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2Two-Column Notes


Nick Aichele

EDTL 2760

MR Title(s):
MR Source(s):
Sorkin, A. (2009). The Newsroom First Scene. YouTube Video retrieved from
Kurth-Schai, R. & Green, C. (2008). Education and democracy. In Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural
Foundations of Education. dio:
Page #

The Text Says

Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)

I Say
My notes, commentary


207 sovereign states in the world about

180 of them have freedom

-The world today is not that what it was 100

years ago. We cant spend our lives thinking
the US is the best anymore. Especially because
we have freedom. Not to mention freedom is
not the same as it used to be. Everything is
controlled and we are at the wimp of the
politics of it all. We use to elect based on their
beliefs and passed things regardless of parties.
Now all we do is pass laws to line pocket of
politics and make sure they are making their
money, keeping their jobs.


We are 7th in Literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in

science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in
infant mortality, 3rd in median household

-The Us is falling behind academically. We need

to work and right this because all it is doing is
hurting our future. We limit our students with

income, 4 labor force and 4 in export.

test after test to test w at they learn and

growth. The problem is that nothing, outside of
the test, are being taught. We are limiting their
academic growth just so the students know
their tests s good as they can. And as a
recently high school grad its not ok. We need
to bring the interesting things back to the
classroom. For the students sake because at
them pf the day they are the ones whose
education has the negative impact.


We lead the world in three categories.

Number of incarcerated people per capita,
number of adults who think angles are real
and defense spending.

-Globally we are not the power house that we

should be. We should lead in more things than
things like defense sending. Yes, we have a
terrific Military but what good is that if we
dont have a future to protect. We need to
focus on our academics in order to give this
country a future lead by leaders that are
intelligent. Not the ones that jut know the


As of 2014 the united is ranked 16th on a

global scale

-I think it is important to look at what is being

compared in this ranking. Things like economy,
gender equality among other means of
measuring. The question is why is the united
states so low. A form of government that we
founded and yet we are ranked so low. We
should work on things such as women equality
and a better economy to make a better life for
our future Generations.


Top 5 Democratic Countries (2014)

-These countries are great examples of




democracy. With all of these countries they are

happy and full of peace and knowledge. You
always hear of their academic achievements.
They are full of education for their people. But
more than that They are able to do this
because of their democracy. They have a
better equality for women. This incredibly
important for things like collaborations and
equality. When these are present then we can
expand knowledge ad horizons to the future.

Connections to previous MR:

In blog number two we talked about how important it was to see history and social studies as more than
just dates an names. But with this blog we need to see the world as more than just the world of social
studies. We looked at the world and we looked at democracy. We learn about democracy in the class
but we dont truly live it o many of our politicians do nothing but fight and dispute over little thing We
never look at the big issues. We never look at what is wrong and how we can fix it. How we can go from
7th in literacy to at the very least the top three. We are the face of democracy for the world. We should
start presenting ourselves as that.

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