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Transitional Guided Reading Plan


Im a Caterpillar

Day 1
1. Introduction



Reread The Horrible Urktar of

Oar, do a character analysis
and comparison. Have The
student give me the BME of
the story. Introduce Im a
Caterpillar and read aloud.


Strategy Focus:

Day 2

Day 3

1. Continue Reading

1. Reread the book for fluency



(5 min) OPTIONAL


2. Teaching Points: Choose 1 or 2 each day

Comprehension Strategies:

Vocabulary Strategies:
Reread the sentence and look for clues
Check the picture or visualize
Use a known part (compound words)
Use the glossary

Recall information
Write key words
5-finger retell
Ask questions
Character feelings
Flag VIP
Main idea/Details
Fluency & Phrasing:
Attend to bold words
Dialogue, intonation, expression
Attend to punctuation

3. Discussion Prompt

3. Discussion Prompt

Decoding Strategies:
Reread & think what would make sense
Cover (or attend to) the ending.
Use a known part (shouted)
Use analogies (saw jaw)
Chunk big words (re-mem-ber)

2. Guided Writing
(15-20 min)
5-finger retell
Compare/ Contrast
Character Analysis
Event detail
Key word summary
Other: __________________________


In Im a Caterpillar we saw a lot of

words that ended with nch.

4. Word Study (if appropriate)


Munch, crunch, lunch,


4. Word Study (if appropriate)


Instructions: Type in the green shaded areas as needed. Then print to use when teaching.
Adapted by Nathan Elliott from: Richardson, J. (2009). The next step in guided reading : focused assessments and targeted lessons for helping every student become a better reader . New York: Scholastic Inc.

Make a big

Make a big

Name/Date: __Christine Crowe____________

Lesson #: _______3_____
1. Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

Kindergarten: Standard 2.1.a.ii

Second Grade: Standard 2.3.e, 3.1.e, 3.1.g

2. ABCD Objective (Use Evidence Outcomes from the standard as a starting

Create your lesson objective for the focus of the guided reading lesson for the week (e.g.
word work for March 7-11)
After rereading The Horrible Urktar or Oar, The student will be able to describe the two
main characters and compare their traits. After word work, The student will be able to
identify words that end in nch and know how to pronounce/create the blend.
3. Attach written/typed lesson plan either from the The Next Step in
Guided Reading text, or an approved format.
4. Lesson Reflection:
1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize running record data
to justify the level of achievement)
The student was able to give me the BME of The Horrible Urktar of Oar, without any
guidance. She did a great job analyzing the characters and comparing the two. She
wrote ugly, mean, and scary to describe the Urktar, and not ugly, not mean, and brave
(guided her to brave) to describe Tim. Her vocabulary could use some expansion, but
overall, she was able to accurately describe the characters in the book. Word work, was
again, a bit too easy for her. She is pretty much fluent and her understanding of phonics
and phonemic awareness is very advanced.
1. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
Word work is consistently too easy for The student, so again, that could be modified to
challenge her a bit more. It is difficult because she is at a second grade level in terms of
fluency and all other aspects of reading/writing, except in her comprehension. She has
the ability to read second grade words, but her understanding and implementation is
lacking. The adjectives she used to describe Tim were very low level adjectives, mean,
scary, not mean, and not scary are very basic. I think we need to work on vocabulary

Instructions: Type in the green shaded areas as needed. Then print to use when teaching.
Adapted by Nathan Elliott from: Richardson, J. (2009). The next step in guided reading : focused assessments and targeted lessons for helping every student become a better reader . New York: Scholastic Inc.

1. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Focus on next steps that align with your
evidence outcome. For example: Next week for word work, I will)
For next time, I am going to focus on word work and challenging her more. I am thinking
about doing an analogy chart changing y to ies to make words that end in y, plural. I
think this will be more in her ZPD.

Instructions: Type in the green shaded areas as needed. Then print to use when teaching.
Adapted by Nathan Elliott from: Richardson, J. (2009). The next step in guided reading : focused assessments and targeted lessons for helping every student become a better reader . New York: Scholastic Inc.

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