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Learn how to increase brand awareness with your content!

Ideal for online marketers and PR professionals

Dear reader,
Thank you for downloading this e-book. It was written especially for you, having in
mind your goals and challenges as an online marketer.
You see, in the last months, we have understood that the world of online marketing and
PR is in a sort of a crisis: so much content is being created, that getting the attention of
readers is harder than ever. From researches and talks weve had with marketers and PR
specialists, generation and maintenance of traffic for branded content turned out to be one
of the most challenging tasks.
That is why weve put together a collection of guides, researches and commentaries, with
a single goal: to help you understand and overcome the problems related to increasing
growth hacking of traffic.
The keyword for this e-book is content. Content is the fundamental element in generating
traffic and brand awareness online. In this e-book, you will learn everything you need to
know about creating, monitoring, distributing and promoting online content.
We hope you find this e-book informative and useful, and we look forward to your feedback.

All the best,

The Boost the News team

Fight for your right to visibility: a guide to creating content that spreads
Release me: 5 tips for writing the perfect press release .......................................................................................6
A checklist for every occasion: The Boost the News cheat sheet for content creation ..........................9
Content, not only text: an experts guide to the perfect infographic ..............................................................11

Pitch perfect. Pitching tips that will get your news to the right publisher
13 Tips to pitch the media for the win ....................................................................................................................18
Everything you need to know to pitch bloggers and online influencers ....................................................24

If content is king, distribution is queen: an extensive guide to content distribution
Creating content is not enough: 5 strategies for content distribution ........................................................30
50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet ................................................................................34

Put the final stamp on success: measure the impact of your news
Monitoring your brand online? Likes are not enough! .....................................................................................44
7 questions about media monitoring. Ask yourself these essential questions while monitoring media
about your brand .................................................................................................................................................................47

Boost the News is a media monitoring tool that allows users to monitor news
according to selected topics and keywords, to estimate the traffic of particular
articles, and to promote articles that are important for them.

Find out more about it at

Fight for your right to visibility:
a guide to creating content that spreads


5 tips for writing the perfect press release

One of the classic forms of branded content is the press release. They have been
with us for over a century and have undergone many changes. Some may say that
they are no longer relevant, but since they continue to play an important role in
public relations. The art of writing a good press release remains important if you
want to get your news out there.
The goal is to capture attention immediately and stand out based on content quality from
the load of e-mails and press releases they get on an hourly basis, and make it through with
super newsworthy material. Its not easy, but it can be done here are a few tips you must
keep in mind:

Start with the headline

There are not enough words in the world to
describe the importance of a good headline
in any type of text, let alone a press release.
Although it is the shortest part of the press

So what is
a good

release, it is probably the most important also,

so dont underestimate it. The headline is
a moment of life or death. A good headline will
get the other reporter to continue to the meat
of your press release; a bad one will send it
directly to the trash bin.
A good headline is short, to the point and
emphasizes only the most important aspects
of the press release, leaving the reader with
an urge for more information. It uses powerful
words to evoke emotions, numbers to stress
importance, or interesting / unusual words to
increase curiosity.

Release me: 5 tips for writing the perfect press release

Write a fully-fledged article

Your ultimate goal is to get your article published.

What better way of doing it, than providing the
reporter with a short ready-to-use article?
Think about it, writing an article is like
cooking: you can provide the reporters with all
basic ingredients and then expect them to cook
itall from a to z, or provide them with a ready
product they just have to put in the oven and
serve warm. Which one do you think they will

Writing a short
article means...

Keep it short

When mentioning that you should write a short

article, we now put the emphasis on short.
A press release should not exceed one page,
otherwise, as they say, aint nobody got time
for that!. If reporters want more information,
theyll find a way to get it you should just stick
to the most important facts.
For the press release to be no longer than one
page, youll probably need also to nail your main
point in the first paragraph. The first paragraph
is a continuation of your headline, and should
feel to the reporter like a kick of enlightening
information in the head. Tell your story in one
paragraph in a way that will make reporters fall

...thinking not only about the




(including all the five ws

what, who, where, when and
why), but also about the style,
the wording (you can lead the
reporter to use the language
you wish to see in the article),
the interest of the readers, the
grammar, and more meat




background information and


from their chairs, and jump in with the rest of

the information in the following paragraphs.

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Release me: 5 tips for writing the perfect press release

Be concrete

What makes something newsworthy are facts. Nobody writes news about general claims,
philosophical debates, or your own opinions. If you want to give a chance to be published,
stick to the facts and hit with the numbers. Theyre a journalists best friend.

Be there for them

Press releases are a bilateral kind of content. You need the reporters to make your news
reach the world, and at the same time, they need you as their source of information.
Therefore, make sure to be available to give more information: dont forget to put your
contact details in the press release, and include links to all sources that may help a reporter
with background information, facts, etc.

When writing a press release, pay attention to these five things, and increase the chances
of having your press release published. In the next chapter we will also discuss creative
ways of pitching journalists and bloggers with press releases, so just scroll down!

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The Boost the News cheat sheet for content creation

Now that weve defined the traffic problem and measurement methods, the next
step is to tackle it. The way to obtaining traffic for content consists of two major
parts: content creation and content distribution.
We start with the first part: creating content.
How do you create content that is irresistible? Content that makes people want to come
again and again to your website? Content that ensures virality and makes your traffic
spike? At Boost the News, weve worked with a variety of publishers and helped them
optimize their content for distribution. We developed a special cheat-sheet to check if all
the necessary elements are present in their content. Here, for the first time, we share this
cheat-sheet with you. A small gift from us. So, does your content have what it takes to rock?

How long is the headline? Is it optimal for sharing and searching?
Is it catchy and shareable?
What kind of headline is it? A question, a list, a clickbait?
Does it include the relevant keywords?

What type of content is it (essay, case study, interview, list, how-to, infographic, etc.)?
Does your content solve a problem? If so, is it mentioned in the first paragraph?
Does your content evoke any emotions?
How long is your content?
Is your content divided into relevant subheadings?
Does your content include strong calls to action (share, download, buy, join)?

STAND OUT! Learn how to increase brand awareness with your content!

A checklist for every occasion: The Boost the News cheat sheet for content creation

Does the URL of your content include keywords?
Does the SEO title of your content include keywords?
Does the meta description of your content include keywords and the most
relevant information?

Does your content contain relevant visual elements?
Are the visual elements in your content original (not stock photos that appear
in hundreds of other websites)?

Have you shared this article on relevant social networks?
Have you shared it on relevant forums and groups?
Have you considered other forms in which this article can be reused (films,
Have you pitched to influencers that could be interested in sharing this article?
Have you pitched to brands that would be interested in promoting it?


An experts guide to the perfect infographic

Content is not only about text. Especially online, growing attention is given to visual
elements that make content more attractive and shareable.
The reasons for that are many:
People pay more attention to visuals. In the sea of text, it is hard to stand out, and an
infographic can boost your articles visibility.
A picture is worth a thousand words. An infographic can say in 1 minute what you have
been trying to explain for 3 pages on the text.
Visuals break the text and make it easier to digest. In a long article, full of text, in small font,
the reader quickly gets lost (or falls asleep). An infographic can be the perfect wake up.
Infographics allow you to be outstanding. A visual presentation of data allows you to
do things you couldnt dream of doing with text. With an immense amount of available
tools, all you need to do is to get creative!

Want to make the perfect infographic? Heres how!

Since infographics make such an important part of good content, we decided to help you
create the perfect infographic. Here are 10 essential rules that you must implement if you
want your infographic to kick ass. As a bonus, we provide two examples of how these rules
come into practice. Ready? Here they come:

Determine the message

A good infographic has a determined goal: to make a point, to pass a message, to demonstrate
a phenomenon. Make sure you determine your message clearly. A bad infographic leaves
the reader with one big question mark what was that all about??

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Content, not only text: An experts guide to the perfect infographic

Make a clear headline

Deriving from the main message is the headline of the infographic. The headline makes
sure the reader understands what is going to be presented. It needs to be big, prominent
and bold, otherwise the reader wont know what the infographic is about.

Write a narrative

A bad infographic is just a gathering of random data and numbers. A good infographic
creates a narrative, a storyline: it starts in the headline, and then builds a set of arguments
that slowly lead the reader to understand the main idea

Validate your data

An infographic that presents wrong or partial information jeopardizes the credibility of its
creator. Make sure to double check the information you present and provide sources and
references. Remember: to edit an infographic after it has been published is much harder
than to edit text.

Be creative

An infographic is not a mere repetition of the text, but an amplifier of its message. Use the
infographic wisely and creatively to look at the data from a different angle. Dont be afraid
to use metaphors, symbols, and other artistic means.

Take it easy on the text

The former point reminds us that an infographic is not an article it shouldnt be loaded
with text. Focus rather on the visual.

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Content, not only text: An experts guide to the perfect infographic

Represent data through form

The medium is the message, and the infographic is a visual medium. A good infographic
expresses the text and communicates the message through its form. If something is bigger
in numbers, it should be bigger in form; if something is shocking, its appearance should be

Emphasize main points

Make sure the most important elements of the infographic are emphasized, so that the
reader gets them straight away. Enlarge and bold keywords and numbers to clarify your

Keep it clean

Make the infographic uniform and coherent. Bad infographics look like a pastiche of
different graphics and create confusion and visual rejection.


Take it easy on the colors

Make sure you choose one simple palette and go with it throughout the whole infographic.
Too many colors will also create confusion and take away the attention from the data.

Case-study: the good, the bad, and ugly infographic

To help you understand how these ten rules come into practice, here are two infographics.
Both present the same data, but differ in quality one follows the rules, the other does not.
Lets first have a look at the not-so-good infographic:

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Content, not only text: An experts guide to the perfect infographic

Infographic #1 - BAD
Wow! What a mess! I need to give my eyes
a moment to adjust! Joking aside, here is what
our panel of experts sees as problematic
in this infographic:
There is no uniformity of colors and
fonts. There are 5 different colors and 4
different fonts appearing interchangeably
in this infographic. This causes a feeling of
visual chaos and prevents the reader from
concentrating on the information.
The headline is unclear and does not stand
out from all the text.
The text is sometimes really small and
unreadable. Main facts drown in the sea of
text and are left unnoticed.
Terms used in the infographic are not
explained (does everybody know what
above the fold means?).
There is no coherent narrative, and
numbers appear randomly.
The use of graphic elements is poor and
does not contribute to the understanding
of the data.
The key takeaways should be presented
more graphically and clearly.
Where are the sources?! How do we know
where the information came from?

Now lets have a look at the good infographic, and see what we can learn from it:

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Content, not only text: An experts guide to the perfect infographic

Infographic #2 - GOOD
This infographic gives a feeling of harmony
and order. It is reader-friendly, and there is
a coherent flow of information. Here is what
we like about it:
The headline is clear, prominent and
oversees the whole piece.
There are only three colors and two fonts,
used systematically in repeated patterns.
The flow of information is clear. There is
a sequence in the text, which is even
further strengthened by the presence of
dotted boxes and lines.
Important numbers and keywords are
bolded in the text, and draw attention to
what is really crucial. Without even reading
the whole infographic, you immediately
notice that it is about: our attention span,
the percentage of the text read online,
importance of visuals etc. Combining with
the knowledge from the headline, you can
conclude: by using visuals, highlighting
important information and inserting it
above the fold I can increase the chances
of the article being read from A to Z. Bingo!
A rich use of graphic elements supports
the main message and enriches it, without
overwhelming the main message.
The key takeaways are instantly visible
and presented coherently.
Do I want to learn more? Thats easy all
the sources are listed below

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Content, not only text: An experts guide to the perfect infographic

These two infographics showcase how the same information can be presented in two
distinct ways. In one, the infographic fulfills its role and supplements the text with interesting
insights and compelling form. In the other, its gives no added value but confusion. Follow
our 10 rules to keep on the winning side of infographic creation.

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Pitch perfect.
Pitching tips that will get your news
to the right publisher


The traditional press release is not dead. It has just evolved. Today, creativity is
required when pitching news stories to reporters, bloggers and influencers. These
13 tips will help you get it right.

Press releases are like Kenny from South Park. Over the last decade, they have been killed
and brought back to life a million times. Today, the debate is still heated: should you, or
should you not, go out to the media with a press release about your brand? Well, the rules
of the game have changed. Press releases have lost their power as news sources in the era
of digital and social media, and its getting harder and harder to make a successful news
pitch to journalists, bloggers or influencers. But this does not mean, that the press release
died. Like anything else in the history of communication it has evolved. The question is not
if, but how to present it. Yes, the old habit of writing a dry press release and sending it to
thousands of journalists probably doesnt hold water any longer, but a bit of creativity can
make it work for you. Here are 13 tips that will pimp your pitch:

Find the right target

Lets start by tackling the biggest problem of traditional

press releases: wire sending. When you put a thousand
reporters and bloggers in one mailing list and send
them all the same press release, what are the
chances that someone will catch your
pitch and give it a read? Almost
nonexistent. Its better to send the press
release to one reporter, who will actually
read it and make a story out of it, than
to send it to a thousand reporters who will
never even open your e-mail.


13 tips to for a winning pitch to the media

Choosing the right reporter to hit with your press release is not an easy task, but its possible.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What publications does my audience usually read?
Out of these publications, where would I most like news about my brand to appear?
Once Ive chosen my preferred publication what reporter usually writes articles about
topics similar to the ones Id like to proposal?

Find what is important for the target

Once youve found the reporter youd like to target with your press release, go over his/her
previous publications. What similar patterns do you recognize? What is usually emphasized
in the articles? What excites him / her? This will give you a hint on what is important for
him/her, and what type of information may increase the chances of your press release
turning into an article.

Personalize your pitch

Youve put so much effort into finding the right person to pitch make sure the reporter
sees your effort. Dont write a message that looks like it has been sent to a million reporters:
put in the reporters name, explain shortly why you chose him / her and why, of all reporters,
you think this piece will be most relevant for him / her.
Personalization starts already before the first e-mail. If you just send your press release to
a reporter whos never heard of you before, the chances he/she will read it are smaller. Start
cultivating contact with the reporter even before: follow on Twitter and LinkedIn, comment
and share articles, make sure the reporter recognizes your name and your interest in his/
her work.

Consider going exclusive

Part of the reason why mass press releases are no longer working so well is that they dont
have the element of exclusivity. Why would the reporter want to report on something that
is published on hundreds of other platforms?
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13 tips to for a winning pitch to the media

If you care about the quality more than the quantity and want to score an article on
a top-level publication, take into consideration that many reporters will require exclusivity.
If its important enough for you, you should give it to them. This will contribute a lot to the
mutual trust between you, and increase the chances of your press release (and future ones)
turning into real articles.

Find the newsworthy angle

Your brand is the biggest news of the world for you, no doubt about that. For you, your
brand or product deserves to be on the cover of Time, Forbes, and WSJ magazines, at the
same time. But do other people also think so?
General news about your brand (youre launching, you exist, youre starting a new project,
you do stuff) usually wont make the news (unless you are Apple, Google, or the like). Dont
write general information about your brand to a reporter, and expect theyll make news
out of it. What you have to do to increase your chances of making headlines, is to find the
newsworthy angle of what you want to say:

Has you brand raised an extraordinary amount

of money from a known investor? Has it agreed
on cooperation with a spectacular partner?

Have you just invented something

incredibly innovative? Have you found the
way of solving a major global problem in
the world or in your industry?
Do you have a fascinating background
story for your brand? Have you discovered
something about the world that nobody
spoke about before?
If you answered any of these

questions with yes, this is the road you

should go. Make your news story memorable!

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13 tips to for a winning pitch to the media


When you get dozens of e-mails every day, all of

them looking the same, what are the chances
you will remember any of these mails? The
same (and even worse) goes for reporters. You
dont want your e-mail to them to be buried in
a pile of hundreds of other e-mails with press
releases. You have to be creative, different.
You have to surprise, so that the person on the
other side can remember you. Being different
can start from a surprising e-mail headline,
that is irresistible and leaves the recipient no
other option but to open your e-mail.
But it can go even further: a message presented in a creative way (e.g.: attached to a small
present or with a funny accessory) or in a very personalized way (taking into consideration
the reporters interests) has bigger chances of breaking the walls of indifference.

Be brief

Aint nobody got time for that says the legendary meme, and its right. As much as the
story of your brand is fascinating to you, reporters, bloggers and other influential people
probably dont have time to read about it. If they want, they will later get deeper into it but
in the beginning, you have to be brief, to the point, and sharp as a knife. Cut to the heart of
the story in the quickest possible way avoid boring the recipient with long introductions,
and get fast to the most interesting parts.

Give everything the reporter needs

Making it easy for the reporter to report about your story will increase the chances of your
story being told. Not because reporters are lazy just because having all tools for work
makes thing easier, faster, and more probable.

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13 tips to for a winning pitch to the media

If you just throw one word to the journalist, expecting him/her to do all the rest of the
research work, even the most interesting story will require a couple of days, if not weeks,
to be completed. But if you already provide with all the necessary numbers, background,
links, and even a roughly drafted text and a potential headline, this process will be shorter.
Remember: a good pitch is already a raw article.

Get your numbers straight

And not only the numbers. If youre going to give all the information the reporter needs,
itd better be correct! Otherwise, you will both be feeling very uncomfortable when people
start noticing your mistakes. Help mutual trust grow by providing accurate and reliable


Give added value

A press release, as we are used to it, is a piece of text with information. But does it have to
be like this? Absolutely not! For example how is a reporter supposed to write about your
product, if he/she hasnt even seen or experienced it yet?
Consider what added items can you attach to your pitch (even if it means you have to send
it by regular mail or give it personally, rather than by mail) samples of a product, pictures,
access to additional information. This is not to bribe the reporter, of course, but again, just
to provide with optimal conditions for the reporter to write about the topic.


Prepare a media kit

To make it easier for you to provide reporters, bloggers or influencers with the necessary
information to write about your story, it is common to prepare a media kit. A media kit
includes all the necessary information that anyone from the media could possibly ask for
while writing about your brand. All the relevant numbers, stories, graphics, pictures, all
gathered in one place.

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13 tips to for a winning pitch to the media

Make sure to include in this media kit not only the information about your brand, but also all
the necessary information about the story you are trying to publish: all relevant statistics,
research and background. Again, its all about making it faster and easier for the reporters
to access information



When in a hurry, its easy to make mistakes. But a stupid typo or misspell can hurt your first
image, and discourage the reporter from following up on our story. Be a professional; avoid
faux-pas by checking, re-checking and re-re-checking your message and press release.


Follow up

Spray and pray doesnt work. Sending one

message to a reporter and hoping he/she will get
so interested that they will immediately get back
to you and do all the work, is a recipe for disaster.
They may forget, not notice, or not even receive
your first message, so make sure it gets noticed:
follow up by e-mail, by phone, or personally, shortly
after sending the press release.

These 13 tips have shown that there is actually a lot of space for creativity beyond the
classic press release. The world of news and communications has moved on, and so should
we. Using a creative, professional and surprising pitch can actually increase your brand

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Bloggers and online influencers can have a powerful impact on the brand
image. However, many brands, have failed to build constructive relations with
them mostly because they are stuck on old formats and practices. These six tips
will help you understand the new rules of the game and avoid those mistakes that
others in the industry have made.
One of the most noticeable phenomena in online publishing is the rise of the power of
bloggers and online influencers. In the last decade, the industry fiercely debates whether
bloggers are replacing traditional journalists and bringing to the slow death of known media
outlets. This discussion has a strong presence in the world of online PR and marketing, as
brands and companies ask themselves whether they should abandon traditional PR for the
new blogger outreach and influencer marketing trends.
Fortunately enough for you, you dont have to choose between the two; investing in your
online presence is not a zero-sum game. What you have to do, however, is to realize the
immense influence that bloggers currently have on the online marketing and PR industry,
and to learn how to properly engage in interaction with them, so they can help your brand

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The king is dead, long live the king! Everything you need to know to pitch bloggers and online influencers

For many brands, working with bloggers and online influencers is not obvious. Despite
the fact that influencer marketing and blogger outreach have been recognized as the
most important online marketing trends for 2015, many businesses still fail to build
constructive contacts with bloggers. This happens mainly because they fail to understand
what blogging is all about, and stick to their working routines that were good for traditional
PR and journalism. Our experience in cooperating with bloggers has taught us six lessons,
which we share here with you. When pitching to work with a blogger or online influencer,
remembering these lessons will increase your chances of succeeding.

The first step when choosing to work with a blogger / online influencer is choosing the
right partner. Though it may sound easy, the task is actually tricky. When it comes to
online influence, its easy to be misled by the numbers. Bloggers and influencers who brag
with huge numbers of followers make it tempting to work with them, especially if we are
beginners in the field and think we just look for online celebrities.
But when we talk about big and small blogs, we have to be careful in the way we measure
them. Numbers can impress, but they can also lie; some blogs are not as big and influential
as they may initially seem. What we are aiming to avoid here are so-called vanity metrics.
Vanity metrics are statistics that measure irrelevant things, can be easily manipulated,
and may not contribute anything to your brand.
Even if at first sight a blog seems big and popular, its important that you dont get blinded
by the numbers, and focus on the truly relevant metrics for you. Focus on engagement and
conversation. If a blog is influential, you will see it not only in the numbers of followers it
has or in the traffic statistics, but first and foremost in the level of engagement it sparks.
If a blogs Twitter account has thousands of followers but no engagement (re-tweets, replies,
etc.), thats a warning sign. The same goes for comments on the blog. Look to see if readers
are interested, react with the blogger, engage in discussions. You might be surprised to see
that a smaller blog can perform better in this field than a bigger blog.

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The king is dead, long live the king! Everything you need to know to pitch bloggers and online influencers

Moreover, you dont always necessarily need a blogger with a huge network of followers. What
you need is an influencer with a network of followers that suits your brand. For example, if
the brand is local, you dont need a huge influencer on the national or international level.
Having a strong local influencer is of extreme value. The key word is targeting: whether
a blog has higher or lower traffic is less important, what is important is that it reaches out
to your target audience. It will save you loads of money, and make your campaign much
more effective.

This is another place where brands and businesses get it wrong from the very beginning.
Old-school marketers and PR specialists still treat blogging as that cute hobby their
12-year old niece has. They fail to realize that bloggers nowadays are full-time celebrities
with a busy schedule and a crowd of thousands (if not millions) of followers a huge
potential for your brand awareness efforts. When they fail to understand the potential of
bloggers, they fail to treat them with the proper respect. Dont be that person show that
you respect the time and the work of the blogger, and start building a healthy relationship.

This lesson is a continuation of the first one, and is a very sensitive issue. Bloggers with
whom weve talked report that most of the offers they receive are unpaid. Not surprisingly
marketers who dont take the work of a blogger seriously tend to think they will do it just
for fun, which is, of course, not true. Just like any other PR or marketing campaign, if you
dont invest any budget, how can you expect any good results? Remember, if you want to
work with a blogger with a big audience, who can have true impact on your online brand
visibility, you have to be prepared to pay. Think about it in advance, study the market, and
determine a budget. Otherwise, you will hear a lot of doors slamming.

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The king is dead, long live the king! Everything you need to know to pitch bloggers and online influencers

The main reason why bloggers are so successful is trust. Readers trust the opinions
of bloggers and online influencers more than they trust ads and brands, and this trust is
a bloggers biggest capital. If the blog turns into one big advertisement, the audience will
quickly lose trust and interest, and go somewhere else. Both you and the blogger will lose
from it. So take into consideration the formats limitations, and dont expect something
that looks like an advertisement campaign. The message on a blog campaign should be
subtle, trustworthy and honest, and above all in line with the blogs identity. Dont try to
force yourself. Which brings us to the next lesson.

Bloggers are professionals. There is a good reason why they have achieved their current
status. They know what their audience wants and expects, and they know how to deliver
it. If you start being too pushy and forcing your own formats and rules, you will end up
creating a product that is incompatible with what the blogs audience is looking for, and is
therefore completely uninteresting for them. Result: no impact for your content.
You have to trust the bloggers that they will create something that is right for you, and will
work for your brand. If you dont trust them, go create a blog of your own.

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The king is dead, long live the king! Everything you need to know to pitch bloggers and online influencers

So, youve learned all the previous lessons, made a great offer, gained the trust of the blogger,
and youre about to start cooperation. But you need everything NOW.
No, it doesnt work like this. The final product that you see in the blog is the result of several
days of work. Here is what the blogger needs to do to for your post to be ready: plan the post,
write it, edit it, edit it one more time, optimize it for SEO, take pictures, edit the pictures,
upload the post, distribute it on social networks, answer comments of readersall of this,
and we havent yet spoken about the bloggers regular content calendar (dont forget theyre
not only writing your post, but dozens of other ones), previous commitments, and other
time constraints. To avoid misunderstandings, set in advance the expected deadlines of
your branded publications, and dont sit on the bloggers neck.

To sum-up, working with bloggers is a whole new world for many marketers and PR
specialists. The rules of the game are slightly different, but with these six lessons, you
can make it.

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If content is king, distribution is queen:
an extensive guide to content distribution


5 strategies for content distribution

The previous chapter focused on tips to create great content that will be easily
shared online and generate lots of traffic. But, as we have learned in the first
chapters, creating content is far from enough. Over are the days of spray and
pray, in which you could create great content and just wait for the readers to start
coming. If content is king, distribution is queen, said Jonathan Perelman, VP at
BuzzFeed to succeed in generating traffic, you need to come up with a strong and
sustainable content distribution strategy. In this section, we provide 5 strategies
for content distribution that you simply must take into consideration:

Social media

Some eyebrows may be rising right now. Yes, of course everybody knows social media, and
everybody uses them as platforms for distributing content. But are you up to date with all
the available channels?
To ensure you are making proper use of each network, follow several rules:
Social media is not only Facebook. Move around and see what else the world has got to
Be where your audience is. Distributing your content on social media does not mean you
have to be everywhere all the time. You have to learn where your audience is and focus
most of your efforts there. The average Joe might seem to be hanging out on Facebook,
but if youre looking for a more professional audience, you will more probably

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Creating content is not enough: 5 strategies of content distribution






find them on LinkedIn. A growing population of young people

is on Instagram, and ohdid you hear that Snapchat has
already more than a million users in Poland?
Learn the rules of every platform. Posting on each social
Media channel looks differently, and although certain rules
are universal (for example, video and pictures work better
on all social platforms), some are significantly different. Just

Google +

for example: while in Twitter news feed the algorithm allows

you to post a lot (A LOT!) without being seen as spammy, on
Facebook youd better limit yourself if you dont want to scare
your audience away.
One is not enough never share only once. Dont be afraid to
reuse content and bring it to the readers several times. They
might have missed it the first time.

Influencer outreach

Influencer outreach has become one of the most popular content marketing practices in
the last year, and will continue to dominate the field in the upcoming years. Why do all the
job of creating and distributing content, when you can turn to someone who is already an
expert in the field, and already has a network of thousands of devoted readers? Marketers
realize that the trust that bloggers and influencers enjoy produces much better results.
These stats might help you understand why:
90% of consumers trust peer recommendations. Only 33% trust ads1
81% of U.S. consumers trust advice and information from blogs2
Consumers are 71% more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals3
User generated content is 50% more trusted by internet users than traditional media4
Sources: www.nielsen.com1, www.convinceandconvert.com2,, www.adweek.com4

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Creating content is not enough: 5 strategies of content distribution


Years of misuse and spammy practices have given e-mail marketing a bad reputation
and caused marketers to underestimate its efficiency. But the practice is experiencing
a comeback and is now considered one of the most important strategies for content
distribution. According to the Salesforce 2015 State of Marketing report, 80% of marketers
say e-mail operations are extremely important for their business: 20% say its directly
linked to their primary revenue source, and 60% say its a critical enabler of their products
and services.
Why is e-mail marketing so important?
Instead of fighting for attention it delivers your content directly to the readers inbox.
Readers have volunteered to read your content, which increases the chance of your
articles being read. There is no better-targeted audience than the one who deliberately
said it wants to read your articles. They are interested in your content.
With e-mail marketing, your content is more independent. Imagine if Facebook went
down or decided to block your page. What would happen to all your followers? Where
would you find your readers now? With e-mail, you can be sure you have unmediated
contact with your followers, all the time.

Native advertising

David Ogilvy, considered to be the father of advertisement, once said: The less an
advertisement looks like an advertisement and the more it looks like an editorial, the more
readers stop, look and read. Half a century later, and this quote serves as inspiration for
one of the biggest current trends in online advertising: native advertising.
Why does native advertising work so well?
You dont have to run after your audience. Native advertising finds it for you.
You target readers that are already reading similar content. This means they have
much higher chances of being interested in your content.
Native advertising promotes content in a form that does not resemble advertisement
and is more similar to regular content (that is why it is called native).

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Creating content is not enough: 5 strategies of content distribution


Readers that read your content will most probably be interested in reading other articles by
you. The problem is that, as it happens in the era of content inundation, sometimes they
miss them, and some of the articles dont get read. Retargeting catches these readers after
they have already left and calls them back for another serving.

Retargeting your content works much better than other types of advertising, for two
main reasons:
1. You are advertising it to an audience that, has already showed interest in your content.
There is a much better chance this audience will click your ad and read your article.
2. You are advertising interesting content, not products. People are more interested in
content than ads, which also increases the chance of the ad being clicked.

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50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet
Creating good content without distributing it properly is doing half the work
and doing half the work, as you know, is like doing no work at all. We have just
presented 5 prominent strategies to distribute your content. Now its time to assign
some tools for this task. In Content Blitz, we provide you with over 50 tools that
will ensure you dont miss a single spot in your content distribution efforts.

Content recommendation:

E-mail: Mailchimp,
GetResponse, BenchMark

Once you launch your content, the first

Another great way to recommend new

people to be notified should be your most

content to your readers is by serving them

loyal allies: your readers! AddThis informs

the content by e-mail. Creating a strong

visitors of your website about more

e-mail distribution list is the base of every

content they may like: when they finish

content distribution effort. Send your most

reading one article, they get notified about

loyal readers recommendations of your

another one. This way, while theyre at it,

new content make them feel special by

your readers never miss more interesting

sharing it with them before anyone else


sees it.

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

Facebook: pages,
profiles, groups and ads
Social networks are the mother and the

not from a brand page. Make sure you all

father of content distribution. Many of

also share the content on your personal

your loyal followers are there and posting

profiles to amplify potential readership.

content on Facebook is one of the most

basic steps you should take to make sure
they read your content.

Groups Facebook has a huge variety

of groups, gathered around professional
and personal interests. Find groups

Having a brand page on Facebook is

related to your topic, and share your

something that most businesses and

texts with thousands of people who are,

publishers already treat as a must, but be

in fact, your target audience.

sure you make use of all the possibilities

that the network offers you:

Ads if the organic reach of your

posts is not satisfying and you have

Personal profiles you, your colleagues

a budget that can be dedicated to it, dont

and employees have a powerful social

forget to boost your content through

capital. Not only do you have (together)

paid posts and ads. There are plenty of

thousands of friends who make up

interesting targeting options, so make

potential readers, but these friends are

sure you advertise your post to the right

also more likely to read the content you


publish, as they receive it from a friend,

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

Twitter: profiles, tags,

hashtags and ads

Google Plus: profiles, pages,

communities, collection

Another popular network that you cannot


miss is Twitter. Like on Facebook, to

communities in all the other social

increase the range of your content blitz,

networks. But apart from these, Google

make use of all available tools. Tweet your

Plus allows you to share your content in

content from your company profile and

one more way: collections. Gather your

from your personal profile, tag relevant

pieces of content into thematic collections,

people (for example, if they are mentioned

and help your potential readers find more

in the content) and encourage them to

interesting content on each topic.






retweet; use hashtags to increase the

visibility of your posts, and of course, if you
can afford it, top it with sponsored tweets!

Carpet-bombing content:
Buffer, Hootsuite, SocialPilot
Its not easy to coordinate a content blitz

LinkedIn: profiles,
groups, posts and ads

-how do you make sure youre bombing

your content everywhere possible? These

Especially for those writing B2B content,

three tools are here to help you. They allow

LinkedIn offers one of the highest ROI

you to automate your social media sharing


and plan posts in advance on almost all





because its audience consists mostly of

social networks.

professionals with real decision-making

power. LinkedIn provides some well
targeted potential audiences. Share links
to your content on your company page
and also through your personal profile.
Apart from sharing links, you can also
repurpose your content in the form of
a LinkedIn post these spread better
and become highly viral on the network.
LinkedIn groups are particularly powerful
they are gatherings of the greatest
brains in each industry. Make sure to find
the best groups in your field, join, and
share your thoughts with them.

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

From telegram to hologram:

Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram,
Slideshare, Youtube

Webinars (Google+ Hangouts,

Skype, GoTo Webinar,
Periscope) and Podcasts

Once upon a time, text was the main

Another way of transforming your written

method of transmitting messages. But

knowledge to a multimedia experience is

these times are long gone, and now online

by creating podcasts and webinars based

content goes way beyond the written word.

on it. Podcasts are popular because they

One piece of content can be the source of

enable people to enjoy your content even

an infinity of visual elements, and with it,

in untraditional places and situations (in

a whole new world of distribution options.

the car, jogging, while taking a shower).

If you have original infographics or

According to a research by Pew, about

images embedded in the text, share

a third of Americans aged 12 or more listen

them on Pinterest, Flickr or Instagram.

to podcasts! By recording your content

The main points, arguments, and

and adding to it some few more insights,

conclusions of your content, together

you can create an interesting podcast,

with the graphic elements, make also

and give your followers one more way to

great material for a presentation. It

enjoy your content. Opinion is one of

takes a few moments to turn a piece

the most popular podcast recording apps

of text into an interesting presentation

(and its free), but hey, if you can record

and uploading it to SlideShare a great

and edit using any other program, youre

way of getting more visibility for your

good to go. A similar thing can be done

content. And once you have created

with webinars adapt your content to

the presentation, it only takes a few

a discussion-friendly format, add some

additional moments to automatize it

insights and prepare for some questions,

and turn it into a simple yet informative

and you have yourself an interesting

video, which can be uploaded to

webinar. There are many tools for creating

Youtube. Nice, isnt it?

webinars, the simplest and one of the most

When uploading your graphic content,

popular of them being Google+ Hangouts

dont forget one of the most important

(webinars held on this Google+ are

things: tagging. Giving the right tags

simultaneously transmitted on Youtube,

and categories will help your content

and then continue available for watching

be findable on these platforms.

which is a great added value). You can

also experiment webinars with Twitters
popular app, Periscope.

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

Show up on your competitions

website: Outbrain, Taboola

Show up on yourcompetitions
website (II): Sniply

What if you could get your content

And what if you could get a direct link to

published not only on your website, not

your content on an interesting, popular

only on social media but alsoon a huge

article that is closely related to the topic

number of other websites, including your

of your content? This is what Sniply

competition, and websites frequented

does. Using Sniply, every time you share

by your potential readers? This is what

someone elses content, you can attach to

Outbrain and Taboola help you doing.

it a link to your own content this way

Promote your content through one of these

riding on its popularity and bringing

platforms, and they will serve it around

more readers to your content.

the web in the form of recommended

content to millions of readers.

Content curation: Flipboard,,, Storify, Feedly

One piece of content has good distribution potential. But several pieces of content, brought
together, have an even bigger potential! How can you take advantage of the popularity of
different articles, to promote your content? Use content curation platforms like Flipboard, or to curate relevant content from the web. Gather the content youve
curated in the form of a short magazine, add to this magazine your own piece of content,
and spread it around. People are more likely to open, read and share a resource in which
they have not only one interesting article, but several! Moreover, if you publish other
peoples content on such magazine, they will be likely to share it themselves, to increase
the visibility of their content. This way you can get tons of free shares!
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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

Get your content shared

by influencers: Growbots,

Get your content published

on external websites:
PR Newswire

Getting your content shared by big


influencers is another big prize for the

a big number of external websites, blogs,

content creator. It takes you days and

and portals is the jackpot of content

nights of work to distribute your content

distribution. Not only your content gets

through all social media, while one simple

much more visibility and popularity, you

mention or share by a big influencer in your

also gain new high-quality links to your

industry can have much more powerful

website and the prestige of having your

effects. How do you reach and pitch

name on a number of different websites.

these influencers? Growbots can helpyou.

But how do you pitch your content to all

Growbots helps you create lists with

these websites? This is where PR Newswire

dozens of e-mails of relevant influencers

comes to your help. Send them your text,

and professionals and automatize your

and they will send it to thousands of other

pitches to them. You can have your

websites, picked according to parameters

content sent to dozens of influencers in

which you determine (location, topic, etc).

basically no time! By the way, Buzzsumo

Its costly, but worth a try!





also has an influencers function, which

helps you finding influencers in your field
who you can later pitch with your content.
Although it only finds you their Twitter
accounts, its still worth a shot!
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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet


Quora, Yahoo Answers

Disqus is one of the most popular comment

Does your content answer particular

widgets for blogs and websites. Thousands

questions and give interesting data and

of websites have it installed to enable

insights? If it does, there is probably

readers to comment their content. What

someone online looking for it. Dont let

is great about Disqus is that it works as

them search too much, help the answer

a network: instead of one-time comments,

reach them directly! Enter Q&A platforms

you get a profile, in which you can see

such as Quora and Yahoo answers, and

your previous comments, get notifications

search for questions to which your content

on replies to your comments, follow other

offers good answers. Post your answer

users, and see other discussions that are

with a link to your content, and were sure

taking place! Heres how you can hack

the asking user will appreciate it!

Disqus to promote your content: (1) join

channels relevant to your topics and
follow profiles similar to yours; (2) check

Wikipedia references

what discussions are taking place in your

If your content contains original data and

fields of interest; (3) enter the discussion

insights, add this information to a highly

and offer interesting insights from your

relevant Wikipedia article, and include

content, with a link if your insights are

references with links to your content.

interesting and bring added value to the

It will become a knowledge evergreen,

discussion, there is a high chance that

available to millions of Wikipedia readers!

participants will go read your content.

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

Slack Groups, Professional Communities, Reddit (+Reddit ads)

We know slack as a great chat platform,

experiences to help each other out. Thats

often used in workplaces to enhance

a great place to share your thoughts and

group communication. But few know of

insights, and get your content read by the

the vast variety of active professional

big shots. For example, we at Boost the

slack groups! Search for a slack group

News often frequent GrowthHackers and

relevant to your industry, and find there, because we are in the world

numerous potential readers for your

of online marketing. You should easily

content. These are people who will not

find a group that is relevant to your area!

only read your content, but also engage in

Another good place to search for experts

conversation with it, give feedback, and

communities is Reddit. Search for relevant

may be influenced by it and become new

subreddits, and share your content with

clients or followers. The same works for

other Redditors. A plus about Reddit: you

professional communities and forums,

can also sponsor a Reddit post, to make

where experts exchange knowledge and

sure it stays on the top of the discussion.

Google, Bing, and Yahoo

Search Ads
A great way to make your article visible
for a long period of time is optimizing it
to relevant popular search terms. This
way, when users look for these terms on
search engines, they find your article and
read it. But, especially when there is a lot of
competition around, what happens if your
article cant be found organically on the
search engines? Well, all search engines
offer you to promote your content

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Content blitz: 50+ tools that will make your content bomb the internet

in search results, through search ads. You choose the search terms for which you want
your content to be promoted (lets say, for example, content distribution, like in this post),
and when someone searches content distribution, your content appears before the rest of
the unpaid search results.

Content directories: Stumble

Upon, Triberr, Alltop, BizSugar,
Digg (+ads)

Blogging platforms:
Medium, Tumblr
Medium and Tumblr are two of the most

Content directories, as the name suggests,

popular blogging platforms that have

are websites that gather content from

something in common: instead of just

around the web and present it to readers,

being platforms for blogging, they act

according to different lists and topics of

rather like social networks of blogging. You

interest. Submit your content to these

have your own profile, and with it you can

websites to make it available to their

communicate with your readers, discuss

users. Some of them, like Stumble Upon,

with them, and comment other posts. You

also give you the possibility to promote

can also search for posts in particular topics,

your content, so it will get more visibility

popular posts, posts by particular users, and

than other content on the website.

more. There are two main ways to use these

blogging platforms to promote your own

Skype status and e-mail


content: First, you can syndicate some of

Last but not least, dont forget to use

or Tumblr, to make it more visible to users

your own personal contacts and tools

of these platforms (they will be able to see

to promote your content. Do you have

it in the search results of the platforms, on

a Skype account? Why wont your contacts

trending lists, etc). Second, you can search

know about your new piece of content?

the platforms for blogs and posts related to

Someone just wrote you an e-mail? They

your topic, and comment, bringing in your

should know youve just worked on some

useful insights and links to your content.

your content to these platforms. Publish

a similar version of your content on Medium

great piece! Explore these opportunities

they are quite unusual, and might
positively surprise your contact people.

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Put the final stamp on success:
Measure the impact of your news


Likes are not enough!

When you want to monitor the visibility of content about your brand, its tempting
to start counting the amount of times that given articles were liked, shared, or
retweeted. Unfortunately, reality shows that these metrics have little to do with
the real number of people who read the content. If youre counting likes, youre
probably wasting time and money.
One of the most prevalent ways to

goal is to check the popularity of certain

measure the popularity of online content

content on social media. The truth,

is to check their social media impact. We

however, is that social media meters tell

love counting likes, shares, comments,

very little about the true performance

retweets and the like, and hoping that our

of the content. People can be liking,

content gets viral. The social networks

commenting, or even sharingbut are

themselves make a fortune out of getting

they reading anything that is written

us to promote content on their platforms,

there? Are they getting the message? It

so we can get more visibility and there are

seems the answer is no. You can get lots

plenty of marketing platforms whose only

of buzz for a particular piece of content,


Monitoring your brand online? Likes are not enough!

but not translate it into traffic to the

last-click referrals while we know that

webpage, not to speak about conversions.

this is not the case). But the truth is that

This applies for both organic reach and

Facebook is even in a decent situation,

paid reach. The problem of the true value

comparing to other social networks: on

of paid reach on social media is ardent.

our Twitter campaigns for the same blog

A number of serious researches have

posts, discrepancies were unbelievable:

already shown the bluff behind social

for one tweeted post, while Twitter

media page visibility. But lets not speak

reported 744 clicks, we registered only 65

about the number of followers of pages

visits to the website (less than 10%), and

we are here to talk about content, and how

for the second post, Twitter reported 999

your content does on social media. The

clicks, and we registered65 views (15

problem continues also here: promoting

times less!!). The reason for this is simple:

content on social media is basically

Twitter counts every type of click on the

a Russian roulette. Our experience with

tweet as a click clicks on the picture,

promoting content shows that all social

hashtag, tags, anything. To make it worse,

networks have problems of disproportion

these click numbers do not include other

between the results that they report, and

types of engagement, such as retweets

what we witness in practice. What they

or following your page meaning that

measure as engagement and what we

if you add the numbers of engagements,

got in terms of the number of people

the discrepancy is even bigger. We paid to

reading your content are two separate

get one thing more people reading our

worlds. Take the example of two posts

content and ended up getting something

from our blog, which we promoted via

different and irrelevant for our needs.

Facebooks ads: for one promoted post,

while Facebook registers 213 clicks,

And when social networks do end up

Google Analytics only registers 88 visits

sending traffic to your content, and

from the ad (a little more than 1/3). For

someone actually clicked on the link and

another post, while Facebook reports 634

got to your website, what kind of traffic is

clicks, Google Analytics registers only 178

it? According to a test by SimpleBudget,

visits (less than 1/3).

Facebook traffic had a 98% bounce rate

and an average of 6 seconds on a page.

Facebook has a bunch of explanations for

this discrepancy, but we find them hardly

The bottom line is clear: even if you

reliable (for example, Facebook claims

are investing hundreds of dollars on

that Google Analytics may count only

promoting content, you are probably not

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Monitoring your brand online? Likes are not enough!

increasing the visibility of your content.

easiest way to count, and also the easiest

You get likes, shares, and comments, but

way to show flattering results. Take the

nobody, is in fact, reading the content

success of a tool like BuzzSumo, currently

you wanted to promote. What is, then, the

one of the most popular tools in online

value of these likes? You make the math

content marketing (we also use it) most

of its success can be attributed to the fact

The problem is less acute when it comes

that people love patting themselves on

to the organic reach of your content

the shoulder after counting the amount of

for the simple reason that organic posts

shares their content got.

are free, so you dont feel you spent so

much money for nothing. But it is still

But fellows, this is a hard but necessary

a problem: first of all, because the organic

lesson despite the temptation (and we

reach of social media posts is constantly

know its tempting), stop counting those

decreasing, so at one point or another,

likes. They mean nothing. Most people

youre going to have to consider paid reach

like and share without even reading the

(which, as we have shown, is probably not

content. When monitoring and estimating

worth your money). Second of all, because,

the popularity of your content online, dont

paid or free, people continue to count

think about insignificant social media

likes as a relevant metric of visibility and

pseudo-engagement. Look for the real, in-

engagement. Why do they do it, despite all

depth reads and conversations about your

the warnings? Probably because its the


STAND OUT! Learn how to increase brand awareness with your content!



Ask yourself these essential questions while monitoring

media about your brand

You are a professional marketer or PR specialist who cares about your brand. Media
monitoring is an inherent part of your work: you want to know who is talking about
your brand - when and where. But are you doing it right?
Most online media monitoring focuses on one task: to see where the brand is being
mentioned. But this is not enough. There is a plethora things you can do while monitoring
media about your brand which can give you a broader picture of your brands online visibility
and enable you to improve on it. At Boost the News, weve analyzed articles about dozens
of brands and came out with a list of important questions to ask yourself while monitoring

Where did the article appear?

Start with the most basic question (which is probably what you were doing anyway):
Where did the article about your brand appear?
This is important for a number of reasons:
If the website on which the article appeared is big and known, you can quote this article
and use the websites logo on a media about us or as seen on section on your website
to increase trust and credibility.
What is the target audience of the publication on which the article about your brand
appeared? Have you considered this target audience before? If the article appears on
this certain website, it means that it is of interest to its audience, so think why are they
suddenly interested in your brand, and whether you have explored enough this audience.


7 questions you must ask yourself while monitoring media about your brand

How many people actually read it?

Step II after you know the article has appeared, what is its actual impact? How many
people are actually reading it? Pay attention to this parameter you can have an
article about your brand published on a major website, but research by Boost the News
shows that a few days after publication, the traffic of online articles drops by over 90%!
What is worth an article that nobody reads?

What was the articles impact on social media?

Social networks are the big bosses of online content distribution. After an article about
your brand has appeared online, follow the conversation.
Heres what you should check:
How many people shared / liked the article?
In which social networks was the article most popular? (Its important to know, because
it might hint something about where your biggest potential audience is, and where you
should focus your social media efforts).
Who shared / liked your article? Get deeper insights about the audience that is talking
about your brand. What is their age, profession, interest, background? This will help you
to improve your communication efforts later.
Who are the biggest influencers who shared the article? Find out who shared the article
and generated the biggest amounts of other likes and shares from their profile keep
them in mind when future content comes up, you might want to have them sharing it

What is the context of the article?

Its great that your brand hit the headlinesif the context is positive. You need to know
what the context of your brands appearance is, and whether its a positive mention or
a negative mention. If its negative, you should take immediate action to fix the crisis. If its
positive, learn what your brand did that made the news, and how you can repeat it to gain
more visibility!

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7 questions you must ask yourself while monitoring media about your brand

What are the reactions to the article?

Not less important than the article itself, is how it was perceived by the audience. What
discussion followed the article? Do readers agree with it? Do they support the brand? Are
they curious for more information? There is a lot you can learn about your brand from
listening to what people say in the commentaries to the article and in conversations on
social media.

Are there links to your website on the article?

If an article mentions your brand, the best would be if it would also put a link to your website.
Otherwise, it makes it harder for readers to follow-up and check more about your brand.
Look for a link to your website in the article, and if there isnt, dont be afraid to request one
(see more below).

How can you follow up on the article?

This is the most important part of your monitoring. An article about your brand does little,
if you cant take it forward and make the best out of it. Here are different considerations on
how to follow up on the article:
How should you react to the article?
The first and most obvious question. If the article mentions your brand negatively, develop
a response in which you address the problems brought up by the article. Of course, journalistic
ethic would demand the reporter to ask for your comment before the article is published,
but not all writers follow this rule, so you should be ready to react after the publication. You
can react by addressing the criticism either on the article itself (comments, or by sending
your answer to the website), or on your own website / social media accounts. Of course,
crisis management is a whole world of PR in itself, so make sure you do it wisely.
Increase the reach and impact of the article
If the article mentions your brand positively, make everything you can to increase the
number of people who are reading it. Help by sharing it on your website and social media

STAND OUT! Learn how to increase brand awareness with your content!


7 questions you must ask yourself while monitoring media about your brand

accounts, and by increasing the buzz around it. Interact with users who shared and liked
the article, and join the conversation. Are there more places in which the article could be
shared? Consider who else could be interested in reading the article share the article
with prominent influencers, on relevant social networks, groups and forums.
Follow up with the reporter
A reporter that wrote about your brand once is more likely to do it again in the future. If you
didnt have any prior contact with the reporter, make sure to establish it. Congratulate the
article, and offer to stay in touch for more information, updates or questions. If you play it
right, this could be the beginning of a great friendship!
You can also get in contact with the editors of the publishing website regarding future
promotion of the article if you want to increase the reach of the article, offer them to
promote the article by posting it more often on the websites social media profiles or by
keeping it on the home page for a longer while.

Media monitoring is much more than checking where your brand appeared online. Ask
yourself these 7 questions to be sure that youre covering all the necessary aspects of your
media monitoring in the most professional way. And dont forget the mention itself is
not what matters, but the IMPACT of the article.

STAND OUT! Learn how to increase brand awareness with your content!


Boost the News is a media monitoring tool that allows users to monitor news
according to selected topics and keywords, estimate the traffic of particular
articles and promote articles that are important for them.

Find out more about it at

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