objects as different from themselves. It is therefore connected to
communication, language, and symbol. Unlike the Moon, which assigns emotion to
experience, Mercury is neutral, acting only to bridge the space between the individual and
other beings. Often referred to as the Winged Messenger and the Trickster, symbolizes

mentality. Mercury is our intellect and mental outlook, the way we think and communicate,
both verbally and non-verbally. Its our observer, seeing and hearing whats important to us.
Mercury is symbolic of that child-like curiosity that drives your urge to know, and the ability
to analyze and reason. Mercury also has to do with transportation and short trips, and the
nervous system. The positive manifestations of Mercury include clever speech, eloquence,
persuasiveness, success with public speaking and a sharp, quick mind. The more negative
manifestations include restlessness, a tendency to be critical, sarcastic, argumentative and sly.
The quick wit of Mercury can quickly turn into trickery. Lies, deceit, fraud, swindling, and
forgery are examples of Mercurys negative power. A strong Mercury in ones chart, free of
any negative aspects, indicates a brilliant mind.
On a personal level, look to Mercury in the chart to reveal how individuals get their point
across, how they study, and how they process information. Mercury by sign shows an
individuals style of communication and learning. By house, Mercury reveals where natives
seek to have a voice as well as which areas of life they tend to intellectualize and give a lot of
thought to. Mercury colors the planets it aspects with a desire for communication and
exchange of information. Similarly, the planets Mercury aspects affect the way an individual
communicates. Mercury prominent in a chart points to wit, liveliness, and curiosity.
Principle: Communication; conscious mind (i.e., logical or rational mind).
Urges: Urge to express ones perceptions and intelligence through skill or speech. Needs:
Need to establish connections with others; need to learn.

Venus is the Goddess of Love. In Astrology, Venus has dual rulership over Libra and Taurus.
As a result, Venus represents two main areas of our life: love and money. Love and money
is actually a simplistic interpretation of Venus. Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and
the pleasure we take in life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus,
we learn about our tastes, pleasures, artistic inclinations, and what makes us happy.
We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach relationships of the heart, as well
as what gives us pleasure. Do we enjoy the give and take of relationships (Venus in Libra), the
security our relationships give us (Venus in Cancer), or the thrill of the conquest (Venus in
Aries)? Its placement in the houses of the natal chart reveal which areas of life we seek to
balance, refine, and derive pleasure from. Do we take particular pleasure in our day-to-day
work and routines (Venus in the 6th house), in study and travel (Venus in the 9th house), or in
taking care of our house and home (Venus in the 4th house)?

We also turn to Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how
much we spend on leisure activities (not to mention the kinds of leisure activities we seek
Traditionally, astrologers have interpreted the position and condition of Venus in the natal
chart differently depending on the gender of the native. The reason for treating Venus in
mens and womens chart differently is based on the idea that men may tend to disown the
qualities of Venus in his own chart. Since the energies of Venus have to go somewhere, when
a man doesnt own, or identify with, his Venus, the energies would be projected onto the
women he meets and relates with. Similarly, women are thought to more easily relate to and
own Venus qualities. The concept of projection is an interesting and valid one. However,
while it may hold true with Venus to some extent today, we prefer not to attach gender bias to
Venus and Mars. In our experience, men and women tend to take on the role of Venus in their
relationships in equal measure.
Venus rules attachments to others. It rules attractivenessboth the ability to attract and
attraction to others (and things). Venus energy is harmonious, and this is why people with
Venus prominent in their charts are often peace-makers. In Venus, we find a need to be
appreciated and to appreciate. Venus rules, amongst other things, the arts, love and romance,
beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort.
Venus acts as an internal barometer or thermostat, giving feedback about what is or isnt
comfortable and desirable to the individual, and is also a powerful indicator of what a person
values. It denotes appreciation for aesthetically pleasing forms, particularly those that enhance
the individuals sense of internal harmony. It generally imparts information about what a
person grooves on.
Your Venus sign also reveals your idea of the perfect woman. In a males chart, the Venus
sign indicates the type of woman that attracts him. In a womans chart, the Venus sign
indicates the qualities that she uses to attract lovers. The house position of Venus indicates the
type of people with whom you establish relationships, both friendships and romances, and
where you are most likely to find an artistic outlet.
Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, and beauty. It represents your capacity to express
affection and to enjoy beauty. This includes your capacity to attract and appreciate the things
of the world, whether they are emotional, physical/material, mental, or spiritual things. It
defines the type of people you draw to yourself, based on your social values. Things ruled by
Venus include: what kind of sex appeal you posses, love affairs, the arts, beauty and beautiful
things, adornment, affection, the social graces, harmony, and friendship. Being the planet of
pleasure, it points to the kinds of amusements you are drawn to and in what ways you spend
your money. Venus never travels far from the Sun. In your horoscope, it is always either in
your Sun sign or in one of the two signs immediately preceding or following your Sun sign. A
well-aspected Venus bestows charm, diplomacy, and tact. Some negative manifestations of
Venus are self-indulgence, jealousy, envy, lust, and of course, unfaithfulness.
Venus is never more than 45 degrees away from the Sun. Venus rules Libra and Taurus, is in
detriment in the opposite signs of those it rules (Aries and Scorpio), is exalted in Pisces, and
in its fall in Virgo. When we are acting out our Venus, we compromise, make peace, are
loving, and act with taste. On the negative side, we can be self-indulgent, self-centered, vain,
and superficial.

Principle: Emotionally-colored tastes; values; exchange of energy with others through giving
of self and receiving from others; sharing.
Urges: Social and love urge; urge to express affections; urge for pleasure. Needs: Need to feel
close to another; need to feel comfort and harmony; need to give of selfs emotions.

Mars, the God of War, is the ruler of Aries and sub-ruler of Scorpio. In astrology, Mars is the
planet of energy, action, and desire. It is the survival instinct, and can be thought of as the
leftover animal nature of man. Mars rules our animal instincts for aggression, anger, and
survival. Our sexual desires come under the rule of Mars. Whereas Venus rules romantic
attraction, Mars is most associated with basic body attraction. This is the planet of action
rather than reaction. With Mars, there is no contemplation before action. The drive associated
with Mars differs from that of the Sun in that it is self-assertion rather than assertion of the
will; it is raw energy rather than creative energy.
Mars is the push that gets us out of bed in the morning, our drive and desire nature, and our
active energy. When we are acting out our Mars, we are assertive, directed, forthright, and
adventurous. On the negative side, we can be impulsive, rash, impatient, aggressive, and
Marss function is to act on the desires and needs described by Venus and other chart factors.
It symbolizes assertion, action, and the focused use of will, and is associated with the survival
instinct. Its purpose is to maintain the individuals sense of separateness, and to generate selfexpression. More negatively, it can manifest as unnecessary aggression and willfulness. Mars
in the fire sign Aries may express itself in a feisty and impulsive or defiant manner, while
Mars in Capricorn will typically be more reserved, using its energy to protect its material
interests and meet its goals.
It all world Mars shows a individuals mindset. Its shiny red shade represents blood stream,
fire, action and interest. Mars is the leader of Aries impacting authority and generate, Scorpio
influencing strength and libido and Capricorn impacting aspirations and commitment.
Especially passionate and energetic, being the powerful element, Mars represents sex, selfdiscipline, will power and endurance. Mars has a powerful impact on your libido, interest, and
identity. It allows us to engage in our objectives in life. They help us to engage in our
objectives making its influence important as it is able to figure out the way we engage in and
accomplish our objectives in life. Mars allows one to figure out the individual to start a

scenario and judge a prospective lover from being coolly separated to enchanting strength
and every style in between.
Mars can also produce adverse power by means of ego. It can cause devastation when its
power is used for undeniable requirements. Sometimes it gradually erupts, seeing self-control
tantrums or a continuous becoming easily irritated. Mars allows a person to be routed and the
mars characteristics is easily recognized and mastered. Individuals who are affected by mars
are good in activities, competitors, business and administration. Mars guidelines the sex body
parts, kidney, and muscle system, feeling of flavor, face, remaining ear, renal system,
inflamed circumstances, uses up, injuries and intimately passed on diseases in your health.
Mars shows our assertive and aggressive side as well as how much energy we have. The red
planet, rules physical energy and action. This planet ignites our determination and passion,
giving us the courage and strength to go after what we want and make things happen. Poorly
placed, Mars can indicate anger, accidents, and injury.
Mars is the exact opposite of Venus. Whereas Venus represents the female, Mars is all male.
Whereas Venus is about harmony, Mars is conflict, aggression, and outright war. Mars is the
planet of physical energy. It governs your sex drive, your forcefulness and your aggression. It
is associated with your desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual
things that stimulate activity. You have to want something before you reach out and take it;
Mars is the heated passion behind action. Mars shows your ability to turn ideas into action.
The sign of Mars in your natal chart indicates your vitality, energy level, and style of action.
In a females chart, the Mars sign is one factor suggesting the type of man she attracts. In its
highest form, Mars represent your unleashed energy and your human will initiative. A
controlled Mars can give a healthy dose of assertiveness and ambition. At its worst, Mars
energy makes one prone to anger, harshness and destructive violence, impulsive behavior,
danger, combativeness and every kind of cruelty. Its up to you to use this force
In the chart, the position of Mars by sign shows our basic sexual nature, how we express our
anger (our temper), what makes us angry, and our first instinct to act. Our competitive nature
is revealed in the nature of Mars sign. By house, the position of Mars shows the areas of life
where we apply our drive and express our enthusiasm. Planets that Mars contacts are colored
with action and self-assertion. These planets can represent the kinds of experiences we seek.
Principle: Desire; will toward action; initiative; physical energy; drive.
Urges: Self-assertive and aggressive urge; sex urge; urge to act decisively. Needs: Need to
achieve desires; need for physical and sexual excitement.

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